How to restore peace in the soul. How to find peace of mind and harmony with yourself

Many of the people ask themselves the question: “How to find peace of mind and peace of mind, which will allow you to harmoniously interact with the surrounding World, while maintaining balance at all levels (mental, emotional and physical) of your Personality”?

Having incarnated, having passed through the veil of oblivion and being in the process of life under the influence of many energies of catalysts, remembering your true self and finding inner balance is not an easy task and this is the challenge that everyone faces.

The pinnacle of this is available to everyone, and all its facets are already inside us. Everyone installs and configures their system in a comfortable range and boundaries.

The internal balance of a person cannot be achieved by outside influence, it must be born inside, no matter how it happens, with or without awareness, but the essence will come from within. The outside can only help with direction, not with self-organization.
Moreover, accidents and "raids" on self-development are not helpers here. To achieve internal goals, you need to take care of yourself and work systematically.

Finding peace of mind and harmony with ourselves is the level of our state that is available at every moment of our reality HERE and NOW.

The nature of these things is not at all passive, but on the contrary, it is very dynamic and is realized by many other factors. All this is organized by a combination: mental activity, energy, body, emotional part. Any of these factors has a serious impact on the others, organizing into a single entity - a person.

Each of us faces a challenge and it is accepted by each of us, manifested in our free choice.

Human inner balance is a necessary condition for life in our World. And if we do not form it ourselves, it will be formed without our conscious participation and brought to a certain low-frequency range that allows us to manipulate, control, and take energy.

That is why our question is directly related to the real freedom and energy independence of everyone.

Modes of formation of peace of mind and harmony

Achievement is possible in two modes:

First mode

A conscious, Personally controlled process of building, adjusting and adjusting all components of inner harmony. In this case, the individual balance built in the process of work is stable, positive, energetic and optimal.

Second mode

Unconscious, chaotic, when a person lives, unconsciously obeying and following the automatic inclusion of a chain of thoughts, emotions and actions. In this case, our nature is built in a low-frequency controlled range and is realized as destructive and destructive for a person.

Over time, having built a positive worldview that works for us, we can create our own ways to integrate and install internal balance at any moment, even the most critical one.

Factors affecting the formation of mental balance

1. Rate of residence

The desire to speed up the flow of events in life, intolerance and negative reaction in the form of irritation due to the speed with which events unfold, rejection of what is happening contribute to the emergence of an imbalance.

Staying in the moment, accepting the flow of circumstances that we cannot influence, only contributes to a better resolution of issues. Our reactions to external events are key and decisive for its preservation. Only we ourselves choose how we respond to emerging situations and events.

All external catalysts are initially neutral in their essence, and only we decide what they will be, reveal their potentials.
Giving time is all about focusing on every action, whether you're doing buttons, cooking, washing dishes, or anything else.

Step by step, we should go our way, pay our attention only to the present, not speed up the movements that move at their due speed. Let a small matter into your world, give yourself completely to it, you should not constantly betray what worries you, you need to learn to distract your mind.

Such simple actions to pump awareness, but the stone wears water and what you achieve will amaze you. It is the little things with which we begin the path that make our consciousness more plastic and weaken all the tension that has been accumulating in us for years, pushing us into an unreal world. We do not dream about how it should be, we are moving towards it on our own. One day, just wash the dishes with obvious interest, think only about it, take your time, let the thought process do everything for you. Such simple logic reveals the familiar from a completely different angle. Moreover, the world itself becomes more understandable to the attentive and thinking, already at this stage some of the fears recede.

Not everything in life we ​​can control - this means that it does not really make sense to fight, such is the reality. And it often happens that any other influence of ours will only bring harm to the situation and will mean that we are not yet ready to consciously find peace of mind and harmony in ourselves.

2. Moderation

Avoiding the oversaturation of the environment with excesses, the ability not to divide the world into black and white, the ability to clearly understand the level of one's own strengths, not to waste time - all this makes it possible to accumulate the necessary potential of our energy for its further use in creating a positive internal balance (balance).

3. Mindset

Thoughts are the energy substance within us. To establish harmony, it is necessary to distinguish and track them. But not every thought that we catch inside ourselves belongs to us. We must choose what to believe. It is necessary to consciously discern the thoughts that come to us.

Our motives are mirrored in the world around us, the negative state of thoughts will spread to the worldview in general. By accustoming ourselves to track thoughts and making a conscious choice, we take responsibility for our lives, achieve peace of mind and harmony with ourselves.

Tracking thoughts involves not reacting to emerging images reflexively, automatically. Pause, feel what feelings and emotions this thought causes, and make a choice whether you like it or not.

An unconscious quick automatic emotional reaction to negative thoughts that arise starts the process of generating and releasing negative low-frequency energy, which reduces the frequency level of energy bodies and, as a result, lowers it to low ranges.
The ability to discern, monitor, and choose a way of thinking enables and creates the conditions for creating or restoring personal peace of mind and tranquility.

4. Emotions

Human emotions are an evaluative attitude of the Personality and a response to the impact of external life catalysts.
With a conscious attitude, our sensual sphere, our emotions are a Divine Gift and a creative Power that unites with the Highest aspect of the OverSoul, an inexhaustible source strength.

With an unconscious attitude and automatic emotional reactions to external catalysts, the cause of suffering, pain, imbalance.

If thoughts, figuratively speaking, are the “trigger” for the start of energy processes, then emotions are the driving Forces that give acceleration (acceleration) to these processes. It all depends on the direction of attention of the vector and on how consciously or unconsciously the immersion in this accelerating stream takes place. Everyone chooses how to use this Power for creativity, creation, strengthening the connection with their Oversoul, or for destructive explosive releases.

5. Physical body

The body is just an extension of our thinking.
At the level of the physical body, the energy circuit connecting thoughts - the body, emotions - the body, the hormonal system - the release of energy is closed.

The use of specific mental images with the addition of an emotional cocktail is followed by an influx of neurotransmitters of an individual type into the body, which determine what physical and moral sensation we will experience.

  • Positive emotions cause relaxation and calmness, allow our body and all its parts not to burn out energy and work in the correct mode.
  • Negative emotions, on the contrary, cause local destruction, which can be manifested by spasms of smooth muscles and deformation of tissue membranes, spasms and contractions, have a cumulative effect, and therefore lead to long-term negative processes throughout the body.

The human hormonal system reacts to the emotional state, which means that it has a direct impact on the state of the body at the moment, on the other hand, with an increase in the level of certain hormones, emotionality also grows.

As a result, we are able to learn to control emotions by controlling to some extent the hormonal level of the body, and this will give us the opportunity to easily overcome some of the negative emotions, we will gain control over them. This skill will largely determine our potential to evade many disease states, and subsequently our longevity.

