How to take calcium supplements correctly? Cheap and effective calcium preparations: a list with prices.

Calcium is required by people throughout their lives, so quite often there are situations when a person begins to frantically search for the most effective and useful vitamins with calcium. After all, often many symptoms of the body indicate that it lacks this element and needs to be replenished urgently - these include hair loss, foliation of nails, the appearance of pain in the teeth, and so on. Important: these signs are only visible, while inside the body there are still many problems associated with a lack of a substance, because it is vital for the normal functioning of the cardiovascular, nervous and other systems.

Why do you need calcium

The human body contains a large number of useful substances, the main of which is calcium in its quantity. Many doctors still cannot overestimate its importance for the body, because the lack of this mineral can lead to various health problems.

The human body needs calcium:

  • teeth;
  • hair;
  • bones;
  • a heart;
  • brain.

He also takes part in the transmission of impulses, which are important for the normal functioning of nerve cells, and is also actively involved in metabolic processes. The lack of this important mineral is dangerous for the body, as it leads to the death of the patient, so its level must be constantly monitored.

Calcium has a lot of useful functions for the body, as it is able to:

  • almost completely block the absorption of unhealthy fats that are absorbed into the body in the digestive tract;
  • reduce the "bad" cholesterol in the blood - this function occurs as a result of taking an additional dose of this element;
  • get rid of hypertension - patients who took vitamins with calcium suffered from this pathology several times less often;
  • keep the “youth”, health and mobility of the bones (to keep them healthy for as long as possible, you need to start taking care of them early, by taking special vitamins).

The greatest human need for this element is observed during the first 10 years of life, when there is an active formation and strengthening of the skeleton. In the future, taking medicinal formulations that contain calcium is recommended to continue until about 25 years of age.

Modern doctors say that you can start taking vitamins with calcium regardless of age, since in any case they will benefit the body by reducing bone fragility and disease.

Indications for use

It is not difficult to identify a lack of calcium in a person - and external signs and a general deterioration in health can help in this.

These include:

  • hyperactivity;
  • nervousness and constant irritability;
  • brittle nails;
  • stunting in a child;
  • tooth decay;
  • fragility of enamel;
  • soreness and constant bleeding of the gums;
  • periodic numbness of the limbs;
  • tingling sensation at the fingertips;
  • the appearance of seizures;
  • increased heart rate;
  • high blood pressure, which is difficult to bring down even with modern drugs.

All these symptoms may indicate a lack of an element that must be replenished in a short time so as not to harm the body.

The main indications for the use of drugs with calcium are:

  • acceleration of bone healing after dislocations or fractures;
  • treatment of osteoporosis (bone and joint disease).

Taking calcium without a doctor's prescription can cause allergies or side effects. The main contraindication to taking this drug is individual intolerance, as well as high levels of calcium in the blood stream and urine.

Types of calcium supplements

Nowadays, there are a wide variety of drugs on sale that contain a large dosage of calcium.

It is worth noting the following vitamins with calcium, which today enjoy particular success and are considered the most effective:

  1. Calcium D3 Nycomed. This is a modern drug, produced in the form of large tablets that can be sucked or chewed, after which you can drink the drug with water. For children 5-12 years old, the recommended dose of the drug is no more than 2 tablets per day, over 12 years old - no more than 3. Such vitamins containing calcium do not cause harmful effects and side effects in people.
  2. Calcemin. This is a specially designed complex containing calcium citrate, vitamin D and other components. The drug has the form of small capsules, on which the notch is located. For children under 12 years of age, the recommended dose of the drug is one capsule per day, for adolescents - 2 tablets per day. Calcemin can also be used during pregnancy and lactation. Calcemin can be taken with or after food. With excessive use of the drug, it can cause unpleasant side effects that disrupt the functioning of the body.
  3. Calcepan. These are special "female" tablets, which are produced in the form of small dragees, covered with a thin shell. In addition to calcium, extracts of medicinal herbs can be seen in the composition of Calcepan. With a lack of this substance, it is recommended to take 3 capsules daily at the same time for 1 month. After some time, the course of taking vitamins can be repeated.
  4. Complivit Calcium D3. These tablets have a pleasant sweet taste reminiscent of fruit. Complivit is available in the form of tablets that can be chewed when taken. The main components that make up dietary supplements are calcium and D3. Allowed to take from 3 years of age. Side effects of the drug include problems with the gastrointestinal tract and allergies to the components of the drug.
  5. Vitrum Calcium + D3. The main active ingredient is calcium salts, which are extracted by isolating the element from oyster shells. When using the drug, the tablets should be swallowed without chewing. Patients should take the drug from the age of 12. For preventive purposes, you need to drink 2 capsules daily.

