Rune jera meaning in love for singles. Rune of Love: Love Magic for Men and Women

Undoubtedly, every person in life wants to meet his love, and once he has met, there is a desire to keep her and do everything for a prosperous and happy relationship. In addition to ordinary methods, there are some non-trivial techniques to achieve the goal described above, these include love spells, rituals, magical rites and others. But perhaps the most practical and harmless method is to use a variety of runes to attract love affairs. We will tell you how love runes work in this article.

How does the rune of love work?

The main feature of the action of the love rune is that it does not act on a specific person, that is, a woman who has a similar rune simply expresses a desire to find a suitable life partner for her or to retain and preserve an existing connection.

Since the rune of love belongs to magical objects, you should treat it with care. In other words, a person who has resorted to this talisman must clearly and correctly formulate his thoughts and desires, otherwise everything may not turn out as desired.

For example, if a person intends to get married, then it is best to clearly and clearly imagine the image of his future spouse. You cannot rashly ask for love, since it can also mean unrequited love.

One of the important points is that the rune of love affairs provides the best result if a person has thought out in advance and in detail the desired image of his life partner. At the same time, you shouldn’t get too carried away, that is, you shouldn’t think about how you should get acquainted with this person and other small details that don’t have much weight.

Varieties of love runes

Runes that attract love exist in several variations, depending on what kind of effect a person wants to achieve. Below are descriptions of all types of love runes.

The rune called Gebo is a real symbol that can attract love. Its distinctive characteristics are that with the help of this rune, partners build relationships due to mutual attraction. Gebo's main purpose is to teach companions to live in harmony and “not to pull the blanket over themselves.”

A rune called Vunyo is usually presented to a person for good luck; this love rune can bestow the owner with positive emotions, joy, prosperity and, of course, love. The main effect of the described rune is to bring harmony into human life.

For those people who intend to start a family, there is a special Otal rune for marriage. The main purpose of the presented rune is to create strong and reliable marriage relationships. Otal can also be used by those who want to resume old relationships or restore harmony in the family.

It is important to mention that in order to return to the previous love relationship, a period of less than one year must have passed from the date of termination.

The rune called Laguz is considered the most effective and efficient talisman for women, since it is with its help that you can achieve the attention of the opposite sex, thereby improving your personal life.

The Inguz rune is used to change position, move to a new stage of life and is associated with the successful completion of all started tasks. Thanks to this rune, you can easily and quickly achieve new results regarding love affairs.

For example, if there is stagnation in a relationship or the other half is in no hurry to start a family, it is Inguz who will come to the rescue, who will sharply turn the situation in the desired direction and the marriage will not take long.

Video on the topic of the article

Since ancient times, runes have been used as occult symbols that can protect, increase well-being, endow a person with certain qualities, and also help attract love into life.

Runes have powerful impact, you cannot treat them without due respect. But if you address them correctly, believe in their power and show respect, you can radically change your life and make it the way you want.

The main thing is to carefully study the meaning of each rune and use only those symbols that suit your situation.

Runes for love

There are combinations of signs, rune staves that can solve problems in your personal life, help you meet your soul mate or get married with a partner of interest.

But before moving on to them, it is worth getting acquainted directly with the runes that are most suitable for love issues. Knowing them, you will be able to come up with bets yourself, although if you have recently become acquainted with runes, it is better not to take risks and choose proven combinations.

So, basic runes, which are associated with relationships:

  • Gebo. It means “gift” and symbolizes equality, partnership, where reciprocity reigns. She won't help create a family, but will attract into life relationships full of sincerity, spiritual intimacy and mutual assistance. It alone can be used to gain mutual understanding and common interests. To enhance the effect and create a family, you need to supplement it with other symbols.
  • Laguz. Feminine rune meaning "lake". It imparts femininity, makes it more tender, gives attractiveness, and reveals intuition. With its help you can find a romantic relationship.
  • Evaz. She symbolizes marriage, an alliance built on mutual support. Helps to overcome stagnation, to develop a situation that is not moving. Suitable for those who want spiritual kinship.
  • Otal. This is home, family values. Suitable for those who dream of strong family in the classical sense. It will also help save the family.
  • Inguz. Fertility, male attractiveness, the fruits of hard work. Can make a revolution in relationships, clarify the situation, push everyone to manifest true feelings.