7 Tips for Finding Peace of Mind and Harmony

1. Give up strict planning

When plans are created to outline development goals, implementation of maneuvers, achievements and results, then everything is in order. But when we control every minute of our living space, we demoralize ourselves by falling behind. We need to always run somewhere and keep up with everything. In this mode, we lock ourselves into everyday aspects and miss special opportunities to resolve situations. You should be more flexible and open to the possibility of maneuvering through events without emotional suffering.

It is difficult to see every little thing of the possible events in the future, but if we are capable of adjusting in the moment, nothing unsettles us, and we confidently swim in the mainstream of life, deftly managing our “oar”, returning to the right balance in time.

2. Symbols are not random

Nothing happens by accident. If we can see, distinguish and believe the signs that are sent to us from higher planes, then we can manage our balance and avoid many troubles. By training the vision and feeling of signs, you can avoid negative influences in a timely manner and, following the optimal frequency range of settings, adjust your stay in the flow of energies, gaining peace of mind and peace in life.

3. Practice Faith in God and service to the Higher powers

We must have a sacred place both in the literal (physical) and figurative sense (aspiration and faith), this allows us to maintain “purity”, “confidence” and “form” the right goals. Trust! Trust in divine providence, the flow, the supreme power, and also in Yourself as the Creator is the key to following the flow, the key to a successful, peaceful, fulfilling, fulfilled life. Do not tear the “steering wheel” out of the hands of the Higher Providence, let the real ones help you.

4. Forget the problem for a while and trust the Universe to solve it

Often we can't stop our thinking mind because there are so many problems bothering us. One good technique is to learn to "forget" a query. If you have a problem - you formulate it, and then "forget". And your vision at this time independently finds a solution to the problem, and after a while you will be able to “remember” your request along with its solution.

Learn to listen to your heart, to your inner voice, instinct, to your supernatural intuition, which tells you - “I don’t know why I need this - but I’m going there now”, “I don’t know why we need to leave - but we have to go ”, “I don’t know why I should go there - but for some reason I have to go.”

In a state of equilibrium flow, we are able to act, even if we do not fully know or understand the situation logically. Learn to listen to yourself. Allow yourself to be inconsistent, situational and flexible. Trust the flow, even when it's hard. If there are difficulties in your life, while you are sure that you listened to yourself, your intuition, and did the best that you could in the current situation, do not rush to blame the flow, ask yourself what this situation teaches you.

What is the flow teaching me through this situation? If there is no answer to this question - just let it go. Trust. Perhaps it will be revealed later - and you will find out "what it was all about." But even if it doesn't open, trust anyway. Once again, trust is the key!

5. Get the timing right

Don't go into the past - the past has already happened. Do not live in the future - it has not come, and may not come, but it may come in a completely different (most unexpected) way. All we have is the present moment! Concentrate on every moment of your existence when the flow of time is at the level of yours.

Skill be manifested in a conscious attitude to consciousness slows down, and in this moment you can feel the taste and fullness of all life for each seemingly simple action performed. Feel the taste of it in the taste of food, in the aromas of flowers, in the blue of the sky, in the rustle of leaves, in the murmur of a stream, in the flight of an autumn leaf.

Every moment is inimitable and unique, remember it, absorb these feelings that you experienced in this unique moment of Eternity. Your feelings, your perception is unique in the entire Universe. Everything that everyone has collected in himself is his gifts of Eternity and his immortality.

Balance is nothing more than the desire to live in this world at the speed with which it actually goes, that is, simply not to rush it. Feeling annoyed and having a real opportunity to influence the speed of events are completely different things.

And if something really depends on you, then it can always be done calmly. And after all, most often the real symptoms of irritation are nervous gestures, rage, diatribes that we utter to ourselves, a nagging feeling “Well, why me?” - appear only at the moment when it is already crystal clear that we are absolutely powerless and cannot influence the process in any way.

The only thing we can do is to be in one moment, without being irritated or speeding up, to enjoy, to give thanks for it. And it is with such a choice and attitude that in this moment that unique and optimal our spiritual balance and harmony with ourselves is maintained.

6. Creativity

At a level that goes beyond our linear thinking of the 3rd dimension, creativity is the revelation of the highest divine potentials of the One Infinite Creator on a personal level. The disclosure of creative potential fills with positive energy, allows you to balance as much as possible, increases the frequencies of the energy sphere, and strengthens your personal connection with your OverSoul.

Practicing doing what you love, especially if it involves doing some fine motor work with your hands, you enter a state where your mind automatically calms down. Right today, right now - find moments to do what you love to do. It can be cooking, making souvenirs, writing pictures, writing prose and poems, walking in nature, repairing a car, listening to your favorite music and much more that brings joy to you personally.

Don't ask yourself why? Drop the rational, "right" questions. Your task is to feel with your heart, to feel the course of circumstances, and the easiest way to do this is by doing what you like. If you like to cook - cook, if you like to walk - take a walk, try to find something in everyday life that “turns you on” to the “alive/alive” state.

7. Accept from people and life what it gives you at the present time with Love and Gratitude, both in terms of material and emotional.

Do not demand more or better, do not try to aggressively influence, be offended or "teach" another.
Finally, look for and experiment with what helps to quiet YOUR thinking mind. What exactly allows you to relax and get into a space without thoughts? Which method works well for you? Find these ways and do the most important thing - Practice.

Our optimally balanced personal balance is connected to the Divine Life Energy Flow. Therefore, in order to be in this Stream, we need to gather ourselves in such a way that our frequencies are tuned to this Stream. Feel this Flow at the level of the heart, feelings, thoughts, remember these frequency settings, integrate these frequency settings into your energy sphere and make them your integral part.

To be here and now in one moment of Eternity at the frequency of Love in the Infinity of the One Infinite Creator!

How to get rid of negative emotions, restore peace of mind and health? These helpful tips will help you!

Why are more and more people seeking to find peace of mind?

In our time, people live very restlessly, which is due to various negative realities of a political, economic and social nature. Added to this is a powerful stream of negative information that falls on people from television screens, from Internet news sites and newspaper pages.

Modern medicine is often unable to relieve stress. She is not able to cope with mental and physical disorders, various diseases that are caused by mental imbalance due to negative emotions, anxiety, anxiety, fear, despair, etc.

Such emotions have a destructive effect on the human body at the cellular level, deplete its vitality, and lead to premature aging.

Insomnia and loss of strength, hypertension and diabetes, heart and stomach diseases, oncological diseases - this is not a complete list of those serious ailments, the main cause of which can be stressful conditions of the body resulting from such harmful emotions.

Plato once said: “The biggest mistake of doctors is that they try to cure a person's body without trying to cure his soul; however, the soul and the body are one and cannot be treated separately!”

Centuries have passed, even millennia, but this saying of the great philosopher of antiquity remains true today. In modern living conditions, the problem of psychological support for people, protecting their psyche from negative emotions has become extremely relevant.

