Russian Railways rules for transporting pets. How to transport a dog on a train in Russia: rules for transporting animals

In 2017, at the Yekaterinburg Koltsovo International Airport, while clearing snow, a dog was found frozen to death, which in December was abandoned on the street in an open carrier because the dog was not allowed on board.

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In this regard, many resonant questions arose, including in the media. The Russian Information Agency gave a press conference where innovations under the laws discussed below were announced.

Governing laws

When transporting animals for personal use, the issuance of veterinary accompanying documents is regulated. In accordance with this order, which came into force on December 27, 2016, the issuance of documents is not required.

However, there are also veterinary rules for transporting animals:

  1. When delivering animals on trains, you must have a veterinary accompanying document.
  2. If the transport is personal, then an extract is not required. carried out with the same document.

The issuance of veterinary accompanying documents is carried out within one working day at the institutions of the state veterinary service. The so-called veterinary stations, where people also go for vaccination, are available in every region of the country.

In accordance with the rules, you need to take care of receiving the document at least five days before the trip.

However, if the animal is transported abroad, consultation is recommended and the issue will have to be resolved much earlier, because different countries have different requirements.

Under the new traffic schedule, the transport of animals that are housed in cages, boxes or containers up to 180 cm in three dimensions (width, height and thickness) will be permitted.

Conditions without which transportation is not permitted:

  • a special sign must be installed in a reserved seat carriage;
  • the corresponding inscription is highlighted in the travel document to warn all passengers in advance (sometimes right at the ticket office).

It should be noted here that pets in excess of the established carry-on baggage allowance are carried for a fee.

Rules for transportation for a guide dog:

  • always transported free of charge;
  • must be on a leash and muzzle on the train;
  • on a long-distance route, be located in close proximity to the owner (at the passenger’s feet, for example), and not in the luggage compartment.

Currently, a procedure has already been approved, according to which in the new traffic schedule, from December 13, 2015, in each direct railway service and in each direct train, one reserved seat car is allocated for the transportation of animals.

If more than five days have passed since departure, a new certificate is required to get back. All topics related to quarantine have already been regulated, so it will not be possible to purchase it for money without checking the animal.

Who is prohibited and who is allowed to carry

Small pets (as they say, pets) are accepted for transportation on Russian Railways. This:

  • dogs;
  • birds;
  • hamsters;
  • fish;
  • some other pets.

It is prohibited to transport:

  • predators;
  • reptiles;
  • other non-domestic animals that may cause damage to passengers, employees or property of the carrier during transportation.

Control of boarding the carriage remains with the train crew (train manager and passenger carriage conductor). The reason for the prohibition of transporting animals on trains may be the execution of a veterinary certificate in an inappropriate manner.

The document must indicate vaccinations against rabies, otherwise no animal will be allowed on the train. Unfortunately, the only solution for owners of exotic animals is. Applicants can also contact the transport agency, which will definitely find a way.

Rules for transporting pets on trains

Initially, from the moment the rules for the carriage of passengers, luggage and cargo luggage were issued, the following rules were used:

  • it was not allowed to transport large breed dogs in SV carriages;
  • transportation in luxury carriages was not permitted.

Currently, such transportation is permitted. There is a list of types and classes of carriages in which you can transport almost any pet.

Often, rules about traveling with animals are published on the websites of certain train stations. The telephone numbers of all services that may be useful during registration are also usually indicated there.

The most important and very simple rules:

  1. The transportation company must find out about the animal at the time of purchasing the ticket in order to give permission depending on certain circumstances. Until there is confirmation, it is impossible to be sure of a favorable landing.
  2. For one travel document (ticket), a passenger can carry one piece of railway baggage, which can contain two small animals. This piece of luggage should not exceed 180 cm in the sum of three dimensions, as stated above.

Across Russia

For cats and dogs, an export permit is not required if we are talking about one or two animals. That is, it is enough to obtain a veterinary certificate at the place of residence.

There is no difference in vaccinations for domestic animals (cats and dogs) across the territory of the Russian Federation. A mandatory requirement is vaccination against rabies.

In 2015, veterinary accompanying documents were issued for animals that were not vaccinated based on age, but since 2017, Rosselkhoznadzor has introduced new rules.

Nowadays, the Directorate of High Speed ​​Transport allows small pets to travel on trains:

  • "Sapsan";
  • "Martin";
  • "Swift";
  • "Allegro".

All travel conditions on these trains are described in the “passengers” section on the Russian Railways website.

It is important to follow a few more simple rules:

  1. The pet's movements should be limited.
  2. Windows must be locked while driving.
  3. Before stopping, be sure to fasten your pet on a leash.
  4. You should never leave an animal unattended, especially in the summer.
  5. It is recommended to offer your pet water during the trip. This may calm him down.
  6. It won't hurt to stock up on motion sickness tablets for animals.
    All of the above rules will ensure a calm and comfortable trip.

