Cancer (woman): characteristics of the sign, external features, career and family. Cancer woman's horoscope: characteristics, career, appearance and love

Representatives of this sign are under the influence of the Moon, so their mood changes, as does the appearance of the heavenly queen. The Cancer sign is a woman whose characteristics are mysteriousness, sensitivity and passion in bed, although she carefully hides this. In her life leading role plays the house and the family, but she is able to achieve the conquest of career heights. If loved ones need help, she will stand up as a wall to protect her loved ones.

One of the features of the representatives of this sign is the ability to create home comfort everywhere.

The stars did their best to make Cancers the most feminine of all the signs of the Zodiac. The look of such a woman always attracts and fascinates. These are real ladies with a mysterious look. It is filled with naivety, but at the same time it is very poignant and contains a certain mystery. They have a well-developed intuition, so they very easily adapt to the interlocutor.

Fashion and Style

All of them appearance filled with inner harmony. Cancers love to look feminine, most often they choose classics in clothes. But they prefer to do makeup in dark shades, which adds even more mystery to their look.

The unique characteristic of the Cancer woman is the ability to become younger from year to year, which any lady would envy. A man does not pay attention to the difference in age, if any, and enters into an alliance with her, even if he is younger than his companion.

Outwardly, they are incredibly attractive, they have ideal figure which is noted by many men. Their languid look will enchant any member of the stronger sex and will not leave you indifferent. And the inner mystery delights men, everyone is trying to understand what is behind this mask of melancholy. But the Cancer woman is not so easily revealed. Only the chosen and closest person is worthy to know what is in her soul.

Representatives of this sign are very careful about their appearance. She watches literally every little thing, clothes, the perfect balance of makeup and perfume. Such women remain younger than their peers for years and sometimes it is very difficult to understand how old they are.

The behavior and inner world of a Cancer woman

This is one of the most sensitive signs of the Zodiac, the slightest negative can have a monstrous effect on her mood. Paraphrasing the words of others, they perceive a lot of information not in the best way for them, which is reflected negatively on themselves.

At the same time, Cancer women according to the horoscope are subject to frequent jumps in their mood. They can not bear the opponent with every fiber of their soul, and at the same time rush to protect him. One must be very careful in choosing words in relation to such ladies. Jokes on them, laughter, rare negativity - everything is perceived much more intensely than the original meaning.

Positive and negative traits

A woman of this sign is often overwhelmed constant feeling guilt. She doesn't think she's perfect. Appearance does not meet the standards, and she strives to constantly change this. It is very hard for him to forget his mistakes and insults, he can spend hours sorting through not very pleasant memories, delving into them, and once again getting upset about his mistakes and failures. They are also characterized by causeless tearfulness, which is a manifestation of their internal conflicts.

Work and career of a Cancer woman

The workplace of the representative of this sign is associated with home comfort.

Women of the Zodiac sign Cancer can confidently move up the career ladder, make progress, but excessive tearfulness and a sea of ​​emotions cross out all their work. She strives to create home environment and at work. Colleagues eagerly listen to the words of such a woman. You can trust her with all the secrets, because she will never tell them to anyone. But if she successfully marries and there is a question between home and work, then Cancer will always choose in favor of the hearth.

Cancer woman's attitude towards love, sex, marriage and family

How do feelings show up?

  • A Cancer Woman in love is afraid to show her partner her vulnerability and accessibility in its various manifestations. They intend to appear strong women, independent and self-sufficient.
  • They are ready to listen to a man, understand his problem, understand the meaning of the current situation and try to help a partner. Of course, this is very impressive and attracts her companion, makes her feel only warm feelings for such a lady.
  • These are romantic natures, they are not interested in light flirting, and leading relationships to nothing. Cancers believe in true, sincere love, their fantasy itself develops ideas about this feeling.
  • The Cancer woman lives in her shell, and her domestic love will be the very best, as if it were protection from outside world. Having met her only one, she will turn mountains on her way, which her man will immediately see and appreciate.
  • But at the same time, she needs a man to demonstrate his love for her every day;
  • This is one of the surest signs, which she requires from a partner. Sometimes her loyalty becomes obsessive.
  • She will never choose a male aggressor, or indifferent.
  • Often it may seem to Cancer that the partner does not love her, hence the desire to constantly see a demonstration of feelings;
  • When she falls in love, she immediately starts talking about marriage, common house and children. Many men are afraid of such ladies. Especially if he sees that under external vulnerability, firmness and strong will are hidden.

But at the same time, Cancers do not lie, they do not invent dates for themselves, which did not exist at all, in love they do not look for winding paths. Married man they are not interested. It is important for them to build honest, trusting relationships, without lies and ambiguity. They will never take a man away from the family. On someone else's misfortune, they will never build their happiness.

sex life

At the beginning of a relationship, Cancer is very shy and insecure in bed. She does not want to seem easily accessible and frivolous to her partner, the partner may even think that she is unnecessarily cold and indifferent.

But it's not! Cancers skillfully hide the fire that burns in their heart. In fact, she is very passionate, impulsive, sensual, and wants to get maximum pleasure from her man.

First of all, in bed, such women satisfy their libido, but she will not forget about her partner either. However, she will not be able to completely sacrifice her pleasure for the sake of a man.

