Siamese cat care. Graceful and playful: the Siamese cat breed Siamese cat care

Grooming a Siamese cat does not require much effort. The coat of Siamese cats is short, with little to no undercoat. And they love it when the owner smoothes the fur with his hand - no other comb is required. You can wet your hands and comb the cat with them.

In the photo: Siamese cat

Periodically, a Siamese cat should be bathed, but it must be taught to water procedures from early childhood: “Siamese” are not big lovers of water.

Do not forget to regularly inspect the ears and eyes of your pet and clean them if necessary.

Due to the predisposition to dental problems, Siamese cat owners have to pay increased attention to dental care, in particular, brushing them.

Siamese cat food

Siamese cats can be fed both dry food and natural food.

When choosing dry food, it is better to prefer premium or super premium food.

With natural feeding, make sure that the products are of high quality and fresh.

Siamese cat health

In general, Siamese cats are healthy creatures that live up to 20 years, and sometimes more. But there is still a predisposition to certain genetic diseases.

  • Siamese cats are prone to the following diseases:
  • Hereditary liver amyloidosis.
  • Cardiomyopathy.
  • Malignant tumors of the breast.
  • Dental diseases: tartar formation, gingivitis and others.
  • The so-called "Siamese strabismus".


This cat is medium, closer to miniature, in size. The weight of a male rarely exceeds 5–5.5 kilograms, while females can weigh no more than two kilograms at all. These animals are extremely active and mobile, love games and communication with the owner.

If you decide to take home a Siamese cat, get ready to spend a lot of time with her. She is extremely talkative, and some individuals have a loud, sometimes even harsh voice.

Also, do not expect from her a phlegmatic attitude to life and the ability to find herself doing things all day long. Siamese kittens require a lot of attention: you need to constantly play with them, otherwise the animals can get bored, or even completely depressed.

Get toys for the kitten in advance, and also organize a place for him under the house and the scratching post. In addition, remember that Siamese cats are jealous and not always friendly not only to their own kind, but also to other animals in the same territory as them.

Siamese kitten care

In general, caring for a Siamese kitten is not difficult, it is only important to remember some features of the breed. Siamese kittens are short-haired, so grooming will not give you much trouble. However, during periods of molting, it is better to comb the animal several times a week.

Short hair has its drawback: such cats are extremely heat-loving, so make sure that the animal has a warm place away from drafts, air conditioners and other sources of cold.

Another important feature of the breed is early development. In some cats, the first estrus begins at 5-6 months of age. If you are not going to breed Siamese cats, take care of sterilization. Consult your veterinarian about the appropriate age for surgery.

Although Siamese cats are considered long-lived, they have some peculiarities: animals can be predisposed to diseases of the cardiovascular system, so their diet should be rich in some amino acids necessary to maintain the tone of the heart muscle. And, of course, it is important to regularly show the animal to a veterinarian in order to detect the development of various diseases in time.

Siamese are extremely mobile creatures, so a balanced diet is important for them, which will not lead to weight gain.

If you take such a cat as a kitten, then you can feed the animal with a product for up to a year. It is universal for most breeds, contributes to the harmonious growth and development of the animal, and is also easily digested.

But after a year it is better to transfer the cat to a special food -. Its kibbles are designed to fit the Siamese cat's jaw structure, while a range of micronutrients maintains the cat's ideal weight and coat health.

With proper care for a Siamese kitten, you will get an ideal long-lived companion, because this breed is distinguished not only by mobility until old age, but also by extreme intelligence. A Siamese kitten easily understands simple training, and also quickly learns simple tricks during games.

Spend more time with your pet, take him to the doctor regularly, choose only special food for him, and he will live a long and happy life next to you.

Siamese kittens are cute and curious, like all kids. But these little blue-eyed lumps have a feature that distinguishes them from kittens of all other breeds from an early age: from birth it is a personality. If you are considering getting a Siamese kitten, try to learn as much as you can about it. This will greatly facilitate communication, education and care for him.

Siamese cats are amazingly sophisticated creatures. Medium in size, flexible and graceful, they are distinguished by well-developed muscles and harmonious constitution.