1. Healthy sleep!

First of all, it is important to have a healthy, sound sleep, because it has a powerful sedative effect on a person. A person spends about a third of his life in a dream, i.e. in a state where the body restores its vitality.

Good sleep is extremely important for health. During sleep, the brain diagnoses all the functional systems of the body and launches the mechanisms of their self-healing. As a result, the nervous and immune systems are strengthened, metabolism, blood pressure, blood sugar, etc. are normalized.

Sleep speeds up the healing of wounds and burns. People with good sleep are less likely to suffer from chronic diseases.

Sleep provides many other positive effects, and most importantly, the human body is updated during sleep, which means that the aging process slows down and even reverses.

In order for sleep to be complete, the day should be active, but not tiring, and dinner should be early and light. After it, it is advisable to take a walk in the fresh air. The brain needs to be given a couple of hours of rest before going to bed. Avoid watching TV programs in the evening that load the brain and excite the nervous system.

It is also undesirable to try to solve any serious problems at this time. It is better to engage in light reading or a calm conversation.

Ventilate your bedroom before going to bed, and leave the windows open during the warmer months. Try to get a good orthopedic mattress for sleeping. Nightwear should be light and well-fitting.

Your last thoughts before falling asleep should be gratitude for the past day and hope for a good future.

If you wake up in the morning, you feel a surge of vivacity and energy, then your sleep was strong, healthy, refreshing and rejuvenating.

2. Rest from everything!

We are accustomed to perform daily hygienic, health-improving procedures related to taking care of the physical health of our body. This is a shower or bath, brushing your teeth, morning exercises.

Just as regularly, it is desirable to perform certain psychological procedures that cause a calm, peaceful state, contributing to mental health. Here is one such procedure.

Every day, in the midst of a busy day, you should put aside all your affairs for ten to fifteen minutes and be in silence. Sit in a secluded place and think of something that completely distracts you from daily worries and introduces you into a state of serenity and peace.

These can be, for example, pictures of beautiful, majestic nature presented in the mind: the contours of mountain peaks, as if drawn against the blue sky, the silvery light of the moon reflected by the sea surface, a green forest glade surrounded by slender trees, etc.

Another soothing procedure is the immersion of the mind in silence.

Sit or lie down in a quiet, private place for ten to fifteen minutes and relax your muscles. Then focus your attention on a specific object in your field of vision. Watch him, look into him. Soon you will want to close your eyes, your eyelids will become heavy and droop.

Start listening to your breath. Thus, you will be distracted from extraneous sounds. Feel the pleasure of immersing yourself in silence and a state of serenity. Calmly watch how your mind falls silent, separate thoughts float away somewhere.

The ability to turn off thoughts does not come immediately, but the benefits of this process are enormous, because as a result you achieve the highest degree of peace of mind, and a rested brain significantly increases its efficiency.

3. Daytime sleep!

For health purposes and to relieve stress, it is recommended to include in the daily routine the so-called siesta, widely practiced mainly in Spanish-speaking countries. This is an afternoon nap, the duration of which usually does not exceed 30 minutes.

Such a dream restores the energy costs of the first half of the day, relieves fatigue, helps a person become calm and rested and return to vigorous activity with fresh strength.

Psychologically, a siesta, as it were, gives a person two days in one, and this creates spiritual comfort.

4. Positive thoughts!

Soaps are born first, and only then action. Therefore, it is so important to direct thoughts in the right direction. In the morning, recharge yourself with positive energy, positively set yourself up for the coming day, saying mentally or aloud approximately the following statements:

“Today I will be calm and businesslike, friendly and affable. I will be able to successfully complete everything that I have planned, I will cope with all unforeseen problems that arise. No one and nothing will take me out of a state of peace of mind.

5. Calm state of mind!

It is also useful during the day for the purpose of self-hypnosis to periodically repeat the key words: "calm", "serenity". They have a calming effect.

If, nevertheless, any disturbing thought appears in your mind, try to immediately displace it with an optimistic message to yourself, setting you up for the fact that everything will be fine.

Try to break through any dark cloud of fear, anxiety, anxiety hanging over your mind with light rays of joy and completely dispel it with the power of positive thinking.

Call on your sense of humor as well. It is important to set yourself up so as not to worry about trifles. Well, what to do if you have not a trifling, but a really serious problem?

Usually a person reacts to the threats of the surrounding world, worries about the fate of his family, children and grandchildren, fears various life hardships, such as war, illness, loss of loved ones, loss of love, business failure, job failure, unemployment, poverty, etc. P.

But if this happens, then you need to show self-control, prudence, displace anxiety from consciousness, which does not help in anything. It does not provide answers to questions that arise in life, but only leads to confusion in thoughts, useless waste of vitality and undermining health.

A calm state of mind allows you to objectively analyze emerging life situations, make optimal decisions and, thereby, resist adversity and overcome difficulties.

So in all situations, let your conscious choice always be calm.

All fears and anxieties belong to the future tense. They escalate stress. So, to relieve stress, you need these thoughts to dissipate, to disappear from your consciousness. Try to change your attitude so that you live in the present tense.

6. Own rhythm of life!

Concentrate your thoughts on the present moment, live "here and now", be grateful for every well-lived day. Set yourself up to take life lightly, like you have nothing to lose.

When you are busy with work, you are distracted from restless thoughts. But you should develop a natural, and therefore appropriate pace of work for your temperament.

Yes, and your whole life should go at a natural pace. Try to get rid of the haste and fuss. Do not strain your strength excessively, do not spend too much vital energy in order to quickly do all the work and solve the problems that arise. Work should be done easily, naturally, and for this it is important to apply rational methods of its organization.

7. Proper organization of working hours!

If, for example, the work is of an office nature, then leave only those papers on the table that are relevant to the task being solved at the time. Determine the priority order of the tasks before you and strictly follow this order when solving them.

Take on just one task at once and try to thoroughly deal with it. If you have received enough information to make a decision, then do not hesitate to make it. Psychologists have found that fatigue contributes to feelings of anxiety. So organize your work in such a way that you can start resting before fatigue sets in.

With a rational organization of work, you will be surprised at how easily you cope with your duties, solve the tasks.

It is known that if the work is creative, interesting, exciting, then the brain practically does not get tired, and the body gets tired much less. Fatigue is caused mainly by emotional factors - monotony and monotony, haste, tension, anxiety. Therefore, it is so important that the work arouses interest and a sense of satisfaction. Those who are absorbed in what they love are serene and happy.

8. Self-confidence!

Develop self-confidence in your own abilities, in the ability to successfully cope with all matters, solve the problems that arise in front of you. Well, if you don’t have time to do something, or some problem is not solved, then you should not needlessly worry and get upset.

Consider that you have done everything in your power, and accept the inevitable. It is known that a person quite easily puts up with life situations that are undesirable for him, if he understands that they are inevitable, and then forgets about them.

