Askorutin - instructions for use. What helps Askorutin tablets for children and adults, reviews and price

The drug Askorutin is a combined drug of a group of vitamins - ascorbic acid and rutin.

Release form and composition

The composition of the drug includes active ingredients - these are two vitamins: vitamin C(vitamin C), as well as rutin (vitamin P). 1 tablet contains 0.05 g of each of the active ingredients. To excipients include: sugar, potato starch, calcium stearate, talc. You can find this remedy in a network of pharmacies in the form of tablets of light yellow-green color.

Askorutin is produced in 10 tablets per convalence (blit pack). In the pharmacy chain you can find packages of 10, 50 and 100 tablets. Askorutin tablets can be packaged in plastic or glass jars containing 30 and 50 pieces.

pharmachologic effect

The ideal compatibility of ascorbic acid and rutin is the main feature of this drug. These two vitamins help each other. In particular, rutin promotes the transport of vitamin C to body tissues. Askorutin has a pronounced antioxidant property, suppressing the adverse effects of free radicals that cause cell aging. Both active ingredients drugs have a beneficial effect on blood vessels.

Rutin (vitamin P), which is part of the drug, belongs to bioflavonoids, it effectively removes inflammatory process, reduces the permeability and fragility of small blood vessels, eliminates swelling, prevents thrombosis. As a result of the action of rutin in the capillaries, blood circulation improves, which prevents the development of thromboembolism.

Protein, fat, carbohydrate and hormonal metabolism in the body cannot do without ascorbic acid. Taking an active part in redox reactions, vitamin C strengthens the immune system, which allows the body to resist a variety of infections and viruses. In addition, ascorbic acid is involved in the synthesis of steroid hormones, as well as in the formation and regeneration connective tissue promotes the absorption of iron. No wonder iron-containing medications prescribed together with vitamin C.

In addition, the Ascorutin vitamin complex has a radioprotective property (the ability to reduce the effects of radiation). Excess vitamins are excreted from the body with bile and urine.

Indications for use of Askorutin

For monotherapy, this remedy is used in the following cases:

  • deficiency in the body of vitamins C and P (hypo- and beriberi);
  • capillary damage due to indirect anticoagulants and salicylates;
  • nasal, uterine bleeding.

In combination with other drugs, this vitamin complex is used to treat diseases such as:

  • radiation sickness;
  • septic endocarditis;
  • hemorrhagic diathesis;
  • thrombocytopenic purpura;
  • retinal hemorrhage;
  • capillary toxicosis;
  • inflammatory disease arachnoid brain (arachnoiditis),
  • infectious kidney disease (glomerulonephritis);
  • rheumatism.

Positive feedback from patients indicates the effectiveness of Askorutin in the fight against such ailments as: scarlet fever, typhus, measles and some allergic diseases. It also uses a vitamin complex for the prevention of viral diseases and vascular diseases.

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Askorutin's analogs

The structural analogues of this vitamin complex include drugs: Askorutin-UBF and Prophylactin C. As for similar means according to the effect (angioprotectors), this vitamin complex can be replaced with medicines: Venarus, Angiovit, Procto-Glivenol and Aescusan.

Application instruction of Askorutin

These tablets are taken after meals, orally, washed down enough water. Mineral alkaline water you should not drink the drug, since the effect of alkali neutralizes the effect of ascorbic acid.

Usually Ascorutin is prescribed for the prevention of influenza and strengthening the immune system. For preventive purposes, adults and children over 12 years of age are recommended to drink 1 tablet 1-2 times a day. For children from 3 to 12 years old, the recommended dose is 0.5-1 tablet per day. The course is determined individually, in consultation with the doctor.

In the treatment of diseases, adults and adolescents over 12 years of age take 1-2 tablets 3 times a day. Children from 3 to 12 years old take 0.5-1 tablet 2-3 times a day. The course of admission is usually a month.

Instructions for use Askorutin during pregnancy

The drug is contraindicated and is not prescribed in the first trimester of pregnancy, due to the fact that Ascorutin contains vitamin C, which increases the tone of the uterus.

For more later dates the drug may be prescribed by the attending physician for the prevention or treatment of viral diseases or vascular diseases. Without the consent of the doctor observing the course of the pregnancy, it is not recommended to take the drug on your own.

Instructions for use during menstruation

Ascorutin is usually prescribed for heavy and prolonged menstruation, but the drug is only auxiliary means. For the prevention of heavy uterine bleeding, Ascorutin and calcium gluconate are usually prescribed.

With heavy periods, Ascorutin is taken 3-4 days before the onset of menstruation. The course of admission is usually 10 days, drink 1 tablet 3 times a day.

You should not use this drug on your own, you need to find out the reason heavy bleeding and to determine the diagnosis, only a doctor can do this.

Askorutin for varicose veins

In this disease, Askorutin is used more as prophylactic. In the treatment of varicose veins, Askorutin is used in combination with other medicines. Appointed by a doctor.

Askorutin for rosacea (vascular network on the face)

The use of a vitamin complex for rosacea gives good results even in fairly advanced cases. Usually the doctor prescribes Ascorutin for 2-4 weeks, 1 tablet three times a day. The course of treatment is repeated after six months. Between courses carry out maintenance therapy and drink 1-2 tablets per day.

