Relationship between prostatitis and psychosomatics: psychological causes of diseases according to Louise Hay. Psychosomatics of prostatitis - what emotions can provoke the disease? An unpleasant aftertaste from some events

The prostate gland is a necessary organ for a man who performs important features in his body. It is closely related to the work of the testicles and takes part in maintaining the vital activity of spermatozoa, and the secret of the prostate gland is part of the sperm. Most middle-aged and older men suffer from inflammation of the prostate gland - prostatitis. Many scientists and doctors observe a close relationship between the psychological state of a man and the prostatitis that has arisen in him. The topic of the article is the psychosomatics of prostatitis.

Psychosomatics of prostatitis

Psychosomatic medicine studies the influence of the human psyche on his physical health. Experiencing constantly negative emotions and stress, a person weakens his immune system and becomes open to various diseases. First of all, those organs in which there are already some problems begin to suffer.
According to scientists, the occurrence of prostatitis can be influenced not only by physical, but also psychosomatic causes. A component of a man's psychological health is his confidence in his masculine strength and sexuality for the opposite sex. An important factor will speak normal work genitals, male hormones and glands. Psychosomatic prostatitis occurs in the process of constant experiences of a person, which lead to reduced immunity. With such immunity, a man increases the likelihood of infection entering the prostate gland.

The psychomatics of such a disease as prostatitis is such that in some cases some problems with potency can give impetus to the development of the disease.

Symptoms of concern

The cause of psychosomatic prostatitis can be the experiences of a man associated with such factors:

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Why does psychosomatic prostatitis occur?

Psychosomatic diseases are subject to too emotional and suspicious people. Recognize such anxious person possible on the basis of:

  • sleep disturbance;
  • low self-esteem;
  • the desire to control everything around you;
  • inability to relax or concentrate;
  • all sorts of causeless pain;
  • anxiety for no reason;
  • irritability.

Excessive anxiety and concern caused by the condition own health, which haunts a person constantly for quite a long time long period time

A man with such signs and poor reproductive health is more prone to psychosomatic prostatitis than others. On the basis of constant stress and worries, problems of a sexual nature may arise. A decrease in erection will further affect self-esteem, and obsession with this issue will not give you the opportunity to relax and create a normal atmosphere for the next intimacy.

Such constant moral tension can cause depression. Therefore, it is very important to support a suspicious person at such moments and monitor his morale.

Psychosomatics of prostatitis: who is most susceptible to the disease?

The most prone to psychosomatic prostatitis are:

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Men of these categories are more prone to psychosomatic prostatitis than others. In such a situation, it is very important to try to understand the patient and support him. It is important not to allow a person to convince himself of the incurability of the disease because of his unstable emotional state. It is necessary to provide moral assistance to such a man in time, this can help experienced psychologist.

How to treat psychosomatic prostatitis?

During illness, the psychosomatics of the patient is strongly affected by pain and discomfort due to inflammatory processes in the prostate. Acute prostatitis very quickly turns into chronic form an illness that takes more time and effort to cure. When prescribing an ineffective somatic treatment or long stressful condition the patient may develop neuroses. For the treatment of such mental disorders a man needs to see a psychotherapist or a neurologist.

It is necessary to prescribe to the main list of drugs, the action of which is aimed at eliminating the symptoms of prostatitis, additional drugs

What is abacterial prostatitis and how is it treated?

  • medical gymnastics;
  • massage;
  • manual therapy;
  • acupuncture.

Urologist is treating somatic causes prostatitis. Only when complex treatment physical illness and its moral component can solve the problem of psychosomatic prostatitis.


Trust and mutual understanding in the family solve many problems of the psychological nature of a man. When sexual problems it is better for a man to support him and convince him of the absence of pathologies.

Qualitative prevention of psychosomatic prostatitis will be:

  • proper nutrition;
  • active lifestyle;
  • regular sex life;
  • no bad habits.

Doctors and scientists have proven that there is a direct relationship between psychological factors and. Primarily male diseases arise due to the wrong attitude towards oneself and towards the opposite sex. After all, it is negative emotions, internal fears in relationships with women that cause the development of diseases and their transition to a chronic form. Consider such a burning topic as prostatitis psychosomatics.

The development of various diseases is a consequence of the influence external factors on human immune and hormonal processes. These are atmospheric signs, water, food that people eat. But the main factors of any disease are not in the environment, but in the spiritual world.

The main causes of any disease are in the spiritual world.

Even the ancient Greek sages were sure that the spiritual world is inextricably linked with the physical. A person's health depends on his thoughts, they argued.

It is interesting! The fundamental belief in the treatment of any disease is the cohesion of the "psycho" - the soul and the "soma" - the body.

