What breed of cats to choose for an apartment: a selection of the best representatives. What breed of cats to choose for a child

A cat in the house is happiness. It is comfort, warmth and tranquility. Of course, you need to choose a cat with your heart and soul, but an informed decision is also important. If you want to take this issue seriously and create a future pet comfortable conditions for life, then you will need to read special literature, it is advisable to get acquainted with experienced and trusted felinologists who will help you choose a breed. In order to simplify the choice, craftsmen have compiled the top 10 best breeds for an apartment.

Top 10 Good Cat Breeds for an Apartment

You need to choose a pet, of course, weighing the pros and cons, and also taking into account the housing issue. Some breeds require a lot of space and more careful care.


Burmese are well suited for small families, where they can receive enough attention and affection.

These animals are easy to care for, do not require too much space for life. They are very playful and affectionate, which will be a plus for families with children.

Maine Coons

Cats of this breed attract many. Their unusual appearance and almost human features catch the eye. By their nature, these proud animals are quite affectionate and loyal to their owners. They are cold and unenthusiastic towards strangers.

They get along well with other animals but require a lot of space to live as it is one of the largest cat breeds. These beauties are suitable for adults or families with older children.

Genetic testing has shown that Maine Coons are descendants of the Norwegian Forest Cat and a mysterious, extinct domestic breed.


Ragdoll takes any poses that the owner chooses for him.

Ragdoll is one of the most popular family breeds. They were specially bred to be affectionate, obedient and patient with their owners. These kitties are suitable for families with children, especially with small children.

The unique ability of these pets is to remain in complete relaxation even during strong hugs. Not in vain literal translation their breed sounds like a "rag doll".


The British can not be called especially playful breed. They prefer a calmer and more measured lifestyle, so these pets are suitable for adults or families with older children.

Despite some laziness, the British remain patient and obedient animals.

If, according to myths, cats of other breeds have 9 lives, then the British - at least 20! At proper care Representatives of this breed live on average two decades.


This unusual tailless cat is an example of true devotion and love. These cats are very playful and intelligent, so you can often hear comparisons of this breed with dogs.

Some skilled owners manage to teach their Manx some commands. These cats are very sociable and mobile, so they will suit both active adults and children.


These beautiful short-haired felines have a wonderful temperament.

They are smart, playful, active and loyal to affection. They will fit perfectly into an active family or a family with children.


This short-haired breed also sometimes called the “eternal kitten”. And for good reason. Representatives of this breed retain the character of a kitten for the rest of their lives, which makes them an excellent choice for families with children or small families where they can pay enough attention to this playful and affectionate pet.

These graceful animals are people-oriented.

The weight of a Burmese cat can reach 6 kg. Hence their nickname - “brick wrapped in silk.”

American Shorthair

Americans are considered one of the most unpretentious and easy-to-care members of the cat family.

These cats have an easy-going character, they are affectionate, affectionate, and playful. They get along well with other animals and have good health.


And although for many Siamese are associated with aggressiveness and a bad temper, this does not prevent these animals from being one of the most successful cats for an apartment.

Representatives of this breed are very intelligent, playful and affectionate. It is better to give preference to males; they are believed to be more loyal and gentle than females.


These walking ottomans love a measured and leisurely lifestyle. They become very attached to their owners, while strangers do not arouse any interest in them.

They love to explore new things and can be quite active if played with.

Of course, choose a pet based only on general descriptions it is forbidden. Each animal has its own character, sometimes unusual for the breed. So try to find a middle ground between your mind and your heart when choosing.

photo from www.hdwallpaperscool.com

Today there are over 400 different breeds of cats in the world. Tailed beauties can differ significantly from each other in size, weight, body structure, fluffiness and a whole range of other characteristics, but they all bring joy to people and are a real decoration for any apartment or country house.

The character of cats depends on both their gender and breed. This is why it is important to choose carefully four-legged friend– pet and owner must be in harmony with each other. The question of what breed of cat is best to get is quite complex, and this article will outline the main facts that influence the choice of a furry pet.

How to choose the right kitten and why should you choose cubs?