If you want to attract a man into your life with whom you plan to start a family or simply enjoy a period of romance, use runic formulas or staves. Here we have collected some of the most effective ones.

If you want to start a family with a reliable person, use this formula - Gebo - Otal. you will meet practical companion, on whom you can rely. If you already have a loved one, but your relationship is not deep enough, you lack affection, this will help you runogram of several Laguz runes in a row, two or three will be enough.

The combination of Berkana - Inguz - Uruz will increase a man's attraction to you and help improve his sex life. In addition, it can be useful if you want to get pregnant.

By betting on love you can do something like this. Take the Inguz rune at its center, combine Laguz and Gebo, add Soula. Let all the runes intertwine with each other into a ligature. This becoming is dedicated to Mokosha, the female goddess, and it will help find love.

You can make him a little different, then he will take care of the family. Remove Laguz, add Ansuz and Vunyo to Gebo. Vunyo will symbolize comfort and contentment, easy communication, and Soul will give development and new strength for love.


Many men want to meet a woman with whom they will feel good and comfortable. To do this, you can use the following formulas: Pertr - Mannaz - Gebo, Kenaz - Yera - Otil or Inguz - Gebo - Otil. All of them are aimed at attracting women.

If you need not just a girl for a while, but spouse with whom you want to walk hand in hand throughout your life, use this runescript: Mannaz - Perth - Gebo - Berkana. He will give you courage and help you meet someone who will accept you as you are.

When writing a formula, you should only think about what you expect from it, because it can work in different ways. It is advisable to make a reservation.

The combination Teyvaz - Gebo - Vunyo will help you experience joy and ease in communicating with the female sex, if you write it with this in mind. Dagaz – Kenaz – Gebo – formula, which will help return love and restore relationships with a girl.

You can make a stave that will make a certain woman feel attracted, aroused by the mere thought of who did it. The formation looks like this: Teyvaz - Ansuz - Naud + Laguz + Kano 8 times - Yera.

A certain person

For women who want to quickly find a family and become the wife of a specific person, it will be useful runic becoming from a combination of the Inguz and Berkana symbols.

They give good physical health for motherhood, help to look ready to become a wife in the eyes of a lover, and direct his thoughts towards marriage. It is best to put these symbols on a joint photo, but you can also wear them as a talisman.

If you are tired of the relationship not moving forward and nothing happening, use the following rune stave. At its center Freya's seal is drawn- Berkana and Inguz runes with horns, and then they are enclosed in the Perto rune.

The formula will help achieve some kind of result, some recommend using it for bewitching, but it happens that because of it people break up if nothing holds them together except habit. If you are ready for this, put it with a red marker on a photo together.

Everything will either get better quickly, or it will break down, but the situation will come out of stagnation. Berkana here symbolizes a woman, Inguz - her partner, and Perto – fate. If a couple is meant to be, it will happen.

Those around

Sometimes what is needed is not the love of the opposite sex, but the love of the people around, and then the following formula will help: Soulo - Dagaz - Vunyo. It helps resolve conflicts, attract people and make them like you. It is better to apply it to the solar plexus.

It will also help to become, consisting of rune Vunyo, Teyvaz, Soul, Dagaz, Noyt, Raido and Laguz, Gabe, Berkana, Tursy, Feho.

Although it seems complicated, it works perfectly: people will begin to be drawn to you, you will be able to charm anyone, business partners will begin to trust, everyone, even those who previously disliked you, will suddenly be imbued with goodwill. People will experience joy when they encounter you, they will enjoy communication.

