Signs and superstitions on Maundy Thursday. Folk signs and rituals

Maundy Thursday- a special day when you can simultaneously get rid of many problems, fears, illnesses, all the negativity that prevents us from living and changing in better side. By following the recommendations of our ancestors, we can change our destiny for the better. Therefore, you should definitely take advantage of their advice.

Swimming on Maundy Thursday

"If you want all next year be happy and have good health, be sure to take a swim before sunrise.”

Many people throughout for long years adhere to this rule and feel healing properties water that day. With “Thursday” water you will wash away all sins, grievances, illnesses, and unresolved problems that have accumulated over the past year.

Don't be lazy, get up early in the morning Maundy Thursday and wash your body in the shower. It’s best at this moment to imagine how water removes all the bad things from you, how every cell of your body is filled with new positive energy.

It is advisable that the water be cool. Cold water can wash away all diseases and give the body beauty and health. On Wednesday evening, it is better to take the soap outside, and put a silver or gold item in the water before bathing.

For special effect our ancestors doused themselves cold water with the addition of salt (250 g per bucket of water). Before doing this, you need to take the salt in your hands and read on it:

“This is Monday, this is Tuesday, this is Wednesday, and this is healing and pure water. Wash me (name) with some water and wash away the damage from my face - female, male, childish, senile, pretentious, envious. Take away my suffering and illness and give me happiness and health.”

After this, pour salt into the water, mix well and start pouring.

To make your hair long and thick, you need to cut the ends on Maundy Thursday.

General cleaning on Maundy Thursday

Exists sure sign– if you clean your house on Maundy Thursday, you will have a lot of joy in the coming year. In addition to the fact that your home will become clean, this sign contains a religious moment You cannot clean the house for six days after Maundy Thursday.

Everyone knows that on this day it is necessary to organize a grandiose cleaning, but, unfortunately, not everyone has the opportunity to wash the entire house on Maundy Thursday. After all, many people work, and after work they have neither the strength, nor the time, nor any special desire to do this. In this case, you need to carry out "ritual cleaning" dust the entire house, remove cobwebs. In this way, you will pay tribute to this Great Day.

Why is it necessary to do this? This is just as important as taking a morning bath. We all live quite crowded lives, every day we think about something and our thoughts are not always positive; we often experience negative emotions, all this negativity does not go anywhere, but accumulates in our house. Maundy Thursday is a wonderful time to cleanse yourself of all this. To do this, before cleaning, open all the windows in the house, and when finished, take right hand a handful of salt and read the spell over it:

“Get out of my house, bad fate, go away forever, don’t stand at the threshold, don’t grab the porch, don’t cling to the gate! Get away from me, disappear forever!

Sprinkle the charmed salt in a strip along the threshold of the front door, thus cleansing your home and providing protection for the coming year.

There is a popular belief that if you start a thorough cleaning of your house on Maundy Thursday, you will receive from the Almighty the gift of the opportunity to find the lost, seemingly forever, necessary and beloved items. If your destiny has not yet been arranged, then you will have a chance to meet your loved one. To make this happen, while cleaning the bathroom, make room for your significant other’s toothbrush, prepare a shelf in the closet for his things. Buy new slippers for your future loved one and place them near the front door so that the toes of the shoes face into your house.

In addition, our great-grandmothers knew special words so that guys would love and not be deprived of attention. They need to be said during Thursday bathing:

“As Maundy Thursday is bright and red, so I (name) will be the most beautiful and sweetest of all.”

Rituals for money on Maundy Thursday

The topic of money and its quantity has always been relevant. Since time immemorial, it was believed that on Maundy Thursday all available money should be counted three times, then the money would be available throughout the next year.

The recalculation should be done three times: early in the morning, at lunchtime and at sunset. This must be done in secret not only from strangers, but also from your loved ones.

Each time you count your money, repeat:

“A thousand, half a thousand, six hundred, eight hundred, my hand will take everything and everywhere.”

Under no circumstances should you be distracted by extraneous matters during the recount, otherwise there will be no effect.

