Pharmacy dandruff shampoos order of comments. Good and inexpensive medicated dandruff shampoos that you can buy at the pharmacy

Most often, white grains in the hair are not only a cosmetic defect that indicates dry skin. Often this symptom indicates the presence of a more serious disease, such as seborrhea, or immune disorders. By purchasing a medicated anti-dandruff shampoo in a pharmacy, you can temporarily get rid of this symptom, but for a complete cure, you must also eliminate the underlying cause of the pathology. Consider the most effective pharmaceutical products that can be used to treat it.

Types of drugs

There are several types of medicated shampoos that allow you to deal with the signs of dry seborrhea of ​​​​the scalp. All of them have a certain composition, which includes various active components that suppress the disease.

You need to know that seborrhea is fungal in nature and occurs as a result of dysfunction of the sebaceous glands.

Therefore, when choosing a dandruff shampoo in a pharmacy, you need to make sure that it can have an overwhelming effect on opportunistic Malassezia fungi and facilitate the discharge of sebum, cleansing the surface of the head.

Choosing the right anti-dandruff treatment shampoo can be tricky. It is advisable to consult on this issue with a specialist, but at least it is necessary to understand the principle of operation of such funds.

They can be divided into three main categories:

There may also be mixed-type products containing components of a different principle of action. You should know that they can not be used too often, so as not to harm the scalp and hair condition. Usually they are recommended to be used no more than 1-2 times a week, and as a preventive measure - 1 time in two weeks.

Medicated shampoo must be used in strict accordance with the instructions attached to it. It is advisable to first consult with a dermatologist. In addition, it is necessary to buy such dandruff shampoo in a pharmacy, and not in stores or retail outlets, since a fake can be quite dangerous to health. We should not forget that shampoo, even therapeutic, must match the type of hair. Therefore, when choosing the optimal tool, you should take into account all the nuances.

The most effective means

Today, there are a lot of different drugs on the market aimed at overcoming this unpleasant disease of the scalp. As an example of medicated dandruff shampoos that can be purchased at a pharmacy, consider several popular brands.

    Dermazol. Pretty effective pharmacy shampoo for dandruff. It has antifungal activity, since it contains ketoconazole along with other components. As a remedy for the treatment of dandruff, Dermazol is recommended to be used no more than 1 time per week. It is able to suppress the activity of several types of pathogenic fungi. It is used for diseases such as:

    • pityriasis versicolor;
    • eczema;
    • seborrhea.
  • One of the most common dandruff shampoos. Its effectiveness is due to its high activity against pathogenic fungi, including against the causative agent of seborrhea, the fungus Malassezia. As in the previous case, it contains ketoconazole. This shampoo has the following effect:

    • soothes skin itching;
    • reduces the amount of dandruff;
    • prevents its reappearance;
    • reduces the intensity of skin peeling.

    The use of Nizoral as a treatment for dandruff involves its use twice a week, as a prophylaxis - 1 time in two weeks. In this case, it is recommended to keep it on the hair for 5 minutes after application, only then rinse it off.

    Another remedy containing ketoconazole. Accordingly, it also has antifungal activity. However, in addition to this, Sebozol also has an exfoliating effect, allowing you to get rid of seborrheic crusts that form on the scalp. In addition, this shampoo has a positive effect on the hair itself, helping to restore their structure.

    Sebozol can be used both as a drug for dandruff and as a prevention of its reappearance. For treatment, it is recommended to apply it twice a week until the dandruff disappears. It usually takes about a month. Then use it as a preventive measure, for which one application every two weeks is enough.

    Means of complex type of influence. Contains antifungal substances, helps to restore the function of the sebaceous glands, soothes skin itching, fights the manifestations of seborrhea. There are several varieties of this shampoo, which, in addition to the antifungal agent, may include:

    Depending on the type of dandruff, hair, condition of the scalp, degree and type of seborrhea, one or another type of this shampoo can be used. In addition to the therapeutic effect, it has a restorative effect on the hair.

