YouTube goal tree for an international company. A goal tree is a fairly common concept among managers and business owners.

If a mission sets general guidelines, directions for the functioning of the organization, expressing the meaning of its existence, then the specific final states that the organization strives for are fixed in the form of its goals, i.e., in other words, goals is a specific state individual characteristics organizations, the achievement of which is desirable for it and the achievement of which its activities are directed.

The importance of goals to an organization cannot be overemphasized. They are the starting point for planning; goals underlie the construction of organizational relationships; the motivation system used in the organization is based on the goals; finally, the goals are the starting point in the process of monitoring and evaluating the results of the work of individual employees, departments and the organization as a whole.

There are two types of goals in terms of how long it takes to achieve them. This is long term and short term goals. In principle, the division of goals into these two types is based on the time period associated with the duration production cycle. The goals that are expected to be achieved by the end of the production cycle are long-term goals. It follows that in different industries there should be different time frames for short-term and long-term goals. However, in practice, short-term goals are usually considered to be achieved within one year, and, accordingly, long-term goals are achieved in two to three years.

The division into long-term and short-term goals is of fundamental importance, since these goals differ significantly in content. Short-term goals are characterized by much more than long-term ones, concretization and detailing in such matters as who, what and when should be performed. If the need arises, between long-term and short-term goals, intermediate goals are also set, which are called medium-term.

Depending on the specifics of the industry, the characteristics of the state of the environment, the nature and content of the mission, each organization establishes its own own goals, which are special both in terms of a set of organizational parameters (the desired state of which appears in the form of the overall goals of the organization), and in terms of the quantitative assessment of these parameters. However, despite the situational nature in the choice of goals, there are four areas in relation to which organizations set goals based on their interests. These areas are:

  • organization's income;
  • work with clients;
  • the needs and well-being of employees;
  • Social responsibility.
As can be seen, these four areas also concern the interests of all entities influencing the activities of the organization, which were mentioned earlier when discussing the issues of the mission of the organization.

The mission of the company [name] is to meet the needs of end users of [name of products / services], using the potential of the company.
The mission of [name] is to ensure economic growth and solve [problems] through the production and sale of [products / services] that meet standards, quality and competitiveness.
This should allow [shareholders/partners] to receive optimal profits, and its staff - a decent and fair remuneration.

The most common areas for which goals are set in business organizations are as follows:

  • profitability reflected in indicators, such as profit margin, profitability, earnings per share, etc.;
  • position in the market, described by such indicators as market share, sales volume, market share relative to a competitor, the share of individual products in total sales, etc.;
  • productivity, expressed in unit costs, material consumption, return per unit production capacity, the volume of products produced per unit of time, etc.;
  • financial resources, described by indicators characterizing the structure of capital, the movement of money in the organization, the value working capital etc.;
  • the capacity of the organization, expressed in target indicators regarding the size of the occupied space, the number of pieces of equipment, etc.;
  • development, production of a product and updating of technology, described in terms of such indicators as the amount of costs for the implementation of projects in the field of research, the timing of the introduction of new equipment, the timing and volume of production of the product, the timing of the introduction of a new product, the quality of the product, etc.;
  • changes in the organization and management, reflected in indicators that set targets for the timing of organizational changes, etc.;
  • human resources, described with the help of indicators reflecting the number of absenteeism, staff turnover, advanced training of employees, etc.;
  • work with buyers, expressed in such indicators as the speed of customer service, the number of complaints from customers, etc.;
  • rendering assistance to society, described by such indicators as the volume of charity, the timing of charity events, etc.

Short term goals are derived from long-term goals, are concretization and detailing of long-term goals. They are "subordinate" to them and determine the activities of the organization in the short term. Short-term goals, as it were, set milestones on the way to achieving long-term goals. It is through the achievement of short-term goals that the organization moves step by step towards achieving its long-term goals.

In any large organization with several different structural divisions and several levels of management, a hierarchy of goals is formed, which is a decomposition of goals more high level on target more low level. Peculiarity hierarchical construction of goals in the organization is that, firstly, higher-level goals are always broader in nature and have a longer-term time interval for achievement. Secondly, goals lower levels act as a kind of means to achieve the goals of a higher level. The hierarchy of goals in the organization plays a very important role, since it establishes the structure of the organization and ensures the orientation of the activities of all departments of the organization towards achieving the goals of the top level. If the hierarchy of goals is built correctly, then each unit, achieving its goals, makes the necessary contribution to the activities of the organization to achieve the goals of the organization as a whole.

Goal Tree

Strategic Goals

One of the most important goals for strategic management is the organization's growth goals. These goals reflect the ratio of the rate of change in sales and profits of the organization, the rate of change in sales and profits for the industry as a whole. Depending on what this ratio is, the growth rate of the organization may be fast, stable, or there may be a decline. According to these growth rates, a target can be set rapid growth, a stable growth target and a reduction target.
Rapid Growth Goal is very attractive, but also very difficult to achieve. An organization, if it has all the necessary prerequisites to achieve this goal, should give preference to this growth goal. To cope with rapid growth, the leadership of the organization must have such qualities as a deep understanding of the market, the ability to choose the most appropriate part of the market and concentrate their efforts on this part of the market, the ability to make good use of the resources available to the organization, the ability to be sensitive to the passage of time and well control time processes in the organization. In case of rapid growth of the organization, it is necessary to have experienced managers who are able to take risks. The organization's strategy must be formulated very clearly.
Sustainable Growth Goal assumes that when it is achieved, the organization develops at about the same pace as the industry as a whole. This goal does not imply expansion of the organization, but means that the organization seeks to maintain its market share unchanged.
Purpose of reduction is set by the organization when, for a variety of reasons, it is forced to develop at a slower pace than the industry as a whole, or even in absolute terms to reduce its presence in the market. Setting such a goal does not automatically mean that the organization is in crisis. For example, after a period of rapid growth, there may be a need for downsizing. Here one of the interesting features three given growth goals. Being completely different in their direction, they can calmly, consistently combine in time, replacing one another. At the same time, there is no mandatory order in pursuit of these goals one by one.