Ritual with coins on Maundy Thursday

To attract money on Maundy Thursday, fill a container with water for washing doors and windows, and place coins there. Clasp your hands with your little fingers and read the curse on water 33 times, praising Mother - pure water, asking her for forgiveness and help and wealth.

“I (name) ask the water for forgiveness. Mother is pure water, forgive me and help me. There is so much of you in the river, in the lake, in the ocean, in the sea and in every glass of human life, so I (name) would have a lot of money. Amen".

After reading, wash the windows, doors or floors of your house with this water.

By following these simple rituals, you will open your life to health, beauty and wealth.

An important and significant day Holy Week is Maundy or Maundy Thursday. In 2018 it falls on April 5 and is associated with a huge amount signs, customs and rituals. This is the only day of the year when many rituals can and should be performed with a good purpose and good intentions - to improve your life.

The date of this day changes every year and directly depends on the date of Easter. In 2018, Orthodox Easter is celebrated on April 8, which means that April 5 will be Maundy Thursday. Yours popular name It was not by chance that I got this “clean” day - all household chores like cleaning the apartment, washing, and ironing were usually completed on this day. You can no longer do anything on Saturday, and with the onset of Easter comes the holiday week, when you can no longer do anything. Also, people in the villages went to the bathhouse; many signs on Maundy Thursday were associated with water.

Read useful materials on this topic:

Every day of Holy Week we remember the suffering of Jesus Christ during last days life on earth. On Thursday, Christ gathered his disciples for dinner, which remained in history as the Last Supper. There he told his disciples that one of them would betray him, that he would be crucified on the cross, but that on the third day he would be resurrected. This is exactly what happened, but there are three very difficult and psychologically difficult days ahead for every believer.

Another one important detail this Thursday - the establishment of the sacrament of communion. Jesus passed the bread around and said that this was his Body, and Jesus passed the wine around and said that this was his Blood. The Savior also washed the feet of his disciples with his own hands. Next we will talk in detail about what needs to be done on Maundy Thursday, according to folk traditions and believe. As for the church charter, be sure to go to church in the evening, pray and receive communion.

What to do on Thursday in preparation for Easter:

  • Complied throughout strict fast. But it is on this day that you can cook food using heat treatment, as well as vegetable oil.
  • That money was kept, it must be counted three times on Maundy Thursday: at sunrise, at noon and at sunset. Do the recount alone and in secret from everyone at home.
  • You can prepare Thursday salt (on the night from Wednesday to Thursday), which is a strong talisman and a protector against disease. There are different modern methods preparation, the simplest one is just for the whole family to take a handful of salt from a common pile and pour it into one cloth bag.
  • You need to actively clean and do laundry, because then you won’t be able to do this for two weeks. Housewives do general cleaning on Maundy Thursday, washing everything in the house and ironing it. If you have some strength left, you can start baking Easter cakes or coloring eggs.

Water rituals

Many conspiracies for Maundy Thursday are related to water, and it is clear that such a second name for this day did not appear out of thin air. This morning the water is said to have miraculous power and washes away all sins. You need to take a dip in an open body of water or at least wash yourself with dew.

In principle, cleansing rituals can be performed at home in the shower. It’s just important to do this consciously, with prayer on your lips and always in cold water. Exactly cold water a way on this day to wash away illnesses, give the body beauty and health.


  1. Since this day is directly related to cleanliness, then, of course, nothing good will happen to people who live in a dirty house. So, get out, involve everyone at home in this process, so that things go smoothly and amicably.
  2. In villages it would be customary to cut a child's hair for the first time on this day. For well-being, they also cut off a few pieces of wool from the livestock.
  3. You have to clean up in the morning - wash and clean everything. Otherwise, throughout the year, the family cannot avoid quarrels and even illnesses.
  4. From this day until Easter, nothing can be borrowed.
  5. That there was money, we count it three times on this day. You can also rearrange furniture and various small souvenirs during cleaning, also for the purpose of financial well-being. You can also shoot a gun, if you have one, also to attract money.
  6. On Thursday night, put a silver spoon in the water, and in the morning wash your face with this silver water. They say it will give you youth and preserve beauty.
  7. What else they do on Maundy Thursday before Easter is to prepare Thursday salt.