Simultaneously with taking the drug orally, make a tonic with the addition of Askorutin to wipe the skin of the face. To prepare the tonic you will need: pharmacy chamomile- 1 tbsp, 1 cup of boiling water and 1 Ascorutin tablet. Pour boiling water over chamomile, let it brew, strain and add a tablet of the drug. Stir until completely dissolved and wipe the face 1-2 times a day. Keep refrigerated.

Contraindications of the drug

Considering that Ascorutin means the instruction for use refers to the group of vitamins, there are few contraindications to its use. Can not use this drug with increased individual sensitivity to its components, allergies to the components of the drug, women in the first trimester of pregnancy and children under 3 years of age. Caution is required when taking Askorutin for people suffering from kidney stones, gout, diabetes, as well as increased blood clotting, with hypokalemia, a tendency to thrombosis and thrombophlebitis.

Side effects

Most of the reviews about taking this vitamin complex indicate its excellent tolerance. However, in rare cases, Askorutin can cause such unpleasant reactions of the body as: nausea and vomiting, stomach cramps, increased blood pressure, insomnia and some allergic manifestations. In the case of such manifestations, you should stop taking the Ascorutin vitamin complex and consult a doctor. In addition, you should not take this remedy without a doctor's prescription, because with prolonged use there is a risk of formation of stones in the bladder.

Interaction of Ascorutin with other drugs

Vitamin C reduces the effectiveness of the action sulfa drugs and antibiotics of the aminoglycoside group, reduces therapeutic effect heparin and indirect anticoagulants, helps the absorption of iron, improves the absorption of the antibiotic penicillin.

When using the drug for more than 1 month, it should not be administered together with cardiac glycosides, antihypertensive or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, since Ascorutin may enhance their effect.

Every day there are more and more adherents of the idea that health prevention is The best way fight against diseases. If you also hold this opinion, information about the drug Askorutin will be useful to you. Find out in which cases these pills can be useful, if they have contraindications and what is the price this tool.

Askorutin - indications for use

The composition of the drug includes two very useful for human body substances: vitamin C in the form of ascorbic acid and rutin (another name is vitamin P). Knowing the properties of the components that make up Ascorutin, what these tablets are used for, it’s easy to guess. Vitamin C is an active antioxidant that has a positive effect on defensive forces organism. In combination with rutin, ascorbic acid is better absorbed by tissues, and the interaction of two vitamin components has a positive effect on the walls of blood vessels, strengthening them and reducing fragility.

Ascorutin is prescribed to compensate for the deficiency of vitamin C and R. Taking this inexpensive drug strengthens the immune system and is a good prevention of influenza and colds. Appointment Ascorutin occurs in the treatment of diseases, causing an increase fragility of large blood vessels and small capillaries. Read more about the instructions for using these tablets in the treatment of some common diseases.

Askorutin for hemorrhoids

This disease occurs due to varicose veins in the rectum. Askorutin for hemorrhoids is prescribed because the drug helps to restore the elasticity of the vascular walls and reduces the risk of thrombosis of inflamed veins. Patients note a positive effect from the use of the drug: inflamed bumps are reduced and discomfort in the anal area is quickly relieved. You need to know that there is no one answer for everyone, how to drink Askorutin to get rid of hemorrhoids. A visit to a proctologist to prescribe a treatment regimen is required.

Askorutin for varicose veins

The effectiveness of this drug in therapy this disease more manifest if you take pills for prophylactic purposes. If the disease is already progressing, Askorutin for varicose veins is not prescribed independently, but only as part of complex therapy. The drug helps to strengthen the walls of blood vessels, relieve inflammation of the veins and eliminate swelling of the legs. Taking this remedy also prevents the risk of blood clots. The specific dosage and scheme for the use of the drug in the instructions is not indicated, it is established by the attending physician.

Askorutin for facial skin

This drug can do a double good service for the long-term preservation of a beautiful and radiant appearance. Vitamin C, participating in the synthesis of collagen, will increase skin elasticity, and the ability to medicinal product improve the elasticity of blood vessels will help fight rosacea - a manifestation of the vascular network on the face. Lot positive feedback about the use of Askorutin for facial skin indicate its effectiveness, but before you start taking a course of such tablets yourself, do not forget to consult a specialist.

Askorutin - instructions for use for children

This drug is used not only in the treatment of diseases characteristic of the adult population - it will also be useful for some pathological conditions to which every child may be exposed. Ascorutin is prescribed for children with:

  • frequent nosebleeds;
  • deficiency of vitamin C and P;
  • rheumatism;
  • glomerulonephritis;
  • hemorrhagic vasculitis;
  • in the treatment of viral and infectious diseases.

The drug can be prescribed to a child who has reached 3 years of age. How to take Askorutin - at what time, in what doses - the attending physician should prescribe. Often, a small patient will need to take 1 to 3 tablets throughout the day, depending on the treatment regimen. It is important to tell your child that this medicine should not be swallowed because acetylsalicylic acid will negatively affect tooth enamel. According to the instructions for use, the tablet should be taken after meals and washed down with a small amount of water.