If these calcium-rich vitamins are to be taken in the treatment of disease or deficiency of the element, the dosage is prescribed by the doctor.

When choosing such drugs, many people think about the question of which vitamins contain it in the maximum amount and how to take it correctly so as not to harm the body.

Therefore, you should use the following tips:

Based on all of the above, it becomes clear that calcium is an essential element for the body, which is found not only in food, but also in the form of vitamins.

In order for it to be beneficial, you need to follow the rules for taking this useful element and then you can not worry about the health of bones, teeth and other internal organs.

With a number of disorders in the body, the bones begin to lose calcium. In this case, you must definitely take supplements and tablets with this element - pharmacies have a large selection of drugs.

The cheapest medicines with a mineral

Calcium deficiency is observed in a number of pathologies and various conditions. So, during pregnancy, the body of the fetus consumes a fairly high amount of the element, so a woman needs to increase its intake with food or medicine. In children, a mineral deficiency leads to a delay in physical development, slow growth of bone tissue, and frequent fractures.

In menopause, a lack of a mineral provokes the development of osteoporosis - the loss of bone substance and an increase in their fragility.

The most inexpensive preparations containing Ca are produced on the basis of. They are produced by almost all pharmaceutical companies and cost from 10 rubles per pack. Unfortunately, these drugs are poorly absorbed, so they cannot be considered effective. Without sufficient intake of vitamin D, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, Ca passes into an insoluble form and can be harmful - it is deposited in the joints and soft tissues.

Drugs containing additionally other elements are absorbed much better. The list of the most inexpensive products with Ca is as follows:

For the prevention of bone tissue diseases, children under one year old are prescribed 400 ml of Ca / day, babies under 3 years old - 600 mg. From 3-10 years old, 800 mg is already required, adolescents - 1200 mg. In an adult, the dose is 800-1200 mg, in pregnant women and athletes - up to 1500 mg.

Calcium D3 Nycomed and Complivit

Often, experts advise buying Calcium D3 Nycomed. It is available in the following forms - tablets with 500 mg of the element and 200 IU of coliccalciferol (vitamin D3) and Forte tablets with an increased amount of coliccalciferol - 400 IU.

The drug has the following actions:

When taken orally, the remedy can have a number of side effects - abdominal pain, allergies, diarrhea, itching of the skin appear. In the elderly, with renal insufficiency, the dosage should be reduced, and with long-term therapy, it is imperative to control the level of Ca in the blood, as well as the level of phosphorus. During lactation, other sources of the element that can enter the milk and into the body of the child should be taken into account. The price of the medicine is 370 rubles for 60 tablets.

Preparations with the mineral are contraindicated in hypercalcemia, kidney stones, active tuberculosis.

The medicine is cheaper - 200 rubles for 30 tablets, while it includes a similar number of components.

Among the indications is the treatment and prevention of osteoporosis (idiopathic, senile, menopausal, steroid). Also, the drug is indicated for other forms of Ca deficiency. Tablets are taken with meals from the age of 3 - 1-2 / day (the dose for children under 10 is selected individually).

Other means with element

On sale there is a whole list of medicines with a mineral substance. Most contain a fat-soluble vitamin or other complementary ingredients to aid mineral absorption:

Also on sale is Calcemin Advance, Calcepan and other dietary supplements and drugs against osteoporosis and other diseases.

Complex supplements and preparations for children

Any specialist will point out that taking an element in combination with other substances beneficial to the body is much more effective. It is not necessary that such drugs will cost more - there are drugs available for children and adults.

