What men want after 40. Behavior of a married man after forty

I just read a poignant article. This is literally a cry from the soul... men...

The article was written by Dmitry Sokolov-Mitrich. The article is called "Male Happiness"

Read it too:

“The closer I get to forty, the more people I know my age get divorced. Some leave not for young people, but most just leave. Because they can’t do it anymore.

Because life with a modern emancipated woman does not justify the psychological costs of an adult and no longer hypersexual man.

Only a few are happy, and even then you can’t figure out whether they are happy or have learned to deceive themselves so well.
The rest are patient. For reasons of responsibility and greed: what will happen to the children, what will the relatives say, and how will I live if I give away or divide the apartment, dacha, car “acquired in a joint marriage”?

After 35-40, a period of illusions dying away begins, nature puts everything in its place. The vast majority of men now have no reason to sincerely continue a permanent relationship with such a woman. Those who managed to get into trouble begin to feel an irresistible desire to leave. Because the only “I am for you” that this woman had was her unearthly beauty, which no longer exists. This means - unless her life partner has manic patience - such a woman is doomed to divorce. The man simply cannot help but leave her. Staying with a woman without the slightest “I am for you,” he loses in his own eyes the right to be called a man. But from the point of view of law and morality, he ends up in complete crap. The same modern law and modern morality that do not object to the irresponsible attitude of a woman towards a man.

This is a problem that for some reason we men are silent about, like a fish on ice. Show me an article in some glossy magazine with this headline: “100 reasons to tolerate a woman in your home after 40 years.” Or this: “10 reasons to tolerate a woman in your home after 40 years.” Or at least this: “5 reasons to tolerate a woman in your home after 40 years.”

There are no such publications. And there are no such reasons. Except for the only one. But it is not customary to write about her in glossy magazines.

You can tolerate a woman after 40 years in your home only if after 40 years she does NOT lose her feminine attractiveness. And at the age of 50 she does not lose her feminine attractiveness. And at 60, and even at 90.

If she understands that female attractiveness is not only about the face, breasts and buttocks. And not even general views and spiritual kinship are concepts that an emancipated woman loves to manipulate. Female attractiveness is the ability to charge the air. Harmonize the world at least within a single home. Do not rape male and female nature, but give your chosen one what without which he cannot feel like a happy man: respect, slight dominance, peace. And without hysteria, demand from him everything without which not a single woman in the world can be happy, no matter how she positions herself. This feeling of security and everything that follows from it - tenderness, generosity, fidelity.

Dear girls and women, you, of course, can continue to experiment and indulge yourself with the illusion that your experiment is successful. I wouldn’t even be surprised that your husband will confirm your opinion. But are you sure that he has never entered the phrase “secretary with sex” into a search engine? Or “rent an apartment, pay in kind”? Really, are you sure? Exactly, exactly? We'll talk in ten years."

Surely everyone has heard about the crisis of 40 years in men. Some consider this to be the invention of psychologists, but one cannot help but admit that the problem really exists. It is between the ages of 37 and 45, on average, that most sudden changes in a man's behavior occur. depressive states among representatives of the stronger sex.

Causes of the crisis

Psychologists have known for a long time what happens to a man at the age of 40, and have analyzed the reasons.

  1. By the age of forty, a man begins to take stock of his life. He understands: there is not much time left to realize dreams and plans. If he has a successful career and is surrounded by family, all this begins to seem unimportant, small compared to what he could accomplish. If your success is average or non-existent, the awareness of your “worthlessness” can lead to long-term depression, which is sometimes treated with alcohol.
  2. Health begins to fail. Testosterone levels decrease, which affects potency. Intrusive thoughts becoming unable to give a woman maximum pleasure depresses a man the most. He is drawn to repeatedly test his male viability on the side.
  3. Real financial or family problems may worsen against the backdrop of a crisis age.

Symptoms of the crisis

External signs of a midlife crisis are manifested in the following symptoms:

  1. Irritability, frequent silence, rapid mood swings, constant complaints of fatigue.
  2. Dissatisfaction with oneself appears in conversations. Lost interest in life.
  3. The attitude towards the spouse has changed for the worse, nagging, reproaches, accusations, sometimes ending in assault.
  4. The sudden interest in healthy image life, which is obsessive in nature. Sports activities, diets, etc. begin. Sometimes such manic addictions can rather cause harm.
  5. Awakened interest in one's appearance, the desire to change clothes to youthful ones, to do a different hairstyle.
  6. The emergence of fears about male incompetence, the desire to use means for potency, even if this is not necessary.

