Quotes about smoking. Sayings of great and successful people about smoking

Diseases come partly from the way of life, partly from the air that we introduce into ourselves and by which we live.(Hippocrates).

Something incorporeal, impure, caustic and smelly has become for people a pleasure and even a necessity of life.(Hufeland)


Do not drink wine, do not grieve your heart with tobacco - and you will live as many years as Titian lived (99 years).(I.P. Pavlov)


Nicotine poisoning through smoking undermines both the physics and the psyche of a person.

Every smoker should know and understand that he poisons not only himself, but also others.(N. Semashko)


If I had not smoked, I would have lived another 10-15 years.(S. Botkin)


The ability to prolong life is, first of all, the ability not to shorten it.

The abuse of wine and tobacco is very harmful to the nervous system.(A. Bogomolets)


The smoker, when he wants to smoke, will find the tobacco he has hidden from himself without the slightest difficulty.(V. Veresaev)


The first cigarette is the most dangerous, the first sip tobacco smoke- the most terrible, like the first glass for a future alcoholic.

Tobacco of all varieties is poisonous, all varieties of it destroy human health.

If tobacco is harmful to adults, then for adolescents, whose bodies are not yet fully developed, it is doubly harmful.

Tobacco stunts growth in young people who smoke.

Quitting smoking is difficult, but still possible. You just have to decide.(B. Segal - DMN)


Tobacco is the number one killer in our society, ahead of cancer and car accidents.. (Maurice Toubian, French professor)


Tobacco is worst enemy beauty, it is an aging accelerator.

Smoking a woman preparing to become a mother is a double harm: to herself and her unborn child.

Tobacco is the cheapest, most "soft" drug, severe consequences the applications of which are immediately imperceptible, but appear in a more or less distant future, which creates the illusion of its harmlessness. (V. Bakhur - DMN).


When smoking 20 cigarettes a day, a person actually breathes air that is 580-1100 times more polluted than hygienic standards. (M. Dmitriev - Doctor of Chemical Sciences)


none of bad habits does not take away as much health as tobacco smoking.

The strength of the smoking habit progresses the faster the less age novice smoker.

How less baby the more sensitive the body to tobacco smoke. (L. Orlovsky - DMN)


Currently, the opinion of oncologists is unanimous: the main reason lung cancer- smoking.(L. Serebrov, academician)


Smoking is not a habit, but an imperious need that commands a person.(S. Tormozov, Russian scientist)


What we most need for the body provides and greatest influence on health: it is mainly water and air. (Aristotle)


Tobacco soothes grief, but inevitably weakens energy.(O. Balzac)


You get dumber from smoking. It is not compatible with creative work. (Goethe)


Breaking Bad Habits Is Easier Today Than Tomorrow(Confucius)


Habit dulls the sharpness of our judgments(M. Montaigne)


The first duty of one who wants to become healthy is to purify the air around him.(R. Rolland)


Smoking weakens the power of thought and makes its expression unclear.(L. Tolstoy)


Man is often his own worst enemy.. (Cicero)


After I completely quit smoking, I no longer have a gloomy and anxious mood.

Habit is a tyrant of people.(Shakespeare).


Smoking or health - choose for yourself!(WHO Health Day motto. 1980)



People from different eras different professions, - they all agree that the harm of smoking is really huge. In an ironic manner, beautifully or scientifically substantiating their words, famous people speak out about negative sides smoking, about its danger to the physical and mental development person.

Think about the quotes we have given about smoking. Perhaps it is still worth giving up the addiction?

If you are not yet ready to quit smoking, but are already starting to think about your addiction to tobacco, then first, let's reflect on wise sayings great people: poets, writers, musicians, politicians, scientists. Reading!

W. Goethe

“The harm of smoking is obvious. You get dumber from smoking.

It is incompatible with creative work."

L.N. Tolstoy.

