How to deal with panic fear. VSD treatment - treatment of vegetovascular dystonia

Stress, which has become a familiar companion modern life, found himself insidious henchmen - panic attacks. They can overtake you everywhere - at home, on important meeting, in public transport… And although the sensations in such a situation, to put it mildly, are uncomfortable, everyone can cope with an attack. The main thing is not to let him take over. the site will reveal the secrets of how to effectively and as quickly as possible get rid of a panic attack.

What are panic attacks

Panic attacks It's not fatal, but it's very, very annoying. A person is suddenly seized by a feeling of terrible anxiety, accompanied by fear - an inexplicable feeling and this is especially painful. Combined with various somatic symptoms these feelings for a person becomes simply unbearable, and if you do not curb them at the very beginning, then it can even come to the occurrence of phobias. To prevent this from happening, it is important to learn how to cope with seizures.

Panic attacks are nothing more than a reaction of the body to a failure in communication between the brain and the body. This misunderstanding, like any other, can be resolved if you master simple secrets.

Before starting any fight, it is worth studying the enemy. What are panic attacks? This is an attack lasting from several minutes to several hours with a feeling of severe anxiety and fear. To put it simply: this is a malfunction in the system of the brain, resulting in a kind of false alarm with the release of adrenaline, which puts the body on alert. The body immediately reacts to potential danger:

  • heartbeat and breathing quicken,
  • increased sweating,
  • blood pressure rises
  • nausea occurs
  • suffering from insomnia.

Breathing problems can cause choking, dizziness, numbness in the limbs, even fainting. This is where fear appears - an ally of a panic attack. It may seem to a person that he is going crazy, he incurable disease and he dies. Naturally, he begins to scroll through all the options, and anxiety grows like a snowball. To prevent this from happening, it is important to stop the panic attack at the very beginning - at the stage of adrenaline rush, not allowing the snowball to turn into an avalanche that can cover your head.

So, it did happen! Don't hesitate, but don't rush either. Read these simple tips, and, perhaps, you will be able to extinguish an attack of this disease.

  1. Breathe. Breathe slowly into a paper bag (as American movie characters often do) or by placing your palms over your mouth to restore the rhythm of breathing.
  2. Drink. But not intoxicating, but quite the opposite: in small sips cold water(100-150 ml).
  3. Wash up. Cool water brings to the senses. Rinse your face as you visualize the causes of the panic attack being washed away. If you have a can of thermal water, use it.
  4. Talk. With friends, relatives on the phone, with virtual interlocutors on the network, with a diary or with a random companion if trouble overtook you, for example, in the subway. Talk about something pleasant, exciting for you. If there is no one around or you do not want to talk to strangers, talk to ... yourself. Speak out loud (if you are at home) everything you do. Find for yourself, your loved one, words of encouragement, reassurance.
  5. Distance yourself. Realize that your emotions are short-lived and will soon evaporate. So let go of your thoughts and take the position of a passive observer.

Remember: a panic attack is not a death match. So do not fight, do not argue with him, otherwise the level of adrenaline will increase, anxiety will increase. Mentally “step back” and watch from the side as his strength is depleted.

  1. Sing. If you are not in public place, tighten a fun song, focusing on its content and mentally imagining a video sequence for words.
  2. Take hands. Rub your palms until you feel warmth in them, remember an expander or a simple rubber ball, shake your hands.
  3. Relax the body. Ideally, lie down and turn on calm music. Imagine that you are a fluff that hovers over a flowering meadow that breathes peace.

  1. To solve problems. It doesn’t matter which ones: remember a theorem, solve a crossword puzzle, create a new route to work, play a game downloaded to your phone, describe on foreign language everything that you see in front of you ... The main thing is to switch the brain from a panic attack to solving a problem.
  2. Stroke the fur of a cat, dog, hamster. Talk to your pet. If you have an aquarium at home, great! Look at the smooth movements of the fish and tell them how beautiful they are, how lucky you are to have such silent friends.
  3. Chew. For example, chewing gum. Well, if it is menthol.
  4. Be the boss. When the fear begins to slowly go away, tell yourself: “I decide everything here, because I am in charge. I turned off the "adrenaline faucet", so, body, calm down! You are in my power. And I'm fine!".

Forewarned is forearmed. We hope the site's tips will help you destroy the monster called a panic attack in the bud. However, a visit to the doctor will be very helpful!

A panic attack is a sudden causeless attack panic. The attack is accompanied by neurological and cognitive disorders and gives the patient a lot of discomfort. Everyone should know how to get rid of panic attacks on their own.

It should be understood why panic attack symptoms begin and treatment at home. A panic attack is a short-term attack during which neurological, mental and motor disorders occur. The nature of a panic attack is neurological disorder. The causes of the pathology are still not exactly understood. Likely Causes occurrence of panic attacks:

Seizures occur spontaneously under the influence of some negative factor. It can be stress and emotional overstrain, physical activity, being in the crowd.

