Posts tagged “clarity of consciousness. Clarity of consciousness as the greatest value Providing medical care

Have you ever been unhappy? 😉 Something goes against your desires and ideas, and you fall into a certain state in which you experience your disagreement with what is happening in the range from “It’s somehow sad today” to “I’ll tear everyone apart, you bastards!” Perhaps, to some, dissatisfaction seems to be a completely normal response to some of life’s troubles - but let’s first look at what is really behind this “norm of dissatisfaction”. The root of the word “discontent” is the word “will”. Moreover, in the Russian language the word “will” has two meanings: will as freedom - and will as the power component of a person, as his ability to control himself. Oddly enough, in the concept of “dissatisfaction” both meanings exist and lead, in fact, to a single result. The term “Dissatisfaction” means the state of a person who has not reached the basic state of a developed and intelligent being, filled with vital force - to the state of will: he is not content. Moreover, here the word “will” means both freedom - where “I am not-willed” means “I am deprived of freedom of choice” - and the ability to control - where “I am not-willed” also means “I have no will, I am deprived of the technical ability to do as I want” - that is, again, deprived of freedom of choice.
Dissatisfaction as a violation of desires. We are unhappy when something goes against our will, our desire. It’s as if we are being diverted from our own course, and someone else’s will begins to direct us in a direction that we did not choose, to which we did not give our consent. Here our will is a kind of hidden compass that pointed in the direction we needed - and suddenly this course is disrupted by someone else's force. A person wanted others to act in his interests, within the framework of his will - and they, such scoundrels, do not obey this. He immediately falls into a state of dissatisfaction with the situation - where his will is ignored, the world does not act the way he wants, deprives him of his freedom. But this is on the surface - what happens inside? The first thing that arises in a dissatisfied person is an emotional reaction of disagreement. But at its core, emotion is an uncontrollable outburst of energy. This means that when a person, energetically embedded in the system of ideas familiar to him and mastered by him, finds himself in a situation where the energy of his intention encounters an unexpected obstacle, modeled by someone else’s force - it, his energy, instantly reaches a peak value, leaves the usual channel, and begins to flow uncontrollably. Essentially, this is a kind of energy explosion - which can range from micro to macro, and is directed both inward, dissatisfied, where it destroys the person himself - and outward, where it destroys the surrounding people and space. For the human brain, getting into a situation of dissatisfaction means that the usual and comfortable picture of the world, the picture of established ideas, is disrupted. And this is something in which he loses stability for some time (from fractions of seconds to hours, days, and years), loses the opportunity to live and act as he is used to - in that state of peace that gave him stability.

Signs of discontent - or “Who is subject to discontent.” As already mentioned, the essence of dissatisfaction is “I am deprived of freedom of choice.” But let's take a sober look: what kind of freedom of choice does a person have who lives in a world of endless secrets, where the first secret for him is himself? If you answer this question honestly, then there is no so-called. We have no real freedom - we only have the opportunity to act within certain frameworks and restrictions. And the first one who falls into a defeatist state of discontent is the one who, due to his selfish impudence and conceit, believes that for him these frameworks are not a decree. And that he can strain the world and adjust it to his ideas. As a result, the world reacts like an ordinary spring, and with an increased return impulse returns its tension to the dissatisfied. The flip side of reacting is acceptance. For those living in duality, I’ll immediately add: acceptance does not mean that you are beaten - and you stand and smile, drooling. Acceptance is a complex algorithm of unity in which you react adequately to the situation (for example, you defend yourself well when you are attacked) but do not allow yourself to be drawn into the situation internally. Those. if a dual person can be either in one state or another (either in defense or in acceptance), then a person of unity perfectly combines this into a single whole: accepting the situation completely, he simultaneously reacts adequately. At the same time, he does not have any dissatisfaction and simply cannot be - because he is always the master of his will, and he is always free to control his will. Moreover, with a high level of mastery, he is already so free that he simply does not need any will - he fits into the energy movement of the world, and the energy of the world directs him in the best direction, to the best decisions. This algorithm is inaccessible to the mind - because the mind is based on discrete “either-or”. But for us in general, this is precisely the most optimal and basic algorithm - an algorithm of the part as a whole, and the whole in the part. But let's return to the dissatisfied. 😉 If a person finds himself dissatisfied, then he has two problems: an incorrect (egoistic) picture of the world - the violation of which he perceives as dissatisfaction, a lack of inner strength - which creates such a distorted picture of the world in which its owner will feel in the center of stability, in the comfort zone. Where the catch is is that this comfort zone is created by the brain, by the machine - and therefore can easily turn out to be a simple deception. What should a dissatisfied person who is tired of being dissatisfied do (who is not tired of it, don’t read, it won’t help you 😉) Learn to accept the world as it is. This is the base. And I repeat once again: this regime does not at all mean submissive compliance - it means that there may be reasons at work in the world that are not yet visible to you. And it is they who create a situation for you that you are unhappy with. Once you realize this, you will have a vision of your exit options. Learning to accumulate inner strength This means that you need to learn to see (feel) where and how your strength, your energy goes. Where the basis of energy is the energy of our attention. Simply put, where your attention goes, that’s where your strength goes. It is very good to accumulate strength in situations that lead to discontent. To do this, you need not to get involved in these situations (and not allow yourself to be drawn in like a sheep) - but to distance yourself from the situation and try to observe it from the outside - like a movie. Where you need to disidentify yourself with your personal experiences, distance yourself from them. Even this simple action will allow you to limit the leakage of inner strength. In a word, you need a conscious practice of managing your inner power - where the first phase of practice will be to suppress the dispersion of power, and the second will be its accumulation.

