Deadly eyeball. Signs of drug intoxication or how to identify a drug addict by the eyes

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Characteristic signs of drug use (compendium) -.

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Characteristic signs of drug use (compendium) -.

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Common signs of drug use

External signs:
- pallor of the skin;
- dilated or constricted pupils;
- reddened or cloudy eyes;
- slow speech;
- poor coordination of movements.

Behavioral signs:
- increasing indifference to what is happening nearby;
- leaving home and absenteeism from school;
- difficulty concentrating, memory impairment;
- inadequate response to criticism;
- frequent and unexpected mood swings;
- unusual requests for money;
- loss of valuables, clothes and other things from the house;
- Frequent unexplained phone calls.
Signs - "evidence":
- injection marks, cuts, bruises;
- papers rolled into a tube, small spoons, capsules, bottles, vials.

Drug addiction is also expressed in sleep disturbance, muscle and joint pain, unstable blood pressure, dry mouth, decreased sexual potency, menstrual irregularities, weight loss, impaired protective properties of the body, etc.


(opium, heroin, codeine)

External changes- severe constriction of the pupils; eyes slightly reddish and very shiny; bruises under the eyes; superficial intermittent slow breathing; skin itching (especially the nose); lethargic and sleepy; slurred speech; passivity and general relaxation; apathy towards everything but oneself; euphoria and carelessness; excessive "courage" and determination; nervousness; etc.
Physiological changes- dry skin and mucous membranes (lips, tongue); superficial sleep; decrease in urine output; frequent constipation; with a cold, there is no cough; slight decrease in body temperature.


External changes- valid from 1-3 days; constriction of the pupils; slow and confused speech; slow movements; irritability over trifles; appetite disorders; superficial sleep; shallow breathing; "good nature", etc.
Physiological changes- slight skin itching.

Cannabiols (preparations from hemp)

(anasha, hashish, plan, ganja, charas, ma, kief, dachcha, synthetic cannabinol, mary jane, hump)

External changes- the pupil is slightly dilated; glitter in the eyes; redness of the whites of the eyes; slightly swollen eyelids; constant licking of the lips; bad breath; specific smell of burning from clothes; excessive gaiety and laughter for no reason; weakened attention; inconsistency of thoughts; memory impairment; a sharply emerging state of incomprehensible sadness and thoughtfulness; increased need for verbal communication, eventually changing to a desire for loneliness to the music (for hours); incomprehensible statements; incoherent speech, in statements there is a noticeable lack of logic between phrases; jumping from topic to topic; paying attention to minor details in a conversation; stupid tone of conversation; slight incoordination of movements; sometimes hallucinations; with a sharp change of scenery, fear and paranoid phenomena; increased appetite (gluttony); general euphoria complacency, etc.
Physiological changes- rapid pulse; dry mouth and lips.



An overly excited state; lack of fatigue; feeling of power and superiority; lack of appetite; exhaustion; insomnia; sometimes trembling of the limbs, hallucinations.

(preludin, ritalin, romilar, deoxin)

External changes- the pupil is dilated; eyes are rounded like those of an owl; increased activity and endurance of the body; all movements and actions are performed at an accelerated pace; the need to constantly move and do something; feeling of emotional uplift; euphoria; excessively "good" mood; reassessment of their capabilities; lack of feeling of hunger; increased sexual activity; a strong desire to speak; rapid pulse.


(chloral hydrate, meprobamate, methaqualone, barbamyl, phenobarbital, reladorm, cyclobarbital)

External changes- pupils are normal, but eyes are sleepy; difficulty speaking and stuttering; drowsiness; clouding of consciousness; hallucinations; uncontrolled and uncoordinated movements, imbalance (as if drunk); slow mental reactions; difficult thought process and speed of making a logical decision; indecision; vague statements; depressed mood, etc.
Physiological changes- Weak breathing and pulse.

(phenazepam, radedor, relanium (diazepam), elenium, imovan, donormil)

External changes- drowsiness; lethargy; confusion; slow reaction; impaired ability to concentrate; sluggish confused speech; feeling of dizziness; muscle weakness; articulation disorder; unsteady gait; hallucinations; suicidal tendencies.
Physiological changes- dry mouth.


