Hair loss metaphysical reasons. Louise hay baldness

Many people complain about problems such as dandruff, premature graying, increased functioning sebaceous glands or hair loss. Most often, a visit to a trichologist helps to cope with these "ailments", but the doctor may be powerless, because the cause of the disease, in particular, hair loss, lies in psychological state person. To resolve this problem, it is important to understand the causes of hair loss in psychosomatics.

Psychosomatic diseases

Often hair loss if there are no others objective reasons, is a psychosomatic disease and speaks of problems with the psychological state of a person. Psychosomatic diseases are diseases that have physical manifestations, but the causes of which lie in the human psyche. There are several hypotheses for the appearance of these diseases.

The first one says that psychosomatic illnesses can be caused by stress from insurmountable psychological trauma.

The main idea of ​​the second hypothesis is that stress is caused by the presence in one individual of motives that are different in direction, but identical in strength.

The third hypothesis suggests that the psychosomatics of hair loss lies in depression caused by unresolved psychological conflicts.

Mechanism of psychosomatic hair loss

Strong feelings, whether fear, anxiety, or any other negative emotion cause the human body to react in a certain way. Therefore, as an integral part of organism systems, the skin is also exposed to internal processes. For example, during fear, the body is mobilized, there is an influx of blood to the systems that are vital at the moment and its outflow from “unnecessary” organs, including the skin. Thus, the hair stops getting nutrients and oxygen carried in the blood. When a person constantly experiences fear, damage begins to occur. hair follicles resulting in hair loss.

If a person has experienced intense fear or this feeling has been present in his life for a long time, damage to the hair follicles may become irreversible. If the negative experience was episodic and did not recur in the near future, hair restoration occurs normally and will last approximately 3-4 months. It is worth noting that the psychosomatics of hair loss in women is the same as in men, only they are more prone to such problems.

Cause - neurosis

Of course, the cause of hair loss can be many factors that are not related to the psyche. Exact reason disease can only be determined by passing the examination. However, the presence of the following series of symptoms gives the right to assume the psychosomatic nature of the disease:

  • In addition to hair loss, there is a general deterioration in the condition of the skin and nails. The appearance of symptoms such as brittle nails, the acquisition of a gray, painful shade of skin, peeling, indicates the presence of a psychosomatic disease.
  • The gradual process of loss. If hair loss has non-mental causes, it occurs quickly enough, but if it occurs psychosomatic illness, hair loss will occur gradually, with an increase in the amount of hair that has fallen out per day.
  • Hair not only falls out, but also deteriorates. There is a loss of volume, dullness appears, sebaceous glands begin to work more intensively, as a result of which it becomes necessary to increase the frequency of shampooing.

Causes of hair loss: psychosomatics

Psychosomatic hair loss can lead to different factors, however, there are a number of causes that are most common. Firstly, exposure to even a small amount of stress can lead to hair loss if a person has the ability to do so. genetic predisposition. Secondly, the psychosomatics of hair loss lies in some significant event, the shock that entailed severe stress. And thirdly, very often a condition can cause psychosomatic problems with hair. internal conflict. Hair begins to fall out if a person is constantly engaged in "self-eating". Unresolved problems caused, for example, by complexes, guilt or resentment, make a person stay in a state of constant stress. Also similar problems can be caused by troubles in the family or sexual life.

Hypotheses of Liz Bourbo

Problem unconditioned physical factors diseases have been and continue to be dealt with by many psychologists, Liz Burbo has achieved particular success in this area. She also touches on hair loss in her books. Psychosomatics Liz Burbo explains this process without generally contradicting claims about the influence prolonged stress and shocks per person. Bourbo's hypothesis also suggests that hair is some kind of conductor of cosmic (or divine) energy from the Universe to the human head, which symbolizes the inner "I". Thus, the psychologist concludes that if hair problems are observed, this indicates that a person has lost the ability to independently build his life due to insufficient faith in divine energy.

Liz Burbo advises people who have such problems to be themselves and remember that the material world should not crowd out the spiritual one, and also do not forget to believe in your own strength and help from the Universe.