Cats are very special creatures. As you know, dogs get used to their owner, and cats get used to the house in which they live. It is best if the kitten is brought into the apartment at the age of 3-4 months and lives there all its life. He will consider this area his territory and will not make any attempt to get outside.

An adult cat will react to moving in the most negative way. At a minimum, he will begin to mark a new territory (and this will cause a lot of trouble for the owners), and at maximum, he may refuse to eat, begin to show aggressiveness and completely forget the way to the tray. In order to avoid such difficulties, it is best to buy a pet when it is small, and then the question of which cat is best to have in an apartment will not be so pressing.

And in order to choose the most worthy kitten in the litter, you must adhere to following rules:

Place where the animal was purchased.

The best option is to purchase a kitten from a specialized nursery. In such a place, purebred animals are bred and each kitten that appears is initially under the supervision of a veterinarian. From birth, he undergoes inspection, culling and has an appropriate passport confirming his pedigree. Of course, buying a bundle of joy in such a place is inexpensive, but the buyer is guaranteed to receive a quality product. Moreover, the owners of the cattery will always suggest the best cat breeds for an apartment and teach you how to properly care for a new family member.
But from purchasing a cat from strangers or according to the ad it is best to refuse. It is easy to run into an animal with an unstable psyche or a congenital genetic disease.

Pet's age.

If the future family member is less than 3 months old, then do not rush to buy it. The kitten has not yet passed the “cat school”, the cat mother has not taught him all the tricks, and he is in vital need of mother's milk. In addition, it is at the age of three months that the animal receives its first vaccination, and a passport is issued for it.

Ease of movement and pleasant appearance.

Abyssinian cat - photo from www.catsofaustralia.com

It is well known that cats are very clean and tidy creatures. If the kitten's fur is in poor condition, it is crumpled, does not shine and is not well-groomed, then the animal is clearly sick and unable to take care of itself. In addition, the kitten should not be too thin and not too fat. Any deviation from the norm is a reason for culling the animal.
Also, the fluffy one should be playful and move easily. Kittens at the age of 3-4 months are very playful and active, and show commendable curiosity. If the baby is passive and constantly sleeps, then it should not be purchased. The future pet must be beautiful and active. In addition, this indicator should be taken into account especially when answering the question of what breed of cat to choose for a child.

Ears, eyes and tail!

Ears, eyes and tail - these are the kitten's documents! The condition of these parts of an animal's body can tell a lot about its health. What breed of cat is best for a child? The one who is healthy and gets along well with children! If the animal's ears and eyes are clean, without discharge and unpleasant odor, then the animal at least has no birth defects. Under the kitten’s tail is dry and clean - a guarantee of no problems with digestive system and gastrointestinal tract.

A good appetite.

When you go to choose a future family member, you should take some cat treats with you. If the kitten happily accepts food from your hand, then there will be no problems with feeding at home. And if he refuses, then something is clearly wrong with the animal.

Which breed of cat to choose depends only on you, but a kitten of any breed must fully meet the above requirements.

Cat or cat - who to choose?

Persian cat - photo from catscreation.com

Males and cats of the same breed differ from each other both in size and behavior. Each gender has its own advantages and disadvantages. And if the behavior of small animals does not depend on gender, then after reaching puberty the manners of cats change dramatically.

Cats are the owners pure form. Do you think the apartment belongs to you? Forget about it!!! Now the apartment is the cat’s hunting territory. He will sleep and hide wherever he wants, and at the most inopportune moment he will jump out and bite your legs.
A cat's curiosity knows no bounds. He will be interested in absolutely everything, from your breakfast to the contents of the package you brought.
If you think that the cat will be a kind and affectionate purr, sleeping peacefully on pillows, then you are very mistaken. Some cats may not approach their owners at all, while others only approach when they are hungry.
Individual males are quite aggressive and may attack family members. Even the best breed of cats for an apartment will put odorous marks, thereby marking their hunting grounds. At the same time, very often marks are put on clothes, shoes and bags of the owner of the apartment.