Ascorutin during pregnancy

Whether this drug can be used by a woman who is expecting a child depends on the period in which she is. Askorutin during pregnancy is categorically contraindicated in the first trimester, which is explained by the following. During the period when all organs of the fetus are being formed, the penetration of any foreign substances through the blood of a pregnant woman to the baby, so as not to harm him.

When a woman is in the later lines of gestation, Askorutin can be prescribed, for example, for dilated veins in her legs or for prevention. uterine bleeding at labor activity. Is it possible to take this medicine during lactation - the doctor must also decide. Although routine does not penetrate into breast milk, and vitamin C is detected there in an insignificant concentration, yet a breastfed child is very sensitive to any change in the composition of its diet. For this reason, the control of the doctor when taking the drug is required.

Askorutin - contraindications

A list of cases when it is forbidden to take this drug is indicated in the instructions for use. According to the annotation to Askorutin, contraindications to the appointment of such tablets are:

  • individual intolerance to vitamin C or rutin;
  • increased clotting blood;
  • children's age up to 3 years;
  • I trimester of pregnancy;
  • certain diseases: diabetes mellitus, thrombophlebitis, severe illness kidneys, etc.

Askorutin - vitamin preparation, which consists of two substances: ascorbic acid and rutin. It is rutin that provides the best digestibility of ascorbic acid. In addition, he is excellent antibacterial agent, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, increases the overall tone of the body.

How to take Askorutin, you can ask your doctor, he will select the optimal treatment regimen. If this is not possible, then you can read the instructions, which are always included in the package with tablets. However, it should be taken into account that in general instructions minimum doses are always indicated, which may not be sufficient to solve some problems.

For children, the drug ascorutin is usually prescribed in case of colds and infectious diseases. Askorutin effectively helps the body fight the disease and reduces the risk of complications by 70%. Askorutin is also prescribed as a means of strengthening the walls of blood vessels in case of frequent nosebleeds, which is not uncommon in children, especially in children. adolescence. Askorutin should be taken in a course of 7-14 days, 1 tablet three times a day.

In adults, the drug is also indicated for different kind infections and colds. Reception is carried out 1-2 tablets 3 times a day. With chronic fatigue and loss of vitality - 2 tablets 3 times a day for 10 days. When various problems with vessels, including varicose veins venous ascorutin should be taken in courses of 10 days, 2 tablets 3 times a day. You can repeat the course of taking the drug in 3-6 months.

Ascorutin can be taken without a doctor's prescription, but you should know that the medicine contains ascorbic acid, which can irritate the gastric mucosa. Therefore, it is not recommended to take ascorutin without a doctor's prescription when peptic ulcer, with exacerbations of gastritis and other diseases gastrointestinal tract. To prevent irritation of the mucosa, askorutin is taken with food, you should not use the drug on an empty stomach.

Now you know how to take Askorutin. Askorutin is one of those vitamin remedies that you should use at least once a year (with a course of 10 to 14 days). It increases the body's resistance and improves its protective functions, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, facilitates the course of infectious and catarrhal diseases, and even significantly improves complexion.

Askorutin for varicose veins

"Ascorutin" for varicose veins is available remedy to quickly restore blood circulation. It has high efficiency and does not provide negative impact to organs. Such vitamins and Troxevasin have been deservedly popular for many years.

Therapeutic effect

"Ascorutin" from varicose veins has a complex effect on the entire cardiovascular system. It eliminates the problems of the vessels of the whole organism. These vitamins:

  • restore deficiency of ascorbic and nicotinic acid. They are responsible for the strength of the walls of blood vessels;
  • activate local cellular and humoral immunity. With the expansion of blood vessels in the scrotum (varicocele) or other parts of the body, inflammation inevitably occurs. Sometimes, to remove it, you have to take a course modern antibiotics against various pathogens. But such therapy causes indigestion and provokes allergies. The use of the vitamin has no such effect;

"Ascorutin" for varicose veins
  • normalize tissue trophism. Ascorbic acid improves metabolic processes in tissues, which contributes to the fullness of oxygen cells. Therefore, the indications for the use of Ascorutin and Troxevasin are metabolic disorders;
  • prevent leg swelling. The use of the drug gives amazing quick result. Ascorbic acid reliably removes metabolic products, activates the circulation of lymph and interstitial fluid. That is why prevention is carried out by Askorutin, Troxevasin;
  • normalize regeneration. Ascorbic acid contributes to quick recovery damaged epithelial cells of any organ. Because of this, it is used to treat varicocele. You need to drink the drug as directed by the instructions. Then the expansion of the vessels will pass very quickly;
  • protect against free radicals. To prevent vein damage and prolong youth of cardio-vascular system, of the whole organism, phlebologists and therapists strongly recommend taking Askorutin and Troxevasin. Moreover, it has a good reputation and positive reviews.


