Find a stone with a hole in the sea. Magic spell to find the chicken god stone

Talismans and amulets have existed for many thousands of years. For each person they have their own special meaning and its properties depend on the needs of the owner. The Chicken God is not a very common amulet, but its power has been tested for centuries. Knowledgeable people will never pass by such a stone.
In this article:

Why is a stone with a hole called the chicken god?

In ancient times, such stones were considered the most powerful amulets, capable of driving away evil spirits from livestock. People placed stones in chicken coops to increase the production of eggs. Although the stone with a hole had the properties of protecting all domestic animals, it got its name thanks to chickens.


All beliefs about the pebble are related to housekeeping and family well-being. Men pinned their hopes on him to help them hunt and in the field. Women asked for help with housework. It was believed that in a house where there are 4 holey stones in the corners, there will always be prosperity and a rich harvest.


For humans, the chicken god also had great importance. With the help of this amulet you can ease childbirth or reduce prenatal contractions. For newborns, a pebble was placed in the cradle to save the baby from nightmares. It could also be used to get rid of toothache.

Different in form and content, these stones carry a certain meaning for their owner. If you collect an amulet from several pieces, its effect increases several times.

  • Three stones together - the amulet will bring good luck for 9 years.
  • Five stones will ensure you success in all your endeavors for 20 years.
  • Seven chicken stones will allow you to live a long, happy life.

In addition to simple pebbles found on the banks of a river or lake, talismans can be made of precious and semi-precious stones. In this case, talismans carry additional meaning for their owner.

  • Jasper - will help avoid the evil eye and negative magical effects.
  • Malachite - will provide good health or help the patient regain lost strength.
  • Turquoise will become an assistant in important matters and will protect all business endeavors from failure.
  • Crystal carries a charge positive energy, capable of protecting you from heart wounds and unhappy love.
  • Amber with a hole will help in family matters and will maintain an atmosphere of kindness and love in the house.

Chicken God Color

If you are lucky enough to become the owner of such a talisman, then you should know what the meaning of the chicken god is based on its color.

  • Red. A chicken stone of this color promises the acquisition of mutual feelings and lasting love relationships.
  • White. will bring peace of mind and will become the key to good relationships with others.
  • Black. Will become a faithful assistant in business matters. It will help men with hunting or fishing, and for women it will be the key to delicious dinners and the fertility of pets.
  • Green. This stone with a hole will provide you material well-being and getting rid of all money problems.
  • Blue. Suitable for people related to art. Will be a good inspiration in new endeavors.
  • Yellow. Helps you avoid being scammed love relationships and protect the family from disintegration.
  • Grey. The chicken god will take away all gossip and conspiracies from its owner.
  • Pink. It will protect you on the road and when traveling to other countries.

Chicken God Form

Depending on the shape of the stone, you can learn about its additional properties and meanings.

  • A round stone will bring good luck and financial wealth.
  • Oval - will become the keeper of the family.
  • Triangular - will help in professional activities.
  • Square - will protect from negative emotions and anger.
  • Rectangular - will protect health and give self-confidence.

How to make your own talisman

The main rule of an effective amulet is to receive it. Ideally, you need to find the stone yourself. Then the talisman will be charged only with your energy and will bring more benefits. It is not customary to give it to strangers. If you got it from loved one, then when you take it in your hands for the first time, be sure to kiss it. This way you take over all its miraculous properties.

To strengthen the effect and charm the chicken god onto yourself, you need to read the spell into the hole for seven days. Not necessarily at night or in a whisper - the main thing is that no one sees your actions. Bring the amulet to your lips and read the words:

I attract good luck and blessings to myself
I let go of troubles and misfortunes forever
Take care of me from all misfortunes
Bring me a lot of happiness

How to use

Each person chooses the most convenient option for himself when wearing this amulet. Some wear it on a cord as a pendant, others put it in their pocket. Girls even use it as a decoration on a bracelet. How to wear the amulet depends only on your imagination. It doesn’t matter if the stone is in a visible place or hidden under clothing. Just in a difficult moment, grab a pebble with your hand and ask for help. Never let to strangers take it with your hands.

Where can I find a stone with a hole?

The most successful place would be a river or stream. That's where the water is in a natural way can do such a miracle. The chicken god looks just like in the photo.