“Every person of our modern average education recognizes it as ill-mannered, inhumane for his own pleasure to disturb peace and comfort, and even more

the health of other people ... but out of a thousand smokers, not one will hesitate to blow unhealthy smoke where there are non-smoking women, children, sick and old people.

"A woman who smokes is vulgar."

“Smoking weakens the power of thought and makes its expression unclear.”

Mark Twain

“First, God created man. Then he created woman. Then God felt sorry for the man, and he created tobacco for him.”

“Quitting smoking is easy. I myself threw a thousand times.

“Am I sure I love certain cigars? Well, of course, I am absolutely sure - unless someone cheats me and sticks my brand on some rubbish - because, like everyone else, I distinguish my cigars by brand, and not at all by taste.

Arthur Schopenhauer

"A cigar can serve as a good surrogate for thought."

O. Balzac.

"Tobacco kills grief, but it also inevitably weakens energy."

"Tobacco harms the body, destroys the mind, deafens entire nations."

ON THE. Semashko

"Every smoker should know and remember that he poisons not only himself, but also others."

“Nicotine poisoning through smoking undermines both the physics and the psyche of a person.”


“This vice brings the treasury 100 million francs in taxes a year. I would ban it even now if you find an equally profitable virtue.

Georges Simenon

“You start smoking to prove that you are a man. Then you try to prove that you are a man.

George Bernard Shaw

"Smokers and non-smokers cannot be free in the same compartment."

"A cigarette is a fickford cord with a light on one end and a FOOL on the other!"

V.G. Belinsky

"Cigar smokers are my natural enemies."

BUT. Dumas

"Tobacco, which I have given up already-son.for several years, in my opinion, along with alcohol there is the most dangerousenemy mental activity».

Elizabeth 1

"I have seen many men turn their gold into smoke, but you are the first to turn smoke into gold." (To Sir Walter Raleigh, who brought tobacco from America to England).

Georgy Alexandrov

“Every ton of cigarette butts makes a hole in the national security of the country

"Passionate smoking gives a boost to aging."

V. Veresaev.

“A smoker, when he wants to smoke, will find the tobacco he has hidden from himself without the slightest difficulty.”

S.P. Botkin

“If I didn’t smoke, I would live another 10-15 years.”

A. Bogomolets

"The abuse of wine and tobacco very harmful effect on the nervous system.

“The ability to prolong life is, first of all, the ability not to shorten it.”

I.P. Pavlov

“Do not drink wine, do not burden your heart with tobacco - and you will live as many years as Titian lived” (99 years).

F.G. corners

"I am unbearably sorry for the lives that have decayed on the tip of a cigarette."


"Diseases come from the way of life, partly from the air that we introduce into ourselves and in which we live."

W. Shakespeare

“After I completely quit smoking, I no longer have a gloomy and anxious mood.”

"Habit is the tyrant of men."


"Breaking bad habits is easier today than tomorrow."

R. Rollan

“The first duty of one who wants to become healthy is to purify the air around him.”

Every student knows that smoking kills. The time has passed when a cigarette in the hands of a man emphasized his success, status, strength, courage, and ladies in clouds of tobacco smoke became mysterious and alluring strangers. The fight against this deadly habit is constantly increasing the pace and slowly bearing fruit.

By the way, the fact that smoking is harmful was recognized by many great people who lived in different time periods. Our legendary actress Faina Ranevskaya, the writer Mark Twain, the great Aristotle, the philosopher Ralph Emerson - all of them spoke about this problem with amazing accuracy and irony. Quotes about cigarettes from the mouth famous people replenished the treasury of wisdom, becoming catchphrases known to many. Let's remember them.

Smokers should listen and appreciate quotes from great minds about smoking

If some avid cigarette addicts could not easily look through the quotes of great people about the dangers of smoking, but read them carefully and ponder the meaning of the words spoken, perhaps this would have prompted them to give up their destructive hobby. After all, as long as there are cigarettes, so much time has been said about their harm. True, only recorded statements have come down to us, but even these words are enough to reflect on the true meaning of such an activity.

