Acne in the intimate area in women treatment. How an intimate pimple grows - stages of the process

The appearance of rashes in the genital area and perineum can be either a symptom of an infectious process in the human body or a short-term phenomenon resulting from any mechanical impact on an area of ​​the epidermis or mucous membrane. Most often, acne in the groin area appears in women, since their skin is thinner and more sensitive to various irritants. How dangerous a neoplasm is depends on the cause of its appearance. If the inflammation is bacterial or viral in nature, the patient must undergo a thorough examination and comprehensive treatment.

Rashes in the groin area can vary in size, color and intensity of manifestations. During a clinical examination, the doctor, taking these parameters into account, is able to determine the cause of acne and establish a preliminary diagnosis.

Types of rashes in the intimate area

ColorAppearancePossible reason for the appearance
White, pinkish – identical to normal skinDense, resembles “goose bumps” to the touchAn accumulation of dead epidermal cells in the area of ​​the hair follicles. You can get rid of them if you treat the affected area with a hard sponge or washcloth while washing.
Light pink or whitish, slightly paler than the surrounding epidermisDense, clusteredHypertrophy or blockage of skin glands. In the first case, therapy is not required. In the second, it is necessary to apply Vishnevsky ointment to the affected area
RedsSmall, may have watery contents, often the skin around the rash is dry and flakyAllergic reaction. To relieve the allergen, you should eliminate the allergen and take an antihistamine: Zodak, Cetrin, Tavegil, etc.
RedsSmall, dry, crusty on topDermatitis is an inflammatory skin lesion. Therapy consists of eliminating the irritant, taking antipruritic and anti-inflammatory drugs: Advantan, Burov's fluid, Prednisone, etc.
Bright redVarious sizes, located scattered in a clearly defined affected areaAn inflammatory reaction resulting from skin irritation. Occurs as a result of mechanical damage: shaving, hair removal. To alleviate the condition, you can use cooling and soothing gels and ointments: Bepanten, Panthenol, Boromenthol, etc.
WaterySmall, non-itchy, usually located on the mucous membranesHormonal imbalance. To identify the cause of the malaise and prescribe treatment, you need to contact a specialist and take tests to determine your hormonal levels.
BlackLarge, singleBlack acne occurs due to the destruction of small blood vessels due to improper treatment. The opening and removal of such tumors should be carried out by a dermatologist.

Attention! Formations formed as a result of blockage of the duct of the sebaceous glands are called atheroma.

Causes of rashes on the genitals

Pimples in the groin area can appear for a variety of reasons. In most cases, the rash appears as a result of mechanical damage to the skin and does not pose a threat to the patient’s health. Acne on the genitals and in the buttocks area most often occurs due to the following factors:

Attention! The entry of bacteria and viruses into the genitourinary tract poses a serious danger to human health, as they easily enter the bloodstream through the mucous membranes.

Rashes of infectious origin

Acne in the groin area often occurs as a result of the development of an infectious process. In most cases, pathogens enter the body during sexual intercourse along with lubricant or sperm. In this case, the rashes are usually localized on the genitals, anus and pubic area. Patients complain of pain in the affected area, itching and burning, lymphadenopathy and fever.

Attention! Lymphadenopathy is a pathological process in which inflammation of the lymph nodes is noted. Infections of the genitourinary system in most cases affect the lymph nodes of the groin and iliac region.


Syphilitic infection is a bacterial disease caused by pathogens of the species Treponema pallidum. The pathology is characterized by a long course and cyclicity. Syphilis affects various organs and tissues: the heart and blood vessels, epithelial membranes and dermis, the nervous system, the digestive tract and the musculoskeletal system.

The disease is transmitted mainly through sexual contact and is therefore classified as a sexually transmitted infection. At the same time, syphilis is one of the most common STDs and today in medical statistics continues to occupy a leading position in terms of the degree of contagiousness and harm to health caused to the patient. It should be borne in mind that improper treatment of syphilis leads to the development of a chronic infectious process that drags on for many years. In this case, the disease can be both acute and latent.

Attention! Syphilis can be transmitted not only sexually, but also through household contact. Infection of newborns and infants at birth or during breastfeeding is also common.

The primary symptom of the disease is the formation of a chancre - a painless ulceration on the skin. Often this erosion forms in hard-to-reach places, for example, on the epithelial membranes of the vaginal vaults or in the anus. In this case, the patient usually learns about the appearance of syphilis only a few weeks or months after the bacteria enters the body. Characteristic rashes appear on the genitals, and then on other parts of the patient’s body.