A goal tree is a well-known term in management. This is a structured, built on a hierarchical principle (distributed by levels) set of goals of the economic system, program, plan.

In 1957, the American scientist Russell Lincoln Ackoff proposed a method for constructing a tree of goals. From that time to the present day, this technique has not lost its popularity and is actively used in planning tasks by managers and businessmen.

What is it and why is it needed

The goal tree method is considered one of the most effective methods task scheduling. This method includes all the general principles of planning, simple and easy to learn. In fact, this is a graph that reflects a plan for solving a particular problem.

  • The goal tree has a standard structure. The “trunk” of the goal tree is the main problem that needs to be solved.
  • "Branches" are tasks of the second, third, fourth and so on levels.

When planning a solution to a problem, as a rule, a graphic representation of a tree is used. In such an image, the tree has an inverted view, where the "trunk" represents the top of the graph and is at the very top. And from it, the peaks, the aspirations of subsequent levels grow, forming a crown.

A graphic representation of tasks in this form helps a person to clearly think over a plan to achieve the intended. Having depicted his plans in the form of a graph, a person sees what problems he will face and what additional resources he will need to achieve his plan.

Also, according to the graph, the time period for achieving the goals is approximately estimated. With this representation of the solution to the problem, the connections and dependencies of some tasks on others become visible. Today, the goal tree method is used in scientific forecasting by managers in project management, as well as for planning personal issues.

How to build

The rules used in building a goal tree are quite simple:

  1. First, the main problem to be solved is determined. It will then be the top or “trunk” of the tree. Usually such a task is called a general task. It usually cannot be achieved immediately. In order to achieve it, it is necessary to solve other subgoals, the result of which is necessary for the implementation of the general one.
    These subgoals will be called "branches". A branch can also have subgoals.
  2. When building a tree of goals, you need to clearly and in detail describe each branch. Each should also have the right number of sub-goals in order to be implemented. The result should be a tree that fully coexists with the solution of a particular problem. It should contain all the necessary steps and resources to solve the main task.

Construction principles

In management, the following principles for constructing a goal tree are adopted:

  • Consider needs and resources

Goal setting suggests that there is some problem that needs to be solved. As a rule, tasks that require planning cannot be solved immediately. Because they are quite complex and require integrated approach to a decision.

It happens that the set task cannot be solved, because there are not enough resources to solve it. Or it is not possible to assess the availability of resources, because the problem is too big. In this case, the goal tree is a good option for analyzing the situation. Consider the needs and resources at your disposal when building your goal tree.

  • Specify

Using the tree of goals in planning, formulate the tasks specifically. Keep in mind that they must be finite. Describe the parameters by which in the end it will be possible to determine whether it was completed or not. You also need to set the time it takes to complete the task.

  • Break it down into steps

It would be rational to set tasks in several stages. The first step is to set the overall goal. Then, resources are searched for and analyzed for its implementation. After that, as a rule, you will need to set subgoals. Similarly, resources are also sought for the implementation of subgoals.

Thus, the unfolding of the main task continues until the whole scheme for its solution is thought out. Tasks are specified and clarified as long as necessary.

  • Compatibility

Subgoals should be sufficient to solve the main idea, that is, if all subgoals are achieved, then this leads to the solution of the main task. It should not turn out that when all subgoals are completed, additional actions or resources will be required to solve the main task. If it turns out this way, then this indicates that the goal tree was built incorrectly.

  • Compliance with the structure of the enterprise

If the goal tree is used to organize the work of a business or enterprise, then its structure should correspond to the structure of the enterprise. In such a way that each department or division achieves its aspirations, which should subsequently lead to the achievement of the overall intent of the enterprise. This is the most convenient goal tree construction for systems consisting of several elements or enterprises.

  • Decomposition method

When building a goal tree, the decomposition method is often used. The essence of this method is to split main goal higher level into private subgoals. Or in reverse order, from the subgoals, a plan is drawn up to achieve the higher level intent. To solve a specific problem, it is always worth choosing the option of creating a tree of goals that is most suitable and uses resources optimally.

Construction examples

Let's analyze the construction of a tree of goals using the following examples of goals: admission to a university and financial well-being. How to get a goal tree?

An example with admission to a university describes the formulation of the main task, subgoals, and the allocation of resources. And also how resources are used to solve the problem. In the example of financial well-being, another option for constructing a graph is considered.


Let's say your main goal is to get into college. Building a tree of goals for a future student requires taking into account the available resources and highlighting subgoals. What are the resources for admission to a university.

Resources in this case include:

  1. Education received at school;
  2. The financial possibilities of the family;
  3. Connections.

Given the available resources, it is necessary to obtain a tree of goals. For this, subgoals are allocated. They depend on resources. For example, a family has little finance, no connections, a young man graduated from school without a medal, has average knowledge grades.

