What is arm muscle inflammation: treatment and etiology of the disease. Myositis of the shoulder muscles: signs, symptoms and diagnosis of treatment

Myositis is a disease skeletal muscles, in which an inflammatory process occurs in the muscles. Myositis that occurs in individual muscles is called local, if several muscle groups are affected, then we are talking about polymyositis. The disease can be acute, and in the absence of proper and timely treatment, flow into a chronic form.

Distinguish the following types myositis:

  • cervical myositis;
  • myositis shoulder muscles;
  • lumbar myositis;
  • myositis of the hands or feet;
  • myositis of the masticatory muscles.

Myositis symptoms

The most common is myositis of the neck muscles.

The main symptoms that are characteristic of any type of disease are aching Blunt pain in the muscles, sharply increasing with movement, and muscle weakness. Often, patients experience redness of the skin and swelling over the affected area, as well as limited mobility of the vertebrae. With purulent myositis, nodules and bands may appear in the muscle tissue.

Cervical myositis is the most common form of this disease. Researchers believe that 60-70% of the inhabitants of megacities suffer from it. Myositis of the cervical muscles is most often provoked by drafts and hypothermia. Patients complain of aching dull pain in the cervical region, sometimes the pain can spread to the back of the head, shoulder and interscapular region. Due to severe pain, neck mobility is limited, but in mild cases this symptom may be absent.

Lumbar myositis is a common cause of back pain, which is often mistaken for symptoms of sciatica. Lower back pain in this disease is less intense, aching. On palpation, you can determine the compaction and soreness of the muscles.

Myositis of the muscles of the limbs is manifested by characteristic pain, very often aggravated by movement, sometimes patients are forced to hold the limb in a certain position so as not to hurt themselves with movement.

Symptoms of purulent myositis occur due to the development of abscesses and phlegmon in the muscles. Patients complain about local sharp pains, aggravated by movement or palpation of the muscles. Muscle strength is reduced. Often there are signs of general intoxication of the body (fever, chills, weakness).

Myositis treatment

Treatment of the disease must begin with the elimination of the factor that caused it. Patients need rest (especially those whose disease is associated with professional activities), limiting activity up to bed rest and following a diet that excludes the use of alcohol, salty, spicy, fatty and fried foods.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Ketorol, Diclofenac, Nimesulide) are used to relieve pain and reduce inflammation in muscle tissue.

Topically applied, warming ointments and gels (Apizartron, Finalgon) help to reduce pain and relieve muscle spasm by massaging the affected area and improving blood flow in it. A good effect is the use of local dry heat (the affected area can be covered with a woolen scarf or a warm saline heating pad).

Patients are assigned massotherapy the affected area. Thanks to high efficiency of this method of treatment, patients notice an improvement in well-being after the first sessions. Acupuncture, electrical muscle stimulation, physiotherapy are also very effective methods used in the treatment of myositis. After removing the pain syndrome, physiotherapy exercises are prescribed for patients.

Prevention of myositis

To prevent the development of myositis, hypothermia and drafts should be avoided, and muscles should not be overexerted.

In order to protect yourself from a disease such as myositis, it is necessary to avoid hypothermia, drafts, injuries and muscle strain. In addition, it should be timely and properly treated colds, in no case should you carry the disease on your feet.

Do you work in an office and spend a lot of time at the computer? You may have an unpleasant acquaintance with myositis!

Myositis - common name groups of diseases that are accompanied by the development of an inflammatory process in skeletal muscles.

The International Classification of Diseases of the 10th revision (abbreviated ICD-10) defines myositis as inflammation of the muscles, but everything is not so simple. Myositis is included in the class "Diseases musculoskeletal system and connective tissue”, which includes blocks M60-M63 (myositis code M60). This code hides 55 (!) Varieties of the disease. Most diseases have their own causes, signs, localization and methods of treatment. About everything in order.