In this material, we tried to tell as much as possible about all the signs, customs, conspiracies and prayers for Maundy Thursday. What every Christian believer must do is go to church for service in the morning or evening and confess, and then take communion. It was during the Last Supper on this day last week the life of the Savior on earth, he established the sacrament of communion.

An important and significant day of Holy Week is Maundy or Maundy Thursday. In 2018, it falls on April 5 and is associated with a huge number of signs, customs and rituals. This is the only day of the year when many rituals can and should be performed with a good purpose and good intentions - to improve your life.

The date of this day changes every year and directly depends on the date of Easter. In 2018, Orthodox Easter is celebrated on April 8, which means that April 5 will be Maundy Thursday. It was not by chance that this day received its popular name “clean” - all household chores such as cleaning the apartment, washing, and ironing were usually completed on this day. IN Good Friday and on Saturday you can no longer do anything, and with the onset of Easter comes the holiday week, when you can no longer do anything. Also, people in the villages went to the bathhouse; many signs on Maundy Thursday were associated with water.

About the meaning and essence of the day

Every day of Holy Week we remember the suffering of Jesus Christ during the last days of life on earth. On Thursday, Christ gathered his disciples for dinner, which remained in history as the Last Supper. There he told his disciples that one of them would betray him, that he would be crucified on the cross, but that on the third day he would be resurrected. This is exactly what happened, but there are three very difficult and psychologically difficult days ahead for every believer.

Another important detail of this Thursday is the establishment of the sacrament of communion. Jesus passed the bread around and said that this was his Body, and Jesus passed the wine around and said that this was his Blood. The Savior also washed the feet of his disciples with his own hands. Next, we will talk in detail about what needs to be done on Maundy Thursday, according to folk traditions and beliefs. As for the church charter, be sure to go to church in the evening, pray and receive communion.

What to do on Thursday in preparation for Easter:

  • Strict fasting is observed throughout Holy Week. But it is on this day that you can cook food using heat treatment, as well as vegetable oil.
  • That money was kept, it must be counted three times on Maundy Thursday: at sunrise, at noon and at sunset. Do the recount alone and in secret from everyone at home.
  • You can prepare Thursday salt (on the night from Wednesday to Thursday), which is a strong amulet and protector against diseases. There are different modern methods of preparation, the simplest is to simply take the whole family a handful of salt from a common pile and pour it into one cloth bag.
  • You need to actively clean and do laundry, because then you won’t be able to do this for two weeks. Housewives do general cleaning on Maundy Thursday, washing everything in the house and ironing it. If you have some strength left, you can start baking Easter cakes or coloring eggs.

Water rituals

Many conspiracies for Maundy Thursday are related to water, and it is understandable that such a second name for this day of Holy Week did not appear out of thin air. On this morning, the water is said to have miraculous powers and wash away all sins. You need to take a dip in an open body of water or at least wash yourself with dew.

In principle, cleansing rituals can be performed at home in the shower. It’s just important to do this consciously, with prayer on your lips and always in cold water. Cold water is the way to wash away illnesses on this day and give the body beauty and health.


  1. Since this day is directly related to cleanliness, then, of course, nothing good will happen to people who live in a dirty house. So, get out, involve everyone at home in this process, so that things go smoothly and amicably.
  2. In villages it would be customary to cut a child's hair for the first time on this day. For well-being, they also cut off a few pieces of wool from the livestock.
  3. You have to clean up in the morning - wash and clean everything. Otherwise, throughout the year, the family cannot avoid quarrels and even illnesses.
  4. From this day until Easter, nothing can be borrowed.
  5. That there was money, we count it three times on this day. You can also rearrange furniture and various small souvenirs during cleaning, also for the purpose of financial well-being. You can also shoot a gun, if you have one, also to attract money.
  6. On Thursday night, put a silver spoon in the water, and in the morning wash your face with this silver water. They say it will give you youth and preserve beauty.
  7. What else they do on Maundy Thursday before Easter is to prepare Thursday salt.