Hypotheses of Louise Hay

Louise Hay, who is a well-known author of motivational books, the main focus of which is self-help, is also engaged in the study of physical diseases associated with a psychological state. Of course, one of the subjects of her research is hair loss. Psychosomatics (Louise Hay is convinced of this) plays a key role in this process. The author believes that the loss hairline begins to occur as a result of a person’s desire to have total control over the situation, as well as due to a distrustful attitude towards life and constant tension. As a solution to this problem, she advises using affirmations. A person who wants to be cured of an illness needs to replace his negative views with thoughts that he trusts the world, that he is completely safe, and also needs to remember to love himself.


Hair restoration is very important process, since problems with appearance, which began due to loss of hair, can also aggravate the psychological state. The psychosomatics of hair loss is directly related to a person's sense of self.

When treating hair, it is necessary to use special shampoos and masks that are sold in specialized stores. You also need to add to the diet foods containing vitamins A, groups B, D, E. Every day you need to do a head and neck massage to improve blood flow to the hair follicles. And, of course, since the disease is psychosomatic in nature, it is necessary to get rid of the cause of stress or, if the shock was single, to avoid new troubles. Depending on the situation, it is worth contacting a psychologist. A haircut can also help, many experts believe that getting rid of old hair will help leave the burden of experiences in the past. Moreover, this procedure is physical level useful for damaged hair.


Psychosomatics in case of hair loss is quite problematic, therefore, in order to avoid such troubles, it is worth taking care of prevention.

The main measure to prevent this disease is to work on your psychological state. Also, various physical exercise. They increase blood flow to all organs, and also cause a surge of endorphins, which has a good effect on the psychological state. This is important point, since very often the psychosomatics of hair loss is associated with a lack of joy in life.


1. Vladimir Zhikarentsev. Path to freedom. Karmic causes of problems or how to change your life.
2. Louise Hay. Heal yourself.
3. Lazarev S. N. "Diagnosis of Karma" (books 1-12) and "Man of the Future".
4. Valery Sinelnikov. Love your sickness.
5. Liz Burbo. Your body says "Love yourself!".
6. Torsunov O. G. Communication of diseases with character. Vital energy person.
7. Bodo Baginski, Sharamon Shalila. Reiki is the universal energy of life.
8. Energy-information medicine according to Konovalov. Healing emotions.
9. Olga Zhalevich. 9 drugs that will save the world.

Andrey Zhalevich

In the photo - musician and designer Alena Khristyuk (Dampness)
Photo by Olga Khristyuk

HAIR is an indicator of our strength. With stress, fear in shoulder muscles there is a strong tension that is transmitted to the scalp and, sometimes, spreads further, to the skin around the eyes. Hair grows from follicles (hair follicles), which, when the skin is overstressed, shrink, making it impossible for the hair to breathe normally, causing it to die and fall out. At constant voltage the follicles remain compressed, preventing the hair from growing back. This leads to baldness.

Female pattern baldness has been on the rise ever since women entered the stressful world of business. It remains invisible to others thanks to skillful wigs, in which women who have lost their hair, unlike most men, look natural and attractive.

The inability of a person to relax speaks not of the strength, but of the weakness of the person. On the contrary, the ability to release tension, calm down, concentrate on your inner self gives strength and confidence. Ability to shoot physical stress it is necessary for everyone, and for many, in particular, it is useful to learn how to relieve tension from the scalp.

Affirmations for a healthy body

Little kids love every inch of their bodies. They do not complex, are not ashamed of him, do not constantly compare themselves with others. You too were like that, but then, walking along the road of life, you began to listen to the voices of those who claimed that you were “not good enough”. You have become critical of your body, deciding that it is it that spoils you. Let's end this nonsense and start loving our body for what it is.

The subconscious mind does not have a sense of humor and cannot distinguish truth from lies. And all our words and thoughts turns into construction material. By repeating over and over: “I love my body,” you will sow new seeds in the fertile soil of your subconscious, which over time will turn into an indisputable truth for you.

Stand in front of a mirror and repeat each affirmation (new pattern of thinking) ten times. Repeat this exercise twice a day. Also, try to write down ten new affirmations throughout the day. One day - to one of the proposed affirmations, and so sequentially to each of the proposed affirmations. Get a special notebook and write down your own positive attitudes in it.

