How dangerous is the astral world and is it worth visiting. Lucid dreaming (astral travel) Exit to the astral plane through a lucid dream

For beginners and those who have been practicing out-of-body experience for the first time, it will be useful to know how you can enter the Astral through lucid dreaming through practice false awakening. I really love this technique for its simplicity, because all you need is an electronic timer on your phone, a little time at the beginning of the day and the desire to become an astral traveler. In order for you to experience what it is like to be in the astral body and leave your "physical clothes", do not move when you wake up. Otherwise, you can frighten off a sleepy state, tone your muscles and destroy the fragile balance between sleep and wakefulness.

The principle of operation of this method of exit from the body

You will be woken up by the sound of an alarm clock or timer every time it goes off. Due to the fact that the intervals between calls will be uneven, you will be able to tune in in such a way that you wake up in the Astral, want to turn off the alarm and separate from the physical body. It always works 100%.

The main thing is that the intervals are uneven.

Since it's easiest to get out at 4 or 5 am, I recommend setting your alarm for that time, followed by 5:15, 5:30, then 5:45, 6:00, 6:10, 6:25 and 6:35. The body will adapt and will not overreact to each subsequent signal. Gradually, he puts himself into a mode of existence on the fine line between sleep and wakefulness.

From now on you will know why out-of-body technique it really works, because when you go into a state when the mind is awakened, and the body, on the contrary, is immersed in the arms of Morpheus, a portal opens through which you can easily enter the Astral or OS.

What can't be done?

You don't have to move when you wake up, which means you need to keep your phone handy so you can quickly turn it off. Ignore further signals, noting them to yourself, but continue to sleep. Better not to turn around and not open your eyes. Your task is to keep the body motionless.

What will happen after 4-6 awakenings?

The body will not fall into a deep, prolonged sleep, because it subconsciously waits for the signal to sound again. We wait a little more and "voila" - a false awakening comes. At this moment, it is possible to experience for yourself what lucid dreams are, the practice will help you wake up in a dream, see the room and understand that you are actually dreaming.

You will have a slight vibration in the body, tingling and even heaviness in the limbs.

My students, whom I helped to master out-of-body techniques, they said that sometimes such a state is determined by the stone immobility of the whole body. Sometimes they simply could not move, being in a lucid dream or Astral.

Immediately, as soon as you understand what happened, try to get out of bed, if you have not already got up. This will be the division. Get out of the apartment and start exploring a new world.

I remember when I managed to get out using this technique, I went to the gym and worked out a little. I wanted to see how the workouts would show up on the physical body. Really works! The experiment was a success, and I still do it.

I recommend before going to bed, at night, to read books, reviews on forums about lucid dreams, OBE and Astral. So you prepare yourself even better, and by morning the subconscious will already know what awaits it. But please do not treat leaving the body as an exam. Keep calm and read more just in case.


  1. Counter question, why do you need it?
    1. For fun!
    Well then, bad advice:
    - go have a drink, also for fun
    - do not sleep for two days, go to bed by the third and think about getting out, it will work out

    2. Interesting to develop
    Then you need to study like at school, otherwise nothing.
    The first lesson (only the first but self-sufficient). Set yourself a goal - to realize yourself in a dream. Take a notebook, put it along with a pencil next to the bed. After waking up, immediately scroll through the dream you just had in your head to consolidate it. Then take a notepad and write down everything you remember. And so several times. Awareness will come by itself in subsequent dreams

  2. "sv9tJune 17, 2013
    Please include your name so it's easier to communicate."
    posts from January 07, 2014, WhiteScorpion. soap = whitesc(dog)mail-ru

  • Auto RU:
    Was the water clean? Yes, she was clean. Was the water wet? - Wet it, apparently, was not - it was not water. The fundamental difference between Astral and sleep is the same as between a wall and a mirror. For example, if you go through a wall, put your hand on the floor - this is not dangerous, but entering the mirror ... is fraught with ambiguous cases. But neither the wall nor the mirror are mirrors or walls - they are not objects. Astral is made of dreams, like pork fat. Breathe water. Breathing, dreams are real, even if you dream them just in a random dream. Forget this word. Lies can only be found in religious books, in dreams you will not find anything ... except reality. You look at your dream and say to yourself - "is it Astral or is it not Astral?" This is not Astral, but not because your dream is an illusion, but because Astral is just a philosophical category, a construction of reasoning, but what is in front of you is a manifestation of existence, and between these two there is an abyss of differences. Because philosophical judgments are alive like pharaohs in coffins.
    It doesn't matter where to be aware, in a dream or not in a dream - it is difficult to be aware at all. Because the arrangement of life has saved us from this need. If you are aware from one corner of a five-story house to another corner of it, then stop being aware by ordering yourself not to be aware, but as you walk past this house, be aware in the ultimate way. Skip this house if you are not going to be aware near its walls. And then this thing will become your ability to realize on a rotational basis, i.e. short, but intense. You, if you have time for this, will delve into the tension of this time (the time while you are walking along the wall) and feel then it is possible that it in itself surpasses what can be achieved through it - dreams. After all, dreams are not when you take off your clothes, they are not because the light is turned off.

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  • Many people see the real world from the Astral... it would be better if one saw it many times, because with the umpteenth attempt, a lot of inconsistencies are found. What is usually considered the criteria of the Astral, like the spectacle of one's own body, the atmosphere of the room in which one sleeps, etc. insufficient in terms of details. These details always indicate that although the dream has the power to convince the sleeper that he sees everyday reality, nevertheless, he does not see it. I myself and another person have been trying to find the exact reflection for many years and there have been many cases when, as it seemed, it almost succeeded. Personally, it seemed to me that this happened in relation to certain fragments of reality, but in fact, all this was good only for clattering about some things that were as amazing as they were useless - there was not a single case of seeing everyday reality from the Astral. Of course, you can always hope that someone succeeded, people are different. Both of us, at first, did so, especially since such a possibility is postulated in special literature, written evidence is given. We have been inventing new explanations for our failures for a long time, these explanations can be assumed for a very long time, but a person’s life is not endless - it’s only believers who can endlessly believe in a shepherd or a book, and we needed proof, and then we did what none of those who adhere to the theories about the Astral will praise, because I take away from them a rather attractive, wonderful faith, replacing it ... even replacing it with nothing. It is impossible to take away from the believer his god and from the occultist, the old or whatever new his Astral. Faith is a reliable means of imprisoning people in surrendering their dear ideas, religious, scientific, it doesn't matter. Nobody wants to give up ideas, favorite ideas, and this is also unpleasant for me, but reality is not bad, it does not need us to decorate it with our hopes. If you cannot learn the basics of programming in half a year and you are led to believe that it takes several successive lifetimes or that it requires training under the guidance of an expert, then this is an ancient lie in its newness, and this is what you will be told about the science of seeing everyday time from the Astral. No one doubts electricity, it is openly irreversible. Programming is available, as are electronics and lucid dreaming. Every subject is available for study, it only needs to be available in nature, otherwise an expert is required, many lives are required, the favor of mystical forces is required. But will we be so gullible? Nobody wants to see hallucinations, they don't want to see what is not there. On the contrary, I want to see prophecy and reality. The reason for this ridiculous nonsense is that the concepts of "dreams" and "hallucinations" have been, for some time now, so to speak, crap on by some groups of people. Today it is not commendable at all, to have hallucinations. To see what is not, today is not considered an achievement. Every mystical-minded individual wishes to enter the Astral, but which of them is inspired by the ability not to know or to forget temporarily. All our lives we learn something, and how not to know, no one has learned that. We know why you need to expand your horizons - we don’t know why narrow it down. Also, we all know, or at least someone said it, why dreams are needed. And the more we know about dreams, the less we want them. We don't need dreams. Glitches are also not needed ... we know. And what we know about glitches does not do honor to their owner, and therefore we do not need glitches either. The astral, therefore, is a social phenomenon - it is a response to our ideas about the value of things and especially, about the non-value of certain things.