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Intelligence: instructions for use Sheremetyev Konstantin



There are no accidents in fate; man creates rather than meets his destiny.

Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy

When I counsel people, there is one thought that causes the most disagreement.

I ask the person:

- How did you arrange this for yourself?

This simple question usually causes outrage. After all, everyone knows that genetics, parents, politicians, masons and sun spots are to blame for everything...

The person himself is excluded from this list. He is something like a mattress that was first filled with all sorts of rubbish and then abandoned. And this mattress lies there and suffers in every possible way.

But the man is not a mattress. You have free will and consciousness. You are creating a lot of problems for yourself. Just don't see it.

Make consciousness transparent in your hands. The first action is to erase from your mind all ideas about life as it should be. And look at the life that is around you.

Life is much simpler than you think it is. Yes, of course, you want the dumplings to jump into your mouth. But if you expect this from life, you will only face disappointments. If you insistently demand this, run around with a sign saying “Give me some self-jumping dumplings!”, then you can make yourself depressed.

Be transparent.

And a little more Osho:

This is the greatness of Zen... Don't think about good or bad. Be a complete witness, and as long as you are just a witness, whatever passes through you is bound to be good. The whole world can condemn such behavior: it doesn’t matter. You should only listen to your own heart. If your heart tells you yes, go, then go ahead. Even if it is against all morality, all doctrines and religions, it does not matter. Submit to the desires of your simple, pure heart. The only criterion is that it must be spontaneous. Spontaneity is good; spontaneity is hypocrisy.

From the book Find out a person’s character by his signature or practical graphology. by Naj Ike

From the book The Self-Liberating Game author Demchog Vadim Viktorovich

10. Clarity of purpose So, “The world consists of the possible and the actual”137, of what is and what can be, and we need to fill the gap between where we are and where we would like to be! And there is no point in looking down. But, following the instructions of St. Ignatius

From the book How to develop intuition and hidden characteristics author Lysenko Oksana

ULTIMATE CLARITY Quick question: If you were a color, what color? Write down your answer: ______________________________. If you were an animal, what kind? Write down your answer: ______________________________. Okay. Let's try to make it more complicated: If you were a book, what would it be? Right now, think for a minute.

From the book I No Longer Submit to You [How to Get Rid of Negative Emotions and Experiences by Entering into a New Relationship] by Jacobsen Olaf

Chapter 3. CLARITY

From the book Find out a person’s character by his signature or practical graphology by Naj Ike

19. CLARITY If the signature is clear and the letters that make it up can be read (Fig. 19a), then the owner of such a signature is less selfish, since he subconsciously strives to be understood by others. Teachers and professors often have clear signatures. From a medical point of view

author Gummesson Elizabeth

Clarity If I could line up in one chain those with whom I had the opportunity to meet and who had difficulties with clarity of communication, this chain would stretch to Moscow. And all these people agreed that clarity is vital, maybe one of the main

From the book How to Communicate Profitably and Enjoy It author Gummesson Elizabeth

Clarity A survey of managers in Sweden asked them what they needed most as managers. The answer was clarity. They wanted to be understood. But clarity is not so easy to achieve if you 1) work in an organization where there is no such thing

From the book How to Communicate Profitably and Enjoy It author Gummesson Elizabeth

Clarity A clear and clear “no” is better than an evasive “yes”. I've said it before and I'll say it again: clarity is the cornerstone of many relationships, especially relationships with children. It is not easy for them to understand unclearly expressed thoughts, to read between the lines. “Do you understand?” - that and

From the book How to Communicate Profitably and Enjoy It author Gummesson Elizabeth

Clarity in Everything Whether we're setting up a coffee date or talking about more serious issues, clear thoughts help us get what we want. Pernilla. One day, my friend and I agreed to meet in the city to exchange