The breed standard provides for the shape of the head in the form of an equilateral triangle, large, elongated ears, slanting eyes, an elongated body, slender, dryish limbs with collected paws in the shape of an oval and a thin flexible tail.

The coat of the Siamese is short, soft, silky and close to the body. The contrast of the basic tone and marks is obligatory, and the coat color on the muzzle, ears, paws and tail must match. The back and sides are supposed to be slightly darker than the neck, chest and abdomen.

Both the absence of points and weak contrast are considered unacceptable. And also animals with knots and creases of the tail are culled. This feature indicates degeneration due to inbreeding.

Eye color is supposed to be blue. Greenish shades are considered a deviation from the standard.

Photo of Siamese kittens


Stubbornness and selfishness are often observed in the character of Siamese cats. This does not mean at all that they cannot become a devoted friend to a person. Just the opposite! Animals of this breed are very attached to the owner, and literally run after him, resembling small dogs with this feature. And yet, for a Siamese, a master is, first of all, a source of all kinds of benefits, and only then a friend and protector.

If there is only one cat in the house and everyone around them only caresses her, admiring her intelligence and beauty, everything goes fine. But as soon as a competitor appears, be it a kitten or a puppy, the life of a new family member can turn into hell! There are frequent cases when you have to part with him for the sake of maintaining peace and tranquility. There are exceptions if an elderly cat is presented with a baby. Usually she calmly accepts it and in the future friendship is established between the animals.

Newborn kittens

Siamese kittens are born completely white, only their nose and paw pads are pink. The darkening of the coat can begin from two weeks of age, and this or that paint is due to the temperature in the room where the kitten is located. In a very warm room, the base color of the coat will be milky white or cream, and the color of the markings will be chocolate. The cooler it is in the apartment, the darker the color will be. Siamese kittens that are born and live on the street (those who are trained to be mousers in a barn or goat stall) turn dark brown after the first molt, and the color of their points is almost black. The final color of a Siamese kitten is established only by ten months.

Choosing a Kitten

Cat or cat?

Having decided to purchase a Siamese kitten, the future owner often does not know who to choose: a cat or a cat. At two or three months, all kittens are equally adorable. But childhood does not last long, and when the pet grows up, its belonging to one sex or another will appear before the owner in all its glory.

Most owners of Siamese cats believe that males of this breed are much more beautiful than females. One cannot but agree with this opinion. The Siamese cat has more impressive dimensions, its body proportions are somewhat different than those of females: the body is shorter and the head is larger. Some people believe that keeping a male is not particularly difficult, unlike a female. At least, you definitely won’t have to think about where to attach the kittens.

However, this is not even the point. The problem of cat marks and unwanted offspring may well be solved by castration or sterilization. What will remain with the animal forever is its character.

The Siamese cat feels like a sovereign master in the apartment. He perceives the owners as servants who must fulfill his every whim. He is curious, active, likes to poke his nose everywhere, especially where they are not allowed. Often irritable and aggressive.

Cats of this breed have a much calmer, affectionate character. They are very strongly attached to a person (most often this is the owner), violently show their love and devotion. And there are legends about the cleanliness of Siamese women!

Although there are no rules without exceptions.

Choice by color

After you have decided on the gender of the future pet, you need to decide what color you like.

Most often, when talking about a Siamese kitten, people think of the classic sealpoint: cream coat, dark markings and beautiful blue eyes. The image is really captivating, but this color is by no means the only one. Bluepoint (snow-white coat with blue-gray markings), redpoint (white background color and apricot or red markings), lilacpoint (silver coat with purplish-pink markings)… It's easy to get confused! But there are other colors: chocolate point (ivory coat with very dark, almost black markings), cinnamon point (ivory and brown points), caramel point (absolutely amazing, indescribable shade of a fur coat with gray-pink points), tabbypoint (adorable solid-colored cats with striped marks), tortipoint (a fantastic combination of a calm background color and spotted points).

The color of the eyes of Siamese cats depends on the coat color: the darker, richer the color of the animal, the brighter and deeper the blueness will be.