We get the following subgoals:

  1. Establish connections, if possible;
  2. Take a loan for education or find a source of additional income;
  3. Work with a tutor.

In turn, these goals can have sub-goals. Consider the example of a goal about classes with a tutor. This should include:

  1. Organization of additional income to pay for the services of a tutor;
  2. Search for a tutor with the necessary knowledge;
  3. Allocate extra time for classes.

Of course in every specific case will have their own resources and options for solving the problem. After all, there are rich parents with connections and a child who does not study well. Then the structure of the whole plan will change very much.

It will also depend on which university a person wants to enter. Since for admission, for example, to an ordinary unpopular university, where there is a competition, perhaps one person per place, this is one planning option. And admission to a prestigious foreign university is completely different. Here you will additionally need knowledge of the language, and the study of the possibilities of living in another country while studying, and obtaining a visa, and much more.


Now let's look at an example of building a graph to create financial well-being.
Let's start building a goal tree by setting the main idea: financial well-being.
The tree of goals can be depicted graphically, so it will be more visual.

Conditionally, financial well-being can be achieved by fulfilling three sub-goals:

  1. Passive income organizations;
  2. Active income organizations;
  3. Luck and freebies.

Thus, the goal tree has three second-level items. Then each of the items is divided into subgoals, which form the third level. For example, an active income organization might have the following items:

  1. Change of place of work;
  2. Obtaining additional education;
  3. Change of profession;
  4. Moving to another city;
  5. Independent development in the professional field;
  6. Establishing relationships in the team;
  7. Gaining experience.

Again, this is just general example. The ideas and resources for organizing financial success for a janitor, for example, will be very different from financial plans wealthy businessman. For someone Additional income a few thousand rubles will be a great success or the acquisition of modest housing in the suburbs. And for some, the acquisition of another plant will be only a small part of the plan.


It is very convenient to plan your activities using the graph. This is a visual tool that allows you to see how tasks and resources interact to solve them.

With the help of such a construction, missing resources are easily detected and new tasks appear that need to be solved to make up for the missing resources.

Also, with a graphic image, it becomes clear the interaction of goals with each other, their dependence on each other, the impact of the implementation of a particular task on higher ones, its significance in the overall result.

The graph is convenient to use not only when doing business or planning work issues. It is easily transformed to solve personal issues such as studies, finances, self-development and others.

By achieving life goals, the meaning of human life is determined, the same can be said about the existence of each company, whether it be state, charitable, public or commercial, organization goal tree - a simple example. Any enterprise, individual entrepreneur or association pursues its goals, which are the reason for their functioning and existence. Consider different kinds tasks and on the example of a company we will build an example of a tree of goals.

Purpose and mission

Each enterprise in the course of work develops its mission - the main task that justifies the existence of the organization. For example, for a charitable company, it means helping people with oncological diseases. For a commercial company - to earn maximum profit, for a social organization - to achieve significant social task, for example, adaptation to modern world disabled children.

The process of achieving the mission will be divided into goals, “steps”, overcoming which you can get as close as possible to solving the main task.

Types of goals

Any company for the near future sets for itself several aspirations and desires, which can be long-term, medium-term and short-term. It usually takes no more than 12 months to solve a short-term goal, medium-term goals - from one year to five or six years, and at least 5 years are required to solve a long-term problem.

How goals are set

In general, the goals for the entire organization or for each of its divisions are set by the center, or decentralized and centralized to the heads of departments. It all depends on what kind of management system is adopted at the enterprise.

The decentralized method of setting goals can develop in two directions. In the first method - from the bottom up, initially goals are set in departments, and management, on the basis of them, determines the main tasks of the organization and ways to resolve them. In the second method - from top to bottom, large tasks are set by the center, and managers, in order to solve them, develop their smaller goals on the ground and set them for the staff and workers.

The task tree on the example of a company is compiled based on the analysis of the impact of external and internal environment in the enterprise, adhering to the main goal of the organization. And only then are individual and specific goals set.

Goal tree on the example of an organization

Viewing an example goal tree in a graphical display helps to visualize the task model of the organization. With it, it is easy to arrange the degree of importance of tasks. To build such a chart, there are conditional positions.

The overall mission (goal) of the company is placed at the top of the tree. Then it is divided into separate subtasks, without which the main task cannot be completed. When formulating the task, it is necessary to describe the desired result, but it is not necessary to indicate the way to achieve it. Goals should be on the same level, not arising from each other and independent of each other.

For each organization, the set of goals is purely individual. However, several areas of activity can be distinguished, any company will find its interest in them:

Personnel policy
Finance and politics
Sales policy

The number of levels into which the main task of the organization is divided depends on the complexity of the goal, the size of the company, the hierarchy in management and organizational structure.

An example of an organization's goal tree:

Examples of Specific Organizational Tasks

AT different areas activities of the organization has its own goals, consider some of them.


Expansion of the product range
Market Promotion


Development and implementation modern technologies
Improving product competitiveness
Improving production efficiency
Cost reduction


Increasing labor productivity
Incentive system
Personnel optimization

An example of an organization goal tree #2:


Multiplication of investment attractiveness
Improvement of profitability and solvency
Efficient Management organization finances

Goal setting for an organization great importance, is the basis for building relationships within the organization, and only by solving the tasks set can one evaluate and control the progress and results of the work of departments, personnel and the entire structure as a whole.