Marriage and family

However, in any life situation she will never start nibbling on it. Will always be on the side of her husband, even if he is wrong, and will not run to the side. If she chose a man, she will be with him to the end. This is one of the most loyal signs of the zodiac. Even light flirting at work is too much for her. She is faithful and honest in everything. Most Cancer women never break the oath of allegiance given to their companion.

Her favorite place in life was and will remain her home. She can decorate her nest for hours. Her house will be cozy, neat and clean. But the conservative look will be seen in the interior of her house, which may seem old-fashioned to guests, but she likes it that way. This is one of the most thrifty signs of the zodiac. She always needs everything in the house to be in abundance. Crayfish are not lovers of spending their savings, she is determined to save scrupulously.

Women of this sign are distinguished by their special love to collect various antiques, each of them becomes a relic. So in her house you will find a lot of interesting things. At the same time, such women cook very well, they put their soul into every dish, try to please guests and household members.

Cancer Woman will be a wonderful mother. She will take care of her children all her life, support them in all achievements, failures, and victories on life path. But she will also be happy with someone else's child. At heart, she herself is a child, so she easily finds mutual language with any child.

But when her grown-up child chooses her chosen one, then, of course, it will be very difficult. Cancer will not allow the child to connect life with a dysfunctional couple, she will take part in choosing a partner and express her harsh opinion. Often children marry very late because of their mother's affection for them. But even then it will be the most painful topic for her. She very painfully perceives the love of her child for her life partner.

Gifts for Cancer Woman

  • We recommend to pay Special attention when choosing a gift it is for her love of home. She will appreciate an element of decor, a beautiful vase or pot, expensive dishes, an elegant figurine or a picture that will decorate the interior of her home.
  • Also a good gift a photo album or a photo frame will become for her, because the Cancer woman loves to remember all the events of her life. She will appreciate the photo collage with her image.
  • A separate place in her life is occupied by various antiques, so pay attention to tapestries, antique boxes, interesting books last century. Giving jewel, you will also please the birthday girl. Products made of silver and gold will adorn such a woman.
  • Take a closer look at a beautiful blanket, warm slippers, and just a coffee maker, and your gift will be remembered for a long time.
  • The Cancer woman is a romantic, so she will love the outdoor picnic you have planned. It will boost her mood fresh air she will be glad of good company. She will also appreciate a trip to the resort and a candlelit dinner. And, even if it will not be in a restaurant, but by candlelight at home, then such a woman will be extremely happy.
  • And it is important to remember, so she will like a gift associated with the water element (a trip to a water park or pool).

Horoscope for Women of other zodiac signs

Table: Horoscope for women of all zodiac signs

Cancer is born under the influence of the Moon and belongs to the type of very sensitive people having a fine mental organization. This affects the compatibility of Cancers with other signs of the Zodiac, since he finds the best partners among representatives of his own element.

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Characteristics of Cancers

A typical representative of the sign Cancer at the level of intuition highlights the best of everything. He instantly establishes contact with the person he likes, but can withdraw into himself, afraid of condemning his actions.

There is no limit to the devotion of Cancers in love, but they also do not forget about their desires. Cancer will achieve its goal, despite all obstacles. A large supply of patience and endurance will allow you to wait for the right moment, and not go ahead.

The main disadvantages that determine the nature of Cancers are:

  • changeable mood;
  • resentment of criticism;
  • powerlessness to admit their mistakes;
  • exaggeration of life's problems.

Cancers are quite amorous, and before creating a strong family, they can survive many love stories. In partners, Cancer seeks modesty combined with the subtlety of the mind. Approaching Cancers is not so easy. From the best side, they will be recognized only by those to whom they sincerely sympathize, others may consider them gloomy and withdrawn. Astrology says that the wards of the Moon do not tolerate deception in any of its manifestations. They are annoyed by flattery and duplicity in relationships, they intuitively feel the falsity of the interlocutor. Sometimes it may seem that they can read minds.

Representatives of this water sign have many features that can be envied:

  • prudence;
  • diligence;
  • practicality;
  • sympathy;
  • kindness and devotion to loved ones.

In addition, for no reason, Cancer may lose interest in the chosen one, which will cause discontent of the latter. However, this sign will give close person warmth and constancy.

Cancers are not distinguished by strong vitality, they will give their preference to stronger partners who will act as a protector for them.

A detailed description of the Cancer sign is presented in a video filmed by the “Interesting to Know” channel.

Air Compatibility

Cancers easily find a common language with Air signs and have good compatibility with them. But all the same, interests will diverge, because Cancer lives with feelings, and Air signs do not.

The most successful relationship awaits a couple in which:

  • Cancer man and Aquarius woman;
  • Cancer woman and Libra man.

Who are Cancer men compatible with?

The qualities of the leader of the representatives of the air element and their charm will attract a Cancer man. Confidence and sociability will also affect the choice of a companion. In the end, the lack of confidence in the forces will get bored with the signs of Air, and the union will simply become obsolete.