Cats are much softer and more affectionate towards their owners. A cat is a real woman, she does not achieve her goal openly, but with the help of whims and persistent demands she will achieve what she wants.
If it is difficult to make a cat sit on your lap, then the cat will come and lie down on your lap by itself. You will have to fight off the cat so that it finally leaves and minds its own business. In addition, the cat is practically not aggressive and does not mark its territory.
The main problem of keeping a cat is that it “flows” several times a year. The best breeds of cats also “flow”, this process is natural and cannot be stopped. During this period of time, the cat can meow for 10-14 hours a day and thus call the cat.
You can get rid of systematic estrus either surgically(sterilization), or using special chemicals which reduce sexual desire.
Ultimately, the choice of the sex of the animal depends on the owner, but in the conditions of an apartment, it is best to envy the cat, since there are much fewer problems from it.

How to choose a cat breed?

Maine Coon photo - from www.yourcat.co.uk

How to choose a cat for your home? Perhaps the most complex issue of all. If you have already decided on the sex of the cat, you need to start choosing a breed.
Most people dream of the most fluffy and large cat, which will become a real decoration of the house. At the same time, the owners of such a cat completely forget that the pet needs to be looked after daily, combing thick and dense wool.
In turn, cats without hairline(Sphinxes) are not attractive, but require virtually no care.

Which cat breed is best for children? Of course, you need to buy a cat, as they have a gentle character and are not aggressive. You can choose Persians or Neva Masquerade, as these breeds get along well with children.

The choice of animal should be considered through the prism of individual parameters.

The best cat breeds for small apartments.

photo from zoonarea.com

If you have a one- or two-room apartment, then you should not think about purchasing a large or active cat. Cat breeds such as the Maine Coon, Siamese or Bengal love to move around a lot during the day, and will feel downright uncomfortable in a small area.
For the owners of such apartments, British Folds, Persians, Sphynxes of all varieties or exotics are ideal.
However, you should not think that such cats are more like plush toys. They are moderately active and playful, but by nature they do not need to move much during the day. They prefer to sleep or just watch people around them. In addition, the above mentioned breeds tolerate loneliness well and are able to spend the entire day alone.

The easiest cats to care for.

Sphinx - photo from nextranks.com

The classic city cat spends 8-10 hours a day alone in the house. The owners have minimal capabilities take care of your pets. Therefore, the best cat should require a minimum of care, and at the same time look clean and tidy.
Long-haired cats are not suitable. They have a good character, but their coat requires daily care.
The following breeds require virtually no human intervention: Sphynx, Scottish Fold and Cornish Rex.
Sphynxes have no hair and are characterized by very low sexual activity. Even non-neutered cats do not mark their territory, and cats do not need special chemicals.
Scots have short hair and are very easy to train. Moreover, they perfectly tolerate loneliness and can be at home alone for days.

Cornish Rex – photo from www.rexteam.pl

In turn, the Cornish Rex does not shed or lose hair. You can comb it once a week, and in training it is not inferior to the Scot. The Cornish is the best cat breed for children and can tolerate intrusive attention without complaint.
If necessary, the pet's nails can be removed, securing the furniture and walls from damage.

Cats are ideal companions.

People rarely live alone. Usually entire families live in city apartments. Respectively, a pet must have good character and get along with all family members. If the cat has to live in a large family, then you should refuse to purchase Maine Coons or Siamese. These pets are more like dogs in their behavior, they become attached to one person and are rather cool towards the rest.
Also, you should refrain from purchasing a classic Siberian cat. This breed has an overdeveloped hunting instinct and is prone to periodic outbursts of aggression that can be directed at people.
But the British shorthair cat is very tolerant of all family members. If she grows up with children from childhood, she will never scratch a child, even if she is not handled correctly.

But still, the last word The choice of cat breed is up to you. Don't forget that cats are very smart creatures. They perfectly adapt to any conditions, can be trained and their behavior can be adjusted depending on the prevailing conditions.

At first glance it may seem that choosing a homemade fluffy pet easy, but far from it. Therefore, in order not to ask the tremulous question: “Which cat is better to have in an apartment?”, You need to know the basic nuances and requirements of their maintenance.