Do you have a dream? Everyone has it, even if he does not assume it. The dream is what this moment not feasible and not achievable. For one it may be a trip to the sea, and for another - a flight into space. Small dreams turn into tasks, big ones into goals, and global ones remain a dream. How to get to this peak - a dream? To plan! One of the planning methods is building a goal tree, let's figure out what it is and how to build it?

Goal Tree- the hierarchical principle of constructing the structure of goals and objectives, it has a top and subordinate levels. We can say that this is an inverted tree, but it is better to call this structure a pyramid. The pyramid of your success - the more energy spent, the closer to the top. Therefore, performing small operations, it is much easier to get to the dream.

Building a goal tree

So the top of the pyramid is dream. A dream is difficult to achieve, and sometimes completely unattainable, but at the same time I really want to. To decide on a dream and main life goals, think about philosophical questions: “Why am I living? What do I want to achieve in this life? What will be left of me when I leave this world? It is very difficult to answer these questions, but it is important. Of course, you can live for today, but the older you get, the more you think about the meaning of life.

Main life goals (achievement period of 10 years) must be realistic as opposed to dreams. They should relate to the main areas of life: family, financial and material situation, education, self-expression, etc.

Next, we proceed according to the principle of splitting into smaller goals(5-10 years) and subgoals(1-3 years). Goals are the results that we want to achieve in this area, and subgoals are goals given in specific conditions. Questions to help set goals: What is important to you in life? What would you like to have to feel happy? What do you like to do and what would you like to achieve in it? For what purposes do you earn money, other than satisfying physical needs? The sum of the subgoals leads to the goal, you must represent 80% of the subgoals to achieve it. .

Subgoals are formed from tasks that you do every month, week, day. To define a subgoal, answer the question: “What do you want to get further from the task?” That is, in this case let's go down up. Analyze what you do every day, where will it lead you in the end? Once you have set your subgoals, identify the tasks you are doing or missing in order to achieve the subgoal. Tasks are divided into simple daily operations.

Let's analyze For example. Let's say our goal is: vacation abroad in 2011. To go, we need money, so our sub-goal will be: to earn by May 2011 50 thousand rubles for a vacation in August 2011. Next, we need to decide where to go on vacation in 2011 - this will be the second sub-goal. Now let's break it down into tasks. For money: set aside every month (1st day) from January to May 10 thousand to a savings bank account. To decide where to go: choose a travel company; think about where you would like to go, what to see; analyze the cost of this pleasure. Further, each task is divided into operations (subtasks), it is not so difficult. Further, if we follow the plan, we will go on vacation in August 2011.

What happens if you don't plan? You will constantly think: “Oh, how I want to go, but there is no money! And where to go, it seems like you want to visit there and there ... ”So everything will remain in dreams! Therefore, they need to be translated into goals, and goals into tasks and act! And in planning you will be helped by the method of building a tree of goals - the pyramid of success.

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"Velikolukskaya State Academy

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Department of Humanities and Socio-Economic Disciplines

Course work

The tree of goals in the organization

Prepared by a student of group 28

social and humanitarian


Nikulina Irina Vasilievna


n.e.p. Stepanov A.A.

Velikiye Luki, 2015


1.1 The concept of "goal"

2.1 Requirements for building a goal tree

2.3 Building a tree of organizational goals using the example of Apple





The goal is the desired state of the system or the result of its activity, achievable within a certain time interval. The goals should reflect the development perspective of the system. The goals of the activity of socio-economic systems are largely determined by the conditions of the external environment.

The goal setting process is very an important factor on the way to success. The purposeful beginning of the organization arises by no means only because it needs to have guidelines so as not to perish in a changing environment. First of all, the target arises because an organization is an association of people pursuing certain goals.

In an organizational management system with a hierarchical structure, the goals of subsystems of different levels are studied and formed in accordance with the functions they perform. At the same time, the set of goals of subsystems of one level should ensure the fulfillment of the goal of that subsystem of a higher level to which they are subordinate. The set of successively fragmented goals in accordance with the decreasing level of subsystems is called the tree of goals. Thus, the goals of individual subsystems are linked in the goal tree scheme, which is a visual graphical model of the hierarchical relationship between the goals of the system as a whole and its individual subsystems.

For an organization, the process of setting goals is a very important factor on the path to success. The goal principle in the activity of an organization arises by no means only because it needs to have guidelines so as not to perish in a changing environment. First of all, the target principle in the activity of an organization arises because an organization is an association of people pursuing certain goals. When in question about the target beginning in the behavior of the organization and, accordingly, about the target beginning in the management of the organization, then they usually talk about two components: mission and goals. Establishing both, as well as developing a strategy of behavior that ensures the fulfillment of the mission and the achievement of the organization's goals, is one of the main tasks of top management and, accordingly, is a very important part of strategic management. Determining the purpose of the system is one of the most important, complex and difficult to resolve issues. Its importance is undeniable - an incorrect or insufficiently clear definition of the goal leads to very serious consequences for the system as a whole, dooms it to "blind" wandering in dynamically changing environmental conditions.

Any control system, by definition, is a goal-oriented system that has hierarchical structure and organized to achieve goals, called the goals of the functioning of the management system.

One of the methods used to improve the management of the organization is the "tree of goals", it is he who is to be considered in this paper.

my goal term paper is to explore the concept and construction of the target tree.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

1. reveal the concept of purpose

2. expand the concept of "tree of goals" of the organization

3. consider the process of building a goal tree.