Search Assistant

Don't be surprised by this search method. Judging by the large number of reviews, this is the easiest way to find the chicken god. Take in left hand a handful of millet and looking through the place where the pebble may be located, read the words:

Soon I will find a pebble and bring good luck to the house.
Let me see you true friend, I'll look around.
After each utterance, drop one grain to the ground. It is believed that nature accepts your alms and helps in your search.

In addition to shape and color, our ancestors attached importance to the time of location. Depending on the weather and time, you can also find out some of the hidden capabilities of a pebble with a hole.

  • Find it in the rain - make a profit or a good harvest.
  • In sunny weather - happiness and fun.
  • In the snow - to have a good trip and good news.
  • In the morning - to an honest and righteous life.
  • During the day - to a good environment.
  • In the evening - to gain longevity.
  • At night - to overcome all difficulties in life.

Important things

If your chicken god is lost, then you should not expect immediate troubles and troubles. You may not be so lucky anymore, but negative consequences there is no need to be afraid. It's another matter if the amulet is broken. This portends problems soon and you should be careful in the near future. You should only give or give your talisman to very close people - parents, children. This way you leave luck in the family.

Chicken God is a small stone that has a hole natural origin. The hole is drilled with water. People believe that this amulet can protect against adversity, sadness and illness. Otherwise it is called boglaz.


Even in Rus', the chicken god was considered the most powerful and happy amulet. A stone with a hole has different shapes, and even colors. The power that the amulet has protects people, poultry and livestock from negativity.

Kurki Day was celebrated on January 15th. On this holiday, all the chicken coops were put in order. According to the signs, on this day a black rooster hatched an egg, and from it hatched a Basilisk - an evil snake.

The name of the stone in the hole comes from the word “churiny”. Chura is an ancient bright spirit that helped resist negative energy. The secret of the power is in the hole, which was considered the entrance to another world.

Description of the stone

The Chicken God talisman belongs to one of the elements - earth. A person is allowed to have 7 such stones. They especially bring good luck:

  • Capricorns;
  • Virgos;
  • Taurus.

It means a lot when and under what conditions the talisman was found:

  • at night - all difficulties along the way will be resolved;
  • after lunch - to longevity;
  • in the afternoon - to good people around;
  • in the morning - to justice and righteousness.

If a pebble is found when there is a downpour, it is a sign of fertility and enrichment. On a sunny day - for quick fun, and in a snowstorm - for a quick trip.

Properties of the talisman

Chicken god stone is used:

  • when a girl fails to get pregnant;
  • if children dream bad dreams: then the amulet is hung over the bed, it scares away evil spirits;
  • when a person wants to figure out whether he is being deceived;
  • to protect animals, especially camels, cows and horses;
  • fishermen - so that fish can be caught better;
  • from the evil eye and damage;
  • for contact with dead souls and various mystical creatures, to work as a guide;
  • to fulfill wishes (there is a ritual for this: they look through a hole at the sky and stroke the amulet);
  • V medical purposes: the talisman has medicinal properties, helps get rid of pain in teeth, problems with the mammary glands;
  • to control climate conditions.

Nature of stone

All stones are divided into 3 groups:

  • crystalline nature;
  • biogenic;
  • chemical

Biogenic holes are those whose holes could be washed out by water or formed due to erosion.

Crystalline rock - quartz, Moonstone. These are minerals that have natural holes.

Chemical nature - amulets, holes in which are created by the influence of magma or the ingress of various bodies.

The most valued amulets are those that look like a drop. They are used in folk medicine.

Stone color

The Chicken God Stone has different colour. This affects magical properties amulets:

  • Orange. If the Chicken God is sunny in color, a person will overcome any trials in life and come out of any situation.
  • White. Thoughts will become cleaner and more positive.
  • Green. This color attracts financial flow and good luck.
  • Red. A talisman against betrayal and deception, as well as for sincere love.
  • Black. Thanks to this amulet, problems with the opposite sex will disappear.
  • Black and white. According to signs, it cleanses thoughts and souls from previous failures.
  • Blue. It has the ability to inspire new endeavors and is suitable for creative people.

The thread on which the found amulet is hung must be red and made of certain fibers:

  • wool;
  • cotton;
  • flax

Number and type of stones

The owner may have more than one found stone with a hole, which also has a magical meaning:

  • 1 - fortune is on the side of the owner of the amulet;
  • 3 - fortune accompanies the first 10 years;
  • 5 - happiness for 20 years;
  • a necklace made of stones with a hole - happiness for the rest of your life.