Before buying, it is important to take into account individual contraindications and evaluate additional components for the risk of allergies.

Adults can buy medicine Calcium D3 Meligen. In the composition, in addition to the main element, there is ascorbic acid, the entire vitamin group B, alpha-tocopherol, retinol, coliccalciferol, biotin. The dose of capsules / day is 3 pieces, the price for 100 pieces is 190 rubles. Also, adults are shown Magnesium-Calcium Doppelgerz, which includes both elements and coliccalciferol (260 rubles).

Babies are shown to drink the medicine Baby formula Bears with Ca in the form of chewable lozenges (300 rubles per pack for a month). Additionally, the composition contains natural flavors, coconut oil, wax, natural dyes. The drug is designed with hypoallergenicity in mind, therefore it rarely causes allergies. Bears are very tasty, children like them and quickly fill the need for the necessary substances.


Calcium is the most important element involved in bone formation, related to inhibitors. Its deficiency leads to the fact that the bone, losing density, becomes fragile and fragile. Usually, a person has enough of those elements that are found in fermented milk products, fish, legumes, spinach, strawberries and other plant, vegetable, fruit and berry representatives. But sometimes the deficiency of Ca is such that food alone cannot be saved here, and you have to take pharmacy ones for osteoporosis.

There are three age periods when the bone structure becomes very vulnerable, and it lacks the "bricks" -osteblasts for its own hardening:

  • Adolescence period of active and sharp growth (10 - 14 years)
  • Menopause in women:
    the critical period of bone loss in a woman is ten years after the onset of menopause, that is, 60 - 65 years
  • Old age (after 70 years)

Bone calcium deficiency and hypocalcemia are different things that people often confuse, which then leads to a misunderstanding of what drugs should be taken for.

If Ca is elevated in the blood (hypercalcemia), then this may indicate:

  • bone resorption, that is, their destruction
  • leaching of Ca from the bones and its entry into the blood, from where it is excreted by the kidneys
  • very fast intestinal absorption

Hypocalcemia (decreased Ca in the blood), on the contrary, is a sign that almost all Ca is retained in the bones.

Both extreme states need to be adjusted. Osteoporosis ultimately leads to:

  • Poor intestinal absorption
  • Increased excretion of Ca from bone tissue

The task of treating osteoporosis is therefore not an easy one. This is a targeted impact on the internal processes of bone formation from several sides:

  • delivery of Ca to the bones and its retention there
  • inhibition of bone resorption
  • stimulation of bone formation

Calcium alone is not enough to treat osteoporosis

Ca-drugs alone will not cure osteoporosis, they must be used in combination with other antiresorptive agents:

  • Calcium is a building material for cells
  • Antiresorptive drugs are regulators of the process of bone formation, monitoring:
    • balance of osteoclasts and osteoblasts
    • Ca concentration in the blood and regulation of its metabolism

Hormones are such drugs.:

PG and calcitonin are opposite in action:

  • If Ca in the blood is low, parathyroid hormone is stimulated, which in turn triggers the reproduction of osteoclasts that destroy bone cells.
  • As soon as Ca in the blood goes beyond the normal range, calcitonin is produced, which reduces the concentration of Ca and inhibits bone resorption.

With dysfunction of the parathyroid and thyroid glands, an excess of parathyroid hormone and a deficiency of calcitonin are possible.

So much for osteoporosis out of the blue, the cause of which is your endocrine system, and not a lack of calcium in foods.

What causes hypercalcemia

Even if you consume tons of calcium tablets, without regulating its metabolism, you will get hypercalcemia with serious consequences for:

  1. Central nervous and system - deterioration of brain activity and memory
  2. Gastrointestinal organs - ulcer, pancreatitis, cholelithiasis cholecystitis
  3. Urinary system - kidney stones, polyuria, renal failure
  4. Cardiovascular system - increased blood pressure, calcification of blood vessels and heart valves
  5. Organs of vision - conjunctivitis, cataract
  6. Skin - dermatosis, itching

With all this, the bones both collapsed and will continue to collapse.