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      Here, Max, I can neither refute you nor somehow agree. Because I am in the astral plane, in the way everyone imagines now and where many want to go, I can’t manage to visit in any way. Yes, a dream is multifaceted, but where to understand where an ordinary dream ends, and where a conscious glitch begins, and where is the Astral? in the latter only by influencing the surrounding reality and subsequently checking these actions. I only manage to go into a lucid sleep (glitch) for a while, but no more. Perhaps this is hindered by routine everyday life, such a period now I have.

      Personally, my opinion, if there is a concept, then there is an object! The astral exists, it’s just that until it is achievable for us, maybe we’re doing something wrong, maybe something else ... You can call it simple faith, hope, but I’m just studying, trying, somehow I strive to advance in terms of dreams especially without focusing on Astral. For I believe that all Astral, levitation, predictions, mind reading, vision are all just consequences of a person’s spiritual development. Here it is the goal to which you need to strive, and everything else will be.

      I'm wondering how far along you and your friend are in practice? what exactly was used?

  • max,
    why in your posts you substitute concepts and use methods of hidden manipulations?
    As an example (and it's not the only one):
    in many sentences, instead of “we know”, it would be more logical to write at least “I know”. Because some "we" don't agree. In order to destroy the cunning manipulating construction of the sentence, I do not agree not with the fact that I don’t know or know, but with the fact that this is only your opinion and writing that this “we know” is incorrect in essence the information presented to which this cunning "we know".

    Essentially the topic:
    1. There is a lucid dream.
    2. Astral - yes.
    3. OS and Astral are different phenomena.

    A little more on p3.
    OS - this is what you, realizing that in a dream, invented yourself, a consequence of imagination.
    The Astral is one of the really existing planes. The astral plane is real, certainly different from the physical plane, but actions in the physical plane are reflected in the astral and vice versa.
    Therefore, Max, you unreasonably write: “it would be better if one saw it many times, because with the umpteenth attempt, a lot of inconsistencies are found.”. And how did you want? That's exactly how it should be. I will say even more, even in the physical world there will be a lot of inconsistencies looking at one place, for example, in winter and summer. Time is a topic for another conversation.
    “Astral, therefore, is a social phenomenon” - and electricity that you mentioned, in such a context, is not a social phenomenon? Here again, the substitution of concepts, tk. the definition of astral is narrowly indicated, although the “social concept” of the astral is the hundredth point. I am sure that at one time they also considered “social glitches” a person who reported that with the help of electricity it is possible to communicate with a person through a miracle tube (telephone) from the opposite hemisphere of the Earth.

    Maybe the Astral will sooner or later open up to the whole society, but judging by the other chosen path for the development of mankind - not soon. Thanks to Einstein, who, sorry, a Jew, fooled many. No wonder his most common image is showing his tongue.

    An experienced astral traveler can go into the apartments of many of his friends during the day and then tell what they were doing at that moment, without mistakes.

    Here, dear Max, try to fantasize and catch such “glitches”, and then we will continue to argue what is the OS, what is the “Filis social astral”, does it exist, and what is their difference ...
    Realizing in advance that you want “evidence”, this is immediately evident from your posts, I’ll point out, don’t be a “high priest”, and don’t stone someone who doesn’t want to prove, but doesn’t mean he can’t, don’t arrange clowning. The Astral has its own laws ... And so, Google to the rescue, there are a lot of such evidence.

  • It is impossible to know in advance what a dream will do to a person. I once thought I knew why I needed to dream. I had vain plans for this. They weren't very imaginative also because they weren't mine, but I just shared them with many before me and after me, I think they will remain the same. But it didn't really matter. We must draw our desires from a source that is hardly able to justify anyone's dreams. A dream does not fulfill dreams, but gives them to those who do not have them. My problem was that I had them. And the more I persisted on my own, the more time and effort was wasted. And only when I began to lose, little by little, my bookish knowledge, and with them my goals, when I began to understand that knowledge is an obstacle, I began to love him without knowing, not wanting to get anything from him. But that is why I began to discover a secret, a strange one, about dreams. Just as water masses do not reflect land, dreams should not be reflections. They are nothing but themselves. Stones can roll down the mountain not only when you push them, but you can also push a stone down the mountain, and dreams are not yours, there is nothing for it. Why do some people think that the stars in the sky move in order to predict Petrov's or Sidorov's fate? Does astrology apply to Martians? In what aspects will Saturn be in the horoscope of the chicken if its owner decides to cook stew from the chicken? Dreams prophesy no more than the stars, no more than a traffic light. A traffic light can become your oracle, especially at the moment when you try to cross the intersection under a red light. All things and dreams speak to us, but they can say even more if they dare to listen. Initially, things have no qualities. Whatever they have, we give them. For example a form. They manifest themselves exactly as they are allowed to. As if an engineer is loaded with paperwork, he will turn into an official, things around us only have time to process monotonous requests. Leave them to yourself and they will show you masterpieces.

    Reply Delete

    Hello! Help me to understand! This often happens to me. But I think I'm most likely in the OS. Although I'm not entirely sure. I read the difference between the OS and the astral and only get more confused. This afternoon I fell asleep and, as described, the body stopped moving. I usually cover my head with a blanket. And in this state, for the first time, I think that I am not sleeping. I want to pull the blanket away, but my hands are almost invisible and pass through it, although they feel it, but they cannot move it away. Then I realize that I'm most likely in the OS. Then I push off hard and start wandering around the room. Basically, all items look like in real life. I can't fly, but strangely, I land on the ground after jumping. They are smoother and longer lasting. You can't fly right away. There are no entities nearby and they are not felt. Not scary. But if I go to other rooms, then things may not be like in real life. For example, a sofa can stand by the window. In fact, he stands against the wall. I also saw my brother, sister and mother. They didn’t really look like themselves, and I vaguely remember their faces, but I was sure that it was them and they saw me, although in order to see, they had to peer for a long time, and then they were surprised. This time I asked my sister to touch the body so that I could be dragged into it, otherwise I can’t find it myself. She went to touch the body and I was really drawn to it. Then I woke up and I know that, I am absolutely alone in the house, my parents left for the sea and my brother with them. My sister lives separately with her husband. Often I see the whole atmosphere pleasant, the colors are brighter, sparkles and all sorts of tinsel .... People look wise and kind .... Everything. This is not the astral, as I understand it, but the OS?

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      Hello Tanya! Astral is a narrow variety of the OS, i.e. the more you do spiritual practices, the "cleaner" OS. "Cleaner" is an OS without "impurities" of ordinary sleep, i.e. delirium. You, in my opinion, just have Astral, but not pure, so you can consider it an OS. That's when in the Astral you can influence things in reality, then it is a "clean" OS or already Astral, there is no other way to check it. I hope it's not hard to write.

      As for the entities, the Astral, and especially the OS, depends on the attitude of a person. Some people are constantly being dragged in different directions by terrible monsters (I know such people), while others, on the contrary, are calm. The most important thing to understand is that a person is a very, very strong being.

      Only recently I have been able to "open" my eyes, as a result, sometimes I see the same thing, as if from 2 heads, a very interesting feeling. I don’t seem to be sleeping and I see the piano, I immediately understand that I see it a little differently, with different eyes. When I looked out the window from the house, there was generally one forest and a small handful of houses. But the feeling was that I had been here so long ago, a feeling of deja vu.