Seizures may result from various diseases and pathologies of internal organs. It is not uncommon for panic attacks to occur as a result of hormone therapy, stroke and coronary disease brain.

Panic attacks often occur in emotionally unstable people. This condition is observed in drug addicts and patients who abuse alcohol. A trigger for the development of panic attacks can be any phobia or emotional overstrain.

Panic attack symptoms

A panic attack is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • sudden feeling fear and anxiety;
  • fear for your life;
  • internal overvoltage;
  • emotional arousal;
  • lack of control over the situation.

Seizures are also accompanied by a violation heart rate, shortness of breath, nausea and vomiting. Headache and nausea may also occur.

Patients during an attack note disorientation and dizziness. Many complain of lack of air or pain in the heart area.

During an attack, chills, hand tremors, blanching of the face and increased sweating. Many note sudden appearance phobia. The symptoms of a panic attack are different for each patient and depend on many internal factors.

How does an attack go?

The duration of the attack and the accompanying symptoms vary. To start an attack, some kind of trigger is needed - a situation that causes panic. A strange smell can act as such a trigger, loud noise or being in a crowd.

Seizures often begin while shopping at large shopping malls. In this case, the failure of the nervous system occurs due to being in an open space, in a crowd of people.

The first panic attack can happen with a strong experience or emotional overstrain. Failure of the nervous system is possible after severe stress.

At the beginning of an attack, a person feels only a rapid heartbeat or excessive sweating. Then, after a while, the patient is overtaken by panic, which can manifest itself in different ways. Some patients report a sudden feeling of unreasonable fear for their lives, while others experience panic and confusion.

A panic attack can last from a few minutes to two to three hours. The symptoms develop very quickly. This condition is more common in young women, but men are not immune from sudden fear.

The first attack in the life of the patient does not last long. This condition quickly passes, leaving behind fear and concern. own health. Not everyone knows what a panic attack is, so patients begin to worry about possible pathologies heart, blood vessels and brain.

Why are seizures dangerous?

A panic attack does not kill, but the condition needs to be treated. Due to the frequently repeated attacks, patients develop various phobias. In most cases, there is a fear of the next attack.

This condition can overtake a person anywhere. Because of this, patients try to minimize their own social relationships. The whole life of the patient is restructured so that possible repetition a panic attack did not overtake him in a public place. People stop going to large stores and going to crowded places. In especially severe cases, patients become recluses.

Since the disease is a disorder of the nervous system, the patient's performance often suffers due to it and the risk of complications is high. These complications include:

  • asthenia;
  • neurasthenia;
  • neurosis;
  • phobias;
  • depression;
  • hypochondria.

The nervous system is depleted due to frequent seizures, which may lead to the development asthenic syndrome. The aggravation of phobias leaves an imprint on the daily activities of the patient, which leads to a forced change in the work schedule and daily routine.

With recurring panic attacks, home treatment is carried out in two ways - medication and folk methods.

Diagnosis of pathology

The diagnosis is made only after the exclusion of organic pathology of the internal organs. First you need to contact a therapist. The doctor will examine and send to another specialist for carrying out necessary examinations internal organs. To exclude pathologies and chronic diseases, it is necessary to consult a neurologist and a cardiologist.

Examinations of the heart, brain and vascular condition are mandatory. The final diagnosis is made either by a neurologist or a psychiatrist.

You should not be afraid of visiting a psychiatrist. This specialist will write necessary drugs and prescribe the scheme and duration of treatment.

Medical therapy

Medical therapy carried out with the help of the following drugs:

  • antidepressants;
  • tranquilizers;
  • neuroleptics;
  • sedatives.

Treatment is aimed at restoring the activity of the nervous system and strengthening it. An important stage of treatment is the normalization of sleep.

Antidepressants help relieve stress and nervous strain. These drugs are taken for a long course, about 6-10 months.

The best remedy for dealing with panic attacks is tranquilizers. The drugs depress the activity of the nervous system and cause some drowsiness, but along with this, there is a feeling of fear, tachycardia, shortness of breath and pain in the heart area. The disadvantage of such drugs is a number side effects. Tranquilizers are good to use as ambulance with an impending attack, it is not recommended to take these drugs for a long time due to the withdrawal syndrome.

Antipsychotics normalize the activity of the nervous system, improve the blood supply to the brain and help get rid of emotional overexcitability. These medicines relieve symptoms autonomic dysfunction and relieve psychomotor disorders.

Sedative medications are prescribed to improve sleep. These drugs are rather weak and will not be able to get rid of an attack, however, in combination with other drugs sedatives help to normalize the activity of the nervous system.

How to get rid of an attack folk methods

Treatment for panic attacks folk remedies carried out with the help of soothing herbs.

