Orthodox prayer “77 dream of the Most Holy Theotokos. Miraculous prayers "Dreams" of the Blessed Virgin Mary for all occasions

Miraculous words: the dreams of the virgin is a prayer or not full description from all the sources we found.

Miraculous prayers "dreams Holy Mother of God”is a cycle of non-canonical texts containing a free-form description in the first person (of the Mother of God) of the events of the life and death of Christ.

Each of the 77 dreams is read by a person at certain moments in his life, depending on what the prayer asks the Lord for.

An excursion into the history of the origin of dreams, which the Most Holy Theotokos allegedly saw, takes us deep into the Middle Ages (XVI-XVII centuries) The first written confirmation of the existence of prayers is marked by the date of August 25 of the distant 1546 in Polish literature. The name of this work is "The Dream of the Virgin". The style of writing prayers made it possible to establish their non-church origin, since they are set out in the apocryphal folklore genre used by the medieval South Russian Slavs.

The purpose of the "dreams of the Virgin"

Whatever the nature of the origin of the texts, they safely entered into popular use and took root in Orthodox society as prayers that help in all life situations. In various sources of texts "dreams of the Most Holy Theotokos" there are more (about 80) than the generally accepted number. This is easily explained, since for a long time texts were in the form oral art people, and were transmitted from one person to another with certain changes, as a presentation.

The people even came up with a belief that the one who collects all the dreams of the Virgin will gain power, luck, wealth and the ability to rule the world.

For the most part, dreams carry the protective meaning of amulets: from enemies, from evil spirits, from illness, from thieves and so on. But there are also prayers that, in addition to general protective properties, contain conspiracies for good luck, to attract money, as well as “temporary” prayers - with a time limit - for months.

Rules for reading a prayer for dreams

According to the reading of the “Dreams of the Most Holy Theotokos”, there are no special rules that are difficult to observe, the main thing is that they are read at least three times and preferably forty days in a row.

But a whole “methodology” has been developed for the use of texts among the people. Simply downloading and using all 77 charm texts will not work. Prayers must be personally written out by a person for personal use and it is forbidden to transfer the text written by oneself to anyone.

The written text of the prayer should be a pen, in ink for writing (it already smells of black magic here), experts advise adding 3 drops own blood. You should write on white quality sheets until the first blot. If you make a mistake, everything is rewritten cleanly. It's a lot of work, but it really helps to focus on what you want.

The texts are indeed prayed for by more than one generation of Orthodox Christians, so the magical healing and protective power of these amulets is enormous.

Many skeptics who are trying to depose the descriptions of the “dreams of the Most Holy Theotokos” elevated to the rank of prayer have suffered after their negative statements and actions against the believers who use omnipotent amulets. The most courageous ones, who tore and burned the handwritten texts of the golden prayer, were severely punished by fate: some became terminally ill, and some did not die by their own death.

What is it - faith, magic or folk fiction - it is better not to check, in our opinion. If you do not believe, then do not read "dreams", they do not help when there is no faith. But those who believe really receive from the higher powers everything they ask for. The main thing is that the request comes from a pure, with good thoughts, soul!

Prayers to the Most Holy Theotokos

In Christianity, the earthly mother of Jesus Christ, one of the most revered personalities and the greatest of Christian saints.

Prayer Dream of the Blessed Virgin Mary: comments

One comment

Personally, I have heard a lot about this prayer. I consider it very strong, maybe someone thinks that it does not help everyone, but I want to say that this opinion is definitely erroneous. If you want to help, pray more often, pass every word through your soul, and then the Mother of God will definitely hear you and help you. I convinced myself of this, I recommend it this prayer everyone.

The Dream of the Most Holy Theotokos - the struggle of the Orthodox Church with the manifestation of heresy

"The Dream of the Most Holy Theotokos", according to official church, are "tares" as opposed to "wheat" - the Word of God. Translated from church into language everyday communication“tares” is an evil fiction that discredits the Blessed Mother of God.

“The Dream of the Most Holy Theotokos” is a heresy forbidden for publication. There is no mention of him anywhere in any church book. Who wrote them, when - is unknown. Specifically, we can only talk about the purpose of their creation, which is the substitution of the postulates of Orthodoxy, the fight against official religion in which there are no forbidden tricks.

70 years of domination of atheism over the postulates of Holy Scripture

Until 1917, the "Law of God" in all primary schools was compulsory subject. Whether this is good or bad is still debatable. But a person from childhood knew the history of the emergence of Christianity, he was familiar with the true content of spiritual literature.

After 70 years of domination of atheism, there are not so many literate people in this area (and this is by no means all believers). The need for Divine protection is great, knowledge is not enough, and delusions arise.

Some sources say that for the first time the "Dream of the Most Holy Theotokos" is mentioned in the 12th century. Most likely, this legend arose in order to give weight to “work”.