My head is not tense and calm. I carry it freely and easily. My hair is comfortable on it. They can grow freely and look luxurious. I focus on the thoughts that lovingly massage my hair. I love and appreciate my beautiful head!

I believe that life will satisfy my needs, and therefore I grow up strong and calm. I relax the muscles in my head and let my beautiful hair thrive. I take care of my hair with love and think about how to keep it growing and strong. I love and appreciate my beautiful hair!

I love my looks. It corresponds to this period of my life. I chose my appearance before I was born and I am completely satisfied with my choice. I am unique and special. Nobody looks exactly like me. I am beautiful and every day I become more and more attractive. I focus on the thoughts that make me beautiful. I like how I look. I love and appreciate my beautiful appearance!

My body is made for life. I am glad that I chose this particular body, as it is the very perfection for this moment of my life. I have the perfect size, shape and color. It serves me so well. I am delighted that this is my body. I focus on healing thoughts that create and keep my body healthy and allow me to keep good health. I love and appreciate my beautiful body!

From Louise Hay's Heal Your Life.

1. LYSINA- (V. Zhikarentsev)

Causes of the disease

Fear. Voltage. Try to control everything around. Do not trust the process of life.

I feel safe. I love and approve of myself. I trust life.

2. BALDNESS- (Louise Hay)

Causes of the disease

Fear. Voltage. The desire to control everything. Distrust in the process of life.

Possible Healing Solution

I'm safe. I love myself and approve. I trust life.

3. BALDNESS- (Liz Burbo)

Physical blocking

Baldness is the loss of hair on the head or other parts of the body, resulting in rounded areas of smooth white skin. The hair around these areas remains as thick as usual. There may also be complete baldness.

Emotional blocking

Since in both animals and humans, hair performs protective function, hair loss in large quantities says that a person deprives himself of protection. As a result of some event or decision, a person no longer feels secure and experiences a strong fear that he cannot get rid of on his own. It is difficult for him to ask for protection from others. It is also possible that this person is trying to protect others in order to hide his own fear - the fear of being defenseless.

mental blocking

If you are suffering from baldness, you must reconnect with your soul and your " I AM”, and also to understand that you are always provided with the protection of your inner “GOD”. Before you believe that no one wants to protect you, find out if this is really so. Maybe people just don't know that you need protection. In the same way, before you rush to protect others, try to find out from these people how much they need your protection. Allow yourself to acknowledge your fears and share them with others. See also

The problem of alopecia is often provoked by more serious psychological problems than a malfunction internal organs. Having studied in detail the question of what psychosomatics is and how it affects hair loss, you can cure alopecia forever.


The opinion that any disease is provoked predominantly nervous disorders, can be explained with scientific point vision.

Psychosomatics is a special area in medicine that studies the relationship between diseases. nervous system and health problems.

Statistically, more than 75% of diseases develop in a person against the background of depression, a long-term state of nervous overstrain. It is easy to explain this situation: the nervous system in a state of stress releases substances, upon contact with which the immune system loses its strength. Nervous disorders reduce defensive forces organism before negative factors external environment. As a result, diseases of internal organs and systems develop.

The cause of alopecia is stress

The relationship between psychosomatics and baldness can be seen in the following points:

  • Elevated cortisol levels slow down metabolic processes in the body, immunity loses its strength, and the body begins to replenish the necessary substances from the nails and hairline.
  • Stress provokes moments oxygen starvation. The cells of the hair follicles are especially affected. As a result, the process of new hair growth is blocked.
  • depression and nervous breakdowns activate the process of hair loss, slow down the growth of new ones hair follicles. As a result, baldness develops.
  • Hormonal imbalance provoked by nervous disorders can cause beriberi. The lack of vitamins is reflected in the condition of the hair. They sharply lose their brilliance and strength, quickly fall out, slowly grow.


The exact answer, whether psychosomatics is the cause of hair loss, can be given profile specialist based on surveys. But There are a number of symptoms, the development of which links alopecia and psycho-emotional disorders:

  • The process of hair loss develops gradually. If baldness was provoked not by stress or nervous strain, and diseases, then the hair thins very quickly.
  • The structure is changing appearance hair. Simultaneously with alopecia, the process of excessive secretion of sebum develops. Hair quickly becomes oily, dull, volume and elasticity disappear. These symptoms are explained hormonal failure in the body, provoked by prolonged depression.
  • The condition of not only the hair worsens, but also skin, nails. Against the background of progressive problems of the nervous system, the skin changes its shade, ages quickly, nails exfoliate, break, hair begins to fall out sharply.