Phencyclidine - PCP
("pi-si-pi", "angel dust")

External changes- impaired vision and consciousness; impaired coordination of movements; hallucinations; fear and panic; frequent memory loss; inability to perform purposeful actions; increased energy, cheerfulness; attention is focused on inner experiences; split personality, etc.
Physiological changes- the period of intoxication lasts from 4 to 6 hours; increased blood pressure; sweating; vomit; dizziness.

This topic presents the whole variety of mythical creatures present on the pages of Pliny the Elder's book "Natural History" - the largest encyclopedic work of antiquity.

7) Isigon and Nymphodorus convey that in the same Africa there are families who practice witchcraft; meadows perish from their praise, trees dry up, babies fade away, Isigon adds that there are people of the same kind among the Triballi and Illyrians (they bewitch with a look and kill those who are long stared at with a hated, mostly, look); that the evil of their eyes is felt more by adults; and that (which is especially remarkable) that they have in each eye two pupils. Cicero, one of our authors, states that the double-pupiled female eye brings misfortune everywhere. Indeed, when nature implanted in man the brutal custom of devouring the flesh of [another] person, she also took care to inject poisons into the body, and in some people even into the eyes, so that the evil would reside within the person himself.

II.17. Apollonides declares that there are women of the same kind in Scythia, they are called Bitians, and Philarchus that there is a Tibian tribe in Pontus and many others like them, whose distinguishing mark is double pupil in one eye, and the image of a horse in the other, and besides the fact that they cannot be drowned, even burdened with robes. Damon tells of a tribe of the Farmaks in Ethiopia, quite different from them, whose sweat, when their bodies come into contact, leads to festering.

Vision is one of the most important ways of perceiving the world for a person. The eyes reflect any movements of the soul, they not only deliver information about the world to a person, but also tell a lot about their owner. But sometimes problems arise with this organ, and very bizarre ones.
One of these miracles of nature is double pupil, or as it is also called Pupula duplex. The name here speaks for itself - with this violation, two pupils are simultaneously located in one eyeball.

This disease is considered as one of the variants of coloboma (absence of part of the iris).

Depending on the time of occurrence of the polycoria anomaly, it can be:

Congenital: incomplete fusion of the iris due to intrauterine exposure to damaging factors;
Acquired: a consequence of trauma and tissue necrosis or surgery to remove a tumor of the iris;
In both cases, the presence of a double pupil can be observed in only one eye or in both at once.

There is a persistent legend about Liu Ch'ung. He was the emperor in China for a thousand years BC. It is said that he had just such an eye problem.

The image of this unique person was recreated by Robert Ripley (Robert Ripley), who organized a whole project of "incredibles" called "Believe it or not."

Double pupil photo:

Health ecology: Perhaps the most effective method of visually determining whether a person is taking drugs is through the pupils. The pupil is the dark opening in the iris of the eye. It limits the amount of light reaching the retina.


Perhaps the most effective method of visually determining whether a person is taking drugs is through the pupils.

The pupil is the dark opening in the iris of the eye. It limits the amount of light reaching the retina.


Changes in the size of the pupil occur in response to light irritation of the retina, convergence of the visual axes of both eyes, eye strain to distinguish between objects located at different distances from each other, and also in response to stimuli of a different nature. The size of the pupil changes due to two muscles of the iris: the circular one, which provides constriction of the pupil, and the radial one, which provides expansion.

In a sober person, the pupil is never absolutely calm. The constant movements of the pupil depend on numerous stimuli: increased human activity, pain, emotional stress, strong fear, a sudden sharp stimulus (push, loud sound) lead to the expansion of the pupils. So the human body tries to quickly get visual information about the stimulus. The addict's pupil is in one position (during the action of the drug), sometimes changing slightly literally by 1 mm.


The pupil can indicate the type of drug taken. How it looks is indicated in the figures (photo) 1,2,3


In moderate lighting it is in the average size, changing depending on the brightness of the light, the pupil is constantly in motion from constricted to dilated.

The sharpness of the change in lighting also affects, so if you shine a flashlight into the eyes, then the pupil of a sober person will immediately work to narrow, turning off the bright light, the pupil will expand - this is a sign of the normal functioning of the pupil, after such manipulations, the pupil of the drug addict will be in one position, in which ? narrowed or widened, see figures 2 and 3.


The pupil of the addict - Heroin, morphine, poppy drugs, codeine-containing medications (terpincod, codelac, nurofen, etc.) - cause constriction.