The object of study of the course work is the method of "goal tree".

The subject of the study is the construction of a "tree of goals".

The textbooks on the study of control systems served as the theoretical basis for the work.

Chapter 1. The concept of "tree of goals" and the theory of the method

1.1 The concept of "goal"

A goal tree is a fairly common concept among managers and business owners. This is one of the most effective planning methods. It does not represent anything supernatural, and is a reflection of all the general principles of planning.

The idea of ​​the goal tree method was first proposed by American researchers C. Churchman and R. Ackoff in 1957. The scheme got its name due to its resemblance to an inverted tree.

The concept of a "goal tree" is a sequencing tool (similar to the organizational chart of a company) used to form elements of a general target program for the development of a company (main or general goals) and correlate with specific goals of various levels and areas of activity.

The novelty of the method proposed by C. Churchman and R. Ackoff was that they attempted to give quantitative weights and coefficients to various functional subsystems in order to identify which of the possible combinations provide the best return.

The term "tree" implies the use of a hierarchical structure obtained by dividing the general goal into subgoals, and these, in turn, into more detailed components, which can be called subgoals of lower levels or, starting from a certain level, functions.

As a rule, the term "target tree" is used for hierarchical structures that have strictly tree-like relationships, but the method itself is sometimes used in the case of "weak" hierarchies.

This method is widely used to predict the possible directions of development of science, engineering and technology.

Thus, the so-called goal tree closely links the long-term goals and specific tasks at each level of the hierarchy. At the same time, the goal of the higher order corresponds to the top of the tree, and below, in several tiers, there are local goals (tasks), with the help of which the achievement of the goals of the upper level is ensured.

The concept of "goal" and related concepts of expediency, purposefulness underlie the development of the system.

The process of goal formation and the corresponding process of substantiating goals in organizational systems is very complex. Throughout the entire period of the development of philosophy and the theory of knowledge, the development of ideas about the goal took place. An analysis of the definitions of the goal and related concepts shows that, depending on the stage of cognition of the object, the stage of system analysis, different shades are put into the concept of "goal" - from ideal aspirations (goals that cannot be achieved, but which can be continuously approached), to specific goals - the final results achievable within a certain time interval.

In some definitions, the goal is, as it were, transformed, taking on various shades within the conventional "scale" - from ideal aspirations to material embodiment, the final result of activity.

Along with the above definition, the goal is called "what a person strives for, worships and fights for" ("fighting" implies attainability in a certain time interval); the goal is understood as a “model of the desired future” (at the same time, various shades of realizability can be invested in the concept of “model”) and, in addition, a concept is introduced that characterizes the type of goal (“a dream is a goal that is not supported by the means to achieve it”.

The contradiction contained in the concept of "goal", the need to be an incentive to action, "anticipatory reflection" or "anticipatory idea", and at the same time the material embodiment of this idea, i.e. to be achievable, - manifested itself from the moment this concept arose: for example, the ancient Indian "goal" meant at the same time "motive", "reason", "desire", "goal" and even - "method".

In Russian, there was no term "purpose" at all. This term is borrowed from German and has a meaning close to the concept of "target", "finish", "point of impact".

The dialectical-materialistic understanding of the goal is very important in organizing the processes of collective decision-making in control systems. In real situations, it is necessary to specify in what sense the concept of "goal" is used at this stage of the consideration of the system, which should be reflected to a greater extent in its formulation - ideal aspirations that will help the team of decision makers (DM), to see the prospects, or real opportunities ensuring the timeliness of the completion of the next stage on the way to the desired future.

Goal - these are the main results that the company strives for in its activities for a long time. The success of the enterprise depends on how correctly the goal is chosen and how clearly and clearly it is formulated. An ill-conceived and fuzzy formulation of the goal leads to the fact that the entire management system works inefficiently. Consequently, in modern management, without a clear definition of the goal, without identifying the relationship between goals, means of achieving goals, evaluating efficiency and ways to achieve goals, it is impossible to solve the problem of effective enterprise management.

In the enterprise management system, goals perform a number of important functions:

? Firstly, the goals reflect the philosophy of the enterprise, the concept of its activities and development. And since the activities underlie the general and managerial structure, it is the goals that ultimately determine the nature and characteristics of the enterprise;

? Secondly, the goals reduce the uncertainty of the current activities of both the enterprise and the individual, becoming guidelines for them in the world around them, helping them to adapt and concentrate on achieving the desired results;

? Thirdly, the goals form the basis of the criteria for identifying problems, making decisions, monitoring and evaluating the results of activities aimed at their implementation, as well as material and moral incentives for the most distinguished employees.

When formulating a goal, it is necessary to focus on its relevance and significance.

The relevance of the goal is checked as often as possible as the main factors and conditions of the external and internal environment change. Consequently, the goals and their priorities are not constant, they can be reviewed, refined if the goal is considered to be achieved, or turned out to be unfulfilled or unrealistic.