To prevent hypercalcemia, it is necessary to periodically monitor the content of Ca in the blood when taking medications.

Proper calcium intake in osteoporosis, when combined with antiresorptive agents, not only slows down bone destruction, but also:

  • contributes to the normal concentration of this element in the blood plasma
  • prevents the formation of kidney stones

What calcium preparations are better to use

There are three types of Ca-drugs:

Gluconate, lactate, carbonate, citrate, calcium phosphate
Today, of all this series of monodrugs, calcium carbonate, as well as phosphate and citrate, are most preferred. The first two (gluconate and lactate) are now rarely used.
The funds are captivating with their cheapness, however, drugs have shown greater effectiveness (reducing the number of fractures during a fall):

Containing both Ca and vitamin D:

  • Nycomed Ca D3
  • Nycomed forte D3 and others.

They provide better absorption of the trace element in the intestines, thanks to vitamin D, which is extremely important in old age.

When taking the drug, do not forget:

  • With the accumulation of vitamin D in the body occurs hypervitaminosis
  • The increased content of Ca, in addition to clinical consequences, impairs the absorption of other important trace elements and drugs.:
    • Fluorine, iron
    • Antibiotics of the tetracycline group

In addition to calcium, other elements are also involved in building bones:
Phosphorus, magnesium, copper, etc.
Therefore, in osteoporosis,:

Combined calcium-containing preparations:

  • Calcemin Advance
  • Calcemin Silver

The composition includes:

  • calcium citrate or carbonate
  • Vitamin D3
  • Zinc, boron, copper, magnesium, manganese

If calcium carbonate requires mandatory intake with food, then citrate can be consumed on its own.

Very effective in osteoporosis, the combined use of calcemin and teraflex:
At the same time, not only the mineral bone composition is maintained, but also the restoration of destroyed cartilage occurs.

One combination drug:

  • Kaltsinova


  • Calcium phosphate, D3
  • Vitamins B6, A, C

Calcinova can be taken in childhood and adolescence, used not only to strengthen bones, but also as a treatment for caries

Calcium is necessary for the health of any person, and especially for the fair sex. This is due to the fact that sex hormones are actively involved in the calcium cycle in the body, and after menopause their number decreases. Following it, bone density also decreases, and there is a tendency to fractures. How do we know if we are getting enough calcium?

Symptoms of calcium deficiency in women

The rate of calcium in the body of a woman depends on age and varies depending on the needs of growth or changes in bone tissue. Experts recommend the following average amounts of calcium per day:

  • 0.7 g at the age of 1-3 years,
  • 1 g at the age of 4-8 years,
  • 1.3 g for ages 9-18,
  • 1 g at the age of 19-50 years,
  • 1.2 g for ages 51 and over.

During pregnancy and lactation, the norm increases to 1.5 g.

After the age of 30, the female body gradually begins to lose bone density due to decreasing physical activity and hormonal changes, which is aggravated during menopause. The lack of calcium in a woman's body can manifest itself in different ways. For example, tingling and numbness of the fingers may indicate a mild degree of hypocalcemia, and with a more serious deficiency of the mineral, involuntary muscle twitches and cramps are possible.

Chronic calcium deficiency can lead to neuropsychiatric symptoms such as depression, poor memory, thinking problems, and insomnia.

Calcium deficiency can adversely affect the electrical conduction of the heart. Symptoms may include arrhythmias (a feeling that the heart is skipping beats or beating too fast), shortness of breath, and swelling.

calcium deficiency in women well visible on the condition of the skin, nails and hair. On the part of the skin, dryness, itching can be observed. Brittle nails and deteriorating teeth are also symptoms of calcium deficiency. With a significant violation of calcium absorption, osteoporosis and a tendency to fractures develop, especially in older women.

5 calcium preparations for women

Preparations: Calcium Sandoz Forte, Calcium-D3 Nycomed, Calcium + Vitamin C, Ostalon Calcium-D, Veprena

Of course, the main amount of calcium we must consume with food. However, calcium does not always remain in the body even with sufficient intake. Moreover, it can be displayed faster than it should. All this suggests that it is important not only to take calcium for women after 50 years of age, the preparations must also contain additional substances - regulators of its metabolism. Consider several popular drugs that can make up for calcium deficiency.