Across the border

The first thing you need to do when transporting cats or dogs by train across the border is to contact the embassy of the country to which you are planning to travel with your pets to find out the veterinary requirements for importing animals.

Ten days before vaccination, the animal is often prescribed an anthelmintic drug. After these procedures and installation of the chip, you will have to wait another month (this is a quarantine period to make sure that the animal is not a carrier of any dangerous diseases).

More information about microchipping an animal:

  • this identification system is used instead of branding, the use of which is permissible only on the territory of Russia;
  • the chip is a small sterile capsule treated with special inert materials that do not cause inflammatory processes when inserted under the skin;
  • the chip is fixed in the subcutaneous tissue and remains there for the animal’s entire life;
  • the individual number that will be assigned to the pet is entered into a unified database of chipped animals, but personal data is not disclosed;
  • It is recommended to microchip animals from birth, even if they do not leave private property.

A certificate for the pet to leave confirms that it is healthy, which is sometimes enough for transportation by train. If necessary, a European Union certificate for the exporting country is issued in the same place as the veterinary certificate. It just changes to form 5A.

Three to five days before returning home, the veterinary organization of the country in which the animal is located examines it and puts the necessary stamp on the same certificate, so you should not throw away or lose the international certificate, valid for 90 days.

Unaccompanied transportation

To maintain sanitary conditions and care for animals, there is an obligation for the presence of the passenger who transports the animal. Those animals that are transported separately must have a collar and muzzle.

Due to the strict requirements of railway companies, many owners send their pets through special companies and by plane.

For this you will need the following documents:

  • veterinary passport;
  • veterinary certificate.

Not all airlines have special compartments for pets. There are different days on which either dogs or cats are transported, which also needs to be taken into account.

On average it can cost 14,000 rubles. Such transportation is possible for animals over 3 months of age.

Documents for Russian Railways

All documents that are issued for animals are called by one term - veterinary accompanying documents (VSD).

They have several forms:

  1. Form 1, which is provided for moving animals across the territory of the Russian Federation and for obtaining veterinary accompanying documents for export abroad.
  2. Form 4, which is a smaller copy of Form 1. This is issued for travel within a district, city or municipality.
  3. Veterinary certificate of the Customs Union.

The main document regulating the transportation of animals on trains is the rule for the transportation of passengers, luggage and cargo luggage of Russian Railways, which was approved by order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation.

Thus, when boarding, the passenger needs:

  • your own travel document;
  • document for the animal, issued through the Express system;
  • veterinary certificate form No. 1.

These requirements are set by order of the Ministry of Agriculture.

How much does the service cost?

Various carriers have a fixed rate according to which the travel document is purchased. The federal passenger company, which operates over much longer distances, carries out transportation according to tariff zones.

The minimum cost is 239 rubles 50 kopecks.

The calculation of the fare does not depend on the size of dogs traveling on Russian Railways or their breeds.

Animals in this regard are divided:

  • on those that can be placed in special places (hand luggage), when their transportation container does not exceed 180 cm;
  • on large ones, which travel in separate compartments of a rigid carriage with the purchase of all seats.

Accordingly, if a small pet is transported, a fee is charged for one place according to the tariff zone based on the distance traveled.

for transportation of pets in separate long-distance compartments:

Tariff zone number Distance, km Size, rub.
1 1-10 239,5
2 11-20 240,5
3 21-30 242,5
4 31-40 245,5
5 41-50 247,0
6 51-60 249,5
7 61-70 251,5
8 71-80 254,0
9 81-90 256,0
10 91-100 258,0
11 101-110 260,0
12 111-120 263,0
13 121-130 264,0
14 131-140 267,0
15 141-150 269,0
16 151-160 271,0
17 161-170 273,0
18 171-180 274,5
19 181-190 277,5
20 191-200 280,0
21 201-250 285,5
22 251-300 297,0
23 301-350 308,0
24 351-400 318,5
25 401-450 328,5
26 451-500 340,0
27 501-550 350,0
28 551-600 360,5
29 601-650 372,5
30 651-700 383,0
31 701-800 399,0
32 801-900 421,0
33 901-1000 442,0
34 1001-1100 463,5
35 1101-1200 485,5
36 1201-1300 506,5
37 1301-1400 528,0
38 1401-1500 549,5
39 1501-1600 571,5
40 1601-1700 592,0
41 1701-1900 613,5
42 1901-2100 657,5
43 2101-2300 710,0
44 2301-2500 754,0
45 2501-2700 796,0
46 2701-2900 840,0
47 2901-3100 882,0
48 3101-3300 926,0
49 3301-3500 969,0
50 3501-3700 1011,0
51 3701-4000 1065,0
52 4001-4300 1130,5
53 4301-4600 1194,0
54 4601-4900 1258,5
55 4901-5200 1323,0
56 5201-5500 1387,5
57 5501-5800 1453,0
58 5801-6100 1516,5
59 6101-6400 1581,0
60 6401-6700 1645,5
61 6701-7100 1721,5
62 7101-7500 1806,5
63 7501-7900 1892,5
64 7901-8300 1978,5
65 8301-8700 2064,5
66 8701-9100 2150,5
67 9101-9500 2236,5
68 9501-9900 2322,5
69 9901-10300 2408,5
70 10301-10700 2495,0
71 10701-11100 2581,0
72 11101-11500 2667,0
73 11501-11900 2753,0
74 11901-12300 2838,5

In 2017, pet owners were no longer required to have a veterinarian's certificate on board planes and trains. The federal Medselkhoz has simplified the scheme for transporting dogs and cats within Russia since January. However, not everyone has agreed with this decision so far.