Memory is a wonderful ability of the human mind. It allows a person to accumulate knowledge that is so necessary for him in life. But not all information should be memorized. Learn the art of selectively remembering the mostly good things that happened to you in life and forgetting the bad ones.

Fix your life successes in your memory, remember them more often.

This will help you maintain an optimistic mindset that drives out worry. If you are determined to develop a mindset that will bring you peace and happiness, then follow a life philosophy of joy. According to the law of attraction, joyful thoughts attract joyful events in life.

Respond with all your heart to any, even the smallest joy. The more even small joys in your life, the less anxiety, more health, vitality.

After all, positive emotions are healing. Moreover, they heal not only the soul, but also the human body, since they displace negative energy that is toxic to the body and maintain homeostasis¹.

Strive to achieve peace of mind and harmony in your home, creating a peaceful, friendly atmosphere in it, communicate with children more often. Play with them, observe their behavior and learn from them a direct perception of life.

At least for a short time, immerse yourself in such an amazing, beautiful, serene world of childhood, where there is a lot of light, joy and love. Pets can have a beneficial effect on the atmosphere.

Helps to maintain peace of mind, relax after a busy day, as well as calm, quiet, melodious music and singing. In general, try to make your home an abode of peace, tranquility and love.

Distracting from your problems, show more interest in others. In your communication, conversations with relatives, friends and acquaintances, let there be as few negative topics as possible, but more positive, jokes and laughter.

Try to do good deeds that evoke a joyful, grateful response in someone's souls. Then your heart will be calm and good. By doing good to others, you are helping yourself. So fill your souls with kindness and love. Live calmly, in harmony with yourself and the world around you.

Oleg Goroshin

Notes and feature articles for a deeper understanding of the material

¹ Homeostasis - self-regulation, the ability of an open system to maintain the constancy of its internal state through coordinated reactions aimed at maintaining dynamic balance (

And restoring peace of mind is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance! Enough to know how it works. And then to remain calm in almost any situation will become an automatic habit.

As you know, emotions are always on guard of our well-being and make it clear when we deviate from the path to happiness, success and harmony. Therefore, it is so important to constantly or at least periodically give an account of what state you are in, what feelings and emotions are prevailing in you now.

And in order to restore peace of mind, it is necessary to realize that we are not puppets in someone's hands, but free-thinking beings, i.e. others are not to blame for our happiness or unhappiness. This statement is true for all adults and mature personalities. And this approach makes it possible to independently change your mood if you do not like it.

Parable "Let go for a while." At the beginning of the lesson, the professor raised a glass with some water. He held this glass until all the students paid attention to it, and then asked:

How much do you think this glass weighs?

50 grams! 100g! 125 grams! students assumed.

I don’t know myself,” the professor continued, “to find out, you need to weigh him. But the question is different: - what will happen if I hold the glass like that for several minutes?

Nothing, the students replied.

Good. What happens if I hold this glass for an hour? the professor asked again.

Your arm will ache, one of the students answered.

So. And what will happen if I keep the glass all day in this way?

Your hand will turn to stone, you will feel a strong tension in your muscles, and even your hand may become paralyzed, and you will have to be sent to the hospital, - the student said to the general laughter of the audience.

Very well,” continued the professor imperturbably, “however, has the weight of the glass changed during this time?

Then where did the shoulder pain and muscle tension come from? The students were surprised and discouraged.

What do I need to do to get rid of the pain? - Asked the professor.

Put down the glass, - came the answer from the audience.

Here, - the professor exclaimed, - the same thing happens with life's problems and failures. If you keep them in your head for a few minutes, that's fine. You will think about them for a long time, you will start to experience pain. And if you continue to think about it for a long, long time, then it will start to paralyze you, i.e. You won't be able to do anything else.

Let's get back to specific steps to restore peace of mind. What needs to be done and in what order. First, you realized what state you are in now, and took responsibility for what is happening into your own hands. Secondly, they most accurately named the emotion that is now dominant. For example, sadness or anger. We will not say now who or what caused negative emotions, it is more important that they exist.

And the primary task, in any situation, even at first glance, seemingly dead-end or hopeless, is to restore calm, to maintain a positive attitude.

Life is a comedy for those who think and a tragedy for those who feel. Marty Larney

Because only in this state appears the ability to discern the slightest favorable opportunities, the chance to use the current situation to your advantage, and in general, to work as productively as possible, make the right decisions, and correct your further steps. And, you see, it's just nice to be in a good, positive mood.

The only thing is, keeping a positive attitude does not mean closing your eyes to what excites you. There are exceptions when banal inaction can give the best results, solve the problem. But in most cases, the best option is still a reasonable level of concentration, concentration on the task at hand.

Parable “The Golden Mean” Crown Prince Shravan, inspired by the example of the enlightened followers of the Buddha, decided to become a monk. But soon the Buddha and the rest of the disciples began to observe that he rushed from one extreme to another. The Buddha never asked his disciples to go naked, and Shravan stopped dressing. In addition, he began to self-torture: they all took food once a day, but Shravan began to eat every other day. He soon became completely emaciated. While others meditated under the trees in the shade, he sat under the scorching sun. He used to be a handsome man, he had a beautiful body, but six months had passed and he was unrecognizable.

One evening the Buddha came up to him and said:

Shravan, I heard that even before the initiation, you were a prince and loved to play the sitar. You were a good musician. That's why I came to ask you a question. What happens if the strings are loosened?<

If the strings are loosened, then no music will come out.

What if the strings are pulled too hard?

Then it is also impossible to extract the music. The tension of the strings should be medium - not loose, but not too tight, but exactly in the middle. The sitar is easy to play, but only a master can tune the strings correctly. There needs to be a middle ground here.

That's what I wanted to tell you, watching you all this time. The music that you want to extract from yourself will sound only when the strings are not loosened or overtightened, but right in the middle. Shravan, be a Master and know that excessive exertion of strength turns into excess, and excessive relaxation into weakness. Bring yourself into balance - the only way you can achieve the goal.

What specifically needs to be done in order to restore peace of mind? First, find the antipode, the name of the antonym of the negative emotion - for example, on Robert Plutchik's Wheel of Emotions. This positive emotion is your goal for now. Suppose now it is necessary to neutralize sadness. Therefore, “the purpose of your appointment” is joy, or, for example, in the case of anger, calmness.

Now it is necessary to indicate the “path of your following”, for a situation with sadness, it will be like this:

Sadness - slight sadness - indifference - quiet joy - joy.