In this material, we tried to tell as much as possible about all the signs, customs, conspiracies and prayers for Maundy Thursday. What every Christian believer must do is go to church for service in the morning or evening and confess, and then take communion. It was during the Last Supper on this day of the last week of the Savior’s life on earth that he established the sacrament of communion.

Today we will look at signs for Easter. Maundy Thursday precedes this holiday. According to tradition, it is on this day that it is customary to put the physical and spiritual body, as well as one’s own home, in order. Signs for Maundy Thursday before Easter are usually associated with the health and well-being of a person and his family. Also on this day, various rituals are often performed. For example, to attract love, financial stability and prosperity of affairs.

Maundy Thursday precedes a great holiday, which means it carries a powerful energy flow. Having certain knowledge, you can use the strong charge that this day is endowed with in your favor. To do this, you should find out in more detail what you need to do on Maundy Thursday. Signs are mostly rooted in popular beliefs and are not directly related to religion.


The most famous and widespread custom associated with Maundy Thursday is washing before the sun rises. You should have time to complete the procedure at dawn. According to popular belief, water can heal and cleanse the soul from sins, and the body from illnesses on this day, especially before sunrise.

On this day it is customary to get a haircut. It is believed that hair cut on Maundy Thursday takes away illness and weakness. And the new one grows strong, giving its owner new strength And right thoughts. Hair grows really quickly, so by following this sign, you can finally become the owner of a long braid.

For a child

If there is a baby growing in the house, approximately one year old, then it is best to cut his hair on this day. Previously, it was considered sinful to cut children's hair during the first 12 months of life. And now this tradition is observed by many.

Filling with positive energy

Signs for Maundy Thursday before Easter include putting your home in order. This applies specifically to general cleaning of the house, thanks to which the room is filled with new positive energy. Thus, grace descends on the home. In addition to purity, according to legend, a person finds things and objects that were once lost. Whether it’s a miracle or just the result of high-quality cleaning, everyone decides for themselves. However, there are really a lot of benefits from this. After all, it won’t be possible to clean until next week, including weekends.

It is also customary to do a lot of laundry on this day. All textiles in the house should be cleaned. According to popular belief, on Maundy Thursday, the owners of the house laid straw on the floor and slept that way. Because at this time the laundry was drying after washing.


Depending on what signs a person believes in on Maundy Thursday, that is what he gives the greatest importance to. Those who care about well-being and financial success should wash their windows with coins on this day. To carry out this ritual, you will need a bowl of water into which you need to throw change. After washing all the glass in the house, the liquid must first be poured under the young growth. The second part of it is closed in a jar and placed in the far corner. According to the sign, such an action will attract wealth to the house.

In order for a person to be overtaken by a wave of financial luck during the year, he should take all the money that is in the house, first add it up, and then count it sequentially. This must be done in private and repeated three times - in the morning, at lunch and after. By observing the signs of Maundy Thursday for money, it is possible to attract financial security and success into your life.

It is believed that material benefits can only come to a person who is in complete harmony with himself and outside world. Therefore, many signs for Maundy Thursday touch on aspects of health, love and relationships. At all times, people have paid great attention physical condition body. As they say, if you have health, everything else can be bought. This is what most popular beliefs are based on.


Signs for Maundy Thursday unmarried girls They mainly contain advice on how to attract a soul mate into your life. This can be done when counting money, because it is believed that its energy is close to the vibrations associated with love. That is why, when performing a ritual to attract finance, you should ask out loud for a meeting with your betrothed. It is believed that this not only helps to find a soul mate, but also to organize your life. A similar action is suggested to be performed during morning ablution. While collecting water in your palms, you should say a request over it to meet your man, then you should wash your face with it. Next, fill your hands a second time, say the words again and pour it onto your chest. It is believed that this will help align the mind and heart to the desired energy frequency. This is what helps to attract love into life. These and other rituals are recommended to be carried out on the eve of the great holiday. All manipulations should be carried out in good mood, with hope in your soul and positive thoughts. Such a positive charge will help fulfill your desire until next holiday Easter.