The history of the emergence of "dreams" of the Holy Mother of God

Around these writings (and they should only be handwritten) there are a lot of "specialists" interpreting (each in his own way) the correct reading of the "Dreams".

This is explained by the fact that the "Dream of the Blessed Virgin Mary" is in great demand. It has always been like this - along with the official religion, there were dozens of "teachings", sects, "grandmothers", sorcerers, psychics.

Now legends have already formed that claim that the “Dream of the Most Holy Theotokos” (77 prayers are taken as the basis) is the most strong amulet. And for a person who owns them all, there are no barriers or threats. The number of "dreams" varies, up to a hundred. Some sources report the presence of "subdreams". That is, there is a certain science. They argue about which prayer helps in a particular case.

It is believed that "Dreams" are prayers, although they do not even correspond in form and essence to prayer - a conversation with God. In "Dreams" there are narrative elements: where the Mother of God came, where she was overtaken by a dream, in which settlement.

However, according to hundreds of adepts, these prayers are very effective. They are rewritten and rewritten. On many sites, "Dreams of the Blessed Virgin Mary" reviews are not only positive, but also enthusiastic.

How to create amulets

And on one of them, a very “peculiar” language describes the ritual of creating your own amulet. It is recommended to add three drops of your own blood to the ink, only black and just bought, be sure to take a fountain pen, very white paper, light candles and concentrate. Having started writing, we must remember that it is supposed to be rewritten many times, since it is possible to create an amulet only by writing it in one spirit, without a single blot. When performing this rite, it is also supposed copious excretion sweat, which is wiped off with a special handkerchief. The handkerchief is then burned for candles. Ashes are scattered in the wind. But its flight must be monitored. And if he hits the face, that is, returns, you must immediately begin writing another prayer.

Signs of sectarianism in "Dreams"

Even a dense person cannot fail to notice elements of sectarianism here. And blood is generally from the evil one. But increased demand always finds satisfaction, especially in our time thanks to the Internet. Here the texts are printed, which, it would seem, is in principle unacceptable. Dozens of recommendations and stories from personal experience. And then, the statement “well, it helps” is completely disarming. A person seeks help on the recommendations of acquaintances and believes that he has found it.

How to read the dreams of the Most Holy Theotokos and the Golden Prayer?

It was in a dream that the Angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph, the husband of the Holy Virgin, and warned that Mary would bear him a son who would save people from sins. In this dream, the name of God was indicated - Jesus. Higher powers tend to act in human dreams, because given state implies freedom from material reality and connection to the subtle plane.

Of great interest are the dreams of the Most Holy Theotokos and the golden prayer. Literary sources indicate a different number of them - from 77 to 200. Thus, our best intercessor before the Lord protects from adversity and delusion.

Powerful amulet

The protective effect of prayers is due to the fact that they are a direct conversation with God, Archangels, Angels, Apostles, Saints and even the Mother of God. But such a happy opportunity is not given to everyone.

The ability to turn prayer into a talisman is the destiny of people who are able to perceive it correctly, which means that consciousness goes beyond the limits of three-dimensional space. The world is grandiose, incredibly mysterious and amazing in its multidimensionality.

In such a difficult situation, the dreams of the Blessed Virgin Mary become a salvation for those who cannot directly turn to God or the Lord does not answer them. These are the strongest charms:

How to read and write correctly?

Each dream of the Virgin refers to rare non-canonical conspiracy prayers that solve all kinds of problems. life tasks. Strength proven by time. You just need to follow the rules effective application. It is recommended to read these sacred texts 40 times a day. Sometimes, depending on the purpose of the prayer, it is said before leaving the house, 3 or 7 times.

Some dreams are said only on certain days(on Kupala, Christmas, Kasyanov day, New Year and etc.). You can write the text of sleep on paper and carry it with you. It is better if the bundle is in the chest area. In any case, the activation of the magic text implies a self-rewriting. This helps to pass the divine energy through oneself and arrange for the realization of what is necessary in everyday life.

At the very beginning, buy a pen, and to it - ink and paper, which should be of excellent quality, not lined, white. Only black or red ink is allowed. The purchase is made without delivery. Charge the pen from the Sun and then don't let anyone even touch it. Add holy water to the ink, as well as your own blood, saliva or red wine. Light a church candle, burn incense, write!

Rewrite the words of the conspiracy in complete silence, silence, concentration. May occur unusual sensations, trembling hands, tears, tantrums and even seizures. It depends on the amount of accumulated negative. When a small blot appears, the sheet is postponed, the text is written again.

Before lunch, you need to finish writing, and break the damaged sheets with a cross and burn them. Pay attention to where the ashes flew. If you face - look for other methods and prayers, if down - reconsider your picture of the world and make changes, if to the side or up - the work was done successfully. Read miraculous dreams within 40 days.

Who helps dreams?