So, we know where we are going and the main transit points. Now, remember (and for this, of course, you need to constantly keep in touch with your mental well-being, mood and know what events or actions on your part cause you to have the appropriate emotions) when you most often experience the corresponding emotions. In other words, what causes you mild sadness or quiet joy. For example, listening to certain music or walking, or calling a specific person, or reading books on a certain topic, a story from the life of your friend or any other person that is somewhat reminiscent of yours, meditation, audio practice, etc. There are many options, and the more you can name them and more accurately imagine what your actions cause the corresponding emotional state, the better. The more perfectly you manage yourself, the less independent of the mood and actions of other people.

After making sure that you have reached an intermediate point on your path to joy, go to the next sub-item and so on until you reach the desired target state-mood.

Let's consider a slightly different case. Suppose you are aware that you are worried or alarmed about something, but it is difficult for you, due to feelings or for other reasons, to call the emotion “by name”. Remember, any emotions, both positive and negative, cause certain sensations in our body.

In other words, the emotion is objectified, now it is already material. Most likely, the heart will not break due to parting with a loved one, but it is quite possible to feel pain in the chest. Or feel real dizziness from both joyful excitement, anticipation of something very pleasant, and hitting your head on the door frame.

Depending on their nature, mental experiences can be transformed in the body either into a feeling of warmth, spaciousness, light and lightness, or into coldness, tightness, and heaviness. It is on the last forms of manifestation of the energy of negative emotions in the body that our next actions to restore peace of mind will be directed.

What should be done?

  1. First of all, evaluate your bodily sensations associated with a negative experience - what do you feel (burning, emptiness.)?
  2. Then be aware of the place of these bodily sensations - where do you feel it (in the head, chest, stomach, back, arms, legs.)?
  3. Next, create a visual and sound (visual and auditory) image of what you feel - what it might look like (cast iron stove, roar of waves ..)?
  4. The next step is to mentally take this material object out of your body and place it in the space in front of you.
  5. And now the most pleasant thing is to remake the "rendered" object from its negative to its positive value. Change the shape (round, smooth), color (recolor colors to calm, create a harmonious color scheme), make it light, warm, pleasant to the touch, give the sound the volume and tone you need.
  6. Now that you like what you ended up with, return the image you changed to yourself and dissolve it in the depths of your body. Feel how your experiences have changed, become aware of new positive emotions.

The image is the language of the unconscious. Its task is to concentrate energy. The nature of the image determines the quality of the energy. By changing it, you change the energy basis of the experience, that is, its very essence, turning negative emotions into positive ones. By the way, scientists (and not just the creators of the film The Secret) are sure that in the same way it is possible to influence the work of organs that are not directly subordinate to us, for example, heartbeat, digestion and hormonal regulation, etc. Using the body-mind connection, one can train (with enough effort, patience, and perseverance) to voluntarily change blood pressure or reduce acid production that leads to an ulcer, as well as do dozens of other things.

In the event that for some reason the above exercise cannot be performed, and you need to calm down immediately, do the following. This is a more simplified version of the previous method and will require less concentration.

The researchers found that the best visual image to relieve stress and return to a calm state is the combination of water and white.

Close your eyes and imagine white (precisely white, not transparent!) Water. Mentally track how the "milky liquid" reaches your crown, forehead. Feel a light touch of moisture that flows further - on the eyes, lips, shoulders, chest, stomach, back, thighs, flows down the legs. White water should cover you completely: from head to toe. Enjoy this state for a few seconds, and then imagine how white water slowly flows down to the floor into a funnel, taking all the troubles with it. Take a deep breath and open your eyes.

To better understand your current state and mood, and to make sure that the next steps are correct or need to be adjusted, the following projective test will help.

Projective technique (tests in pictures). Yin and Yang. Instruction. Take a close look at this complex figure. Try, looking at this picture, to abandon all thoughts and completely relax. Your task is to capture the movement inherent in this figure. In which direction is the figure moving? Draw an arrow. You may not catch any movement, such an opinion also has a right to exist.

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Book: Rehabilitation after fractures and injuries

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Psychological means of recovery

The psyche of a person who has been injured, like any sick person, is subject to significant changes, since the injury can be considered as a stressful situation. Therefore, the outcome of the injury is largely determined by the initial (initial) adaptive capabilities in the course of the disease.

Maintaining the optimal psycho-emotional state of the patient during his rehabilitation after an injury is one of the main tasks of the doctor, since it is the mental attitude of the patient that determines one or another outcome of the injury.

The means of psychological influence on the body are very diverse. Psychotherapy includes inspired sleep - rest, muscle relaxation, special breathing exercises, psychoprophylaxis - psychoregulatory training (individual and collective), comfortable living conditions, and reduction of negative emotions.

Psychological methods and means of rehabilitation have recently become widespread. With the help of psychological influences, it is possible to reduce the level of neuropsychic tension, remove the state of mental activity, restore the expended nervous energy more quickly and thereby have a significant impact on accelerating the recovery processes in other organs and systems of the body. The most important condition for the successful implementation of psychotherapy is an objective assessment of the results of psychological influences. It is necessary to interview patients using a questionnaire to determine the main personality traits.

Autogenic psychomuscular training. Recently, the method of autogenic psychomuscular training has become widespread. The patient needs to tune in to recovery, to a positive outcome of the injury. In the realization of these main installations, the power inherent in auto-suggestion provides invaluable assistance.

Mental self-regulation is the action of a person on himself with the help of words and mental images corresponding to them. It has long been known that a pronounced emotional experience adversely affects the general condition of the body. Thus, words, speech, mental images in an objective way have a positive or negative effect on the functional state of various organs and systems. Among the methods that allow to protect the patient's psyche and build it to overcome stressful situations and depressive states, in the first place, as the psychotherapist A. V. Alekseev points out, is mental self-regulation.

In mental self-regulation, 2 directions are distinguished - self-hypnosis and self-persuasion. A.V. Alekseev believes that the basics of psychomuscular training can be mastered in 5-7 days, if, of course, you take the classes seriously. First, one must be able to “plunge” into a drowsy state, when the brain becomes particularly sensitive to words “associated with them” in a mental way. Secondly, we must learn to focus our intense attention to the utmost on what our thoughts are doing at the moment. During this period, the brain is disconnected from all extraneous influences.

There is a two-way connection between the brain and muscles - with the help of impulses going from the brain to the muscles, the muscles are controlled, and the impulses going from the muscles to the brain give the brain information about its functional state, readiness to perform this or that work and are in at the same time, brain stimulants, activating its activity. For example, a warm-up has a stimulating effect on the brain. When the muscles are in a calm state and relaxed, there are few impulses from the muscles to the brain, a drowsy state occurs, and then sleep. This physiological feature is used in psychomuscular training to consciously achieve a drowsy state.

Autogenic psychomuscular training aims to teach the patient to consciously correct some of the automatic processes in the body. It can be used in between exercises during exercise therapy. Autogenic psychomuscular training is carried out in the "coachman's position": the patient sits on a chair, spreading his knees, putting his forearms on his hips so that the hands hang down without touching each other. The torso should not lean forward much, but the back should not touch the back of the chair. The body is relaxed, the head is lowered to the chest, the eyes are closed. In this position, the patient says slowly or in a whisper:

I relax and calm down. My hands are relaxed and warm. My hands are completely relaxed. warm. motionless.