For marriage

To get married within a year, a girl needs to dry herself with a bath towel when bathing on Thursday, and then, along with Easter and colored eggs in a basket, give it to the beggars near the church. Some sources recommend that you first sanctify this alms and only then give the donation.

What other folk signs exist for Maundy Thursday? There are beliefs associated with rituals about damage and other magical effects. To do this, you need to prepare special water. It is necessary to fill the container, it will be good if you can place it on the windowsill under the moonlight on Thursday night. However, this point is not mandatory. Then any silver object should be immersed in water and allowed to brew. After this, you need to wash your face with it in the morning. If there are children in the family, then you need to sprinkle their faces with this water and moisten the curl on the crown.


There are other signs for Easter. Clean Thursday has powerful energy, so magical rituals, performed with bad intentions, provides good counteraction. For example, the floors in the house should be washed with water infused with silver, over which the words are spoken: “Have a good home with me, and drive away the evil eye.” It is advisable to go through all the places, including under. Then the house will gain reliable protection, and trouble and unkind glances will bypass it.

Signs with Easter cake

The following signs for Maundy Thursday testify to the grace that descends on the home along with the Holy Spirit. After all, on this day it is customary to bake Easter cake. It is believed that if the dough has risen well, and the product turns out to be rosy and of good quality, then love, prosperity and well-being will reign in the house all year.

If Easter is burnt from below, then the family will face losses and difficulties. If the bottom turns completely black, but the dough is not baked in the middle, this indicates a serious illness or death in the environment.

If the Easter cake does not rise, expect a loss of strength and loss of health this year. It should be remembered that the quality of the product, especially those made from yeast dough, has always been influenced by the state of mind and mood of the housewife who prepared it. You can't get down to business with heavy thoughts. In this case, the Easter cake will not rise, time will be wasted, and the food will be thrown away.


Whatever signs on Maundy Thursday exist in beliefs, they were all invented by the people and have rather pagan roots. Previously, people were less educated. They could only believe what those a little more enlightened said. This is exactly how signs for Maundy Thursday, beliefs and rituals were born. TO Orthodox faith they are generally unrelated. Is it worth giving signs great importance- a matter that concerns everyone individually. However, cleaning up your home, actions and thoughts will not hurt anyone.

Even during the times of Soviet godlessness, the entire people revered 3 Orthodox dates: Easter, Parents' Day and Maundy Thursday.

Many folk beliefs, traditions, signs and customs are associated with the fourth day of Holy Week.

Cleaning, washing, ironing should be done on this day because immediately, starting from next day and a week after Easter, it will be impossible to conduct business.

On this Day, Jesus Christ invited his disciples to dinner, where he spoke about the upcoming betrayal of one and the threefold renunciation of him by another follower. He told them about his crucifixion and resurrection on the third day after death.

An important event this Thursday: the establishment of the sacrament of communion.

Jesus passed the bread around and said that this was his body. He called the wine he gave to his disciples his blood. The Savior himself washed the feet of all his disciples.

According to church rules, every Orthodox Christian on this day must go to church in the evening, perform prayers, confess and receive communion. This historical day is called the Last Supper and many people have preserved many signs and customs associated with Maundy Thursday.

The meaning of water on this day for the Soul and body

Many traditions are connected specifically with water. The second name for this day of Holy Week comes from popular belief that this morning the water has miraculous powers and washes away all sins.

One of the signs of Maundy Thursday is swimming before dawn.

It is believed that if you swim before sunrise, you can be cleansed of sins, get rid of illnesses and gain health for a year. Nowadays, if it is not possible to preserve the tradition, then by steaming in a bathhouse before dawn, taking a shower or bath, it is quite possible to replace it.

Some people believe that the water for bathing should be cold and that it is very useful to wash yourself with dew or plunge into an open body of water on this day.

On the night of Maundy or Maundy Thursday, you can put a silver spoon in the water, and in the morning you can wash your face with this water. It is believed that this is what can prolong the youth and beauty of the face.