The development of the relationship of the Cancer man with his companions will develop as follows:

  1. With capricious Libra, it will be difficult for Cancer to get along in the world of love. Libra is constantly experiencing unsettling feelings from Cancer's attachment to them. Unlike heart ties, business relationships can be described as more successful. In them Cancer, possessing high level intuition, will act as an adviser, and Libra will become a patron. In friendship and business, joint prosperity awaits them.
  2. With Aquarius, the Cancer man will constantly experience difficulties. Cancer is more permanent than the adventurous Aquarius woman. Cancers are very impressionable and vulnerable, their mood often changes. Aquarians are more balanced, so the lack of attention to the requests of Cancer may go unnoticed. These signs complement each other in friendship. Aquarius will not allow modest Cancer to sit quietly in a corner, she will definitely come up first. In the business environment, Aquarius and Cancer can be called lucky. Both do not have an irresistible craving for money, but by creating a strong working tandem, they will be able to earn even more.
  3. The uncontrolled energy of Gemini begins to create barriers for Cancer, and he, as he approaches her, loses confidence. Cancer is very jealous, which will cause a feeling of resentment of Gemini and the marriage may be in jeopardy. A Gemini woman and a Cancer man have excellent friendships. Cancer will always help out his girlfriend, he will not be able to leave her in trouble and, if necessary, will arrive in time to help. Activist Gemini and peaceful Cancer easily complement each other in business relations. However, at the beginning they need to make an agreement on who has what area of ​​responsibility in them.

Who suits a Cancer woman?

A Cancer woman will be comfortable in the company of representatives of the signs of the Earth. In this union, the Cancer woman with her excessive guardianship will be able to push them away. Earth signs will conquer her with stability and serious intentions, which she lacks.

The following relationship options await a Cancer woman:

  1. Libra and Cancer have good compatibility, but the couple is still far from ideal. It initially develops friendship, which develops into love. But the Cancer woman needs to be careful in her: Libra is not ready for the amount of emotions that Cancer breathes.
  2. Aquarius acts on the Cancer woman in a magnetic way. The riddle present in the man haunts her. Realizing that the Aquarius man does not recognize public opinion and the Cancer woman, who is afraid of condemnation, begins to get annoyed. In a friendly relationship, Aquarius will understand that the Cancer woman seems to be reading his thoughts. He will always be able to rebuff the offender of the Cancer girl. A strong friendship will exist between them long years. Partnership - that's what this couple was created for: Aquarius is engaged in public affairs, the Cancer woman operates from the rear.
  3. The Gemini man will fall in love with the Cancer woman so much that he will spend all his time with her. Their relationship will acquire a vivid character, will be swept into the pool with their heads. But the windy nature of Gemini will take over. He will want former life, meeting with friends. Here, the Cancer girl should show a drop of patience for the manifestation of such desires, since this man is the best for her. Their friendship is strong, but everyone will wonder what their relationship is based on. The windy Gemini can catch fire today and change his mind tomorrow, but a smart lady knows how to get her companion back on track.

Union with the signs of Fire

Communication with fiery signs will turn into a test. Cancer is constantly tired of being with a partner at different poles, because of this relationship, as a rule, they do not survive. However, the opposite is also possible. When creating a couple, relationships will be observed in the form of a stretched string, ready to break at any moment.


For a Cancer guy, there may be an opportunity to build a successful relationship with a fiery girl:

  1. Approaching, the Cancer guy and the Leo girl undermine the established understanding of the two elements, like Fire and Water. In nature, it is impossible to merge opposite elements; these relationships can be called extremely complex. In a union, one can see either the unity of souls, or an endless struggle. The lioness is proud, and Cancer is stubborn. It is both a difficult and unique alliance, made up of a web of disagreements. This relationship will provide an excellent experience for each party. With age, their friendship will grow in trust.
  2. The Aries girl considers the Cancer guy a real magician. For her, he will become a mysterious representative. He has such a huge influence on her consciousness that relationships turn into pure magic for her. Cancer, the strong aura of the Aries girl is often repelled, but she will not refuse an affair with her. This experience will be new, fresh. In Cancer, the Aries girl will find support, a smart, loyal and devoted friend. Aries is easily ignited by a new idea, easily infects Cancer with enthusiasm. Together they will form an invincible and long-lasting alliance. Cancer is a loyal and devoted friend. He will find time to listen and support his girlfriend.
  3. The bright character of the Sagittarius girl will not leave the Cancer guy indifferent. This union can hit the Cancer guy and he risks being left with a broken heart. The ambitious Sagittarius girl does not have enough strength to adapt to the Cancer guy. She will not be able to save his vulnerable psyche from the emotional wounds inflicted by herself. The Sagittarius girl is constantly trying to find fresh impressions. It is for this reason that she will leave the Cancer boyfriend for them without parting words.