Symptoms can be noticed individually or in different combinations.

Depending on the social status of a 40-year-old man, the psychology and motives of his behavior differ.

Married man

An exemplary family man, who looks happy in his marriage, after 40 years suddenly starts relationships outside the family, or even does not settle on one woman at all. Typical signs of a crisis.

The reasons for this behavior may be caused by getting used to the spouse for long years family life. She lost her former attractiveness, and sex became boring, without emotions. Of course, the man is sure that the woman is to blame: she is holding back freedom, does not respond sensitively to issues that concern him, is bogged down in everyday worries, and cannot adequately evaluate her spouse.

An affair on the side fills a man with forgotten romantic emotions, and his former sensuality awakens. New woman can admire him, listen carefully, reassure him. If there are no strong feelings on the part of the unfaithful spouse, then soon the mistress gets bored, and the man consoles himself with the other.

Important! A wise and patient woman will find the strength to wait for the end of her husband’s tossing - it is possible to save the marriage. But this does not always happen. Divorce often occurs.

Divorced man

The divorced spouse, contrary to expectations, does not find peace. A young lover rarely stays with a man. And he soon realizes that he made a mistake.

In loneliness, the understanding comes that freedom from previous family ties does not bring the joy that a man expected. Some continue to search for their ideal, others find a sexual partner, but rarely decide to remarry. Previous experience is also alarming.

Family situations are different, sometimes divorce is good for both. But more often, a divorced man experiences psychological discomfort, even depression.


A man accustomed to loneliness is also susceptible to an age crisis. It is almost impossible for him to overcome the psychological barrier to start a family. A bachelor lives in his own established environment with developed habits; it is difficult for him to imagine his “soul mate” next to him.

The age of 40 is the time when unpleasant thoughts appear about one’s uselessness, a life lived aimlessly without heirs. Bachelors are susceptible to the onset of a crisis somewhat later than family men. But overcoming it is much more difficult.

A man with a narcissist complex

There is a phenomenon characterized as “narcissism”. A “narcissistic” man is in love with himself, tends to inflate his self-esteem, cannot tolerate any criticism, is focused on his own personality and is deaf to the problems of other people - a typical egocentric. It is difficult for such a person to build relationships, and often the “narcissist” remains lonely in mature age.

The 40-year-old crisis can have a beneficial effect on this category of people. The “narcissist” begins to think about his place in life, which forces him to rethink the scale of values. From the height of his years, many things are seen differently; for the first time, the “narcissist” blames himself for life’s failures, although previously self-criticism was not his trait.

Important! A man experiences severe psycho-emotional stress, after which he significantly changes his behavior and is able to change his destiny. Thus, the “narcissist” uses the crisis for self-renewal.

Help in overcoming the crisis

No medications to help resolve psychological problems, does not exist. Not everyone turns to psychologists, although their help can be effective. Many people don’t even recognize behavioral changes as a crisis. But loved ones, to one degree or another, suffer and can help survive negative moments by showing understanding.

If a man notices mental discomfort, the following tips will be useful to him:

  1. A change of scenery has a good effect. You can go on a trip - new experiences will distract you from worries and return joy to life.
  2. Play your favorite sport, but without obsession. Sports activities will maintain your health and improve your mood.
  3. If a person has long dreamed of some kind of hobby, but too much busyness and routine interfered with him, the moment has come to fulfill his desires. And there simply won’t be time for depressive thoughts.
  4. Finally quit smoking. Sometimes giving up old habits can increase depression - it is necessary to combine it with activities that cause a rush positive energy(sports, hobbies).
  5. You need to learn to understand that you will truly appreciate your existing family when you lose it. Line up marital relations It is always more difficult to deal with a new partner than to solve problems that arise with your spouse. In other words, it’s worth looking at your achievements in family life from a different perspective.
  6. Diversify your diet, eat more vegetables and fruits, and to maintain libido high level pamper yourself with aphrodisiac foods - chocolate, dates, seafood, nuts.
  7. It is also recommended to try something new in sex with your partner, it always brings you closer and gives new breath to the relationship.

Important! If a man is married, the crisis must be overcome together with his wife, relying on her support.