There are several factors where our thoughts, emotions, experiences can affect the development of physical diseases:

  • experienced emotional stress;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • prolonged stress;
  • suppression of their emotions;
  • internal conflict.

Psychosomatics began to gain wide recognition in modern society and in medical professional circles. Claims have emerged that many diseases have psychosomatic causes. Body and soul unity becomes dominant in the minds of many researchers and physicians.

Useful video: How to treat psychosomatic diseases

The connection of prostatitis with psychosomatics

Inflammation male gland appears in young and adult men. The cause of prostatitis may be hidden behind physiological reasons such as bacterial infection, violation of blood circulation, catarrhal inflammation of the pelvic organs.

Urologists also highlight the psychological causes of prostatitis:

  • Excessive concern for personal well-being, caused by failure in sexual intimacy.
  • A constant feeling of fear that failure may repeat in bed.
  • Treason, protracted strife in the family provoke psychological unwillingness to be close to his wife. On such soil, a decrease in erectile function occurs, and may develop.
  • Lack of constant sexual intimacy.
  • Uncertainty in their abilities.
  • Complexity.

Note! The cause of prostatitis may lie in disrespectful relationships with women.

A man who offends, offends or humiliates the opposite sex is more likely to have diseases of the reproductive organs.

Why prostatitis occurs, psychosomatics gives its answers to this. Well-known world psychologists claim that the undermined moral and psychological state provokes the main symptoms of this disease.

When establishing a diagnosis and prescribing treatment, specialists should take into account the psychological factors that affect the development of sexual diseases in the male half.

Undermined psychological state provokes prostatitis

The impact of the psyche on prostate cancer

Psychosomatics of oncology studies the influence of psychological factors on the development and course of bodily diseases. The tumor becomes an inseparable part of the person, functions with the whole organism. However, this only causes harm. malignant neoplasm kills degenerated cells and the entire system.

Experiences and stresses are sometimes so strong that they can cause prostate cancer. To determine what the disease signals, you need to analyze those parts of the body that the tumor has affected.

The psychosomatics of prostatitis in men identifies several reasons for how the disease can turn into prostate cancer:

  • a painful reaction to jokes and hints associated with the male;
  • shock, strong resentment against a woman;
  • unsettled relationships with the weaker sex;
  • deep disappointment;
  • growing remorse;
  • severe experience of betrayal loved one.

Prolonged stay in depression cancer cells in a short time start metastases.

Solutions to many problems depend on how a man copes with his experiences, reconsiders his worldview. Only after a change in attitude towards oneself can one begin therapy for the patient.

Depression can lead to illness

The relationship of prostate adenoma with the psyche

A certain degree of emotional problems is associated with intimate life men. The quality and quantity of a man's sexual energy is reflected in the state of his genitals.

The connection of prostate adenoma with mental experiences can be traced in the lack of stability in sexual life.

Urologists prescribe a complex therapeutic measures aimed at stabilizing mental state sick. If you ignore the psyche of a man, the disease can worsen.

Cases have been recorded when, having diagnosed prostate adenoma, the study of psychosomatic causes made it possible not to use surgical intervention. The psychologist helped the patient undergo a course of treatment, sort out his problems, which had accumulated for a long time and prevented the man from living a full life.

Books on psychosomatics

The experience of many people who have understood the principles of psychosomatics testifies to the possibility of recovering from the most serious diseases.

You can restore health with a great desire, faith in success and the help of professionals.

Books by Louise Hay

The Louise Hay methodology is based on extensive materials collected in the process of studying diseases. Personal experience The writer helped many people get rid of fears, experiences, reveal their personal potential and overcome the disease.

  • change consciousness and judgment;
  • get rid of old principles;
  • learn to accept your masculine power;
  • To be self-confident;
  • rejoice in your success.

In her books, Louise Hay personifies the prostate with a symbol of the male position.

If you learn to love yourself with all your heart, accept your young spirit, approve your actions, you will begin to fully function.

The prostate is treated with positive affirmations, which are listed in the book of a wise woman. Often stereotypes of thinking are laid down in childhood. Therefore, a man should try to build on his own personal life improve your physical and emotional state.

Teachings of Liz Burbo on psychosomatics

Liz Burbo is a philosopher, psychologist, author of numerous bestsellers of educational literature. She believes that the male gland unites a person with his energy center. If a man over 50 has health problems, then this shows that he is tired of life. He experiences a situation in which he feels helpless or powerless.

Men's diseases signal that a person should get rid of the old and start living in a new way.

The teachings of the Canadian writer say that the main metaphysical and karmic reason adenomas in the disharmonious relation of a man to himself. Illness is a means that a person must use for personal development.

