Mint tea: benefits and harms, useful properties and recipes. Can men drink lemon balm and mint

This plant is no longer recognized by its appearance, but by its aroma, which is incomparable to anything fragrant, fragrant. The smell of mint is fragrant, slightly cooling - a symphony of aromas and freshness - is not forgotten for a long time and remains in memory.

Many people love to drink mint tea to calm down and relax a little. This fragrant herb, beloved by many, is the subject of our conversation today. Of course, I will also talk about the beneficial healing properties of peppermint.

Growth and chemical composition of mint

Peppermint grows in the garden, in the meadow. Harvesting is carried out when it blooms. Dry in a ventilated area. Mint contains the presence of essential oil, bitterness, organic acids, flavonoids, trace elements (zinc, selenium, molybdenum, copper, manganese, strontium).

The main ingredient in peppermint oil is menthol- produces: soothing, analgesic and antiseptic action and actually defines the main medicinal properties mint itself. The effect of menthol pharmacological properties mint in general, complements the presence of organic acids that have adaptive properties and normalize the nervous system. Flavonoids have antispasmodic properties. The aerial part of mint is used to obtain essential oil by steam distillation of water.

Menthol is the main component of ointments (menovazin, efkamon), solutions, drops used to treat angina pectoris, neurosis, hysteria, itchy dermatoses. Validol and Corvalol, Zelenin drops and menthol pencils, mint tablets used for nausea, tooth drops and many other medicines and products containing menthol.

Mint: useful medicinal properties

Benefit peppermint no doubt, since folk medicine This herb has a long history.

  • Peppermint and peppermint oil has antiseptic properties, in relation to the entire intestinal microflora, due to the presence of menthol. When using mint preparations, the pancreas and kidneys normalize and improve their work.
  • Mint tincture is used for rinsing and lotions: for diseases of the throat, for sores in the mouth.
  • This plant contributes to: improving mood, increasing efficiency, relieving stress, anxiety, irritability, normalizes.
  • Good mint also affects the cardiovascular system, helps to normalize pressure, relieve migraine.
  • Baths with the addition of a decoction of its leaves relieve nervous excitement.

Mint - female grass , it improves the functioning of the female genital area, helps with menopause and is involved in the regulation menstrual cycle, relieves spasms and even slightly reduces the amount of unwanted hair.

But the strong half of humanity to get involved in it Not recommended- it quite strongly reduces the level of testosterone in the blood, and therefore reduces sexual desire.

The use of mint in folk medicine

Make out mint infusion and drops on alcohol.

Mint infusion- preparation method: pour 1 liter into a saucepan. water put 2 tablespoons chopped herbs. Cover the pan with a lid, make a small fire and boil for a quarter of an hour, then insist for half an hour. Strain. Take - a glass four times a day. The timing of the meal doesn't matter.

mint drops- Pour 1 liter into 100 g of dried mint. 40% alcohol. Keep 1 month in the dark. After the specified period, strain. Reception - three times during the day, 5-20 drops. The course of taking mint preparations is up to six months.

Mint tea - its useful properties and preparation

There are two versions of the healing infusion - the actual brewed peppermint herb, and a mixture of green or black with mint. Connoisseurs can add honey and lemon to the drink.

It is more useful when a freshly plucked sprig of mint is added to freshly brewed tea, dry raw materials no longer have that inexpressible fragrance, volatile essential substances during storage medicinal plant disappear fairly quickly.

When preparing tea with mint, the ingredients are taken in a ratio of 1: 1, take the same amount of crushed dry mint raw materials or fresh leaves 5-6 per teaspoon. Pour not steep boiling water, but slightly cooled, at about 90 degrees. Before use, let it brew for a quarter of an hour.

There is also a cold variety of mint tea, when ice, lemon or lime are added to the drink. They like to drink it to refresh and quench their thirst in the summer heat.

The use of mint in cooking

Peppermint leaves are an excellent seasoning for dishes, due to the presence of a fragrant and aromatic smell. A handful of chopped herbs add a refreshing flavor to any culinary delight. National Caucasian dishes are not complete without mint. It is used to flavor a chilled drink, tea mixture. Milk will not turn sour when you add a mint leaf to it.

Also, the oil of this wonderful herb is used in the manufacture of certain types of soap and tooth powder.