With a caveat

Disclaimer- these are the words that are pronounced when applying runes to the body or any medium. With it, the effect of the stave becomes much stronger. Need about every rune, based on its action and purpose, say words that express your expectations. Here is one of the most powerful formulas with a reservation that will help you meet your husband.

Evaz - Mannaz - Gebo - Vunye - Fehu - Yera. This runogram will help you meet and start a relationship with a real prince on a white horse. With him you will have a connection that can lead to marriage. Be sure to do disclaimer to the formula, talk about what you expect from each rune.

The Evaz rune means attraction, the entry of something new into your life, let it come; on the Mannaz rune, describe the qualities and character traits that your betrothed should have. Gebo means partnership, say that you should become close spiritually or decide everything together.

Vunye is a family, say that you want a family and a romantic relationship. Fehu - wealth, if this is not important to you, you don’t have to include the rune in the formula, but if it matters, talk here about the prince’s material wealth. It's all closing down rune Yera, it is getting the necessary result, the fruits you are seeking.

by Dante

Becoming a "Gold fish" not only attracts romantic relationships, but also attracts the beginning of true Love into your life. And if you are not ready to again suffer from tender pain and fly with delight, then you can simply use the stripped-down version for light romantic relationships "Silver Fish".
The goldfish (having become similar in appearance) grants only one wish, but what a wish!

First two are drawn KANO(charm) as a strong initial impulse (for example, eye contact)
Then it is completed GEBO as a mutual (partnership) flow of energies with increasing attraction to each other. A symbol of freely giving you increased attention without expecting anything in return, that is, without accounting in feelings like “you give me - I give you”)
Then the left one is drawn VINA- joy, realization of desires.
Next, the right one is drawn VINYA+SOULO+URUZ-delight and jubilation, the joy of achievement with a surge of strength marked by the radiance of the Sun.
And finally becoming ends in the lower right corner PETER- hidden changes (colossal internal transformations occur among lovers) Rune PERTH Of course, it is unpredictable at times, but on the other hand, it is so similar to the wayward and illogical nature of Love, which only adds more acuteness to the sensations.
INGUZ(manifested from KANO and GEBO) gives confident growth and stability to relationships.
OTAL appeared in ligature (lower part INGUZ) speaks of the presence (help) of the energy of ancestors (relatives), who are always present during a serious union of two and give their blessing.
Becoming very unusual in its impact...
To enhance, use SOULO or TEYVAZ(not THURISAZ) and of course appeals to Odin, Thor or Freya

Becoming" Diamond Fish"

New version of the "Gold Fish" stave! The effectiveness of the stave has been increased due to the placement of the rune Laguz exactly on the axis Peter, which means searching and finding the STREAM OF LIFE.
When the long-awaited feeling comes, everything changes and you seem to find yourself in a rapid stream of joyful events, everything seems to accelerate. Rune Laguz has always been used in love magic, meaning, in addition to flow and an elegant, strong woman, also intuition, which will help you recognize your soul mate in time and not miss her (and also not blurt out too much, since a smart woman is one who knows how to be a fool)
If someone wants to use accelerator runes, then, of course, they can, but very carefully.
I don’t want to overload myself with transformation runes, because the tonality of its sound will change, but by intuition you can use them next to it.
Transformation runes are runes of changing events such as Evaz(impetus for change and transition to a happy layer of reality), Eyvaz(overcoming obstacles (self-esteem, fear, external obstacles) on the way to what is planned) and Dagaz(a sharp change in events, as if from night to day) You can at least cover the fish with the indicated runes in a palindrome, just don’t overdo it, don’t crush the Fish with these “heavyweights” and it will be necessary to soften their presence with a feminine Vinya or Algiz.

Runic magic is a system of predictions and actions that is based on the application of ancient knowledge of runes. In magic, both individual runes and their combinations - staves - are used. With the help of such connections, you can easily arouse attraction in the opposite sex and create a strong family with the desired man or woman.

