The great shrine is a reliquary cross with a piece of the Lord's robe. Life-Giving Cross (Godenovo): miracles, reviews, address and schedule

For Christian culture the cross is a metaphor and a relic, a symbol and a memory. Let us remember the 7 miraculous crosses of Russia.

Cross of St. Abraham of Rostov

According to legend, Saint Abraham received the cross from John the Theologian himself, who appeared to him. The monk used this gift more than effectively in missionary work. With the help of a rod, the top of which was a cross, Abraham crushed the statue of Veles that stood in Rostov. By this, he not only physically removed the pagan idols from the city, but also converted many residents who witnessed the miracle to the true faith.

Other miracles and legends about the shrine have not survived to this day, but we can judge their existence by the popularity of this cross. Many of its copies, castings and images spread throughout Rus' in the 17th-19th centuries. The original was taken from the Epiphany Avraamiev Monastery by Ivan the Terrible “for the victory and overcoming of the Kazan kingdom” in 1553.

Today, the Rostov Kremlin houses a copy of the cross cast in the 14th century.

Dmitrovsky cross

Very little information has been preserved about the Holy Cross from Dmitrov. This is understandable - this city was ruined, burned, and plundered more than once. The few surviving chronicles indicate that the miraculous discovery of the shrine took place in 1291, on the seventh Friday after Easter. The cross floated against the current along the Yakhroma River. The first to notice him was... a blind girl who, thanks to the light emanating from the cross, received her sight. The impressive (almost 3 meters in height) Cross was taken out and carried with chants to the nearby Nikitsky Monastery.

After some time, the tradition of “walkings of the cross” took hold here. The cross was carried through all the cities and villages that expressed a desire to host the shrine. “During the walks of the cross, one cannot look without tenderness at how hundreds and thousands of people of all ages, in a line, one after another, with tears and a tender gaze, fall to the ground in front of the Cross, so that the bearers would carry the holy cross over them, and through this they could receive the sanctifying and healing grace of the Lord,” wrote priest Dmitry Kasatkin in 1895.

Indeed, from the very moment of discovery through prayers before this crucifixion, many healings occurred. Rumors about him quickly spread throughout all Orthodox lands. Not only lithographs were sent from Dmitrov, but also large copies made of wood “to the full extent of the Miraculous Cross.” Near Dmitrov, in all the churches there were such crucifixes. And today ancient copies can be seen in Moscow, in the Epiphany Cathedral of Yelokhovsky, in the temple Life-Giving Trinity in Troitsky-Golinishchevo.

Since 1930, the original Cross has been kept in the Tretyakov Gallery.

Wonderful cross

Since the 11th century, everyone who came to Novgorod first of all went to the Chapel of the Wonderful Cross, which is to the left of the entrance to the Kremlin. The history of this cross is inextricably linked with the history of Orthodoxy in the city. The very appearance of the shrine is associated with baptism Novgorod Principality and Saint Vladimir. The chronicle of 1096 says: “And at the morning service the Holy Cross of Vladimir was found at St. Sophia in Novgorod under Bishop Theodore.” The chronicles do not specify why and when the Cross was hidden, but later they colorfully and enthusiastically tell about many, many miracles emanating from it. After the discovery, the Cross was installed on the shore near the bridge over the Volkhov River. The location was not chosen by chance: it was on this bridge that fights, clashes between warring parties, lynchings and executions often took place. To pacify the flock, the Novgorod rulers erected a crucifix. By the way, when the bridge was moved, the Cross was invariably moved in the future. Wonderful more than once saved the city from fires and riots. There are several theories about the origin of the name of the cross. The first and most obvious is because of the miracles that come from the cross. The second is “wonderful” in the meaning of “graceful”, “beautiful”. The cross really had a majestic appearance. Just as the Life-Giving Cross mysteriously and suddenly appeared, it disappeared - after the chapel was closed in 1929, nothing is known about its fate. A similar Wonderful Cross, but from the 17th century, was also in the city of Staraya Rusa. In 1654, a wooden cross was erected to the residents of Ilyinskaya Street, “so that the most merciful Lord our God would satisfy His righteous wrath of death” (plague). The location of the shrine that saved the city from the plague is unknown today.