My legs are relaxed and warm. My torso relaxes and warms up. My torso is completely relaxed, warm. motionless.

My neck relaxes and warms up. My neck is completely relaxed. warm. motionless.

My face relaxes and warms up. My face is completely relaxed. warm. motionless.

A state of pleasant (complete) rest.

In the process of mastering autogenic psychomuscular training, the formulas are repeated 2–6 times in a row slowly, without haste.

To relieve feelings of anxiety, fear, you should use a self-regulation formula aimed at relaxing skeletal muscles. This will delay the entry of anxiety impulses into the brain. The self-regulation formula should be as follows: “Attitude towards what is happening to me is calm. full confidence in a favorable outcome and their strength. my focus is entirely on recovery. nothing outside distracts me. any difficulties and obstacles only mobilize my forces. Full mental training lasts 2-4 minutes 5-6 times daily.

For faster recovery, it is recommended to use self-suggested sleep. The patient must learn to put himself to sleep for a certain time and to come out of it rested and alert on his own. The duration of suggested sleep is from 20 to 40 minutes. The self-suggested sleep formula is usually slandered immediately after the psychomuscular training formula: “I relaxed, I want to sleep. drowsiness appears. it gets stronger with every mine, getting deeper. the eyelids become pleasantly heavy, the eyelids become heavy and close the eyes. restful sleep comes. » Each phrase should be mentally pronounced slowly and monotonously.

Psychotherapy includes hypnosis with the suggestion of disgust and the development of a negative reflex to a drug; strengthening the will, creating a mindset for active recovery.

Hypnosis- immersing the patient in a hypnotic state is a common technique that allows you to increase the effectiveness of therapeutic suggestion and thereby achieve the desired therapeutic effect. The technique provides for the observance of a state of rest and comfort, soporific formulas are pronounced in an even and calm voice, sometimes accompanied by more emotional imperative suggestions.

Rational psychotherapy fundamentally different from hypnosis by appealing to the consciousness and reason of a person, to his logic. The laws of logical thinking are used, the individual ability to analyze information and the doctor's professional knowledge for a critical analysis of errors in the patient's logical constructions, the causes of the disease are explained, the relationship between the patient's misunderstanding of the causes of the disease and the dynamics of the disease process is shown, and the laws of logic are taught.

Autogenic relaxation- a method of self-hypnosis, in which, through suggestion, muscle relaxation and self-soothing occur. The effect is complex, depending on the accumulation of the positive action of states of relaxation and on the consolidation of the necessary ideas and sensations suggested to oneself. Autogenic relaxation methods can be used as an addition to the main psychotherapeutic method. Relaxation is understood as a state of wakefulness, characterized by reduced psychoregulatory activity and felt either throughout the body or in one of its systems. The most commonly used methods of autogenic relaxation are neuromuscular relaxation, meditation, autogenic training, and various forms of biologically active communication.

Game psychotherapy and psychotherapy with creativity. Therapeutic methods, in which the scientific understanding of a person is largely associated with the rapid development of the psychological sciences, social psychology, personality psychology. Various variants of methods for revealing the psychological and creative capabilities of the individual are being developed in order to distract, switch, calm, enrich the spiritual life. It can be playing business life situations, or an impromptu live game of plot fairy tales, etc. The methodological methods are varied: from active performance, attempts to create your own works, training in the perception of both the ability to critically assess, and the possibility of its public formulation and upholding, to more passive roles of spectator, listener, accomplice, fan.

Emotional stress psychotherapy. The system of active therapeutic intervention, which makes the patient, at the highest emotional level, reconsider and even radically change his attitude towards himself, his morbid condition and the surrounding microsocial environment. Psychotherapy is more like a surgical operation than a balsamic dressing. Treatment is carried out by strengthening and developing the ideological, spiritual positions and interests of the patient, accompanied by an effort to awaken these high interests and aspirations, to oppose interest and enthusiasm for painful symptoms and often associated with it a depressed, depressive or apathetic mood.

Punctures and blockades for injuries of the musculoskeletal system Occupational therapy

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Psycho-emotional stress - burnout of the soul

Psycho-emotional stress is a critical condition of a person who is exposed to excessive emotional and social overload. This concept refers to the adaptive capabilities of the psyche, which are necessary for an adequate response to changes in the surrounding world (positive and negative).

In difficult life situations, internal resources are gradually exhausted.

If for a long time a person does not have the opportunity to relax, switch attention from a traumatic situation, a kind of burnout of the soul occurs.

Aspects characterizing the concept of psycho-emotional stress:

  • a decline in physical strength (faults in the nervous system lead to serious consequences for the whole organism);
  • the emergence of a feeling of anxiety, growing within 2 days (changes in the functioning of the brain, excessive production of hormones - adrenaline, corticosteroid);
  • emergency operation of the body (at the mental and physical level);
  • depletion of physical and mental strength, culminating in a nervous breakdown and turning into acute neurosis, depression and other psychological abnormalities.

Modern psychology describes the concept of psychogenic stress as a set of emotional and cognitive reactions of a person to a certain life situation. The sources of stress can be both real traumatic events (death of a loved one, natural disaster, war, job loss), as well as an excessively negative perception of various circumstances by a person in his own life.

Psychology to help - what to do when strength is at its limit?

Popular psychology helps to cope with stress, the causes of which lie in a distorted perception of reality, inability to regulate one's own emotions (express them in an appropriate way, restore peace of mind). If the psychological state allows you to work (albeit in a less efficient mode), gain knowledge and strive for self-improvement, then it will be enough to study the aspects of the formation of emotional stress and methods of dealing with it in order to bring yourself into a harmonious state on your own.

  • symptoms are felt as emotional burnout, loss of taste for life;
  • catastrophically reduced performance;
  • the state of global fatigue is observed from the very beginning of the day;
  • disturbances in the cognitive (mental) sphere are manifested - memory, concentration of attention, ability to analyze, etc. are deteriorating;
  • there is an acute psychological imbalance (a person ceases to be the master of himself);
  • emotional reactions to any events become excessively aggravated (aggression, anger, desire to escape/destroy, fear);
  • joylessness, up to despondency and disbelief in changes for the better, becomes a permanent, background state.

Clinical psychology and competent professionals will come to the rescue, which will help to normalize the physical and mental state. First, the impact is on the symptoms of stress (reducing their intensity), then on the causes of their occurrence (complete elimination or reduction of the degree of negative impact).

Psychologists and psychotherapists make it possible to identify all aspects of the occurrence of psychoemotional disorders and help a person to better manage his psyche, increasing adaptive skills.