Useful video: consultations on the interpretation of the psychosomatic causes of diseases according to the method of Liz Burbo

Differences between psychosomatics and esotericism

There are two views on all diseases: scientific and anti-scientific. In psychosomatics, the main tool for treatment is psychology. The patient is helped to conduct introspection, to replace the usual self-destructive emotional reactions with positive ones.

Metaphysics, esotericism do not have a scientific basis, therefore they are not science.

Note! Both psychosomatics and metaphysics make every effort to heal a person.

Useful video: Louise Hay - sickness from the mind


The emotional state of a person is directly related to his diseases. Psychosomatics shows that there is a direct link between sexual dysfunction and prostatitis. The disease occurs for a reason, it helps to realize, get rid of rooted views and be confident in the constant youth of your body.

AT book by Louise Hay "Heal Your Body" physical illnesses and ailments, their probable psychological reasons, affirmations for health (positive attitudes), healing diseases are given.

You can believe this or not. Try to analyze the data from the table in relation to your relatives or friends, whose problems you know.
Most people who have done this kind of analysis agree with Louise Hay.

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Is there a connection between kidney disease and psychosomatics?

Not always the cause of diseases lies in physiology. Sometimes the etiology of a particular disease is explained by psychological reasons.

Psychosomatics also explains pain in the left or right kidney with emotional problems, while such diseases can be quite serious, even if the experiences or stresses that provoked the development of the disease were not very significant.

Psychological causes of kidney disease in adults and children

Psychosomatics is a separate area of ​​medicine that studies the impact of external and internal psychological factors on the human body in terms of the appearance of various diseases on a psycho-emotional basis.

According to one of the main provisions of psychosomatics, provoke the development of such diseases The following stressful situations can:

  • trouble at work
  • unfavorable home environment;
  • conflicts between children and parents;
  • constant psychological pressure from one of the spouses in the family;
  • complexes from which a person is not able to get rid of;
  • in some cases, diseases may occur not due to certain psychological problems, but against the background of an unstable emotional background.

At the same time, psychosomatics explains differences between pathologies of the left and right kidney.

From an anatomical point of view, the right kidney maintains internal pressure in these organs and is more involved in blood purification processes. In this regard, violations of the emotional plan, affecting the will and desires of a person, negatively affect the energy balance, which leads to a deterioration in the functioning of the right kidney.

In its turn left kidney, prone to failures in case of problems in terms of feelings and inner experiences.

The psychological origin of various pathologies

Exist various pathologies kidney that develop against the background of certain emotional states and violations:

    Causes urolithiasis and renal colic from the point of view of psychosomatics, this is the result of negative experiences in the past, but such experiences were strong enough not only to preserve the memory of oneself in the present, but also to disrupt the functioning of internal organs.

Particularly susceptible to such diseases are not only people who have experienced serious psycho-emotional problems, but also those who cannot come to terms with the consequences that have arisen as a result of this.

Pyelonephritis often occurs in those who are engaged in an unloved business, regardless of whether the person is aware of this problem or not.

"Unloved thing" in this case can be like professional activity, and leisure, which is regularly imposed on a person (a typical example is the need for a husband to attend events in his free time that his wife likes, but causes negative emotions in him).

  • Inflammation in the kidneys characteristic pathology for people who do not know how to forgive others for their actions, and if such forgiveness occurs, it still remains a negative trace in the memory of the patient.
  • The appearance of pathologies vascular system kidneys is directly related to the emotional component of a person's character.

    If he has a gentle character and is an optimist by nature, the vessels will be in good shape, while if kindness and optimism flow into softness and lack of will, then the vessels of such a person will be elastic.

    But this is better than being the owner of a tough and stern disposition: in this case, the capillaries and blood vessels also become stiff, and in anatomy, the harder the tissues are, the more fragile they are, and in relation to the vessels, this means the risk of damage to the vascular walls during blood pressure drops.

    Cancer of the kidneys, as well as other organs, is a consequence of the occurrence of insoluble life situations that do not give a person peace of mind and interfere in life so much that further existence with such problems seems impossible.

    Also, pessimistic natures are more prone to kidney cancer, who do not see and do not try to look for the good in the world around them and in themselves.

    It cannot be unequivocally stated that all kidney diseases come from negative emotions, but knowing what a certain pathology is associated with, you can change your outlook on life, thereby by running internal recovery mechanisms and sometimes it works even better than traditional drug therapy.

    Why do kidneys hurt?

    Even though the influence psycho-emotional state on health has been known since time Ancient Greece, as a separate direction in medicine, it was formed around the beginning of the 19th century and is considered relatively "young" direction.