For some, there was a threat that a sick animal might be in a vehicle next door. The abolition of accompanying certificates is beneficial for those who do not take care of their pets at all (they have not visited the veterinarian for years and have not given them vaccinations).

As a result, people have no idea what an animal may be infected with, and this poses a danger to both other four-legged animals and people. For example, a dog can bite a person, but to catch shingles from a cat, all you have to do is pet it.

If a person transports an animal by public transport, an unchecked animal, of course, can pose a threat to others. That is why it was decided to bring back the need for a negotiated certificate.

The main requirements for transporting pets on a train:

  • so that the pet is small in stature;
  • the presence of a cage (if we are talking about a dog, then a muzzle).

To transport pets on long-distance trains across Russia, you no longer need to obtain accompanying veterinary documents. This rule applies if the pet’s owner has not changed and the transportation is not related to business activity.

Small domestic (pet) animals, dogs (except for large breeds and guide dogs) and birds are transported in boxes, baskets, cages, containers, which must be placed in places intended for hand luggage. The size of the container based on the sum of three dimensions should not exceed 180 cm.

The transportation of small pets on trains formed by JSC FPC is not permitted in all types of cars. Before purchasing a ticket, make sure that the type of carriage for which you are purchasing a ticket allows such transportation.

Transportation of small animals in the carriages of JSC FPC

type car class conditions of transportation
soft 1A, 1I, 1M for free
lux (SV) 1E "Strizh", 1B for free
1E, 1U, 1L, 1F
1D, 1X, 1T cannot be transported
coupe 2E, 2B, 2F, 2C free when you buy the entire compartment
2K, 2U, 2L, 2N paid without repurchase of the entire compartment
2D, 2T, 2X cannot be transported
reserved seat 3D, 3U, 3B
3E, 3T, 3L, 3P cannot be transported
with seating 1B, 1J for free
2B, 2ZH, 3ZH paid without purchasing additional seats
1P, 2P
3P (based on coupe)
1C, 2C, 2E, 2M, 3C
cannot be transported
general carriage 3O paid without purchasing additional seats
3B cannot be transported

High speed trains

Transportation of animals is permitted in the following classes of high-speed trains:

"Sapsan"— paid in first and business class in special seats in the carriages. No more than one animal or bird per issued ticket and no more than two per carriage. In a meeting compartment, you can carry no more than 1 animal (bird) per seat for free, but no more than 4 animals (birds) per compartment.

"Swift"(Moscow - Nizhny Novgorod) - free in class 1E, free in class 1E with the purchase of other seats, paid in class 2B without purchasing additional seats.

"Allegro"— paid in carriage 6 (seats 65-68). You can carry a maximum of two dogs on a leash, or two small animals in a cage, or one dog and one animal in a cage. There is a fee of 15 euros per pet.

"Martin" And "Swallow-Premium"— for a fee in specialized places in 3, 5 and 10 cars. No more than one seat per ticket and no more than two animals or two birds. Collection 150 rubles.

Trains of other carriers

Small pets can be carried on trains of all categories not related to the formation of JSC FPC. A passenger is allowed to transport no more than two small pets or two birds in containers in separate compartments of a rigid carriage (except for carriages with double compartments (SV) and luxury carriages). Animals are carried in excess of the established carry-on baggage allowance.

Around Russia with large animals

On trains, large dogs are transported with muzzles and a leash: in a separate compartment of a compartment car, except for luxury cars, under the supervision of their owners or accompanying persons with payment of the full cost of all seats in the compartment without additional payment for their transportation, while the number of passengers traveling in The compartment for dogs and their owners or accompanying persons should not exceed the number of seats in the compartment.

Transportation of large animals in the carriages of JSC FPC

type car class conditions of transportation
soft 1A, 1I, 1M cannot be transported
lux (SV) 1B only one large dog free
1E, 1U, 1L
1E "Strizh", 1D cannot be transported
coupe 2E, 2B, 2F, 2C only one large dog free when purchasing the entire compartment
2K, 2U, 2L, 2N You can carry several large dogs for free, provided you buy all the seats in the compartment. The number of dogs and passengers cannot exceed the number of seats in the compartment.
2D, 2T, 2X cannot be transported
reserved seat all classes cannot be transported
with seating all classes cannot be transported
general carriage all classes cannot be transported

Trains of other carriers

Large dogs can be carried on trains of all categories not related to the formation of JSC FPC. They can only travel in a separate compartment of a compartment carriage, except for luxury carriages, with the condition that all seats in the compartment are purchased. The dog must be muzzled and on a leash. The passenger is required to pay for all seats in the compartment; there is no additional payment for transporting a dog on the train.