Causes of the disease

Myositis often accompanies professions whose representatives are forced to long time take a static posture and engage the same muscle group. This is a significant factor, but far from the only one. Here is what else contributes to the development of myositis:

Myositis symptoms

Such an insidious disease has enough direct and indirect signs:

  1. aching dull pain;
  2. muscle inflammation;
  3. swelling and redness of the area affected by the disease;
  4. increase in body temperature;
  5. muscle weakness (up to atrophy);
  6. persistence of pain even in calm state and after rest;
  7. difficult movements;
  8. rash.

Types and localization

First of all, when establishing a diagnosis, it is necessary to answer a simple question: “Where does it hurt?” Depending on the localization of pain, myositis is:

  • cervical. The most common type. Most adults have experienced morning neck pain at some point;
  • chest myositis. Accompanied by cough, shortness of breath;
  • intercostal. Pain on palpation intensifies;
  • myositis of the lumbar muscles. Accompanied by aching pain, aggravated after physical activity;
  • limb myositis. This is myositis of the elbow, hip, knee joint;
  • myositis of the abdominal muscles. Causes pain in the peritoneum;
  • eye. It hinders the activity of the muscles responsible for the movement of the eyeball.

Secondly, it is necessary to understand what stage the disease is in - chronic or acute. It matters how local character the disease and how many muscles are affected - one or more (polymyositis).

Thirdly, the accuracy of diagnosis depends on the causes of the disease. By genesis, myositis can be:

Women living in anticipation of the appearance of a baby often face an unpleasant surprise. They can become lumbar myositis or myositis of the back muscles. There are enough reasons for the development of the disease:

  • the center of gravity of the body shifts;
  • the body of the expectant mother for a long time is in a static non-physiological position;
  • ligaments relax under the influence of the hormone relaxin;
  • autoimmune processes start in the body;
  • convulsions may occur;
  • the body is more stressed.

Medicine can help a pregnant woman, but before contacting a direct specialist future mom should consult a gynecologist. No self-medication, mothers! Remember that during pregnancy, the use of many drugs is strictly prohibited.

Obviously, muscle myositis is a really serious ailment that can lead to complications, but you should not panic.

How to start the treatment of myositis? We need to find out which doctor treats him. Therapist, surgeon, neurologist and rheumatologist - team for muscle and joint rescue in adults and children. Required tests suggest the causes of the disease and further actions in the treatment of myositis.

Tests for myositis

Analyzes will give an idea of ​​the processes occurring in the body:

For complete diagnosis the patient will be sent for instrumental studies:

  • biopsy. A small piece of muscle tissue is taken through a small incision, which is then examined under a microscope. This study is carried out in difficult cases with suspicion of autoimmune myositis;
  • Magnetic resonance imaging . Identifies areas damaged by the disease;
  • electromyography. Finds weak and affected by myositis muscles.

Myositis treatment

The list of procedures that will save muscles is also quite voluminous:

  1. wave therapy;
  2. kinesiotherapy (special gymnastic exercises);
  3. oxygen therapy;
  4. treatment with leeches;
  5. bee treatment;
  6. lymphatic drainage massage;
  7. magnetic therapy;
  8. manual therapy;
  9. plasma therapy;
  10. mud therapy.

In autoimmune myositis, treatment involves a complex drug therapy, including glucocorticoid hormones, sometimes for life.

Medical treatment of myositis

Effectively relieve pain, relieve inflammation, swelling and hyperemia of the skin - non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). These include the following medicines and their analogs:

    • Diclofenac (Diklak, Naklofen, Dicloberl, Voltaren, Olfen, Diclobene, Feloran, Diklonat P, Optofen, Diklovit).
    • Pipoksikam (Revmador, Sanikam).
    • Ibuprofen (Nurofen, Pedea, Brufen, Advil, Cefecon, Ibufen).
    • Naproxen (Apranax, Halgezin, Sanaprox, Naprobene, Aliv).
    • Nimesulide (Nise, Nimegezik, Aulin, Nimid, Nimesil, Remesulid, Sulaidin).
    • Aceclofenac (Aertal, Acinac).
    • Dexketoprofen (Dexalgin, Flamadex).
    • Meloxicam (Movalis, Revmoxicam, Mataren, Oxicamox, Melbek, Melox, Meoflam).
    • Pofekoktsib (Denebol).
    • Celecoxib (Zicel, Celebrex).
    • Indomethacin (Metindol).