In advanced cases, the psychological state is so deplorable that it is on the verge of neurosis or clinical depression. A person needs medical treatment, which only a psychiatrist has the right to provide.

Psycho-emotional state - the basis of personal health

The human psyche has an extremely complex structure, therefore it can be easily unbalanced due to the influence of various adverse factors.

The main causes of mental disorders are:

  • cognitive disorders;
  • emotional overload (psychogenic stress);
  • physical illnesses.

The concept of psycho-emotional state means the totality of emotions and feelings experienced by a person. This includes not only what a person is experiencing "here and now", but also a wide range of mental scars from old experiences, repressed emotions and unfavorably resolved conflicts.

Detrimental effect on mental state

The most striking characteristic of a healthy psyche is the ability to independently experience life's difficulties. The reasons for failures in the mechanism of self-regulation can be very diverse. Each person is undermined by a certain situation that is important in his mind. Therefore, the concept of psycho-emotional stress is always associated with the interpretation and evaluation of a person's own life.

The principle of destructive influence is simple:

  • bring the negative emotions of a person to the maximum limit (boiling point);
  • provoke a nervous breakdown or the inclusion of an emergency braking mode (apathy, emotional burnout, mental devastation);
  • exhaust emotional reserves (memories of positive emotions).

The result is psychological exhaustion. It is important to remember that the impoverishment of the emotional sphere is always accompanied by violations of the logical-semantic, cognitive area of ​​the psyche. Therefore, restoration methods always involve an integrated approach to the triad: “body-mind-soul” (harmonization of their interaction).

Common causes of psycho-emotional overload

Psycho-emotional stress occurs in two situations:

  1. The occurrence of an unexpected negative event in the life of an individual.
  2. Long-term accumulation and suppression of negative emotions (Example: lifestyle in background stress mode).

The mental health of a person when receiving emotional / sensory stress depends on the scale of the adverse event and the real possibilities of the person (mental, financial, temporary, physical) to cope with it at a given time.

Gender Interaction

The psychological health of a person directly depends on the realization of one of the most important needs - to love. The search for a partner begins with the state: "I want to receive love", and the creation of a family - "I want to give love." Any failures and delays in this area cause a powerful emotional imbalance.

Death of loved ones

The loss of significant social connections destroys a stable mental state and exposes a person to a rigorous revision of his own picture of the world. Life without this person seems faded, devoid of meaning and hope for happiness. Others can see vivid symptoms of depression or neurosis. A suffering person needs competent psychological help and support from loved ones. The greatest risk of getting a nervous breakdown, the formation of suicidal behavior, entering a state of clinical depression or the manifestation of psychiatric abnormalities, are introverts who have a small social circle and do not receive help from the environment.

Childhood psychological trauma

Children are completely dependent on adults and do not have the opportunity to fully express their emotions and protect their own identity. The result is a mass of repressed resentment and negative emotions. The causes of most chronic diseases lie in the psycho-emotional stress experienced in childhood. Psychoanalysis and humanistic psychology deal best with old childhood traumas.

Unsuccessful passage of age crises

Unsuccessful passage of the boundaries of age development or getting stuck on them (the concept of "Peter Pan", the syndrome of the eternal student) generates large-scale intrapersonal stress. Often the symptoms are so acute that they completely immobilize the volitional and energy resources of a person. Then psychology and the centuries-old baggage of human knowledge about emotions and emotional stress come to the rescue.


The concept of "frustration" means "disorder of plans", when a person finds himself in a situation (real or imagined), where it is impossible to satisfy the needs that are significant at the moment. In a narrower sense, frustration is understood as a psychological reaction to the inability to get what you want. For example, a person lived for many years for the sake of achieving one goal, but at the very last moment the bird of happiness fluttered out of his hands.

Prolonged physical illness

The psychology of the 21st century pays special attention to psychosomatic diseases, including more than 60% of existing diseases among them! The influence of the psyche on physical health cannot be overestimated - the popular saying: "A healthy mind in a healthy body" is confirmed by numerous scientific studies.

It is enough to eliminate destructive emotional experiences for a person to recover even with a serious, chronic illness.

The power of breath. (How to restore your emotional state in a situation of severe stress)

When stressed, we seek to avoid traumatic emotions and reflexively tighten the abdominal muscles. Strong tension in this area blocks emotional impulses, and after this, the diaphragm contracts, which prevents you from taking a full breath. If such a reaction is repeated again and again, then it becomes chronic and begins to be held reflexively. Breathing becomes shallow, and sometimes a person begins to involuntarily hold it. As a result, the natural activity of respiration decreases, the supply of oxygen to the body and energy production are limited. If we avoid living our emotions and feelings during stress, then they seem to be "stuck", "squeezed" by the breath inside. It takes to keep them great amount energy and then we begin to feel that we lack vital energy.

By practicing breathing techniques, we restore the spontaneous flow of energy, thereby improving both the physical and emotional state.

1. Exercise for quick recovery in situations of great stress

It is performed sitting or standing. Focus on the process of exhalation. The duration of this exercise is minutes.

Make a deep exhalation (to the end, draw in the stomach) and hold your breath until the breath “breaks through”.

Let the calm rhythm of your breathing recover and repeat this technique 2-3 more times.

This is usually enough to bring balance even under deep stress.

2. Exercise to improve the emotional state and normalize the functions of the whole organism

1) Take a deep smooth breath with a delay at the height of the breath for 1-2 seconds and a calm smooth exhalation.

2) Inhale and hold your breath for 10 seconds, followed by a jerky exhalation.

Note. Do this exercise until the emotional state normalizes.

3. Exercise to relieve attacks of anxiety, fear, irritation

Performed until stabilization of the emotional state

Sitting on a chair, place your feet shoulder-width apart, rest your elbows on your knees. Men clench their right fist, and clasp it with their left palm. Women, on the contrary, clench their left fist, and clasp it with their right palm. Rest your forehead on the hands folded in this way. For 1-2 minutes, try to focus on something pleasant.

After that, proceed to the exercise.

Breathing is slow. It is important not to force the breath, while maintaining its natural speed. Start a smooth breath and, having made 60-70%, hold your breath for 1-2 seconds and just as slowly and smoothly continue and finish the breath.

Then the inhalation without holding the breath passes into the exhalation and so on. Inhalation is gradual. Inhale, hold, continue inhaling and exhale.

This exercise can also be used to relieve excessive appetite, which contributes to the normalization of weight. In this case, it is recommended to do it a minute before meals (or instead of it, when "zhor" wakes up).

Note. If the exercise is performed by a person prone to internal bleeding, then the exercise should be performed at 60-70% of the maximum inhalation and, accordingly, a pause in breathing should be done earlier.

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Calmness and order, general peace of mind - these are the desired states of every person. Our life basically passes like on a swing - from negative emotions to euphoria, and vice versa.