It is important to get ready before swimming and other water procedures, to pure and bright thoughts. To do this, you need to read prayers and believe that they will be heard.

In your prayers for Maundy Thursday, you can ask for the cleansing of your soul. Before the sun has risen, the believer can take a large container and fill it with cool water and wash your face, after saying the following conspiracy:

“Maundy Thursday glorifies Easter, all the people Orthodox Easter glorifies, so that people would glorify me, both young and old, so that I would be held in high esteem by the authorities, the servant of God (name), so that my business would bring me profit. Gold sticks to my hands, clings. The coins in the wallet jingle. Key. Lock. Language. Amen".

You can treat Maundy Thursday conspiracies as Easter superstitions, but you can do them. In this matter, everyone decides for themselves. That's why the Lord gave us the right to choose.

In the temple

According to the canons of the Orthodox Church, morning and evening prayers read on Maundy Thursday, as well as the prayer of Ephraim the Syrian (added to prayer rule V Lent) and the Great Penitential Canon of St. Andrew of Crete.

In the evening, you should definitely go to the temple to pray. It is believed that on this Day, by turning to the sacraments of confession and communion, one can atone for mortal sins.

We must not forget that before confession, the believer must fast for several days, and also prepare for it spiritually: pray and restrain his passions and weaknesses.

This applies to those who did not fast during Lent and did not follow these rules. In the evening, you need to go to the temple to pray after bathing and cleaning your home. On each day of Holy Week, strict fasting is observed.

Cleaning the house on the fourth day of Holy Week

Signs for Maundy Thursday, which do not contradict the teachings of the church, are associated with general cleaning of the house. General cleaning on this day will bring joy and health to all family members.

You can find your favorite and lost things. You definitely need to get rid of old, unnecessary things, broken household appliances, cracked dishes and rubbish that are in the house.

After cleaning the house, you will feel how your soul has become lighter and calmer, and this is not without reason, because trash and old things not only prevent us from living in comfort, but also take away energy and strength.

Spring cleaning will help cleanse your family nest of old problems and troubles in order to fill it with happiness and mutual understanding. Cleaning and its results will bring a lot of joy to all family members on Maundy Thursday.

Maundy Thursday and money matters

Counting all the money in the house during this day will ensure its constant availability in the family throughout the year.

This is another ritual and sign of Maundy Thursday. People think that if early in the morning, at 12 noon and during sunset, secretly from everyone (even family members), they count the family money, then this simple task will give them a comfortable existence until the next Maundy Thursday.

The growth of monetary income is also promised by a money conspiracy: “Money, keep it - don’t transfer it, grow it - multiply, don’t get it from the enemy!”

This spell or any prayer must be said while you are throwing change into a bucket, basin or other container of water. Then you need to wash all the doors and windows in the house with this water.

After this, you need to take out the change and put it in the far (necessarily clean) corner of your home for 1 week. The water needs to be poured under the tree.

From the fourth day of Holy Week until Easter, you cannot lend money.

If you believe folk superstitions, during cleaning you can also rearrange furniture and various small souvenirs in order to improve your material well-being.

Preparing for Easter

On Maundy Thursday you can start baking Easter cakes and coloring eggs. The dough is prepared in advance, and in addition to Easter cakes, Easter cakes are made from cottage cheese and many other festive dishes intended to be served on the Great Resurrection of Christ.

There is also a sign about Easter cake. If the hostess turned out well, then it was considered a good omen, promising a prosperous and rich year.

A spoiled Easter cake must be thrown away quickly, without telling anyone about it, and a new one must be baked, then Bad sign won't come true.

All Easter dishes prepared using recipes for the holiday, since the quality determines how the family will spend the next year. For those who like radish salad with eggs, you can prepare the appropriate ingredients.

On this day you need to paint eggs, for which all family members are involved: both big and small. Children love to participate in this process, because they also feel the joy of the approaching big holiday.

The time of final preparations for Easter is coming to an end, not excluding spiritual work and comprehension of the great event - the Resurrection of Christ.