  1. Mix in equal proportions mordovnik, dandelion grass, chicory, licorice root, valerian root and St. John's wort. In total, you will need 30 grams of a mixture of these herbs. Pour the resulting mixture warm water and boil for about 15 minutes. After cooling, the collection is taken in a third of a glass daily. The course of treatment is three months. Such a collection has a positive effect on the nervous system, normalizes sleep and relieves stress.
  2. Pour 10 g of oregano with a glass of boiling water, after cooling, drink half a glass. The course of treatment is two months. Every day you should drink half a glass of decoction half an hour before meals.
  3. Alcohol tincture of oregano: pour a large spoonful of the plant with half a glass of alcohol and leave to infuse in a dark place for a week and a half. Then the medicine is taken daily in a teaspoon for two months.
  4. The motherwort is effective remedy to deal with stress. It is necessary to pour two large spoons of dry grass with two glasses of water and boil for about 20 minutes. Then the medicine is filtered and taken in a large spoon daily for a month.
  5. Soothing tea: mix a small spoonful of lemon balm and mint, pour boiling water over it and leave for twenty minutes. Tea should be drunk one glass daily before bedtime.
  6. sleep disorder medication to help nervous tension: pour two large spoons of linden with boiling water and let it brew until cool. Drink one glass of decoction daily before bed.
  7. Chamomile tea: chop chamomile flowers and pour boiling water over them. To make tea, you need a glass of water and big spoon flowers. Tea should be drunk daily in one glass.

Traditional methods of treatment are aimed at relieving nervous tension and calming the nervous system. These teas and decoctions help normalize sleep and get rid of stress.

It is important to remember that some medicinal plants poisonous and if taken incorrectly can cause the development of side effects. Before starting treatment folk methods should rule out the possibility allergic reaction and consult with your doctor about whether it is possible to take folk remedies in a particular case.

How to help yourself

As a rule, the onset of a panic attack is indicated by an increase in heart rate, disorientation, or dizziness. How quickly the symptoms will increase depends on various factors. At this stage, you can stop the attack with willpower alone, if you know how to remove a panic attack.

Feeling the approach of a panic attack as the appearance of a sudden fear, you should pull yourself together and try to calm down. Then it is recommended to perform several breathing exercises. To do this, take a shallow breath, and then two long exhalations. At the expense of "time" a shallow breath is taken, the stomach protrudes at this time. The first exhalation is carried out at the expense of "two", and the stomach is retracted at this time. Then, with the abdomen drawn in, another exhalation is made at the expense of "three". The exercise should be repeated ten times.

Another exercise is to breathe into the bag. To do this, you need to take a tight bag, take a deep breath and exhale the air into the container. Then take a breath of air from this bag. The exercise is repeated ten times.

Before the onset of an attack, feeling the first symptoms, it is recommended to rinse your face and hands. cool water and moisten the pulse points with water. You can drink a glass of clean cool water, adding a little sugar to it.

Another way to deal with seizures is auto-training for panic attacks. This will help both defeat a panic attack and reduce the frequency of attacks.

It helps to get rid of an attack by artificially raising your mood. To do this, you need to sit down, relax and force yourself to smile. Smiling, you need to read aloud a positive poem, a prayer, or a few motivating statements. You need to try to take your mind off your inner feeling. To do this, it is recommended to switch attention to some foreign object.

Seizure Prevention

It takes time to get rid of panic attacks. How to recover from panic attacks, as well as how to stop and prevent an attack - you should find out from your doctor. In order for attacks to occur as rarely as possible, it is recommended to adhere to preventive measures.

  1. A balanced diet will help strengthen the nervous system. The menu should give preference to fruits, vegetables and dairy products avoiding anything fatty and fried.
  2. You should drink a course of B vitamins twice a year, which strengthen the nervous system.
  3. Evening walks help to get rid of insomnia fresh air.
  4. You can improve the activity of the nervous system with the help of sports. Swimming and yoga should be preferred.
  5. It is important not to abuse caffeine and strong tea. You do not need to completely give up coffee and tea, but you need to limit the consumption of these drinks in the afternoon.
  6. It is necessary to observe the regime and abandon night shifts and overtime. This will help you avoid stress.
  7. Normalization of sleep will help strengthen the nervous system. Sleep should be at least eight hours.

With recurring panic attacks, you need to learn how to relax and get rid of stress on your own. To do this, you can sign up for a group auto-training or visit a psychologist. It is also important to provide yourself with a lot of positive emotions.

Panic attacks should not poison a person's life, so it is important to see the problem in time and not delay its solution. medical therapy, preventive measures and folk remedies will help get rid of panic attacks forever.

This article is from the category of those where I write about what I experienced myself ... Panic attack syndrome can only be understood by those who have experienced it myself ... Feelings, I tell you, are far from weak ...

To those who are now suffering from them, I want to say right away: “Don't panic, guys! You do not have a "roof". Are you mental healthy people. And you won't die." Why do I say this so responsibly? Because I myself am a living example. So…

How to deal with a panic attack?