Attention! The appearance of a rash with syphilis is a symptom of the generalization of the infectious process, that is, the spread of treponema throughout all systems of the bloodstream.

With syphilis, the patient experiences the following types of rashes:

  • pustular rashes - containing purulent exudate, covered with skin scales;
  • roseate rashes - in the form of abundant pinkish or purple dots;
  • papule-like rashes are blue-scarlet and resemble dense nodules in appearance.

The patient is also concerned about symptoms indicating a severe infectious process in the body:

  • hyperthermia up to 37.5-38°C;
  • apathy and increased fatigue;
  • Neurosyphilis is a severe disorder of the functioning of the body, leading to degenerative processes in the organs of the central nervous system.

To date, syphilis can be successfully treated. Penicillin and erythromycin are used to treat it. During the entire treatment period, which ranges from two weeks to several months, the patient should limit his sex life.

Genital herpes

Genital herpes is one of the most common causes of various types of rashes in the genital area, buttocks and anus. The disease occurs due to viral damage to the epithelial membranes and epidermis of the groin area. The pathology manifests itself with the appearance of a characteristic vesicular rash, in place of which, after some time, erosions form. In addition, patients have a number of symptoms:

  • swelling of the epidermis and epithelium in the affected area;
  • lymphadenopathy of the inguinal lymph nodes;
  • burning;
  • increased vaginal discharge;
  • soreness and itching in the groin;
  • hyperemia of the skin;
  • a sharp increase in discomfort during coitus.

In some cases, patients experience body hyperthermia up to 37.5-38°C and signs of intoxication of the body are determined: nausea, lethargy, headache, increased fatigue.

The disease has a high tendency to relapse. Patients develop disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system, which sharply increases the risk of contracting various bacterial, viral or fungal infections.

Attention! The herpes virus is especially dangerous for pregnant women, as it increases the likelihood of miscarriage or premature birth.

Antiviral drugs are used to treat this disease. Today, acyclic nucleosides are especially widely used: Acyclovir, Famciclovir, Valaciclovir etc. Often these pharmacological agents are combined with drugs of interferon, a protein that makes the body’s cells insensitive to the virus: Kagocel, Tiloron and etc.


  • crotch;
  • pubic area;
  • hairy area around the anus;
  • scrotum

  • sprays;
  • ointments;
  • shampoos or gels.

Molluscum contagiosum

Molluscum contagiosum is a highly contagious skin disease. Its causative agent is the Molluscipoxvirus virus, which is part of the smallpox group. This infection is not classified as a sexually transmitted disease, but it is included in the group of sexually transmitted pathologies. Males and females are equally susceptible to molluscum contagiosum, with children and people with weakened immune systems most often becoming ill.

After the end of the incubation period, isolated whitish rashes appear on the epidermis. They have a regular round shape, protrude slightly above the surface of the skin and cause virtually no discomfort to the patient. A characteristic feature of such nodules is painlessness. Gradually, the number of such elements increases, and giant hemispherical papules with a diameter of several centimeters can form.

Surgical curettage is widely used to treat molluscum contagiosum. This is a procedure in which, under local anesthesia, using a special instrument, the nodule is directly removed and the resulting cavity is cleaned out. In one session, the doctor removes several dozen mollusks. Such manipulation is carried out on average once every 20-30 days, as a result of which the treatment lasts several months.

Today, it is also possible to remove such formations using the radio wave method, laser or cryodestruction, that is, exposure to the affected area using low temperatures. It is also recommended to treat the skin with antiviral ointments and creams after surgery: Acyclovir, tebrofen ointment, Molustin etc.

Human papillomavirus infection

Pimples in the genital area and perineum may be a sign of the spread of human papillomavirus throughout the patient's body. To date, more than 600 strains of the causative agent of this infection have been discovered.

HPV penetrates the epithelial membranes of the patient through small abrasions and microcracks. Invading the cell, it integrates into its nucleus and begins to actively multiply. Each subspecies of the papilloma virus has a personal number, and all pathogens are divided into three groups:

  • non-oncogenic;
  • low risk of oncogenicity;
  • highly oncogenic.

The main danger is posed by viruses belonging to the third group. They significantly increase the risk of patients developing malignant diseases of the genital organs.

Condylomas and papillomas, caused by the spread of HPV throughout the patient’s body, look like a cone-shaped or spherical growth. They are soft, painless, and often have a thin stem. The number of such papillomas increases rapidly; in severe cases, it can increase several times during the day.