    As a result, it is impossible to unambiguously interpret certain provisions and principles of psychosomatics, in which, moreover, there are a number of authorities whose opinions and views on the state of affairs may differ.

    Opinion of Dr. Sinelnikov

    Dr. V.V. Sinelnikov, who has been working in this direction for many years, claims that kidney diseases (especially stones and sand) are a consequence of the accumulation of negative emotions in oneself (resentment, anger, fear, disappointment, envy).

    How more people convince themselves of the correctness of the behavior dictated by such emotions - the more the disease progresses.

    Considering that such emotions are part of the program of self-destruction of the individual and the organism, it is not surprising that, against their background, disease processes(see table below), accelerating this human goal (albeit unconsciously).

    Interestingly, according to Sinelnikov, not only the emotions of the person himself, but also other people who experience envy or hatred towards this person can negatively affect.

    What does Louise Hay say?

    Another representative of the direction of psychosomatics is the American psychologist Louise Hay. According to her, diseases are always primarily caused by physiological factors, but mental and emotional disorders can accelerate such destructive processes.

    As for the kidneys, according to the psychologist, the destructive effect on these organs is exerted by such psychological disorders, as:

    • frequent falling into a state of anger;
    • rejection of criticism from the outside (even if it is objective) and the anger that arises on this basis;
    • poor relationships with loved ones, causing a decline in mood;
    • strong disappointments;
    • feelings of shame and awareness of some failures (people can sometimes carry such emotions with them throughout their lives).

    According to Hay's theory, getting rid of pathologies in such cases is not so difficult: it is enough to recognize the existence of a problem and eliminate it. Recognition is needed, and not a definition, since in most cases a person sees the problem himself, but it is often possible to solve it only with the help of psychologists.

    How to avoid problems?

    According to the principles of psychosomatics drug treatment is not required to correct a kidney problem. First of all, a person needs define your psychological problems and at the same time try to get rid of negative emotions.

    This often requires a reassessment of one's life priorities and sometimes a complete restructuring of one's idea of ​​life. You can achieve this either when working with psychologists, or in the process of practicing meditation, art therapy, or just your favorite hobby.

    Although this approach sometimes works, we should not forget that kidney problems are primarily physiological pathologies requiring medical treatment or surgery.

    Allocation of priorities exclusively in favor of psychosomatic practices while neglecting methods traditional medicine can lead to negative complications and in the worst case - to death.

    How to heal yourself from psychosomatic diseases Louise Hay says in a video clip:

    Bladder. Illness as a message.

    The correct approach to understanding any disease is to consider your body through the prism of relationships with other people, yourself, God. The disease not only forces one to be honest with oneself, but also reveals the main life task from which we deviate. Each symptom of the disease can speak volumes.

    The correct approach to understanding any disease is to consider your body through the prism of relationships with other people, yourself, God. The disease not only forces us to be honest with ourselves, but also reveals the main life task from which we deviate.

    Each symptom of the disease can speak volumes. Research in the field of psychosomatics makes it possible to understand which external and internal psychological factors affect the occurrence of a number of diseases: allergies, bronchial asthma, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, hypotension, heart disease, diseases gastrointestinal tract, neurodermatitis, psoriasis, thyroid diseases, neoplasms (malignant, benign), infertility, frequent injuries(fractures, bruises), etc.

    By taking illness as a message, we can get a clue to our future auty in life, and we can also gain the opportunity to change something.

    BUT alternative traditional treatment or your comprehension of a disease or a symptom will become its powerful addition, depends on your ability to self-realization.

    Want to reflect on what your body is telling you? We can start.

    There are no concrete, indisputable truths - everything is very individual. But nevertheless, there are also observations of psychosomatists (on which you can rely in your thoughts) about the connection between the organs of our body and the errors of our consciousness.

    We start with the problems of the bladder and go through all the organs and parts of our body.

    and bladder

    Not the realization in practice of their spiritual abilities. It accumulates disappointments affecting emotional sphere, — bad smell urine - disappointments associated with the lies of the person himself. - inflammation - exasperation due to the fact that work dulls the senses. — chronic inflammation bladder - the accumulation of bitterness for life. - infection - humiliated, usually by the opposite sex, lover or mistress. Blaming others.

    Cystitis- restraining oneself in relation to old thoughts. Reluctance and fear to let them go. Hurt feelings.

    A suppressed bouquet of stresses to a stone indifference, so as not to turn out to be unintelligent.

    Urinary tract, infection: irritation, anger. Usually to the opposite sex or sex partner. You place the blame on others.