How to use runes correctly

Any rune is not just an ordinary symbol; it is a strong and powerful sign that can influence a person’s fate and actions. Runes to attract love and marriage have been used by many peoples since ancient times. After all, every person wants to find personal happiness.

But in order for the symbols to begin to act, you need to choose the right runic symbol, apply it to a certain material and activate it correctly.

Today there are several ways to use runic script:

Each rune has its own separate meaning, which you need to know before applying it to the body or amulets.

The rune is most often used for love and love affairs. There are several such runes, and each of them has its own purpose.

In most cases, the following runes are used:

It is recommended to put all these symbols on paper or a wooden plank and carry it with you at all times. But in order for the connection or the rune has begun to act, you should constantly think about the object of your desire while creating a talisman.

Special rates and formulas

In magic there are runes for attracting the love of a specific person, which act in a directed and precise manner. In order to achieve reciprocity, the following connectives should be used:

Such symbols perfectly help restore relationships in the personal life of each couple. After all, the everyday sphere can often destroy romance. And magical connections will help restore passion and attraction.

All actions with magic symbols should be carried out in several stages:

When resorting to rune magic, you need to be extremely careful and not use unfamiliar symbols. The correctness of the inscriptions should be checked before they are applied to the fabric or your own skin. Otherwise, instead of attracting love and marriage, you can reward the object of desire with heart disease.

The optimal formula for love

Runes are often used to attract women and men, because absolutely everyone needs love. To kindle feelings, you should use the Soulu and Kano runes. The best option would be such a connection as Kano-Laguz or Inguz-Soulo.

If a man wants to develop attractiveness in oneself and to become desirable for a girl who feels absolutely nothing for him, you should use the Ansuz rune. This symbol is responsible for wisdom and conviction. If you combine it with Gebo, you will end up in a long-term relationship. This connection will be based not only on love, but also on intellectual attachment. Ansuz - Gebo - Yera will allow you to present yourself in a more attractive way.

To return a man to his family you should use the Ewise rune. She is responsible for the return of feelings and attraction. It should be combined with the Gebo symbol. And to speed up the process, you can add the sign Turisaz and Vunyo to this ligature.

Runic symbols can attract love to a person in almost any case. With a lot of practice, you can independently learn to create staves that can bring passion and love spells into a person’s life. Symbols can be extremely directional. After all, ancient magic is strong, despite the passing of millennia.

Attention, TODAY only!

You can compose runic formulas for love yourself based on the existing meanings of the runes. After composing the required combination of characters, a visa is composed. Visa is an intention expressed in poetry. Why in magic do all spells and runic spells have a poetic form? Because rhythm also has a magical meaning. All magical texts must sound rhythmically and correctly. How to create a formula and what should be taken into account when doing so? There are several rules that you need to know when working with runes.

  • Runic formulas aimed at attracting love can be compiled without the ritual of calling the gods.
  • To apply a runic formula for love, turning to the gods is not necessary.
  • To activate the runogram, you do not need to make a ransom, purchase or any gifts to the gods (if you did not call them).
  • When working with rune staves, lunar days are not taken into account, and the moon has no influence on the work of the formula.
  • Instead of describing the action of each symbol in the runescript, you can create a visu (intention expressed in poetic form).
  • To activate runic staves for mutual love, burning in a flame is allowed, or activate by becoming your breath. After burning, the ashes are scattered in the wind.

Failure to follow the magical rules can reduce all your diligence to zero results. Therefore, read all the points carefully and try to comply with them. Also do not forget that all magical work should be carried out in a clean room, and your body should also be odorless. Any unnecessary vibration (the smell of sweat, dust in the room) can create an imbalance in working with magical energies.

It is very important! In general, it is advisable to fumigate the room with incense or St. John's wort herb in order to remove small astral entities living in your space. They are not visible, but are present in any apartment. The time for the runic ritual is any. But no one should be near you, not even pets.