The goals that an organization sets for itself can be classified according to the following criteria:

1. by sources of occurrence:

* determined by the needs of the environment in which the organization operates;

* arising from the need to meet the needs of the organization's participants;

2. in terms of complexity:

* simple;

* complex, which are decomposed into subgoals;

3. in order of importance:

* strategic, which are put to solve promising large-scale problems;

* tactical, which are developed to achieve strategic goals;

4. according to the time required for their implementation:

* long-term (over 5 years);

* medium-term (from one to 5 years);

* short-term (up to one year);

* technological, which are put to computerize the organization and provide it with new technologies;

* economic, necessary to achieve financial stability;

* marketing, which are developed to form a new product and enter a new market, etc.;

6. in terms of priority:

* necessary, which ensure the functioning of the organization;

* desirable, the achievement of which will favorably affect the organization;

* possible, which will not affect the existence and development of the organization at the present time;

7. Directionality:

* on the final result, for example, the release of goods or the provision of a particular service;

* the implementation of a particular activity, such as improving working conditions in the workplace;

* achievement of a certain state of the object of management, for example, advanced training or the acquisition of a new profession by an employee;

8. according to the form of expression:

* expressed in quantitative terms;

* described by qualitative characteristics;

9. in terms of interaction features:

* indifferent - goals that are indifferent to each other;

* competing;

* complementary - goals that complement each other;

* antagonistic - goals that exclude each other;

* identical, i.e. matching;

10. by level of occurrence:

* mission (serves as the basis for all further goals of the organization. It includes the philosophy of the organization, its values, description of the services provided by the organization or products produced, characteristics of its market, the external image of the company (image). Briefly and correctly formulated mission of the organization will create understanding and support for the actions of the organization from its environment, help employees focus on selected areas of activity and unite their actions);

* General, which are developed for the long term and reflect the main activities of the organization. For example, the development of new areas of activity of the organization, ensuring optimal profitability;

* specific, which are developed on the basis of common goals in each unit. For example, the definition of profitability for each individual unit.

Thus, any activity in the management system is justified if the following requirements are taken into account: specificity, measurability, reality, flexibility, compatibility, mutual support.

First, the goal must be specific, i.e. expressed not only qualitatively, but also quantitatively.

Secondly, the goal must be realistic, achievable under the given conditions.

Thirdly, the goal must be flexible, capable of transformation and adjustment in accordance with the changing conditions of the enterprise.

Fourthly, the goal is achieved as a result of the joint activities of all staff, as it has a significant impact on the motivation of employees who want to achieve the goal set for the enterprise. If the goal is not achievable, the desire of employees to succeed will be blocked and their motivation will weaken, because. in Everyday life It is customary to associate remuneration and promotion with the achievement of the enterprise's goal.

Fifth, the goals must be compatible with each other in time and space and not orient the personnel to actions that contradict each other.

Sixth, the goal must be measurable. In terms of goal measurability, it is important to know:

? what to measure;

? how to measure;

? specific measurement functions;

? what are the costs of measurement;

? security of methodological and informational database;

? selection of final criteria (indicators) for measurement.

1.2 Disclosure of the concept of "tree of objectives" of the organization and its role in management

The number and variety of goals and objectives of management are so great that no organization can do without a comprehensive, systematic approach to determining their composition, regardless of its size, specialization, type, form of ownership. As a convenient and proven tool in practice, you can use the construction of a target model in the form of a tree graph - a tree of goals.

A goal tree is a structured, hierarchically built (distributed by levels, ranked) set of goals of an economic system, program, plan, in which the general goal ("top of the tree" is highlighted); subgoals of the first, second and subsequent levels subordinate to it ("tree branches").

The concept of a "tree of goals" was first proposed by C. Churchman and R. Ackoff in 1957. It allows a person to put their own plans in order, to see their goals in a group. Whether they are personal or professional.

By means of the goal tree, their ordered hierarchy is described, for which the main goal is sequentially decomposed into subgoals according to the following rules:

- the overall goal, located at the top of the graph, should contain a description of the final result;

- when deploying a common goal, it is assumed that the implementation of the subgoals of each subsequent level is a necessary and sufficient condition for achieving the goal of the previous level;

- when formulating goals at different levels, it is necessary to describe the desired results, but not the ways to obtain them;

- subgoals of each level should be independent of each other and not derivable from each other;

- the foundation of the goal tree should be tasks, which are the formulation of work that can be performed in a certain way and within a predetermined timeframe.

The "target tree" method is used in conjunction with expert procedures. The place of a number of expert probabilities and estimates can be taken by a variety of mathematical models and estimates obtained on the basis of formalized methods of analysis.

First, general goals are reduced to private ones, ordered in the form of a tree of goals. The splitting is carried out to targets that can be quantified or qualitative assessment. As a result, a system of particular evaluation criteria is formed. In turn, private criteria are folded into aggregates to obtain estimates of more general goals and are ordered in the form of a tree of indicators. As a result, the tree of verbally set goals is projected into some tree of evaluation indicators.

The construction of the tree goes "from top to bottom", from general to private goals, by disaggregating, decomposing and reducing them. Thus, the achievement of the main goal is ensured by the implementation of the goals of the first level.

In turn, each of these goals can be decomposed into goals of the next, lower level. The decomposition can be based on various bases, for example, by areas of activity, and within areas - by sub-areas, by elements of an organized structure, by the regional structure of the system, etc.

The presentation of the main goal in the form of a tree of goals may be incomplete, as its inherent properties may be lost. The problem of completeness in this case is solved due to the qualification of the expert who forms the Full description, and the use of more complex structures, for example, by turning the target tree into a more general graph.

Goals are further defined by performance indicators - and vice versa, performance indicators are further defined by target constructions. The construction of particular criteria for achieving the goal implies the possibility of identifying a number of factors already at the first stage of this procedure, according to which quantification degree of goal achievement. Combining the sets of all particular criteria will give a set of particular criteria that evaluate the achievement of the original goal.