    Since any fluid in our body is associated with the emotional or desire body, bladder diseases are also associated with a person's ability to realize their desires. If some kind of bladder disease makes it difficult to urinate, this indicates that the person is suppressing his desires and his fear too much. If, on the contrary, urinary incontinence is observed, this means that the person can no longer control himself; he wants all his desires to come true immediately. He lacks sanity.

    By Théun Mahrez

    People with kidney and bladder disorders often do not attach serious importance to physical needs and the right to their satisfaction. They do not have time to go to the toilet: first of all - work. Consciously limiting fluid intake so that there is no need to "disappear" often (achievement).

    Consequence: insufficient flushing of the kidneys can affect their functioning. For fear of dirt in other people's toilets (cleanliness), urine is retained for a long time; also, don't want outsiders to suspect bladder weakness (lack of openness/honesty) OR unwillingness to get in the way of others (politeness).

    AT professional field such people are usually very active; they want to achieve something, to be successful. In the sphere of contacts, on the contrary, they are very reserved, unlike other people, they are very constrained and insecure. Their imagination is often directed towards grandiose goals, in the implementation of which they themselves do not believe.

    They doubt the meaning of life. A labile, mostly anxious mood prevails with fears of failure and a tendency to depression. Usually the parents of such patients highly valued cleanliness and achievement. The child very quickly learned to control his physical needs (for example, remaining careless, "miss") and subordinate them to the principle of achievement.

    The normal process of urination was complicated by the fact that the function of excretion belongs to the sexual organs and, thus, due to a strict, hostile to the body and moralizing education, urination was unconsciously associated with something forbidden and experienced inconsistently.

    How closely connected emotions, especially fear, with emptying the bladder, is evidenced by the expressions this kind: "From fear to put on pants" or "pee." The one with the weak bladder, is often considered a weak or immature person. All this means that you should not associate natural functions with something disgusting that can happen to a person.

    If you have noticed a connection and want to delve deeper into this topic, check out the materials on my website in the “Psychosomatics” section

    and in the following notes I will continue to share materials on the connection of various diseases of the body with delusions of consciousness.


    Psychological Causes of Disease - Table in Alphabetical Order by Louise Hay

    Causes of disease according to Louise Hay.

    Table of diseases In alphabet order.

    How to use sickness chart? — Select an illness from the list below, click on the link, the message contains information about the cause of the illness, this text is highlighted in red and the way to psychologically resolve this problem is installation, the text is highlighted in blue.

    Louise Hay table of diseases
    Louise Hay heal yourself
    Louise Hay psychosomatics of diseases
    Causes of diseases according to Louise Hay table of diseases
    Louise Hay illness

    Complete inability to manage your life. A long-standing belief in one's own worthlessness.

    I rise above all imperfections. I am guided and inspired by Divine power. Love heals everything.

    Symbol of the male principle.

    I fully accept my masculinity and rejoice in it.

    Inner fears weaken masculinity. You start to give up. Sexual tension and guilt. Faith in aging.

    I love and approve of myself. I acknowledge my own strength. My spirit is forever young.

    (disease of the upper respiratory tract) (See also: "Respiratory diseases")

    Too many events at the same time. Confusion, disorder. Small grievances. Beliefs like, “I get three colds every winter.”

    I allow my mind to relax peacefully. Clarity and harmony are present in my soul and around me. Everything goes well.

    Psychology of diseases

    Probable Causes of Diseases Generated by Our Thoughts, and New Patterns of Thought By Which These Diseases Can Be Healed

    According to some psychologists, any illness is not an accident, there is a connection between the spiritual and the physical, between our thoughts and the state of our physical body. Having decided to do away with any disease, one should first of all identify the mental (mental) cause of its occurrence. Symptoms of the disease are just a reflection of internal deep processes. You will have to delve into yourself in order to discover and destroy the spiritual cause of the disease.

    The list of mental stereotypes given by us was compiled by the American psychologist Louise Hay as a result of many years of research, based on her experience working with patients. Also, we give an interpretation of the Russian psychologist Vladimir Zhikarentsev.

    Behind the sign MINUS the psychological cause of the disease is written; behind the sign PLUS there is a new stereotype of thinking that leads to recovery; sign SIMILARIES reveals what the organ is responsible for in a psychological sense.

    1. Find a mental reason. See if it suits you. If not, think about what thoughts could trigger the disease?
    2. Repeat the stereotype several times.
    3. Embrace the thought that you are on the path to recovery.
    4. This meditation should be repeated daily, because. it creates a healthy mind and, as a result, a healthy body.