Goden Cross

But the next Miracle-Working Jesus Cross can still be venerated today. A countless number of pilgrims come to the small village of Godenovo with spiritual and physical ailments. The Cross standing in the local church is not made by hands! It was revealed in 1423 on the Sakhovsky swamp, where the village of Nikolsky Pogost later arose. Nikolsky, because Saint Nicholas also appeared along with the Savior. Shepherds grazing cattle near a swamp saw a bright pillar of light. The shepherds were afraid, but they still went forward heavenly light. And the Life-giving Cross with the Lord crucified on it appeared before them in the air. And the peasants heard a voice: “The grace of God and the House of God will be in this place, and if anyone comes to pray with faith, there will be many healings and miracles from the Life-giving Cross.” The House of God - a wooden temple was immediately built in the middle of the swamp. Yes there was a fire. The parishioners began to pull out icons and church utensils, rushed to the Cross, but he didn’t move! In the midst of the ashes, the cross emerged unharmed and from then on the healing began. The lame rose to their feet, the blind regained their sight, the dying were healed. Since the 17th century, the Cross has been located in the village of Godenovo, in the Church of St. John Chrysostom, now in the courtyard of the St. Nicholas Convent, in Pereslavl-Zalessky. It is surprising that during the years of hard times they could not destroy or close the temple, no matter how hard they tried: the security officers would come, stand in front of the locked massive church doors and leave without a slurp.

Cilician cross

One of the most famous crosses of the 16th century is the miraculous Cilician Cross, now located in the Vologda Museum-Reserve. The name and origin of the Cross were associated with Cilicia (Greece), from where it was taken to Rus'. According to legend, the shrine was brought in the 14th century by the Monk Demetrius of Prilutsky from Pereslavl. The crucifix was installed by the Monk Demetrius on the site of the future Spaso-Prilutsky Monastery. A wooden cross with stunningly beautiful carved bone overlays is trimmed with gilded basma.

Kiysky cross

On this legendary cross you will not immediately see the usual image of the crucifixion. But if you take a closer look, you will be amazed by the skillful work of the craftsmen. His Holiness Patriarch Nikon himself “overlaid [it] with silver and gold and decorated it with precious stones and beads.” Six carved Athonite cypress crosses (one is now lost) depicting the Twelve Feasts and the Evangelists are carved into the shaft. The Kiysky Cross contains Palestinian shrines and relics, particles of the relics of ecumenical saints and Russian ascetics. The cross was made in 1656 according to a vow made by the Patriarch.

The cross stayed in a monastery on the island of Kiy in Lake Onega, until 1991. Today the Reliquary Cross is located in the Moscow Church of St. Sergius of Radonezh, in Krapivniki.

Koshar cross

“During the time of Saint Joasaph, Bishop of Belgorod and Oboyansk (1748-1754), the richest landowner Yuri Vyrodov lived in the village of Koshary, in whose house there was the described Cross, called miraculous and sent to the owner by his brother, a novice of one of Athos monasteries“, - the legend tells. Further rumors are colorful, but not very kind words speaks about the mentioned landowner: he, they say, was wicked and depraved. Even the shrine kept in the house did not help him take the righteous path. On the contrary, it gave a reason to sin even more - after a failure in a hunt, Vyrodov angrily ordered the Cross to be thrown into the swamp.

And at the end of the 18th century a miracle happened. One blind man found the Cross in a swamp and immediately received his sight. At the site where the Cross was found, a spring appeared in a dried-up swamp.

At first, the Cross stood here on the stage, then it was moved to a stone chapel built by the then landowner Puzanov, and even later - to the Belgorod Nikolaevsky Monastery, where it remained for about thirty years. During this time, many healings from the Cross occurred, its glory attracted more and more pilgrims. For a long time, the temple kept an entire archive of touching letters of thanks from all over Russia. But with the coming to power of the fighters against “datura” and “opium”, new attempts to desecrate the shrine began. But it somehow didn’t work out to take the Cross out of the church and close the parish: either the local residents, all as one, would stand up to defend the church, then lightning would kill the party member who was taking away the crucifix, then Kalinin himself would suddenly give a resolution “Open the temple!” During the Great Patriotic War worship in the temple did not stop. Parishioners sought to help the front with tireless prayers and collected donations. In 2000, the Miraculous Cross was transferred in a procession to the Holy Cross Church in Belgorod. It was installed near the shrine with the relics of St. Joasaph - on the High Place of the altar. During the procession of the Cross, elderly people who found it difficult to get to the temple came out into the streets and reverently, with tears in their eyes, kissed the Great Shrine.