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Clarity Clarity of speech refers to the listeners' adequate understanding of what the speaker is saying. The clarity of speech is determined by its correctness and accuracy in conjunction with the speaker's attention to the awareness and speech skills of the interlocutor. Speech clarity is related to

by Style Charlotte

Practice Mental Clarity In this chapter we already touched on mental clarity as a way to be aware of yourself and others, and in Chapter 3 we looked at the benefits of learning to experience life. Clarity of mind is not just at the core of developing spiritual self-awareness; she stimulates everyone

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Clarity of mind Clarity of mind (awareness, fullness of mind) is the antonym of thoughtlessness and carelessness. With clarity of mind, you are truly open to everything around you and truly present in a multifaceted world with its many different views and opinions - not

From the book Intelligence: instructions for use author Sheremetyev Konstantin

Clarity of understanding You need to get rid of diffuse concepts as quickly as possible. To do this, in each situation you need to separate the main, stable and repetitive from the random and secondary. Any new situation is always perceived diffusely. But if you don't

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Do you sometimes feel like your thinking is a little foggy?

Do you find it difficult to make important decisions?

Do internal dialogue and doubts prevent you from concentrating?

Is your mind racing from the past to the future?

Or is it the other way around – is your mind clear and focused?

Are your thoughts calm and clear?

Is it easy for you to find and make a reasonable decision and implement it in a calm, clear state of concentration? It would be better that way..))

But, if you catch yourself that your thoughts are vague or, on the contrary, rushing between different topics, or from the past to the future, then it is worth taking some measures. And fortunately, there are some things you can do. Here are some tips to make your mind calm and clear.

A person with clear thinking is distinguished by a high degree of assimilation of information, a willingness to actively speak out and share thoughts, interest in what is happening, and involvement in the situation.

With age, clarity of thinking may decline due to the accumulation of a large number of negative programs and destructive beliefs in the mind... However, some people retain clarity of thinking until a very old age, while others lose clarity at a young age. People who take care of their health, in professional self-realization do what they love, engage in spiritual practices for the development of Consciousness, as a rule, keep their thinking clear in old age

What promotes clarity of thinking?

So now, straighten your back, take a deep breath in and out, enter the silence of your mind and manifest the following:

“I activate my primal ability to think clearly and be consistent in my decisions. I enjoy practicing healthy lifestyle rituals and eating right. My body feels strong and healthy. My energy level is constantly growing. All this builds a strong foundation for maintaining clarity of thinking and developing my Awareness!”

And yes it is!

Take a breath, exhale and live today Consciously your new activated state of Consciousness in a state of mental clarity.

To move to a higher quality level of Clarity of Thinking and significantly increase the level of your Personal Efficiency, We have prepared a unique video course “Managing the Power of State”, which can be completed now in a convenient video format:

After practice, put “+” in the comments below as a sign of the Harmonious completion of the Activation for you.

Share also in the comments about your Awareness and sensations during the Activation process.

Your answers will reveal a new Depth in You and allow you to recognize your True Self even more.

We sincerely wish so that there are more and more Conscious Happy people! We will be grateful for the repost on your social page - continue to bring Wisdom to the world for the benefit of everyone!
With love and care,

Let's work with a technique recommended by Stephen Laberge, a psychologist at the Stanford University Sleep Research Center. Using this method, you will learn to recognize the state of semi-consciousness that you enter almost every day after waking up from sleep, and then turn this semi-conscious state into a bright, most likely conscious one. dream. We recommend starting Day Nine in much the same way you started Day Eight. Throughout the day, continue to regularly ask yourself, are you dreaming? Before you go to sleep, write down in your dream note: “Tonight, while dreaming, I am aware that I am dreaming,” and repeat this phrase as you begin to drift off to sleep.

It is possible that early in the morning you will suddenly wake up after a dim dream. In this case, lie quietly in bed, without moving or opening your eyes, and think about the dream, probably the most probably(that’s exactly what happened!) which only(translator's note) what they saw. Mentally scroll through the dream in detail, catching the emotional influence coming from the surrounding environment. situation, characters, plot and overall aesthetics of images.

Mentally scroll through the dream several times until you more or less reliably fix it in your consciousness.

Then review the dream again, but this time add an element that was clearly missed: while mentally replaying the dream, treat it as if you were the dreamer, aware of the dream occurring at that moment. Repeat the phrase: “I am aware of myself in a dream when I see it,” and slowly fall asleep. By following these instructions, you may suddenly return from an almost conscious state to the realm of sleep and dreams. It is possible that you will start reviewing the dream you just woke up from, or create a completely new dream that may or may not contain fragments of your previous dream. But in any case, you may very soon find yourself in the final state full awareness of oneself in a dream.

Attention! - If you think you are having a vivid lucid dream, be sure to perform a “reality check” using the method outlined in Day Eight. Also remember to record all your vivid and non-lucid dreams in a dream journal.


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