    Name of disease or organ


    HOW to get rid of kidney disease, psychosomatic causes of kidney disease, why the kidneys do not work properly. Kidney problems are due to our holding on to old or negative emotions that we don't consciously release. The kidneys are also associated with fear, as seen in the adrenaline produced in extreme situations

    The kidneys excrete toxic metabolic products through the urine, thus clearing us of negative emotions. Therefore, kidney problems are associated with the fact that we hold on to old or negative emotions that we don't consciously release. The kidneys are also associated with fear, as seen in the adrenaline produced in extreme situations. Usually the kidneys free us from fear through urine, maintaining balance. Weakening or dysfunction of the kidneys indicates unexpressed or unacknowledged fear that accumulates in us.

    Psychosomatics of kidney diseases: Condemnation, resentment and disappointment live in the kidneys

    Kidney stones correspond to:

    • to all our unshed tears,
    • fears
    • sorrows that are thus fixed in us, or this is an old problem, with which we have not parted, but still hold on to them. Liberation from them means moving to new levels of being.

    Debbie Shapiro

    Critical attitude to life, disappointment, dissatisfaction with oneself.

    Louise L. Hay

    kidneys are organs whose function is to remove from the body the end products of metabolism (urine, uric acid, bile pigments, etc.) and active participation in the removal of foreign compounds from the body (in particular, drugs and toxic substances).

    P glasses play a major role in maintaining volume and osmotic pressure of liquids human body. The kidneys have a very complex structure, so they are associated with many problems of a diverse nature.

    Since the kidneys maintain the volume and pressure of fluids in the human body, problems with them indicate an emotional imbalance. The person exhibits a lack of judgment or an inability to make decisions while meeting their needs. Typically, this is very emotional person who is overly concerned about others.

    Kidney dysfunction also indicates that the person feels inadequate or even powerless in their field of activity or in relationships with another person.

    In difficult situations, he often there is a feeling of injustice of what is happening. It can also be a person who is too influenced by others and, in an effort to help these people, neglects his own interests. He is generally unable to understand what is good for him and what is bad.

    He tends to idealize situations and people, therefore, is very disappointed when his expectations are not met. In case of failure, he tends to criticize situations and other people, accusing them of injustice. The life of such a person very rarely goes well, because he puts on other people too high hopes.

    The more serious the problem with the kidneys, the faster and more decisively you must act. Your body wants to help you reconnect with your inner strength and says that you can handle difficult situations just as successfully as other people. Considering life unfair, you do not allow your inner strength to manifest. You spend too much energy comparing yourself to others and criticizing.

    You are not using your sensibility well; active mental activity makes you feel a lot of emotions, deprives peace of mind and prudence, which are so necessary in difficult situations.

    Learn to see people as they are, without creating ideal images in your imagination. The less expectations you have, the less likely you will feel unfair.

    Liz Burbo

    They symbolize the ability to get rid of what can "poison" our lives. The kidneys cleanse the blood of toxins.

    Sinelnikov Valery Vladimirovich

    kidney disease

    A combination of emotions such as

    • criticism and condemnation
    • anger and anger
    • resentment and hatred, with great disappointment and a sense of failure.

    Such people seem to they are eternal losers and do everything wrong. They often feel shame.

    Fear of the future, for one's financial situation, despondency and unwillingness to live in this world are always reflected in the kidneys.

    Your disease is it is the result of unwillingness to live in this world,- I tell the patient, a very young girl suffering from nephritis. You have a huge program of self-destruction in your subconscious.

    You know, - says the girl, - when I was still very young, my grandmother fell ill. So, I asked God to take a part of my life and give it to my grandmother so that we would die together. There were other moments as well. But where do I get it from?

    - Your self-destruct program is bound with your mother's behavior during her pregnancy. She did not want to have children for a long time, but when she became pregnant, she nevertheless reconciled herself and gave birth. BUT unwillingness to have a child- this is a wish for the soul of the unborn child of death. Besides, she has a strong resentment towards life. All this she gave you in the form of a powerful program of self-destruction. And it took a toll on your kidneys.

    One man had post-traumatic disease of the right kidney and liver. Periodically there was pain, renal bleeding. The cause of the disease is a strong resentment, hatred and revenge towards a sibling. There was even a desire to kill him. But since this native brother, then such a program of wishing him death very quickly returned to him and literally “hit” his right kidney and liver.

    In order for the kidneys to always be healthy, necessary:

    • keep your thoughts pure.
    • Eliminate anger from your life.
    • Stop feeling like a victim.

    kidney stones

    Stones in the kidneys- these are materialized aggressive emotions that a person suppressed in himself and accumulated over the years.

    These are clumps:

    undissolved anger,


    feelings of disappointment and failure.

    An unpleasant aftertaste from some events.

    And renal colic is irritation, impatience and dissatisfaction with others that have reached a peak.

    - Doctor, what you are telling me is nonsense. Stones cannot grow from my thoughts and emotions.