The pupil of the eye is narrowed (small), does not respond to changes in lighting, if you shine a flashlight for a few seconds and turn it off, then the pupils will remain in one, narrowed position, for people who understand such situations, the eyes of a drug addict with a narrowed pupil are suspicious already from a distance of 1-2 meters.

For your information, the duration of action of drugs such as opiates (opioids), heroin, morphine, codeine, etc. is about 5 hours, by this time the pupils of the eye begin to function gradually, the reaction of the pupil to light is almost imperceptible, but it is still present. As the active substance (drug) leaves the body, this happens after 5 hours after use, the addict sobers up and the pupil's functionality is gradually restored.


The pupil of the addict - Cocaine, amphetamine, ecstasy, LSD, perevintin (screw in slang) causes a noticeable dilation of the pupils.

The pupil in this position is immediately noticeable, usually the effect of such drugs lasts about 24 hours (except for cocaine, which has an effect of 1-1.5 hours), and the pupil can be dilated after a day or more, sometimes coming to the middle position, then expanding again, this happens as the person sobers up.

In some cases, after using perevintina ("screw" in slang), the pupil remains dilated for two days. When checked with a flashlight, the pupil remains in an enlarged, large state, slightly changing literally by 1 mm, depending on the time that the drug has been taken.

Marijuana, hemp, hashish, etc. can cause both constriction and dilation of the pupil. After taking this drug, the white of the addict's eye becomes pink or reddened, inflamed (swollen) vessels are visible, and most importantly, the addict's eyes become "glassy" (glare in the light).

The color of the iris (eye color: blue, gray, brown, etc.) does not play a role, but the darker it is, the more difficult the diagnosis.

If you see a person very often with non-standard pupils, then this is the first sign of drug use.

Usually a person uses one drug. When a child or relative returns home, look into the eyes if the pupil is consistently irregular and the same size either large or small - this is a sign of drug use.

Do not forget, a small or large pupil is a reaction to light, darkness or in the sun, but a constantly small or large pupil is a sign of use. Change the lighting or turn the flashlight on and off by shining it in their eyes. In a sober person, the pupil will constantly change, narrow in bright light, expand in the dark, the pupil of the drug addict will be in one position (in what? See photo pictures 1,2,3).

This will be of interest to you:

If a person has been seen using opiates (heroin, codeine, poppy, tramal, zaldiar, etc.), such drug addicts use some tricks to mask the pupil. The trick is that pharmacies sell a lot of drugs that dilate pupils purposefully and not.

An enlarged pupil also indicates a withdrawal syndrome (refusal to use, withdrawal, drug hangover). published

For many drug addicts who have not yet entered the stage when it becomes absolutely all the same, it is important that their relatives, friends and just surroundings do not understand that they are addicted to drugs. They try to hide their addiction and resort to various methods for this.

However, there are not so many such methods. And the signs of drug addiction are still quite bright and obvious to many around.

When an addict hides any one sign, and he succeeds, there are others that are not so easy to get rid of. It is by these signs that any person who is familiar with drug addiction firsthand will identify a severe addiction to drugs. In addition, in addition to obvious external signs, drug addicts change their behavior. And it is impossible to hide or disguise by any means or means.

And no tricks will allow you to hide the serious consequences that drugs leave behind. Especially if taken regularly over an extended period of time.

External signs that drug addicts manage to hide

  1. Traces all over the body that remain from constant injections into the veins. These marks are especially common in drug addicts in the elbows of the arms, the knees of the legs or hips, the groin or armpits. Such visible signs of intravenous drug use cause people addicted to them, even in the most intense heat, not to wear short sleeves or shorts.
  2. Narrowed to a state of points, the pupils of the eyes. In people who constantly use drugs, the eyes react badly to light, there is even such a term that they use about such a pupil - “shrunken pupil”. Sometimes drugs can cause the opposite reaction, and the pupils constantly remain very dilated.
  3. Red eyes. Most addicts who use cannabis drugs in the whites of the eyeball burst capillaries and form hemorrhages that give the eyes a red color.

These are not all the signs by which a drug addict can be recognized. In fact, there are many more. And professional drug addicts always have a set of items for taking drugs with them, because without this they simply cannot imagine their life and items that help hide their addiction. How do drug addicts hide these obvious signs?