Therapy with NSAIDs often combines taking pills with medications. local application the same pharmaceutical group:

    • Fastum gel.
    • Diclofenac gel.
    • Dolobene gel.
    • Diplife.
    • Voltaren emulgel.
    • Long.
    • Nize gel.
    • Dolaren gel.
    • Finalgel.
    • Diclopan.
    • Bystrumgel.
    • Aptoselen.
    • Indomethacin gel, etc.

For the treatment of infectious myositis, antibiotics of various classes are used:

    • penicillin (Benzylpenicillin, Bicilin);
    • tetracycline and cephalosporin (Ceftriaxone, Cephalexin, Tercef, Cefotoxin).

In some situations, when the symptoms of the disease are complicated muscle spasm, doctors prescribe muscle relaxants (Sirdalud, Miokalm). Preparations of this group relax skeletal muscles, stabilize blood circulation and the system of replenishing the injured area with essential trace elements.

Under the condition of treatment of myositis in a hospital, the so-called puls-therapy can be used. During such therapy, the patient is given injections of glucocorticosteroids, and mainly prednisone. A dose of 1-2 grams of the drug is administered for 3-5 days. Similar treatment It has immunosuppressive and anti-allergic effects.

Treatment of myositis at home

Recipes proven by our ancestors will allow you to get rid of unpleasant symptoms myositis at home. basis folk treatment myositis make up ointments:

    • Such a recipe will relieve inflammation. Take dried flowers chamomile. Grind them into powder. Next, vegetable raw materials are mixed with olive oil 1:1. Rub the remedy into the sore muscle, wrap it up and leave it until the morning.
    • With myositis, the usual will help lard. You need to take 4 parts of unsalted suet and grind it with 1 part of powdered horsetail. The resulting mass is carefully rubbed into the sore spot, and applied at night gauze bandage with the same composition. From above, the area must be covered with cellophane film and wrapped with a warm scarf. Minimum exchange rate treatment is seven days.
    • With muscle disease, such a natural ointment is recommended. Take one chicken yolk, grind it and add one full teaspoon of gum turpentine. Next, one tablespoon of vinegar (apple) is poured into the mixture. Beat the mass until the density of jelly and rub into the sore spot.
    • Not bad eliminates pain and inflammation in myositis - bodyaga. It is necessary to prepare such an ointment: for half a teaspoon of sponge powder (you can buy it at a pharmacy), take a little cow butter(Vegetable is also suitable). Mix. The mixture is rubbed into the muscle at bedtime only once every 5 days. Then be sure to warmly wrap the muscle and leave the composition on the skin until morning.

Another important component in the treatment of myositis at home is considered a potato compress. To prepare it, it is necessary to boil the potatoes, mash and fold the resulting mass into gauze. The compress is applied to the affected area and covered with warm clothes or a blanket. The compress is removed after the potato mass in it completely gives up its heat. The procedure is repeated for 5 days. Such a medicine anesthetizes and neutralizes inflammation.

The general tonic and strengthening effect on the body in the treatment of myositis at home is provided by home-made tinctures:

    • Cucumber grass is poured with boiling water and infused in a thermos for 5 hours. For 1 teaspoon of grass, take 200 milliliters of boiling water. Drink 1 dessert spoon of infusion every hour during the day. The course of treatment takes 1 month. It should be repeated after two weeks.
    • With myositis, you need to drink a tincture of barberry. For its preparation, only the bark of the plant is taken. For 8-10 g of raw materials, 80-100 ml of vodka will be required. Infuse the mixture for 8-10 days. Use tincture of 30 drops 45 minutes before meals. The course of treatment, if necessary, can be repeated after a month.

With myositis cervical will help laurel oil. 12 drops of this ingredient are diluted warm water, and then dip some matter into this composition. The resulting compress is applied to the neck slightly below the back of the head for half an hour. From above, the compress is wrapped with a warm scarf or shawl.