It has been established that smoking is the culprit of premature death. On average, about 3 million people die every year from the consequences of such a habit.

And one of the slogans of the WHO (World Health Organization) was the words: "Health and life or smoking and death - the choice is yours!" The following quotes about smoking with meaning are designed so that every smoker not only reads them, but thinks about whether a cigarette is worth sacrificing life to it. Of course, some of the sayings do not sound so accurate anymore (many words have been paraphrased over time), but the meaning has remained the same.

Cigarettes and their harm

“Tobacco soothes grief, but in return it requires energy”

“If you smoke, you are not able to become creative person“Smoking brings dullness and numbness”. Johann Goethe (German poet and statesman).

“The habit of smoking dulls the accuracy and sharpness of perception, killing the true meaning of what was said”. Michel Montaigne (French philosopher, writer and poet).

“Tobacco addiction greatly weakens the power and clarity of thought, turning any expression into a set of obscure words”. Leo Tolstoy (Russian thinker and writer).

“The tobacco mixture is affordable and inexpensive, it is a weak narcotic mass, but it has serious consequences. True, they are not formed instantly. This gives rise to the illusory safety of cigarettes.. Vladimir Bakhur (Professor of Medicine).

“Every smoker must understand that by his actions he destroys not only himself, but also all those present nearby”. Nikolai Semashko (medic, Russian statesman and party leader).

What does he say folk wisdom about smoking

“Regular consumption of strong drinks and smoking destroys and kills nervous system» . Alexander Bogomolets (Ukrainian pathophysiologist and statesman).

“Even if a smoker has hidden tobacco somewhere from himself, if he wants to smoke, he will always find this place”. Vikenty Veresaev (Russian translator and literary critic).

“The first breath of cigarette vapor, like the first sample of alcohol, is the most dangerous”. Boris Sigal (Soviet military doctor).

"It's not you who smoke, it's the cigarette that smokes you". Leonid Serebryakov (Russian politician).

"Tobacco mass causes great harm to the body, destroys the intellect, dulls the emotions and stupefies the state". Honore de'Balzac (French writer).

“The use of cigarettes leads to dullness, this process is incompatible with the flight of thought and creativity”. Johann Goethe (German poet, thinker, statesman).

“We can safely say that smoking is the main reason medical statistics by death". Fletcher Niebel (American columnist and writer).

“Such a vice as addiction to tobacco contributes more than 100 million francs annually to the state treasury from taxes. I can immediately ban smoking, but on the condition that you find the same profitable virtue.. Napoleon III (French commander).

“When you start using cigarettes, you are driven by the desire to become a man, and then when you try to quit, you are driven by the thought of proving to everyone that you are a man”. Georges Simenon (Belgian writer).

“A smoker, lighting a cigarette, pursues one goal - to finish with a cigarette as soon as possible and at the same time with his own life”

“Smoking is not a desire and a whim, it is a fierce, powerful need that successfully commands the personality. Therefore, in order to defeat this evil, the entire public should be involved. After all, generations of smokers are doomed to certain death.

“Cigarettes, which I have forgotten about for many years, in my opinion, like alcohol, are the greatest enemy of intellectual and creative activity”. Alexandre Dumas son (French writer).

“How many divorced smokers! Now it’s time for us to arrange and open separate places for non-smokers.”. Leonid Melamed (Russian manager).

"Won't you have a lighter? I won't have a lighter, lung cancer"

Wise story about smoking

Sayings about deadly smoking

“If I had not been a smoker, I would have lived 15-20 years longer”. Sergei Botkin (Russian general practitioner).

“Cigarette is the main factor in mortality, the number of deaths from it is many times ahead of all other disasters and even oncology”. Maurice Toubian (French professor).

“Generations of avid cigarette addicts are completely doomed to degeneration, so the whole nation can die”. Sergey Tormozov (Russian publicist).

“Some smokers will give up their addiction only after going to the next world”

"Love to tobacco products- a useful activity. For an old woman with a scythe ... ". Alexander Borovik (Ukrainian politician).