Masking constricted pupils

The problem of narrow pupils is most often experienced by those drug addicts who use opium drugs. In order to give the pupils a normal appearance, they use a medicine that, in common practice, treats diseases of the stomach. The name of this drug is becarbon.

This medicine has a side effect - when it is taken, the pupils dilate. It is this effect that adherents of heroin, poppy straw opium and crocodile use. In order to expand the pupils, pink tablets of the Becarbon preparation are ground into a fine powder and diluted with water. After that, the solution of the drug is instilled into the eyes a few drops.

Therefore, the packaging of such a drug in a bag or pocket of a friend or relative should alert his loved ones. After all, this may mean that a person is drug addicted and uses strong opiate drugs. I must say that the drug becarbon often dilates the pupils unevenly.

One of them is wider than the other. This is due to the fact that the dosage that enters both eyes can be different, for example, two drops versus three. By such pupils, you can also recognize a drug addict.

But the worst thing is that this drug, used in this way and not for its intended purpose, has a very detrimental effect on human vision. Therefore, very soon, the drug addict who regularly used it, the sharpness of the picture of the world drops dramatically and a muddy and fuzzy movie appears before his eyes.

There are other drugs that can dilate the pupils in the same way as becarbon. These include, in particular, atropine and drugs of its group.

Masking dilated pupils

Dilated pupils of the eyes are mainly among those drug addicts who use narcotic stimulants. To give the eyes a normal look, they also use drugs. For example, such a group of drugs as miotics.

These include drugs such as: fosarbine, pilocarpine, carbacholin, aceclidine, physostigmine, phosphacol and other drugs that can narrow the pupil of the eye. Like the previous camouflage, these drugs greatly impair vision and even often cause cataracts. But those drug addicts who want to hide their addictions do not stop even at complete blindness.

Concealment of injection marks

If there are many traces of intravenous injections on the human body, then for others this is the most obvious sign of drug addiction, which is simply striking. These traces can be seen by any close person, friend or relative of the addict.

And if he also compares it with other signs, for example, strange behavior, then he will make a clear conclusion about a person’s drug addiction. Of course, when the drug addict is asked questions about the nature of these traces, he has to come up with various, sometimes very ridiculous, options for their origin.

Versions may vary. From a squeezed pimple to scratches from a cat's claws. However, even a person who is far from medicine or drugs can distinguish injection marks from other skin lesions.

If you look closely at the marks on the skin, then at the injection sites you will see the inlet of the needle in the form of a small red dot. Very often, a small bruise around the point will form around the injection site. For experienced drug addicts, injection points form entire “roads”, because they follow each other.

When a drug addict injects many times in a row into the same vein, a “well” can form at this place. Each new prick expands and deepens it, making it more distinct and noticeable.

If you take a closer look at the "roads" of a drug addict, you can see some regularity. This is a clear sign that a person is injecting drugs into a vein. After all, "roads" follow only along the lines of veins.

But stubborn in their desire to hide drug addiction, people pass off even the most obvious “roads” as ordinary scratches, and the appearance of “wells” is explained by burns. It all depends only on the degree of development of fantasy in the addict.

Disguise of injection marks occurs by regularly applying various ointments to the injection sites, which serve against the appearance of blood clots. KU such ointments include: troxevasin, hepatrombin and the like. Using these ointments, drug addicts get rid of bruises in a matter of days.

Another way to hide injection marks is a method in which injections are made only in those parts of the body that are not visible to others. For example: the groin area, legs, neck below and under the hair, the back of the forearm or armpit.

With injections in the groin, the addict can afford to wear T-shirts and shorts in the hot summer, no different from other people. True, any drug addict immediately gives out huge circles under the eyes and painful thinness.

Those drug addicts who do not inject in any way, intramuscularly or intravenously, but only smoke narcotic mixtures or sniff drugs, are not much different from other people. And it’s not easy to recognize them as drug addicts. I must say that those drug addicts come to such use of drugs who are afraid for their loved ones or do not want anger on their part.

Red-eye masking

Addicts who use marijuana or other cannabis derivatives suffer from constant severe hunger and dry mouth, and they also have red eyes. And if the first two consequences of taking drugs cannot be hidden, but they do not rush into the eyes, then the red-eye effect is removed with the help of eye drops.

There are many such drops that reduce redness of the eyes and relieve their dryness, the most famous drug is Vizin.