Mint contraindications

In addition to the undoubted medicinal properties, mint can bring significant harm to our body.

  • it should not be abused with hypotension;
  • mint is not very good for male potency, especially with regular use of more than three cups a day;
  • the response speed is somewhat reduced, so drivers do not need tea with mint early in the morning;
  • when applying pharmacological preparations with menthol, be careful not to get it into the eyes, on damaged skin surfaces;
  • do not advise her to small children under three years old;
  • at hyperacidity gastric juice with gastritis, can cause heartburn.

AT autumn period in the southern regions, an active collection of peppermint begins. Unpretentious culture gained wide popularity more than 250 years ago. medicinal properties plants are highly valued by oriental and western medicine. In the XXI century, the benefits of green leaves with purple stems are not forgotten.

Peppermint is used on a huge scale in the food, pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries. Benefit and harm unique plant remain a mystery to ordinary people. Learn this important information our article will help.

What is a natural wonder?

Many beautiful legends and myths are associated with this plant, as evidenced by ancient chronicles. It has been mentioned many times in the Bible. used for embalming. There are more than a hundred species of wild grass in the world. But for cultural cultivation, about 35 species are recognized as valuable, including peppermint (the photo is presented in the material).

They took her out artificial method- by crossing spearmint and water mint. The phenomenon of the global popularity of the plant lies in its components. The essential oil found in the herb contains a valuable substance - menthol. It gives a cooling bitter taste and has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Found in the composition and flavonoids, which improve the permeability and elasticity of blood vessels, as well as having antioxidant and anticarcinogenic effects. Due to the presence of resinous and tannins, the plant is credited with astringent properties. The leaves are rich in organic acids, which have a tonic, immunomodulatory and antispasmodic effect.

Leaves are added to dishes and drinks, and also made from them medicinal infusions and decoctions that help to establish the work of the nervous and digestive system. And finally, grass is a source of essential minerals and vitamins.

medical purpose

The benefits and harms of which are well studied by experts, are used in a variety of therapeutic areas. It is added to ointments and creams that are indicated for removal. pain syndrome and migraines. The drugs get rid of dermatological diseases. Multiple studies conducted over decades have shown that the herb has an anti-cancer effect.

Experiments were made on animals, the result was stunning - mint stops the development malignant tumors and improve general state. American scientists attribute to the plant also a calming effect. Proved that regular use improves digestion, prevents flatulence, bloating, heaviness and pain in the stomach.

According to experts, the essential oil has mucolytic properties: it dilutes sputum and removes mucus. By rubbing it on the chest area, you can quickly eliminate cough and relieve sore throat. Hot drinks have a positive effect on blood pressure, normalizing it, improve blood flow and metabolic processes. Tea strengthens the immune system and regulates the menstrual cycle.

In addition, mint leaves are well toned and refreshed. And due to the low calorie content, such a drink can be consumed during a diet. Psychotherapists advise using oil in aromatherapy. Fragrant pairs strengthen memory, promote concentration. It also has a positive effect on psycho-emotional state peppermint.

Benefits and harms for men: effects on the body

The male part of the population mint brings the same benefits as the female. True, there is an opinion that its use helps to reduce potency, causes violations reproductive function. What can be answered? In everything, a sense of proportion is important. This also applies to the use of infusions, decoctions and preparations containing peppermint. In order not to get a negative result, you should not increase the dose. In general, it has a positive effect on men's health peppermint. The benefits and harms of it, like any plant, depend on the correct application.

Use in cosmetology

According to many experts, the herb has emollient and moisturizing properties. Without application chemicals could be improved appearance. To strengthen hair and get rid of dandruff, add five drops of essential oil to shampoos.

A scrub will help tighten and moisturize the skin. Method of preparation: mix coconut and granulated sugar. They can also rub their feet. For those suffering from problematic skin, we recommend purchasing herbal lotions. Soothes, relieves breakouts and excess fat peppermint. The herb has an antibacterial effect, it kills pathogenic bacteria and cleanses the face.

In a time when there were no super trendy anti-aging products, our ancestors used this plant. We suggest preparing a rejuvenating mask: mix fresh mint leaves (large spoon), dried chamomile (5 g), beaten egg and a spoonful of honey. Apply to face for 15 minutes.

