If a wooden cross is broken on a grave. Crosses on the grave: signs and religious rules

Ask the administrator. Usually somewhere in the outskirts of the cemetery or not far outside the territory there is a landfill. If you need to dismantle and dispose of a concrete or stone tombstone, a cart will come in handy.

The remains of an old tombstone are sometimes used for the foundation. If there is a massive stele on the grave, it can be buried entirely right on the site. It will serve as a foundation, and at the same time, such a solution will save you from the difficult disposal of a heavy monument. But on this matter, it is better to consult with the workers who will install the new tombstone.

If the monument is massive, bury it on the site no possibility, consult the experts. You may need a special one. equipment for dismantling and removal.

If the stone is not badly damaged, you can try to sell it. Some funeral parlors polish old monuments and sell them in a new way. Ask around in shops near the cemetery, usually they are the ones who “indust” in this kind of business. Don’t count on big profits - they’ll pay you pennies, but at least they’ll take it away themselves and save you from worrying about disposing of the monument.

People often ask: what to do with a wooden cross? Throwing away a cross is blasphemy, and burying it is not the best option. There are several solutions:

If the cross is in good condition, it can be removed during dismantling and then put back on the grave. This is often found in cemeteries - the monument stands at the head, and at the feet, as it should be, wooden cross.

It can be sold, especially if the cross is carved and well preserved. There is nothing wrong with this, even Orthodox priests will confirm this to you.

If the cross is old, and you do not want to offend the shrine, it must be disassembled into boards and burned. Previously, wooden crosses were handed over to butcher churches. They heated the stoves: the disposal is environmentally friendly, and the symbol of the Lord’s Crucifixion is not trampled upon, and the parishioners feel warm.

In ancient times, the column was considered a conductor between earth and heaven and was a symbol of the presence of God in earthly life.

And in pagan cultures, high pillars - idols - were worshiped and even sacrificed, recognizing deities in the gigantic columns.

If you do not want to deal with the dismantling and disposal of the monument yourself, talk to the cemetery workers. Usually these people are simple people - they will hire you for work inexpensively. But the quality will be appropriate.

The most reliable option is order both dismantling and disposal from the same team that will erect the new monument. These guys are responsible for the final result of the installation, so it is in their best interests to do a high-quality dismantling. Yes, you'll have to pay. But there is a reason: workers spend time, effort, and if the monument is massive, then it is hard physical labor.

The price cannot be determined offhand - only a specialist will be able to estimate the cost of the work, and already on site. The price for dismantling a metal stele with a simple flower bed is symbolic. And if the whole complex needs to be dismantled, or, for example, a stone monument has half sunk underground, the cost of dismantling will rise noticeably.

Maintaining order at the grave and its improvement is the direct responsibility of all living relatives. IN Lately All large quantity people prefer installing granite monuments, as they are durable and aesthetically attractive. But where to put the cross from the grave after installing the monument? Is it possible to throw it away or is it better to keep it?

A meaning few people know about

In Orthodoxy, the cross is given great importance, because it symbolizes victory over death and eternal life. That's why he's in mandatory They put it on every grave, indicating that an Orthodox Christian is buried in this place. Depending on preference and regional features and customs the crucifixion can be installed:

  • At the head - in this case it symbolizes victory over evil forces and is therefore often installed on the graves of warriors and heroes. It is believed that after death brave people they will carry it like a banner.
  • At the feet, which symbolizes support for the deceased, allowing him to quickly ascend to heaven and forget all sorrows.

Most often, the cross is made of wood, and therefore it quickly becomes unusable. In addition, after a year, most people try to erect a granite monument, but do not know what to do with the cross after installing the monument. The cross is a shrine and therefore, under no circumstances should it be taken to a cemetery dump - this is a great sin for every Orthodox Christian. It is also not allowed to sell the shrine, even if it is made of metal and has been previously disassembled.

If a temporary wooden cross was installed, then after it breaks or the monument is installed, the optimal solution would be to burn it. The remaining ashes are scattered over the grave in the form of a cross. If burning is not possible, then the following actions are permitted:

  • Disassemble and bury in the tombstone, which is recommended if the cross is metal or concrete. The wooden one is first sawn into several parts, which is fully approved by the church.
  • Give to low-income people who do not have their own funds to purchase all the necessary funeral paraphernalia.
  • Take it to a church or chapel, if there is one on the territory of the churchyard. The clergy make sure that it is burned according to all the rules, or given to those in need.
  • Leave it at the burial site as an addition to the monument. The fact is that it is forbidden to make inscriptions on this church attribute, except for prayers and posthumous words. In this regard, it will fit perfectly with the new small monument, which indicates the name and date of death. By the way, clergy recommend choosing small monuments, since large, heavy pedestals put pressure on the deceased. In this case, the cross is left behind the monument.

If the crucifix was dug into the feet of the deceased, then it can also be left in place and a new monument installed at the head. This is considered an ideal option, as it allows the spiritual and material principles to harmoniously connect.

If a church attribute is removed from the grave, then you need to make sure in advance that there is an image of it on the new pedestal. Without this nuance, even the most expensive tombstone will become an ordinary stone that does not carry any spiritual value.