Young woman

The relationship of the Cancer girl with representatives of the fire element is as follows:

  1. The compatibility of a Cancer girl with a Leo guy is an adequate union. But its foundation is the subordination of one of the partners. Under the influence of power, the Cancer girl usually remains, but she does not mind. She needs this feeling. A strong Leo will take responsibility and the family from such a union turns out to be quite harmonious. The Leo guy is a good match to get married. He will never leave his sweet and quiet wife, and the Cancer girl will sincerely love and respect her husband.
  2. From the union of the Cancer girl and the Aries guy, a stable and good couple will come out. It has assigned roles for everyone. Cancer Girl can use a fiery partner for the sake of profit. Having found a hardworking and caring Aries guy, she will completely refuse to solve external problems. With pleasure, he will provide the Aries guy with the opportunity to do everything for two.
  3. Initially, for the Sagittarius guy, the Cancer girl is an incomprehensible mystery that you want to be around and solve. But over time, the man begins to not understand the indifferent or sometimes excited state of the Cancer girl. The stars recommend that these two never marry together.

earth element

The elements of Water and Earth harmoniously complement each other. The solidity, constancy and support of the land perfectly matches the defenselessness and vulnerability of the water.

The male

The second half of the Earth element complements the temperament of Cancer and allows you to create a favorable union:

  1. Balance in a pair of Cancer man - Capricorn woman is achieved by the coincidence of their mentality and life experience. They decide to enter into a close relationship after a certain period of time. Since both signs have conservative views. Showing feelings, Cancer and Capricorn are cautious. The process of finding mutual understanding is long and depends on the time spent. If the couple decides to start a family, the marriage will get stronger over the years.
  2. The zodiac astro forecast says that the union of a Cancer man and a Virgo woman has a compatibility of 90%. The Cancer man is a romantic, he loves to dream and fantasize, but is afraid to bring his fantasies to life. At times, the fictitious feelings of the Cancer man perplex the Virgo woman, and, unable to restrain herself, she will begin to laugh. In order to avoid conflict, the practical Virgo should not be ironic about her partner, but quietly direct his wild fantasy in the right direction.
  3. Being next to the Cancer man, the Taurus woman leisurely builds relationships. For the chosen one will remain cold and inaccessible. However, left alone, with each other, their relationship will change in better side. Quarrels are quite rare in such an alliance, since both have a large supply of patience. Having quarreled, their reconciliation takes place with difficulties, because both will not be able to take the first step. The race for leadership is not their priority.


Compatibility with earth signs has a beneficial effect on the worldview of a Cancer woman. The best couple suitable for a woman Raku is a male Taurus and Capricorn.

A fearful and sometimes indecisive woman Cancer needs a protector and a purposeful person:

  1. The Taurus man is caring and gentle, motivates the Cancer woman, and balance each other out, providing space for freedom. Both do not neglect the strengthening of finances.
  2. The temperament of the Virgo man of the Cancer woman is perfectly combined. Partners will stir up interest in physical plane, and in emotional sphere. An outlet for the Cancer woman will be the peculiarity of the Virgo man in the ability to sort through her internal unrest.
  3. The Cancer woman will not merge with the Capricorn man. In the moment of youth they are opposites. It is unlikely that they will be able to adequately interact with each other. In addition to a sudden surge of attraction, they should not be expected. At an older age, partners will be able to gain common topics for conversations.

Relationships with water signs

Natural perfect match Cancer with representatives of the elements of Water. Water signs capture each other's feelings on an intuitive level.

Having connected with a water partner, especially with a representative of his own sign, Cancer does not need to hide in a shell. There is a sincere and honest relationship between a man and a woman of this sign, based on trust and harmony. Much depends on mutual openness and fidelity of partners. When they learn to trust each other's feelings, they will be able to forget about the world around them. From now on, an idyll will come in the future.


The Cancer guy, being paired with the signs of the water element, will find harmony:

  1. In public, a couple of a Cancer guy and a Scorpio girl are romantic and sensual. For others, this tandem seems very attractive. They truly see the fairy-tale world through the prism of a similar emotional perception. However, in order for the relationship to truly become perfect, partners need mutual adaptation.
  2. Cancer guy and Pisces women value love and honesty. For them, betrayal is something unthinkable. They don't even think about them. The horoscope of marriage always shows what people have done right choice when they decided to be together. They are well suited to each other in character, interests, hobbies. These watermarks know that promises made must be kept, and their friendship is eternal, and over the years it will become even stronger and stronger.

Young woman

Compatibility of Cancer with representatives of its element:

  1. In love, a couple of a Cancer woman and a Scorpio man have mutual understanding at the top of the pedestal. They have many values, the main thing for them is the family. Mutual support has become the foundation for building relationships. The unique feature of this union comes down to the presence in it of an incredible understanding of each other. It is about such people that they say that they are two halves. The Cancer woman is always surprised by how accurately the Scorpio man feels her feelings. It also encourages interests, and at the same time, shortcomings usually go by the wayside.
  2. Cancer woman and Pisces man are spiritually and physically combined. Each of the partners sees in the other a continuation of his own "I". Both are quite vulnerable, as a result of which they try not to offend their soulmate from scratch. In this union, leadership qualities are more inherent in the spouse than in the husband, since she is more tactful in negotiations. When awkward situations can give to defend his point of view and even protect his chosen one. Cancer woman and Pisces man are so compatible that they are considered perfect couple. The chance of a break is negligible.

When they talk about Cancer women, the image of a romantic and good girl with sweet features and a clear smile. It seems difficult to find flaws in the owners of this sign, they are so sunny and pleasant in communication. It is worth making sure that the owners of the Cancer sign really have such qualities. Perhaps there is some mystery hidden in their meek smile that needs to be unraveled.