The use of the drug has a lot of advantages:

  • low price. For the treatment of blood vessels in the legs or other parts of the body, you will not need a lot of money if you use this vitamin complex. He does not need PR or additional marketing cheats. Therefore, the cost of the drug is always affordable for all categories of the population;

Benefits of using Ascorutin
  • complex impact. You should not assume that Askorutin can only be drunk if there are problems with the vessels in the legs. Once in the blood, the medicine spreads throughout the body and guarantees the strengthening of the varicose veins of any area. Thrombophlebitis, varicocele, rosacea on the face are powerless against the intake of Ascorutin and Troxevasin. Bright positive reviews are the best confirmation of the effectiveness of the remedy for restoring blood circulation;
  • ease of use. The course of treatment of the pathology of the veins of the legs does not require a special appointment according to a complex schedule or incomprehensible scheme. All therapy and prevention is extremely simple, it can be carried out independently. To do this, you just need to take the medicine as indicated by the instructions and dosage. With this technique, the problems of the vessels of the legs will recede very quickly;
  • security. "Ascorutin" can be drunk even during pregnancy and lactation. Prevention and therapy will not harm the baby, but will effectively fight against the pathology of the vessels of the legs. It is this part of the body that most often suffers during the period of bearing a baby and during natural childbirth. This is due to some physiological changes woman's body and fluctuations hormonal background. Therefore, it is almost impossible to prevent the development of an insidious disease during this period. Phlebologists and gynecologists use vitamins to treat leg vessels. Such therapy has good feedback. For effectiveness, you should not skip the dose and take it as the instructions indicate.
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Indications for use

Pharmacological drug has a complex effect on the blood vessels of the whole organism. Therefore, it is often used for:

  • varicose veins lower extremities. Due to the strengthening action, it helps to restore the normal elasticity and strength of the walls of the veins;

Askorutin for varicose veins in the legs
  • expansion of capillaries and small wreaths on the face. This phenomenon brings a lot of psychological discomfort to women. They begin to complex, self-esteem decreases, a person begins to lead a more closed way of life. "Ascorutin" with rosacea (that's what this phenomenon is called medical language) and "Troxevasin" give high performance even after the first course. To consolidate the effect or for the purpose of prevention, it is sometimes worth drinking additional vitamins;
  • thrombophlebitis. Due to the slight thinning effect on the blood serum and antithrombotic abilities, the use of the drug has a beneficial effect on the state of the vessels. In especially advanced cases, you can add "Troxevasin", antibiotics to the medicine. But even for such treatment of leg veins, a course of vitamins is required, chamomile in the form of compresses;
  • varicocele. Phlebeurysm spermatic cord leads to a violation of thermoregulation of the scrotum. Over time, varicocele provokes a violation of the reproductive abilities of men. In order for spermatogenic function to remain at high level, it is necessary in this condition to use a vitamin complex. You can use other pharmacological agents, as a method of treating veins with varicocele. But this is possible only after prior consultation with a specialist conducting complex diagnostics reproductive function;
  • prevention of circulatory disorders in the legs. Additional strengthening of the veins never hurts. Therefore, if there are no contraindications, you can drink these vitamins. Moreover, their prices are very affordable.
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How to take askorutin to strengthen the walls of blood vessels?

Duration of therapy and dosage

Depending on the disease and the stage of vascular damage, the instruction gives different readings to the use of the remedy. The dosage also fluctuates. Therapy "Ascorutin" is carried out:

  • with varicose veins. "Askorutin" from varicose veins is drunk in a course. Duration of treatment pathological disorder blood circulation of the veins lasts 14 days. Dosage - 2-3 tablets 2 times a day. After the course, you need to take a break for 2 weeks. It is also possible to continue the therapy of varicose veins with ascorbic acid. Just for safety, it is worth alternating periods of treatment and rest. It is worth recalling that taking the drug in more dangerous for health. If the dosage is exceeded (more than 10 tablets per day), there is a high probability sharp drop blood pressure, indigestion and severe headaches. Therefore, when asked by patients how much it is necessary to drink Ascorutin for a quick effect, we answer: no more than indicated in the instructions;
  • varicocele. Instructions and indications for use state that the course of treatment for varicose veins of the spermatic cord can last up to 30 days. Take 3 tablets per day. Depending on the results of dopplerography and spermogram, the dose of the vitamin can be increased to 6 tablets. At chronic stage ailments, several courses of therapy with Ascorutin are carried out;

How to drink askorutin with varicose veins?
  • couperosis of facial capillaries. Patients are interested in: how much and for how long to take a vitamin? The treatment regimen is the same as for circulatory disorders in the legs. The price of the product will allow you not to spend a lot of money on a solution cosmetic defect but guarantees excellent results.

Askorutin and his secrets. Who will say what?

The doctor prescribed Ascorutin to his son before removing the adenoids. I searched for information about this drug and found a lot of interesting things. Perhaps someone has taken Ascorutin and will be able to confirm that all this is true?