The enemy must be known by sight. The better you know the enemy, the weaker he is.

Panic attack is psychosomatic state. Notice! - NOT a disease.

Signs of a panic attack:

  • strong arousal with tremor (trembling) or, conversely, sudden general weakness,
  • heart palpitations that a person “hears” (how is it? - I will explain below),
  • shortness of breath, shortness of breath, shortness of breath, lump in the throat, nausea,
  • panic, the desire to run wherever your eyes look,
  • terrible fear of death.

All of these manifestations are bodily! Not mental! These sensations are caused by a malfunction in the autonomic nervous system (the most ancient mechanism that is responsible for salvation and survival). At the same time, an imbalance of hormones is connected, which, with nervous system- siblings. The causes of disorders can be different: from momentary stress to accumulated discontent, efforts to restrain unpleasant emotions long time, divorce, loss of loved ones, prolonged psychological stress or pressure. In my case, it was constant discontent yourself. As a result, the internal degree went off scale, and me, against the background normal health, just fell off his feet. Then I really believed that I was dying ... But everything turned out to be easier. The body told me that it was time to change the way of life, the attitude towards myself and others, otherwise ... there would be no second Chinese warning, and the consequences could be worse than the panic attack syndrome.

Now you understand what a panic attack really is, so there is no reason to be afraid for your mental and mental state.


Pills, sports, walking, meditation - what will help? Everything!

This is operational psychology, where in each individual case all methods are good if they give a positive result. There is nothing wrong with taking pills (antidepressants, sedatives). Physics is treated with physics. If you have a toothache, you go to the dentist instead of trying to relieve the pain with breathing exercises. If you have a fever, you take an aspirin instead of trying to persuade the temperature to drop. The human body is not iron. And if needed urgent help, do not test your body for strength. When panic attacks pass, usually the person calmly refuses the pills, without any addiction.

Like any living creature, cat or parrot, human body loves care. It's a walk in the fresh air, good healthy diet, lungs physical exercise(again not suitable for everyone), breathing exercises. Of the latter, the sobbing breathing method of Yuri Vilunas is useful.

Ask your body what kind of care suits it best? Listen, it will tell you for sure. Do you have doubts about whether to communicate with own body?.. But you communicate with your dog, or with a cat ... and you consider it normal.


Meditation, yoga, Chinese gymnastics tai chi. Why are these methods good? They set up spiritually for positive through work with the body. Here and human psychology, aura and chakras, and energy channels, in addition, all body systems are involved. What do I use? Given my case of dissatisfaction with myself, I chose the method of EFT (Technology of Emotional Cleansing). The essence of which is to accept yourself as you are, plus 10-15 minutes of work with points on the body. You can download a short and simple guide to feasibility studies.


The main method of psychology is to understand the cause of the panic attack syndrome. There is no smoke without fire. This means that a fire is still burning somewhere, which, if not extinguished, will periodically remind of itself with smoke - that is, a panic attack. Clients often find that they have had similar feelings - fear, anxiety - before, but not to the same extent. It is in this “before” that we must look for the cause. You can start now:

  • what do panic attacks remind me of?
  • what do they look like?
  • and what good do they do to me?

I feel that in response to the last question I can hear from the reader: “What?! Benefit?! That's bullshit! It defies any logic!" And who talks about logic?.. And nonsense in comparison with what - with your mind, which has the right adult answers ready for everything? By the way, panic attack syndrome is more common in people who tend to control themselves, others, the situation. But what is the reason for this control? Perhaps fear: for a child, for a loved one, fear of being left with nothing or alone ... So much for the “fire”. But only in this case. There are many causes for panic attack syndrome.


Panic and fear of dying during a panic attack are dictated by body sensations, not mental disabilities. By the way, the explanation promised at the beginning of the article is that a person “hears” a rapid heartbeat only if it occurs on nervous ground. And you can calm him not with heartfelt, but sedatives. In real heart disease, tachycardia ( rapid pulse) is not subjectively felt. This is their big difference.

Panic attacks are temporary. Not for life! Often this is a hint that it is time to change the usual way of life, attitude towards yourself and people.

Don't be left alone with this state. Human psychology loves to go outside. In other words, tell about your panic attacks to at least one person who will understand and support you. After all, at any moment you may need his urgent help. As many as five people knew about my attacks, I was not ashamed to talk about it, and we looked for a way out together.

deal with panic attacks difficult for an unprepared person. The attack begins suddenly, develops rapidly, depriving a person of the possibility of an adequate response. Panic may only last a few minutes in reality, but according to the "internal" clock of the patient with VSD, an eternity passes, most which is occupied by thoughts of death, overwhelming anxiety and a complex of other psychosomatic symptoms.