History of acquisition

Wonderful and unpredictable are the ways of God’s Providence, revealing shrines sealed in the name of our Savior Himself, the Lord Jesus Christ. His mysterious act can be attributed to the simple and amazing story second birth" of the reliquary cross.

Not a single direct historical evidence has been preserved telling about its origin and fate. Perhaps there are echoes of it in the annals of the history of the Vladimir land. The most significant and decisive remains the testimony of the continuous presence of the reliquary in the bosom of the Church of Christ. This truly God-protected shrine did not undergo either museum captivity or desecration during times of fierce persecution. For many years it was reverently preserved in the family of Orthodox Christians in Vladimir region. Most likely, wanting to protect the shrine from desecration, its pious owners hid it among household utensils. It is known that in the 70s of the 20th century, a pious parishioner gave ancient utensils to the priest of the local parish, Archpriest Dimitry Netsvetaev; among the handed over utensils there was an ancient samovar. For a long time he did not attract any attention to himself and, as it was later revealed, he kept the shrine of the Savior Himself - a piece of the Robe of the Lord Jesus Christ. The name of the woman who donated household utensils is no longer known, but is known to God.

In 2006, the reliquary cross was found. Long years it was kept by Orthodox clergy- in the large priestly family of Protopresbyter Dimitry Netsvetaev. Father Dimitri himself carried out many years of priestly service at various Orthodox parishes not only in Russia. In the early 80s - late 90s, he fulfilled the church obedience entrusted to him, being the exarch of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' under the Patriarch of Alexandria. A large priestly family, in which, in addition to the pious parent, seven sons received the gift of the grace of the priesthood, unexpectedly learned that they had become the custodian of the reliquary cross. The priests decided that what they had acquired was the greatest Christian shrine should not be kept hidden, but glorified. The reliquary cross was handed over to Archpriest Konstantin Netsvetaev, rector of the St. Nicholas Church of Severodvinsk, who is the son of Archpriest. Dimitry Netsvetaev. It was decided that the Cross with particles of the Robe of the Lord and the relics of saints should, of course, visit the Russian Calvary of the Transfiguration of the Solovetsky Monastery and be glorified on the Arkhangelsk land, which has become a living antimension of the Russian Orthodox Church and the Fatherland. In January 2007, for the reliquary, with the blessing of His Grace Tikhon, Bishop of Arkhangelsk and Kholmogory in the city of Severodvinsk, a special cross-kivot was made by the hands of the shipbuilders of the Zvezdochka enterprise. An ancient reliquary was placed in the center of this cross.

On February 9, 2008, the newly constructed cross was delivered to Solovki and consecrated. And at 18.00 he was solemnly greeted at Svyato-Ilinsky cathedral. After the cross, the reliquary visited many Orthodox dioceses Russia, Ukraine and Transnistria. In 2011, the shrine was transferred to the Petrozavodsk and Karelian diocese, and with the blessing of Archbishop Manuil, it travels to various dioceses so that many believers can venerate it.

The Story of the Honorable Robe of Our Lord Jesus Christ

The history of the honorable Robe of our Lord Jesus Christ dates back to the time of the earthly life of the Savior. In the Gospel of John we read: When the soldiers crucified Jesus, they took His clothes and divided them into four parts, a piece for each soldier, and a tunic; The tunic was not sewn, but entirely woven on top. So they said to each other: we will not tear him apart, but let us cast lots for him, whose it will be (John 19:23-24). Thus, one of the messianic prophecies (about the earthly life of the Lord Jesus Christ), spoken by the prophet David, was fulfilled: They divide my garments among themselves and cast lots for my clothes (Psalm 21:19).

The Gospel mentions two garments of Christ: the robe and the tunic. In ancient times, these clothes were different not only in their purpose, but also in the method of manufacture. So, a chasuble is an outer garment and was worn over a tunic. Unlike the chasuble, which was sewn from linen, the tunic was unseamed, not sewn from fabric, but knitted in one piece.

The soldiers standing at the Cross of the Lord divided the robe of Christ among themselves, but they cast lots for the tunic, since, unlike the robe, it could not be divided, otherwise it would simply fall apart into threads, and the soldiers would only receive useless scraps and scraps of thread.