Thus, the levels of decomposition depend on the scale and complexity of the goals set, on the structure adopted in the organization, on the hierarchy of building its management.

Chapter 2 Building the Target Model

2.1 Requirements for building a goal tree

Methods for constructing a target model in the form of a tree graph have gained great popularity.

So, the construction of the tree of goals goes "from top to bottom", that is, from general goals to private ones, by their decomposition and reduction. Thus, the achievement of the main goal is ensured by the implementation of the goals of the first level.

In turn, each of these goals can be decomposed into goals of the next, lower level. The decomposition can be based on various bases, for example, by areas of activity, and within areas - by sub-areas, by elements of the organizational structure, by the regional structure of the system, etc.

One of the main principles of building a tree of goals is the completeness of the reduction: each goal of a given level must be represented as subgoals of the next level in such a way that their totality completely defines the concept of the original goal. The exclusion of at least one subgoal deprives completeness or changes the very concept of the original goal.

The main requirements for building a goal tree are as follows:

? the overall goal at the top of the graph should contain a description of the end result;

? when expanding the goal into a hierarchical structure of goals, it is assumed that the implementation of subgoals (tasks) of each subsequent level is a necessary and sufficient condition for achieving the goal of the previous level;

? when formulating goals at various levels, it is necessary to describe the desired results, but not the ways to obtain them;

? subgoals of each level should be independent of each other and not derived from each other;

? the foundation of the tree of goals should be tasks, which are the formulation of work that can be performed in a certain way and in predetermined lines.

"Tree of goals" is built using 2 operations. Decomposition is the operation of extracting components and structurization is the operation of extracting links between components.

The process of building a "tree of goals" is divided into the following stages:

* script development;

* goal statement;

* generation of subgoals;

* clarification of the wording of subgoals (checking the independence of the subgoal);

* assessment of the significance of subgoals;

* verification of goals for feasibility;

* checking the elementarity of subgoals;

* building a tree of goals.

When building a "tree of goals", you must be guided by the following rules:

* each formulated goal must have the means and resources to ensure it;

* when decomposing goals, the condition of completeness of reduction must be observed, i.e. the number of subgoals of each goal must be sufficient to achieve it;

* the decomposition of each goal into subgoals is carried out according to one selected classification feature;

* the development of individual branches of the tree can end at different levels of the system;

* vertices of the upper level of the system are targets for the vertices of lower levels;

* the development of the "tree of goals" continues until the person solving the problem has at his disposal all the means to achieve the higher goal.

Thus, the goal tree is a structural representation of the distribution of goals by management levels. Such a tree of goals is built for each level of management, and then the goal tree of each level is combined into a common tree of enterprise goals.

2.2 Goal tree on the example of an organization

Rice. 1. Tree of goals in the organization.

tree management profit

The meaning of human existence is determined by the achievement of his life goals. The same can be said about the existence of any organization, be it commercial, public, charitable or state. Any enterprise, association or entrepreneur pursues its own goals, which are the reasons for their existence and functioning. Consider different types goals and build a tree of goals using the organization as an example.

Mission and purpose

Any enterprise has its own mission - the main task that justifies its entire existence. For a charitable company, this is, for example, helping cancer patients. For a commercial company - getting the maximum profit. For the social - the achievement of a socially significant task, for example, the adaptation of disabled children in modern society.

Achieving the mission is divided into several components - "steps", goals, overcoming which allows you to get as close as possible to solving the main task.

Types of goals

Every organization has several wishes and aspirations that it would like to fulfill in the near future. Such goals can be short-term, medium-term and long-term. Usually, short-term goals are solved in a year, medium-term goals - within a period of one to five years, and long-term goals are set for a period of at least five years.

How are goals set?

Goals for the organization as a whole and for its individual divisions can be set by the center, or they can be set locally by department heads (centrally and decentralized). It depends on the management system adopted at the enterprise.

Also, with a decentralized way of setting goals, events can develop in two ways: from top to bottom and from bottom to top. In the first method, the center sets major tasks, and local leaders, in order to solve them, develop their own, smaller goals and set them for the staff. In the second method, goals are initially set in departments, and on the basis of them, management determines the main tasks of the company and the path of its development.

All goals are set on the basis of an analysis of the impact of the internal and external environment on the enterprise, based on the main mission of the company. Only then specific and individual tasks are determined.

Goal tree on the example of an organization

It is very convenient to represent the organization's goals model in a graphical representation in the form of a tree. This allows you to streamline the hierarchy of goals. There are certain principles for constructing this graph.

At the top of the tree is the overall goal (mission) of the company. Further, it is divided into separate subtasks, without which the main mission is unattainable. At the same time, when formulating the task, it is necessary to describe the desired result, but in no case the way to achieve it. At the same level, there should be goals that are independent of each other and do not result from each other.

Of course, the set of goals of each organization is purely individual. But, nevertheless, there are several areas of its activity, in which each company has an important interest.

* Income and finance.

* Sales policy.

* Personnel policy.

* Production.

The number of levels into which the main task of the organization is broken down will depend on the size of the company and the complexity of the mission, as well as on the organizational structure and hierarchy in management.

Examples of specific company goals

Consider some examples of the goals of the organization in various areas of its activities.


* Promotion in the market.

* Expansion of the product range.


* Cost reduction.

* Improve production efficiency.

* Improve product competitiveness.

* Development and implementation of new technologies.