    I have a reception Old man. He came to me with a stick, as he could not move freely due to severe pain in the left groin. A year ago he was found big Stone in the left kidney. The doctors suggested surgery.

    I think," he went on irritably, "that they grew out of bad water and malnutrition. And you tell me about some thoughts of a fairy tale.

    During our entire hour-long conversation, he did not let me open my mouth. He was literally seething with anger. Annoyed to prove to me how hard life is, what a bad government we have, what bastards these officials are, who get paid on time, but he has not been paid for three months, how hard it is for him to take care of his sick wife.

    On this day, I realized that not everyone is ready to perceive new information. Probably, it was necessary to start treatment with herbs and homeopathy, and then gradually introduce new thoughts, bypassing consciousness.

    Inflammation urinary tract, urethritis, cystitis

    Irritation and anger at the opposite sex or sex partner lead to inflammation of the urinary tract.

    One of my patients complained to me that she had frequent inflammation of the bladder.

    “You know,” she tells me, “as soon as I cool my legs, pain immediately appears when urinating. Still under this ovaries pulls.
    As we found out cause chronic cystitis- this is her irritation about the behavior of her husband.

    “I never thought about it,” the woman wonders. But it looks like the truth.

    As soon as we quarrel with my husband - so immediately exacerbation. And the disease began after marriage. And before that, I was perfectly healthy.

    I also noticed that anxiety and worry can also affect on the development of urinary tract diseases. published by

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    Prostatitis (acute prostatitis, chronic prostatitis)

    General information:

    Prostatitis is one of the most common urological diseases in men. It is generally accepted that after 30 years, 30% of men suffer from prostatitis, after 40 - 40%, after 50 - 50%, etc. At the same time, the actual incidence is much higher than the registered one. This is due to the peculiarities of diagnosis and the possibility of a latent course of the disease.

    The prostate gland is a small glandular-muscular organ that is located in the pelvis under bladder covering initial department urethra(urethra). The prostate gland produces a secret that, mixed with seminal fluid, maintains the activity of spermatozoa and their resistance to various adverse conditions.

    With prostatitis, there are numerous problems with urination, decreased libido and impaired erectile function. The saddest thing is that in the absence of competent treatment, approximately 40% of patients are threatened with one form or another of infertility, since the prostate gland can no longer produce enough high-quality secretion to ensure sperm motility. It is important to remember that such symptoms can occur not only with prostatitis, but also with prostate adenoma and cancer.

    Symptoms of prostatitis can be divided into 3 groups:

    - disorders of the urinary apparatus (frequent and painful urges to urinate, feeling incomplete emptying bladder), pain in the lower abdomen;

    - disorders of sexual function (soreness along the urethra and in the rectum during ejaculation, weak erection, premature ejaculation, loss of orgasm, etc.);

    - increased anxiety and nervousness of a man, due to the fixation of attention on his condition.

    What do we see in such a disease and symptoms?

    First, you need to define what is "prostate" and what is "bladder and urine."

    The prostate is a male power and is associated not only with sexual power, but with male power generally. That is, in such a disease there is a symptomatic segment, which is due to the fact that the prostate is not able to produce a secret. And this means that the man is in a depressed state, he is tense and internal tension is visible.

    These can be situations at work, in a relationship, career, business, illness, where a man, as it were, loses his significance and panics more and more, losing something. A man can find out about his infertility, and on this basis, lose his masculine power. Loss of strength is a loss of confidence, stability, loss of appearance, loss of significance and purpose. The goal seems to be there, but it is already blurred.

    Urine and bladder signify liberation. Liberation at a conscious level from the waste material. In this case, the old mental programs suppress the man, and he is more and more inclined towards fears and worries.

    “What happens next?” he says to himself. That is, the old programs are programs that do not allow a man to adequately accept the situation. He is devoid of strength, devoid of self-control, he is devoid of the qualities that he had before. Perhaps they are depressed due to the difficult life trials that have fallen on the shoulders of a man. In such life situations, a man is like a breadwinner and he is responsible for life events. If we are talking about progressive prostatitis over the years, then we already see a depressed man who lowered his hands and resigned himself to the situation.

    CONCLUSION - If we learn to see the future in difficulties, then nothing will stop us from creating an empire of creativity and realizing ourselves 100%.

    Psychosomatics of prostatitis is a science that studies the psychological causes of this disease. This direction in science involves not only standard treatment patient, but also psychological.

    Psychology explains many phenomena and processes that occur with a person. According to the theory of psychologists, even such a disease as prostatitis has its psychological reason. A man by nature should always remain strong and courageous, this is instilled in boys with childhood. However, mom little boy instills in him not only courage, but also the fear of losing it.