Various eastern legends tell about the circumstances of the transfer of the Robe of the Lord from Jerusalem: Armenian, Georgian, Syrian. According to legend, the warrior who received the Robe of the Lord was a Georgian and subsequently brought it to Georgia. According to another legend, set out in an ancient Georgian chronicle of the late 4th century, placed in Kartlis Tskhovreba (Life of Kartli), within Iberia (Georgia), since the Babylonian captivity, a community of Jewish settlers settled, whose descendants lived in Mtskheta, the ancient capital of Iberia. Mtskheta Jews annually sent their envoys to Jerusalem to participate in the celebration of the Old Testament Passover. One of them, named Elioz, was an eyewitness of the suffering of Jesus Christ on Golgotha ​​and believed in the Savior. He managed to purchase the Robe of the Lord from the warrior who received it by lot.

When Elioz returned to Mtskheta, his sister, named Sidonia, already enlightened by the light of Christ's truth, having great love to the Savior, clutched such a great shrine to herself and at that very moment gave up her soul to the Lord. All attempts to take the tunic from the saint’s arms were unsuccessful. That's how she was buried. Subsequently, a cedar tree grew on the site of the grave, and then one of the first temples of Georgia, Svetitskhoveli, was built on the site of the felled giant. Since then, in this cathedral, at the base of a felled tree, in a pillar, under a bushel, the greatest shrine of the Orthodox world, the tunic of Christ, remains unshakably. There is a lot of historical evidence about this.

It should be noted that in the West there was a legend that the Robe of the Lord was originally found by Queen Helena (IV century) in Palestine, transferred to Trier (Germany) and in 328 placed in the Trier Cathedral. This legend appeared in Western Europe in 1196, and in 1512 popular veneration of the Trier relic was established here. Part of the Robe of the Lord is also known in the city of Argenteuil, near Paris.

The Robe of the Lord, or rather, one of its four parts, like the Robe of the Lord, ended up in Georgia. Unlike the Chiton, the Robe was kept not in the ground, but in the treasury of the Svetitskhoveli Cathedral until the 17th century, when the Persian Shah Abbas I, who devastated Georgia, took out the Robe of the Lord along with other treasures. To win over Tsar Mikhail Feodorovich, the Shah sent the Robe in 1625 as a gift to Patriarch Philaret (1619-1633) and Tsar Mikhail. The great shrine was met in Moscow at the Donskoy Monastery outside the Kaluga Gate and its authenticity was examined: by order of Patriarch Philaret, a week-long fast with prayers was established, and then the robe was placed on the seriously ill, and they all received healing. The Robe of the Lord was brought to the Assumption Cathedral and placed in a copper openwork tent, symbolizing Golgotha, which now overshadows the tomb of the holy Patriarch Hermogenes. Subsequently, two parts of the Robe of the Lord were located in St. Petersburg: one in the Winter Palace Cathedral, the other in the Peter and Paul Cathedral. Parts of the Robe were also kept in the Kiev St. Sophia Cathedral, in the Ipatiev Monastery near Kostroma and in some other ancient churches. In Moscow, annually on July 10 (23), the Robe of the Lord was solemnly taken out from the chapel in the name of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul of the Assumption Cathedral, and it was placed on the lectern for veneration during the Divine Service. After the Liturgy, the Robe was taken to its original place.

The fate of the “Moscow” part of the Robe of the Lord is reported by modern researcher N. Eneeva: “According to the staff of the Moscow Kremlin Museums, after the revolution, in 1918, the shrines stored in the altar of the Assumption Cathedral were transferred to the Holy Cross Monastery, which was located nearby, at the beginning of Vozdvizhenskaya Street When the monastery was closed and destroyed, and its clergy were arrested, the shrines were confiscated from the Church and placed in the funds of the Moscow Kremlin Museums, where they were preserved (sometimes with great difficulty and danger) by museum workers intact until the present day.Among them is the ark with the Robe of the Lord, which ended up in the department of precious metals, where it is kept to this day."

After 1917, the St. Petersburg ark with part of the Robe of the Lord apparently suffered the same fate as other shrines kept in the Peter and Paul Cathedral: in May 1922. most of church valuables were confiscated, and in 1924 the cathedral was turned into a museum.