Psychological picture

The Cancer woman is considered one of the most mysterious representatives of all the signs of the zodiac. It is always pleasant to have a dialogue with her, she will gladly listen to all your secrets, but will not share her plans.

She can be trusted with any secret, and not be afraid that someone else will find out about it, since this information can no longer be pulled out of her even with ticks. She sacredly protects friendship and will not gossip enviously behind the backs of colleagues or girlfriends. A Cancer woman is always trying to smooth out sharp corners, to get away from an unpleasant topic, she tries to make sure that the situation does not get out of control. If this happens, she can directly tell her opponent about her claims and not shirk or be silent. This is its essence.

Representatives of this sign are excellent psychologists and can communicate with any person. They will be able to quickly calm him down, encourage him and direct him in the right direction. Cancerians may outwardly remain calm and reserved, but they can be very vulnerable and touchy, and will not communicate with people who are unfriendly. In such cases, Cancers close in on themselves and just wait for the moment to leave.

Their mood changes frequently. Such a change of mood is due to the fact that Cancers are inextricably linked with the Moon, which controls the sign. With the change of each lunar phase, their mood also changes. By the way, both women and men of this sign are subject to mood changes. These ladies have a strong character and an inner core, although outwardly they seem weak and unprotected. Men are drawn to them, trying to conquer them. It is important for Cancer women to be cared for and admired.

Representatives of the sign love romance and believe in friendship, true love. They are very feminine, men are attracted by their external image. Cancer women have a special charm, they have pleasant features, well-groomed and graceful hands. These are well-groomed ladies who regularly take care of their face and body, take care of it, buy expensive creams, oils and cosmetics for themselves. They prefer to wear natural fabrics, silks, lace underwear.

Such women can be immediately identified by their elegance: they choose gentle tones in clothes, prefer long hair who are regularly cared for.

With early childhood, throughout their lives, can soar in the clouds, dreaming about something unattainable, often scrolling through situations from the past in order to understand how to act in a given situation.

According to astrologers, to a certain extent, his future depends on how correctly the name for the child was chosen. The name given correctly will protect from life's adversities, and contribute to the achievement of heights.

Girls who were born under this sign should be called certain names. For them, the names will be successful: Julia, Yana, Olya, Diana, Emma, ​​Elena, Sofia, Lisa, Lida.

Positive and negative sides

Women born under this sign will be happy all their lives, but only on the condition that they are mutually loved. If this does not happen, then they may not live at all. happy life.

To positive traits character should include the following advantages.

  • Love for home comfort. These women are excellent housewives and try to maintain order at the proper level.
  • Responsibility.
  • Punctuality.
  • Maternal affection for children. They spend a lot of time with children, know all their secrets and protect their kids from trouble even when they are already quite adults.
  • Are true friends throughout life.

Cancer women love to travel, they love change. But they like to visit familiar places so as not to feel discomfort from possible inconveniences.

Them negative traits are:

  • soul-searching;
  • touchiness;
  • irascibility;
  • pickiness;
  • are capricious;
  • can quickly and unreasonably get annoyed;
  • are uncollected.

Representatives of the described sign are often unsure of themselves, in their abilities. If there are obstacles on the way, then they are not always willing to overcome them. Thanks to constant diligence, they often manage to achieve high altitudes, and then they begin to boldly go ahead, neglecting the difficulties.


The Cancer girl belongs to the category of people who never leave their friends in trouble, they will always come to the rescue. It is important for this girl to have a home where people who love her and are loved by her live.

In love

To feel happy, it is important for a woman born under this sign to have only two things: protection and love. She can give her chosen one love and attention, but she must be sure that he is a reliable support and protection for her. This is a sensual woman, picky in choosing her chosen ones. Men are attracted by their cute appearance, they try to look after them with special sophistication. For Cancer girls, stable relationships are important and one-night stands are not suitable.

For a girl, the first sex in the car seat and fleeting relationships are unacceptable. She will not bind her fate with a married man. It is hardly possible to find a Cancer woman who would spin novels at work, this is unusual for her. Intimate relationships will give her pleasure if the chosen one is gentle, affectionate and listen to all her desires. For meetings with a loved one, a separate room is better suited, in which the couple will be comfortable. She likes romantic dates that her partner organizes on the seashore, where there will be no one around, only night and a huge moon.

An ideal option for them would be a pre-prepared date. To do this, you should cover the room with roses, light scented candles, make good wine and turn on beautiful music. All this will allow you to relax and spend time with pleasure.


A woman born under the sign of Cancer can flirt with many men, but she does it rather reservedly, as she does not want to be seen as approachable. From his chosen one he will demand selfless devotion and wait for constant confirmation of how desirable and beautiful she is for him. She will be able to forgive her chosen one for some of his shortcomings, but she will never live with an aggressive man or with someone who does not pay due attention to her.

These women make excellent housewives. In their family nest there will always be everything in abundance: love, kindness, and care. All household members will always be fed, shod and clothed. For such a hostess, it is important that there is always money in the house. A skilled housewife knows how to dispose of them, and will not throw them into the wind. She will be pleased if her husband supports her in all household matters, and does not waste money.