There is an opinion (although nothing but the words of the owners, not yet confirmed) that cats of different colors have a different character. For example, bluepoints are said to have a much softer and more pleasant disposition than sealpoints or chocolate points.

Care and maintenance

Features of caring for a kitten at the age of 1 month
The kitten you want to buy must be at least two, and preferably three to four months old. At this age, kittens completely switch to normal nutrition, practically do not depend on their mother, are curious and very sociable. The kid will willingly make friends with you and the rest of the family.

If a kitten comes to you, which is at most a month old, difficulties cannot be avoided. These kids have a hard time making contact. If the family has small children, it is advisable to completely protect the kitten from their attention. Absolutely everything frightens him: large (as much as two meters!) Distances, loud sounds, an unexpectedly chirping sparrow ... The first days he can sit in the sofa or the pocket of an old bag, secretly getting out of there to grab a piece of food or go to the toilet. One person should take care of such a baby. Do not forcibly pull him out of hiding and poke his muzzle into food if he resists. The best thing you can do is leave him alone and watch quietly. Let the kid get used to it. Only when the kitten stops hiding at every rustle, you can begin to introduce him to the whole family.


What do you need to prepare for meeting a new family member? A cat house with a warm mattress and a couple of removable covers, a stable tray, two or three bowls - for water and various types of food, a few bright toys. They should be of such a size that they cannot slip into a hard-to-reach gap. In no case do not give the baby small objects as toys! Get a kitten a scratching post or a play set so that he has the opportunity to frolic.

Hygiene procedures

Little Siamese are surprisingly easy to care for. Their short coat, devoid of even a hint of undercoat, looks great without any water treatments. It is enough to brush it with a special mitt, and from 4 months - with a soft brush.

Carefully monitor the condition of the ears and eyes of your pet. Wipe them daily with a damp cotton pad. If you find the slightest signs of discharge, immediately show the kitten to the doctor. Any diseases in babies are much more severe than in adult animals, so the sooner treatment is started, the better.


The best food for kittens is industrial feed of the highest class. You do not have to give your pet additional vitamins, it will receive everything that a growing body needs with food.

How to name a Siamese kitten

It is unlikely that anyone would think of calling a Siamese aristocrat Barsik or Murzik. Meanwhile, these sonorous nicknames perfectly demonstrate the principle by which you need to choose a name: a distinct, sonorous beginning and the absence of hissing sounds. If you can’t do without hissing, let these sounds be in the middle of the name.

Let's try to come up with a beautiful euphonious name for the pet.

If it's a boy, you can call him:

  • Athos;
  • Basil;
  • Bertie;
  • Leslie;
  • Nelson;
  • Nestor;
  • Maurice;
  • Tyson;
  • Everett.

If: you have a cat:

  • Alice;
  • Anfisa
  • Bertha;
  • Beatrix;
  • Ophelia;
  • Saji;
  • sona;
  • Sookie
  • Tess;
  • Ulsi.

Where can I buy

You can buy a Siamese kitten in Moscow in one of the catteries:

  1. "Sharess-Ori" (cattery of oriental and Siamese cats);
  2. "Salambo" (cattery of oriental and Siamese cats);
  3. "Marsiori" (cattery of oriental cats).

You can choose the baby you like among the ads on "Avito" or use the "I'll give it to good hands" service. Of course, it will be difficult to find a purebred kitten with a pedigree in this case, although there are exceptions - for example, if the owners move to another country and cannot take their pet with them, it will be very important for them that it falls into good hands.

If it's not the pedigree that matters to you, but the point color, this is a good choice. But you must be prepared for the fact that the kitten you have chosen is only half Siamese. Having matured, he can become aggressive, and you will have to put in a lot of effort to correct his character.

This breed is small and light. She is very flexible and sophisticated. It is simply impossible to confuse this cat with another - they have their own specific coloration, which is not like the others. The remarkable thing about this breed is that in its entire history it has never been crossed with another breed. That is why they have perfectly preserved their original appearance.