    Ducray Kelual. A very good tool, designed specifically to combat the signs of seborrhea, primarily dandruff. In addition, it soothes itchy skin, relieves redness. It has activity against Malassezia fungi, inhibiting their growth and reproduction. This shampoo contains the following ingredients:

    • zinc pyrithione;
    • ciclopiroxolamine;
    • betaine;
    • keluamide and others.

    The shampoo also exfoliates. After applying to damp hair, it should be held for 3-5 minutes, then rinsed with warm water. It is recommended to use for 1-1.5 months with double use within a week.

    The shampoo is effective in combating the symptoms of seborrhea of ​​the scalp. It has a complex effect, eliminating such manifestations of the disease as:

    • hyperemia;
    • skin itching;
    • redness;
    • peeling;
    • dandruff formation.

    In addition, it moisturizes the skin, restores hair. This shampoo contains the following ingredients:

    • miconazole;
    • climbazole;
    • resorcinol;
    • salicylic acid;
    • red juniper oil.

    The shampoo has an antifungal effect. Depending on the type and degree of seborrhea, it can be used in one of the existing varieties. It is recommended to apply in accordance with the scheme indicated in the instructions.

    Elf Zn 2+ . Shampoo containing ketoconazole is active against several types of pathogenic fungi, including Malassezia. Thanks to the zinc it contains, it has an antibacterial effect. Effectively soothes possible inflammatory processes and skin itching.

    In addition, the shampoo contains thyme extract, which has a beneficial effect on the condition of the hair, strengthening it, and also increases the effectiveness of the main components. It is used according to the standard scheme: 2 times a week / for a month, followed by prophylaxis with twice a month. It is not recommended to abuse this remedy, as well as other types of medicated shampoos.

In addition to the examples listed, the following can be used as a medicated anti-dandruff shampoo:

  • Vichy;
  • Fitoval;
  • Seborine;
  • Keto plus;
  • Sulsena and others.

When choosing an anti-dandruff shampoo in a pharmacy, you need to have complete information about the type of your hair and skin, as well as the type and degree of seborrhea that caused dandruff. A dermatologist will help you deal with these issues and the problem of choosing a drug.

There are many reasons for dandruff. Incorrectly chosen shampoo, the use of someone else's comb, towels, headgear most often cause it to appear.

Stress, disruption of the digestive system can also cause itching, peeling of scales that shower a person’s shoulders and back.

In addition to unpleasant symptoms that cause a lot of inconvenience to a person, this disease is accompanied by a loss of aesthetic appearance. The problem needs to be dealt with quickly and effectively.

How to treat

Cosmetic companies offer a variety of products to combat dandruff. Manufacturers take into account the gender of the consumer, age, degree of disease. For each specific case, various shampoos have been developed that help get rid of an unpleasant ailment.

Top 5 Causes of Seborrheic Dermatitis

The classification of dandruff remedies has several types:

  • shampoos with bio-additives;
  • ayurvedic remedies;
  • cell-active shampoos;
  • anti-seborrheic detergents.

There are dry and oily dandruff. Accordingly, it is necessary to select the treatment of the problem, taking into account this factor.

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Women's beauty product

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Products for women and men

The structure of the hair and scalp is different in both sexes. The industry offers a solution to the problem of dandruff, taking into account such human characteristics.

The use of medicated shampoos for preventive purposes is unacceptable.

The undisputed leader among the means that eliminate dandruff (non-pharmacy) is Head & Shoulders. The manufacturer promises 100% elimination of the problem. Available in 2 main variations - for women and men. After application, the problem disappears.

Hair becomes alive, obedient, silky. The company has developed a variant of both the actual shampoo and the combination of 2 in 1 - a shampoo in combination with a conditioner. There are products with mint, lemon, apple, oceanic freshness.

Clear enjoys well-deserved success among consumers, but also does not belong to the category of professional tools. This is both the result of a powerful advertising campaign involving world-class stars, and a successful product formula. Shampoo helps to get rid of trouble, designed for women and men.

Guaranteed complete elimination of dandruff, maintains a healthy state of hair. Nourishes, cares, activates the internal potential to fight dandruff. It is considered the best remedy for dandruff for men.

pharmacy shampoo Nizoral gained popularity due to active antifungal components. Copes with fungi of the genus Candida. After application, itching, peeling is reduced. Suitable for a complex (neglected) form of the disease. Applicable to both sexes. As a side effect, dry skin, a change in the shade of the hair are possible.