Today, simple, affordable drugs are becoming increasingly popular. For example, the price of ascorutin, even in a market economy, is affordable for almost all segments of the population. However, this drug is indispensable for the vast majority various diseases. Ascorutin tablets, instructions for use of which are brought to your attention, successfully cope with such problems as: intoxication with colds and viral diseases; brittleness and fragility vascular wall; deficiency and lack of vitamin C and rutin in the human body. Ascorutin is also actively used in vascular diseases. various etiologies. Ascorutin vitamins contain two important substances for the human body: ascorbic acid; routine. Ascorbic acid has a detoxifying and antioxidant effect on the human body. This substance can also boost immunity. Rutin strengthens the vascular wall and prevents it from breaking. In the complex, askorutin with varicose veins is able to prevent the formation of blood clots. Askorutin is especially useful for children and during pregnancy. It completely restores the acid-base balance of the blood and helps to increase general level resistance of the human body. Ascorutin can be given to children in courses to reduce morbidity colds. Where does ascorutin find its application Most often, ascorutin finds its application with an increase in the threshold for the incidence of acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections. Many leading immunologists and infectious disease specialists recommend that if you have a fever, sore throat and runny nose, you should not start taking pure vitamin C, namely ascorutin. The fact is that with viral diseases, the permeability of the vascular wall is disturbed. This contributes to the rapid spread of infection in associated tissues. Taking ascorutin in infectious diseases helps: increase resistance to infection; reduce the effects of intoxication; improve the supply of oxygen to organs; prevent DIC syndrome; replenish the deficiency of vitamin C in the patient's body.

Askorutin can also be used as a prophylactic.

Before taking Ascorutin, the instructions for use are studied not only by you, but also by your doctor. In some cases, this drug may be contraindicated. Any person can independently take Askorutin tablets; instructions for use allow the use of this vitamin complex for ongoing prevention deficiency of ascorbic acid and rutin in the body of both adults and children. Askorutin tablets for preventive purposes should be taken 1 tablet in the morning. For colds, ascorutin tablets are taken 2 tablets 3 times a day for adults. Askorutin is given to children in a lower dosage.

Ascorutin during pregnancy

Many obstetricians recommend that women take ascorutin during pregnancy. This allows you to simultaneously solve great amount practical tasks. So, for example, askorutin during pregnancy allows you to: prevent the formation hemorrhoids; to prevent the expansion of the veins of the lower extremities; reduce the possibility of bleeding during childbirth; full development of the fetus. Also, ascorutin during pregnancy can be used to prevent and treat colds.

Ascorutin tablets for children instruction

Vitamins ascorutin for children instructions for use recommends starting to apply from the age of three. The initial dosage of ascorutin for children for preventive purposes is half a tablet twice a day. For colds, askorutin is given to children 1 tablet 3 times a day for 10 days. Askorutin for children has a very importance. In particular, this drug has not only a restorative effect during severe infectious diseases. Askorutin in children contributes to a full mental and physical development in junior and middle school age. as show practical research, the daily use of ascorutin for children can improve the results of their learning by almost two times. The second aspect of this study is that children taking ascorutin get colds three times less often than their peers.

How to take askorutin for varicose veins

Many women ask: how to take askorutin for varicose veins correctly. We answer. Askorutin tablets for varicose veins should become a real desktop drug. This vitamin complex can reduce the risk of developing vascular networks and thrombosis. If you want to preserve the beauty of your legs, then with varicose veins, take Ascorutin 2-3 tablets 3 times a day for fifteen days. Then fifteen days break and start all over again. Such therapy can last for years. But the result is worth it.

Askorutin (Ascorutinum)

There is hardly a person who has never taken pharmacy vitamins and, in particular, vitamin C. But in order for it to be absorbed as much as possible and have useful action on the vessels, the presence of Rutin is necessary. One of the most common vitamin preparations containing vitamin C and Rutin as the main active ingredients is Askorutin, which helps strengthen the vascular walls, ensures the elasticity of the capillaries and normalizes the fluid exchange between the bloodstream and body tissues.

Due to the popularity of the drug, we found a lot of reviews on forums and websites about the use of Askorutin. Most of the people who took it note an improvement in the condition of the vessels, a decrease in blood loss when brushing their teeth, during menstruation, nosebleeds, a decrease in vascular "asterisks" on the legs, and even vitriol on the face.

Analyzing the reviews, we often met the question of how long you can take Askorutin. The answers of experts suggest that it can be taken continuously with two-week breaks every 1.5-2 months of admission, but always after consulting a doctor, since, like many vitamin preparations, it has its own contraindications.

Often Ascorutin is prescribed to pregnant women for preventive purposes, and, judging by their reviews, they are well tolerated. Only in one case, while taking the drug, a pregnant woman developed urticaria.

At the parent forums, we met many examples of the use of Ascorutin for the treatment of nosebleeds in children. The drug was well tolerated by them and contributed to the reduction of bleeding, but not all reviews indicated the age of the child. In accordance with the instructions for use, Askorutin should not be given to children under 3 years of age.

In general, the analysis of reviews about Askorutin confirms its effectiveness as a vitamin and vascular strengthening agent, which practically does not cause side effects. However, despite its low price and non-prescription sale, it is still not recommended to take it in unlimited quantities without consulting a doctor.

In the mid-50s of the 20th century, two reactions were discovered: ascorbic acid and rutin (rutoside). It turned out that these vitamins work "in the same team", mutually supporting each other.

The result was the introduction of clinical practice combination drug, called ascorutin: instructions for use report that manufacturers have included 50 mg of vitamins C (ascorbic acid) and P (rutin) in each tablet.

The constant guest of the first-aid kit

At present, inexpensive askorutin with an average price of about 70 rubles (for tablets in the amount of 50 pieces) has become one of the most popular means help the body. True, the price of a drug in different pharmacies can differ several times, which cannot be said about expensive products.