Important! Having found at least one of the above symptoms, it is necessary to consult a psychotherapist (or neuropathologist) as soon as possible, who will determine true reason alopecia and will indicate the necessary course of therapeutic therapy.

Baldness treatment

Treatment of alopecia provoked by nervous disorders includes a set of measures. Their main goal is to stabilize the emotional background of the patient.

According to the results of the examinations, the patient is shown:

  • reception sedatives and antidepressants;
  • taking vitamin complexes;
  • physiotherapy that improves blood circulation in the tissues of the head (mesotherapy);
  • usage medicated shampoos and lotions;
  • applying masks prepared according to folk recipes;
  • head massage.

After consultation with a psychologist, the patient can be offered several options for methods that help restore the psycho-emotional background and eliminate the problem of baldness.

Most effective methods are:

  • hypnosis;
  • gestald therapy;
  • bodynamics;
  • cognitive behavioral therapy.

In the treatment of alopecia caused by depression and stress Special attention should be given to the diet. For the duration of treatment, you will have to forget about diets. Just making up for the lack essential substances and trace elements, you can quickly restore the density of the hairline. The list of products that must be consumed includes: dairy products, fish fat and seafood lean varieties meat, vegetables and fruits, salads, whole grain bread, mushrooms.

To stop the process of hair loss and prevent relapses of alopecia in the future will help work on yourself, the formation of stress resistance - yoga, regular classes sports.

Traveling or just walking in the fresh air will help to recover from a nervous shock.

Louise Hay Method

Public figure, writer Louise Hay is a bestselling author of motivational literature. Focusing on own experience, Louise designed unique technique treatment of diseases caused by psychological trauma and nervous disorders.

The active process of hair loss in women and men, Louise also associates with psychological trauma. Stress, anxiety, fear, an irresistible desire to control everyone, distrust of the whole world provokes the process of baldness. To cure alopecia, according to Louise, you can let go of the situation, learning to control your anger and feel calm and safe, confident in the future.

Only by replacing negative thoughts with positive ones, you can achieve harmony with yourself and eliminate existing problem physical ill health.

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Trichologist about the causes of hair loss.

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Thought is material, it is embodied in our affairs, in relationships with people, in our illnesses and general well-being.

This statement in recent times surprises almost no one and finds many supporters. The thinkers and healers of antiquity adhered to the same opinion.

Psychosomatics is a science located at the intersection of medicine and psychology, believes that the connection between the soul and the body is so strong that unstable emotions and unbalanced human behavior lead to the appearance of diseases.

Who is Louise Hay?

One of the authorities of psychosomatics is Louise Hay, an American researcher of this problem. She experienced the mechanisms of disease on herself.

She was diagnosed with uterine cancer, which this woman coped with in a few months. This successful cure was preceded by long way reflection and analysis of one's own life.

Louise Hay knew about negative impact unresolved problems and unspoken grievances against any, the strongest organism.

Turning to psychosomatics, Louise Hay came to the conclusion that her illness appeared as a result of her inability to let go of the situation, due to her beliefs in her own inferiority as a woman.

She chose affirmations as beliefs - beliefs drawn up according to special rules.

These affirmations, repeated over several months, made her a healthy person and self-confident woman.

Louise Hay did not stop there, she decided to help other people and began to promote her experience.

Based on the results of her research, she compiled a table of the causes of diseases, known as the Louise Hay table, which draws a connection between illness and a person's emotional problems.

Louise Hay table - what is it?

The stereotypes of our thinking are formed on the negative experience received by a person. This postulate of psychosomatics and the table of diseases are closely related to each other.

If you change these old beliefs, you can completely get rid of many problems and diseases. Each incorrect installation leads to the appearance of a certain disease:

  • cancer is an old resentment;
  • thrush - subconscious rejection of your sexual partner;
  • cystitis - containment of negative emotions;
  • allergy - unwillingness to accept something or someone into your life, perhaps even yourself;
  • problems with thyroid gland- dissatisfaction with the quality of life.