Signs, superstitions and instructions of the Church about crosses on the grave

The symbol of Christ's crucifixion - the cross - has been shrouded in a mysterious shroud of riddles, secrets and superstitions since ancient times. Many of these signs have taken on a religious form since Christianity spread throughout the world, choosing the cross as its symbol.

According to religious dogmas, death is an important, turning point event in the life of every person. Moreover, monks and elders call life a preparation for death, since it is with the end of “earthly affairs” that the soul meets the Lord. Therefore, it is not surprising that so many different religious instructions and instructions are associated with the burial rite. A very important one is the installation of a cross on the grave of a deceased Christian.

The cross is a shrine that is revered and arouses reverence among all Christians. And in this regard, when installing it on a grave, some practical questions may arise, caused by the fear of offending a sacred symbol, thereby incurring divine wrath.

How to install a cross on a grave?

Based on the traditions of Orthodox Christianity, the grave is positioned in such a way that the head of the deceased is directed to the west and the legs to the east. According to biblical accounts, this is how Jesus was buried.

A tombstone cross is placed at the feet of the deceased, so that at the moment when the soul leaves its final refuge, it can see in front of it the holy symbol of forgiveness and offer prayers before it. Catholic traditions require placing a cross above your head. It is believed that when leaving the earth, the soul kisses the crucifix, expressing its submission and devotion to Christian teaching.

What to do with the old cross?

On the day of the funeral, an ordinary wooden cross is placed on the grave. This is done not only for religious reasons, but also for practical ones: a wooden structure has enough a light weight(compared, for example, with stone tombstones), and therefore its installation will not interfere with the natural subsidence and compaction of the soil at the burial site.

But when the time comes to install a new, permanent headstone, the cross is dismantled and the question arises of what to do with it. It is really impossible to throw away a shrine in the trash, as this is a sign of disrespect. It is recommended to burn a wooden cross as unnecessary. If such a need arises, you should ask the cemetery administration where this can be done. As a rule, each graveyard has places for such needs.

If the cross is well preserved, it can be given to a workshop or even sold. According to clergy, there is nothing forbidden or shameful in installing an old crucifix. In addition, an old tombstone can become the personification of the deceased’s non-covetousness, his meekness and lack of desire for material, earthly goods.

What to do if the cross is askew or has fallen?

Due to bad weather, a tombstone, especially a temporary one made of lightweight material and installed without a solid foundation, can become askew or even fall. If the crucifix is ​​lopsided, it should be corrected, a dense earthen mound should be made and it should be compacted well. The cross should stand straight on the grave.

There are two opinions about fallen crosses, but they agree that this is an unfavorable sign. Some argue that a toppled tombstone can simply be reinstalled, but with a better installation this time. According to others, the fallen cross should be burned and a new one installed in its place. Be that as it may, the Church recommends ordering a prayer service for the repose or lighting a candle if this happened at the grave of your loved one.

Signs and superstitions

Many people associate various superstitions with grave crosses. They cast fortunes on them, remove and damage them, cast love spells and conspiracies. Orthodox Church disapproves of such rituals; they are called pagan. The Holy Fathers assert that if you notice unkind signs associated with tombstone crosses, as if someone wants to bring trouble upon you, you should not be afraid and take it too seriously. You need to strengthen your faith, go to church, pray, take holy communion, then no misfortunes will be able to touch you or your family.

There are many more connected with crosses, one way or another. various signs and religious requirements. To bury a loved one, thoroughly observing the instructions of the Church, is a laudable, good desire, but if faith lives in the heart and sincere prayers for the deceased come from the depths of the soul, then you should not be afraid of making small mistakes associated with the installation of a tombstone cross.

Immediately after burial, a christian cross. Until the monument is erected, the installed cross remains at the burial site, but after the relatives make a final decision on the improvement of the grave, the question arises of where to put the cross after the installation of the monument. There are a number of clear recommendations regarding this situation.

Where to put the cross after installing the monument

It is worth noting that for a comprehensive understanding of the information below, it is advisable to have basic knowledge about the Christian faith, for example - to know,

First of all, it is necessary to clarify what cannot be done with a grave cross.

  • The cross cannot be thrown away after installing the monument.

The Christian cross is a symbol of eternal life, a reminder of the sacrifice of Christ for the salvation of mankind. Therefore, throwing a cross into a landfill is a grave sin.

  • You can't sell the cross

As stated above, the cross is a symbol of eternal life, so its use as a product is unacceptable.

Depending on the type of material used, the cross will need to be disassembled and buried in a tombstone, while a wooden cross will need to be burned.

A metal or granite cross is usually dismantled and buried on the grave. The wooden cross is burned and the ashes are scattered in a cross shape over the grave.

A worthy act would be to give a well-preserved cross to a low-income family that needs funds to organize the funeral of a loved one.

If there is a temple on the territory of the cemetery, one of the options for where to put the cross after installing the monument is to take it to the temple. Accordingly, in the future such a cross can be given to people in need.

It is also worth knowing that you cannot put any inscriptions on the cross. This includes the dates of birth and death of the deceased. In order to place information about the deceased, a small plate with dated information and other data about the deceased is installed on the side of the grave opposite the cross. In this case different sides installations of the cross and monument symbolize spiritual and material life.

Also, when installing a monument, you need to make sure that there is an image of a cross on it.

Thus, the requirements regarding where to place the cross after installing the monument cannot be called extensive or difficult to implement.

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