With animals abroad

The main condition for international travel with animals is the presence of a veterinary passport (certificate) with clinic stamps on vaccinations.

The transportation of animals abroad of the Russian Federation is regulated not only by the rules of the carrier, but also by the Agreement on International Passenger Transport (SMPS), which was adopted in 1951. The document is constantly updated. The agreement was signed by 23 states, including Russia, the CIS and Baltic countries, as well as Albania, Vietnam, Georgia, China, North Korea, Mongolia, Poland, Slovakia and the Czech Republic.

According to changes to the Agreement, which entered into force on March 22, 2018, small pets (dogs, cats, birds) in cages can be transported in hand luggage without purchasing a separate compartment. There is no additional charge for transporting animals.

Large dogs with a muzzle and leash must be transported in a separate compartment (no more than two dogs in one compartment). In this case, the passenger is obliged to pay the cost of tickets according to the number of seats in the compartment. If the carrier does not have the ability to provide a separate compartment for the transportation of large dogs, such transportation is not allowed.

Guide dogs can be transported in any carriage without a muzzle and on a short leash without purchasing all the seats in the compartment.

On the trains of Azerbaijan Railways CJSC, small pets can be transported only in compartment cars, subject to the purchase of all seats in the compartment.

For trains traveling to the territory (from the territory) of the Republic of Abkhazia, registration of transportation of pets is carried out on the basis of the rules for transporting animals on trains of JSC FPC.

Foreign trains of JSC FPC

The rules apply to the following trains:

  • 17/18 Moscow - Nice;
  • 23/24 Moscow - Berlin - Paris;
  • 13/14 Moscow - Berlin "Swift";
  • 21/22 Moscow - Prague.

To transport animals you will have to buy all the seats in the compartment. The rules apply equally to both small pets (dogs, cats, birds) in cages and large dogs. Seats not occupied by passengers must be paid at full rate; no additional fee is charged for the transportation of animals.

Large dogs are transported with a muzzle and a leash. You can transport no more than one large dog or no more than one cage with animals per compartment. Animals cannot be transported in carriages with seats. Guide dogs can be transported in any type of carriage without purchasing all the seats in the compartment. The dog must be without a muzzle and on a short leash.

Rules for transporting guide dogs

Passengers on trains traveling through Russia carry guide dogs in all types of carriages free of charge. Transportation documents are not issued. The guide dog must have a collar and muzzle and be located at the feet of the passenger it is accompanying.

Sometimes passengers take their pets with them when traveling by train. However, the rules for their transportation are strictly regulated. To avoid troubles when boarding a carriage, they should be strictly followed. We will tell you how to properly transport small and large animals by rail, and whether they can be sent alone.

Animals: rules for transportation on the train

The first question that interests pet owners when transporting them by train is whether a certificate from a veterinarian is needed? No, not needed. JSC Russian Railways has abolished the requirement for veterinary control since 2017.

However, only pets can be taken into the passenger carriage - wild animals, including bees, are transported along with luggage. The owner is responsible for caring for the pet and ensuring the cleanliness of the surrounding area.

Carriage of pets and wild animals on the train is permitted for a fee. This also applies to commuter trains. But guide dogs are transported by rail free of charge, since they accompany people with disabilities and replace their senses.

These rules apply only in Russia. If you decide to travel abroad, you should separately familiarize yourself with the procedure for transporting animals in a particular country.

Pets travel in a compartment with the owner, while wild animals travel separately in a baggage car.

Transporting animals on a Russian Railways train: in which carriage is it allowed?

Animals are allowed on Russian Railways trains, but not everywhere - it all depends on the type of animal and the type of carriage.

Car category Service class Rules for transporting animals
Lux 1A, 1I, 1M Small animals and birds can be transported, but large dogs cannot.
There is no charge.
(with the possibility of traveling no more than one passenger per compartment)
There is no charge for transportation.
SV (with mandatory purchase of all seats) 1E It is possible to transport pets. Large dogs cannot be transported.
There is no need to pay anything additional.
NE 1E, 1U, 1L It is possible to transport small animals or one large dog.
It is necessary to buy all the seats in the compartment.
Kupeyny 2E, 2B It is possible to transport small animals or one large dog.
For transportation, the purchase of the entire compartment is required.
2K, 2U, 2L, 2N Transport of small animals or large dogs is allowed.
For transportation of small animals, a fee is charged and a transportation document is issued.
Transportation of large dogs requires payment of the full fare for all seats in the compartment.
The number of dogs and their owners or accompanying persons traveling in a compartment must not exceed the number of seats in the compartment.
Reserved seat 3D, 3U Small animals are allowed. Large dogs are not allowed.
The service is paid; a transportation document is issued for the pet.
Seat carriage 1B Small pets are transported free of charge; large dogs are not allowed.
2B, 2ZH, 3ZH Only small pets are allowed; large dogs will not be allowed on board.
A shipping document is issued and payment is collected.