Louise Hay believes that the cause of the disease will disappear after the person realizes the emotional problem. The disease does not appear just like that, it is sent to each person in order for him to think about its psychological causes. To facilitate these searches, the table of Louise Hay is intended.

Table of diseases Louise Hay

  1. First you need to find your problem in the first column, where the diseases are arranged in alphabetical order.
  2. On the right is probable cause leading to illness. This information should be read carefully and be sure to consider and comprehend. Without such study, you should not use this table.
  3. In the third column you need to find the affirmation corresponding to the problem and repeat it positive belief several times during the day.

A positive effect will not be long in coming - the steady state peace of mind will result in better health.


Probable Cause


In this book, Louise Hay writes that we create all diseases for ourselves, and we ourselves are able to treat them with our thoughts. Thoughts are material, it is no longer a secret for anyone. But, it’s not enough to know that thoughts are material, you also need to learn how to constantly direct them in the right direction, not allow negative thoughts into your head, try to always be positive.

With the help of the techniques and affirmations that the author of the book reveals to us, we can gradually get rid of many negative stereotypes that have firmly settled in our heads and prevent us from living peacefully and happily, without illness.

In the photo - musician and designer Alena Khristyuk (Dampness)
Photo by Olga Khristyuk

HAIR is an indicator of our strength. With stress, fear, a strong tension arises in the shoulder muscles, which is transmitted to the scalp and, sometimes, spreads further, to the skin around the eyes. Hair grows from follicles (hair follicles), which, when the skin is overstressed, shrink, making it impossible for the hair to breathe normally, causing it to die and fall out. With constant tension, the follicles remain compressed, preventing the hair from growing back. This leads to baldness.

Female pattern baldness has been on the rise ever since women entered the stressful world of business. It remains invisible to others thanks to skillful wigs, in which women who have lost their hair, unlike most men, look natural and attractive.

The inability of a person to relax speaks not of the strength, but of the weakness of the person. On the contrary, the ability to release tension, calm down, concentrate on your inner self gives strength and confidence. The ability to relieve physical tension is necessary for everyone, and for many, in particular, it is useful to learn how to relieve tension from the scalp.

Affirmations for a healthy body

Little kids love every inch of their bodies. They do not complex, are not ashamed of him, do not constantly compare themselves with others. You too were like that, but then, walking along the road of life, you began to listen to the voices of those who claimed that you were “not good enough”. You have become critical of your body, deciding that it is it that spoils you. Let's end this nonsense and start loving our body for what it is.

The subconscious mind does not have a sense of humor and cannot distinguish truth from lies. And all our words and thoughts turns into building material. By repeating over and over: “I love my body,” you will sow new seeds in the fertile soil of your subconscious, which over time will turn into an indisputable truth for you.

Stand in front of a mirror and repeat each affirmation (new pattern of thinking) ten times. Repeat this exercise twice a day. Also, try to write down ten new affirmations throughout the day. One day - to one of the proposed affirmations, and so sequentially to each of the proposed affirmations. Get a special notebook and write down your own positive attitudes in it.

My head is not tense and calm. I carry it freely and easily. My hair is comfortable on it. They can grow freely and look luxurious. I focus on the thoughts that lovingly massage my hair. I love and appreciate my beautiful head!

I believe that life will satisfy my needs, and therefore I grow up strong and calm. I relax the muscles in my head and let my beautiful hair thrive. I take care of my hair with love and think about how to keep it growing and strong. I love and appreciate my beautiful hair!

I love my looks. It corresponds to this period of my life. I chose my appearance before I was born and I am completely satisfied with my choice. I am unique and special. Nobody looks exactly like me. I am beautiful and every day I become more and more attractive. I focus on the thoughts that make me beautiful. I like how I look. I love and appreciate my beautiful appearance!

My body is made for life. I am glad that I chose this particular body, as it is the very perfection for this moment of my life. I have the perfect size, shape and color. It serves me so well. I am delighted that this is my body. I focus on healing thoughts that create and keep my body healthy and keep me feeling good. I love and appreciate my beautiful body!

From Louise Hay's Heal Your Life.