* Training.

* Optimization of personnel of the enterprise.

* Incentive system.

* Increasing productivity.

* Effective management of the company's finances.

* Improved solvency and profitability.

* Increasing investment attractiveness.

Thus, the competent setting of goals is of great importance for the organization. This is the starting point for planning all its activities, the tree of goals underlies the building of relationships within the company, the motivation system. Only by achieving the set goals, it is possible to control and evaluate the result of the work of the personnel, individual departments of the organization and its entire structure as a whole.

2.3 Building a tree of organization goals using the example of Apple

Consider Apple's goal tree for a product like the iPhone, whose value reflects the motto "Simple. Comfortable. Aesthetically pleasing." As the main goal of the tree, we will define the improvement of the iPhone, taking into account the interests of potential users.

The main competitive and significant factors for the consumer of this market are:

the cost of the product;

Variety of functions and energy-intensive battery;

brand popularity;

technologies for connoisseurs;

· design and size;

assortment (was discontinued by Apple).

The tree of goals will help answer the question: "What to do?". For example, to reduce the cost, it is necessary to simplify the interface.

What industry factors need to be created? What features to improve? These are memory, design, games and entertainment. What to focus on: the functional component or the emotional?

Table with iPhone subgoals on three levels

To solve the "last mile", the following tasks were identified:

1. Use touch screen and achieve the absence of buttons.

2. Create additional options.

3. Enlarge the screen.

The next step is to complete the "leaves" or activities to achieve the subgoals. For this, specific deadlines for completing tasks, the required volume, resources, cost and significant quantitative indicators are necessarily indicated.

The last step is to draw the targets in the form of a branched tree.

Thus, for the company, the main goal of any business is to expand the market boundaries, to win an infinite number of customers. Apple prioritizes improving its product line for the benefit of the consumer.


Thus, in order to achieve the goal of the organization, which is to increase profits by 30% within one year, it was decided to apply a strategy to increase the volume of production of services. This strategy is associated with minimal risk, as well as an increase in the volume of services provided will in no way entail a decrease in the quality of services. And this is not an unimportant factor influencing further development organizations in a highly competitive environment.

Strategic planning can be used later to improve management. To do this, it is necessary to introduce formal planning programs, increase the level of participation and commitment of senior management, pay less attention to bare numbers, develop best strategies etc.

The goal tree method is focused on obtaining a complete and relatively stable structure of goals, problems, directions, i.e. a structure that has changed little over a period of time with the inevitable changes that occur in any developing system. To achieve this, when constructing variants of the structure, one should take into account the patterns of goal formation and use the principles and methods of forming hierarchical structures of goals and functions.

As practice has shown, correctly formulated goals of an enterprise are at least 50% of the success of its activities. After all, the goals of the enterprise determine the strategy of the company's behavior in the market and much more. An organization cannot function without targets.

The target beginning in the activity of the organization is set primarily by the fact that its activity is influenced by the interests various groups of people. The goal in the functioning of the organization reflects the interests of such groups or sets of people as the owners of the organization, employees of the organization, customers, business partners, the local community and society as a whole.

Thus, the "tree of goals" can actually be aimed at achieving the effectiveness of information support for management processes, i.e. the process of developing, adopting and monitoring the implementation of management decisions.

Knowing how to build a tree of goals, you can confidently look into the future and plan what this or that action will lead to. To be successful, you need to be able to clearly articulate your goals. They should be specific, measurable in different terms and achievable.

People management has importance for all organizations. If relationships between people and organizational units are not clearly defined and coordinated, the effectiveness of specialization will be lost. To do this, management must find effective method combinations of key variables characterizing tasks and people.

Organizational structure is one of the main elements of organization management. In fact, the management structure is an organizational form of the division of labor for the adoption and implementation of management decisions.


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Appendix 1


1. Autocratic Leader- a leader who seeks to concentrate in his hands all power based on reward and coercion, and relies on legal authority.

2. Tree of goals - a structured, built on a hierarchical principle (distributed by levels, ranked) set of goals of the economic system, program, plan, in which the following are highlighted: the general goal ("top of the tree"); subgoals of the first, second and subsequent levels subordinate to it ("tree branches").

3. Unity of command is the principle of organization, which means that an employee should receive authority from only one boss and answer only to him.

4. The task in management is this work (task) or a set of works (tasks) necessary to achieve the goal.

5. Information support of management - a set of information resources, tools, methods and technologies that contribute to the effective implementation of the entire management process, including the development and implementation of management decisions.

6. Control - a management function that involves monitoring the actions of employees, the exact following of the organization along the chosen course, as well as making the necessary adjustments.

7. Motivation - the use of existing and the formation of the necessary motives for human behavior in the practice of managing his activities. Motives are manifested in the form of a person's reaction to the factors of his internal state or influence. environment, external environment, situations, conditions. Each person has his own structure of motives, which is formed in the processes of his development, manifestation and self-assessment of his abilities, achievement of any results.

8. Decision - a choice made from several options.

9. Senior management - presidents (directors) and vice presidents (deputy directors). They define general directions functioning and development of the organization as a whole, its major divisions. Make key decisions, strategies for functioning and development; hiring additional staff.

10. A system is a kind of integrity, consisting of interdependent parts, each of which contributes to the characteristics of the whole.

11. The goal in management is the desired state of the object of management or the expected results to which the organization's activities are aimed.

Appendix 2

Rice. 2. Goals in the form of a tree with branches

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