However, it is difficult to choose the same effective and at the same time more cheap drug than askorutin: tablets, prices for which start at 20 rubles, are almost never found. In the most expensive pharmacies offering ascorutin, the prices of tablets do not exceed one hundred rubles. Therefore, having become acquainted with the instructions for use characterizing Ascorutin, prices, reviews, analogues, many patients opt for this drug.

Reviews about the drug are overwhelmingly positive: “nice sweet and sour pills”, which “are always in the family first aid kit”; "Old proven safe drug»; "good for sight"; “helps with rosacea”; "all women from varicose veins should be taken"; "bruises pass"; "Love the price and quality." Negative Feedback are rare and associated with individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

Problems with adverse reactions often arise due to the fact that, tempted by the low price for the drug Ascorutin, patients read the instructions for use inattentively and take the risk of taking pills in large quantities.

Askorutin: instructions for use (official)

What is Askorutin used for?

Ascorutin can be prescribed to children from the age of three, and in subsequent periods of life, this truly “popularly beloved” medicine accompanies patients who begin to take it on their own for various reasons.

In the instructions for the drug Ascorutin, there are not so many indications for the use of this remedy:

  • lack of vitamins C, P (including prevention of hypovitaminosis);
  • "correction" negative consequences taking certain medications (aspirin, anticoagulants);
  • vascular diseases, accompanied by a violation of their integrity and permeability.

After getting acquainted with this paragraph of the description of ascorutin, instructions for use, price, reviews (mostly positive), some patients believe that the drug can solve the problem even with varicose veins. And then they get disappointed in askorutin. From what ascorutin tablets can really be used, how this medicine is taken, so that the effect appears, it is better to find out from a phlebologist.

What should not be expected from the drug is the miracle of healing from varicose veins, but the drug is effective at the prevention stage. And if with vascular networks If the drug still copes with the skin of the face, then it can no longer deal with telangiectasias on the legs.

There are not so many reviews that negatively characterize ascorutin: they are mainly concentrated on forums about varicose veins. AT home treatment skin of the face, when rosacea appears, patients among the arsenal of means of struggle call masks with ascorutin, for which a mixture of crushed tablets with fruit and vegetable slurries is used.

A good effect is obtained by replacing the tonic with a decoction of chamomile with the addition of ascorutin. For facial skin, there are fewer reviews on the use of the drug than replicas of the experience of treating blood vessels in other parts of the body. However, reviews indicate that the drug helps patients with facial skin vascular problems more often than those suffering from varicose veins.

Rules for taking the drug

There is a risk that, without receiving the expected effect, patients will independently begin to increase the dosage of ascorutin: the instructions for use recommend tablets from 2 to 6 pieces per day (with the dose divided into 2-3 doses).

infections, bleeding childhood often become an indication of the start of taking ascorutin. Instructions for use for children provide for an initial dosage of only half a tablet per day. Doses of the drug can be increased, but only after consulting a doctor.

It is important not only in what quantity they take this medicine but also how they accept it. Ascorutin is “supposed” to enter the body after eating. The medicine is washed down clean water so that the action of its components is not weakened.

If the recommended indications for dosage and intake have not been observed (which should not be allowed), the result will affect the condition of the skin of the face (allergic reactions), manifestations of the gastrointestinal tract. And this is not the most backfire of those that will. If a lot of ascorutin is eaten, and this continues for a long time, hypertension may develop, the appearance of kidney stones. Small overdoses provoke anxiety, insomnia, headache.

How do the components of the drug work?

The instructions accompanying Ascorutin describe the effects of the two active components of the drug. However, the instruction does not contain an explanation why vitamin C and rutoside are jointly included in ascorutin tablets, for which this pair was chosen from dozens of vitamins known to science.

The action of ascorbic acid

The role of vitamin C in the body is not fully understood: the reactions in which it is involved are too numerous. We managed to find out the following mechanisms quite well:

  • restoration of hemoglobin function. Iron loses electrons, and with them the ability to form bonds with oxygen. The vitamin C molecule is able to easily “part” with its electrons, giving them to iron. Iron recovery also occurs in the intestines, due to which it is better absorbed;
  • collagen synthesis. With strong (scurvy), the formation of connective tissue elements of the vascular wall is disrupted, which manifests itself in bleeding;
  • synthesis of hormones of the adrenal cortex;
  • stimulation of immunity (synthesis of interferon and antibodies, activation of phagocytes).

In addition, the vitamin is involved in the direct neutralization of free radicals "on the outskirts of the cells." The daily norms of the vitamin are individual, but usually lie in the range of 30–120 mg. By the way, askorutin is recommended to be taken in the same amount. Instructions for use, prices for these drugs are similar, so the tablets of these drugs are analogues.

If you take too much "ascorbic acid", then hypervitaminosis practically does not develop, but after a sharp withdrawal of the drug, hypovitaminosis may occur due to the fact that the kidneys continue to actively remove it for some time.

The action of rutoside

Rutozid, like vitamin C, is able to easily enter into chemical reactions oxidation and reduction. Its main effects:

  • reduction of cell aggregation and adhesion, improvement of microcirculation;
  • increase in venous tone;
  • decrease in the permeability of capillary walls and their fragility;
  • neutralization of free radicals, metal ions;
  • Influence at hormonal systems(thyroid, pancreas, adrenal cortex);
  • lowering cholesterol;
  • reduced inflammation (antihistamine effect);
  • stimulation of nitric oxide production by endothelial cells;
  • improvement of lymph outflow.