  • Thanks for the detailed answer! I'm actually afraid of pure astral. Whatever it is, I'm completely unprepared for it. I go out into the OS or the impure astral plane without any negative thoughts, without the desire to do something bad there. I'm not ready for it because I think I'm too naive there. Those people seemed kind to me, they listened to me attentively, like they were my mother, brother, sister. I knew that it was them and for some reason I was a little embarrassed that they were not exactly alike. They are all much younger. But, as it were, they are all the same. Moreover, I vaguely remember their faces. I asked my sister to touch the body and she helped me so that my spirit could find it. But I didn’t ask for a real sister, but the one that was there ... in the OS. And in general, I always sleep with a night light. I'm afraid in complete darkness .... I have a question like this. On the one hand, I'm afraid, but when I go out there, it's not scary. There is no one there to scare me. Why can this be so?

  • If you think it's too early for now. Strangers are always betrayed by the eyes, no matter what the creature looks like, their eyes ... some kind of alien or something, not similar to human ones. It just needs to be noticed and you will immediately see who is in front of you.

    I’ll tell you my case: I “rolled out” of the body into the astral plane, but I couldn’t stay in it and fell into the OS, I went into my parents’ room, they were sitting talking, smiling, but their eyes were always looking at me and very carefully and studyingly followed. I realized this as soon as I woke up. But since I didn’t notice this, I proved to the “pseudo-parents” that look, I’m in the OS, I’m above the ceiling ... There’s no point in being afraid of them if you understand that you are always stronger than everyone else, a person is like a fish in water there, just few people understand it. There are other layers of the Astral, where a person is like a mosquito for others, but it is very, very difficult to get there. So many years of practice are needed that today's human life is not enough.

    If you mean the transition itself, which is accompanied by fear, then this is normal. With each exit, the very edge of the transition will be invisible, as well as fear. This is a kind of self-defense of our body, so that once again it does not "climb out". And the fact that the OS is not scary is also normal. During the transition to the Astral, I feel simply wild horror, accompanied by thundering and frightening sounds. In fact, a person often goes to the Astral, more often in the OS, he already knows everything there. Children under 5 years old feel good "there", they even see the world as it is, without stereotypes imposed by parents and seeing the world in their own way. And you have also been many times in the OS and Astral, your dream body knows how to move, fly, return, etc. But why you know all this, but do not remember this is a separate topic for discussion. There is no time to describe everything, my achievements, thoughts and conclusions.

  • Astral is not logical. In my opinion, everything happens in our head and not in the outside world or measurement. The brain is a computer or something like that, only cooler. And at a certain moment we started falling asleep, we learned to deceive it with the help of techniques. we need to rest and whether we want it or not, the brain turns off the body (sleep paralysis) and starts a dream on the topic that we need for the psyche and for the body (physiology). But it is precisely at the time of loading the scenario (sleep phase), with the help of technology, that we set it ourselves, clinging to the consciousness, we begin to see, feel and understand what we want - (astral, ourselves in bed, flying to the moon, in the end, a naked female) - in short, to order. But as I understand it, not one advanced practitioner has lingered in this state for more than 5-10 minutes in reality, throws everyone out, or falls asleep. That is, the download ends, you can’t fool the brain. It's my personal opinion. All for now.

  • And how do you explain the physical influence on the world through the Astral? During sleep, only the body rests, it needs to rest, but in a dream it could work in a different mode and several times stronger. The fact that in today's time it is difficult to achieve a long stay is explained simply: are you ready to give up your family, the city, the modern world, live alone, engage in spiritual practices, meditation, eat the right diet, get food yourself and live like this for 20 years? I think not, like many will not give up the benefits of modernity, and all this distracts from spiritual growth.

  • Tanya
    much that is answered to your post, sorry, nonsense.
    Look at my answer to Max "y, it's up the thread (Anonymous January 07, 2014).
    Especially the last lines. Thank you!

  • This is where everyone is being clever...) and is there at least one of you real practitioners of astral exits...? I definitely advise everyone to start with a trilogy of books by Robert Monroe! Then there will be fewer questions ...! I didn’t start with him, but then when I read it, everything fell into place, there was a clear understanding of the places of interruption of practitioners and mine in particular!

  • Influence on the world? only if you apply the information that a person has perceived in his entire past life (heard, smelled, touched, seen, studied), presumably Mendeleev created the table precisely in the phase based on his knowledge. Find the keys if he saw them out of the corner of his eye. I don't know of any other influence. If there is such a thing, please bring it to the point.

    Reply Delete
  • no, I'm talking about a specific physical influence on the world: move an object, break glass, up to being "visible" to awake people, those who are out of phase. If you read Castaneda - D. Juan, or rather his energy body, could be completely visible to people, as he said, the most difficult thing is to project eyes, very few can do this.

    Read Robert A. Monroe, he just has books about traveling in the Astral, he also created psychoactive programs with Hemi-Sync sounds, I cite them on this site as an example, I listened to it myself.

    And, please, indicate the name, so it's easier for me to communicate with you.

    Reply Delete
  • Yes! And the author! No need to intimidate people with mirrors, it's all nonsense... I went in and had an amazing experience...! After all, someone correctly noted here that a mirror in the astral world is only your projection of the mind, unless of course we are talking about the first ring of subtle existence...

    Reply Delete
  •! of.your.body! up. over, out from.their.body,!!!!

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  • Guys, all good time sktok. Very interesting discussion. What do you think of Stephen LaBerge's book Lucid Dreaming?
    And another question, did someone try to read in a dream (astral plane), learn unknown information, for example, learn a foreign language? I can’t read, either I don’t find books, or some kind of gibberish is written, and the words on the page change in real time. And the words are unreadable.
    Has anyone talked to the entities, realizing that these are the inhabitants there?

    Reply Delete
  • Astral has a spectrum of colors. Usually these are colored clouds of purple-green tones. In it one can see with closed eyes and move oneself with the power of thought. In a dream, they often walk or fly, but do not freeze in place until the next command, and the movement in the astral plane is straightforward, like a camera zoom. There is also a dense dream turning into the astral. There are attacks in reality and meetings with the gods. A lot of things happen. But the bottom line is that in a dream it happens and the light bulbs work. By the way, the higher astral can be initially two-dimensional, which speaks of a model of the universe.

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  • What should I do? When I realize in a dream that I am in a dream, that is, the beginning of the OS, the dream immediately becomes uncontrollable and the dream itself kills me in a matter of minutes.
    I dreamed that I was walking around my old school, on the ground floor. It dawned on me when I looked at my hand and saw a pinkish glow, like from a candle flame. I was delighted and went along the first floor along the corridor. Suddenly, blue water begins to arrive from nowhere, and interior items made of wood, chairs of various shapes, tables and toys appear around me, which naturally floated on the surface and prevented me from surfacing. For some time, I was seized by panic and the school!exploded!, I didn’t even understand how, but I was already looking at it from the side of the street. After a moment, I woke up. The second time, they simply took me by the arms spreading in space and simply threw me out of sleep, as soon as I again became aware of the dream, I don’t know who it was either.
    What does this mean and how can I stay in a dream?

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  • Hello, I read your comments and think that all this is nonsense. I personally think that during sleep a person cannot get into the astral plane. Lucid dreams are just a projection of the human brain. And not a trip to the astral plane. It's all about the BRAIN. Bradley Thompson, it clearly says that the OS is not an exit from the body. The dream world is created by your subconscious. AND YOU DO NOT LEAVE YOUR BODY! Do not be afraid of your dreams, this is only your imagination, your fantasy.
    I won't panic, these are just alarmist websites.