If her husband has health or money problems, this woman will never leave him. This is due to her spiritual qualities, and also because of the fear of being alone.

in friendship

From early childhood, Cancer girls have many friends, some of whom will remain faithful for many years. Some of the friends remain on the sidelines, as many begin to get involved in gambling, and gambling is unacceptable for Cancers, they will never gamble and will not spend their money in the hope of earning a million.

They do not become pioneers, and will not conquer Everest, but, most likely, they will simply go on a short trip, but if it is comfortable there.

Cancers are very kind soul, and they will always defend themselves if a weaker one gets offended. But more often they will hope that the troubles will disappear on their own and help will not be needed. If this does not happen, then they give a helping hand and remain true to their friends.

More often, representatives of this sign are friends with people who fully support their interests, they must be like-minded. Their friendship is strong and remains so for life. Perhaps you will not find such a similarity of interests even between relatives.


When choosing a career, a Cancer woman wants to get stability. These ladies often choose creative professions, often reaching great heights and making very successful steps in moving up the career ladder, as they are very conscientious and diligently carry out any assignments. They are respected by colleagues and listen to their comments and recommendations.

Own workplace this lady will try to arrange it so that it is cozy and comfortable. Photos can be hung here, antiques and other trinkets can be placed. And although a Cancer woman often loves her job very much, when choosing between a family and a career, she will give preference to a sweet home.

If she is appointed to a leadership position, she will be able to quickly find a common language with employees. But with men it is more difficult for her to establish relationships. She can often do someone else's work for fear of ridicule in her direction, even if she is the head of this company.

Relations in the team will develop depending on which zodiac sign will belong to her superior or subordinates.

What kind of man does she want?

The representative of the sign Cancer believes that deserves a man who would understand her perfectly and indulge her whims.

  • Her chosen one must solve all the problems that arise. For a Cancer woman, it is important that she be surrounded by care, and she does not want to deal with minor troubles at all. After all, for this she has a companion who will settle everything.
  • In her ideas, this is a kind, sensitive and sentimental man. She does not like ostentatious courage, and even more so, she does not accept aggressive behavior especially towards yourself.
  • For her, loyalty is a very important quality, therefore, she requires the same from her companion, because she herself is selflessly devoted to him.
  • Her partner must be attentive, guess her desires and bring them to life.

Compatibility with other signs

Women born under this sign have a calm, gentle and accommodating character, and can get along with almost everything that the reviews of representatives of other signs say. However, men born under the sign of Pisces, Scorpio, Virgo and Taurus are more suitable for them.

If we consider the horoscope of the sign, then Pisces are considered the best couple for these ladies, it is with them that complete mutual understanding occurs. Partners will inspire each other to new achievements and support ideas. Representatives of these signs have a particularly developed intuition, so it is easy for them to guess the mood and desire of a partner.

The relationship between Cancer and Taurus can also be strong and harmonious. But, representatives of such signs should take into account that in case of misunderstandings that arise, they should be discussed immediately, and not send the conversation to the back burner, otherwise a major quarrel may subsequently arise.

The marriage of Scorpio with Cancer can be successful, as partners intuitively anticipate each other's desires. The Cancer woman never cheats on her chosen one, although the Scorpio man is often very jealous. Happy family life representatives of the signs Virgo and Cancer can also live. They find in each other what they lacked, because both love to create comfort in the house, they always have order in their affairs and things.

Relations between partners who have similar signs can be tense. However, if the Cancer man takes full control of everything and takes care of the chosen one, such a couple can live a happy life. A marriage can go through a crisis when both representatives simultaneously begin to fall into melancholy.

The worst options for Cancers are partnerships with Aquarius, Gemini, Sagittarius, Libra.

Amulets and amulets

Crayfish are under the influence of the Moon, therefore, the amulets should be similar in shape to the Moon, that is, they should be round or crescent-shaped, without excessive bulges and irregularities. This mascot should not be too pretentious and defiant.

If we talk about flowers that bring good luck, then they should include lunar shades. For them, green and blue shades will be successful. They should buy moon rock which will bring good luck. Thanks to him, you can learn how to make decisions in difficult situations. In this case, the moonstone will attract good luck. According to many, this stone contributes to the healing of many diseases, including mental ones. For a Cancer woman, topaz and belomorite are also suitable.

Representatives of the sign should pay attention to the emerald. If you wear this stone, you can get rid of depression. If you wear jewelry with emeralds, you can get rid of insomnia and anxiety. Emerald helps to strengthen family ties, love and harmony are restored in the family.

To protect themselves from possible disappointments, these lovely ladies should pay attention to pearls.

The stones that Cancers should not acquire and wear include topaz, onyx, lapis lazuli and garnet, as they are able to attract negative energy. If you wear these stones, then it is possible that luck will not always be around.

One of the amulets that suit Cancers is the Heart symbol. If you hang a pendant with a heart, it will protect the representatives from negativity. Thanks to wearing the symbol, girls will quickly be able to find their soul mate and establish good relationships.

An excellent amulet for those born under the sign of Cancer are pendants depicting cancer, crab. Thanks to them, people born under this sign increase their intuition, they begin to develop spiritually, and their fortitude increases. Before using a water amulet, it should be put in a glass of water for a day to charge it with the necessary energy.