In spite of a large number of targets of rutoside action, the main indications for taking the vitamin are associated with vascular diseases. Numerous analogs of both rutoside and ascorutin are used mainly for the treatment of venous diseases. They constitute a pharmacogroup of angioprotectors and venotonics based on bioflavonoids (, venoruton, etc.).

The price of drugs from this group usually exceeds hundreds of rubles. And for some representatives (for example, for antistax), the price reaches one and a half thousand rubles. With the financial inaccessibility of such funds, patients are forced to take ascorutin: a tablet of this drug satisfies daily requirement in vascular-protecting bioflavonoids.

Synergistic effect of ascorutin components

Vitamins P and C potentiate each other's action:

  • in the presence of ascorbic acid, rutoside will more strongly reduce the activity of hyaluronidase, which is responsible for the permeability of the vascular wall and subsequent edema;
  • both vitamins activate enzymes in collagen synthesis reactions;
  • rutoside inhibits the enzyme that oxidizes vitamin C (ascorbine oxidase);
  • Rutoside is able to enter into redox reactions with vitamin C. This property is especially important for the transport of vitamin C into cells and maintaining it in an active state. Thanks to vitamin P, the body consumes ascorbic acid more economically, using each of its molecules in reactions repeatedly and only then “sending it to the scrap”.

Both vitamins are "traps" of free radicals that damage cells. Some authors believe that ascorbic acid, for which rutin is an assistant, still plays the "leading role" in the combination of the components of the drug. However, indications for use and reviews indicate that the drug is primarily aimed at protecting blood vessels. These indications are more likely to appeal to the properties of the bioflavonoid component with P-vitamin activity than to a wide range effects of ascorbic acid.

Video: Vitamins. Chemistry of our body

Great new movie about vitamins. Detailed explanation and telling how our body chemistry works.

Askorutin belongs to the group of vitamin-containing preparations. The medicine is widely used for various diseases accompanied by a decrease in immunity, fragility of blood vessels and capillaries, allergies, lack of vitamins C and P, and other conditions. Instructions for the use of Askorutin include such indications as the prevention of hypovitaminosis P and C, vascular pathology, elimination of flu symptoms, and others. The product is available in the form of tablets, each of which contains 50 mg of rutin and ascorbic acid.

Description of the drug

The composition of the drug Askorutin includes such active ingredients like rutin and ascorbic acid. Rutin is a natural bioflavonoid that has the ability to reduce capillary permeability, fragility, reduce excessive blood clotting, increase the body's immune defenses, and protect against viruses and bacteria. In turn, vitamin C provides positive influence on the bone muscle tissue, has a beneficial effect on the state of blood vessels, removes toxins from the body, promotes the production of collagen and connective tissues.

The combination of these two components enhances their mutual action, which makes it possible to use Askorutin for increasing immunity, reducing the extensibility of capillaries and veins, strengthening general well-being, and preventing flu and colds.

The product is available in tablets with a yellowish-greenish tinge. This color is due to the natural color of ascorbic acid and bioflavonoid.

Pharmacological effect

What is the use of Askorutin? A combined vitamin-containing remedy helps to solve many problems with various diseases. Askorutin is prescribed to enhance redox processes, to improve carbohydrate metabolism, synthesis of natural steroid hormones. The drug also takes an active part in the restoration and synthesis of connective tissue in the body. In addition, the medicine weakens radiation exposure, promotes the removal of toxins and toxins, which is important during the recovery period after influenza, ODS and other diseases. Indications for the use of the drug Askorutin include conditions in patients with acute venous insufficiency accompanied by pain, swelling, inflammation of the vessels.

Important! It has been clinically proven that in oncology, the drug helps patients restore the vitamin balance of the body, and alleviate the general condition.

Scope of the drug

What are the indications for the use of Askorutin? The drug is prescribed to patients with the following purpose:

  • restoration of the integrity of capillaries damaged during treatment with salicylates and anticoagulants;
  • elimination residual symptoms influenza and ODS;
  • prevention of colds, viral diseases;
  • treatment of diseases associated with impaired vascular permeability. These include allergies, hemorrhagic diathesis, septic endocarditis, radiation sickness;
  • therapy of deficiency of vitamin complexes.

The drug Askorutin is prescribed for varicose veins

Considering the question of what Askorutin helps with, it is important to mention that the remedy is used to prevent hypovitaminosis and beriberi C and R. Doctors often recommend using the medicine in the cold season to maintain the body's immune defenses at the proper level, to prevent colds.

Method of administration and dose

How to take Askorutin? Each package of the drug contains an insert - instructions for use. In the instructions you can read in detail about the features of the use of the drug in various diseases. Despite this, self-medication is still not worth it. Before using the medicine, it is recommended to undergo an examination in a hospital, consult a doctor. The specialist will help you choose the optimal dose and method of application.


What is better to swallow the drug or dissolve? The drug should be swallowed with a sufficient amount of water. The dose may be increased at the discretion of the physician. The duration of therapy is selected according to individually depending on the condition of the patient.