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  • hello Svyat. Please help me understand the classification of a dream - I can’t understand where I was - in the subconscious or in the astral in my apartment. Among the discussions of "astro-pilots" or astral pilgrims, there is an opinion that in the astral plane, that is, going out into the other world (nav), in your house you can observe old furniture that used to be in real life, but which is no longer there, the sizes of the rooms are different and other differences-additions.
    Please explain, can this be the case with a real exit to the other world-nav-astral - you observe furniture in your apartment that has long been gone in real life, changed dimensions (a slightly different layout, a large area, etc.). in the astral plane - or such differences in the situation in the apartment testify to the delirium of the subconscious-dream and nothing more. With a real exit to the Nav-other world - all objects retain their position and quantity as strictly as they are now in real life, are the dimensions of the apartment and the layout the same strictly as in real life? Or to realize yourself in a dream in your apartment stuffed with other old furniture means that it's just in your subconsciousness that you are in your own - conscious behavior in a caledoscopic dream? Please clarify this question, your experience is needed, since in different groups of "astro-pilots" all this is interpreted differently - mixed up - how many people have so many opinions, and the unknown torments me, since a bad event happened there in this dream - I fornicated with someone else wife, now my conscience is out of place and the unknown torments me and I can’t answer myself - I was in the subconscious or in the Navi-other world-astral in the second. I didn’t see my obvious-material body lying there. The event took place in my apartment in a dream only the sizes and objects differed from the real ones. Immediately after the end of the dream, I woke up in the middle of the night from anxiety and anxiety - from the feeling that I had sinned with a real person (neighbor) and at the same time as I woke up from this dream - I heard her voice behind the wall - she too I woke up in the middle of a dream and cursed - I heard it in reality in the middle of the night - the silence was broken by the voice of a female curse. I didn’t ask her about this dream in real life because I didn’t communicate with her and didn’t get to know her, now she hala from this house, but in any case, I wouldn’t ask about it - in the case of a fucked up what it really was, I don’t know how to deal with this. Please help me figure it out.

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  • Hey!
    I'm trying to figure out what's going on in my experience. I hope you have some idea or hint about this. Please tell me what to do next, after I realized that this is a dream. I know that I am in a dream, I am me, and this is my dream. You can, of course, as I understand it, start observing, you can start a conversation or mentally communicate with the surrounding entities, if any. Well, of course, you can start having fun on your order (sex with someone, especially with a specific appearance of someone or other desired desires), but this does not lead to the goal of entering the Navi body. Now it is not clear yet some details become. What to do next? Should I strive somewhere or just stand and watch?

    You can come up with a name for the appeal yourself;)

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  • By the way, thanks for the quick response, I didn't expect that.

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  • Yes, but you didn't seem to ask.
    Of course, the routine daily life is addictive, exhausting, and this work (from the word slavery) is very distracting. And who especially
    "lucky" to get married, get married, and even have children before the age of 40, I think there will be no time for such developments. It is also desirable to eat right, to give up meat, for example, according to your own understanding, and not because you heard that you need to become a vegetarian, and from tomorrow not to eat meat, and then think how difficult it is.
    Of course, I am smiling and very sad about the situation in the minds of Russian and Russian-speaking citizens and individuals. The social pressure is very high and kind of ugly (ugly). General standard: kindergarten, school, university, work, pension, death. And this is all for some kind of all 60-70 years. And no one got any experience, An ideally working model, fruit harvesters and its creators can rejoice to the fullest.
    Waking up in a dream and understanding that this is a dream is much easier than waking up in this life, which is imposed on us by ideology and false history.
    If you asked me how it turned out to realize a dream in a dream within the framework of this forum for new readers, I can advise you to listen to Denis Borisov about controlled dreams (yes, this jock talks about such things, but he usually talks like for those who are not particularly bending). My personal story is different how I did it and how long ago, very long.
    It's strange that you wrote that you can't get rid of it. Everything is very simple, I somehow got bored of setting a sleep program, so I just become a simple observer of the confusion that visits me at night, that's all, and over time, you can be so exhausted during the day as a slave that you can not remember at all in the morning what dreamed. You can still stop scrolling, remembering or remembering your dreams, and in this way you can return to the ranks of modern biorobots.
    It was nice to meet and chat

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      Kind! if you take specifically the OS-Astral, then no way, but the practices leading to the achievement of the OS-Astral are yes. For example, I'm talking specifically about stalking, about meditation, about the right food.

  • Good evening, thanks for the answer, but my concept is such that I would like to establish financial well-being in order to devote myself completely to practices, spiritual development. not be distracted by everyday problems.

  • Hey! and thank you for your interesting question. Look, "happiness", "financial well-being", "everything is good to be" - these are such lengthy and purely personal terms that it is better not to use them anywhere, especially in desires. Let's say financial well-being is a certain amount of money you receive for a great startup that grows every day. Fine! Now what I know:
    1. Usually, the information that can be obtained in the OS is either useless, tk. it is not clear from whom it was received or is applicable only in the OS, and not in wakefulness.
    2. My friends have been looking for Akashic chronicles in the OS for 4 years already and still have not achieved anything.
    3. There are prophetic dreams, but this is not OS, this is more your own intuition. There may be ideas there, the question is whether you remember a prophetic dream.
    3. Astral - I know cases when information in the astral was received and used. But there is more about loved ones, illnesses, etc. About how to become "financially independent" (also, by the way, an inadequate expression, you can go to live in the forest, leave everyone and everything and become financially independent) I have never heard of giving information. I think even if you get it, it will not work.

    Bottom line, it's unlikely that anything adequate will come of it. My advice to you is something else. There is You and there is the World around, you set the world that is around you now. You set the RIGHT Desire, take steps towards it, time passes and the desire comes to you, You must see it. I hope you understand what is the right desire? what are steps? and how to see it?
    You have already, in fact, taken the first steps - you wrote a question in this post. The only thing you need is a specific, well-thought-out goal! I want to receive $100 a day - good, I don't want to depend on anyone financially - bad.

  • Thank you for the answer, I understand everything, I will try to work on myself. If questions arise, can I contact you? !!!

  • of course you can, I’ll help you if I can)) In fact, how it will turn out what you have planned, on the contrary, inspiration appears, and not sadness) But even here you can’t rejoice, but just accept it as if it’s all the norm, it should be. You start to rejoice, tell everyone how cool everything is and it just turns out, everything will be lost.

  • Good day, please tell me, with the help of audio programs like Hemi-sink, can I start practicing astral travel? Or where to start?

  • Hello! can you.
    I started the practice of entering the astral plane with them. I read Robert Monroe in the evenings, then meditation with Hemi-sink and deep sleep. After about six months, vibrations began, they are hard to overcome, then you abruptly fly into the astral plane.
    I advise you to try different tracks with hemi-sync, that's what you like and use. If you don’t like something, you feel that you are not comfortable, take the next one. For example, in the Development of DNA levels, I chose tracks without a voice and listened to them in meditation, it was so comfortable.
    As for the quality of the tracks, I wrote an article that .mp3 should not be listened to meditation, only .flac or .wav.

  • question: my mother died 5 years ago and I constantly dream. Our apartment is dreaming, in a dream I realize that she is not alive, but it feels like she left me for a while, and now she has returned, I dream of life, I try to talk to her, but she is always silent, and when I tell her that she died leaving. What is it?

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    Hello!!! Dear author wanted to ask you about the inhabitants and creatures that can come to sleep. And also why they can show interest in people in wasps. And most importantly, how to distinguish where is the essence, and where is just an illusion of the brain. If in the eyes, as you said, not everyone has black eyes.