Such formations are eliminated using laser or radio wave therapy. To avoid the appearance of growths in the future, the patient needs to take vitamins, eat right and follow other measures aimed at improving the functioning of the immune system.

Recommendations for preventing rashes in the intimate area

Herpes simplex virus or human papillomavirus infection are transmitted through sexual contact or household contact. To avoid infection, the patient must follow sanitary and hygienic rules:

  1. Use only personal towels and underwear, individual washcloths and shaving accessories, give preference to liquid rather than bar soap.
  2. When having sexual intercourse, use barrier methods of contraception and avoid frequent changes of partners.
  3. Take a shower and change your underwear daily.
  4. Give preference to underwear made from natural materials.
  5. When depilating the bikini area in beauty salons and cosmetology clinics, ask to see a certificate for the right to provide this service and make sure that disposable or sterile instruments are used.

To prevent infection from entering the body, it is necessary to strengthen the immune system. Patients should maintain a sleep-wake schedule, exercise regularly, and eat right.

So, you have a pimple in your intimate area. What is the reason? As the most common factors, doctors name, firstly, conditions that are accompanied by hormonal imbalance (these include pregnancy, menopause and the so-called “adolescent age”). In addition, pimples may indicate unsuccessful epilation of the bikini area and non-compliance with hygiene rules. Think about it: are you overusing synthetic underwear? The appearance of rashes can also be triggered by poor diet, severe stress, and sexually transmitted infections.


Sebaceous glands

A pimple in an intimate area may well turn out to be enlarged. This is explained by the fact that the skin in the intimate area is thinner and more delicate than anywhere else. This is why sebaceous glands are easily mistaken for pimples. Such skin formations will not cause you the slightest harm - of course, if you do not squeeze them out. Otherwise, your skin may suffer. The best thing you can do is to train yourself to regularly treat inflamed areas with special antibacterial agents. In addition, it is necessary to maintain personal hygiene (wash daily and change underwear regularly) and avoid junk food.


However, a pimple on an intimate place may not be as harmless as it seems. If in appearance it resembles this, this indicates that it looks rather unaesthetic, and besides, such pimples can be very painful and, when ripe, stain panties.

It is quite possible to remove the purulent one yourself. To do this, carefully wash the affected area with warm water, wipe dry and apply a compress of aloe pulp over the inflammation (just take a leaf, cut it in half and secure with a bandage). The compress should be left overnight. This remedy will relieve inflammation in just a few days - the very next morning you will see that the pimple has significantly decreased in size. You can also treat the abscess with hydrogen peroxide several times a day (you can buy it at the pharmacy). In order to speed up the process of pimple maturation, you can use iodine or All these remedies are quite cheap, but very effective. on an intimate place is not recommended: this will only make things worse.

If your skin in the groin area is covered with white subcutaneous tubercles, these are nothing more than cysts. Their appearance is explained quite simply: the sebaceous gland is closed by the skin, as a result of which fat accumulates under the skin. It hardens quite quickly, so it is not possible to squeeze it out. Removal of cysts is performed surgically and usually takes only a couple of minutes.

Acne affects any part of the body where there are hair follicles and sebaceous glands. This disease most often occurs due to hormonal changes, as a result of stress, medications, and environmental conditions. Acne treatment is also necessary for genital infections. Only doctors - a dermatovenerologist, urologist or gynecologist - will be able to establish an accurate diagnosis and offer appropriate therapy. Experts recommend home remedies and natural medicines as a supplement.

Symptoms and treatment of acne on the external genitalia

Itching, burning, and sometimes pain are the first signs of infection and inflammation of the skin. zone is no exception. Red or white pimples appear in women on the body along the panty line, on the labia majora. The pores become clogged with dead epidermal cells and sebum, resulting in the formation of acne.

Common causes of acne in the intimate area:

  • improper hair removal during hair removal;
  • underwear made of synthetic fabrics;
  • inflammation of the sweat glands;
  • hypothermia.

When the top of a pimple becomes white or yellowish, this indicates a secondary bacterial infection, the formation of pus.

One of the common sexually transmitted infections is genital herpes. The disease manifests itself as a rash in the form of blisters of varying sizes in the vaginal area. Symptoms of some sexually transmitted diseases resemble acne in the intimate area.