With varicose veins in the legs and hemorrhoids, it is recommended to include in complex therapy patients creams and ointments with a venotonic effect. For example, Troxevasin and others.


The use of Askorutin among children is allowed from 4 years. The recommended dose for prevention is 0.5 - 1 tablet per day. For therapeutic purposes, 0.5 - 1 tablet is prescribed three times during the day. The course usually lasts 3-4 weeks, the exact duration is determined by the leading pediatrician. If the baby has not learned to swallow tablets and drink them with water, you can grind the product into powder, mix with a small amount of liquid, and give it to the child.

Askorutin to strengthen the immune system, as well as the treatment of various diseases in adolescence, is prescribed in the same dosage as for adults.

For children, the drug is prescribed from 4 years


Why is the medicine used during the period of bearing a baby? It should be noted that in the first trimester of pregnancy, the drug can not be used. It is forbidden to take the drug in combination with other vitamin complexes. Starting from II and III trimester, the doctor prescribes the medicine 1 tablet three times a day.

Important! Independent use of Askorutin in a delicate period can cause significant harm not only to the mother's body, but also to the child.

Ascorutin contraindications

To achieve the best therapeutic effect with the help of the drug, it is necessary to choose the right dosage of the drug and take into account all possible contraindications to its use. Treatment with Ascorutin is prohibited for patients with the following conditions:

  • imbalance of potassium and calcium in the body;
  • diabetes;
  • kidney pathology, urolithiasis disease, renal failure;
  • intolerance to the components of the remedy;
  • first trimester of pregnancy;
  • age about 4 years old.

The use of the drug leads to a rapid increase in blood glucose, which is unacceptable for people with diabetes. It is not advisable to use the drug with increased blood clotting.

Neglect of contraindications can lead to the development of severe allergic reaction and dangerous consequences for the health of the patient.

Side effects

In most cases, the vitamin preparation is well tolerated by patients. At correct dosage and compliance with all doctor's recommendations for taking the drug negative phenomena not noted. If any anxiety symptoms occur, such as headache, allergies, insomnia, indigestion, and others, you should stop taking the medication.

Sometimes side effects manifest as skin allergies

When using more than 10 tablets at a time, there is Great chance overdose. In this case, a person has pain in the stomach and intestines, headache, vomiting, sleep disturbance, loss of appetite. To relieve the condition, you need to drink 6 tablets activated carbon. This will help remove excess rutin and vitamin C from the blood.

Alcohol compatibility

The joint use of alcohol and Askorutin does not cause serious consequences, but it is known that the intake of alcoholic beverages in itself adversely affects the body, especially when various pathologies. That is why it is not recommended to drink alcohol during therapy with the drug.

drug interaction

When prescribing the drug, its compatibility with other medicines should be taken into account:

  • Askorutin reduces therapeutic effect Heparin, Biseptol;
  • vitamin complex enhances Negative influence on the body of salicylates;
  • the combination of oral contraceptives is reduced under the influence of ascorbic acid;
  • during treatment cardiological drugs for the duration of therapy with Askorutin, a break is needed;
  • vitamins P and C enhance the effect of nicotinic acid.

Given this list, you should definitely listen to the opinion of doctors about taking Ascorutin. The combination of even harmless means can provoke severe consequences for the body.

special instructions

The absorption of ascorbic acid worsens with the simultaneous use of Ascorutin with fresh acidic juices. In addition, the absorption of the vitamin is reduced in diseases of the digestive system.

Taking the drug enhances the absorption of iron, therefore it is prescribed with caution by patients with hemochromatosis, thalassemia, leukemia and some other conditions.

When prescribing Ascorutin, the doctor must take into account special instructions

At long-term treatment with the help of Askorutin, it is important to monitor the condition of the kidneys, regularly measure blood pressure.

The daily dose of the drug should not exceed 1 g per day.

Since ascorbic acid has a slight stimulating effect, it is recommended to take the medicine in the morning.


Among the analogues of the drug, the following agents can be distinguished:

  • Kaptopres - used to treat hypertension varying degrees. The composition of the drug includes captopril and hydrochlorothiazide. Kaptopres has a diuretic, hypotensive effect;
  • gel Eskus - a tool used to alleviate the condition of a patient with varicose veins. Gel includes fruit extract horse chestnut and other natural ingredients. Eskus improves blood circulation, eliminates swelling, soreness, prevents vascular deformation;
  • Troxerutin is an angioprotective agent with a venotonic, anti-inflammatory, regenerating effect. The drug is used among patients with acute venous insufficiency and people with other vascular diseases;
  • Halidor - is used for therapy among patients with vascular pathologies, with acute or chronic cerebral ischemia, Raynaud's disease, with spasms of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Etamzilat - is prescribed to patients during the recovery period after surgical interventions in ophthalmology, gynecology, urology, among patients with diabetes mellitus, with bleeding from internal organs.

Many patients are interested in what is better Askorutin, Etamzilat or Troxerutin? It is impossible to give an unambiguous answer to this question, since each remedy has its own characteristics and effects on the body.

Price and where to buy

The approximate cost of the drug is from 35 to 45 rubles. You can buy the drug at any pharmacy without a doctor's prescription.

You can buy Ascorutin in any of the pharmacies