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  • Hello Alex! All judgments are purely from my experience: they show interest not only in a dream, but also in life. In a dream, we simply see or notice them. The best way for me to determine the essence or illusion is the eyes, they are different, inhuman, like black coals. It was once I just realized that it was an entity, a black spot on the ceiling.
    You can ask him who he is, but the entity can lie. You can determine the behavior of an illusion, it, like a robot, performs a certain task, if it is
    How do you see them? what eyes? How do you define an entity or not?

    Reply Delete


      Thanks for answering. Oh, where to start ... The problem is just that. I haven't been taking it seriously recently. So literally one race tried to realize itself in a dream. They said it's cool, you can do whatever you want. Oh, how far from the truth. The first races and it turned out by the way and by the way successful. And then the bad things started. Dubious personalities began to appear in a dream. It seems like ordinary people, but as soon as you approach them, their image immediately changes. They attacked. At first there were also friendly with some and even talked. Well, these are the first ones, and then only the bad ones went. I began to resist in my sleep. They changed tactics. Then they simply began to lure with the images of acquaintances. It’s like someone liked you in a dream in a group with illusions and followed them, and around the corner they already turn into creepy creatures. At first there were these with oil-black eyes. But I didn't have much contact with them. I immediately attacked. I don’t know why there was aggression, but I didn’t let them near me, though they didn’t pretend to be anyone, but simply came. Over time, I learned to intuitively feel them. For example, they do not talk in the image of someone. Still trying to lure. Like a relaxed atmosphere. Most of all, they want to scare. There were also nightmares, I call it a special type, I didn’t really like it, but they are more stupid but more aggressive. You can’t get close to them and they don’t talk to anyone. They look like shadows but they have a big mouth with teeth like needles and they are very big. And yes, they hurt. One race after a few days of bad nights, I just could not stand it, and when they fooled me again, I got angry and attacked them to pieces. Lumps by the way quickly dissolved and disappeared. Ordinary sleep does not hurt, but these do and strongly. It is even felt. Another type that I met on the first couple, he came only one race. They were ghouls, that's what I call them. They just look messy. Thin and humpbacked, they are not tall but have very long claws on their hands. They also pretended. It was my first experience by the way. We talked a little with them. But alas, due to my inability to hold the phase, we did not agree with them. I was just starting out and got thrown out quickly. It's a pity... Although they were also not very peaceful. First we got into a fight, and then we’ll talk okay. Another type is rather just a single case. Recent. I don't know what to attribute it to. It was completely different. Long story short, I got scammed again. But in this race, when I was next to this creature, I felt unpleasant vibrations coming from it, and when I touched it, it seemed to boil, it was very unpleasant to be near it. And when he threw off his "disguise" he was far from human. Most do not want to show their essence as well as to speak. Why am I asking. You see, with some kind of fright, I have wasps several races a night. Very often, and given that these creatures attack me literally in every wasp, this began to annoy. I didn't work out. That is, it continues to act on its own and only intensifies. Now it may not throw out for a long time. You have to wake yourself up forcibly in order to get rid of them, and this can not always be done quickly, since the dream is deep. I tried both talking to them and fighting. They're just starting to freeze all sorts of rubbish. Recently learned a new trick. If in doubt, I say ""I want to see !!!"" and the illusions disappear, only uninvited guests remain. I don't know what to do. Maybe I'm doing something wrong. And these stupid dreams with different strange places. I know that the brain uses fragments from real life for sleep, but cities and planets that I have not seen with my eyes. Don't know. I don't have such a rich imagination. This is in short. This does not include invitations to stay with them. Yes, even that was. Okay, sorry wrote a lot. I know it looks like crazy nonsense. I don’t know myself, maybe I’ve already started, but I just don’t know about it yet.

  • It's clear! No, I didn’t move, it’s just that now you know, this is knowledge. You, one might say, the first on my site, are an obvious person, about whom I wrote earlier in the comments, you first need to try, and then what to do). There are even "teachers" who help a person to enter the OS, Astral, and then do what you want. And what's the point of it if a person can't do anything? Take a child who has just learned to walk, let him enter society, what will happen to him? Unprepared people with a weak psyche can go crazy. The most interesting thing is that you can’t get rid of this, it’s for life, you have to put up with it. Maybe in the future the OSes will disappear, but in fact you will not remember them, you will only wake up broken, tired.

    The thing is, I'm the same. I just started with Astral and only then began to get the OS. Everything was normal, but a year later creatures with black eyes began to appear in the form of relatives. Well, a dream, something with relatives, something with relatives, someone runs after me, and my legs get stuck, you can barely move (turn around, there is no one there, it’s checked). Everything is designed for emotions, mostly fear, it is easy to evoke it in a modern person, and this is energy, "food" for them.

    The first thing I did. I began to take care of myself, and this is deep meditation, complete calmness, not external, but internal. You can scream, cry, smile, but be completely calm inside. Try to put it into practice in life, not to react to any situation, but to know everything as it should be, as if you knew about it. It's very hard, but possible. Accordingly, there is less TV, news, social media feeds - everything that distracts from contemplation and makes you worry.

    The second is the accumulation of internal energy. On the main page you can find a post on how to do it. There is also a breathing exercise somewhere on the site, but it is dangerous, you need to be more careful with it.

    Thirdly, it is necessary to have a clear intention, desire, without leftists "what if it doesn't work out." All these three things are interconnected and calmly applicable in life, you can practice.

    This, for starters, will be enough to calmly resist the entities without resorting to special attacks. At one time I joined a clan in a dream, there was a nickname, we fought crowds of werewolves, dragons, creatures, fought in different worlds. This is a sign of self-learning combat techniques in a dream. The most interesting thing is when I remembered this, I had been fighting for more than a year.

    There are many different entities and take on a different form. Here you can talk a lot and it's pointless. The most important thing to remember is that a person is one of the most powerful beings and can do a lot if there is a clear intention, confidence like a fanatic. There will be fear, they will use it. Here is my opinion and the practice that I did. It may be a little chaotic, but as it is, there are a lot of thoughts.

    PS did not finish the previous comment: if the illusion asks a question, she will answer with nonsense and will deal with her program. This can still distinguish essence from illusion.

  • Hello dear author. You're right. Apparently this is a provocation for energy. Today I dreamed of a wasp. Not the same as everything before. I don't want to bother you. But I'll tell you all the same, maybe someone will benefit from the experience. It was an ordinary dream. I decided to arrange a mega-battle, I think let them unwind a little. Then I think I’ll check how many of my illusions exist. I learned this from Castaneda where Don Juan said that in a dream you need to clearly and clearly pronounce one phrase "" I want to see "". This is necessary so that everything that is not real is lost. What he meant by real I did not understand. Well, according to him, this is supposedly something that radiates energy. Lyrical digression. When you say these words at first it can throw out and
    there may be unpleasant vibrations, but this is at the beginning. Then everything that is not real will simply disappear. I spoke a sentence. And everything disappeared. Only a few buildings and emptiness remained. I decided to see what kind of buildings. And went to them. I saw a man talking on the phone and decided to aggro him. I knew he was an entity. But he didn't get angry. And I joked with him, but he pretended that I was not there. I got tired and-I moved on. I went into the building and there was a cinema. And a bunch of kids. They stare at me and I at them. And behind such comes the ambal guard. I'm just like that, you don't need to beat me. I love simple jokes. And he put me in a chair. And darkness came. I-I woke up in the room. I tried to wake up. But it's useless. And he was in his face and screaming. I felt pain but dulled, that is, it was a dream. For those who come across a similar situation. Most importantly, don't panic and don't panic. You were invited to your house (or rather a trap for you), no one will touch you. There will only be attempts to color their lives. And they will definitely invite you to their place. You don't have to agree. You can wander a little and then you will be thrown out. Let's continue. I went to the small window. And I saw a huge ziggurat on its top and I sat in the room. They were all downstairs. And they shouted that I would jump to them. I don't like height. The view, of course, was amazing. Jungle around. Houses and butterflies even muddied a huge lizard. I started climbing down the rocks. But they did not like it, they threw me down. I thought I would fall when I flew. They gave me wings. Not bad. I went down to earth. And they began to say that it is very beautiful here. I said I want to check everything here. They're kind of good. They didn't seem to understand what I was going to do. I yelled ""I want to see"" loudly. And all those beauties are gone. Only a few stone houses and trees remained. Everything else has disappeared. It was an illusion. They began to scream in horror because I dispelled their idea. I asked why this deception? They only argued among themselves and shouted. I also started arguing with them, accusing them of cheating, and they threw me out. Apparently they didn't like it. Why am I? Moreover, all those beauties and other planets are seen by many of those that are in wasps, this is an illusion. Well, in fact, all dreams are an illusion, I mean exactly about such trips. Don't believe it. This is exactly what Don Juan mentioned in Castaneda's books. Astral or OS, it doesn't matter, it's easy to deceive yourself in it. Thank you dear author for your advice. You're right. It is restraint that is an important factor. It will be difficult for unstable personalities. As for energy, I have nothing to worry about, I have enough of it. Apparently, this is why these climb.