The dreams of the Blessed Virgin Mary help those who sacredly believe in them. There are more than enough grounds for such a belief. Since ancient times, a lot of evidence and irrefutable evidence has accumulated effective assistance from all troubles:

  • crown of celibacy
  • demonic spell
  • mental suffering
  • fatal diseases
  • inability to conceive a child
  • curses, corruption, slander, evil eye
  • physical attack by enemies
  • natural disasters
  • before surgery

There is a belief that a person who has collected 77 miraculous prayers can count on complete happiness in this life and a meeting with the angelic world after it. Under the influence of amazing texts, the reader's thinking changes, the ability to make their own decisions is restored.

Many people got rid of suffering after reading dreams because they were able to abandon the illusory system of life, in which there is no place for spirituality. Having reviewed the false cause-and-effect relationships, they found harmony and peace.

The dreams of the Blessed Virgin bring up morality, train attention, cause emotional transformation, and bestow wisdom. Adults and children, men and women, people of different nationalities and beliefs find help in these conspiracy prayers.

The most omnipotent dream of the Most Holy Theotokos or golden prayer:

I walked on damp ground

Led Jesus Christ by the hand

Brought to the Siamese mountain.

On the mountain of Siam there is a table -

On this table lies a golden book,

God Himself reads it

Sheds her own blood.

Saints Peter and Paul came:

"What, God, are you reading,

Are you shedding your own blood?

“Do not look, Peter and Paul, at my torment,

Take the cross in your hand and walk on the damp earth!”

Who will know this prayer

Say three times a day

He will not burn in the fire,

To drown in water open field disappear.

From baptized, born (name).

Amen. Amen. Amen.

Dream 7 of the Virgin for protection and for all salvation:

Holy Cross, Patience Cross,

The cross is deliverance from death.

There was a dream about the Cross.

The Mother of God saw the Cross in a dream,

As the crowd crucified Jesus Christ on the Cross,

Nailed by the hands, nailed by the legs.

The blood is flowing,

It will be covered with white shui.

God's beauty will not fade

The Royal Gates will open.

This dream Mother Mary saw,

In a dream, she shed tears for her son.

Jesus Christ approached his mother

From a heavy sleep I woke her up:

My mother, Mary! I am your dream

I write on white paper.

Who will understand this dream

And read it three times

He will be saved, protected in any trouble.

In dangerous places

in government affairs,

Will be forgiven and saved.

The sleep of the Virgin is protected.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Why are they so miraculous?

The prayer of the Holy Virgin takes shape, the best way meeting the needs of a person constrained by time frames. It forces not to concentrate on disparate goals and separate interests, but to direct energy towards the Source of all human good - the Son of God.

The illusion of separation disappears and true life connections are formed that realize all good thoughts. Behind the dreams of the Mother of God are blessings, support and a ladder illuminated by light for climbing to the gates of Paradise. It is the Holy Spirit's suggested way to reach God.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen. May the Mother of God be my mother. You slept in the mountains, spent the night. She had a dream, terrible and terrible. That Jesus was crucified on three trees. They gave vitriol to drink, put a wreath of thorns on his head. And I bring this dream to Christ on the throne.

Here Jesus Christ walked through distant lands. Nes life-giving cross. Jesus Christ, save and save. Bless me with your cross. Mother, Holy Mother of God, cover me with your veil. Deliver me, the servant of God (name), From all bad weather, misfortunes and diseases. From a creeping serpent, from a running beast. From thunderstorms, from drought, from floods. From all enemies visible and invisible. From the scrip, from the prison, from the courts.

Then Nicholas the Wonderworker walked, carried a salutary bow, To save me, the servant of God (name), from all bad weather, misfortunes and diseases, from a creeping snake, from a running beast, from a thunderstorm, from drought, from a flood. From all enemies visible and invisible. From the scrip, from the prison, from the courts. Jesus Christ, Mother of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Nicholas the Wonderworker, I ask you ... (state your request here in your own words) Amen. Amen. Amen.

In case of damage and other encroachments on life, the eighth dream is read.

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Beloved, Blessed My Mother, Holy Virgin Mother of God, do you sleep or do you not sleep, and what terrible thing do you see in your dream? Arise, My Mother, from Your sleep!

Oh, my beloved child, sweetest, most beautiful, Jesus Christ, the Son of God! I slept in your holy city and saw about you a very terrible and terrible dream, which makes my soul tremble. I saw Peter, Paul, and I saw you, My Child, in Jerusalem, sold, caught, bound, brought to the high priest, innocently condemned to death for thirty pieces of silver. Oh, My Beloved Child, I will ask what will happen to a person who six times “Dream” of My Mother of God from a pure heart writes in his book and will keep it in his house or carry it clean with him on his way.

Oh, Mother My Mother of God, I will truly say, as I am the True Christ Himself: No one will ever touch this person’s house, sorrow and misfortune will be pumped out of that person, I will save him forever from eternal torment, I will stretch out My hands to help him. And I will also endow his house with every good: Bread, gifts, livestock, belly. From the court he will be pardoned, from the master he will be forgiven, he will not be condemned in court. The servants of the devil will not approach, the cunning will not cheat with their deceit. The Lord loves His children, He will not destroy anyone. Amen. Amen. Amen."