Healing shampoo has antifungal properties Dermazole. Destroys the fungus of the Candida group, blocks the development of new spores. Universal for men and women. The result is noticeable after the first application.

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Cosmetics for children

Treatment of dandruff in children should be effective and at the same time gentle. With small foci of the appearance of a problem, a local effect on the area affected by the fungus is possible. With a disease that has spread to the entire surface of the head, general treatment is necessary.

Modern drugs take into account the specifics of children's dandruff and can effectively eliminate the problem, while not harming the health of the child.

The appearance of dandruff in children may be a consequence of the disease, therefore, before starting a course of treatment, you should show the baby to the doctor.

Complex problem, simple treatment.

Freederm Series

There are several reasons for the appearance of this disease at a young age.

  • heredity;
  • disruption of the digestive organs;
  • disease of the nervous system;
  • disturbances in the work of the endocrine system.

To eliminate the disease, it is necessary to eliminate the cause that caused dandruff on the scalp. Normalization of the work of the listed organs and systems will facilitate getting rid of unpleasant sensations - the appearance of scales, itching. The use of shampoo from the list presented, in this case, becomes the final stage in the treatment of the disease.

In children, as in adults, dry and oily dandruff are distinguished. Specially for children, caring shampoos are offered. Bubchen and Freederm. The first helps to cope with a dry look, the second - with a greasy one. Products can be purchased at any children's goods store.

But the healing Friderm is not cheap, but the effect that the remedy has is high. Available in 2 versions - with tar and zinc. Both products are well suited for a delicate surface, do not irritate it. Helps quickly and effectively.


Shampoo Nizoral well treats children's seborrhea. Does not lead to an allergic reaction, suitable for babies and older children.

Effectively solves the problems of children's dandruff Sulsena. The paste gently and actively treats the scalp, suitable for children of any age.

Sebozol confirmed during tests that it could well cope with seborrhea in a child without harming a growing body. The tool helps well, does not irritate the surface of the head of the crumbs.

All drugs must be used strictly according to the instructions and after consultation with the pediatrician.

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Bubchen - caring cosmetics


When choosing a remedy for dandruff, you can not proceed from the cost of shampoo. The main criterion should be therapeutic qualities and compliance with the type of disease.

Almost all drugs that help get rid of an unpleasant problem are well known among the population:

  • Olga, 34 years old, Rostov-on-Don:“I solved the problem of dandruff with the help of Sulsena. An old proven remedy that our mothers knew. It’s good that now you can buy it and get rid of problems.”
    Lydia, 46 years old, Omsk: “Nizoral saved me from dandruff. Foams well, helps well, in general, now everything is fine. I keep it on a shelf in the bathroom just in case.
  • Mikhail, 32 years old, Tyumen:“Only with the help of Dermazole I was able to recover from dandruff. It was unpleasant when it fell on clothes, I had to constantly control my appearance. It's all right now."
  • There are many types of shampoos that help get rid of such a nuisance as dandruff. Although it seems insignificant, it creates a lot of problems. A correctly chosen course of treatment, compliance with hygiene standards, normalization of the work of all vital organs will provide reliable protection against the problem for many years.

The cause of dandruff can be a lack of vitamins, minerals, thyroid dysfunction, hormonal imbalance of the body, problems with the gastrointestinal tract, diseases of the nervous system, diseases of the scalp, improper care. In any case, dandruff can be cured only by approaching this problem in a complex way: find out the cause of dandruff, drink complex vitamins, choose special care that includes dandruff ointment or cream, mask and shampoo, we will talk about shampoos today.

TOP best dandruff shampoos

Dandruff shampoos can be: antibacterial, antifungal, exfoliating, with plant extracts and oils. The composition of dandruff shampoos should include at least one of these ingredients: Clotrimazole (treats dermatitis, various types of fungi), Salicylic acid (affects the secretion of sebaceous glands, disinfects the scalp, removes fungus and layers of dying cells), Pyrithione zinc (copes with seborrhea of ​​various types, has an antifungal and antibacterial effect), Cyclopirox (an active antifungal ingredient), Ketoconazole, Bifonazole.