Usage restrictions

Harm directly depends on the amount and frequency of use. It is undesirable, as mentioned above, to abuse mint drinks for men, since the components they contain will negatively affect the production of testosterone.

How to brew?

Tea should only be prepared in glass or ceramics. Both dried and fresh leaves can be used. Three hundred grams of boiling water will require two large spoons herbs. Allow the liquid to infuse for five minutes.

Peppermint, a photo of which can be seen in the material, goes well with black tea. This is done simply - put a couple of leaves of grass in the tea leaves. For improvement palatability add lemon and honey. Drinks normalize digestion and improve peristalsis.

Medicinal infusion for gastrointestinal disorders

From the next collection - 15 g of mint, 60 g of St. John's wort and 2 g of water trefoil - take two tablespoons of the mixture and brew with a glass of boiling water. Hold in a thermos for two hours, drink during the day.

As we found out, it has unique properties peppermint. The benefits and harms of the plant are unequal. But be careful and prudent when using it.

Became popular in folk medicine, perfumery and aromatherapy due to strong odor essential oils plants. The herb contains:

  • tannins and resins;
  • organic acids, including ascorbic;
  • caffeic, chlorogenic, oleanolic, ursolic acids;
  • rutin, saponins;
  • betaine, glucose;
  • phytosterols;
  • arginine, rhamnose;
  • fixed oils.
  • The benefits of mint for the nervous system and psyche is to stabilize the psycho-emotional state.

    Rutin has a sedative effect, causes relaxation blood vessels. Peppermint oil is recommended for use when overexcited, chronic fatigue, irritability and anxiety disorder. One of constituent parts essential oils are volatile compounds of menthol. The benefits of topical mint compresses are cooling, pain relief, and relief of irritation. What effect does mint tincture have on the body:

  • Benefits for the heart.

    AT evidence-based medicine Peppermint essential oils are part of such popular and effective drugs like Validol, Ingafen, Valocordin, Olimetin. Application in accordance with the dosage leads to the elimination of angina pectoris, tachycardia, hypertension.

  • Benefits for blood vessels.

    Antispasmodic action leads to relaxation of blood vessels, normalizes the blood supply to the brain. Alcohol tincture relieves migraine due to hypertension, relieves heaviness in the head. The mild effect of peppermint has made it a traditional ingredient in many soothing teas.

  • Benefits for the digestive system.

    Peppermint causes an increase in the work of the gallbladder and pancreas. The most important benefit that peppermint tincture brings to the intestines is the inhibition of reproduction. pathogenic microorganisms. Latest Scientific research identified Helicobacter pylori in many acute and chronic diseases GIT. Helicobacteria cause ulcers and erosive gastritis, all types of colitis, metabolic disorders, flatulence, obesity, intestinal dysbacteriosis. Vodka tincture has a disinfectant and antimicrobial effect. There are contraindications for use, the effect of alcohol can be harmful, cause deepening of erosions in gastritis.

  • Benefits for the respiratory system.

    Peppermint essential oil is a part of ointments, sprays and pencils for coughs and colds. The irritating effect of menthol enhances the secretion of the mucosa, leads to cleansing respiratory tract and recovery.

  • In folk medicine, recipes with mint for a hangover are popular.

    The general sedative effect of the plant helps to get rid of a headache, to quickly remove the decay products of alcohol. On a regular basis, you can not use mint for a hangover. It is especially undesirable to use alcohol tincture from a hangover on the last day of binge, when the state of cardio-vascular system already unstable. From a hangover, it is best to call a narcologist at home, and if you want to use the recipe with mint, then choose a decoction or infusion on the water. Peppermint helps to calm tachycardia and tremors in the muscles, relieve weakness and other manifestations of a hangover, but in chronic alcohol intoxication possible harm from menthol. To make mint products, you can grow the herb yourself, or you can buy fresh sprigs in the supermarket.

Description of the medicinal plant

A remarkable feature of the plant is the characteristic refreshing smell that comes from the leaves, stems and inflorescences. The grass is perennial, has a stem up to 100 cm in height. Inside the stem is hollow, tetrahedral in shape, branched and covered with leaves. The leaves are of the correct oval shape with a pointed tip and carving along the edges. Peppermint blooms in small flowers, the flower petals are light purple, the shape of the inflorescence is a whorl. Fruit rarely forms. The herb is currently cultivated in medicinal purposes, for use in perfumery, cosmetics, cooking. The benefits of mint are preserved heat treatment, which is why the herb is so in demand in the production of tea and confectionery.