Different forms of skin rashes can occur with dermatitis. Lesions in the form of itchy small red bumps often occur with allergies. You should pay attention to the intestines and acne - treatment of intoxication and constipation is mandatory to get rid of a cosmetic defect. It is necessary to be thoroughly examined to detect and eliminate problems with the gastrointestinal tract. The treatment regimen prescribed by the doctor may include the use of an antibiotic and a means to restore normal microflora.

Consult your doctor before attempting to self-treat acne on any area of ​​your skin or mucous membranes.

To treat acne on the genitals in women, topical antibacterial agents, in particular benzoyl peroxide, are used. Fighting infection helps reduce inflammation, which means itching and pain go away. In addition, drugs are needed to accelerate cell renewal - tissue regeneration. Healing ointments with allantoin and bepanthen are well suited for treating acne spots.

Traditional medicine recommends using infusions of chamomile, marigold and nettle in the form of compresses and baths. An excellent natural remedy used to treat acne in the intimate area in women is lavender essential oil. This plant has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and soothing properties. Add aromatic oil to foam or sea salt for a bath.

Acne on the genitals in men: treatment and prevention

The stronger sex should be alerted to an inflammatory disease - balanitis - redness and a pustular rash near the glans. In addition, the man feels itching and burning in the penis area. The most common cause is anaerobic microorganisms and fungi of the genus Candida.

Possible causes of red or pink pimples on the genitals of men include genital herpes, dermatitis, and insect bites.

Treatment of red pimples on the head in men in the early stages:

  • use furatsilin, potassium permanganate, hydrogen peroxide (antiseptics) for treatment;
  • use antibacterial soap in the shower - boric, sulfur, tar;
  • wash the groin area with infusions of antimicrobial herbs - thyme, yarrow.

You should be wary of secondary infection and complications of the disease. In this case, antibiotics with sulfonamide drugs help.

The patient can get rid of a minor rash with the help of folk remedies and immunostimulating drugs. If the disease starts, local and systemic treatment of red pimples on the head in men with antibiotics and antifungal drugs will be required. The use of various healing ointments is indicated, for example, Pantoderma or Solcoderm.

The condition is aggravated by injuries to the external genitalia. In case of complications, acne treatment with laser helps, stimulating regenerative processes in the skin. This type of therapy is becoming increasingly popular for viral infections of the genital organs of men and women.

Treatment for hormonal acne

Red rashes can occur with diseases of the endocrine system. Such problems accompany periods of hormonal surges, namely puberty, pregnancy and menopause in women. In addition, endocrine disorders occur due to stress, weight changes, and overwork. The location of hormonal acne in women is marked with numbers 1–14 in the figure below.

Failures in the hormonal system of the weaker sex are carefully eliminated by oregano, which has long been called the “female herb”. The infusion increases the production of estrogen and normalizes the menstrual cycle. Dried crushed oregano is brewed with boiling water (2 tbsp per 200 ml). One portion of the infusion is divided into two doses and consumed warm before meals.

Treat hormonal acne in women with common hop cones, wormwood, sage, mint and lemon balm. The infusion is obtained by brewing 1–2 tbsp. l. herbs in a cup of boiling water.

You should consult your doctor about treating the rash at home. Folk remedies do not always help get rid of the defect, because the hormonal levels are constantly “jumping”. Only a specialist will determine the causes of rashes in the intimate area and, after a full examination, will prescribe adequate treatment for hormonal acne. Doctors, with the help of modern diagnostic equipment and drugs, can keep this complex process under control.

Pimple on an intimate place in women is a fairly common problem that is always a sign of poor health.

The rash can occur both in the pubic area and on the labia.

Types of acne

Pimples in the intimate area can be completely different: white and watery, subcutaneous and inflamed. A common problem among women is irritation and rashes after waxing.

These are the so-called "harmless" pimples. Accumulations of white liquid appear at the site of the hair follicle, and if a woman takes care of her hygiene, they disappear in a couple of days.

Such rashes should not be a cause for panic. But to ensure that the problem does not arise again, we advise you to change the method of depilation.

Do not cause harm to health and small black pimples. They appear on oily skin due to bacteria entering an open pore. Rashes of this kind disappear on their own within 3-5 days.

Purulent pimple- this is a more serious problem. It is painful and quite large, and the site of its origin often becomes swollen.

Also common subcutaneous acne. They are not visible, but are noticeable only to the touch; are formed in place of the sebaceous gland and often develop into fatty cysts.

Bright red pimples on the genitals- evidence of overwork or disease of the endocrine system. It's another matter if they spread not only in the groin area. Such rashes often indicate hormonal changes in the body.