We need to find a shampoo that fights the fungus that causes dandruff.

Sulsen anti-dandruff shampoo has long been loved by many people for its high result, which comes almost immediately and its low price. Already after the first application, the number of peels will noticeably decrease, you will get rid of constant itching and discomfort. The tool removes not only visible, but also invisible dandruff. It normalizes the function of fatty secretion of the skin, perfectly rinses the hair and scalp from various contaminants. After using it, you will not only forget about dandruff, but also notice an improvement in the condition of your hair, which will acquire a healthy shine and well-groomed appearance.

Mode of application: Apply to damp hair and lather. Gently massage the shampoo into the scalp near the hair roots and leave for 3 minutes, then rinse thoroughly with warm running water. Repeat the procedure.

Compound: Water, Sodium Laureth Sulfate, Acrylates Copolymer, Cocamidopropyl Betaines, PEG-7 Glyceryl Cocoate, Dimethiconol, TEA-Dodecylbenzenesulfonate, Parfum, Selenium Disulfide, Glycol Distearate, Coco Glucoside, Glyceryl Oleate, Glyceryl Stearate, Salicylic Acid, Citric Acid, Triethylene Glycol, Benzyl alcohol, propylene glycol, methylchloroisothiazolinone, methylisothiazolinone,
sodium hydroxide.

Shampoo for oily hair "Tar" Freederm Heir Expert

Shampoo gently cleanses the scalp and hair without overdrying. The pH-Balance shampoo formula has a calming effect. The daily use of cosmetics for the head is especially important for people involved in sports, who often have to wash their hair, and in order not to harm their hair, it is important to give preference to the best care products.

Way applications: Apply the required amount of shampoo to damp hair. Distribute evenly. Lather with massage movements. Rinse thoroughly.

Compound: Aqua, MEA-Laurisulfate, Potassium Phosphate, Magnesium Aspartate, PEG-8, Purified White Willow Bark Tar, Metaisopropanolamide Lauramide, Phenoxyethanol, Methylparaben, Ethylparaben, Propylparaben, Butylparben, Diethanolamide Undicyleneamide, Citric Turmeric, Ginger, Wild Cinnamon, Lactic Acid.

Shampoo can be prescribed for the treatment of fungal skin diseases of various localizations, provoked by the reproduction of yeast-like fungi.

The shampoo contains the molecule ciclopirox olamine, which acts on the fungus of the genus Malassezia and is not inferior in its effectiveness to traditional ketoconazole. The tool has an antifungal and antibacterial effect, helps soften and reject the stratum corneum of the epidermis, relieves inflammation and soothes the skin.

Mode of application: hair should be washed in two stages:
Step 1: Wet your hair and massage the shampoo into your scalp until it lathers. Leave on for 3-5 minutes, then rinse with water.
Step 2: Repeat the procedure, remembering to thoroughly rinse your hair with water.
Shampoo must be used daily for the effect to appear.

Compound: aqua, sodium laureth sulfate, cocamide dea, polysorbate 80, hexylene glycol, cocamipropyl betaine, ciclopirox olamine, oelyl alcohol, citric acid, disodium phosphate, sodium chloride, polyquaternium-10, glycerin, parfum, benzyl salicylate, butylphenyl, methylproponial, citronennol, hexyl cinnamal, limonene, alpha-isomethyl ionone, linalool.

Thanks to its ultra-soft consistency, the shampoo gently removes all particles of dirt and oil, refreshing the skin. The composition of the therapeutic formula of the presented remedy includes a highly concentrated extract of myrtle, enhanced with zinc pyrithione. These exclusive ingredients help eliminate dandruff, reduce oily skin, and relieve unpleasant itching and irritation.

Mode of application:
With light massaging movements, apply the required amount of shampoo with myrtle extract to damp hair. Leave on for a few minutes, then rinse with warm water. Experts recommend using this tool 3 times a week.