That's all the main ways that help drug addicts hide the outward signs of using certain types of drugs. But close people can always compare a person's behavior, taking these drugs and other signs in order to understand that he is really a drug addict. He suffers from severe addiction and needs help.

An addict can be recognized by the following signs of using popular drugs:

  • Reception LSD- dilates the pupils, makes the skin pale, raises body temperature, creates hallucinations, causes rapid pulse and slurred speech.
  • Reception Ecstasy- dilates the pupils and gives the eyes a characteristic luster, makes the jaw clenched. A person's teeth creak and his jaws play, he suffers from insomnia.
  • Reception marijuana(aka cannabis, hashish) - dilates the pupils, makes the eyes red and puffy, makes movements uncertain, increases appetite, makes you laugh for no reason and creates a smile wandering on your face.
  • Reception heroin: turns the pupils into "points", gives the effect of "glass" eyes with half-closed eyelids, slows down breathing. The person experiences drowsiness, suffers from lack of appetite. He often has reddened swollen lips, he scratches his nose and face, and sometimes other parts of the body , there are injection marks on the body, and burnt holes on the clothes.
  • Reception amphetamine(otherwise speed, hair dryer, speed) - creates a lack of appetite and mood swings, insomnia begins, a person has dilated pupils, suffers from increased talkativeness, anxiety. The addict develops vigorous activity, which is replaced by severe fatigue. Those addicted people who use the drug, inhaling it through their nose, constantly have plastic cards with traces of scratches on them, they “roll out tracks” and banknotes of money on them, with traces of rolling into a tube.
  • Reception Pervitina(otherwise screw) - gives dilated pupils, insomnia, traces of injections are visible on the body. A person has a rapid heartbeat, loses appetite, his muscles and jaws are reduced. The addict is unable to sit still, constantly bites his lips and "goggles" his eyes, and in 90% of cases a strong pungent smell comes from his clothes.
  • Reception cocaine

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Topic: "How to identify a drug addict by the eyes?"

Drug intoxication or how to identify a drug addict by the eyes.Perhaps this is the most effective method of visually determining whether a person is taking drugs.

The pupil is the dark opening in the iris of the eye. It limits the amount of light reaching the retina.

A little theory:

Changes in the size of the pupil occur in response to light irritation of the retina, convergence of the visual axes of both eyes, eye strain to distinguish between objects located at different distances from each other, and also in response to stimuli of a different nature. The size of the pupil changes due to two muscles of the iris: the circular one, which provides constriction of the pupil, and the radial one, which provides expansion. In a sober person, the pupil is never absolutely calm. The constant movements of the pupil depend on numerous stimuli: increased human activity, pain, emotional stress, strong fear, a sudden sharp stimulus (push, loud sound) lead to the expansion of the pupils. So the human body tries to quickly get visual information about the stimulus. The addict's pupil is in one position (during the action of the drug), sometimes changing slightly literally by 1 mm.

How to recognize by the eyesthat man is an addict?

The pupil can indicate the type of drug taken. How it looks is indicated in the figures (photo) 1,2,3

PICTURE 1 The pupil is normal (the person is presumably sober)

In moderate lighting it is in the average size, changing depending on the brightness of the light, the pupil is constantly in motion from constricted to dilated. The sharpness of the change in lighting also affects, so if you shine a flashlight into the eyes, then the pupil of a sober person will immediately work to constrict, turning off the bright light, the pupil will expand - this is a sign of the normal functioning of the pupil, after such manipulations, the pupil of the drug addict will be in one position, in which? narrowed or widened, see figures 2 and 3.

FIGURE 2 Addict's eyes

Figure 2: The pupil of an addict - , morphine, poppy drugs, (terpincod, codelac, nurofen, etc.) - cause constriction.

The pupil of the eye is narrowed (small), does not respond to changes in lighting, if you shine a flashlight for a few seconds and turn it off, then the pupils will remain in one, narrowed position, for people who understand such situations, the eyes of a drug addict with a narrowed pupil are suspicious already from a distance of 1-2 meters. For your information, the duration of action of drugs such as opiates (opioids), heroin, morphine, codeine, etc. is about 5 hours, by this time the pupils of the eye begin to function gradually, the reaction of the pupil to light is almost imperceptible, but it is still present. As the active substance (drug) leaves the body, this happens after 5 hours after use, the addict sobers up and the functionality of the pupil gradually is being restored.