“Smoking is a good service to those who are afraid of getting fat. Such people will die thin - from oncology ". Alexander Ivanov (Soviet parodist).

"The smoker continues the work of the Nazis with their gas chambers, only he kills only himself". Konstantin Madei (Russian writer).

“Tobacco products are the greatest business on earth, which is why it is so difficult, and sometimes impossible, to free yourself from its deadly embrace”. Georgy Alexandrov (Soviet scientist-philosopher).

“Don't smoke while lying on the couch. Remember that the remains of the ashes, which will later be swept out of there, will turn out to be your own.. Jack Burnet (American actor)

Smoking significantly reduces life expectancy

"The smoker is in the business of blowing smoke into his own eyes". Leonid Sukhorukov (Ukrainian writer).

"The most successful way to quit cigarettes is not to pick them up as a teenager". Vladimir Borisov (Russian actor).

"One drop of nicotine ruthlessly destroys almost a quarter of an hour of fruitful time". Ratmir Tumanovsky (Soviet writer).

"The cigar serves as an excellent surrogate for the mind". Arthur Schopenhauer (German philosopher).

“Tobacco pacifies and removes troubles and frustration, but it also successfully destroys energy”. Honore de'Balzac (French writer).

“The love of smoking makes you believe in your own activity, when in fact you are just lazy”. Ralph Emerson (American philosopher and poet).

"Expensive cigarettes and cigars differ from cheap ones in much richer, brighter and more fragrant poisons". Stas Jankowski (Polish politician).

"Each ton of cigarettes smoked makes a huge hole in the national structure, especially in the security of the state". Georgy Alexandrov (Soviet scientist-philosopher).

“A cigarette is just a fickford cord with a beckoning light on one end and an ordinary fool on the other”

“I am madly sorry for those lives that went out on the tip of a stale cigarette”. Fedor Uglov (Russian writer, surgeon and statesman).

“Filters are built into cigarettes to cancerous tumors crawled more slowly and imperceptibly to the lungs ". Georgy Alexandrov (Soviet philosopher and scientist).

position of biologists

Love for cigarettes and ladies

“Thinking about the beautiful, the captivating, saves not only the world, but also a woman from addiction to tobacco”. Konstantin Madei (Russian writer).

“If you think that cigars have no effect on the timbre of a woman’s sound, try brushing off the ashes on her carpet”. Jean Richard (French actor).

“When I see a woman holding a cigarette, it seems to me that she is holding a dead child”. Konstantin Madei (Russian writer).

"A female smoker is unattractive, vulgar and extremely repulsive". Leo Tolstoy (Russian writer, philosopher).

“Smoking completely extinguishes the flame of motherhood in any woman, and instead sets fire to the hellish fire of suicide”. Bernard Shaw (Irish novelist, playwright).

“Nonsense is not talking nonsense, it’s just putting a twisted burning piece of paper into your mouth and considering yourself smart and beautiful at the same time”. Faina Ranevskaya (Soviet actress)

“My beauty is based on one trick – don’t drink, don’t smoke and just be happy”. Patricia Kaas (French singer).

“A woman who grinds cigarettes rots herself, it is regrettable for her, it is a pity for the stinking fiend who stinks, because the Lord did not give her a mind”. Leo Tolstoy (Russian writer and philosopher).

“So much girlish cheeks beckon, but only those that smell of fresh milk, and not terrible tobacco”. Alexander Ivanov (Soviet comedian).

"Passionate and languid smoking gives impetus to wrinkles and aging". Georgy Alexandrov (Soviet scientist, philosopher).

“A woman smoker loses her chances completely, almost as much as drinking man potency". Alexander Ivanov (Soviet scientist and philosopher).

“First, the Lord invented the husband, then the wife. Then God took pity on the unfortunate man and gave him tobacco.. Mark Twain (American writer, journalist).