Hard watery pimple- This is most likely a manifestation of the human papillomavirus or herpes. Perhaps the most unpleasant are acne in the intimate area on the mucous membrane.

Boils are especially dangerous: If you do not see a doctor in time, they can cause an abscess and blood poisoning.

Causes of acne

If a woman has a pimple in an intimate place - you don’t need to immediately look for a dangerous sexually transmitted disease! Most often, such an unpleasant situation arises due to basic lack of personal hygiene.

Another most common cause of acne is decreased immunity and hormone imbalance.

you constantly wear tight synthetic underwear? Then the appearance of irritation and rash in the groin area is quite natural. Give preference to soft bikinis that contain more than 70% cotton.

If the pimple does not go away within a few days and you are confident in your cleanliness, Please note the following list of reasons which may cause rashes:

  1. Hypothermia or overheating. A sharp change in temperature leads to disruption of blood circulation, which often results in redness and pimples.
  2. Disruption of the sebaceous glands. If they begin to function incorrectly, excess fat does not come out, but accumulates under the skin, forming fat plugs.
  3. Reaction to medications. If you start taking a new drug and notice a rash, be sure to tell your doctor.
  4. Stress and lack of sleep weaken our body, exposing it to pathogenic flora.

Diseases that cause acne

If the rash does not go away on its own, it may indicate the presence of a sexually transmitted disease. In this case, you need to go to a gynecologist-venereologist, who will tell you what to do if a pimple pops up in an intimate place.

The most common disease is genital herpes. The defeat occurs in just a few hours; Its peculiarity is small blisters and severe itching.

Severe venereal disease, the symptom of which is a rash - syphilis. In addition to purulent acne, high fever and weakness appear.

Minor rash in the bikini area may indicate about the presence of pubic lice. In this case, you need to remove hair from the affected area and treat the surface with an antiseptic.

Hard pimples with purulent content- signs of molluscum contagiosum. This “infection” is transmitted both sexually and through household contacts.

Treatment of acne in intimate areas

The affected area should always be kept clean. Before applying the following tips, Wash your skin with warm water and soap and pat dry with a soft towel..

If acne does not hurt, there is no fever or weakness, try:

  • Apply aloe pulp to a purulent pimple. It is best to do this at night and secure it with a woven bandage;
  • use iodine to speed up ripening. Apply a cotton pad soaked in iodine to the skin for a few minutes twice a day;
  • Apply Vishnevsky ointment or Levomekol to the pimple.

If the rash does not go away for more than a week, you should contact an antenatal clinic. Self-medication is a big mistake.

Only a qualified doctor can correctly determine the causes and treatment of acne in intimate places!

Practically For all sexually transmitted diseases, a course of antibiotics is prescribed and antiviral drugs. And in some cases it is impossible to do without the intervention of a surgeon.

In this article we will talk about the problem of an intimate pimple or a purulent pimple on an intimate place.

Having discovered a pimple in such an intimate place as the groin, just in case, you should seek advice from specialists about “happiness that has fallen in.” It is possible that the origin of acne is of a harmless “nature”, but the possibility cannot be ruled out that this is an alarming signal that the body has been damaged by a serious illness.

What Causes Pimples in Private Parts

The most common reasons for the formation of pimples in intimate places are:

  • hormonal imbalance that accompanies adolescence, as well as caused by menopause and pregnancy;
  • “side effects” of depilation – skin inflammation, “ingrown hairs”;
  • non-compliance with diet and the negative consequences of excess stressful situations in life;
  • accumulation of “impurities” in the groin and, as a result, the creation of favorable conditions for the growth of bacteria due, for example, to reluctance to visit the shower stall again;
  • allergies after taking medications;
  • difficult “breathing” of the skin due to tight-fitting underwear;
  • manifestation of sexually transmitted infections.

Non-troubling acne in the intimate area

Sometimes, acne is confused with hair follicles - white dots of a dense structure. These natural “objects” of further hair growth are not worth close study and concern.

Similarly, sebaceous glands are sometimes mistaken for acne, which are confusing with their hypertrophied appearance in intimate areas, where the skin is much thinner compared to other areas of the skin of the body. Therefore, the glands, standing out strongly, are “conspicuous”.

If these “innocent” pimples still “get in the way of life,” then it is worth getting rid of them with the help of antibacterial treatment, maintaining hygiene and taking appropriate vitamins. The main thing is not to squeeze out intimate pimples!