The most adapted cat breeds for apartment life

Before you go to the pet store for a four-legged other, you should soberly evaluate the square meters of the apartment that you have to share with the cat. The animal should feel free and comfortable, because it is the same living being as its owner. And it doesn’t matter whether you are buying a kitten or an adult cat. The main thing is to maintain balance and harmony in the home.

It is better to have a medium-sized cat in the apartment, which will not be cramped by square meters. For breeds such as the Maccoon or the Bengal, living in a small apartment will be torture. These large and capricious breeds love space and freedom and should ideally have their own room. In addition to the size of the animal, one should take into account hyperactivity, which is characteristic of Abyssinians, Siamese, bengal breeds and the Kurilian Bobtail.

Not all representatives of the cat family can live in a small area. There are cat breeds for apartments that will feel great in small rooms and find secluded places in them:

  • Persian;
  • British or exotic shorthair;
  • Petersburg, Canadian, Don sphinxes;
  • Scottish straight or fold;
  • sacred burma;
  • Russian blue.

These are breeds of the cat family that easily adapt to life in an apartment. They are affectionate, moderately active and sociable, good-natured towards children, and not vindictive. Of course, if an animal is offended or angered, it may release its claws, but these are isolated and purely personal cases.

The most unpretentious four-legged friends

A significant advantage of cats is the lack of morning and evening walks, unlike dogs. Cleaning the tray and collecting wool takes a minimum of time. It is easier to teach a kitten to order, but an adult cat can also be made a civilized member of the family. Choosing the most unpretentious animal is very simple, for this it is better to have the following breeds:

  • all sphinx podcasts are passive, with low level sexual activity, and lack of wool. The latter is not unimportant if there is a child in the house suffering from allergies;
  • Scottish Fold is the cleanest, easiest to train, short-haired species. Even when moving, the cat quickly remembers where the tray, bowls of food and drink are located;
  • Cornish Rex, has a rare and minimal molt, unpretentious in nutrition.

What kind of breed is better to have in a small apartment - individual choice, but you need to do it, listening to the advice experienced breeders and veterinarians.

The ideal character of a cat for life in an apartment

The fundamental factor in choosing a pet breed is character. For example, Siamese cats are very attached to their owners, protect them and protect their home at the level guard dogs. They don't like crowds large quantity people, noise and other pets, especially parrots.

The complete opposite of the Siamese - Siberian breed. She is prone to uncontrolled outbreaks activity, has a highly developed hunting instinct, but at the same time unusually affectionate and friendly. Most suitable breeds cats for living in an apartment or house are considered: Neva Masquerade, British Shorthair, Don Sphynx, and the entire caste of Scots.

The cat family is quite large and diverse. Among the representatives of the cat, everyone can find a pet to your taste and color. After all, some love small and fluffy, others short-haired and large, and some hairless. However, the most important thing is not what color your cat is, but whether you are ready to get along with her under the same roof and share square meters of housing with each other day after day. Let's try to look at a few best options, which cat is best to choose for an apartment.

The best cats for an apartment

An ideal cat for a city apartment. The cat of an unrealistically beautiful gray coloring easily gets along in urban conditions, and also has a moderately playful and friendly character. With confidence, it can be attributed to the type of calm cats for an apartment, because they are quiet from birth and do not need excessive guardianship. They are easy to train, and due to their short coat, they do not require special care.

– recognized as favorites thanks to snub nose and long fluffy fur. It is known that representatives of this breed come in two types: cats with a very small upturned nose are classified as extreme type, and cats with a nose that is not much longer are classified as classic type.

A distinctive feature of these cats is their short, muscular legs. The extreme type is popular in the USA, while the classic type is more popular in Europe. Calm cat breeds for apartments are affectionate and serene from birth. Persian cats They love attention very much, and so that lumps do not form in their wool, they need daily care.

The Peterbald is an elegant hairless cat. Best breed cats for an apartment whose owners do not want to overwork themselves with caring for an animal. He has a calm character, and is also distinguished by his intelligence and patience. The St. Petersburg Sphynx is low-conflict, not vindictive, easy to care for and friendly to other pets. Due to its nature, it does not create inconvenience, loves all family members equally, but has a great need for tenderness and love.