  • Hello! I was in a lucid dream, it’s a pity not for long, about 2 minutes, and I also managed to go into the astral plane once, if it was him, of course, well, it certainly wasn’t OS. When there was OS, it's like a vivid dream and self-understanding, the tactile feeling works, probably works because you want it yourself. And the exit from the body or the astral plane (I don’t know if there is a difference between the WTO and the astral plane), and so, they are essentially different things. I'll tell you from my experience how it all happened. I had insomnia for a couple of days, it’s impossible to say that I didn’t sleep at all, but I slept very badly, and so on the third day I’m lying like this, trying to sleep .... I looked at the clock, it was 4 in the morning, and after 2 hours I had to go to work, from such a thought made it even more difficult to fall asleep =) ... in general, after a certain time, I began to fall into bed for no reason .... slowly and for a long time, like in an endless featherbed or something ... I don’t know how else to describe, I felt that someone then I lay down next to me, my eyes were closed, but with a feeling I felt that there was no hostility, it was warm. in short, I was tired of falling through and I decided to get up, from one thought I found myself in the middle of the room, it was dark at that time of day, but I stood in a bright yellow light that did not blind my eyes, I could look at 360 degrees and see everywhere I think (though I can only look in within your room). I didn’t have an idea that I needed to fly somewhere or something, my emotions went wild, it doesn’t look like anything, the OS can’t be compared, I would even say that there’s nothing like that nearby .... and I saw that creature that was next to me, with human growth, a man woven from light with bright eyes, looked affably at me, I don’t know who it was, and at that moment I was more interested in the fact of what had happened .... then I looked at myself lying down and me in for a second it was sucked into my body .... I jumped up already physically, and could no longer think about sleep ... all the way to work, I thought about what had happened.

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  • Hello everyone. I’ll tell you about my situation. That year I had a strong immersion from fatigue, I fell deeply asleep immediately, I see that I’m standing in the middle of the room, I see how I’m lying next to my husband (it really happened) but I seem to be from the outside I see the bed is the same, our curtains weigh, but the rest that surrounded us seemed to be in some kind of laboratory some kind of terrible walls, there are no doors anywhere, just entrances and exits, I seem to be floating around the room, I didn’t like that the room was all black, the next thing with me this quiet horror happened over our bed, the devil appeared red and burns like fire, jumps and looks at our bed where we lie and wants to kill or strangle us, in general, after that his gaze falls on me and I start to shiver and run away from him as if I’m flying too and I fly out of the room like a gap there, I stand over some sort of iron bridge passage of the laboratory and I don’t know where to go around the wall and downstairs like the first floor, but it’s not known what, in general, he approached me and you know what oh? suddenly his student appeared in the form of a man and hooked me to a chair on some chains of my arms and legs like in a horror movie and began to pull out some kind of iron surgical tongs and something else, at that moment I understand that we are sleeping in the room and I need to save us there, in short, I began to scream strongly in this chair from this scream, and I woke up. day this vision does not give me rest, I always remember it, it was like in real life, I felt everything

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    An out-of-body experience can be quite a powerful experience. From a medical point of view, such a phenomenon is classified as a "dissociative experience or disorder."
    Often the experience that gives rise to such a feeling can either drive a person into a state of ecstasy or traumatize him. In any case, this is reminiscent of the sensations that arise when watching a MOVIE with your own participation. In fact, the effect of everything that happens in a dream is so powerful that the sleeper abstracts from the direct perception of the dream. As a result, he sees himself at a certain point in his life. Dreams of such content can reflect a real picture of your professional situation. A similar sensation can be caused by LUCID dreams. In these vivid dreams, the sleeper is CONSCIOUSLY aware of the fact that he is asleep and sees himself in a dream.
    Dreams of this plane can cause the feeling that the dreamer has projected himself into a certain sphere of reality, thus creating the sensation of an astral projection. This idea is common in some paranormal teachings about the perception of reality.
    In Native American CULTURE, out-of-body experience is perceived as a manifestation of the close connection of the soul with nature. Considered in this way, it is not surprising that the experience of out-of-body flight occupies one of the most significant places in their mythology. In this sense, the out-of-body experience can be seen as a tool of power and FORCE (POWER): living in a world rife with physical limitations, you suddenly find a way to move where you please, you completely control your place in the structure of the Universe.
    On the other hand, an out-of-body experience can symbolize a complete loss of strength, for example, if you see yourself on an operating table in a HOSPITAL.
    Do your out-of-body flights empower or scare you?
    Do you choose the end point of your astral travels or just appear in some place regardless of your choice?

    Dream Interpretation D. Loff

    Astral dream. Meaning, interpretation, meaning of sleep about the astral

    Thank you for reading the interpretation of the dream about the astral in our dream book! Are you curious to know what it means to see the astral in a dream? Not every dream is prophetic, but sometimes a dream about the astral warns of upcoming events. You can find out the true interpretation of sleep with the astral either in a high-quality dream book or from an interpreter. Our dream book contains the best interpretations of the dream about the astral from world-famous authors. Do you dream of astral planes in your dreams? Why this is, at first glance, is difficult to determine. But our dream book will try to suggest the correct meaning of the dream about the astral. Dream Interpretation Astral will try to help you find out everything about the dream in which you saw the astral. Seeing an astral in a dream is a reason to once again look into the dream book and find out why astrals dream!
    Don't forget to add to favorites astral dream meaning, or post a link to sleep - astral on your page.
    Our readers have already dreamed of astral or astrals four thousand five hundred and twenty one times
    Choose the letter that starts your dream keyword:

    /15-10-2013 /Anna/ In a dream, I was just walking and passing by the ring of my city, I saw that big changes had taken place there: instead of land, sea and water, a huge ship was sailing and on this ship there were real pirates, or someone .. But the most amazing thing is that with each approach, I felt that I was about to fall into this water, it splashed out of the pool and touched me, and the figures of people, the ship increased and seemed gigantic. After, when I decided to nevertheless pass by the passing ship, I Realized that I am starting to enter the Astral. This is the first time with me. An unusual feeling .. of the reality of what is happening. And, bending around the ring of this sea, I realized that I was falling into a certain sphere, a little different: I saw that thousands of prisoners were passing behind the ship’s ship, all smeared, in tattered clothes, they saw me, I saw their eyes .. they were filled grief and sadness .. For some reason, a fragment of World War 2 appeared in my head. I passed by, I could not do anything to help these people. I was upset ..