Dogs cannot be transported in reserved seats, seated carriages or luxury compartments. It is prohibited to take with you animals and birds, the transportation of which may threaten the life and health of passengers.

Carriage of small animals

As a rule, pets do not pose a danger to other passengers. But for their convenience, it is better to transport small animals in special containers (basket, travel cage, carrier). The container must fit into the hand luggage compartment and be spacious. It can accommodate a maximum of two pets.

On commuter trains, it is permitted to transport small dogs without containers, muzzled and on a leash, and cats - under the supervision of their owners or accompanying persons.

Transportation of small pets, dogs and birds on long-distance trains is carried out without presentation of veterinary documents.

Carriage of large breed dogs on Russian Railways trains

Large breed dogs can only be carried in carriages of a certain category - please take this fact into account when purchasing tickets. The dog should not pose a danger to other people, so it is necessary to put a muzzle and a leash on it. Caring for the pet and maintaining cleanliness in the compartment falls on the shoulders of the owner.

Large dogs are transported in a separate compartment of a compartment car, except for luxury cars. The full cost of all seats in the compartment is paid (without additional payment for transporting a dog).

Rules for transporting animals on high-speed trains

High-speed trains include Lastochka, Sapsan and Strizh. Their rules for transporting pets are slightly different - a separate fee is charged for animals, in some cases it is initially included in the ticket price.

How to transport pets on high-speed trains:

  • Economy class

It is allowed to take large and small pets on board the carriage. There is no need to pay extra for their travel.

  • Business Class

Pets are not allowed into the carriage; they can be left in a specially designated place indicated by the conductor. This is an additional service, it must be ordered at least 3 days before the departure of the train and paid separately.

  • Coupe for negotiations

You can transport pets in a compartment for negotiations if you buy it entirely.

Large animals cannot be carried on high-speed trains and cages with pets cannot be placed in the aisles.

Transporting pets by train abroad

Each country has its own rules for transporting pets. Before traveling, it is important to clarify:

  • what pets can be imported into this state;
  • what papers you need to have for your pet;
  • Are vaccination certificates required?
  • Is a chip needed (it is prohibited to import animals without a chip into some countries).

If you travel to neighboring countries or the CIS, you can transport pets in a compartment with a full purchase of all seats. Small pets are transported in cages, large dogs are muzzled and on a leash. One person can only bring one large breed dog.

The rules for transporting pets in Europe are similar to those in Russia. But it is prohibited to bring pets into the UK and Norway. If you plan to visit Asia (for example, Mongolia or Vietnam), you can only carry your pets in a separate compartment.

Please check the conditions for transporting pets with foreign carriers in advance.

Transportation of animals unaccompanied by the owner

Since July 2018, JSC FPC has been providing passengers with a special service - . So far, this service applies to 13 long-distance trains. Small pets (cats, dogs, rabbits, turtles, guinea pigs and hamsters) can travel in the luggage compartment.

A fee is charged for transportation - from 730 rubles. The price depends on the distance of the trip. One person can buy a maximum of 3 spaces for transporting animals, but in total the cages should not take up more than 180 cm.

When going on vacation or on business to another city, owners often take their pets with them. There are situations when there is no one to leave him with, and special hotels are not available in all cities, and staying in them is not cheap. And some people simply cannot imagine traveling without their beloved cat or parrot. The first stage of any train trip should begin with becoming familiar with the rules for transporting animals.

Container or bag for the animal

Carrying - the bag is suitable for urban public transport. For long-distance travel, a plastic container is required, because... Transportation of animals on the train is only permissible in a hard container.

You need to choose a carrier based on the size of your pet. He should be comfortable inside, he should be able to stand up completely and lie down freely. It is worth considering that many carriers allow the transportation of containers with dimensions of the sum of three sides no more than 180 cm, and in some cases no more than 120 cm.

Some container models also have wheels and a retractable handle for easy movement.

General principles for all directions and animals

JSC Russian Railways establishes rules for the transportation of animals (cats, dogs of any breed, birds, ferrets, chinchillas, lizards, etc.), according to which travel on suburban electric trains and on long-distance trains is paid for them.

Note! Sometimes it may be necessary to buy an entire compartment to transfer the animal.

With a small pet, you need to pay a special fee at the station ticket office or on the Russian Railways website, get a baggage receipt and present it along with your ticket upon boarding.

Only domestic small animals and birds are allowed in the passenger carriage; wild animals must be transported in the baggage carriage.

Important! It is prohibited to transport animals that can harm the health of other passengers.

The carrier is hand luggage. If the allowed carry-on baggage allowance for each passenger is exceeded, you will be required to pay for the excess.