The problem of cigarette addicts and the danger that threatens them and fatal diseases, worried minds the best representatives mankind since the deepest antiquity. Almost all famous scientists, philosophers, poets, writers, inventors and, of course, healers spoke about the deadly power of cigarettes, cigars, hand-rolled cigarettes, cigarettes, tobacco. It makes sense to carefully read their thoughts and think about whether a person is investing his strength, time and health.

Is smoking worthy of sacrificing one's own life to it? It is never too late to quit smoking, and every effort should be made to make this habit a thing of the past, and a time full of wonderful events and happy meetings awaits ahead of a person. A life where there is no and never will be a place for smoking.

« Something incorporeal, impure, caustic and smelly has become for people a pleasure and even a necessity of life.." Hufeland

« Smoking weakens the power of thought and makes its expression unclear.." Tolstoy L.

« Smoking allows you to believe that you are doing something when you are not doing anything.." Emerson R.

« A cigar can serve as a good surrogate for thought." Schopenhauer A.

« Tobacco, which I have given up for several years, is, in my opinion, together with alcohol, the most dangerous enemy of mental activity.." Dumas A.

« Even the lightest smoke can bring the lungs to serious consequences.." Birashevich V.

« After quitting smoking In addition, I no longer have a gloomy and anxious mood." Shakespeare V.

« Tobacco soothes grief, but inevitably weakens energy.." Balzac O.

« Smoking puts out in a woman sacred fire motherhood, and ignites in her the hellish flames of slow suicide

« The cigarette in the hands of a woman is the same as a dead child." Madey K.

« The dangers of smoking are obvious. You get dumber from smoking. It is incompatible with creative work." Goethe

« In terms of biochemistry, nicotine is the same drug as cocaine and marijuana. I am not attracted by the advertising budgets of drug dealers that destroy the mind and undermine the health of Russians." Durov P.

« Sometimes it seems to me that the reason for the popularity of cigarettes is not the effects of nicotine, but that when you smoke, you get the feeling that you are doing something extremely important.." Pamuk O.


« You start smoking to prove that you are a man. Then you try to quit smoking to prove you're a man." Simenon J.

« Smoking the last cigarette is a celebration. Set a day, an hour, a minute, invite your friends and .... light up!" Adashik N.

« A drop of nicotine kills five minutes of working time." Tumanovsky R.

« Cigarette - on the one hand coal, on the other a fool

« Smokers and non-smokers cannot be equally free in the same compartment.» Show B.

« The smoker, when he wants to smoke, will easily find the tobacco that he has hidden from himself.." Veresaev V.

« There is nothing easier than quitting smoking - I have already quit thirty times." Twain M.

« My favorite hobby is smoking. An ongoing hobby is trying to quit smoking." Will P.

« Tolerance can be learned from smokers. No smoker has yet complained that a non-smoker does not smoke.." Pertini S.

« Now so much is written about the dangers of smoking that I firmly decided to stop reading.» Cutten D.

« Smoking is bad for cigarettes - they burn out." Afonchenko V.

« Expensive cigarettes differ from cheap ones in cleaner, tastier and more fragrant poisons.." Yankovsky S.

« The Ministry of Health is tired of warning and announces a draw. Dear smokers, every third pack contains a surprise with lethal outcome. Collect ten stories of the best surprises and get a free tombstone engraved with stories or your own cremation urn... "Borisov V.

« Smoking helps people who are afraid to get better: they die thin. From lung cancer." Ivanov A.

Song about the dangers of smoking from the cartoon "Treasure Island"

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Everyone and everyone is well aware that smoking is one of the most serious problems modernity

Every smoker at least once in his life thought about how to give up addiction - after all, quitting smoking is the way to improve the health of the body.