In the 21st century, the Lord did not abandon our Fatherland and showed parts of His Robe in Russia. One of them was found in the collections of the Yaroslavl Historical and Architectural Museum-Reserve "Spassky Monastery" and now rests in the Spaso-Vvedensky Tolgsky convent. In 1650, this piece of the Robe of the Lord was presented by Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich to the Yaroslavl merchants, the Skripin brothers, for their great merits. Another particle, enclosed in a silver fold, from the funds of the Moscow Kremlin Museums was transferred by the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin to Patriarch Alexy II of Moscow and All Rus' on November 19, 2007, on the day of the celebration of the 90th anniversary of the restoration of the patriarchate in the Russian Orthodox Church. The shrine, returned to Orthodox veneration, is located in the Moscow Cathedral of Christ the Savior. By God's providence, another piece of the Robe of the Lord was revealed in the Russian North, but its history has not yet been fully revealed.

Many Christian relics have amazing miraculous power. The grace of God overshadows them. Icons, relics of saints, scraps from their clothes, religious objects have more than once restored lost health, peace of mind, helped to overcome difficult periods in life, to find themselves for those who came to churches, monasteries for moral support, in search of a way out, and in many other cases.

Great Shrine

In the very center of Russia, near Pereslavl-Zalessky, there is one of these relics - the Life-Giving Cross. Godenovo is a small village in which the St. Nicholas convent has long existed. In his courtyard there is a temple built in honor of John Chrysostom. It was this church that became the place where in the 30s of the last century the great Life-Giving Cross found its refuge. Godenovo has seen a lot in his time. Since 1794, the domes of its five-domed temple have sparkled in the sky, and the sonorous bells have filled the entire area with crimson bells. From the day it opened, the church did not close, as if invisible forces preserved it in the era of godlessness and difficult days of revolution, wars, repressions, famine, persecution for faith and belief. Signs of antiquity are visible everywhere in the temple. Its walls were painted at the beginning of the 19th century. The skillfully made iconostasis dates back to the same time. The left side chapel of the church is consecrated with the Bogolyubskaya Icon of the Mother of God. On the right on the wall, in a special icon case, fireproof, the Life-Giving Cross is placed. Godenovo has always been very popular among pilgrims. Thanks to the relics kept here, the village is visited annually by thousands of believers and sufferers.

Mysterious phenomenon

The story of how people found the shrine is mysterious and wonderful, like everything that the hand of God touches. The inhabitants of the monastery keep a detailed chronicle of all the events in which the Life-Giving Cross appears. Godenovo is the second homeland of this great symbol of faith. And it all started back in the 15th century, in 1423. These places have been swampy since ancient times. The largest swamp was called Sakhotsky. Both people and animals tried to avoid it. However, at the end of May 23, it was here that a wonderful vision appeared to the shepherds. A cross with the Savior crucified on it appeared in the air from a column of light. And next to it is Nikolai the Pleasant with the Gospel. And a voice from heaven commanded to immediately build the House of God here, in which the Life-Giving Cross would be located (we repeat, it came to Godenovo later).

Nikolaevsky Pogost

Residents of the surrounding area, fearing to disobey, immediately set to work. Moreover, overnight there was no trace left of the swamp; the ground turned out to be dry and suitable for construction. The wooden church was erected quite quickly and was named Nikolskaya - in honor of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. The area around it began to settle in - the village of Nikolsky Pogost appeared near the church. Later it was renamed Antushkovo. And the Life-Giving Cross was displayed in the temple - it was moved to Godenovo already in the 20th century. St. Nicholas Church survived several fires, until in 1776 a large stone church with 3 altars was built in its place - the main one in honor of the Cross, as well as two in honor of St. Nicholas and the Intercession of the Mother of God. And already in the first quarter of the 19th century, they decided to build a monastery around the church in Nikolsky Pogost. By that time the parishioners numbered more than one and a half thousand people.