What diseases does peppermint tincture help with?

From a headache due to vasospasm, from hypertension, from chronic fatigue, from psycho-emotional overexcitation.

From tachycardia, from tremor, from a hangover.

For healing wounds, cuts and burns, as a local anesthetic.

To improve digestion, to stimulate the gallbladder and pancreas, with atonic constipation and flatulence.

To compensate for the lack of vitamins and trace elements, as a means of strengthening the immune system.

Recipes for tinctures with peppermint

In order for the use of the plant not to cause harm, the dosage must be observed. Instructions on how to prepare an alcoholic tincture:

  • take 100 g of fresh mint leaves;
  • grind, pour high-quality vodka, moonshine or alcohol;
  • insist 7-10 days in a dark cool place;
  • application takes 25-30 drops 3 times a day.

The harm from an overdose is especially dangerous for people with hypotension, bradycardia and hypotension. Instructions on how to make an infusion on water.

Mint is an ancient aromatic plant that was discovered and used many centuries ago. The plant began to gain its popularity in Ancient Greece and that's when his fame reached Ancient Russia, then here he was given the name “mint” we now know. Generally, the herb is used in medicinal purposes, but also used in everyday life. She washed the floors, so that the air in the room became better. Similarly, it was considered an excellent hand rinse. Back in those days, people were convinced that this herb helps to refresh the mind. For this reason, noble people put wreaths on their heads, which were woven from mint.

Specialists distinguish a large number of its varieties.

What are the types and varieties of mint

  • australian mint,
  • pineapple mint,
  • pennyroyal,
  • water mint,
  • dahurian mint,
  • longleaf mint,
  • fragrant mint,
  • ginger mint,
  • canadian mint,
  • spearmint,
  • small-flowered mint,
  • peppermint,
  • field mint,
  • apple mint,
  • japanese mint,
  • and etc.

We most often find peppermint, field and fragrant mint.

The chemical composition of mint

Vitamins: A, C, D, B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, PP.

Minerals: iron, potassium, calcium, magnesium, manganese, copper, sodium, zinc, phosphorus.

Acids: valerian, linoleic, mellisin, oleanolic, acetic, ursolic.

Mint is especially valued for its essential oil content (2.5-4.5%), which consists of menthol and its esters. Interestingly, the leaves contain only 0.5% menthol, while the stem of the plant contains 40%.

mint calories - 50-70 kcal per 100 g.

Useful properties and health benefits of mint

  • has analgesic and diuretic properties,
  • helps with flu
  • prevention and treatment of colds,
  • relaxes the abdominal muscles,
  • improves digestion,
  • treats diseases of the stomach,
  • relieves flatulence,
  • helps with diarrhea
  • promotes weight loss
  • stops putrefactive processes in the intestines,
  • eliminates the feeling of nausea,
  • treats diseases of the respiratory system,
  • fights tuberculosis, asthma and bronchitis,
  • slows down the heartbeat
  • helps with hypertension
  • eliminates headaches,
  • relaxes the nervous system
  • relieves irritation and fatigue,
  • helps to sleep
  • strengthens eyesight
  • refreshes the mouth
  • heals wounds and bruises,
  • reduces the growth of unwanted hairs
  • treats skin diseases
  • removes pruritus,
  • improves the condition of the skin and hair.

Properties and uses of peppermint essential oil

Peppermint oil is one of the popular essential oils. It fell in love with its aroma, which captures pleasant notes of chill.

The mint smell is considered to be feminine, it symbolizes her charm, courage, desire for adventure. The energy of mint is able to completely renew and restore a person's strength. That is why oil is often used to improve performance. nervous system. It gives self-confidence, relieves irritability, relieves feelings of anxiety, strengthens the heart. In addition, it is recommended to carry peppermint oil with you if you get motion sickness in transport.

In cosmetology, it is used to treat skin diseases, diseases. oral cavity and improve the condition of the hair.