FIGURE 3 Addict's eyes

Figure 3: Pupil - , LSD, perevintin (screw in slang), sometimes causes a noticeable dilation of the pupils.

The pupil in this position is immediately noticeable, usually the effect of such lasts about 24 hours (except for cocaine, which has an effect of 1-1.5 hours), and the pupil can be dilated after a day or more, sometimes coming to the middle position, then expanding again, this happens after measure of a person's sobriety. In some cases, after using perevintina ("screw" in slang), the pupil remains dilated for two days. When checked with a flashlight, the pupil remains in an enlarged, large state, slightly changing literally by 1 mm, depending on the time that the drug has been taken.

, hashish, "Spice" (smoking mixtures, mixes), etc. can be called as contraction and expansion pupil. After taking this drug, the white of the drug addict's eye becomes pinkish or reddened, inflamed (swollen) vessels are visible, and most importantly, the drug addict's eyes become "glassy" (glare in the light), to hide this, drug addicts use eye drops such as "Vizin", etc.

The color of the iris (eye color: blue, gray, brown, etc.) does not play a role, but the darker it is, the more difficult the diagnosis.

If you see a person very often with non-standard pupils, then this is the first sign of drug use.

Usually a person uses one drug. When a child or returns home, look into the eyes if the pupil is constantly not standard and of the same size, either large or small - this is a sign.

Do not forget, a small or large pupil is a reaction to light, darknessor in the sun, but constantly a small or large pupil is a sign of use. Change the lighting or turn the flashlight on and off by shining it in their eyes. In a presumably sober person, the pupil will constantly change, narrow in bright light, expand in the dark, the eye is clear to the light, the transparent one does not shine and is not inflamed, the pupil of the drug addict will be in one position, inflamed protein, eyes that look glassy, ​​shine, or cloudy, seeing your loved one every day, you can easily notice changes in his eyes and behavior, do not be afraid to use rapid urine drug tests for 5 or more types (sold in a pharmacy). Newfangled and very common drug NOT defined in tests and analyses, at least for now 2013. Only external factors, eyes and behavior can be identified.

If a person has been seen using opiates (heroin, codeine, poppy, tramal, zaldiar, etc.), such drug addicts use some tricks to mask the pupil. The trick is that pharmacies sell a lot of drugs that dilate pupils purposefully and not.

An enlarged pupil also indicates withdrawal syndrome (refusal to use, drug hangover).

About quality rehabilitation

In general, in Russia, high-quality addiction rehabilitation is not possible due to the lack of real world methods, and the main reason is the lack of highly qualified personnel, psychiatrists, narcologists, and psychologists. Rehabilitation is a finely tuned mechanism in which an addicted person stays for a long time. The nervous system recovers for at least 4 weeks, and during this time a person must be in very favorable conditions, where every little thing, every hour spent and, most importantly, a favorable climate plays an important role: a comfortable environment of international doctors and patients from different countries. Studies have shown the unacceptability of close contact of Russian-speaking drug addicts, which is the sin of rehabilitation centers in Russia, organized in the cramped premises of rented cottages, keeping patients imprisoned within a low social group. The organizers only make it worse. You can not put a patient in a low socialized and low cultured environment and call it "12 steps." As the proverb says: "Whoever you go with, that's what you'll get."

"Mosmedservice Rehabilitation Center" in Israel is part of a large-scale international program "Step by step", do not confuse it with the 12 step program. According to our international "Step by step" treatment methodology, former drug addicts are not kept together. Firstly, there are no close contacts of patients, this is monitored by the doctors on duty. Secondly, all patients are from different countries, with different languages. Thirdly, the patient's regimen is strictly scheduled by the hour, which includes; work with a professional psychologist, excursions, physical rehabilitation, swimming, philosophy, yoga, etc.

We correspond to the VIP status and protect our clients from prying eyes and ears, provide 100% anonymity at affordable prices! Treatment costs a little more than in Russia, but the quality is simply incomparable!, or rather, it simply does not exist in Russia! In simple words, your relative will return from us with a high feeling, rehabilitation in our center will be remembered forever, this will be the point from which people start a new life!

If you are using drugs- stop doing it!

This information is not drug propaganda, manufacturing and drug use . The purpose of this material is to convey to people who use drugs simple principles that will help them stay healthy and avoid various kinds of diseases, one way or another related to drug use, and most importantly, immediately begin treatment for addiction to them.