A guide dog wearing a collar and muzzle is allowed to travel next to a disabled person, regardless of the type of carriage, on an electric train, on long-distance trains and on high-speed trains. There is no need to pay anything additional. However, this only applies to travel through Russian territory.

It is the responsibility of the owner to monitor the pet and its portable container to ensure that the carriage is kept clean and free of unpleasant odors.

In 2018, transportation across the territory of the Russian Federation does not require obtaining a special veterinary certificate for a pet, except if the transportation is related to commercial activities.

When purchasing tickets online, you will see a paw icon next to the carriage information. Depending on whether this icon is crossed out or not, we can conclude whether Russian Railways allows or prohibits the transportation of pets.

Classes of carriages for transporting animals

Car typeService classTransportation conditions
Lux1A, 1I, 1MOne small cat or dog in a portable container is allowed free of charge.
Single SV1B
SV on the Strizh train1EWe allow free transportation of one container, subject to the purchase of the entire compartment.
NE1E, 1U, 1LWe allow one container with a cat or dog, or one large dog, subject to the purchase of the entire compartment.
Coupe2E, 2B
Coupe2L, 2K, 2UYou need to buy all the seats in the compartment; you just need to pay the transport fee. The sum of passengers and animals should not exceed the number of seats in the compartment; if the number exceeds, then additional seats are paid.
Reserved seat3U, 3DIt is permissible to transport small pets and dogs, except large breeds, upon presentation of a receipt for payment for transportation at the station ticket office.
Seat carriage2V, 3ZhIt is permissible to take a cat and a dog with you, except for large breeds, in the amount of no more than two in one container per travel document with payment for transportation.
General carriage3OIt is permissible to transport small pets, except large breeds, upon presentation of a receipt for payment for transportation at the station ticket office. There is no need to buy additional space.

Important! In classes 1P, 1C, 2P, 2C, 3L (except for high-speed trains), animals cannot be transported.

Features of transportation in the cars of JSC "TKS"

CJSC TransClassService is a private Russian company that is a partner of JSC Russian Railways and has recently been providing regular passenger transportation in its own rolling stock in various railway directions.

In the business class of JSC TKS, you are allowed to carry up to 2 pets in a container or one large dog in a muzzle and a collar with a short leash free of charge, with the condition of purchasing the entire compartment.

In carriages 2U Comfort and 2L you can carry no more than 2 small animals or one large dog, and the rules for carriage are the same as for business class.

It is prohibited to carry pets in the 2T Economy TK compartment and in the reserved seat carriage.

Rules for transporting small pets on trains

According to the new legislation, a veterinary certificate is no longer required to travel within Russia. It is permissible to take cats, dogs, guinea pigs, chinchillas, parrots, etc. with you on almost all railway transport. The presence of a muzzle is mandatory for dogs of any size, even if the trip takes place in a separate compartment. The container with the pet must always be placed in the hand luggage storage areas so that it does not disturb other passengers and service personnel.

Electric trains have less strict transportation rules. A small cat or dog may be in the arms of the owner. The dog must be wearing a muzzle and collar.

The price for transportation in compartment and reserved seat carriages, as well as in carriages with seats, except for soft seats on long-distance trains, starts from 260 rubles. and depends on the tariff zone and distance.

Transporting large dogs on trains

To transport a large dog, a whole compartment must be purchased in advance. The pet must be muzzled and on a leash at all times and under the strict supervision of the owner.

Transporting a large dog on a train is permissible only after paying the transport fee at the station ticket office and only in the vestibule, while the total number of large dogs in one vestibule cannot be more than two.

Large dogs are not allowed on trains such as Sapsan, Swift, etc.

Attention: If, during boarding, a Russian Railways employee considers that the animals may pose a potential danger, he will refuse to transport them to the owner.

Rules for the transportation of animals in high-speed trains formed by DOSS and FPK

Peregrine Falcon

Business class (cars No. 2 and 12) and premium class (cars No. 1 and 11). A passenger from these classes of service will have to use the service of accompanying a pet and leave it for the duration of the train trip in carriage No. 3 or 13 next to service seats 65 and 66.

Important: The service is available only by appointment and no later than 24 hours before train departure. The service can be ordered by phone: 8-800-222-07-66. Cost – 990 rub.

With one travel document you can transport a small pet in a container.

It is worth knowing the requirements for the container:

  • The total length, height and width of the carrier should be up to 120 cm. And the weight of the box with the pet should not exceed 10 kg.
  • It is permissible to use a container only made of durable material.
  • Ventilation is required.
  • The door must have a strong lock.
  • At the bottom you need to lay a waterproof mat that absorbs moisture and prevents the spread of unpleasant odors.

In the compartment-meeting room of cars No. 1 and 11, it is allowed to carry one pet per issued travel document and no more than 4 pets in total, subject to the full purchase of the compartment-meeting room.