Mint tea is good for health

Peppermint tea is drunk for calming and for spiritual harmony. In addition, flavored drink eliminates indigestion, increases appetite, and perfectly tones up in the heat. It is used medicinally to reduce cough and reduce fever.

Peppermint tea recipe

It is very easy to prepare. Necessary fresh leaves mint or 1 tbsp. dry raw materials brew 1 cup boiling water. The broth will be ready in 10-15 minutes. Optionally, you can add a slice of lemon and a cinnamon stick.

Is it possible to drink mint during pregnancy

Pregnancy is an unpredictable period, so there are still many opinions about the use of mint while expecting a baby. In general, mint solutions are not contraindicated and will be very useful, but in limited quantities. It is recommended to drink them 1 time per day 3-4 times a week.

During pregnancy, the herb helps with nausea, relieves colic, itchy skin and relaxes the nervous system. In addition, tea with mint leaves is very good for constipation, which is common in this period in women.

Contraindication and harm

  • individual intolerance,
  • infertility,
  • breast-feeding,
  • children under 3 years old,
  • low pressure,
  • varicose veins.

Excessive consumption of mint leads to heartburn and a decrease in male libido.

How mint affects men. Impact on potency

The negative impact of mint on male potency is a very common misconception. A negative result is achieved only under the condition of prolonged brewing of the leaves (at least 5 minutes) and drinking mint broth in in large numbers(2-3 times a day). If a man drinks only 1 cup of weakly brewed herbal tea, and even very rarely, then there is no reason to worry.

Indeed, there is information that given plant slows down the activity of spermatozoa, but this does not apply to the potency itself.

When to collect

Whole summer period considered the time of mint harvest. If you want to pluck the leaves for making fresh tea, then this can be done in the spring when the first sprouts appear. But if you need grass to harvest raw materials for the winter, then you should wait until mid-June. July is the peak harvest season. At this time, the mint has already grown and gained the maximum of its aroma. Leaves should be cut 1-3 times a month.

How to dry mint at home

1 way. Cut the grass stems along with the leaves and flowers. Rinse the bottom clean water, wait until it drains. Then spread the mint on a clean cloth somewhere in the shade, out of direct sunlight.

2 way. Collect the grass in thin bunches and hang on a hook in a dark place. The room must be well ventilated. The sun has a negative effect on the aroma of grass - avoid it when harvesting raw materials.

3 way. For a quick harvesting process, an oven is also suitable. But this is not recommended, as many useful properties of the herb are lost.

How to store mint in the refrigerator

1. Freezing. Thanks to the manufacture of modern refrigerators, there is an amazing way to store herbs, berries, vegetables, etc. for a long time. So why not use this method and freeze mint? A particularly excellent option is freezing, which will easily find their application. They can be added to homemade smoothies, as well as consumed in soups and salads. AT winter time frozen mint can be brewed for years and enjoy an incomparable fragrant tea with medicinal properties.

2. "Wet" method. You can use a good option that will keep mint leaves fresh for 7 days. To do this, it is recommended to moisten a towel, wrap mint in it and send it to the refrigerator. You can resort to the help of another option: put the mint in a bucket or vase. Firstly, it will allow you to keep it for a long time, and secondly, it will saturate your home with an unsurpassed aroma. Only in this case it is necessary to change the water in which mint is standing daily.

3. Dry way. The "drying" of medicinal herbs has long been famous - this allows them to be stored for many years. The only drawback when choosing this method is that over time the mint loses its beneficial features. That is why it is best to renew the supply of mint every year. Drying methods have been discussed above.

The use of mint for health and beauty

Mint treatment

For insomnia, headaches and irritability. Drink mint tea 1-2 times a day.

With increased acidity. 20 g mint + 10 g valerian + 15 g chamomile + 10 g dill seeds + 10 g caraway seeds + 5 g hops. Pour the herbal mixture with 5 cups of boiling water. Take a decoction in the morning on an empty stomach, 1 glass every 2 hours throughout the day.

For digestion. Take 1 glass of peppermint decoction in the morning and evening.

From wounds and bruises. Grind the mint and apply it as a compress on the sore spot. Leave it on for 15-20 minutes.

For the oral cavity. With inflammation of the gums and their bleeding, rinse your mouth with a decoction of mint. It is recommended to brush your teeth with tooth powder, which includes grass.