There are contraindications, use after consulting a doctor

  1. Calcium Sandoz Forte

    Calcium in nature exists in the form of salts, which have different bioavailability. Calcium Sandoz Forte effervescent tablets not only have a pleasant orange taste, they are specially thought out for the chemical composition of calcium salts and excipients so as to ensure high absorption of calcium in the human intestine.

    The drug is produced in France. There are tablets with calcium equivalent dosages of 0.5 and 1 g, which contain two calcium salts:

    • carbonate (0.875 or 1.75 g),
    • lactogluconate (1.132 or 2.263 g).

    Packing cent 20 pcs. tablets of 0.5 g of calcium - from 311 to 365 rubles.

  2. Calcium-D3 Nycomed

    Popular calcium preparations for women based on a combination of calcium salt and vitamin D3. This vitamin is called "solar" because its synthesis occurs under the influence of ultraviolet rays. Its main function is to maintain optimal levels of calcium and phosphorus in the blood. A similar combination of active substances is contained in Calcium-D3 Nycomed. It allows the body to effectively absorb incoming calcium.

    Calcium carbonate in the preparation is 1.25 g, which is equivalent to 0.5 g of "pure" calcium, cholecalciferol (D3) - 200 IU. The drug is produced by the Norwegian company Nycomed in the form of chewable tablets with mint and orange flavor. The cost of packing 20 tablets is in the range of 222-253 rubles. The company also produces Calcium-D3 Nycomed Forte, in which the concentration of vitamin D is increased by 2 times.

  3. Calcium+Vitamin C

    For the prevention of osteoporosis and other age-related disorders, not only calcium is needed. Vitamin C is not synthesized in the human body, so the need for it is great. To replenish the normal balance of the vitamin and reduce the risk of calcium starvation, Calcium + Vitamin C from the Dutch company Natur Produkt will help.

    It is available in the form of soluble effervescent tablets with a pleasant orange aroma, contains 0.18 g of vitamin C and 0.5 g of calcium carbonate. Pack of tablets 12 pcs. costs from 141 to 147 rubles.

  4. Ostalon Calcium-D

    According to experts, calcium-containing preparations for women over 50 should be prescribed in combination with bone metabolism regulators. In the modern pharmaceutical industry, there are just such combined drugs. One of them is Ostalon Calcium-D, which is produced by Gedeon Richter. The drug contains tablets of two types:

    • calcium carbonate (1.578 g) + Vitamin D3 (400 IU) + excipients,
    • alendronic acid (70 mg) + excipients.

    Normally, there is a dynamic balance between the processes of bone formation and its resorption (resorption). Alendronic acid belongs to bisphosphonates, substances that slow down the rate of bone resorption. The process of bone formation continuing against this background leads to an increase in its density, therefore Ostalon Calcium-D is prescribed in the treatment of osteoporosis. The cost of packaging is from 789 to 805 rubles.

  5. Veprena

    If we assume that the best calcium for women is the one that not only got in, but also absorbed in the body, then another type of antiresorptive drug should be considered. These are drugs with thyrocalcitonin, which stimulates the uptake of calcium by bone cells.

    Age-related deficiency of calcitonin can also cause calcium deficiency in women. The domestic drug Veprena (Nativa LLC) will help replenish its supply. It is available as a nasal spray and contains 200 IU of salmon calcitonin and excipients. The cost of one bottle is from 1050 rubles. Veprena should be taken together with calcium-containing drugs.