Features of the prayers of the Virgin

They have no beginning or end, they are just a part of life., so they are read for a long, unlimited time. And while the reading of dreams is happening, miracles are happening.

However, prayer changes in form and grows with comprehension until it reaches its formless state and merges into full communion with God. Starting at human level in the form of a desire dictated by the lack of something, it leads to the realization of identity with higher forces. Protective prayers have been passed down verbally for centuries.

In ancient times, in the absence of a modern comfortable life, people lived long enough and differed high level health. Difficulties and hardships were overcome with a smile on the face. Problems such as loneliness, infertility, lack of a roof over one's head did not cause complaints and despondency.

It seemed that nothing in this world could interfere with universal joy, happiness, love and mutual understanding. Today, despite being spoiled by digital technology and medical innovations, plentiful food and a variety of entertainment, people are comparatively unhappy and angry. Their lives have been turned into a meaningless existence, and the number of unresolved problems is paradoxically piling up.

What happened? The number of true believers has decreased, the Mother of God is approached extremely rarely - usually in the most extreme cases, when to help in modern ways impossible. But in the dreams of the Most Holy Theotokos there is everything: good power and wisdom for any occasion. They are much more powerful than any other conspiracies. And this despite the fact that they are never read in church.

This feature confuses some skeptical people. But the fact that dreams, passed down through family and other lines from mouth to mouth, gained incredible additional power, can be confirmed by everyone who used them. And all the negativists and critics of the Mother of God amulets suffered a rather severe punishment from the Higher Forces. May the holiness of healing be with us!

Thanks for the explanation of the prayers. So, when writing prayers, only clean paper is needed? No need to buy a special prayer pen and charge it with ink certain color, as I subtracted on some site? I liked your site, thanks.

If there are a lot of problems in life that you no longer have the strength to cope with, if you need support from above, then the believer can always read the prayer “Dream” of the Most Holy Theotokos. This text has a miraculous power that helps to overcome all obstacles, to find the right solution even in the most difficult life situations.

Higher powers are always next to a person, preventing him from despairing and doubting himself. Therefore, a believer can always turn to God, communicate with Him and find out exactly how to act, there is a need for the advice of the Higher Mind. This is not just a prayer, the “Dream” of the Most Holy Theotokos is a real request that Heaven must hear.

How to read a prayer correctly

Those who often turn to God already know that the “Dream” of the Most Holy Theotokos is a great miraculous prayer that acts as a talisman.

But if you read this text incorrectly, then there will be no effect. The very first thing to do is to tune in and get out of your head all the bad thoughts that haunt you. The word "Sleep" means "salvation", "prayer", "request" - it's just that all this is combined into one definition. The sacred text more than once pulled people out of the most terrible situations in life, saved them from illnesses and unrequited love, from damage and loss of business.

The second thing to do is to decide what kind of prayer is needed for reading, since the “Dreams” of the Most Holy Theotokos include exactly 77 texts for each life situation. All of them are very short, easy to remember and learn. Another one important thing that must be observed is faith in what the worshiper reads. By the way, a prayer book with all the "Dreams" can be purchased at any bookstore in the department of spiritual literature. Standing in front of the icon, slowly read the text 3 times, asking the Virgin Mary for help.

If thoughts pop up in the head, then they should only be about the problem that worries the most, for which the prayer is read. If everything is in order with you, there are pleasant moments in life, then you do not need to pronounce “Dream” in front of your face. As a rule, such a prayer is resorted to only if it is very bad in the soul. If you pay attention to each text, you can see that it carries morality and conclusions, which means that all "Dreams" are like little parables that help you breathe more freely. Therefore, when reading them, put all the pain that you experience into prayer so that it disappears from your life forever.

The text of the prayer "Sleep" of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Holy Mother of God

I walked on damp ground

Led Jesus Christ by the hand

Brought to the Siamese mountain.

On the mountain of Siam there is a table -

Throne of Christ.

On this table lies a golden book,

God Himself reads it

Sheds her own blood.

Saints Peter and Paul came:

"What, God, are you reading,

Are you shedding your own blood?

“Do not look, Peter and Paul, at my torment,

Take the cross in your hand and walk on the damp earth!”

Who will know this prayer

Say three times a day

He will not burn in the fire,

Sink in the water, disappear in the open field.

From baptized, born (name).

Amen. Amen. Amen.

About when to read the prayer "Sleep"

For those who firmly believe that the Mother of God will help, they may not worry that everything will be fine with them in the future. Life is full of troubles, of which the following are distinguished in order to start reading the text:

  • minutes before major surgery;
  • physical pain and attack by enemies;
  • terrible natural disasters;
  • excruciating fatal diseases;
  • damage, evil eye, curse, crown of celibacy;
  • lack of children, inability to conceive a baby;
  • demon possession;
  • mental anguish and suffering.