Tales of the Cross

In 1933, the Life-Giving Cross was transferred to Godenovo. When the Chrysostom Church was opened, we already wrote. Now the story will concern the movement of the relic. People could see more than once that this Cross is not simple. When the St. Nicholas Church burned, he was found on the ashes completely untouched by the flames. It was as if the Lord was guarding His Sign, saving it for all those in need. The very history of miracles begins not only with the appearance of the Cross, but also with the voice of the Almighty, who warned: “Whoever comes to the crucifixion with faith and prayer will receive healing and will become a witness of many glorious and unusual deeds done in My name and for the sake of St. Nicholas "

After this, a whole series of signs actually happened - from the drying up of the swamp and the formation of a convenient river, on the banks of which the first St. Nicholas Church was built, to the miraculous rescue of the crucifix from the fire. All these events were recorded by the monks in a special book. Unfortunately, it burned down, but many other records and ancient scrolls were preserved - evidence of the past. In particular, when a thanksgiving prayer was held in honor of the fact that the cross had survived, “the blind received their sight, the lame began to walk upright, the sick became healthy.” A similar thing happened in Godenovo. The Life-Giving Cross, when it was open for worship, showed everyone its miraculous power.

People's Worship

On June 11 every year, the Day of Worship of the Shrine is celebrated. People flock here from all over Mother Russia, from Ukraine and Belarus, and even from far abroad.

Pilgrims head to the monastery in advance to see the Life-Giving Cross in Godenovo. How to get to your destination faster depends on the route and type of transport. If you are leaving from Moscow, it will be about 200 km to Godenov. First, you should arrive in the town of Petrovsk (this is 180 km from the capital), and then - to the temple itself - another 15 km. By public transport- by rail, by bus - choose this route: Moscow-Petrovsk. There you need to change to a local bus/minibus and go towards the village of Priozerny all the way to Godenov. If you travel by personal transport, follow the signs. In Petrovsk, focus on the direction to the Chrysostom Church and then follow the signs to Godenovo. It is simply impossible to get lost here. And any local resident will be happy to show you the way, because this is for the glory of the Lord!

But let’s return to the story of how the relic was transferred to the village of Godenovo. The Bolsheviks who came to power wanted to take the Life-Giving Cross out of the St. Nicholas Church in order to destroy “a hotbed of obscurantism and religious dope.” However, the crucifix suddenly became literally impossible to lift, although previously it had been taken outside the church more than once. Then, not understanding God’s providence, the Bolsheviks decided to saw it up indoors, despite the fact that they were desecrating it with their actions sacred place. But just as before the tree was not taken by fire, so now both axes and saws were powerless against it. It seemed that the cross was made of the most durable stone. Then the church was simply locked, leaving the relic under the guard of several soldiers. But the parishioners of the temple, worried about the shrine, managed to bribe them. Then the Life-Giving Cross was transported to Godenovo. The miracles of the will of the Lord were also manifested in the fact that only a few believers were able to carry him out - under the cover of night, secretly, and hid him in the Church of St. John Chrysostom.

Second phenomenon

Much time passed before the Life-Giving Cross of the Lord was again opened for worship in Godenovo. The dilapidated temple and shrine were cared for by sisters from the Nikolsky Monastery near Pereslavl. It is deeply symbolic that within the walls of the church in honor of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker in the 15th century, the crucifix became a symbol of faith, and at the end of the 20th century it returned to the people again in the monastery of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

Since 1997, when the church in Godenovo was restored and restored, the Life-Giving Cross of the Lord took its place of honor in it. But even then it was difficult to imagine that the shrine, located in a remote provincial outback, would acquire such great fame in modern times and receive all-Russian status. And the arriving pilgrims, with tears of gratitude and trepidation, talk about the visible miracles that happened to them, or about those that they witnessed.

First hand stories

It is very interesting and instructive to listen to those who saw the Life-Giving Cross in Godenovo. The reviews of those who prayed before him are filled with sincere awe and delight. So, from year to year a gray-haired man comes to worship. He walks with a slight limp. It turns out that at one time he served in Afghanistan and was seriously wounded. The doctors saved his life, but they could not restore his movement. helplessness and complete dependence on others - that was the verdict. This still young guy went through despair, thoughts of suicide, and alcohol before he turned his thoughts to God.

One day he dreamed that he showed the way and said that his salvation was Godin’s Cross of the Lord. The unfortunate disabled person turned to his relatives and with difficulty convinced them to take him to the shrine. And a miracle really happened. The guy served his service in a wheelchair. And after the prayer service, with the help of his relatives, he got back on his feet. And he began to slowly return to duty. Now he comes every year to places where he found faith in the Lord, health and himself.