Thursday salt

A talisman for the family, Thursday salt, can be prepared only once a year, on the night of Maundy Wednesday to Maundy Thursday.

Like all rituals, conspiracies and signs, this ritual is not approved by the Orthodox Church. But people believe that cooked salt will help the family solve many problems and prevent serious problems.

This amulet, according to popular rumor:

  • gives strength and energy for a year;
  • protects the economy from criminal attacks and disasters;
  • protects against negative events;
  • maintains health;
  • does not allow people to have negative and obsessive thoughts;
  • neutralizes the evil eye, glances and intrigues of envious people.

Thursday salt should be prepared only in in a great mood. It is prepared in a dry cast iron frying pan or in an oven heated to 200 degrees.

  • 1 kilogram of plain coarse salt;
  • crumb from four loaves of rye bread;
  • 100 g mint;
  • 100 g dill.

The pulp is soaked in water, then it needs to be squeezed out and mixed with salt and herbs. The resulting mixture is fried in a frying pan or dried in the oven.

An important detail: during preparation you need to read the “Our Father” prayer. People also believe that if the mixture makes a strong cracking sound during cooking, then damage has been caused to the house. The salt is cooked until this sound stops.

On Maundy Thursday, salt is placed in cloth bags that people use in difficult cases And Everyday life to improve health, family, financial situation, etc.

It is believed that for all diseases there is universal medicine- Thursday salt, which was collected from three yards.

On Maundy Thursday, you need to go to your acquaintances and friends and ask for a small handful of salt. After mixing this salt in an earthenware bowl, it can be added to the food and drink of a sick person.

For girls

In folk traditions there are special spells for unmarried girls. These conspiracies are aimed at imminent marriage, maintaining beauty and health.

On Thursday night, it was necessary to wash in an open reservoir in order to quickly get married to a girl who could not do it “on time.”

To hasten fate, and at the same time matchmaking, you can wipe your face with a towel, put it in a basket along with Easter cake and Easter eggs and give gifts to poor people. Such a good deed should be rewarded and the girl will receive the desired offer.

In order for hair to be voluminous and shiny, and also to grow well, its ends were cut on Maundy Thursday.

If you leave some water for cleaning the house on this day, pour it into a cup with silver spoon or a coin, and on Easter wash your face with this water, then, according to popular belief, you can attract a kind, handsome and rich husband. Besides, similar procedure should contribute to the beauty and happiness of the girl.

What is forbidden to do on Maundy Thursday

People have a lot of troubles on this day. You need to put your soul, body and home in order. But there are several important prohibitions.

Here is their list:

  • from Thursday until Easter nothing is taken out of the house;
  • no matter who asks (even relatives, friends or neighbors), in no case should you give money, things and food;
  • You cannot leave soaked laundry and dirty dishes on the night leading up to Good Friday; you need to wash and wash them before midnight;
  • fortune telling, fun, other holidays, singing and dancing, as on every day of Holy Week, are strictly prohibited;
  • You can’t eat fatty foods.

A few more signs of this day

When you look out the window in the morning, you need to pay attention to who you see first.

According to folk signs you can see:

  • child - to study;
  • a girl - fortunately in the family;
  • a dog or young guy- fortunately;
  • only an old person - to failure.

On Maundy Thursday people cut their hair. It is believed that this cleanses one from sins. If during cleaning you find previously lost things, this will also give you happiness in your family.

Maundy Thursday is an occasion not only to clean your home and put yourself in order, but also to cleanse your soul of all spiritual rubbish, sins and insults.

Our ancestors have been developing traditions for celebrating this day for many centuries. Orthodox Church always ready to meet parishioners on Maundy Thursday and help them cleanse themselves at confession and receive communion.

It’s up to you to decide whether to use conspiracies and believe in folk traditions and beliefs on any day of life, including the fourth day of Holy Week, and believe that this is a good deed and it will help.

But baking Easter cakes, painting eggs, attending church and rejoicing that Easter is coming soon is a must! You can also tell a lot of interesting things about Easter cake, but this is a separate topic.