The nature of the Siamese cat

The character of Siamese cats is really unique in its own way. Their temperament is very hot, they have always dictated and will dictate their independence, they are excellent hunters and very stubborn animals. But, despite their hot and quick-tempered nature, they become attached to a person like no other. Due to their insight, they very subtly feel the mood swings of their owners. Siamese cats do not trust strangers or unfamiliar people. There is a misconception that a Siamese cat can attack its owner. But that's not the case at all. She will never harm anyone for no reason. On the contrary, if you treat her kindly, she will also be kind to you. I always loved when the attention of others was drawn to her. She loves to play and frolic. But she will endure loneliness quite calmly if the owner needs to go somewhere. However, after your long absence, do not forget to pay due attention to her, play with her and communicate. Like this characteristics of the Siamese cat given by experts.

Siamese Kitten Care

What is Siamese cat care? Everything is the same as caring for any other cat, plus some nuances in terms of disease prevention. Grooming should be kept to a minimum because Siamese cats have short coats. You need to bathe them only if there is a special need for it (for example, the appearance of fleas). You have to brush once a week. From time to time you need to cut the growing claws. It is important to initially accustom the animal to this procedure. Remember that the house must have a scratching post. Perhaps even a few, because kittens always have a lot of energy, and they need to move all the time. Because of this, kittens should be kept away from all kinds of railings, open windows and vents, wires. This is how easy it is to care for Siamese kittens. Now you know how to care for a Siamese cat.


Siamese Cat Nutrition

The next question to be considered is what to feed siamese cats. The first and foremost requirement is the constant maintenance of a variety of food for the Siamese cat. Another unspoken rule is to make sure that your cat always has fresh water, because they drink often and a lot. Food should be rich in protein. Especially if it Siamese kitten food. From meat, you can give lamb, poultry, rabbit meat. Excellent Siamese cats are fish, especially tuna and cod. Cottage cheese and cheese will also be useful. Egg yolk is rich in essential vitamins. Do not forget about the benefits of dry food. It is always made high-calorie and rich in vitamins. There is food separately for kittens and separately for adult cats. It differs in its composition and the amount of fats, proteins and carbohydrates. Feeding Siamese kittens at an early age should occur frequently - up to six times a day. With age, the number of feedings gradually decreases to two, or even up to once a day. If you feed your cat once a day, it is better to do it at night. If you find out that somewhere is carried out

Siamese require the same care as other cats, plus special attention should be paid to disease prevention and high quality nutrition.

Siamese are picky in food and fickle in tastes.

Siamese often like to eat unexpected foods: nuts, corn, mushrooms, sweets, fruits. When feeding natural foods, take care of the variety and remember that a meat diet causes darkening of the coat in Siamese cats. It will be better if at least 30% of the diet will be delivered by fish. When feeding ready-made food, give only food from well-known premium manufacturers, super premium or medium - Yams, Hills, Boi "" and others. Make sure that the cat always has access to water. Siamese drink a lot, preferring running or settled fresh water. They are capricious about the water container. Some prefer the master's bowl, others require water to be poured into a bucket (for some reason, many Siamese suffer from gigantism disease), others drink only water flowing from the tap. Always make sure that the water is not cold, as Siamese are prone to colds.

The main role of the protein, it is the supplier of essential amino acids. Essential amino acids are those that are not produced by the body and must be obtained from food. In terms of value, different protein sources are ranked in the following order:

- muscle tissue
- internal organs (liver, kidneys, stomach, udder, lung);
- spleen (undesirable, as it causes diarrhea).

Poultry meat.
Rabbit meat.
Fish (navaga, cod, tuna).
Dairy product/»! (cottage cheese, cheese).
Chicken eggs (boiled yolk).
Soy flour.
Nutritional yeast.

Fats are the next most important component of a cat's diet. They are deliverers of energy, fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, £) and a source of fatty acids (linoleic and arachidonic). Without fatty acids, the growth of young animals stops, the condition of the skin and coat deteriorates, and problems with reproduction appear. In addition, fats are necessary to maintain the phosphorus-kalyday balance in the body of cats, the violation of which is fraught with serious diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Sources of fats for cats are in the following order (by value).