How to behave as a woman

The wife's help does not consist of, like an attending physician, monitoring her husband's condition and showering him with recommendations. This is a choice of a model of behavior that is unobtrusive and calm, but at the same time such that the man feels his wife’s concern.

We need to prepare for the fact that the crisis may last a long time, sometimes years. Therefore, patience is very important.

  1. You cannot force your husband to go to a psychologist, give unsolicited advice, or reproach himself for the situation that has arisen.
  2. Excessive control, monitoring calls, SMS will only increase irritation.
  3. You need to sincerely praise your husband for real achievements, but not flatter.
  4. You should never allow him to feel the superiority of his wife, much less talk about it openly. Do not let friends and relatives speak condescendingly towards your husband if he is nearby.
  5. It's important to keep an eye on your appearance, always be well-groomed and cheerful.
  6. Many men have an increased craving for alcoholic beverages. No need to keep him company. It is better to try to stop dangerous hobbies. If necessary, undergo treatment from a narcologist.
  7. If you suspect your husband's secret intimate life, you should not immediately sort things out. You need to continue to behave as if nothing is happening. This is the only way to save the marriage.
  8. Scandals and reproaches are the shortest path to divorce. It’s probably difficult to restrain yourself, but you need to understand that the man’s state is vulnerable, he won’t accept criticism, but will only get angry. Driven to despair, he may simply leave.
  9. A woman must maintain restraint, not try to pity her husband with tears, and not threaten any serious consequences.

Important! We must remember that a successful marriage is, first of all, patience and the ability to survive crises.


Every man experiences the 40-year-old crisis differently. Some people hardly notice it, others go through trials, and for “narcissists” it helps them change for the better.

Men who are aware of family support find it easier to overcome difficult situations and learn to understand that at any age, life has its advantages, and the simplest values ​​are eternal.

A man of forty...

As a rule, this is the prime age for a man, especially if he is married with a family and children. He has built a career, gained influence and is reaping the rewards of the efforts made in years gone by. But most importantly, he has a house where he goes in the evening. Family is the crown of courage.

It doesn't matter if he became famous person or not, whether you have achieved the level of well-being that you dreamed of in your youth. All this is insignificant when a man comes home and embraces those he loves. The children are happy to see him, for them he is a hero. He is proud of the title "Daddy". He has a wife who loves him, supports him in everything and makes him feel that his efforts are appreciated. This is important for a man, especially if, due to his age, he is wise enough to understand how necessary this is.

By the age of forty, a man wants to feel like a man of his word, respected, listened to and considered the head of the family. Some people for the time being do not want to admit this, but once they get married and have children, the realization comes by itself.

Forty is the time to settle down. This is a wonderful time in a man's life. It is at this age that the best traits appear in him, if, of course, he has them. Having lived in the world for four decades, a man manages to accumulate in his soul as much love as there can be in a person, and his family is the best object on which to pour out the accumulated good feelings. A forty-year-old man will devote himself entirely to work so that the family does not need anything, he will gladly introduce his wife to everyone he knows, calling her the lady of his heart, will tell everyone he meets about the successes the children have achieved, and protect the family with the fury of a lion.

If a man is single by the age of forty, then there are good reasons for this. Maybe he was unlucky in love. Maybe he has a job to which his whole life is subordinated, and it is not easy for him to settle down for a number of reasons - long business trips abroad, for example, or military service. Perhaps this is one of those eccentrics to whom the idea of ​​family and children is, in principle, alien, even at such a mature age. There are such people - principled opponents of any bonds, including marriage.

If a man is single by the age of forty, then there are good reasons for this.

Whatever the reason, if this is not a divorced man in front of you, it means that he has accustomed himself to the idea that there may not be a wife and children in his life, what is called a traditional family (or he has decided that he doesn’t need all this needed as a cause of excitement and irritation). Such a man feels quite comfortable living alone. If he has nieces and nephews or family friends, he feels great paying attention to other people's children. He doesn't feel like there's anything missing in his life. He is completely satisfied with his existence, like all those women who are not accustomed to consider the absence of a ring on their finger and children as a sign of a life catastrophe.

The life of such people is comfortable in its own way: they are able to provide for themselves, follow a long-trodden path, and live a familiar life. They are not even alone; there is a place in their lives for women who behave in such a way as not to create unnecessary anxiety in their lives. Everyday life single man.