Where to apply the rune combination of signs:

  • A runogram is applied to the body to increase attractiveness.
  • In the photo, the formula is applied to influence another person.
  • A runogram is applied to a joint photo to implement the “for two” task.
  • Runes are applied to the amulet to work on a broader and longer-term plan.
  • Some combinations of runes can be applied to different media, depending on the goal.
  • If you do not have a photograph of the required person, then the formula can be applied to a piece of paper with the initials written down.

To achieve marriage


Runic formulas and staves for love can be compiled using suitable runes. Let's look at runograms for love, and a steady inclination towards marriage. We start with the Nautiz rune and end with the Yera - this gives the cyclical nature of the situation, the hopelessness of the situation for the object. That is, he will constantly think about love, about love, and again about love for you. Such cyclical positions and formulas do not allow a person to come to his senses, but force him to take certain actions. Moreover, he will perceive thoughts about love not as the effect of a formula on attraction, but as his own thoughts.

The Seal of Freya is applied to the joint photo: the runes of Inguz and Berkana. This is the seal of marriage, family relationships. Next, apply the runic formula in the area of ​​the heart with a red marker. If you wish, you can circle the runes drawn with a marker with your blood (you need to take blood from your ring finger). At the beginning and end of work, you can read the Seventeenth Song of Odin (then after work you need to make a sacrifice to God: burn dark beer in the flame of a fire). The work program of the runic formula is drawn up in verse (we compose a visa) or simply by stipulating the action of each symbol.

Come up with a verse that describes the action of each rune. If you fail to compose a verse (visu), then simply specify the purpose of each rune and its effect in this stave. The rune sequence of symbols can be drawn on a photo of the desired man. If you don’t have a photo, then write the man’s initials on a sheet of paper without cells or rulers, and draw runes on top. Remember that staves and formulas can be applied to any material medium. It all depends on the goal and long-term results of your actions.

Nautiz evokes longing for a loved one. Kenaz stabilizes relationships and strengthens the feeling of love passion. Gebo is responsible for the cyclical energy exchange between partners, that is, the relationship becomes mutual and the couple’s energy is common. Otala is working to create a common home and family relationships. Vunyo fills the couple with joy and a feeling of happiness. Yera provides a happy ending, makes the work of the runic combination of signs complete. This love spell inevitably leads to marriage!

The video contains several more powerful runic formulas:

For physical desire

Combination: Eyvaz-Urusaz-Turisaz-Kenaz-Gebo

This formula forces one to take active action, increases the appetite of passion for the object of desire, and forces one to take concrete steps. The runes Eyvaz and Urusaz encourage activity. Kenaz and gebo - evoke carnal desire and love. Thurisaz enhances the effect of the symbols surrounding it significantly; it is the fuel of this runic bet on love. The runes surrounding thurisaz literally submit to its powerful influence and unite into a single aspect, having a common focus on solving the set goal (love!). Runic symbols are applied to the photograph in the area of ​​the heart with a red felt-tip pen or ink for a love spell. To evoke physical lust, runes need to be drawn in the groin area. There is no need to burn the photo; you can activate it with your breath while reading the intention.

Rule of attraction


Here are collected together powerful runic signs to attract love. You can draw runes for us in photographs, as usual. Look at what kind of clause (visu) can be made to this formula.

Your mind is clouded and sadness gnaws,

When you are alone away from me (we discussed the effect of the Gebo rune and the Pertr rune).

In the silence of the night you dream again

See me and kiss me (runic signs kenaz and gebo).

Do you want to stay with me forever?

With me only one, and not with another witch (runic signs Vunyo and Yera).

You can successfully compose other poems and set other tasks: runic staves and formulas about love require individual creativity. It is not necessary to compose beautiful poetic verses, because in magic rhyme and meaning are more important. You will not show your bets to attract love to anyone, and you will not tell anyone about them.