Passengers traveling in economy class can purchase specially allocated seats 1 to 4 in carriages No. 3 and 13 and seats 1 to 4, 65 and 66 in carriages No. 8 and 18. The cost of a reserved seat will be 400 rubles more expensive. Despite the presence of specially designated seats, transportation must only be carried out in a carrier, which must be placed in the baggage area or under the seat immediately after boarding so as not to disturb other passengers.

According to the approved transportation rules, a guide dog can be transported free of charge on a high-speed train, muzzled and on a leash.

This train runs between St. Petersburg and the Republic of Finland, so the first thing a tourist should do is find out the requirements of Finland regarding import rules. When purchasing a ticket, you should purchase specially designated seats in carriage No. 6.

The carriage fee is 15 euros and it is automatically included in the final price when issuing a ticket for special seats in carriage No. 6. As for a guide dog, it is allowed to transport it only in 2nd class of service.

You can transport no more than 2 dogs on a leash, no more than 2 cages, or no more than 1 dog on a leash and 1 carrier with a small animal at a time. In this case, the size of the carrier should not exceed 60x45x40 cm.


Transportation is allowed in a container with dimensions of the sum of width, height and length not exceeding 180 cm. The container must be located in the luggage areas.

You can carry only one animal per ticket; on Lastochka trains there are specially allocated seats in carriages No. 5 and No. 10. During the process of issuing a ticket for these seats, a fee of 150 rubles is automatically added to the final cost of the travel document.

Important! A guide dog can only be transported with a muzzle and on a leash free of charge.

On the Lastochka trains of JSC FPK, the carriage of small animals and birds is permitted only in class 2B.


Moscow - Nizhny Novgorod

In carriage 1E, the entire compartment must be redeemed. However, only small animals can be transported. No additional payments are required.

The same rules apply in carriage 1E. You will need to buy the whole compartment. However, you can transport both a small animal and one large dog. No additional payments are required.

In class 2B there is no need to buy all compartments. However, it is prohibited to transport large dogs, and payment is required for transporting a small animal.

The carriage rules are the same for all classes of service. Only small animals are allowed for cargo transportation when the entire compartment is purchased at the full rate in a special container, according to the regulated dimensions. There is no additional payment required.

The rules for transporting animals on a high-speed train differ from those on long-distance trains. First of all, because on high-speed trains, some carriages have special seats for passengers with pets, and the payment is already included in the ticket price when issuing it.

note ! If the train does not have a completely free compartment, traveling with animals is not allowed.

One large dog is allowed to be carried, muzzled and on a leash, with the constant supervision of the owner or another accompanying person.

How to take animals abroad

When going abroad with your four-legged pet, you need to clarify the transportation rules specifically for the country of destination. Because some countries may not only have strict entry rules, but even prohibit entry with one or another animal. For example, you can enter Norway with a dog only 21 days after the rabies vaccination.

Before the trip, every tourist must find information about what types of animals are allowed to be transported, clarify the list of required documents and certificates, find out about the need for a special microchip and all other conditions. In the CIS countries (Kazakhstan, Armenia, Ukraine, Belarus), a tourist with a pet will need to buy the entire compartment.

Good to know:

  • Some countries have introduced restrictions regarding the age of the imported pet. For example, you may not be allowed into some EU countries if the animal is less than three months old.
  • It is prohibited to transport any birds to the countries of South America and Saudi Arabia.
  • In some countries, the time spent with a pet in that country may be limited in time.

A few hours before the trip, it is worth giving your pet less food and liquid to avoid embarrassment.

The owner must also remember that any trip is stressful for the pet. He can bark and meow, which will cause inconvenience to other passengers. You should always have special care products for your animal and its cage in your bag.

Once every 4-5 hours during train stops, it is necessary to walk the animal on a leash.

If possible, choose daytime flights for a smoother trip.

Traveling with a pet is not as troublesome as it might seem at first glance. Most trains allow pets, but the fees are not high. It is only important to study all the requirements in a timely manner, issue tickets, order the necessary services and prepare the pet for transportation.

It is also important to remember that the owner is responsible for his pet the entire time he is on the train and tries to make sure that other passengers are also comfortable being around.

*prices are current as of June 2018

Transporting cats, dogs or poultry on the train is a fairly popular service among passengers. Transportation rules depend primarily on the size of the animal. It is quite natural that with a cat or small dog there will be much less hassle than with a large animal. Let's understand the nuances of the rules for transporting animals on Russian Railways trains in 2019 - how to take a dog or cat with you on the road, how much it will cost.

Do you need veterinary documents to transport animals on the train?

Since the beginning of 2017, such documents are no longer required when transporting animals across Russia. This rule applies to both long-distance trains and commuter trains. With its introduction, the life of passengers traveling with pets has become much easier.

In this case, of course, the owner of the animal is obliged to maintain cleanliness in the carriage. The cat or dog must have a litter tray or the owner must ensure hygiene in some other way. In practice, dogs are walked at stations with long stops. But theoretically this, of course, is not welcome.

For international routes, a veterinary passport is required, which must contain notes on the vaccinations given. Other rules for transporting a pet in such cases are generally similar to Russian ones, but there may be some nuances. Below we discuss the rules for transporting dogs, cats and other animals across Russia.