Calm cats for apartments

Ragdoll - calm cat for an apartment big size. Her relaxed and submissive nature will add a festive touch to your daily worries. The cat is calm, does not require special care, but easily obeys your rules, does not like loneliness, so it always follows its owner. Moderately playful, but unpretentious, loves to eat, but not prone to obesity.

Outwardly similar to the British cat, but with ears hanging forward. It has a calm, balanced character, as well as the inherent playfulness and cunning of a cat. Representatives of this breed can easily be called “brownies”, because Scottish Folds do not like to walk on the street - they are more impressed by the comfort and warmth of their owner. The cat easily gets along with other household members and can be trained.

exotic shorthair cat- bred by crossing a Persian and an American shorthair cat. He has a calm character and good habits, and almost never speaks. Thinking about what breed of cats to choose for an apartment future owner must take into account all the features of her character. Cats of this species are submissive and easy to care for, carelessly react to the game movements of the owner, loyal and friendly creatures.

Apartment cats - Exotic Shorthair (photo by Bryant Wong).

An independent but soft and submissive cat. Without unnecessary emotions, he remains alone, well suited to those who disappear from morning to night at work. Gentle towards the owner and suspicious of strangers. She is an elegant short-haired beauty who is easy to train good manners and habits, because she quickly figures out what they want from her.

Sacred Birma is an affectionate and friendly cat, whose ancestors were Persian and siamese cat. Her friendly nature easily gets along with other household inhabitants, including young children. The cat has graceful external features and medium length coat, which needs special care but, in general, this cat breed is not at all demanding in maintenance.

Pedigree cats in most cases are very demanding in food and care, so think carefully before getting them in an apartment.

Cats, regardless of breed, are wayward and freedom-loving creatures. In the gentle Abyssinian you can find a little arrogance, in the most affectionate British no-no, and signs of stubbornness and savagery will flash by. Therefore, the family should think about which cat is best to have in the apartment.

To domestic cat has not turned into a harmful beast, it needs to create such conditions that would be closer to its natural habitat: hunting grounds, space for climbing and playing, secluded and safe corners for recreation. Each cat is going through a period of socialization in a new home, at which time you need to show it Special attention, talk to her, caress, so that incredulity and fearfulness are not fixed in her.

Pros and cons of domestic cats

People should decide with full responsibility whether it is worth getting a cat in an apartment. After all, she will need proper upbringing. Cats are good at home because:

  • Returning home after a tedious work that takes away moral strength, how pleasant any person will feel when a purring gentle creature meets him at the threshold. It immediately removes the negative burden from the owner.
  • Science has long proven how much domestic cats and cats can calm the nerves of a person. They seem to create a favorable aura around themselves.
  • They are even believed to have the ability to heal. It has been noted that if any family member is feeling unwell or in pain, the cat will immediately sense it and begin “treatment.” She can lie down on a sore spot, begin to purr conscientiously, or massage with her paws. The person’s pain will subside unnoticeably.
  • Cats, like other animals, sense natural disasters in advance. If a natural disaster is about to rage soon, the cat will begin to worry and get nervous.

But cats also have some not-so-pleasant properties.

  • Cats are extremely capricious.
  • A serious problem for some people is an allergy to cat hair, and it can appear even in those people who have not previously suffered from it.
  • When a family gets a very small kitten, the owners should know that they will have to spend a lot of time feeding it every day, since at first it eats very poorly.
  • Along with the kitten, you need to purchase a litter tray and some kind of litter so that there are no problems with this. The tray is installed in a suitable place, and the new tenant immediately sits on it “for familiarization.”
  • All cats need to have their claws sharpened. So that it does not serve as a tool for this cushioned furniture, you need to purchase a scratching board in advance from the pet store.
  • During the period of lust, domestic cats try to mark all corners of the apartment accessible to them, as a result of which there will be a persistent smell of cat urine in it. The cat puts on performances 2-3 times a year in her own way: her incessant “songs” can make you go crazy. There are two options left here - either sterilize the animal or give it freedom of action.

Any pet requires care, love, affection and communication. If the owner does not have the opportunity to do this regularly and often travels on business, then it is better for him not to get a cat at all. And those who can afford to share love and affection with their pets will receive full of positive emotions and warmth from them.