The type of stone also matters:

  • malachite is the best amulet for children;
  • crystal promises happiness in all areas of life;
  • turquoise promises success at work and promotion;
  • coral portends that any path will be simple.

How to use

Find a stone with a hole - great luck, but not all people take advantage of the opportunity. Most of them are on the seashore. Initially, the amulet is washed and dried, and then they decide how to use it.

Once found, the talisman is worn as a necklace to work as a person's protection. It is worn when help is needed. A pebble hanging over the bed saves you from nightmares and causes prophetic dreams.

They use a pebble to protect their home: they hang it above the front door, then bad people They won’t be able to do any harm by entering the house. If the amulet is not needed, it is hidden in clothes or given to a loved one.

There is a ritual for the found chicken god to grant a wish. A ray of sun is passed through the hole, then liquid (water) is passed through and sprinkled with earth. After the ritual, what you wished for will definitely come true.

To financially there was no problem, the amulet is put in the wallet. To improve relations between lovers, the amulet is transferred to the bedroom. You can activate the action using incantations and spells.

Losing a talisman does not mean trouble. The person will simply become less fortunate. A pebble breaks to incidents and problems.

Chicken God. How to use it correctly

Chicken God: luck and luck for life

Talisman Chicken God - a gift from the sea


The chicken god has been worshiped for a long time. There are those who believe in its energy, and there are those who believe that it has magical powers. Having found such an amulet, they look at its shape, color and composition. The amulet can be used to protect a person, animals, home and attract money.

Holes in amulets appear in most cases due to the influence of sea, river waters. Pebbles are most often found on the seashore. To use the talisman, spells are read. If you make a wish using an amulet, it will come true.

Many superstitious people have items that they believe bring good luck. It could be anything: items of clothing, jewelry, trinkets. The so-called chicken god - a stone with a hole in the middle - belongs to the category of such things. They are especially popular among children, but some adults also firmly believe in them. mysterious power. Even for those who are skeptical about such ideas, such a thing can become something that will bring back pleasant memories for a very long time.

Where can I find the chicken god stone? And why is it even called that? In fact, they are not found very often in nature. They are found on pebble beaches, and, as a rule, this happens by accident. Of course, you can look for a stone on purpose, but, firstly, the greater the disappointment will be if it is not found, and secondly, how can you then believe in the luck that such a specially found “chicken god” will bring? A stone with a hole made artificially is also not of particular value, except perhaps decorative. It is also impossible to re-gift it, since it is believed that in this case it will lose its properties, so you will have to look for the mentioned item yourself. But if you are lucky, it doesn’t matter at all what the shape of the stone and the hole will be, as well as its type or color. By the way, it is believed that the hole is formed as a result of prolonged exposure to running water. Remember the saying: “Water wears away stones”? So, this is exactly the same case.

The origin of the name of the talisman in question is interesting. It was of particular importance mainly among the ancient Slavs. Such an amulet was hung over a chicken roost or simply in a place where livestock was kept to protect animals from evil spirits. It is difficult to say why it happened that the amulet is called “chicken god”. The stone was believed to be able to protect not only chickens, but also animals, and even humans.

In other languages ​​there are also special names for amulets of this type. In Europe they are often called hagstones, holystones or witch stones. In Egypt, the name aggry was assigned to them. In Belarus, the subject of our conversation is known as the “Perunova arrow”, or “gromovka”, since local residents believe that the chicken god is a stone into which
Lightning struck and caused a hole to appear in it. Almost all nations believe that such a stone brings happiness to its owner; finding it is still considered great luck. After all, it combines two elements at once: water, washing away any negative energy, and the ground.

Some people are firmly convinced that this amulet has special properties. But the amulet only works if you wear the stone around your neck, threading a cord through a hole, or at least in your pocket. If you place such a talisman next to your bed, you can normalize your sleep and get rid of nightmares and insomnia. It also gives peace, optimism and good mood. This is what he is - the chicken god - a stone that brings happiness!

Of course, some are very, very skeptical about such superstitions, because how can this simple pebble actually influence a person? Without faith in its properties - nothing. For those who are inclined towards this point of view, the chicken god can simply become a beautiful and unusual accessory; it goes especially well with ethnic-style outfits.