Compound: Water, Sodium Laureth Sulfate, Polysorbate 20, Dihydrogenated Tallow Phthalic Acid Amide, Ceteareth-60 M yristyl Glycol, Lauryl Betaine, Myrtle Extract, (Myrtus Communis), Decyl Glucoside, Zinc Pyrithione, BHT, Carmel, Fragrance (Parfum), Green 3 (CI 42053), Sodium Hydroxide.

Formulated with carefully selected botanical amino acids, this mild shampoo gently but effectively cleanses hair to prevent dryness without compromising its natural protective barrier. The shampoo contains a powerful natural antiseptic (oak moss extract) and arctic wormwood, which are rich in nutrients. This allows the shampoo to actively fight the cause of dandruff, as well as provide hair with lightness, softness and silkiness.

Mode of application: Apply shampoo to damp hair, lather with massaging movements. Wash off with water. Repeat if necessary.

Ingredients: Aqua, Sodium Cocoyl Isethionate, Lauryl Glucoside, Cocamidopropyl Betaine, Pineamidopropyl Betaine, Hippophae Rhamnoidesamidopropyl Betaine, Guar Hydroxypropyl Trimonium Chloride, Cetraria Nivalis Extract, Artemisia Vulgaris Extract, Pinus Pumila Needle Extract, Picea Obovata Needle Extraxt, Juniperus Sibirica Needle Extract, Urtica Dioica Leaf Extract, Glycerin Anthemis Nobilis Flower Extract, Althaea Officinalis Root Extract, Hypericum Perforatum Flower Extract, Saponaria Officinalis Root Extract, Gypsophila Paniculata Root Extract, Arctium Lappa Root Extract, Piroctone Olamine, Citric Acid, Sodium Chloride, Benzyl Alcohol, Dehydroacetic Acid, Sodium Benzoate, Potassium Sorbate, CI 75810, Caramel, Parfum, Benzyl Salicylate.

Shampoo goes for normal and greasy hair, as well as for dry.

Shampoo quickly and effectively eliminates dandruff without the likelihood of its reappearance. Selenium disulphide in the shampoo has a powerful regenerating and cleansing effect on the scalp, eliminating dandruff up to six weeks from the start of use. This is an excellent tool for high-quality cleansing of excess activity of the sebaceous glands and healing of the scalp. The shampoo restores the natural lipid barrier on the skin surface, improves blood microcirculation and metabolic processes of the skin, activating the strengthening of hair roots and accelerating their regeneration.

Mode of application: at the first application, leave on the hair for 2 minutes, and then rinse with water. For subsequent applications, massage the scalp, then rinse with water. The course of application is 4 weeks.

Shampoo against dandruff "Intensive care" Fitoval Dandruff Intensive

The synergistic combination of ciclopiroxolamine and zinc pyrithione most effectively inhibits the growth of Malassezia fungi that cause dandruff. Cyclopyroxolamine also has an anti-inflammatory effect, and zinc pyrithione contributes to the normalization of epidermal keratinization and the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

Mode of application: Apply the shampoo to wet hair and spread evenly on the scalp with massaging movements. Leave on for 3 minutes and then rinse thoroughly with water. Use the shampoo 2 times a week for 4 consecutive weeks.

Even in the presence of severe forms, the shampoo reliably soothes the scalp and eliminates the causes of dandruff for a long period. The composition of the current shampoo formula includes complementary components that effectively affect all factors that affect the appearance of severe dandruff. A long-term effective effect is provided not only due to the combination of two powerful components, but also the presence of Keluamide, which relieves itching and redness. The creamy texture acts gently but effectively, and after a few weeks you will be able to completely get rid of dandruff, itching, irritation and redness.

Mode of application: apply to damp hair, massage, rinse. When reapplied, leave on hair for 3 minutes, rinse thoroughly. Apply 2 times a week, the course of treatment is 6 weeks. Alternate with Elusion Healing Shampoo.

Compound: Ciclopiroxolamine, pyrithione Zinc, kéluamid, excipients qsp 100% INCI formula: water, sodium laureth sulphate, PEG-7 glyceryl cocoate, dihydrogenated tallow phthalic acid amine, polysorbate-20, decyl glucoside, ciclopirox olamine, lauryl betain, acetamide mea, zinc pyrithione , ceteareth-60 myristyl glycol, fragance, magnesium aluminum silicate, polyquaternium-7.