Video about what kind of cat to have in an apartment

Approach to choosing a cat

When thinking about what kind of cat to get in your apartment, you should observe the kitten’s character traits:

how well does he tolerate a change of environment or moving;

calm or violent character of the baby;

how sociable he is and whether he is afraid of loneliness.

It should be borne in mind that a kitten must be chosen based on its own lifestyle. If the family is large and noisy, often receiving guests, then you should keep in mind that not all breeds of cats love chaos and noise; even a modest dinner with guests can turn into stress for them.

Selection of cats by breed

Listed below are several cat breeds that generally make good companions. It is worth warning that cat breeds differ not only in their original appearance, but also in the character of their representatives. Regarding the latter, it is best to consult with cat breeders in order to make the final choice.

Mongrel cats

They can give a completely unpredictable litter, in which, in addition to outbred ones, purebred specimens with a variety of colors, paw lengths, fluffy or not too can appear. The truth is that outbred kittens are usually friendly, not vengeful or aggressive. In addition, it is much easier to feed cats without a certain breed, and they get sick much less often.

angora cats

They are very playful and cheerful. Their great advantage is silence, because they are not too talkative. Angoras adapt well to a new environment, easily coming to an understanding with other animals and children. They have a rich coat with delicate down, which will inevitably settle on furniture and carpets.

american curl

His ears are oddly shaped. Cats can have different colors, but the ears always give away the breed. Their coat is silky and medium fluffy. These are very good-natured and gentle creatures that are almost never aggressive or vindictive.

Abyssinian cats

Their mobility is akin to small children, their curiosity makes them poke their nose everywhere. Their short coat requires little maintenance. But if you have small children, it is better not to have them, because this cat is conceited and can scratch.

british shorthair cat

She adapts very well to new conditions, easily finds mutual language with other animals. Character british cat friendly and calm. The Briton should be chosen by those who want to have a fluffy ball curled up on his knees.

Persian cats

They are great for home life because they have an affectionate and calm nature. But when deciding which cat is best to have in your apartment, you need to know that Persians do not like loneliness and need constant attention. They also need daily care so that their fur does not fall off and form tangles. For those who like the character of the Persian, but do not have the skill and time to care, an exotic breed, which is a short-haired counterpart of Persian cats, may be suitable.

Russian Blue

The character of the Russian Blue cat is independent, but remains affectionate. In addition, she tolerates loneliness easily, so she is an excellent choice for single working people. These cats become attached to family members, but are wary of strangers. Their plush coats require minimal care.

Siamese cats

They are not very good in combination with children, because they have a vindictive and wayward character. Although they are not aggressive, they are easily excited, especially when curious children pull their tail or whiskers. In addition, they are very talkative cats, so people who are annoyed by frequent meowing are unlikely to be happy with Siamese.


The relaxed nature of Ragdolls is combined with a rather gentle character. This is the choice of those who need an affectionate, playful animal that does not require too burdensome care. Cats of this breed perfectly adapt to living in an apartment and become great friends.


The exquisite breed of Orientals has an unusual shape of the body and outlines of the muzzle. They are slender and graceful, have long legs, noticeable lop-earedness and an elongated nose, so they look a bit like small dogs. They are affectionate, active, sociable, with a fairly flexible character. Like dogs, they can be taught to bring a toy mouse or ball to the owner. But these cats are sensitive to cold, so you can not supercool them - you need to monitor the temperature in the house.

Show mercy - adopt a pet from a shelter

You can find kittens not only in catteries, but also in shelters where they and adult cats are waiting. loving owners. It is better for compassionate people to adopt not a kitten, which already has a greater chance of finding a happy family, but an adult animal. After all, everyone needs their own corner and a loving environment at any age.

After three years The formation of the cat’s character is completed, but with the help of the nursery staff, the future owner will be able to choose an animal that will perfectly suit his lifestyle and character. For some, it seems important that a cat spend its entire life in their family, but there are also people who are ready to shelter a cat “with a history.” Typically, adult cats are calmer and only want to live out their lives among loving people in a warm house.

Do you like cats, and what breed do you prefer? Tell us about it in