Transporting cats or small breed dogs on the train

Russian Railways considers small breed dogs to be dogs that fit in a carrier. The sum of the length, width and height of the carrier should not exceed 180 cm. With such animals, there will be much less hassle when transporting them on the train.

All animals that fit into a carrier, cage, basket or container of this size must be transported in it. According to the rules, a carrier with a cat, dog or other animal or a cage with a bird is considered to be placed in the carry-on baggage area.

It is not always possible to take a cat or dog with you on a trip. In addition to the type (compartment, reserved seat, general, seated, etc. - transportation of small animals is allowed in any type of carriage), Russian Railways passenger cars are also divided into classes. There are quite a lot of such classes. Their names look something like this: 1I, 2D, 3C, etc. Animals can be transported in some classes of carriages, but not in others.

It even depends on the class of the carriage whether you take your pet on the train for free or have to pay for its transportation.

Basically, transporting pets is a paid service. Sometimes the rules require you to buy out the entire compartment, even for transporting a small animal.

We will not confuse you with the list of types and classes of carriages in which the transportation of pets is allowed. If you purchase a train ticket at the Russian Railways ticket office, the cashier will select the desired carriage for you. And if the purchase takes place online, you need to pay attention to the special mark “Transportation of animals” or something similar. Such marks appear in the description of a specific carriage when choosing seats.

The cost of transportation depends on the distance of the trip. The minimum amount in 2019 is 268 rubles for a trip up to 10 km. For a route of 1000 km, transportation will cost 496 rubles.

Transportation of large animals on Russian Railways trains

Traveling by train with a large dog will be much more difficult and expensive. It is clear that in the case of a large breed dog, the usual rules for appearing with it in a public place apply. The dog must be muzzled and on a leash.

You can take a large animal with you on the road by purchasing tickets for a carriage of at least a compartment type. Transportation in soft wagons is also prohibited. That is, in this case, only two types of carriage are available: coupe and luxury (SV).

As in the situation with small animals, transportation on a train is not possible in all carriages of the listed types, but only in carriages of a certain class.

A mandatory condition for transporting a large dog or other animal is the purchase of all seats in the compartment.

You will not have to pay extra for the transportation itself. When all seats are purchased, this service formally becomes free. In some classes of carriages, several large dogs are allowed to be transported at once.

Transporting a guide dog

A guide dog is an exception to the general rules. It is considered a necessary attribute of a blind person. Therefore, you can travel with a guide dog in any type of carriage. In this case, you do not need to issue a transportation document or pay for the dog’s travel.

During the trip, the guide dog must be wearing a muzzle and collar. The animal should be kept at the feet of the accompanying passenger.

How to arrange transportation of a cat, dog or other animal

Russian Railways classifies pets as baggage, so they need to issue a baggage receipt.

Until recently, baggage receipts could only be issued at long-distance ticket offices. This opportunity is now becoming available online.

A receipt for the transportation of a small animal can be issued both when purchasing a ticket and later. The main thing is that the type and class of the car imply this possibility. You can first purchase tickets for passengers and then purchase an electronic or paper receipt.

With large breed dogs, the entire compartment must be purchased, so you need to choose a suitable carriage and purchase seats according to this rule.

What animals are generally allowed to be transported on Russian Railways trains?

The full list of animals that can be transported by Russian Railways trains across Russia includes:

  1. Large breed dogs (muzzled and on a leash).
  2. Primates (in a cage, container):
    1. lemurs;
    2. loris;
    3. small monkeys.
  3. Small domestic (pet) animals (in a cage, container):
    1. cats;
    2. fennec fox;
    3. dwarf pigs (decorative);
    4. small breed dogs.
  4. Small rodents (in a cage, container):
    1. protein;
    2. decorative rabbits;
    3. gray decorative rats;
    4. house mice;
    5. nutria;
    6. gerbils;
    7. guinea pigs;
    8. hamsters;
    9. chinchillas
  5. Insectivores (in a cage, container):
    1. hedgehogs
  6. Predators (in a cage, container):
    1. raccoons;
    2. mink;
    3. ferret ferrets.
  7. Birds (in a cage).
  8. Small non-venomous amphibians (in a cage, terrarium):
    1. axolotls;
    2. tree frogs;
    3. clawed frogs;
    4. tritons.
  9. Small non-poisonous reptiles (in a cage, terrarium):
    1. iguanas;
    2. chameleons;
    3. red-eared turtles;
    4. lizards
  10. Fish (in aquarium):
    1. aquarium
  11. Shellfish (in aquarium):
    1. decorative aquarium;
    2. leeches.
  12. Arthropods (in a container, terrarium):
    1. butterflies;
    2. Zophobasa;
    3. non-venomous spiders
    4. crustaceans.

Transportation may be refused if the animal behaves restlessly, looks sick, has an unpleasant odor, is not tamed, etc.

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