There is also a miraculous prayer from the entire collection of "Dreams" at number 7, which is read to the Most Holy Theotokos. This is a separate text that protects a person from any attack of demons, evil people, bad words. After reading the prayer, the believer himself will feel a surge of energy and peace within himself. The Virgin Mary, having heard the text read, creates around the person who turned to Her, a protective invisible field that will protect the prayer. That is why all "Dreams" are called a real talisman and amulet.

Prayer dream 7 of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Holy Cross, Patience Cross,

The cross is deliverance from death.

There was a dream about the Cross.

The Mother of God saw the Cross in a dream,

As the crowd crucified Jesus Christ on the Cross,

Nailed by the hands, nailed by the legs.

The blood is flowing,

It will be covered with white shui.

God's beauty will not fade

The Royal Gates will open.

This dream Mother Mary saw,

In a dream, she shed tears for her son.

Jesus Christ approached his mother

From a heavy sleep I woke her up:

My mother, Mary! I am your dream

I write on white paper.

Who will understand this dream

And read it three times

He will be saved, protected in any trouble.

In dangerous places

in government affairs,

On land and water.

At God's Judgment

Will be forgiven and saved.

The sleep of the Virgin is protected.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Prayer Dream Amulet of the Most Holy Theotokos

The action of the amulet after reading "Dreams"

The protective effect of all prayers is that they act as a conversation with the Lord God, before all the Angels and Archangels, Apostles and Saints. It is important to be kind to the written amulet so that it starts working. Those who managed to perceive all the words, let them through themselves and concentrate on the problem, can breathe a sigh of relief, since the effect of prayers is really amazing:

  1. This is a complete protection against any witchcraft or a bad word towards the believer.
  2. This is the invisible protection of the human body by the Angels.
  3. This is a miraculous and inexplicable cure for even the most serious diseases.
  4. It is the gift of a long and happy life to the believer.
  5. It's full of joy and real love in each family.

Never neglect prayers, remember that the Almighty hears every word. The "Dreams" of the Virgin is not just a text, it is something more than an ordinary prayer. Turn to the Virgin Mary as often as possible if you feel anxiety in your soul. Talking with the Lord is the best thing that can help in difficult situations. Pray and know that the invisible will surely save anyone.

Prayer Dream of the Blessed Virgin Mary - text was last modified: May 7th, 2018 by Bogolub

Gratitude, repentance, requests and petitions coming from the very heart of a believer will be heard by God, the Mother of God, saints and guardian angels. The prayer "Dream" of the Most Holy Theotokos, about the features of reading which we will talk today, helps to overcome various difficulties that arise on life path person.

General information

The “Dream” prayer of the Most Holy Theotokos, according to clergy, is a prayer amulet that is widespread among believing Orthodox Christians, protecting from troubles and troubles, helping to restore faith and believe in one’s own strength. In this context, the word “sleep” means “request”, “petition”, “appeal to the Almighty”, “plea for protection and patronage”.

There are 77 prayer amulets to the Mother of God. Despite the similarity of content, each sacred text has a special meaning:

  • saving from troubles;
  • assistance in various undertakings;
  • protection from offenders;
  • triumph of justice;
  • the gift of female happiness to become a mother;
  • healing from all diseases;
  • protection of pregnant women;
  • a request for good luck for each month;
  • protection from enemies and their revenge;
  • salvation from sorcerers and magic;
  • petitions for the blessing of the Virgin Mary;
  • protection of happiness and well-being;
  • deliverance from sins.

The main prayers with powerful power are the "Dreams" of the Most Holy Theotokos 22 and 77.

The twenty-second "Dream" of the Mother of God, or the bowed request is a petition to the Virgin Mary for the fulfillment cherished desire. It is necessary to read the sacred text only when absolutely necessary and in sincere faith. Believer in the power of prayer amulet Orthodox Christian will surely be heard by the Mother of God.

When turning to the Higher powers, a person’s thoughts must be pure and sincere. You can not turn to God and the Mother of God with requests to cause harm and trouble to other people.

The universal petition, called 77 "Dream" of the Most Holy Theotokos, has incredible power and helps to cleanse oneself of corruption and the evil eye, and heal from serious psychological and physiological ailments. After reading the sacred text, a person cannot be charmed with black magic, he is under the protection of the Savior Jesus Christ.

Exist certain rules reading prayer amulets. The "dreams" of the Most Holy Theotokos are not read during divine services in churches. However, do not think that the words sacred texts sinful. According to legend, a person who believes in the Higher powers, having studied all 77 prayer charms, is able to gain incredible power that helps to rule over his own destiny.