So let's go:

1. “Nonsense is to put a folded piece of paper in your mouth and think that this will make you happier.” Love Lyamkina. Anti-tobacco campaign

2. “You start smoking to prove that you are a man. Thirty years later, for the same reason, you are trying to quit smoking. Georges Simenon

3. "Your smoking can be detrimental to my health!". From the cartoon "Carlson, who lives on the roof"

4. "A cigarette is coal on the one hand, and a fool on the other." Bernard Show

5. "Satanic smoke - I'll throw it on my birthday." Helen Fielding from Bridget Jones's Diary

6. "My beauty secret is not to smoke, not to drink alcohol and be happy ...". Patricia Kaas

7. "Quitting smoking is easier today than tomorrow." folk wisdom

8. "Expensive cigarettes differ from cheap cigarettes in cleaner, tastier and more fragrant poisons." Stas Yankovsky

9. "Every ton of cigarette butts makes a hole in the country's national security." Georgy Alexandrov

10. "Smoking - good habit. For death." Alexander Borovik

11. “A woman who smokes Fester herself. It’s a pity that she smelled of smoke - God didn’t give her a mind. folk wisdom

12. "If the Nazis needed a gas chamber, then a cigarette is enough for smokers to kill a person." Konstantin Madej

13. "Smoking is one of the biggest businesses on the planet and that's why it's so hard to get out of its grasp." Georgy Alexandrov

14. "Smoking extinguishes in a woman the sacred fire of motherhood, and ignites in her the hellish flame of slow suicide." Konstantin Madej

15. "Smoking is harmful to health, including the smoker." Alisher Faiz

16. “Smoking helps people who are afraid to get better: they die thin. from lung cancer." A. V. Ivanov

17. "Smoking extinguishes in a woman the sacred fire of motherhood, and ignites in her the hellish flame of slow suicide." Konstantin Madej

18. “A smoker smokes for one reason: to stop smoking as soon as possible, and at the same time stop living.” Konstantin Madej

19. “Smokers, ay! Who is next in line for my services? Gravedigger

20. “A smoker smokes for one reason: to stop smoking as soon as possible, and at the same time stop living.” Konstantin Madej

21. "They beckon girlish lips that smell not of tobacco, but of fresh milk. A.V. Ivanov

22. “Smoking starts out of stupidity, and does not quit from weakness of spirit.” Unknown author

23. “Girlish lips are beckoning because they smell not of tobacco, but of fresh milk.” A.V. Ivanov

24. "Thoughts of beauty save not only the world, but also a woman from smoking." Konstantin Madej

25. "A cigarette in a woman's hands is the same as a dead child." Konstantin Madej

26. “Cigarettes have been made with a filter so that cancer is more slowly approaching the lungs.” Georgy Alexandrov

27. "The fact that smokers do not live long is proved by the fact that Mark Twain, for example, quit smoking only thirty times." Evgeny Kashcheev

28. "Passionate smoking will give a jerk to aging." Georgy Alexandrov

29. “There are so many smokers divorced that it’s time to open “non-smoking corners” Mark Melamed

30. “Will you have matches? “I won’t have matches or lung cancer.” A.V. Ivanov

31. "At smoking girl the chances are falling, like a smoking young man's potency. A.V. Ivanov

32. "I've never smoked because I've always been smart." Georgy Alexandrov

33. “If after reading the book you feel that you owe me a debt of gratitude, you can return it. Not only what you recommend easy way» friends, but also that whenever you see a TV program, or hear a radio broadcast, or read a newspaper article promoting another method, write or call the authors and ask: “Why don’t they support The Easy Way?” ? Your actions will start an avalanche, and if I live to see it, I will die. happy man».

34. “Since I smoked my final cigarette 23 years ago, I have changed and become the happiest person in the world. And I still feel that way." Allen Carr.

35. “Smoking is harmful to health!”. folk wisdom

36. "Smoking is bad for your health." folk wisdom

37. "Smoking - demons incense." folk wisdom

38. "A drop of nicotine kills five minutes of work time." Tumanovsky Ratmir

39. "Do not smoke in bed: the ashes that you have to sweep up later may be your own." Burnet Jack

40. "Whoever doesn't smoke or drink lives a great life." folk wisdom

And finally, I would like to say the slogan of our portal - "Independence from addiction!"