It is worth paying attention to the talismans, made in the form of a crescent or a round moon. Such a talisman will help girls who are looking for their chosen one. Ladies born under the sign of Cancer are more suitable for jewelry made of silver or white metal.

Representatives of the sign should put an aquarium in the room with fish, turtles, snails. Thanks to such an artificial reservoir, they will be energized, as well as get rid of their fears and direct their thoughts in the right direction.

Notable Representatives

People born under the sign of Cancer have similar traits and are very sentimental and emotional. These ladies love home comfort and will be faithful to their chosen ones.

This is evidenced by the facts convincing of this.

  • All representatives of the sign have excellent intuition, they notice many little things.
  • Do not play with their feelings, as they take everything seriously, and will be very worried if someone breaks their heart or is unfaithful.
  • They love to give their friends gifts, especially for no reason. It is important for them that they feel happy.
  • They love to be loved and treated with tenderness.
  • They will sit quietly and calmly, but only until they are touched. If you hurt Cancer, he will immediately take out a claw and reciprocate.
  • They change their mood very often. They try to restrain their emotions, which is not always possible.

Looking at a typical representative of the fair sex, born in the constellation Cancer, it is difficult to understand who she really is. Or is she practical and prudent, or gentle and romantic with a subtle and vulnerable soul? Cancer woman does not like to let anyone into her inner world, closing from others, which is why it is difficult for people to understand it.

Cancers are outwardly calm and restrained, although they are very vulnerable and touchy. If others show unfriendliness towards the representatives of this sign, then they immediately withdraw into themselves and stop communicating. Yes, and identify the cause of them bad mood it will be almost impossible, since Cancers prefer to remain silent on any questions.

The woman of this sign is sensitive, sentimental and unpredictable. She has an inner core, due to which both men and women are drawn to her. The former are attracted by her inner beauty and charm, while the latter find in her a faithful and sympathetic friend. You should not offend a woman whose zodiac sign is Cancer, because she remembers all grievances and is able to take cruel revenge.

A Cancer woman always expects a better fate from fate. She tends to constantly stir up the mistakes of the past, determining where it was worth doing differently in order to be more successful and happy now. She is haunted by constant uncertainty about what and in this moment she does something wrong and the results of her actions will be unsatisfactory. She believes that people around her see her completely different from what she really is. Excessive sentimentality sometimes leads to the fact that she can cry simply because she is sad and lonely.

But tears are quickly replaced by fun, calm state- negative attitude good mood- dark thoughts. This is not only characteristic of women, nor is it prone to constant changeability. This is not surprising, because this sign is controlled by the Moon, which determines their behavior and emphasizes the psychological portrait of a Cancer woman. Each phase of the moon brings with it a change in the mood of the representatives of this sign.

Among people, a Cancer woman always seeks support and understanding, although sometimes her impulsiveness leads others to think that she is an eccentric and capricious lady with whom it is impossible to deal with. In fact, these are the properties of her character, which you just need to get used to. They are touchy and receptive, suffer if they do not receive due attention from relatives and friends.

If she was offended, then the Cancer woman will never show this, only left alone, she will give vent to emotions. Those around her will never determine what is happening inside her, because she tends to hide her feelings behind a mask of fun and carelessness, she will laugh, smile and joke, without showing her true mood.

It is worth remembering that representatives of this sign tend to convey their mood to the people around her. Therefore, relatives, knowing how changeable she is, need to beware of being with her when she is sad, irritable and apathetic. In order for such a mood not to visit a woman of this sign, relatives and friends should not once again say something unpleasant about her and try to maintain an atmosphere of calm and balance around.

In return for such care, the native representatives of this sign can be sure that she will never betray them, she will always help in difficult times, sacrificing her own interests.

What Cancer Women Love

Women born in the constellation of Cancer are very economic and love to spend time creating coziness and comfort in their home. They like to equip their own housing to their liking, rearrange the furniture in places, distributing it in a new way in space. The horoscope of the Cancer woman says that the representatives of this sign love to cook, approaching this process creatively.

The Cancer woman loves mystery and mystery. She knows how to perfectly keep the secrets of others, while she will never tell anyone her secrets and secrets, remaining an unread book to the end. He does not like criticism and is afraid to look ridiculous.

Love and family of a Cancer woman

Knowing a woman born in the constellation Cancer, you can be sure that what happened is hardly described in her biography. romance at work. This is not her element, she does not want fleeting meaningless relationships, she wants sincere love, so that her partner takes care of her, loves, respects, is faithful and devoted.

But for all her romance, according to the Cancer woman's horoscope, she is a rational and practical hostess. She skillfully leads household, competently distributing expenses, knows how to save, save, copes well with children.

For a man who can provide her with confidence in the future, she will create an ideal home to which he will be pleased to return. The main thing is to often remind her of her feelings, because it is so important for her to feel needed. Knowing this, she will do a lot for her husband, even though she really does not like to do it.

The spouse of the representative of this sign should not worry about manifestations of jealousy. She just doesn't like it. Yes, she will worry if her husband begins to linger for no reason, but these worries will be caused by the fact that she is afraid that she will be abandoned, that she will no longer be given the attention and love she needs so much. All this will torment her inside and will never come out.