In order for the petition to be heard, it is necessary to turn to the Mother of God in a calm, relaxed and peaceful state. Having secluded yourself in a room, moving away from worldly affairs and leaving mortal thoughts, you need to light a light, put an image with the face of the Most Holy Theotokos, close your eyes and concentrate on desire or request.

The sacred text is pronounced in a whisper, measured and thoughtful. One cannot rush in prayers to the Higher powers, each word of the prayer amulet must come from within, penetrating into the soul and heart of the one who prays. The prayer "Dream" of the Most Holy Theotokos is repeated three times. At the end of the prayer ritual, it is not recommended to talk with your neighbors, it is better to go to bed right away.

Having trusted the Mother of God, a believing Christian experiences lightness, calmness and spiritual freedom. Despondency, confusion and sad thoughts disappear, instead of them comes peace of mind and peace.

Video "How to read the dreams of the Blessed Virgin"

From this video you will learn how to correctly rewrite and read the dreams of the Most Holy Theotokos, and what significance these prayers have for a person's life.

What prayers to read

From trouble

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen. - Beloved Blessed Mother, My Blessed Virgin Mary, Are you sleeping or not sleeping, And what terrible thing do you see in your dream? Arise, My Mother, from Your sleep! - Oh, my beloved child. Sweetest, most beautiful, Jesus Christ, Son of God! I slept in your holy city and saw about you a very terrible and terrible dream, which makes my soul tremble. I saw Peter, Paul, and I saw you, My Child, in Jerusalem, sold, caught, bound for thirty pieces of silver. Brought to the high priest, innocently condemned to death.

Oh, My beloved child, I will ask what will happen to a person who writes My Theotokos' dream six times from a pure heart in his book and will keep it in his house, or carry it clean on his way, - Oh, Mother of My Mother of God. I will tell you truly, as I am the True Christ myself: No one will ever touch this person’s house, grief and misfortune will be pumped out of that person, I will save him forever from eternal torment, I will stretch out My hands to help him.

And I will also endow his house with every good: bread, gifts, livestock, belly. From the court he will be pardoned, from the master he will be forgiven, he will not be condemned in court. The servants of the devil will not approach, the cunning will not cheat with their deceit. The Lord loves His children. It won't kill anyone. Amen. Amen. Amen.

For every salvation

Lord help, Lord bless. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen! There is a spirit on the mountain, Mother Mary slept on a rock, saw the same thing six times, suffered six times in a dream during the night. It was as if the Pharisees took her son Christ, crucified him on a huge cross, nailed his feet and hands to the cross, put on a crown of thorns, shed hot blood on the ground. Angels flew down from heaven, they set up golden bowls, they did not allow drops of the saint's blood to fall. Whoever lays his hand on the cross of Christ will never truly know torment.

Whoever reads the sixth from six times a day, the Lord Himself saves him from trouble, the earthly court will not take that person, not a single hair will fall without the Lord God, he will not burn in fire, he will not drown in water, drops of blood from the hands of villainous won't drop. I don’t say, I don’t affirm, I don’t free from dashing troubles - the sixth dream will help in all matters. Whoever has the sixth dream, God will not forget. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen!

Prayer request

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. May the Mother of God be my mother. You slept in the mountains, spent the night. She had a dream, terrible and terrible. That Jesus was crucified on three trees. They gave vitriol to drink, put a wreath of thorns on his head. And I bring this dream to Christ on the throne. Here Jesus Christ walked through distant lands. Carry the life-giving cross. Jesus Christ, save and save. Bless me with your cross. Mother, Holy Mother of God, cover me with your veil.

Deliver me, the servant of God (name), from all bad weather, misfortunes and diseases. From a creeping serpent, from a running beast. From thunderstorms, from drought, from floods. From all enemies visible and invisible. From the scrip, from the prison, from the courts. Here Nicholas the Wonderworker walked, carried a salutary bow to save me, the servant of God (name), from all bad weather, misfortunes and diseases, from a creeping snake, from a running beast, from a thunderstorm, from drought, from a flood.

From all enemies visible and invisible. From the scrip, from the prison, from the courts. Jesus Christ, Mother of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Nicholas the Wonderworker, I ask you ... (state your request here in your own words) Amen. Amen. Amen.

For the fulfillment of a wish

In the city of Jerusalem, in the holy cathedral, on right hand Mother Mary slept on the throne. Jesus Christ asks her: “Mother Mary, are you sleeping or not sleeping?” - “I don’t sleep, but I see a dream about you, Jesus Christ. As if you, Jesus Christ, were crucified by the Jews into three trees, into three mindras, into three dinars, they chained your hands and feet with nails. The torment of the holy spirit fell on my heart. The golden cross on the chest spills, Jesus Christ rises to heaven. - “Mother Mary, is your dream complicated - not complicated?

It is necessary to write a letter, but give it to all believing slaves. Let that slave read three times a day. That slave will be saved, saved and pardoned from all sorts of troubles, from all sorts of misfortunes: from thundering thunder, from an arrow flying, from a lost forest, from an eating beast, from burning fire, from drowning water. If he goes to court, he will not be judged. To stand in the ranks - he will not be killed. Amen. Amen. Amen.