You can find many mysterious talismans right under your feet. Some of them have very ancient origin. We will talk about stones with natural holes - the so-called “Chicken God” stone (sometimes “dog god” or Boglaz) in Europe these stones are called witch stones, snake eggs. Hagstone, Holystone, Witch stone, Adderstone. Adderstanes in the south of Scotland and Gloin Nan Druidhe ("Glass of the Druids" in Scottish Gaelic) in the north. In Egypt they are called Aggry or Aggri.
Such stones are found all over the world; since ancient times they have been used as amulets of protection by many peoples of the world. The origin of the hole in such stones is attributed primarily to running water, river or sea. This is one of the reasons why these stones are considered very powerful. protective amulets- the stones retained the energy of the water that sharpened them for hundreds of years, which, as is known, best washes away bad energy. Belarusians believed that holes in such “pointed stones” appeared from lightning strikes, and called them “Perunova arrow” or “gromovka”. Other legends say that the name of the snake stone comes from the head of the snake or from the fact that snakes curled up and stuck together to death, then petrified.
Such a stone was definitely considered by all nations to be a very lucky stone, and the person who found it was lucky.
Russian popular name stone, Chicken God, most likely came from a magical village environment. It was believed that a stone with a hole, suspended over a chicken roost, protected poultry from foxes, kikimoras and all sorts of troubles. Over time, people noticed that they themselves were protected by the “chicken god” no worse.
The name chicken god also may have appeared by analogy with the “cattle god” (as the god Veles is characterized) - amulet of livestock; The functions of a talisman could be performed by the same objects. The role of the dog god could be played by pebbles with through holes, a pot, a jar or a clay washstand without a bottom, the neck of a broken jug, a worn bast shoe, etc. In the Nizhny Novgorod province, the necks of broken jugs were hung in chicken coops and under the eaves of houses, believing that this would disturb the brownie pluck chickens and torture livestock. In the Yaroslavl province, the “dog god” was called an old pot, which was placed on a high pole in the place of the yard where the roosts are located: “The spirit that protects chickens resides in the pot.”
In some villages, round stones with a small hole inside are hung in kennels; such a stone, reminiscent of Thor's thunder hammer, protects birds from disease and is called the dog god.
It is also believed that the word “chicken” is a modified “churiny”, i.e. relating to Chur or Shchur, a deity or ancestral spirit among the ancient Slavs who protected borders, doors and openings. This is not without meaning, because... in Europe, a similar amulet paired with a key tied to it was used as protection against thieves.
In addition to chickens, “Perun’s arrow” was also used as a remedy for diseases, primarily for the treatment of breastfeeding in women and cows. A sick woman squeezed milk onto the floor, passing it through a hole in a stone, and a sick cow had her udder rubbed with a thunderbolt and milked through it into a hole made in the ground. According to the Golds, a round jade stone with a hole gave a person happiness: for this, boys were allowed to suck their mother’s breast through a hole in such a stone, and girls were hung with the same stone around their necks.
In the event of the death of one of the relatives, the family, in order not to miss the deceased, looked into the mouth of the stove or into the chimney, saying: “All the sadness goes into the stove.” After removing the body, they turned over all the hollow utensils in the house: pots, buckets, tubs, etc., and placed a kneading bowl on the bench where the deceased lay. On the Northern Dvina, after a funeral, they went to the povet to “look into holes”; you had to look not at something in particular, but simply into a crack. The Kamchadals, after participating in the funeral rite, made rings from wooden rods, climbed through them twice and threw them into the forest. The purpose of all these actions is to isolate oneself from the deceased, break off contact with him, and mark the boundaries of the human and other worlds.
A holey pebble, a dish without a bottom and a torn bast shoe - they all have a hole, and since they belong to the element of earth, this hole is likened to a cave, the possibility of heavenly fire passing through matter. It should also be taken into account that in ancient times the rooster was called a hen and was also associated with fire. But not only small specimens of pebbles were perceived as carriers of special power. In Madron, Cornwall, a patient with lumbago had to crawl nine times in the direction of the sun through a “creeping stone”, and in order to increase the child’s health, he had to push it through the gap in the Men-an-tol stone. The Odin Stone (in Orkney) was trusted with the marriage of those who, holding hands, passed through the hole in it, swearing an oath of fidelity to each other. And in Castledermot there is an Oath Stone, also with a hole. If you hold hands in this opening and take an oath, it is considered unbreakable. The same stones that fit in the palm of your hand were practically recognized
everywhere as important amulets. And protective shells with holes are found at sites of Stone Age man. At the same time, in different places they were called either sacred or witches, and in Scotland - mare's (most likely because of the belief that they protected horses from sweating, and also helped foaling mares).
Some researchers talk about a separate divine being - the Chicken God, partly correlated with Hecate-Artemis (Hecate is the goddess of night and death, Artemis is the maiden goddess, huntress). Gaia is the earth, and from there to the more ancient Rhea-Cybele and, possibly, to the Assyrian Astarte. The chicken god is a female patron who gives the keeper of the hearth special power. Researchers believe that the holey stone, as an earthly artifact, symbolizes the womb of the “Earth Goddess” - female symbol, as opposed to phallic.