How to find and maintain a point of balance so that the world is perceived positively and calmly, nothing irritates or frightens, and the present moment brings inspiration and joy? And is it possible to find long-term peace of mind? Yes, it is possible! Moreover, along with peace comes true freedom and simple happiness to live.

These are simple rules, and they work religiously. You just need to stop thinking HOW to change and start APPLYING them.

1. Stop asking "Why did this happen to me?" Ask yourself another question: “What wonderful thing happened? What good can this do for me?” The good is there, you just have to see it. Any problem can turn into a real gift from above, if you consider it as an opportunity, and not as a punishment or injustice.

2. Practice gratitude. Every evening sum up: for what you can say “thank you” to the day you lived. If peace of mind is lost, remember the good things you have and the things you can be thankful for in life.

3. Load the body with physical exercises. Remember that the brain most actively produces “hormones of happiness” (endorphins and enkephalins) during physical training. Therefore, if you are overcome by problems, anxiety, insomnia - go outside and walk for several hours. A quick step or run will distract from sad thoughts, saturate the brain with oxygen and raise the level of positive hormones.

4. Develop a “cheerful posture” and create a happy posture for yourself. The body can help wonderfully when you need to restore peace of mind. It will “remember” the feeling of joy if you just straighten your back, straighten your shoulders, stretch happily and smile. Consciously hold yourself in this position for a while, and you will see that the thoughts in your head become calmer, more confident and happy.

5. Bring yourself back to the here and now. A simple exercise helps to get rid of anxiety: look around, focus on what you see. Start mentally "voicing" the picture, inserting as many words as possible "now" and "here". For example: “I am walking down the street now, the sun is shining here. Now I see a man, he is carrying yellow flowers…” and so on. Life consists only of "now" moments, don't forget that.

6. Don't exaggerate your problems. After all, even if you bring a fly close to your eyes, it will take on the size of an elephant! If some experience seems insurmountable to you, think as if ten years have already passed ... How many problems there were before - you solved them all. Therefore, this trouble will also pass, do not dive into it with your head!

7. Laugh more. Try to find something funny in the current state of affairs. It doesn't work - then just find a reason for sincere laughter. Watch a funny movie, remember a funny incident. The power of laughter is amazing! Peace of mind often returns after a good dose of humor.

8. Forgive more. Resentments are like heavy, foul-smelling stones that you carry around with you. What peace of mind can there be with such a burden? Therefore, do not hold evil. People are just people, they cannot be perfect and always bring only good. So forgive the offenders and forgive yourself.

10. Communicate more. Any pain hidden inside multiplies and brings new sad fruits. Therefore, share your experiences, discuss them with loved ones, look for their support. Remember that man is not meant to be alone. Peace of mind can only be found in close relationships - friendships, love, family.

11. Pray and meditate. Do not let bad evil thoughts control you, sow panic, pain and irritation. Change them to short prayers - an appeal to God or to meditation - a state of no-thinking. Stop the unruly flow of internal conversation. This is the basis of a good and stable state of mind.

Emotions, feelings, experiences - this is what colors a person's life and gives it a taste.

On the other hand, when the emotions that a person experiences lead him into a state of irritability, criticism, depression, despondency, then health and peace of mind are destroyed, work turns into hard labor, and life into an obstacle course.

How does it happen that a person loses his mental balance

In ancient times, when the ancestors lived in harmony with nature, the World was one. At that time, people did not know what randomness was. In everything they saw the interconnection and will of the Creator. Each bush, blade of grass, animal had its own purpose and performed its task.

The Creator gave the human will and freedom of choice. But along with the will came responsibility. A man was free to choose any path of life. God could not interfere in the decision, prevent or forbid making a choice….

Different ways-roads were opened to man, they led in different directions, to different goals, and they were called differently.

If a person chooses path of growth and creation, walked straight in harmony with the soul, lived according to the law and conscience, fulfilling the precepts of the ancestors, then such a road was called the straight line or the road of Truth.

The goddess Share spun him a happy fate with white good threads. Such a person lived his life with dignity and health, and after death he ended up in a place called Iriy, and from there he chose where he would be born again and by whom.

If a person walked by destruction, deceived, violated the covenants of their ancestors, was cold at heart and looked for detours, then his road was called Krivda, that is, a curve.

Then another goddess, Nedolya, began to spin his fate. She used dark, tangled threads, so the life of a person was all twisted and dark.

There were many confusing situations in his life, illnesses, misunderstandings, disagreements and rejections. He could not live his life with dignity and left after death in, from where he was born again, with a confused fate and untied knots from a past life.

Thus, the responsibility of a person for actions, decisions and choices is manifested. His health and mental state in life depends on this.

Where does the curvature of the soul come from

generic programs

The human race consists of many generations and people, and they all influence each other.

In each family, it happened that one of the ancestors could not fully fulfill their destiny. Then the tasks unsolved by him were taken over by the children. They, too, did not succeed, and their children were already included.

The more generations failing to solve the same problem, the more confusing it will become.

In the search for solutions, certain patterns of behavior are formed. They turn into, which are passed down from generation to generation, creating the curvature of the soul.

On this topic: If you are interested in the topic of the emergence of generic programs and practical ways to work with them, a master class is what you need!
The master class includes 3 steps:

✔ Ancestral grove. Purpose of the genus.
✔ Correction of generic programs.
✔ Remembrance of ancestors.

past lives

Our experience of studying past lives shows that from incarnation to incarnation a person accumulates a lot of mental pain and unresolved situations.

For some reason, it often happened that from life to life a person repeated the same mistakes, not finding a way out of the vicious circle that had been created.

Such actions form the habit of the soul to act in the same way through lives, creating the curvature of the soul.

Patterns of present life

Being born in a certain family, a child, without noticing it, adopts the habits and beliefs of his parents, and as a result repeats their patterns of behavior already in his adult life.

Society also leaves its mark here: educators in kindergarten, teachers at school, classmates, later - the work team and bosses, giving rise to many limiting beliefs.

Living his life according to certain patterns from past lives, using the usual ways of behavior taken from his parents, not knowing how to get out of the repetitive situations of generic programs, a person loses mental balance. He experiences a lot, is easily irritated, angry, nervous and loses his temper, which leads to nervous breakdowns and a state of despondency. Such a curvature of the soul gives rise to various diseases of the body.

How to restore mental balance

In fact, restoring peace of mind is quite simple.

It is important to stop repeating the mistakes of past lives, solve unresolved generic tasks that have been inherited, remove interfering parental patterns of behavior, and clear life of limiting beliefs.

Then a person will leave the path of Krivda and return to the straight path of Truth. The curvature of the soul will go away and balance will be restored. The goddess Nedolya will give the threads of fate to her sister Dolia, who will begin to weave a good white pattern of a new happy life out of them.

Lana Chulanova, Alena Reznik