Mother and children

Another touching story that happened today. It clearly shows what miracles the Life-Giving Cross works in Godenovo. Unfortunately, female alcoholism- a dangerous phenomenon and, alas, widespread, it is very difficult to cure. And not only the victims of the phenomenon themselves suffer, but also those around them. The mother of 4 children, who stooped to the point where she sent the younger ones to the street to beg, was deprived parental rights. The children were placed in shelters, and the woman was sent to prison by social and medical services. compulsory treatment. She was very lucky that among the treating staff there was a pilgrim to Godenovo. Stories about the miracles of the Lord inspired the unfortunate patient. Having made every effort and praying to God, she managed to overcome her addiction. And at the first opportunity I went on a pilgrimage. After all, the woman really wanted to get her children back, and only a miracle could help her. During her prayers, the Wonderworker also appeared to her, who explained what to do so that the family could be reunited. Soon after the pilgrimage, thanks to God's help - and only to her! - mother and children found each other.

Holidays in honor of the Life-Giving Cross

During the year, events are celebrated several times in which the Orthodox shrine takes part. Firstly, solemn prayers are served during the Week of the Cross, the third week of Lent. Secondly, on the actual day of the appearance of the crucifixion - June 11, as well as August 14 and September 27.

Temple opening hours

  • For its pilgrims, the temple is open daily from 8:00 to 20:00.
  • You can venerate the open feet of the Life-giving Cross of the Lord on days such as Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
  • On Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays at 9 a.m. the liturgy is celebrated here, and evening service starts at 17:00.
  • At 8 o'clock in the morning during Great Lent, the Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts is celebrated on Wednesdays and Fridays.

Kiy Cross of Patriarch Nikon in the temple St. Sergius in Krapivniki

The cross was made to order “from cypress wood, in height and width in all respects similar in measure to the Cross of Christ.” The dimensions of the Cross are 310 by 192 centimeters. The consecration of the Cross took place on August 1, 1656 (on the day of the celebration of the Origin of the Honest Trees of the Life-Giving Cross). In memory of this, on the Cross, in its lower part, a corresponding inscription was made on a gilded tablet.

The Cross contains several hundred particles of the relics of saints and 16 stones - shrines from the sites of biblical events. The cross is decorated with six small wooden crosses with images of the twelve holidays brought from Athos in the middle of the 17th century. Many of the rare relics of the Cross were taken from the sacristy of the Annunciation Cathedral and the Image Chamber of the Terem Churches of the Moscow Kremlin.

Celebration days:

  • Fridays all year round, except Friday Holy Week, - remembrance of the Suffering of the Lord and God and our Savior Jesus Christ;
  • 3rd week of Lent, the Worship of the Cross, and the week following it (“week” in liturgical practice is called Sunday, and a week in the modern sense is called “week”);
  • August 14 (August 1, old style) - Origin (destruction) of the honorable trees of the Life-giving Cross of the Lord;
  • September 27 (September 14, old style) - Exaltation of the Honest and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord.

Troparion, tone 1

Save, O Lord, Thy people and bless Thy inheritance, granting victories against resistance and preserving Thy residence through Thy Cross.

Kontakion, tone 4

Having ascended to the Cross by will, grant Thy bounty to Thy new residence, O Christ God, make us glad with Thy power, giving us victories for our companions, help to those who have Thy weapon of peace, invincible victory.

Prayer of His Holiness Patriarch Nikon before the Kiy Cross

O Most Honest and Life-Giving Cross! You sanctify the entire universe and bring light. You have united everything from the east, and the west, and the north, and the south into one Church, and into one faith, and into one baptism and love. You are the invincible city of Christians, the victorious weapon of King Christ. You are the glory and joy of the universe, strength for the powerless, victory and strengthening for pious people, boldness for warriors, travel companion, deliverance for the distressed, silence for the overwhelmed, strength for monks, guardian of the world, holy and honest adornment for all saints. Let me bow to you, the Cross of Christ, kiss you, kiss you wholeheartedly with fear and joy: with fear for my unworthiness, with joy for the grace you have bestowed upon me. Through you, the closed gates of paradise are opened again, hell is crushed, heaven is united with earth, remission of sins is granted. I am worthy to be called a child of God and heir to the Kingdom of Heaven.