Dandruff Control ShampooPlacen Formula Lanier Dandruff Control Shampoo

Thanks to the active complex of natural ingredients, Dandruff Control Shampoo effectively eliminates dandruff and prevents its reappearance. The shampoo's ultra-soft formula is suitable for all hair types and has powerful antibacterial and soothing properties. Iceland moss extract, willow bark extract and octopirox ideally cleanse the scalp, restore the healthy functioning of epidermal cells and prevent the formation of dandruff.

Way Applications: Apply a small amount of shampoo at the hair roots, lather with your fingertips and massage along the entire length to the tips. Rinse thoroughly with water.

Compound: Water (Aqua) Sodium lauroyl sarcosinate Glycerin Cocamidopropyl Hydroxysultaine Piroctone Olamine .

Shampoo cleanses the scalp and hair not only from pollution, but also from seborrheic scales. It is ideal for oily hair. The product contains components that eliminate the causes of dandruff, soothe irritation, itching and control the sebaceous glands of the scalp. Herbal ingredients-sublimators are able to restore lightness, freshness, shine and a long-lasting feeling of cleanliness to the hair.

Mode of application: Apply shampoo to damp hair, gently massage into hair. Leave on for 2 minutes and then rinse thoroughly with water. Use shampoo 2-3 times a week.

With such a disease as dandruff, most people are familiar. This is a very annoying problem. In addition, its indispensable companions are oily or dry skin, its irritation and itching. Dandruff is considered a cosmetic defect and is a serious cause for social and psychological discomfort. How to cure this disease? This will require the use of an integrated approach that takes into account all the processes that cause this pathology. These may include:

Violations of the functioning of various organs and systems;
- external factors;
- local processes.

How to restore the health of the scalp? Today, to eliminate this problem, there are various external means. Of all of them, dandruff shampoo can be distinguished. Reviews of experts confirm that this is the most effective remedy in terms of the strength of its impact. It is also noteworthy that it perfectly combines two functions - hygienic and therapeutic.

Shampoos to get rid of dandruff

How to choose a product that will prevent the rash of "white snow" on hair and clothes? Medicinal dandruff shampoos are sold in a pharmacy. But before buying them, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the existing types to select the most suitable option. How are dandruff shampoos classified?

They are classified as follows:

1. Exfoliators. The composition of such shampoos includes salicylic acid and sulfur. These two components perfectly exfoliate the skin. Under their influence, dandruff flakes are destroyed, sweating is reduced and cells do not stick together.
2. Antibacterial. These are shampoos containing octoprox and zinc. The first of these two components helps to slow down the accelerated vital activity of cells, remaining in the hair and on the scalp for a long time. The second component that antibacterial dandruff shampoos contain is zinc. This is a very effective element. It has fairly long-lasting anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antimycotic properties.
3. Antifungal. These dandruff shampoos include clotrimazole, ketoconazole, and selenium disulfate. The last of these components is a wonderful antifungal agent, while inhibiting the process of sebum secretion. Clotrimazole is used to restore the balance of the microflora of the scalp. But ketoconazole helps to eliminate the pathology, even in its most neglected form.
4. Based on plant extracts. In the composition of such shampoos, you can most often find celandine or tar. These products are recommended for oily hair types. Their main components reduce the rate of cellular exfoliation while removing excess fat.

Buy anti-dandruff shampoos at the drugstore. These drugs, released by pharmaceutical companies, will have an excellent therapeutic effect. Those dandruff shampoos that are produced by cosmetic companies and sold outside pharmacy chains are useful only for the prevention of the disease.

What to choose for treatment?

The effectiveness of the tool used will directly depend on its quality. Good shampoos for dandruff hair have a thick consistency. In addition, they do not contain any fragrances. In the formulation of medicated shampoos, zinc, sulfur or tar must be present. In addition, these products contain substances that help restore the normal functioning of the sebaceous glands. Cosmetic companies are recommended to use only after completing the full course of eliminating the problem with medicated shampoos.