Calcium preparations - comparative table
A drug Active ingredients: What is produced: Manufacturer:
Calcium Sandoz Forte Calcium carbonate, calcium lactogluconate 500mg or 1000mg each (calculated as pure calcium) Effervescent tablets in a case of 10 or 20 pieces France
Calcium D3 Nycomed Calcium Carbonate + Colecalciferol (per 1 tablet 500 mg calcium (pure) + 0.005 mg (200 IU) vitamin D) Chewable tablets (orange or mint) per: 20, 30, 50, 100 pcs per jar Norway
Calcium + Vitamin C Calcium Carbonate + Ascorbic Acid (1 tablet 500mg calcium + 180mg vitamin C) Effervescent tablets in a case of 10 or 12 pieces Netherlands
Ostalon Calcium-D Calcium carbonate + Colecalciferol (1 tablet 1500mg calcium (pure) +400 IU vitamin D) + Alendronic acid (1 tablet 70mg) Tablets of 2 types, 32 or 96 pcs. Hungary
Veprena Calcitonin (200 IU) Nasal spray Russia

Of course, this is not a complete list of drugs that can normalize the calcium balance in your body. However, it must be remembered that despite the importance and necessity, calcium overdose or improper intake can cause complications. It is believed that the upper limit of the daily dose of calcium for people over the age of 50 is 2 g. Exceeding the dosage increases the risk of kidney stones. Medicines containing calcium metabolism regulators must be taken under medical supervision.

Calcium is one of the micronutrients most needed by the body. This category includes such chemical elements that are part of the body in very small quantities, but play a huge role in physiological processes. The problem is that there are also few microelements in human food, therefore, with an unbalanced diet, there is a deficiency of microelements, which affects the state of health.

Calcium is an important building block. In this role, it is second only to carbohydrate, which belongs to the category of macronutrients. Without calcium, there will be no strong and healthy bones, teeth, hair, nails.

In addition, this element provides the processes of blood coagulation, muscle contraction, the synthesis of hormones and mediators. The role of calcium in ensuring the interaction of each cell of the body with the external environment can be considered the most significant. We are talking about exocytosis - a cellular mechanism that provides:

  • delivery to the membrane of substances that ensure cell growth;
  • exit from the cell of toxins, waste products and substances that are products of metabolism (hormones, enzymes, neurotransmitters);
  • the formation of a cell membrane from special proteins.

Thus, calcium is part of many substances, forms the basis of "strong" organs like bones and teeth, is an integral part of the cell membrane, ensuring the correct movement of substances from cell to cell.

At the same time, its biochemical function is more important for the body than the construction of bones of teeth, nails and hair. It is for this reason that when there is a lack of calcium, the body takes it from places of concentration. For this reason, osteoporosis is formed, hair falls out, teeth are destroyed.

An adult needs about 1000 mg of calcium per day. This is a large amount, given that he needs 400 mg of magnesium and 10 mg of iron. Only phosphorus competes with calcium in popularity - it needs to be consumed at 1200 mg per day.

Food is the main source of calcium. Most of this element is found in dairy products, sea fish, cabbage, sunflower, nuts, eggs, herbs of spicy plants.

Despite the presence of these foods in the diet, many people are deficient in calcium. This is due to digestive problems, the poor quality of the products themselves, and the physiology of a particular person.

Most people, especially city dwellers, often lack this trace element. Especially acute is the problem of providing the body with calcium in children and pregnant women. Such problems have to be solved with the help of special preparations containing an increased amount of calcium.

The pharmaceutical industry around the world produces in abundance therapeutic agents and dietary supplements containing large amounts of calcium in forms that are well absorbed by the body. However, the price of many drugs makes them inaccessible to most Russians.

You can solve the problem of calcium deficiency with the help of cheap analogs, which are in no way inferior to expensive vitamin-mineral complexes.

All drugs with calcium can be divided into three large groups:

  • monopreparations (contain only calcium in different states);
  • combined (the basis is calcium, but the composition includes substances that improve the involvement of this element in physiological processes);
  • vitamin and mineral complexes with a high content of calcium.

Such a variety of options for consuming the right amount of the mineral is due to the fact that each person has his own characteristics and problems of calcium deficiency formation.

Monodrugs include:

  • Calcium gluconate;
  • Scoralite;
  • Calcium carbonate;
  • Vitacalcin;
  • Additive calcium.
  • calcium citrate;
  • Calcium sandoz.