Applying mint to your face

Mask for oily skin. Grind fresh leaves or add water to dry raw materials. Apply the herb on your face and leave for 15 minutes, then rinse with water. You can add 1-2 drops of peppermint essential oil to your favorite cosmetic product or base oil.

Moisturizing mask. 1 tbsp chopped leaves of the plant (or 1 drop of essential oil) + 1-2 tbsp. olive oil or honey. The mixture is applied to the face for 10-15 minutes.

Ice cubes for the face. Prepare a decoction of mint and fill ice molds with it. Wipe the face with ready-made cubes in the morning and evening. This method perfectly tones the skin, gives it a healthy look, a blush appears. In addition, there is a narrowing of the pores. The method is not suitable for sensitive skin.

How to use for hair

Mint improves hair growth, gives them shine, and prevents them from tangling. Apply 2-3 drops of essential oil to the comb and distribute it along the entire length of the curls.

rinse aid. Prepare 0.5-1 l (depending on the length of the hair) mint decoction. Rinse your head with it after washing your hair, you do not need to rinse it off.

Application in cooking

Grass is used in the preparation of smoothies, cocktails, soups, fruit and vegetable salads. Mint adds a unique flavor and aroma to dishes and confectionery. For example, gingerbread with mint is very famous. It has become fashionable to use it as a flavoring for soft drinks, such as lemonades.

Recipes with mint

Chocolate mint cocktail

Mint is very popular and loved folk remedy. Its healing properties help to overcome many ailments, and the tonic aroma relaxes and calms the nervous system.

And it is used in the treatment and prevention of many diseases. The content of essential oil in it is 3%, mint contains pinene, piperitone, tannins. There are more than 25 plant species. In addition to menthol, mint contains vitamin C and carotene.

Most content useful substances in mint that is harvested before flowering. Mint decoctions are used internally and externally, in the form of tea, tinctures (learn how to prepare mint tincture correctly) or compresses. The menthol found in mint is used in pastes, essences, drops and various ointments and tablets.

Useful properties for the body

This plant has been used for a long time alternative medicine for the treatment of various diseases. It is known for its healing, soothing properties and is even used in cosmetics. It contains many essential oils, menthol, which determines the smell and taste of mint, and is also a bactericidal agent.

Benefits of mint include:

  • painkiller;
  • vasodilating;
  • soothing;
  • tonic, etc.

Peppermint tea is good for treating colds and viral diseases. Fresh tea will relieve headaches and migraines, eliminate the first symptoms of a cold.

With a cold

In a porcelain container, pour 1 tbsp. mint leaves (dried), then pour 200 ml boiled water. Cover the decoction and leave it for 10-15 minutes in a dark place. Then strain the resulting broth, and you can drink it.

Remember! For children, you should not make such a strong decoction, 1 tbsp will be enough. spoons of mint leaves, filled with 0.5 liters of boiling water.

In addition to curing the common cold, peppermint tea is used to treat a variety of ailments. Mint contains quite a lot of menthol, which is used in skin diseases to relieve itching or rash. A decoction of mint is used for kidney diseases and urinary tract, diseases of the stomach and intestines. Such tea, metabolism, the state of the nervous and cardiovascular systems.

Peppermint tea for stomach problems

Take 2 tbsp. tablespoons of mint and pour 400 g of boiling water over them. Let the broth brew for about half an hour, then strain and drink this tea before meals.

For headaches

  1. Dried mint leaves 1 teaspoon pour 200 g of boiling water.
  2. Add lemon or lemon zest, a spoonful of honey and drink instead of tea throughout the day.

For skin diseases

  1. 1 teaspoon brew 10-200 ml of boiling water.
  2. Let the decoction brew, then strain and rub into problem areas on the skin.

Rules for brewing

It's worth remembering a few simple rules when brewing mint tea.

  1. You can brew mint only in glass or porcelain dishes.
  2. You can drink such tea only fresh, because the next day the tea will already lose all its beneficial properties.
  3. For children, it is necessary to reduce the content of mint by 2 times.
  4. Tea should not be brewed with boiling water, as this will kill all the beneficial properties.
  5. Lemon or pieces of fruit can be added to tea. Mint can also be added to black tea, or any other.