What to buy for maximum effect? The best dandruff shampoo is the one that is tailored to your hair type and the nature of the problem. After all, some products are intended only for dry skin, others - only for oily, and still others - for irritated. That is why before buying, you should carefully read the annotation to the drug or consult a dermatologist.

Professional shampoos

These products are characterized by their narrow specialization and active influence on the existing problem. In addition, when using it, the scalp is remarkably cleansed.

In what cost category is a professional dandruff shampoo? The price of products of such brands as Kerastaz and Schwarzkopf starts from five hundred rubles. In the formulation of these funds are expensive components. However, the composition of these shampoos includes many dyes and flavors.


To date, the rating of the most popular pharmacy shampoos begins with him. Throughout the world, "Nizoral" has proven itself only from the best side. This remedy has antifungal and anti-inflammatory properties. The action is manifested due to the ketonazole present in its composition.

"Nizoral" is a shampoo designed to combat fungal pathologies of the skin of the body and head. For medicinal purposes, it is recommended to use it daily. The main indications for use are:
- seborrhea;
- pityriasis versicolor;
- dandruff;
- seborrheic eczema.

A highly effective remedy that affects the very essence of the disease is Nizoral dandruff shampoo. Its average price is 540 rubles per bottle of 60 ml.

Ketonazole, being an organic substance, disrupts the structure of emerging microorganisms, preventing their reproduction and development. The best dandruff shampoo for men, women and children affects the following types of fungi:

- dermatophytes;
- zumiceta;
- streptococci;
- staphylococci;
- dimorphic.

Numerous user reviews confirm the fact that Nizoral is an excellent assistant in the fight against dandruff. However, there is also a negative point. When using Nizoral, the hair loses its beautiful shine and becomes brittle. The secret of such an impact lies in the time of use of the product. The instructions for the preparation recommend not to keep it after application for more than five minutes. That is why the nourishing and moisturizing components contained in Nizoral do not have time to act in full. According to experts, patients with dry hair and sensitive skin should purchase analogues of this remedy, which have a more gentle effect.

Dandruff shampoo "Nizoral", the price of which is quite high, is economical to use. This is made possible by its remarkable foaming action. Most reviews confirm that Nizoral is an effective dandruff shampoo. However, in some patients, dandruff reappeared already 6-12 months after the course. Such reviews, as a rule, are left by those people who did not undergo a preliminary medical examination and purchased Nizoral without a doctor's prescription.


This shampoo is an analogue of Nizoral, containing ketonazole and having a similar effect. The average price of the product is 280 rubles per hundred milliliters.

Anti-dandruff shampoo "Sebozol" is used both in cosmetology and in dermatology. At the same time, it has an antifungal and antimicrobial effect, and is also able to restore damaged hair structure and eliminate the symptoms of seborrhea.

Users also note that its use allows you to thoroughly wash your hair and remove dandruff, while eliminating the feeling of itching. If "Sebozol" is used regularly, then the problem is solved for a long time. Shampoo affects yeast and fungal skin lesions not only on the head, but also on the face and torso. It is recommended to eliminate diseases such as seborrheic dermatitis, dandruff, pityriasis versicolor.


The use of this tool allows you to cure dandruff of the scalp. The main component of the shampoo is selenium disulphite.

According to many consumers, the best dandruff shampoo is Sulsena. This tool has the following advantages:

It inhibits the manifestation of dandruff and restores already dead cells of the epidermis, producing a keratolytic effect;
- inhibits the growth of yeast pathogens, providing a fungicidal effect;
- renews the cells of the epidermis, restoring the functioning of the sebaceous glands, showing a cytostatic effect.

"Sulsena" from dandruff - shampoo is quite affordable for the average consumer. Its cost starts from 140 rubles. This product perfectly cleanses the hair and scalp, eliminating various impurities and eliminating dandruff. All this becomes possible after the active selenium disulfite will normalize the fatty secretion of the skin. In this case, the hair will acquire a healthy and well-groomed appearance. In addition, selenium disulfite has a direct effect on yeast fungi, which are the cause of dandruff.