How to stop a panic attack? And can it be prevented? Sooner or later, a person begins to ask similar questions, the solution of which significantly improves the quality of life. Really, VVD syndrome- not a verdict. The problem is not only solvable, but almost always has a favorable prognosis.

The disease of the nerves and soul is cured by professional psychotherapeutic assistance. But each person can start the fight against a panic attack on their own, using any of the methods suggested below. Of course, we are not talking about a complete cure "with your own hands". However, it is possible to reduce the severity of an attack in the periods between psychotherapeutic sessions. You should take "receptions" as a pill that only stops the symptom here and now.

About symptoms and typical behavior during an attack

Panic disorder is a disorder that can be caused by childhood trauma, deep intrapersonal conflict, the consequences of using narcotic substances, chronic stress or other traumatic factor. Everything pathological accumulates in the unconscious - it is difficult for a person to identify real reasons his hyper-anxious state, which often culminates in a panic attack.

An attack is characterized by a number of symptoms, including:

  • shortness of breath, shortness of breath,
  • increased sweating, chills, trembling,
  • heart palpitations,
  • high (low) blood pressure
  • derealization or depersonalization,
  • nausea, stomach cramps,
  • disturbing thoughts about the "final", madness, serious illnesses.

Fear during an attack is so "imprinted" in the mind that even the memory of an attack can cause another psychosomatic surge. Vicious circle closes. The patient is trapped in his own nervousness.

Methods for dealing with anxiety attacks

Panic attack treatment is a large list of technologies that help to cope with sudden attack or prevent its development. Avoid panic attacks completely (and IRR) by independent work with neurosis is almost impossible. Only a qualified psychotherapist can help with any severity of the pathology, because in the arsenal of the "healer of the soul" there are serious rehabilitation opportunities (Ericksonian hypnosis, EDMR therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy).

But what to do when the attack began? The main thing in this case is to calm down and not fuss. Drug relief is unlikely to have an effect, because the effect of the pill will begin no earlier than in 15-30 minutes, when the PA has already ended. Unless the ritual of taking the medicine itself can reduce the level of anxiety. But such dependence on the drug can hardly be called healthy.

The non-pharmacological option of cupping is the most preferable. And these are various psychotherapeutic "manoeuvres", including respiratory complexes, relaxation exercises, methods of observation and analysis of PA, artificial induction of an attack, and a number of others. And such preventive measures as the normalization of the regime, playing sports, walking, refusing bad habits will contribute to the formation healthy body, which is known to contain healthy mind [ , ].

Ways to deal with PA on your own

Switching attention

When anxiety, strong unreasonable fear “covers” or panic has already begun, it is necessary to divert attention by switching it to objects outside world. Calling a friend, watching a movie (comedy), reading a comic magazine, fond memories can prevent a panic attack or lessen its severity.

You need to find your "anchor", which will become a point of support during an attack. It can be an ordinary account, singing a funny song about your PA, planning things for tomorrow, solving children's crosswords. The main thing is to emerge from your "deep" inner peace out, don't go out psychosomatic disorder. After all, only you are the commander of your body. You give orders and steer the course.

Concentrated breathing

You can stop a panic attack by focusing on the process of breathing. Breathe in through your nose, feeling the cold air pass through your nostrils. Imagine that your windpipe is a transparent tube that reaches your belly. Air flows down it, expanding the belly in the process. deep breath. Exhaling slowly, feel the vapor condense on the walls of your glass tube. When leaving the relaxed mouth, the air slowly evaporates. Repeat again and again, achieving complete relaxation and multiplying the pleasant sensations.

In general, with PA, breathing increases significantly due to the release of adrenaline. All breathing techniques are based on bringing this life process in a normal calm direction. You can practice "correct" breathing even outside of seizures, paying attention to slow breaths every day for 3-5 minutes.

Paper bag method

Often, a panic attack can be relieved with a paper bag that is tightly applied to the face. Inhale and exhale into the bag slowly until the seizure stops. The method is based on lowering the oxygen level and increasing carbon dioxide, due to which the gas balance is restored. If there is no package at the time of the attacks, use your own hands - fold them in a boat and start breathing according to the "slow inhale - slow exhale" pattern. You can learn more about the technique of breathing exercises at.

Meditation, autotraining

Meditation is a psychotherapeutic pill for any nervosa. Exist great amount meditation techniques and exercises for auto-training. The concentration of consciousness on some abstract image in a state of deep relaxation helps to strengthen the nervous system, get rid of tension, and achieve a state of peace. Real meditation is not at all chakras, not the astral, but a professional relaxation technique with a strong antidepressant effect. Read about effective auto-training.


Watch the development of your PA from the sidelines. Write down every symptom, every shade of fear, as if you were a spectator or an outside researcher, who meticulously captures the observed phenomena. The result of such behavior is the devaluation of fears, getting used to them, recognizing their true nature.