    The fear of being disgraced, of being "not on a horse" haunts a person all his life. Age exacerbates these fears, the man realizes that old age is gradually coming, which means that every year there will be less and less strength.

    The fear of losing masculine power is probably the most important fear in the life of any member of the stronger sex.

    What experiences can lead to prostatitis?

    There are several unproven psychological theories about the occurrence of prostatitis. It is worth considering the most interesting of them.

    According to the first theory, prostate enlargement may be due to men's life events. The prostate is associated with reproductive function men. If a man is going through a severe shock associated with the threat of procreation, his brain instructs the body to increase its reproductive capacity in order to be able to procreate. However, in this case, the brain does a disservice to the male body.

    Enlargement of the prostate leads to the opposite result - problems with genitourinary system(after all, the rest of the organs remain of normal size, and a large prostate prevents them from performing their functions).

    An example of such a psychological shock could be the death of an only son in young age. A man subconsciously understands that without a son, the race will be interrupted. After a while, he discovers that he has prostatitis.

    The second psychosomatic theory is based on the fact that the secret secreted by the prostate has alkaline environment. If a woman is too "sour" (harmful, discontented and always sawing lover of scandals), the man's brain tries to defend itself by enlarging the prostate.

    An enlarged prostate produces more alkaline secretion and thus "extinguishes" the sour character of the wife. This theory links family problems with the occurrence of this disease in a man. In this case, family therapy is indicated.

    The secret of the prostate is responsible for disinfection urinary tract . Psychologists have linked the fact of prostate enlargement with a man's lack of confidence in cleanliness and honesty family relations. If a representative of the strong half of humanity suspects his wife of cheating, his brain solves this problem in its own way - it enlarges the organ that releases the disinfectant.

    The following theory links prostatitis to severe stress and emotional experiences of men. It's not for nothing that the prostate is called the second heart. When there is anxiety and excitement in the heart, the prostate can also suffer.

    The reason for the excitement may be the loss of a loved one, the departure of his wife, problems at work or in the family. It is important to avoid stress, because it can lead not only to problems with the prostate, but also to cancer.

    Believe it or not?

    Psychosomatics is a relatively new science, most Psychologists cannot explain diseases. Some of the theories and explanations put forward seem absolutely absurd.

    Prove Influence psychological state men on the development of prostatitis is 100% impossible. Believe it or not, everyone decides for himself. However, it is important to remember that it is impossible to cure prostatitis simply by “negotiating with your own brain”.

    This technique should be ancillary and should only be used in conjunction with professional medical treatment. It can be said that this therapy does not cure on its own, but makes the drug treatment a little more effective.
    The psychologist instills in the patient faith in his own strength and healing, helps to solve problems and tune in a positive way. The resulting positive and motivation helps not to give up and continue the treatment further.

    How does a psychologist treat prostatitis?

    Going to a psychotherapist for prostatitis will not hurt. However, there is one important condition- if a man considers all these methods of treatment to be nonsense and nonsense, it is better not to try to convince him. Psychology involves working on yourself with faith in the result. Skeptics are unlikely to be helped by psychotherapy.

    There are several methods of psychotherapy:

    1. positive psychotherapy. The psychotherapist teaches a person to find pluses in his illness, to perceive it as a life lesson, as an opportunity to understand himself, learn something new, find reserves to overcome the disease and become stronger and more self-confident from this. A man is taught to calmly accept what happened, not to worry and not to be in constant stress. This is a good method for support and giving strength to fight the disease.
    2. Suggestive psychotherapy- this is hypnosis, suggestion or auto-training. With this technique, a man is told that he is completely healthy, active and strong. This method is suitable for initial stage diseases or for those men who are afraid of prostatitis, but do not yet have this disease. If a man has been suffering from this disease for a long time, it will be very difficult and even dangerous to convince him that he is completely healthy.
    3. Gestalt therapy- helps to remove psychological blockages and incorrect attitudes. At the same time, the motivation to engage in treatment increases, and the processes of self-regulation of the body are optimized. “I get older every year and lose my masculine power, regardless of treatment” is the wrong attitude. “Everything is in my hands, my body will cope with any disease” is the correct attitude. The psychotherapist will help to fix in the brain of the patient correct settings that will give faith in a cure and give strength.
    4. Family Psychotherapy- will help to make relations in the patient's family more harmonious. In a happy family, there are fewer scandals, stress, reasons for unrest and worries. In such an environment, the healing process will proceed much faster.

    These are the main and most meaningful methods psychosomatic treatment. The psychotherapist himself will select the most effective way to speed up the treatment of the prostate. The main thing is to choose the right specialist.