This company produces a variety of medical cosmetics, which is loved by many consumers. The anti-dandruff shampoos of this manufacturer also deserve attention. What does "Vichy" offer us? Anti-dandruff shampoo of the Vichi Dercos series. There are several types of funds in this line. All of them are distinguished by a thick creamy consistency and a bright yellow color. In the smell of such shampoos there is a barely perceptible aroma of mint. During application, the shampoo pleases consumers with abundant foam, which makes it very economical. A distinctive feature of the product is its difficult rinsing. In any case, a thin film will remain on the surface of the skin. It is she who will provide a lasting effect, producing a prolonged preventive effect against the further appearance of dandruff.

The main ingredient in Vichi shampoo is selenium disulphite. It has a powerful antifungal and antiseptic effect, delicately and gently disinfecting the skin surface.

Vichy is the best dandruff shampoo for oily seborrhea. Otherwise, the remedy causes itching, increases peeling and is simply ineffective.

Vichy shampoo bottles can only be purchased at the pharmacy chain. There, the product is offered in a volume of 200 ml at a price of about 500 rubles.


The name of this shampoo indicates its therapeutic orientation. But it is worth remembering that its use is recommended only after prior consultation with a specialist and strictly according to the instructions.

"Dermazol" is a very effective dandruff shampoo. Consumer reviews confirm this. However, the facts of negative reactions of the scalp to this remedy have been established. They occur, as a rule, when used in violation of the instructions.

Shampoo "Dermazol" is also suitable for simple hair washing. For this, a small amount of the product in a volume of 10-15 ml is sufficient. The greatest effect is possible when rubbing the shampoo into the skin and holding it until rinsing for several minutes. The recommended frequency of procedures is 1-2 times in two weeks.

In appearance, "Dermazol" is similar to the usual cosmetic shampoo. It has a pale pink color and a strong floral scent.

The composition of the drug includes ketoconazole. This active substance inhibits the vital activity of many types of pathogenic fungi. However, it is not at all dangerous for the scalp. Thanks to ketoconazole, the shampoo eliminates itching of the skin, suppresses foci of inflammatory processes, and reduces the number of dandruff flakes.

If you want to get rid of your problem for a long time, then you should not limit yourself to a single use of Dermazole. The course of treatment should be long.


Dandruff shampoos of this brand are intended for hair of any type. They look like a viscous orange gel and have a bright floral scent. The nasturtium it contains gives this smell to the product. According to user reviews, Kloran shampoo gives a thick, rich foam when washing and has an excellent ability to give a wonderful volume to weak and thin hair.

The shampoo contains salicylic acid, which is an effective antifungal agent. With regular use of the product, the activity of the sebaceous glands decreases and the pores narrow. Acid increases the rate of regeneration of epidermal cells, quickly eliminating the external manifestation of pathology.

The cost of shampoo "Kloran" is quite high. A bottle of 250 ml will cost the buyer in the amount of 420 to 500 rubles.


This dermatological shampoo is produced by the pharmaceutical concern KRKA. The company offers a whole line of anti-dandruff products, which are designed for intensive as well as regular care.

These shampoos contain zinc pyrithione. This is a very serious dandruff fighter that eliminates the problem itself. In addition, this substance restores processes in the sebaceous glands and regulates skin keratinization. As a result of using the product, foci of inflammation are eliminated and the amount of dandruff decreases.

Shampoos "Fitoval" are sold in pharmacies. Their cost ranges from 120 to 220 rubles per bottle.

Salicylic Shampoo

The use of this tool brand Stopproblem allows you to effectively deal with dandruff. And this allows you to do salicylic acid, which is part of the shampoo. In addition to the specified component, the recipe includes extracts of various medicinal herbs. A mild effect on the scalp allows you to effectively apply the shampoo to eliminate problems in adolescence.

The product, resembling a gel in its consistency, has a blue color and a neutral odor with a slight aroma of herbs. When used, it forms a thick foam. The company offers shampoos for different types of hair - oily, normal and dry.

Despite the presence of salicylic acid in the composition, the remedy does not apply to therapeutic. It can be used for face wash and also as a