The result of inflammation of the sebaceous glands - dense ulcers, with color variations from light shades of red to dark, are treated with fairly simple methods. You should first clean the unfavorable area of ​​the skin with a water-soap solution, let the skin dry, and then proceed to one of the following procedures:

  1. Aloe juice has the ability to heal purulent formations within 3-4 days. The opened leaf of the plant is attached to the problem area with a bandage for this period. The result will not be long in coming - soon, under the healing effect of aloe, the skin will get rid of the annoying abscess and be completely restored.
  2. Hydrogen peroxide and Levomekol ointment are excellent means of getting rid of ulcers. It is necessary to treat the pimple with one of these compounds twice a day until it completely disappears. Vishnevsky and ichthyol ointments also cope effectively with the task. As a rule, they are applied at night.
  3. Iodine promotes intensive maturation of the abscess. To achieve this goal, apply cotton wool soaked in iodine to the pimple for 5-10 minutes.

Fat cysts

Fat cysts appear as small lumps under the skin, usually white in color. Their occurrence occurs due to blockage of the sebaceous gland by skin growths. As a result, the fatty consistency is forced to accumulate and harden, forming hard lumps. Cysts do not cause pain-related discomfort and are removed with a short and simple surgical operation.

Venereal diseases

The triumph of “sexual freedom”, which began a quarter of a century ago, brought with it an intensive spread of sexually transmitted diseases. Moreover, despite the already “rich” range of infections that enter the body through sexual relations, according to statistics, it is expanding every day.

The pubis, perineum, labia - these intimate places are covered with pimples, as indicators of possible infection with such an infection. If acne is also accompanied by fever, inflammation of the lymph nodes in the groin, burning and itching in the genital area, then you should “sound the alarm” and, without delay, consult a venereologist.


Syphilis is one of the most serious sexually transmitted diseases, which can be “caught” both during sexual intercourse and through innocent everyday means.

The danger of syphilis lies in the manifestation of its signs, for example, pustular formations and ulcers on the mucous membrane, labia (maybe around the anus), only a month and a half after infection. Therefore, at first you may not even suspect that you are infected with syphilis, which in the future, without treatment at first, leads to an exacerbation of the disease. Sore throat, weakness, temperature fluctuations, the aforementioned purulent pimples and ulcers “attack” the body more and more.

The fight against syphilis is carried out with antibiotics. The duration of the course of treatment depends on the “advanced” state of the infectious disease.

Genital herpes

More quickly, compared to syphilis, symptoms of another representative of the “family” of sexually transmitted diseases are detected -. The characteristic rash of “bubbles” on the genitals and pubis appears after being affected by the “infection” for a week. In addition to intimate places, such blistering formations are also located on the lips (a well-known “cold”).

Blisters cause itching, burning and swelling of the skin. Their internal consistency of purulent origin is sooner or later squeezed out - and the blister turns into an ulcer, which over time “heals” and heals.

Exacerbation of genital herpes can be caused by factors such as concomitant colds, nervous tension and pregnancy.

This disease can only be suppressed by antiviral drugs. It is not yet possible for medicine to rid people who regularly suffer from herpes from this scourge forever.

Bartholin gland cyst

Problems with the normal functioning of the excretory duct can cause the formation of a Bartholin gland cyst. Unable to be eliminated from the body in the usual way, the gland fluid accumulates under the surface of the skin and hardens. Such tubercles can be seriously disturbing and cause discomfort during sex and walking if the cyst is severely inflamed or the gland becomes infected. The “culprits” of the disease are E. coli, staphylococcus, gonococcal or chlamydial infections.

When suffering from infectious bartholinitis, the labia minora in the area of ​​the cyst that appears swells significantly, an increased body temperature and pain are observed.

Treatment of the cyst is accompanied by the use of antibiotics and is carried out by installing a Word catheter on the sore spot, or using the marsupilization procedure.

Pubic lice usually “settle” in the hair covering the genital area. It is also possible that they will seize the “territories” of the armpits, eyebrows and eyelashes. The transition of lice to “new victims” most often occurs during intimate intimacy, but infection is possible without it. Insects suck blood, irritating the skin, which causes scabies and acne formation.

Symptoms of molluscum contagiosum include unusually shaped pimples. They look like hard pink cones with a cheesy consistency inside. The “infection” is transmitted both through household and sexual contact.

In the absence of problems with the immune system, acne will disappear naturally over time. If the body cannot overcome the disease on its own, then specialists can prescribe a course of medication or intervene surgically.