By the way, it is extremely difficult to bring chaos into the established life of a man over forty; serious efforts will have to be made to do this. They are one hundred percent sure that their comfortable, beautiful and well-functioning way of life, which allows them to do what a man wants, when he wants it, to no one but himself, without having to answer, will be hopelessly spoiled by a long-term relationship With a woman.

No, the point is not that a forty-year-old bachelor is not capable of meeting a woman who will shake his whole little world and make him feel that there is no life without her. This may mean that the man has fully understood what relationships with the opposite sex are and does not want to hunt for meaningless sex, as he used to do when he was twenty or thirty years old.

Naturally, when a man gets older, he no longer needs sex so much: he has extensive experience in relationships with numerous and different women, he feels that he has succeeded as an attractive man, from the point of view of the ladies, and he no longer wants to chase skirts for the sake of sport. As a rule, he does not wander around clubs or sit at the counter of a sports bar, waiting for young beauties.

He prefers someone with whom he can talk, who knows how to cook well and with whom it is pleasant to go out, go to a concert or to some other entertainment event. Such a man needs a woman who can satisfy him sexually and at the same time, like him, who does not want to cross a certain line in a relationship. Men are so comfortable, they want exactly this - comfort, peace and kind, but not too close relationships. A forty-year-old man can and wants to give just that. That's how it's built.

If a forty-year-old man became lonely involuntarily, due to a divorce, most likely there will be no one next to him, because after a failed marriage he became a cautious person, but in him hunting instinct plays stronger than in someone who is used to a single life.

A bachelor at forty no longer chases sex, as he did in his youth, now he wants comfort. Kind, calm, but not too close relationships.

The suddenly liberated man feels that he has not participated in all these games associated with flirting and other delights that surround single people for a long time. He seems to look around and notice all the women around him, whom he did not dare look at for the ten or more years he was married. He feels that he can afford to flirt without consequences, and, of course, he wants to slightly stretch out the pleasant moments of his single life.

Moreover, it may take years before he again begins to think about entering into a long-term relationship with someone, before the fear caused by the previous failure passes and the man feels the desire to limit himself again. This is especially true for someone who has recently divorced because the feelings he continues to have for his ex-wife are still very fresh and complex. And yet, what rumor ascribes to divorced men is true: if a man once decided to offer his hand and heart to someone, then it will not be so difficult to do it again. Of course, a man who has gone through a divorce is no longer inclined to romanticize family relationships, but he remembers how pleasant they can be, and therefore, the idea of ​​​​a new marriage will not be so alien to him, especially when he has played enough of being a bachelor.

If a person once decided to offer his hand and heart to someone, then it will not be so difficult to do it again.

What does this mean for relationships?

To find a free forty-year-old man, and even more so to get him, you will have to work hard. He's been there before, done that, wasp waist, cutesy glances and long half-lowered eyelashes no longer make him tremble. He knows perfectly well how to find a twenty-something hottie and spend a couple of nights with her, but usually he's already done it so many times that the pursuit of a random skirt has lost its charm.

He knows that young girls, unlike him, have never been anywhere before and have not seen anything special in their lives. And, as a rule, they have no sexual experience. He prefers women who know everything about everything, who have had or are doing something important in their lives, who are interested in issues that concern him and what, from a man’s point of view, makes life more acceptable.

This means, among other things, that you will have to get creative if you are going to find and captivate a forty-year-old man. They rarely go to clubs, bars and gyms - traditional places where young men and women go to meet each other.

If there is one place of entertainment that a forty-year-old man frequents, it is a jazz club where he listens to music. You can find him at the stadium during the game of his favorite team, on the tennis court, on the football field or at the golf club. He is a lonely person, so he can afford to indulge in his favorite activity or play sports to his heart’s content. He doesn’t have a wife, so no one tells him that he is acting like a selfish person and living the way he wants.

Remember that dating a forty-year-old divorced man is especially difficult if his marriage has just broken up. He can do the most various reasons think that you are too reminiscent of the wife with whom he spent years, and will try to stay away from you.

If he got divorced no more than two years ago, you shouldn’t count on anything more than simple, non-binding sex. He will probably want to date someone else, and your personal beauty and attractiveness do not play the slightest role.

The fact is that a forty-year-old man can no longer be lured with honeyed speeches. When he was twenty years old, he was ready to believe everything that women said; when he turned thirty, he became a skeptic, and by his fifth decade he was generally not inclined to trust the fair sex.

If he got divorced no more than two years ago, you shouldn’t count on anything more than simple, non-binding sex.