    There is a very thin line between psychology and esotericism, which you really want to look beyond. Therefore, today we will talk about what concerns two worlds at once - the rational and the mystical.astral travel oraccess to the astral plane is a very popular topic on the net, simply because it gives the key to a mystery, to a whole new reality that excites consciousness. However, for many, the initial enthusiasm is usually replaced by disappointment and indifference, if suddenly something did not work out when mastering the technique of entering the astral. And most of the information resembles magical rituals that do not reveal the psychological aspect of working with the subtle energy of the world of thought. Today let's try to figure out what awaits the traveler on the other side of reality and how to get there.

    What is an astral?

    From the very beginning, you need to define the concepts in order to have an idea of ​​​​who and where goes. To do this, we will conduct a short digression into esoteric science, which presents the physical plane of being as one of the many worlds. Where are these worlds and how are they arranged?

    To make it easier to perceive, imagine a sponge or washcloth that is filled with water inside. Approximately the same way the astral world permeates the physical plane of being. Ask how is this even possible? In fact, everything is very simple.

    It is known that everything in the Universe is created from energy and information. This is the fundamental principle, such a building material. Stone, water, birds, thoughts, air, electricity - all consist of the same energy. The difference is only in its density and structure. We are accustomed to call dense energy matter, and more subtle ones have their own names, one of them is astral energy. The astral world is woven from it.

    To make sure that it exists, you just need to imagine an elephant. Violet such, in a speck. Happened? I'm sure yes. In fact, it is not so important who you introduced, the process of thinking is important. After all, thought is just created from the subtle energy of the astral. By the way, so are your dreams. So, when you think, you are already interacting with the mysterious world on the other side of reality.

    That is, it turns out that every second, even now, a part of you is in the astral plane, in the world of thoughts and dreams. And it's just as real as the monitor you're looking at, but less stable, like air. But if each of us is partially in the astral, then why are we not aware of this? This is where psychology begins.

    Out-of-body experience (OBE)

    The thing is that our consciousness is somewhat similar to a ray of light that penetrates the darkness of the night. What it shines on, then it is realized. All the rest - subconscious. The place where this ray shines is conditionally called the "assembly point". Now imagine a lens through which this beam passes - it is she who decides where exactly the beam will gather. Right? For people with poor eyesight, the picture associated with the refraction of the beam in the eye will be familiar. The cornea of ​​the eye or glasses correct this beam so that the light is collected on the retina.

    I'm all about the fact that the "lens" for consciousness is our mind, or rather, the thought patterns and programs that exist in it. We notice what we are accustomed to and pass by our ears everything that we are not used to seeing, hearing, feeling. Even now, the turbulent internal energy sweeps through your body in swift streams, but do you feel it? Why is there energy, the beats of your heart almost always go unnoticed, as well as breathing, walking and much more.

    A well-known experiment among specialists, its essence boiled down to the fact that a group of kittens grown in the dark were placed daily in a cylindrical chamber of this kind, on the walls of which were applied vertical lines. But another group of kittens, also accustomed to living in the dark, were placed in a chamber, on the walls of which horizontal lines.

    Further studies showed that in the kittens from the first group, the neurons of the visual analyzer reacted only to vertical lines and objects, and they could not climb the stairs, because they simply did not see them. Kittens from the second group noticed only horizontal lines, and could not pass between the legs of the chair. This suggests that a person sees and realizes what he is used to seeing and what he is accustomed to.

    We see what we expect to see, not necessarily the truth.

    But our subconscious always feels the astral, because this energy permeates us. Every night, when we fall asleep and the reins of government pass to the subconscious (the assemblage point shifts), we see dreams that are created from the fabric of what is called the astral. But here it must be clearly explained that sleep is rather an internal playground, our own virtual reality. Whereas the astral in its purest form is a common network, such as the Internet, figuratively speaking.

    Astral exit technique

    The answer to this question suggests itself. If we see everything that our attention is directed to, then in order to enter the astral plane, we need to shift the attention assembly point. Ideally, it could be as natural as breathing or walking. But by virtue of habit, we first have to force ourselves to believe in something that we did not suspect before or considered complete nonsense. That is, our psyche itself is set up in such a way as not to believe, which means not to let the assemblage point float freely, and we need to fix this.

    How? To get started, read online the stories of people who actually had an out-of-body experience. It is not necessary to believe everyone - after all, someone can deceive, and someone mistook a dream for an astral projection. But a significant part of the stories will still turn out to be true, simply because the OBE is quite a simple thing, a little more difficult than.

    In the astral plane, you can do a lot of interesting things - walk, chat, find the people you need and just have fun. It is worth saying that the astral is multidimensional and has several levels. On one of them you will be able to fly around the world familiar to you, only not in the physical, but in the astral body.

    The journey of the astral body can be quite exciting. At other, higher levels, very unusual places will open up for you and you will have the opportunity to meet not only travelers like you, but also local residents. Some of them may be dangerous, but only if insufficient. If you have a strong character and are not afraid, then any entities will simply run away from you - this is the world of thought, and it is not your muscles that are held in high esteem, but the strength of the mind and will. Well, the minute of motivation is over, let's get to work.


    Before proceeding to practice, I want to warn you right away that the nature of the astral can potentially be fraught with danger. The author himself did not encounter anything threatening, however, this is a personal experience and it may differ for everyone. So think carefully about whether you need it. And if you firmly decided, then go ahead.

    Preparation for the exit will not require any unusual actions or dances with a tambourine. In order to switch the assemblage point from dense matter to subtle energy, a sensitive nervous system is needed. After all, in order to pay attention to the astral, you need to feel it. This will require a number of steps:

    • Refuse to eat meat (at least two weeks before the release). Some people benefit from fasting, but everyone without exception should reduce the amount of food they eat.
    • One or two hours before the astral exit, you should completely refuse to eat.
    • It is advisable to switch to a vegetable and fruit diet, carrots are especially useful.
    • Raw eggs also make it easier to enter the astral plane.
    • Nuts, especially peanuts, should be completely eliminated from the diet.
    • All fluids are good if you don't drink too much. Coffee on the day of the astral exit is strictly contraindicated.
    • It is necessary to refrain from alcohol and smoking during the entire preparation.
    • Sex consumes a lot of energy, so you should refrain from it during the preparation.
    • Try to get enough sleep, sleep gives energy.

    From the "mystical" recommendations - put a glass of water next to you, it is believed that this is a precautionary measure that protects from the aggressive inhabitants of the astral plane. I cannot judge how true this is, but I think that putting a glass of water on the table is not difficult for anyone.

    Astral exit methods

    If you wander through the expanses of the Internet, you can find many methods that are similar to one another and offer to mentally imagine the exit itself, which should lead to entering the phase. But if everything was so simple, then people would not climb out of the astral plane. In fact, each method as a whole speaks of the same process, only in different variations.

    But specifics are often lacking. It's like putting a man at the helm of a spaceship and limiting himself to a brief instruction. Therefore, I will highlight only two methods - conscious astral travel and exit to the astral plane in a dream, but they will be described as experienced in practice.

    Conscious exit to the astral plane


    Next, let's move on to the work itself. Lie comfortably on a flat surface, arms along the body, do not cross your legs. We remember that our task is to transfer the assemblage point, if even simpler - to transfer attention from the physical body to the astral. To do this, we first relax. So let go of all thoughts, do not worry, do not think about whether you will succeed or not. Rarely, but it happens that the entrance to the astral plane for beginners is obtained the first time. And sometimes you need several months of practice, unless, of course, you lose interest. In the end, there is always a 100% option - access to the astral from sleep. So with due patience and practice, everyone will succeed.