The cheapest is calcium gluconate - in tablets from 4, in ampoules - from 113 rubles. However, the effectiveness of this drug is considered by many to be low. All other drugs are somewhat more expensive than gluconate, but not by much. They are designed to fight various diseases, but their main effect is to increase the amount of calcium in the body.

Combined products usually contain, in addition to calcium, vitamins D and B12. They contribute to better assimilation of the microelement, since they participate in some physiological processes.

Combination drugs include:

  • Complivit calcium D3;
  • Calcium D3 Classic;
  • Calcium D3 Nycomed;
  • Calcemin;
  • Natecal D3.

Vitamin D deficiency often breeds calcium deficiency because the latter cannot be absorbed without this fat-soluble vitamin. The presence of vitamin B12 in combination with calcium reduces the fragility of blood vessels, increases blood clotting. An insufficient amount of one of these components in the body leads to a deficiency of another component, despite its sufficient amount in the food consumed.

Vitamin-mineral complexes that can be used to eliminate the consequences of calcium deficiency are represented by the following options:

  • Oligovit;
  • Elevit;
  • Vitrum;
  • Complivit;
  • Sana-sol;
  • Multi-tabs.

All these complexes are designed to restore the balance of many vitamins and minerals.

The specificity of preparations intended for children consists, first of all, in a special dosage of all components, and especially calcium. The daily need of children for this microelement changes with age as follows:

  • up to a year - 400 mg;
  • from one to three years - 600 mg;
  • from three to ten years - 800 mg;
  • from 10 to 13 years - 1000 mg;
  • over 13 years old - 1200 mg.

Thus, it is necessary to calculate the dosage of calcium strictly according to the norms of this age!

The youngest children are advised to take calcium supplements separately from vitamins, as this makes it easier to comply with the dosage. However, there are special vitamin and mineral complexes adapted to the needs of the smallest patients.

  1. Complivit calcium D3 for babies. It is a powder for the preparation of suspensions. The medicine in the form of a powder allows you to change the dosage depending on the age and condition of the child. For children under one year old, a solution of 5 liters is made, with age, the dosage increases in proportion to the child's need for calcium. The suspension should be taken once a day.
  2. Vita Bears are already designed for children over three years old. Those who are in the age range from 3 to 7 years should take 1 tablet once a day. Teenagers can already take a tablet twice a day.
  3. AlfaVit is designed to be taken by children in the age range from 3 to 7 years. They need to take 1 tablet every 2 times a day. Children over seven years of age may increase the dose by one tablet. Teenagers 12 years and older can already take 4 tablets per day.

The need for calcium in children is purely individual, which dictates the need for mandatory consultation with the attending physician.

Calcium for pregnant women

Women in this position need higher doses of calcium. They need to consume 1000 to 1300 mg of this trace element daily. Otherwise, cramps, hair and teeth loss will begin.

The pharmaceutical industry produces many vitamin and mineral complexes designed specifically for pregnant women. The most popular are:

  • Complivit calcium D containing 1.25 g of calcium carbonate (500 mg) 5 mg of vitamin D;
  • Calcium Active - the same components, only in much lower dosages;
  • Calcemin is a mineral complex containing calcium, copper, manganese, zinc, boron and vitamin D.

These three drugs may well provide a pregnant woman with enough calcium. However, in this case, caution should be exercised, because an excess of this element can also have a bad effect on the condition of the mother and her child, as well as a deficiency. For this reason, you should not take several complexes at once.

Damaged bones need constant replenishment of building material, mainly in the form of calcium. In an effort to recover as soon as possible, people try to consume as much calcium as possible. However, this is not quite the right strategy. In this case, it is easy to create an excess of calcium for the whole organism, with all the ensuing consequences.

It is best in this case to take preparations containing calcium and vitamin D in moderate and even small doses, but regularly and for a long time. For such purposes, Complivit calcium D3, Calcemin, Vitrum are suitable.

Despite the body's need for calcium, it is necessary to periodically take breaks when consuming it. This will remove the risk of an overdose.

In all cases, you need to follow the rule - it is better to take a reduced dose of the mineral than an increased one. Everyday human food usually contains some amount of calcium. This should always be taken into account when consuming any vitamin-mineral complexes.