Image visualization

Try to imagine what your fear or anxiety looks like. Do not create an image intentionally, entrust this process to your imagination or subconscious. Then "destroy" the image in any way - burn it in fire, wash it away with ocean waters, turn the image of fear into a cloud that disappears over the horizon. Also clothe the state of peace and harmony that will cover you after the fear has left in a figurative attire. Imagine what your peace of mind looks like. Consider it carefully, enjoying the peace.


Identify the source of anxiety, present it as an image. Transfer the feeling of fear into a flow of energy that moves in a spiral. Determine the direction of the energy flow: clockwise, against it? Reverse the movement and watch the new flow until you find a sense of psychological comfort. If the new direction does not lead to calm, change it again to the opposite.

"Four forces"

Awareness of the four elements helps not only to get rid of fear, but also to overcome the feeling of dissociation.

The element "earth" is responsible for the feeling of security "here and now". Sit on a chair, feel your feet touch the ground, and the chair firmly supports you. Look around. Find 3 objects in space. Answer what you see in front of you, what you hear around.

"Air" is responsible for breathing and concentration. To realize it, it is necessary to carry out any breathing exercise. You can limit yourself to an elementary deep inhalation-exhalation.

"Water" defines peace and relaxation. With PA, dry mouth is often tormented. Imagine how your salivary glands begin to develop a large number of saliva (think lemon). You can help yourself by drinking water, activating digestive system and inducing relaxation.

“Fire” is the imagination that lights the way to the source of positivity. Where is this resource of happiness located in your body?

The combination of the four elements helps a person to make sure that he is present "here and now", focused, able to relax and find his way to a safe place.

"Golden String"

Stand, feel how the flow of energy falling from the sky in the form of a golden string passes through the crown, throat, stomach, legs, feet and rushes to the center of the earth. Then the energy returns from the depths, passing through the feet, legs, stomach, heart, crown, and goes up. Feel how the energy passes through your body more than once, connecting heaven and earth through you.

"Butterfly Embrace"

This psychotechnique is used to relieve post-stress experiences or to reduce anxiety. Cross your arms over your chest, and left hand lies on the right shoulder, and the right - on the left. Start light alternating tapping. When anxiety increases, the exercise must be stopped.

"Light flow"

You can stop a panic attack using the light flux technique. It is necessary to find the place of localization of fear in the body. Determine its scale, color and texture, shape. After examining the object, a healing light flux should be directed to it, achieving the complete disappearance of disturbing sensations, all unpleasant feelings associated with the object.

"Paint Can"

The technique is effective when it is difficult for a person to return to a neutral state. To do this, you need to put an alarm (fear, bad memory) into an open container or tube of paint. At first, the negative experience rests on the surface, but you stir the paint, dissolving the memory completely.

Postponing fear

You can prevent a panic attack using the R. Wilson method, which teaches a person to control his own fear and manage it. The technology is based on acceptance, but a delay in time: when the PA approaches, you need to “agree” with yourself that you will start worrying in X hours, and not now. With the onset of the agreed hour, you again renegotiate the contract with yourself: I will begin to experience fear in another X hours. The intensity of fear with sequential postponing decreases, the person realizes the controllability of PA.

"Daily Excitement" (R. Wilson)

Wilson's other method is to fix the mind on fear or anxiety. Engage in inducing fear twice a day for about 10 minutes (the duration of the “experiment” is at least 10 days). Postpone all things at the time of the session, immerse yourself in the state strong anxiety experiencing the greatest possible discomfort. Think only of fear. After 10 minutes, get out of this state by breathing exercises and return to the mainstream of ordinary life. The method helps to realize that fear in VVD lasts a limited amount of time. The strength of anxiety decreases, the color of fear fades, the attitude towards the problem changes radically.


By thoughtfully performing any of the exercises, you can prevent a panic attack or eliminate it at the stage of development of an attack. You can choose your "favorite" method and use it during any stressful situation, you can combine techniques - your body will tell you The best way relaxation and opposition to PA.

It is necessary to understand that any panic attack is not your madness, not the approach of death, but an elementary (primitive) reaction of the body. This complex knot of interconnected threads has a rational, not mystical (and certainly not tragic) explanation. Observe the adrenaline rush and accompanying symptoms as a critic. Relentlessly remind yourself of the imminent end of the "performance", it is unlikely that the panic will last more than 5-10 minutes, unless you start adding "oil", that is, experiences.

Of course, not every psychotrauma will cause VVD with panic attacks. But people with a fine mental organization are at a special risk group. Do not rely on pills, the treatment of mental illness with tranquilizers and antidepressants will only aggravate the situation. Suppressing a symptom or syndrome is not the same as curing the disease. Drug therapy gives a result, but temporary. Its cumulative effect is the progression of the disease.