The value of the prayers and dreams of the Blessed Virgin Mary cannot be overestimated. The Mother of God, loving the Orthodox people, left an invaluable legacy on earth - icons and Her vision of the past, present and future in "Dreams".

77 The dream of the Most Holy Theotokos is miraculous prayer saving from the evil eye and inducing damage.

Is modern Christianity subject to the evil eye and witchcraft

Many Christians, especially those churched with fanaticism, argue that the protection of the blood of Jesus is enough to protect a person from witchcraft and magical attacks. There are no places anywhere in the New Testament that speak of inducing or removing corruption.

Reading the prayer of the Virgin "77 Dream" helps from induced damage

Jesus said that with strong faith and acceptance by His Savior, every person would be endowed with the power of God to resist demons, snakes, and everything that kills (Mark 16:16-18).

Yes, and amen, but this is on condition that a person has faith, is completely sinless, and in his life all the doors for Satan are closed.

The magicians and grandmothers themselves confirm that nothing magical can be done to a person strengthened in faith, but it is easy to bring damage and the evil eye on those people who believe in the omnipotent power of Satan, they have the phenomenon of the so-called vain faith.

Jesus stated that as is faith, so is the result (Mt. 9:28).

If a Christian believes in the power of spilled salt or thrown needles more than in protecting the blood of the Savior and turns to various psychics and fortune tellers for help, such a person needs help. The Mother of God will help to find her in Her protective cleansing appeal, transmitted through "Dream 77".

The power of the prayer "77 Dream of the Virgin", when and from what it helps

In a situation where life has failed, and no petitions, fasts do not help, having enemies, envious people and enemies, one can assume damage.

The words of any prayer are just words if they do not contain faith in the redemptive power of the blood of Jesus and the help of the Virgin. You can read appeals all day long, but at the same time sin, and you will have to wait a very long time for the result.

To get an ambulance in case of any problem, at the slightest suspicion of witchcraft, you should first of all:

  • do not miss worship;
  • regularly stay in the prayer rule;
  • do not neglect posts;
  • come to Communion more often.
Important! Regular reading of the prayer of the Virgin "77 Dream" is by no means magic, it is great help in case of trouble.

She helps with sudden appearance discord in the family, cooling of one of the spouses, the appearance of frequent illnesses. Black magic works on male potency and the obedience of children, devilish deeds destroy all undertakings in life and business.

Icon of the Holy Mother of God

The removal of damage, the expulsion of demons, the destruction of the intrigues of enemies, everything is within the power of the Christian appeal - "Dream 77 of the Mother of God."

True believers, knowing the great power of "Dreams", rewrite the text of prayers and carry with them, like a shore for all occasions:

  • to protect yourself from damage and the evil eye;
  • with an incurable disease;
  • during natural disasters;
  • enemy attacks.

How to read a protective prayer from the evil eye and damage

77 Dream of the Blessed Virgin Mary

“The Mother of God saw a dream - to the sound of a bell, Christ approached her and asked: - Did you sleep well - what did you see in a dream? - They nailed you on the cross - they broke your ribs with a spear, water came out of the right one, blood poured out of the left one. The centurion's login was washed, he was enrolled among the saints. - My mother, do not cry, do not suffer, death will not take me, the Lord will take me to heaven on the third day. Whoever keeps the seventy-seventh dream in his house, the evil devil will not touch him, Angels fly in and save from any evil. Seventy ailments and troubles are delivered. Amen. Amen. Amen."

Once again, I would like to emphasize that mechanical reading will not bring success, as well as the pronunciation of words without faith in the Holy Blood, in the presence of fear and despair before the deeds of the devil.

You should gain confidence that every word, like a destructive sword, destroys what has been done through demonic forces.

The Mother of God rested during the bell ringing, she was in the temple with her soul. In the dream described in the prayer, the Mother of God again saw the terrible execution of the Son. Next comes the testimony that those who wash themselves with pure blood, by the power of faith in Her power, will be counted among the saints. Therefore, instead of the word “centurion”, say your name, and believe that the Lord already sees you as saints, to whom the mud of demonic spells cannot adhere.

Important! The Savior consoles the Mother in a dream. Take these words to yourself that on the third day God will take away all the problems, subject to constant reading during this period of the prayer "77 dream of the Most Pure Theotokos."

May the Angels be with every Christian who keeps in his heart protective prayers"Dreams of the Mother of God"

Prayer "77 dream of the Blessed Virgin Mary"

The “dream” of the Most Holy Theotokos is a prayer that is aimed at solving various problems. In general, there are 77 such prayers that have great power. They are believed to help find the right decision even in the most difficult situations. That's just great importance It has strong faith c , otherwise even repeated reading will not allow you to get a good result.