The Cancer woman is a wonderful mother who loves her children infinitely, she is always attentive and caring, gentle and affectionate. Her love is sometimes so strong that she controls everything that children do, all their interests and hobbies, what kind of friends they have, and when the child grows up, she takes an active part in the selection of a partner. It often happens that her children start a family late. This is just due to her total control over all spheres of life.

The Sexual Life of a Cancer Woman

A man who wants to achieve favor with a representative of this sign should remember that never and under no circumstances will this woman take the initiative and take the first step. Feeling sincerity and interest, she will definitely reciprocate. She is modest, shy, she is afraid to do something wrong and hear comments and criticism addressed to her. She is afraid that she will be considered promiscuous if she behaves more relaxed and frank.

A man should show a little patience and carefully lead his partner so that she throws away all prejudices and allows herself to do everything as she wants, and get the most out of love positive emotions.

In bed, everything will depend on the partner. If he gives her everything she wants so much - attention, care, affection, then she will be able to open up for him in all her splendor and become an ideal lover. Having liberated and felt freedom, forgetting about all the restrictions, the Cancer woman with all her inherent passion will be able to give her partner the highest pleasure.

For a woman of this sign, time, place and atmosphere play in sex. great importance. It is hardly worth waiting for her to agree to intimacy in a hurry, in the back seat of a car or in an elevator. She must feel that the partner took care of her and chose to have sex cozy place where she feels confident and at ease. The ideal place for her is her own bedroom. Therefore, when she is mentally ready, she will most likely invite her companion to her for dinner, which will end with intimacy.

A man who gets into her bedroom should shower her with compliments, talking about how beautiful and charming she is. You can forget about the pressure and fast pace, because she does not like being rushed. If the partner manages to get into her rhythm, then she, having cast aside all doubts and prohibitions, will give him a magical night filled with passion and unforgettable emotions.

Stories from our readers

Along the way, she will give you fragrant tea with home-made buns and offer you several types of this year's jam. And she will also briefly put a pillow under your elbow so that you can sit comfortably, and move a stool for your feet so that they can rest from the paths and roads. And you will almost immediately want to stay here for a couple of months to take a breath. Or maybe even a couple of decades...

But Cancer women are attractive not only because of their outstanding spiritual qualities. They also look very seductive: as a rule, they have a typical female figures with big breasts, wide hips and slim waist, beautiful eyes, good skin.

general characteristics

Their way of life is the most properly organized so that they can do everything, and not overdo it, and do not harm their health. Briefly, it can be characterized by the saying "time for business - hour for fun." This is a vital necessity for women of the Cancer sign - they are emotional and receptive, reacting to everything and everyone, so they need to live in a harmonious world. And they are trying to create it for themselves.

Often they are prone to overeating - this is a kind of compensatory mechanism that protects a person with low self-esteem and a lack of positive emotions. Cancer women should not eat rarely, as their stomach is vulnerable.

When they try to talk about a Cancer woman, the word “warm” very often pops up: “it’s warm with her,” “she looked warm,” “she said warm words.” Because such women are very receptive and can understand another person. As for love, if a Cancer woman falls in love, elements, passion rage in her heart, and not a quiet, bright feeling that can be analyzed. Although these deep-sea storms are not visible on the surface for the time being. She will be everyone possible ways pursue the one who causes such feelings in him. Including trying to bind a partner with sex, as well as with the help of psychological manipulation - and in this art she has no equal. Having achieved reciprocity, it can become very demanding of a partner, which is hard to endure, since exactingness sometimes develops into tyranny.

The ruler of the sign Cancer, the Moon symbolizes, in particular, home, homeland, mother - all those concepts that are cornerstone for a Cancer woman.

home and family

Home for her is not only a home, but above all a place where she feels completely safe. As for the dwelling itself, the Cancer woman equips it with great taste, fills it with beautiful things. She knows how to create her own corner in any, the smallest dwelling, where you can be alone, restore mental and physical strength.

A woman born under the sign of Cancer dreams of living in a family where harmony and mutual understanding reign between household members. And with all her might, she will try to create such a microclimate. That is the relationship she has with her parents.

With children, a Cancer woman has complex, confusing relationships. Attachment to children is very strong, but manifestations of despotism also occur frequently. Do you live in constant fear for the children. And even adult children are afraid to let go of yourself, it seems to you that they are helpless and they are in danger, so you try to control and lead them. Naturally, therefore, conflicts between you are not uncommon.

As for the spouse, Cancer women, as a rule, prefer older and more experienced partners, strive for strong, “eternal” relationships. Surprisingly, they often manage to build just such relationships. Most Cancers are introverts. Therefore, they quality is more important contacts, not their number. In addition, you need food not only for the mind, but also for the soul. So, if you have a choice, you will prefer communication with like-minded people. It is worth considering the desire for security. Thus, an image is formed ideal spouse- understanding, compassionate, having similar interests (often in the field of economy or art).

Through marriage, such women seek to obtain a strong social position. They may well achieve it if they engage in activities in which they will be in sight, which will be associated with working with people.


As for the career, other representatives of the Cancer sign are very successfully moving up, from position to position. But they often go the distance, carried away by some other activity that seemed more interesting to them.