All the exercises outlined above are a temporary measure. Moreover, with frequent use, they, unfortunately, lose their effectiveness. It is impossible to repeatedly convince oneself of calmness and a contemplative attitude towards life when the main problem (the root cause of VSD and PA) has not been solved. In this sense fundamental difference between medicines and psychotherapeutic exercises for independent use.

We do not recommend that our clients engage in "amateur psychotherapy" outside the context of professional help. Any of the methods can aggravate the situation. Unfortunately, today it is popular to be a jack of all trades. But when we are talking about such a complex organization as the psyche, you do not need to test yourself for strength and train for "maybe".

panic disorder ( closed loop PA) can be permanently terminated.

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Wikipedia gives this explanation of PA:
Panic attack
(PA) (vegetative crisis) is an inexplicable, painful for the patient, attack of severe anxiety, accompanied by fear, in combination with various autonomic (somatic) symptoms.
It happens to me too, if it happens long road or a major overhaul.
As I understand it, there is an imbalance between the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems, but I don’t know how to balance them, this is where heart problems begin. I try to load myself physically as much as possible before the upcoming one, so that later I can have a state of relaxation or try something get distracted, i.e. wedge by wedge. Probably you need to learn auto-training, but I'm not very good at it. Someone who is healthier can probably relieve this condition with a small amount of alcohol.
It's really interesting how someone handles this.
  • Registration: 18.06.13 Messages: 58 Acknowledgments: 20

  • Panic attacks are attacks of increased anxiety, accompanied by tachycardia, high blood pressure, dizziness, weakness, fainting, etc. These manifestations make a person think that something bad is happening to his health, for example, he can go crazy, lose consciousness, or even die. It is on these fears that fixation occurs. Further, the person begins to avoid those situations in which he experiences these attacks. Here the circle closes.
    To treat panic attacks, one must first separate the neurotic level from the endogenous level. Endogenous is treated with pills, neurotic - psychotherapy.
    In psychotherapy with PA you can work different ways and tricks. It is better if the specialist knows different areas. First, be sure to explain, inform, up to suggestion that no one has ever died from PA, that PA is a common occurrence in psychological practice, and successfully treated.
    Next, you need to analyze what traumatic events in life occurred before the moment of the first attack. Key moment- how he felt and how he reacted in a traumatic situation. Most often, a personal conflict (controversy) is revealed with high tension and suppression of one's feelings. The task of the psychologist is to bring the repressed anxiety to awareness, to teach how to resolve conflicts in other, more mature ways.
    It happens that the causes of PA lie not in past events, but in future expectations. In any case, the personal characteristics of a person are analyzed as anxiety, suspiciousness, uncertainty. Lack of constructive ways to resolve conflict situations.
    It is also important to consider what personal benefits may come from PA. These benefits are subconscious. For example, tie your husband to you. By the way, in practice this is a very common case.
    I have described an example. In any case, you need to work individually.
  • Registration: 29.08.06 Messages: 15.538 Acknowledgments: 18.385


    Registration: 29.08.06 Messages: 15.538 Acknowledgments: 18.385 Address: Russia, Moscow

    People die of fear, but it must be really FEAR, usually from a sudden, sharp event. If something like this happens during a panic attack and a person perceives it as a materialization of fear, then they can lose their nerves, and this is already bad.
    Example: a person is alone at home at night and it seems to him that there is someone in the house. Is it a robber or devilry. When the panic reaches the point that the hair on the head moves at the slightest knock, someone’s hand falls on the shoulder ... Then it turns out that this is not a hand, but just a towel fell from the hanger, but the deed is done: nervous breakdown, hysteria, and with a sick heart even worse.
    Conclusion: it is necessary to treat the nerves. It would be nice to go to a psychotherapist, but I don’t even know, but we generally have doctors who can work on such cases, really solving the problem. Often such fears are greetings from childhood, from old fears, which we don’t even remember, but traces remain in the subconscious.
    If you have willpower, you can try auto-training and force yourself to step over fear. This is not for romantic natures, few of them are able to cope on their own, for this you need to be a pragmatist.
    Plus drugs that extinguish nervous reaction, sedatives. All - according to the doctor's recommendation.
    I have a similar panic occurs only when spending the night in village houses. Apparently, this is a fear from childhood, then I'm under hot hand got a brownie. Many years have passed, but the fear remains. I try to fall asleep as quickly as possible, convincing myself that these are only my conjectures, and if not conjectures, then the brownies have not killed anyone yet, so we will agree, if anything

  • Registration: 04/09/12 Messages: 484 Acknowledgments: 123

    I also saw a brownie, but I'm only interested. But in terms of that someone is present in the room. Now I was shaking, the pressure jumped a little. There were no veins on the hands. I went to the street, I live in the village, I checked the rules. The shaking passed and the veins in my arms bulged. I'll try to go to sleep. I went to work in the morning, they didn't give me sick leave.
  • Registration: 27.08.12 Messages: 66 Acknowledgments: 337

    I thought about it, and then a comrade from above writes that no one has died from this yet. Is it from high pressure and palpitations cannot occur, at least not death, but irreversible changes in the body?