    So, you lie on your back with your eyes closed, your breathing is slow, deep, try not to think about anything. Now focus on your right leg. You can start at the tip of your thumb and slowly move your attention up your leg. The main task is to try to feel only the leg, forgetting about the rest of the body. Try to feel a heaviness or warmth in it, as if it is filled with lead or you put your foot in a hot bath. This will quickly relax all the nerve endings. Then go to the other leg and feel only it. Then repeat the same for the left and right hands, starting with the fingers. And then transfer the relaxation to the whole body.


    Next, you need to disperse your energy centers - chakras, in order to collect as much energy as possible for the astral body. Part of the energy you accumulated all the time of your preparation, but now there is very little left. Mentally imagine that two energy streams pierce you along the spine - the first one enters the coccyx and exits at the level of the crown, and the second goes in the opposite direction. Today we will work with the first stream - this is the energy of the earth. He must fill each of the chakras in turn.

    There are many energy centers in the human body, but there are seven main ones. We will not focus on their names and meanings, this is only confusing. The main thing now is to know where to lead the flow. So, the first chakra is at the level of the coccyx, the second is in the pubis, the third is the solar plexus, the fourth is the chest, the fifth is the throat, the sixth is the forehead, the seventh is the crown.

    Your task is to visualize and try to feel how you lead a warm, powerful flow of energy that rises up your legs and enters the coccyx, spins the whirlpool of the chakra - focus on it. Feel, imagine. And again we return to the legs, the flow rises up, passes the first chakra and enters the second, at the level of the pubis. Now concentrate on it, fill it with a powerful flow. And again we go down to the feet, raise the flow to the 3rd chakra, then the 4th, and so in order we reach the 7th.

    When you do this, you may feel that your heartbeat has increased, breathing has become a little more difficult - this is very good. And when you feel a pulsation in the abdomen, grab it. It's like a heartbeat, only a little lower than usual. Concentrate on it, spread this pulsation to the whole body. There may also be a feeling as if you are rocking on the waves or on a swing. This is the second feeling that you must consolidate and strengthen. The result is vibration and rotation.

    When these two feelings take over, don't be afraid. It's just that for the first time you consciously felt your energy, it is very powerful, like a hurricane. But also very thin. Previously, you did not notice it, because the assemblage point was directed to the physical, dense world, and now you are working with energy, and now it appears before you in all its glory.

    Now you have to go out in this body that you feel, fly up. Imagine it and try to feel it, it is very important. I think it needs to be clarified here - what you present is very helpful, but the main work is doing what you feel!

    To understand this, ask yourself the question, with what help do you move in the physical world? That's right, with the help of the musculoskeletal system - the brain sends an impulse to the muscles and they move the body in space. To move the astral body, muscles are not needed, however, a bright impulse is required. You can achieve it if you imagine and feel the movement. At first, of course, it can be difficult, like a child who gets on his feet for the first time, but then, when you get used to it, everything will be natural.

    So you go up, focus on it, imagine again and again. Remember - drop all thoughts, your mind should be clear and in a state of light trance. After all, when there are a lot of thoughts in your head, you cannot sleep, right? The situation is the same with the astral. Just focus on the process, feel more, you don’t need to think for this.

    And when you feel that you have separated and soar above yourself, then do not be afraid. Everything is fine. To return, you just need to want it, just one thought and you are at home. You can also feel a kind of web of energy along which you actually move. Very unusual, but you'll love it.

    For the first time, try not to stray too far from your body. It turned out well, it's time to go home. Curiosity should not be satisfied immediately. Reinforce the skill next time. Of course, the first time you have to not part with the exits. It takes a lot of energy, so don't be surprised if the next time you need to go back to the right diet, abstain from sex and get enough sleep. By the way, to speed up the process, you can repeat the work with the chakras and reach the stage of vibrations in the body. With proper practice, you can call them even while watching TV. Thus, you can learn to easily shift the assemblage point and pump your energy, clearing the channels, which is only a plus for you.

    Exit to the astral plane in a dream

    If you fail to astralize with the help of conscious manipulations with the assemblage point, then there is always a second method that can be practiced in parallel - this is astralization during sleep. It is both simple and complex at the same time. And that's why. In a dream, your assemblage point is already where it needs to be - aimed at the world of thought. And going to the astral is not difficult at all ... if you remember in a dream that you need it. Therefore, for starters, it is recommended to master. This in itself will be interesting, besides, we remember that sleep is almost an astral plane, only internal, one of its sides. Being aware of yourself in a dream, you can practice how to behave in the astral plane, because the principle is the same.

    Now closer to the topic. In order to get out of sleep into the astral, you need some kind of anchor that you will believe in. A mirror works best. For the author, in particular, it worked (although from the fifth time). So what should be done? Just walk in a dream and look for a mirror or create it (after all, your dream). And then enter it, because the mirror is, if you like, a portal, a direct ticket to the astral plane. The exit from the body is easy, the main thing is to believe in it, then the psyche will start the process. The first time it is not always possible to enter the mirror, but it can bend, stretch - this is the resistance of the psyche to everything unusual. Just like the brain breaks when you get on roller skates for the first time. But this will pass, or it can happen right away, it all depends on your preparation and the flexibility of the mind.

    The most important thing is to keep yourself interested. It is interest that is the most important energy that will speed up the process. Although in all honesty, the author for the first time everything turned out by accident, when, after long attempts, interest disappeared. This also happens. But one thing is obvious, if you do everything correctly and persistently, you will definitely be able to look beyond reality. The main thing here is the first time to understand the principle, and then everything will go easier.

    So we learned how to go into the astral. What to do next? Yes, just practice, develop, walk in a new world for you. More precisely, new to your consciousness. Unconsciously, you have been there many times and mistook for a dream. Learn, have fun, you decide what to do. Good luck!

    First of all, one should decide what is meant by the word "astral", and what awaits a person who gets there. Astral projection is usually called moving the focus of human consciousness into the subtle astral body (the body of emotions).

    The astral body is capable of moving to any point on the globe in less than a second. He is not threatened by physical dangers - to break, burn, drown, etc. However, an unprepared person can experience a real shock if he misinterprets what is happening to him. If a person is religious, then he can take the astral plane for heaven (nirvana, etc.) or hell.

    According to Charles Leadbeater, the astral world is divided into several sublevels, depending on the degree of rarefaction of matter. Therefore, if as a result of an astral projection a person gets to the most "dense" sublevel, then the local inhabitants may well seem like real demons to him. Going to the astral for beginners is completely safe if you follow some rules that have been developed.

    Astral projection - basic rules

    What Not to Do: try to leave the physical shell under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Drunk, falling into the astral plane, completely loses control over himself. He will move back and forth through various sub-levels for several hours until he comes to his senses. This is what explains the attacks of delirium tremens - the "devils" that a person sees are just .

    What needs to be done: Remain completely calm. It is important to remember that you can return as soon as you want to. We should also not forget that any emotional upheaval during an astral projection will cause the consciousness to return to the physical body.

    We leave in an astral plane - the first attempt

    It should be noted right away that it is very difficult to achieve success the first time. However, as the sages said, the journey of 10,000 leagues begins with the first step, and therefore let's get started.

    The ideal time for astral projection is before bed. No one will distract you, and the fatigue accumulated during the day will only contribute to the fulfillment of the intention. Lie on your back, close your eyes and, for a few minutes, just lie there. Try to relax as much as possible. Entering the astral for beginners is a difficult task, so take your time and do not force things.