"Dream" of the Blessed Virgin - a prayer before the operation

In the general list of prayers related to "Dreams" you can find many options designed to help in critical situations. With great strength possess prayer appeals sent to the Guardian Angel. You can ask him for help before the operation:

“- Mother of God, Blessed Mother of God dear, where were you, where did you spend the night? Did you sleep well? What did you, my mother, see in a dream?

- I rested, My son, in the city of Gladishche, I saw a Dream not a dream, come and go, You were led up the mountain, Christ, You carried a cypress cross on Yourself. On the mountain they nailed you to the cross, pricked you with spears, poured vinegar on you, burned the bloody wounds with fire.

Angel-Archangel, who will read this dream, you will save him in all ways: take him away from death in vain, untimely. From the gate, from the court, from pestilence and evil agreement. Be this dream a guarantee in all matters, on all long journeys, on all long roads, on enemy, dangerous rapids, in war, in water and fire. Who will keep this dream in the house, that person cannot be killed by a villainous hand. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

"Dream" of the Most Holy Theotokos - prayer-request

In some situations, outside help is simply needed. In this case, you can enlist powerful support from the Higher Forces. To do this, read a prayer and at the end make your request.

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen. May the Mother of God be my mother. You slept in the mountains, spent the night. She had a dream, terrible and terrible. That Jesus was crucified on three trees. They gave vitriol to drink, put a wreath of thorns on his head. And I bring this dream to Christ on the throne.

Here Jesus Christ walked through distant lands. Carry the life-giving cross. Jesus Christ, save and save. Bless me with your cross. Mother, Holy Mother of God, cover me with your veil. Deliver me, the servant of God (name), From all bad weather, misfortunes and diseases. From a creeping serpent, from a running beast. From thunderstorms, from drought, from floods. From all enemies visible and invisible. From the scrip, from the prison, from the courts.

Then Nicholas the Wonderworker walked, carried a salutary bow, To save me, the servant of God (name), from all bad weather, misfortunes and diseases, from a creeping snake, from a running beast, from a thunderstorm, from drought, from a flood. From all enemies visible and invisible. From the scrip, from the prison, from the courts. Jesus Christ, Mother of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Nicholas the Wonderworker, I ask you ... (state your request here in your own words) Amen. Amen. Amen".

"Dream" of the Most Holy Theotokos - a prayer for an endless supply of money

Many people turn to the Higher powers when problems arise in the material sphere. In this case, you can use one of the 77 "Dreams", which will allow you to lure cash flow. Prayer will help in business, attract and give strength to new achievements.

"On Mount Zion, on Mount Elion

There is a cupares tree and a golden cradle.

The Mother of God of Christ swayed, weird dream seen.

Eight Visible Spheres Manifested

Air, earth, fire, water,

Day, night, the moon and the sun ajar

The eight names of God Eloavaad manifested,

They whisper, shout, with fire - fire they say:

What kind of person - "Dream" will read

The endless eighth fills the purse with money,

For gulen, for worldly life, for any waste,

To have enough money for everything - that soul is tired of this.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen".

How to rewrite and read the prayer-amulet "Dream" of the Most Holy Theotokos?

Since the texts are quite large, it is difficult to learn them, so you need to rewrite them correctly, following certain rules. To do this, you need to purchase: ink, incense, a wax candle and a pen. You can't take change for any purchase. First, put three drops of your blood and saliva into the ink bottle, and then refill the pen. You need to rewrite the "Dream" in the morning from 5 to 12 o'clock. Light a candle and smoke incense. On a thick sheet of paper, beautifully rewrite the text. Don't say anything, not even a whisper. The main thing is that there are no blots and mistakes, otherwise you need to repeat everything from the beginning. In addition, during work, there should not be any bad thoughts. If the sheet is damaged, then it is not thrown away, but is torn “along the cross” and burned over the flame of a candle. The remaining ashes are scattered in the wind, paying attention to his behavior:

  • fell down - pay attention to your lifestyle;
  • flew up - the road in life is chosen correctly;
  • returned back - select another "Dream".

During the writing of the text, various discomfort, it is believed that in this way the body and soul get rid of the accumulated negativity.

It is recommended to constantly carry with you the “Dream” of the Most Holy Theotokos, which will be a talisman, but only other people should not see it. For the first forty days, a prayer is read every day before going to bed. This must be done in seclusion. other people in absolute silence. Light up church candles near the icon of the Virgin, close your eyes and fully concentrate on your request. When you feel relaxed, you can open your eyes and bow before the icon. Then repent and ask for forgiveness for your sins. You can start reading a prayer, but it is important to do it meaningfully, understanding every word. The text should be spoken in a whisper. Repeat "Dream" three times. If different emotions arise while reading, then do not hold them back, because at the end you will feel significant relief. Immediately after this, you need to go to bed, do not eat or talk. Remember that sincere appeals sent from a pure heart always receive a response, and mother of God will certainly help in a difficult situation.