In Europe, holey stones are called witch stones, they are considered witches, they help against witches. The Celts also valued them as powerful amulets. The general purpose was the same as everyone else's - protection from the evil eye, evil witches and nightmares, for which purpose such a stone was hung at the head of a child or an adult. Also, the witch stone was hung in the stables so that witches could not ride horses and spoil them. Boatmen in Weymouth attached them to their boats to increase their catch and provide protection from the unpredictable elements.

In Great Britain they were used as special protection by tying a key to a holey stone. Local residents believed that in this way they, as it were, linked the key to the front door and the magic stone with special protection from thieves. Of course, the thieves quickly realized this, and the real key had to be replaced with an old one, which did not open the door.
Also, perforated stones in folk legends were used to see the souls of the dead and magical folk such as fairies, gnomes, goblins and elves. A hole in the stone revealed a secret world of spirits.
In Italy, both the perforated stone and the key are symbols of the goddess Diana, known to the Greeks as Artemis. The virgin goddess was the patroness of women and witches.
The key is an important magical symbol that gives access to the desired place in the physical and mystical sense. The key refers to Diana, who is reincarnated in the form of Yana alternative form her name is Janus (god of entrances and exits), and her role as guardian of the heavenly gates, doors and thresholds of the house. It is also a symbol of Hecate, the mistress of the lower world, who has the ability to open gates and imprisoned souls.
Italian folklore also links the perforated stone and fairies. It is often said that it is a holy stone. It is considered as a doorway, or the key to the doorway, to the magical kingdom.

Arab custom states that a similar stone should be tied around the necks of young camels to protect them from evil spirits and the evil eye.

Interesting beliefs are found in the use of a holey stone as a kind of “lie detector”. To ensure that a person was telling the truth, one had to look at the speaker through a hole and then it was clearly visible whether the person was lying or telling the truth.

Large stones with holes were used to control the weather by threading a string through them and then spinning them overhead to dispel clouds, winds and rain.
You could also take the stone in the palm of your left hand and thumb rub clockwise around the hole, thinking about your desire. Similar technique also used with amber.
Some farmers used witch stones to prevent milk from curdling. They believed that milk passed through the hole of such a stone would be protected from evil witches, who caused the milk to quickly curdle before it was used for the right purposes.
The holey stone - the stone of the snake - was also held in great esteem among the Druids. It was sort of one of their insignia of extraordinary ability. There are even mentions of this in Pliny in his books Natural History

"There is a kind of egg, which is very valuable among the Gaels, which the Greek authors did not mention. A large number of In the summer, the snake curls up and sticks together into a tight ball with its saliva and mucus, after which it turns to stone, and this is called the “snake’s egg.” The Druids say that an amulet thrown into the air must be caught in the cloak before it touches the ground. The person who intercepts the stone will be able to fly<… "Этот дырявый камень как знак, некоторый носят с такой показной роскошью, что я знал римского рыцаря, Воконтия, который был убит глупым императором Клавдием, просто потому, что он носил этот камень на груди во время судебного процесса, полагая, что камень сможет защитить его от приговора."