All women are excellent cooks, love to clean up the house during the day and wear seductive lingerie at night; no self-respecting girl will leave the threshold without putting on beautiful makeup; All ladies love sex, enjoy watching football and basketball, they like the smell of cigar smoke while they want to get the man they like. Those over forty have heard these fables many times and know that as soon as you start a long affair with one of the lovely ladies, all this gilded tinsel disappears.

Anyone who has been married knows that most women react the same way to pressure, stress and difficult problems. Life can easily turn out in such a way that a man returns to the starting point, that is, the relationship with his new wife will reach the same dead end as in the case of the woman he left. Therefore, it is difficult to deceive a forty-year-old man by telling him how happy he will be with you. He may not believe it. It's better to show once than to tell seven times.

Let's say you go to the golf course and you like it; or sitting together at a sports bar and having a discussion with some die-hard basketball fan about the merits of the Lakers' triangle offense; or, for example, you talk like a connoisseur about how much more beautiful Coltrane’s classic solos are than Miles Davis’s. In this case, a forty-year-old man will believe that you share his interests and will decide that he has found, so to speak, “one in a million.”

Sooner or later, any man stops experiencing the pain that tormented him after a divorce, and he becomes lonely. Sooner or later he realizes that even having sex with a woman of his own age is more pleasant than with a twenty-five-year-old girl. He knows very well that physical perfection is not as important as is commonly believed, and that partnerships based on kinship and similarity life experience, much more important. He understands that it is good with someone who has lived to the same age as him, knows just as much about life, and knows how to appreciate it. positive sides and be stoic about difficulties.

Sooner or later, any man stops experiencing the pain that tormented him after a divorce, and he becomes lonely.

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man over 40 years old

Vitaly's case

I'm 45, I have a wife and several girlfriends. One is an interlocutor, an interesting, pretty woman with whom we can discuss a lot, and sometimes indulge in joint sexual fantasies. There was a possibility of real rapprochement, but something stopped me. The second one is multi-orgastic, passionate, and considers me a good lover. I see her sometimes. I would never connect my life with a woman of this type: I believe that marriage lasts longer than such relationships, and it is not sexual talents that come to the fore, but completely different qualities. The third one is young, I am pleased to look after her and take care of her. I often see her for business purposes. You could say I'm useful to her. I don't have a crush, I just have a hobby.

After 40 there is no passion, no intensity, no heat. But comes an attentive, affectionate, diligent attitude towards your partner and sex. The desire to patronize and care comes.

According to observations According to psychologists, teenagers and young adults think about sex on a subconscious level every 5 minutes. After 40 years, this period increases to 30 minutes. Naturally, attitudes towards sex also change.

Sergei's opinion

After 40, the number of women with whom a man can fall in love increases. This happens for natural arithmetic reasons: a 20-year-old boy is unlikely to fall in love with a forty-year-old woman; rather an exception. But at 40, a man looks at both twenty-year-olds and girls of 30, 40 years old.

And during this period he is able to fall head over heels in love!

And there is much more wisdom than at 20 years old, more experience and calmness. I would not like to return to my 20th birthday, the period of my first unhappy love.

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Representatives of the stronger sex between the ages of 37-45 sometimes make incredible changes in their lives. What is the psychology of a man at 40? How do behavior patterns differ? How to survive this period with minimal losses?

Psychology of a man at 40 years old

Each transitional moment in life has its own character. At 2 years old - defining oneself as individual person, at 14 - personality formation, at 30 - assessment professional orientation, and at 40 - summing up. Sometimes, even if from the outside it is clear that life has been built successfully, the person himself doubts it.

Many changes occur in the body itself: it is rebuilt hormonal background, wake up chronic diseases, sometimes new ones appear. All this leads to a state of melancholy, followed by a keen desire to feel young again and experience strong emotions.

Few representatives of the stronger sex under 45 believe that at 40 life is just beginning. And the imaginary proximity of the end sometimes forces us to take rash actions.

Another psychological change characteristic of this period is narcissism. Don’t think that this is the same thing as narcissism. The narcissist considers himself successful and attractive only in an atmosphere of general admiration.

He desperately craves praise and admiration. If the fanfare is not heard, the narcissist gets the impression of worthlessness, insignificance and abandonment, and then resentment towards everyone who did not appreciate the wonderful traits of a particular person.