Oh, Cross of Christ, make the sea move on me and the fighting passions without adversity, calm down the waves and storms rushing towards me, create peace, and grant me the ability to pass through a serene life. Turn sorrow and illness, misfortunes, misfortunes, and temptations into goodness, and calm and comfort my soul, falling into despondency and sorrow.

One of the most important shrines Church in the name of the Holy Royal Passion-Bearers and the entire monastery - a reliquary cross that belonged to the holy Royal Passion-Bearers. This small gold cross, studded with emeralds and rubies, was cast in 1710. It belonged to Prince Vasilko, and then to the Shakhovsky princes, and at the end of the 18th century it was transferred to the reigning House of Romanov.
It is soldered from several cast pieces of gold. Two main plates, front and back, smelted in the form of a cross measuring about 14 cm in height and about 9 cm in crossbar, are connected along the perimeter by a gold strip about 1.5 cm wide. The cross is four-pointed; its base has the shape of a cinquefoil, the right and left ends are shaped like a trefoil. Attached to the top of the cross is a movable loop in the form of a reliquary square with recessed holes at the ends on a special hinge, decorated with pearls. The cross is obviously intended to be worn on the chest. On the front part of the square loop there is an engraved image of the Savior Not Made by Hands, on the reverse side there is an engraving of text listing the saints whose relics are kept in it.
The front plate of the cross itself is figuratively cast and decorated with gold filigree. In the center is a small, three-dimensional image of the Crucifixion. Precious stones, including rubies and emeralds, are placed in the curves of the golden filigree. On the lower cinquefoil there are six framed in gold precious stones, located in a circle, in the center of which is the seventh stone - a large emerald. On back side cross (back plate) are engraved in Church Slavonic abbreviated words: “Part of the Lord’s robe, part of the robe Holy Mother of God, Life-Giving Tree of the Cross of the Lord...", and also lists 40 saints of God, whose holy relics are stored in the reliquary cross, among which are the relics of the Prophet, Forerunner and Baptist of the Lord John; Apostle Andrew the First-Called; holy righteous Lazarus of the Four Days; Saints Basil the Great, Gregory the Theologian and John Chrysostom; Saint Ambrose, Bishop of Milan; Venerable Sergius of Radonezh, Venerable Paphnutius of Borovsky, Holy Blessed Prince Alexander Nevsky and Prince Daniel of Moscow, etc.
During the tragic events of 1917, the cross was preserved by the nun Seraphima (in the world of Nadezhda), who was in a close relationship with Royal Family. Before her death, she gave the cross to the widow of Archpriest Konstantin Plyasunov, Mother Maria, who, like Seraphima, lived in Orenburg. Dying, she asked Maria Alexandrovna to pray for the repose of her soul. After some time, Mother Maria decided to hand over the reliquary cross to her brother- Kurgan priest Grigory Ponomarev. In the mid-60s, Maria Alexandrovna took the reliquary cross to Father Gregory.

The daughter of priest Gregory is Olga Ponomareva, author of the book “Confessor of the Faith. Archpriest Grigory Ponomarev (1914–1997), Life. Teachings. Works,” recalls: “Father accepted this with respect and deep responsibility. the greatest shrine for storage, understanding that the time of its transfer to the Orthodox The church has not yet arrived. Throughout his life, the priest deeply and heartily commemorated funeral prayers nun Seraphim. No one knew that a great Orthodox shrine was kept in my parents’ house, except for Mother Nina and me. Father is often in difficult times life situations I prayed before this Cross and always received what I asked for.” After the death of priest Grigory Ponomarev, the cross ended up with his daughter Olga Grigorievna Ponomareva. It was she who handed over the reliquary cross to the Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord in June 1999, even before the glorification of the Royal Passion-Bearers (to the rector - Nikolai Ladyuk). The entry says: “Both of my grandfathers served in Yekaterinburg - Archpriest Alexander Ponomarev (in monasticism - Archimandrite Ardalion) and Archpriest Sergius Uvitsky. Both of them died in 1937 in the camps. My father, Archpriest Gregory, having served a 16-year prison sentence in Kolyma as a minister of religion, also served in Yekaterinburg in the 50s. My father, in difficult moments of his life and in illness, always prayed in front of this Cross. And help, as a rule, came immediately. From the Cross, my son Dmitry also received healing from osteomyelitis, which threatened to turn the teenager into a disabled person.” On May 19, 2001, on the birthday of Emperor Nicholas II, the cross was donated