Every nation has traditions associated with stones perforated by nature, regardless of its size and shape. Some believe that with the help of a hole, the stone accumulates the energy of the cosmos and transfers it to its owner.
In Gobustan (Azerbaijan), at the entrance to the cave of petroglyphs, there is a large triangular stone with a hole. It is unknown what the ancients used it for, but it is now believed to help girls get married. To find the groom, you have to crawl through the hole three times. They say that when buses full of schoolgirls arrive, the girls line up.
Near the Afurdzhinsky waterfall there is a sanctuary called Pir, to which childless couples go to crawl through a hole in the rock.
The British believe that you can be healed by climbing through a crevice in a tree or stepping over a stone with a hole.
In Koktebel, seven “chicken gods” are worn around the neck.
Stone is the embodiment of the element of earth. And a through hole in a stone symbolizes passage through matter, overcoming earthly obstacles, “a drop wears away a stone,” therefore the “chicken god” can serve as a talisman that helps overcome everyday difficulties and physical ailments. Many people noticed that after finding a holey stone, the hardships in life became less, as if someone was taking them away from those places where trouble could happen to them.
Such a stone certainly brought its owner health, success and fulfillment of desires. To fulfill a special wish, you had to look through a hole in the stone at the sunrise and make your cherished wish. They say that during execution the stone may even fall apart, giving all its strength to the realization of the plan.
. Holey stones also help to get rid of worries associated with material difficulties, to drive away thoughts about the hopelessness of one’s situation. The spirit of the “chicken god” alleviates mental and physical suffering, inspires the desire to look for ways to solve one’s problems, so holey stones are useful for those who are depressed and pessimists.
It is especially useful to have holey stones with you as a talisman that makes life easier for people born under one of the earthly signs of the Zodiac (

The miraculous talisman “Chicken God” is a stone with a hole.

Everyone knows the saying that water wears away stones. Stones with holes are direct proof of this. Those who find them are considered lucky.

There are several reasons for this: firstly, the stone itself is unusual, and secondly, such a creation of nature has long been considered a lucky talisman. For a long time, drops of water make a hole, millimeter by millimeter, endowing the stone (as people believe) with its power.
A stone with a hole has different names. The Slavs call him “Chicken God”.
The strange name comes from an old belief that a stone with a hole suspended over a chicken roost protects poultry from all sorts of harm. However, over time, people noticed that they themselves were protected by the “Chicken God” no worse.

Every stone embodies the element of earth. And a through hole in a stone symbolizes passage through matter, overcoming earthly obstacles, therefore the ‘chicken god’ can serve as a talisman that helps overcome everyday difficulties and physical ailments. Many people noticed that after finding a holey stone, the hardships in life became less, as if someone was taking them away from those places where trouble could happen to them.

Stones with through holes serve as an excellent talisman for those who have a dangerous job, who often have to risk their health, money or other material assets.

It is useful to carry holey stones for people burdened with physical ailments. At the same time, it is more effective to place such stones at the level of diseased organs.

Leaky stones help to get rid of worries associated with material difficulties, to drive away thoughts about the hopelessness of one’s situation. The spirit of the “Chicken God” alleviates mental and physical suffering, inspires the desire to look for ways to solve one’s problems, so it is useful to wear stones with holes for those who have become depressed and pessimists.

“Chicken God” will help you get rid of something material. For example, lose excess weight, sell an apartment, a car, break off a relationship with someone. In such situations, you don’t have to wear it all the time, but put it on only for the period when you need to solve a specific problem.

It is especially useful to have holey stones with you as a talisman that makes life easier for people born under one of the earthly signs of the Zodiac (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn), whose character, by definition, is heavy and whose lives are most likely to be difficult tests.
For people of air signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius), such stones will help maintain the inner lightness that was originally inherent in them.

Stones with a hole are usually hung on a cord and worn as an amulet. If the size of the stone does not allow you to do this, you can hang it somewhere in the house - near the entrance, for example. The ideal number of such unusual pebbles is seven. It’s not for nothing that in some countries they carry whole bunches of such stones with them.
Many peoples considered stones with a hole to be a disguised keyhole or a key to an unknown world, so such stones are credited with the ability to help fulfill their most cherished desires. There is even a special ritual that must be performed for the stone to show its magical powers.

Take it in your hand and look through the hole in the stone (even if it’s 2mm in diameter, that’s enough). So, look through this hole at the Sun or Moon and make any wish - it will definitely come true!

If you have to relax on a pebble beach or in the mountains, be sure to look for a stone with a through hole. This is a very powerful talisman, and its very discovery already indicates that fate is ready to show you favor.

If you really want to have a talisman stone, but you doubt which stone is best for you, find a stone with a hole for yourself, and you will not regret it. A specially found stone will be just as beneficial for you as one found by chance.

Life does not give us what should not belong to us, and if you went in search of your talisman and found a stone with a hole, even if it took several hours or days, it will become your assistant.

Those who fail to find the “Chicken God” sometimes have the idea of ​​drilling some kind of stone themselves. An empty idea: a stone with a natural hole is endowed with natural strength, which was put into it over a long time. Having drilled a hole in a stone in a few minutes, neither we nor nature will have time to give it the necessary energy that can lead us through the difficulties of this world.