Basic Behaviors

Everyone is different, and everyone approaches turning 40 differently. There are many cases when this period occurred without much unrest, while others compare what is happening with a ten-magnitude earthquake. Partly what happens depends on the status in which a person meets this milestone.

Psychology of married people

This group can be divided into three categories:

Representatives of the first group understand that the crisis is a temporary phenomenon that needs to be survived. They try to notice the work of their spouse. The wife, in turn, tries to praise and support her life partner, giving him much-needed admiration.

Others consider marriage a mistake, but submit to long-term habit. The sense of duty that keeps them from making drastic changes seems like a heavy burden. But shame in front of my wife and children, a vague hope that everything will work out, helps me hold on. But it doesn’t always keep you from flirting or love relationship on the side.

Still others feel like teenagers and want to “finally live for themselves.” They meet new love and allow emotions to overwhelm you. It seems that now everything will be different, but later the comparison begins with ex-wife.

Behavioral tactics of a divorced man

In this case there can be two categories. Representatives of the first no longer want any relationship, since the previous relationship and breakup were very difficult. Divorced people from the second category believe that it is possible to build new happiness with another woman.

If a man does not want a family, this does not necessarily mean that he will also avoid flirting and random connections. Others throw themselves into work or hobbies. But the fear of a serious relationship remains for many years.

If the divorce was not so painful, a representative of the stronger sex will look for someone who can support him during this period. Many such marriages turn out to be happy, but special tact is required from the woman.

A divorced man after 40 years of age is psychologically unable to completely get rid of the imprint of family life. He still has habits, memories, expectations associated with his ex-wife, and at the same time new requirements appear that correspond to his new state.

Psychology of a bachelor

Not many people stay single until this age. There may be several reasons for this:

  • mistrust as a result of past relationships,
  • total busyness and enthusiasm,
  • do not feel the need for a family.

The pain after experiencing betrayal, encounters with selfish or dishonest women can leave a mark for a long time in the life of someone who never became their husband. Over time, a person can become so accustomed to the bad in people that he doesn’t even want to see the good.

To succeed at anything, you need to give yourself completely to it. With such a rhythm, there is no time left and no desire to build a family. For busy people, time flies quickly and the forty-year mark approaches unnoticed.

Considering the quantity available women, a man loses all desire to achieve someone and arrange something. Why, after all, taking care of the house requires less and less time due to technical conveniences, and to satisfy sexual needs it is enough to simply choose one of those who want it?

Reasons for disappointment

Disappointments in men after forty are primarily associated with psychological characteristics and changes in the functioning of the body.

Testosterone levels change. It can fall, and then the person becomes whiny and sentimental. I want some special sensuality. Considering that in women by this age the level of this hormone, on the contrary, increases, it will take a lot of effort to achieve mutual understanding. Conversely, when a husband's testosterone levels increase, he may become picky and aggressive.

In addition, a strong desire to feel admiration may come as a complete surprise to the rest of the family. The wife has already become accustomed to all the outstanding features of her husband and is in no particular hurry to express her delight in this regard. Children who by this time have reached adolescence They are also in no hurry to admire their father.

Health problems that appear or begin to manifest themselves seem like a shadow of early old age, and at the same time - the horror of sexual dysfunction. The thought of this can lead to panic.

Unsettled conditions in professional field or in family life. In this case, summing up leads to acute grief and anxiety.

How to survive a man's 40th birthday crisis with minimal losses

First of all, you should not rush to make radical changes in your life: ruin your marriage or leave the office for the taiga. To experience vivid feelings, you should try to diversify your life with something, new hobbies and interests. Many have been helped by traveling with their wife or friends and moderate physical activity.

Although no one seems to understand, cutting yourself off from your loved ones is not the answer. It would be good to try to convey to them what you have to worry about. Explore together what psychologists say about this period. This will help everyone around you to correctly relate to changes in the behavior of a loved one.

If feelings of melancholy and mood swings do not go away for a long time, you should consult a psychologist. This will help avoid much more unpleasant consequences.

At 40, life is just beginning

By the age of forty a person reaches the peak of his powers. He gains valuable experience and at the same time retains the ability to learn new things. If you approach what is happening correctly and do not allow your emotions to drown out your mind, you can remain happy and satisfied with life at 40, 60, and 70. And in middle age, there are usually no more failures, only some changes. If you treat them correctly and do not hesitate to ask for help, life will only bring even more positive emotions.

Veronica, Chelyabinsk