Egg yolk.
Bone fat.
Chicken fat.
Perirenal and perihepatic fat.
Vegetable oils.

Cats easily absorb fats, they do not cause digestive problems. Of course, this does not mean that the Siam should be put on sandwiches with lard without bread.

Carbohydrates are also a source of energy for cats, albeit a lesser one. Cats do not like foods that are the main suppliers of carbohydrates - cereals and vegetables. But boiled oatmeal and rice mixed with meat or fish must be present in their diet.

For normal peristalsis, that is, the movement of the stomach and intestines, ballast substances are needed in the cat's food. This is mainly cellulose, which is not absorbed in the body, but increases peristalsis and helps cleanse the intestines. Cellulose is found in cereals, bread, vegetables.

The body of a cat needs a certain amount of vitamins for normal life. Essential vitamins come from food. The need for vitamin A is met by animal feed. The high content of vitamin A in beef liver, chicken yolk make them an indispensable component of cat nutrition. The liver is given once or twice a week, the yolk in the amount of one or two per week in several doses. The need for vitamin D in cats is relatively low and is fully satisfied by the presence of butter, cottage cheese, egg yolk, and liver in the diet.

Vitamin E is necessary for the formation of tissues, for the normal condition of the skin and coat. His cats also receive with food.

Cats have the highest need for B vitamins - B, B3 and B6. They are found in yeast, heart, kidney and liver. The meat of some fish contains thiaminase, an enzyme that destroys vitamin B(, so it must be given boiled. The most dangerous in this regard are bream, crucian carp, roach, and bream.

In vitamin C, the cat does not feel the need, since the cat's body is able to produce it.

Of the minerals, special attention should be paid to calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, iron, zinc, copper, iodine. With a balanced diet, the cat does not need additional special preparations, but it is better to consult a veterinarian about this.

The amount of food consumed by a cat is more or less individual. It depends on age, weight, conditions of detention. A semi-free cat needs more food than one that does not leave the apartment. On average, a Siamese weighing about 4.5 kg should receive 150 g of protein feed per day (meat, fish, egg yolk, cottage cheese, nutritional yeast) and 50 g of feed containing fats, carbohydrates and dietary fiber.

It is most convenient to feed a cat with ready-made food. At the same time, one rule applies: if you save on quality, you will lose on health. You should choose food of the super-premium, premium or medium class. In the pet food market, the Yams, Hills, Purina, Royal Canin, Techni-Cal, and Bosch feeds have proven themselves to be excellent. They are produced, as a rule, in the form of dry food and in the form of canned food. An adult Siamese weighing 4.5-5 kg ​​needs 100 g of dry or 175 g of canned food. The higher the quality of the food, the less it is needed for the full nutrition of the cat. Therefore, the cost gain on cheap feed is lost on quantity. If premium feed for a month will take about 3 kg, then cheap feed will require at least 5 kg. Add to that bowel problems, having to process a huge amount of waste, a habit of eating a large volume of food, which leads to distension of the stomach and overeating, and make a choice.

For kittens, pregnant and lactating cats, special food is produced, and here the recommendation is unequivocal - only a quality product. Otherwise, instead of a large, healthy, strong and beautiful Siamese, you run the risk of growing a half-sized with a problematic psyche and poor health.

Siamese cat care

The short coat of Siamese cats does not require special care. It is enough to gently comb it out once a week with a comb with frequent blunt teeth. Pay attention to the ears. The coat there is very short and sparse, especially in Siamese with light (blue, lavender, silver, etc.) marks. It is enough to occasionally clean it with velvet.

Ears are cleaned once a week with a cotton swab dipped in vaseline oil. The teeth of a cat that receives sufficient solid food usually do not need to be processed. If tartar has appeared, you can contact a specialist to remove it.

Bathing Siamese is optional if they do not go outside. But many of them love the water, willingly watch you take a bath, play with the stream of water. Therefore, occasionally you can bathe them in a small amount of warm (38-40 ° C) water, only then you need to carefully wipe or dry with a hairdryer and protect them from hypothermia and drafts.