    I want to note that angina attacks can also be accompanied by anxiety symptoms. Therefore, first you need to separate the flies from the cutlets. If the heart is normal, then these are panic attacks. It is necessary to turn for help not to a neuropathologist, but to a psychiatrist, psychotherapist. They will write to you right pills., And no one has ever died from PA. and irreversible changes do not exist in the body.
    You need to work on the topic -
    I am a medical psychologist. If you want, you can write to me in a personal, I will try to help you.

  • Registration: 04/09/12 Messages: 484 Acknowledgments: 123

    I did not write above that yesterday I also visited a cardiologist, just in case, for a fee. But unfortunately the reception quality did not inspire confidence in me. No research has been ordered. He listened to me and my heart and said that it was something vegetovascular. When an ambulance came to me on the first "bad" night, she took a cardiogram, they said everything was ok. Before that, he passed the driver's medical examination, they also said it was normal. I heard somewhere that a regular cardiogram may not recognize the disease? Thank you Clarisse, perhaps I will write to you in a personal, because I really need help. In our town there is only a psychiatrist in the clinic, but I don’t want to turn to him, I’ll write everything.
  • Registration: 04/09/12 Messages: 484 Acknowledgments: 123

    But can cognac help in these cases. Once on TV I heard how one doctor honey. Sciences said that cognac is good for stress. It also seems to dilate blood vessels. Just don't drink it when it's already happened. and so, as far as possible, prophylactically, instead of sedatives.
  • Registration: 05/26/15 Messages: 25 Acknowledgments: 2


    Registration: 05/26/15 Messages: 25 Acknowledgments: 2 Address: Simferopol

    I had my first PA two years ago. I thought another vascular crisis (I have dystonia mixed type), went to the pharmacy, bought a standard set of pills and drank the course. Usually I have enough for six months - a year. And then a relapse two months later, and this time with a terrible fear that I would die, and there would be no one around. After a triple dose of a sedative, the arrhythmia disappeared, after which the tremor also disappeared, but the feeling of fear did not disappear. She is a psychologist by education, and then, out of habit, she began to look for a problem within herself. She tried to get to the source of the problem, but the fear was so strong that she could not find anything other than him. PA began to be repeated regularly. And then I decided to analyze where I am and with whom, when they happen. It turned out that when I am with someone I know or in a public place, everything is fine. As soon as I am alone and not busy with anything, my head is not busy with anything, and they begin. It turned out that I am afraid of loneliness, I am afraid that when I need help no one will be there. I need a family and children. Now I live with a young man, the panic attacks have stopped, but in a situation of uncertainty and instability, fear returns again.
  • Registration: 04/09/12 Messages: 484 Acknowledgments: 123

    And I still have not clarified for myself finally, what is all the same with me?
    The first time was definitely a pvnicheskaya attack. my wife and I went to bed and I began to tell her about one bad person at my work, how I had a conflict with him, how he promised to take revenge on me, I even thought that he was a sorcerer. Another plus is overwork in recent times, some kind of stress that does not pass, even drank fenozepam. He did help, for a while. But that evening it was not at hand, the recipe was over. Actually, I brought myself up that night and could not calm down, fall asleep. the pressure rose, there was a trembling as in case of poisoning with a temperature and the fear that something very bad was happening to me.
    The second time after drinking as many as 5 pills at once (although I was afraid to drink them and I can say to myself that it could be bad for them, it was in a couple of days.) Which the neurologist prescribed. I also went to bed, and thought about the pills, and then it began - my heart suddenly began to beat sharply, it became scary. But I understood the technique of a panic attack. I just didn't let her take over. Went out into the street and wandered half the night. It was very hard to overcome. but I won.
    But something new happened today. Last night I felt weak, the veins were "blown away" in my arms, it began to hurt in the region. hearts and lion. parts of the torso (this happened to me already and only incredible weakness bothered me). I measured the pressure, the pulse was like that of an astronaut. At night he slept anxiously and did not get enough sleep. Today I went to the regional center for shopping and despite the fact that, as it seemed to me, after drinking a bunch of sedatives I was normal, I became scared. My blood vessels are completely constricted. A lion. side of the body hurt. the head was empty and hurt when lowering it down and swaying. It hurt where the heart is. I even thought that I had a heart. Went to the clinic. sent to a therapist. They took a cardiogram (for the third time) everything is normal. They said you have a hernia in your spine, it could be because of him. They sent me to a neuropathologist again. But today I didn’t get to him, I didn’t go to the paid one. I felt good and even wanted to smile. The therapist has diagnosed VSD. I don't know what to do next. where to go. I’m afraid after today I’m going to have a stroke with my head, because it seems to me that at that moment there was no blood in my head at all. I even felt bad on my left cheek.