Benefits and harms for women

Women often use mint as a means to remove toxins from the body and toxins. It helps to normalize the metabolism, which can lead to weight loss or weight gain if necessary. This plant is widely used by many cosmetic companies in the production of cosmetics, because it has good influence, both on the body and its organs inside, and on the condition of the skin.

Read for the body and its contraindications in our article.

Tea with ice:

  1. Boil water. Sprinkle a few mint leaves in it.
  2. Let the tea brew for about 25-30 minutes.
  3. Then cool the drink and add pieces of ice.

Arabic mint tea:

  1. It will take half a liter of water (boiling water), add 3-4 tablespoons of tea (black or green) to it.
  2. Simmer for about ten minutes, then add mint and sugar.
  3. Continue to cook for another 25-30 minutes. Let the tea cool down and you can drink your drink.

During pregnancy

Mint tea is no less useful for women who are pregnant and expecting a baby. Since mint does not adversely affect the fetus, many women prefer to be treated with mint. It can help a pregnant woman with colds, diseases of the heart and blood vessels, and stomach problems. But do not overuse mint decoctions, especially highly concentrated ones.

Important! Pregnant women are often nervous, worried about future births and the condition of the unborn baby. Peppermint tea will help to calm down, relax, and be distracted.

Indications for drinking tea:

  1. Constant nausea, toxicosis.
  2. Flatulence, colic, diarrhea and other stomach problems.
  3. With insomnia, headaches.
  4. Skin inflammation.

With nausea (toxicosis)

3 art. rub dry mint spoons through a sieve or in the palms. Then pour 200 g of boiling water. Let stand for half an hour. Cool the broth and drink it a few minutes before eating.


Because it is full of useful properties, but we must remember that it is not worth abusing tea with mint, its decoctions.

It contains female hormone, it can cause premature contractions and childbirth. Mint reduces blood pressure, so if you suffer from low blood pressure, then it is necessary to limit its reception. If a future mommy suffers from varicose veins veins, you should not drink often tea with mint either.

Benefits and harms for men

The effect of this plant on female body harmless if there are no contraindications due to diseases or allergies, but men should be careful and limit themselves to taking mint tea.

  1. . Mint tea helps with diseases of the intestines, nervous system, blood vessels and heart. It helps men relax at the end of the working day or calm down before an important meeting.
  2. Harm. The biggest disadvantage of mint for men is its pernicious influence for potency. At frequent use mint, male hormones begin to be produced less frequently and less actively. Therefore, you should not abuse this plant.

Peppermint tea for the heart

Mint, is sedative, so tea with it will help you normalize sleep, pressure. Such tea can be drunk for prevention, heart attacks and hypertension. A decoction of mint will also help with pain in the heart, as it has an analgesic effect. Peppermint tea will help normalize the heart rate.

Remember! If you suffer from hypertension, then you should consume mint in small amounts, and not too often.

On the adult body, mint tea has a calming effect. But the effect on the child's body is not fully known. Mint, the content of menthol in it, can provoke an allergy, itching, and a rash in a child. Peppermint tea should be given to a child over 3 years of age, and preferably after consulting a pediatrician to avoid adverse effects.

Attention! If your children suffer from diseases of the kidneys, nervous system and urinary system, then you should refrain from drinking mint and tea with it.

  1. To 1 teaspoon of tea, add 5-7 petals of the plant, pour 500-700 g of water (boiled).
  2. Let stand for 5-7 minutes, strain if needed and drink.
  3. Children can add lemon or grapefruit to tea.

Harm and contraindications

With all the beneficial properties of mint, a beneficial effect on the body and the general condition of a person, remember that it has contraindications. When not correct use can harm, not benefit the body.

  1. Mint does not have a favorable effect on potency, so men must follow the rules that were described above in this article.
  2. must be observed correct proportions when making tea for children.
  3. Hypertensive patients, people with diseases of the kidneys, urinary system should be careful with the use of mint tea and decoctions.
  4. If you are allergic to mint or menthol, you should stop drinking this tea.
  5. Also, with heartburn, infertility, drowsiness, doctors do not recommend using it, as it will only aggravate the condition.

In this article, we examined the benefits and harms, as well as the effect of mint tea on the body of a man, woman and children. We demonstrated several recipes for mint tea for various diseases.