Often in medical practice there is such a pathology as inflammation of the muscles of the hand, the treatment of which can be carried out at home. Inflammation of the skeletal muscles that are involved in human motor acts is called myositis. It can occur in any person. Most often, this disease is associated with lifestyle. It has been established that inflammation of the muscles of the hands is occupational disease. Often this pathology diagnosed in adults, but can also be detected in children. What is the etiology, clinic and treatment of hand myositis?

Features of inflammation of the muscles of the hand

Myositis is large group diseases of the skeletal muscles, occurring with similar symptoms. The etiology in this case can be very different. Muscle inflammation can be an independent disease or a manifestation of another pathology, such as tuberculosis. Often the muscles are affected systemic diseases(lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis, dermatomyositis). The muscles of the hand are responsible for purposeful action, they are responsible for the accuracy of movements. A person does all the work with his hands, so it is very important that the muscles of the hands function well. In area upper limbs many muscle groups. In the event that only one of them becomes inflamed, local myositis occurs. Very often, several muscle groups are involved in the process at once, then given state called polymyositis.

Depending on the etiology and course of the disease, the following forms of inflammation of the muscles of the hands are distinguished:

If the lesion of the arm muscle is independent disease, then it is called ossifying myositis. It is known that the muscles are in direct contact with the skin of the human body. Sometimes the inflammatory process affects the skin, and dermatomyositis occurs.

Etiological factors

Inflammation of the muscles in the arm can occur due to different reasons. In this case, the muscles of the shoulder girdle, forearm, shoulder and hand can be affected. All reasons can be conditionally divided into external and internal.

External causes include:

  • heavy loads on the muscular apparatus of the hand;
  • unpreparedness of muscles before playing sports;
  • prolonged muscle tension during work;
  • local hypothermia;
  • stay in cold water(bathing in the hole);
  • alcohol abuse;
  • drug use (cocaine);
  • mechanical injury to the hand.

Myositis of the muscles of the hands is often found in people involved in a certain kind activities. The risk group includes drivers, programmers, musicians (pianists, violinists). In the process of their activity, the muscles are constantly in tension. This is facilitated by an uncomfortable working posture. The most simple reason- injury to the muscles of the hand. Rupture may result from injury muscle fibers. This leads to swelling and inflammation.

Symptoms of myositis of the hands

Clinical manifestations of inflammation of the muscles of the hands are few. The main symptoms are:

  • pain in the arm, aggravated by movement;
  • the appearance of nodules in the muscles;
  • swelling of the affected area;
  • skin redness;
  • weakness in the limb;
  • muscle tension.

Myositis can occur in acute and chronic form. Acute inflammation is characterized by a rapid onset. Most often this happens when infectious diseases, injuries. If the injury is open, then inflammation develops as a result of infection of the wound. Acute purulent inflammation may be accompanied by fever and other symptoms of intoxication (weakness, malaise). The function of the joints is often disturbed. In case of acute inflammation of the muscles of the hand, a person cannot perform work.

As for the chronic form of myositis, it often develops against the background of acute inflammation, when proper health care. In terms of prevalence, inflammation of the muscles of the hands is inferior to that of the lower back. With inflammation of the muscles of the hands, the mobility of the latter is limited. A sick person is not able to raise his arms (in case of damage to the muscles of the shoulder girdle). Sometimes neuromyositis occurs. Its peculiarity is that, along with the muscles, the nerves are affected. This contributes to a violation of sensitivity in the hands, a decrease in muscle strength, severe pain. characteristic feature neuromyositis is a symptom of tension. Sometimes nodules or areas of hardening can be felt deep under the skin. These symptoms indicate fibromyositis. In this situation muscle replaced by a connecting one.

Diagnostic measures

Myositis can be confused with others (tendonitis, tendovaginitis, arthritis). You can contact a therapist, a rheumatologist, a neuropathologist about pain in the arm. Diagnosis includes questioning the patient, external examination, palpation of the affected area, laboratory tests (blood and urine tests), determination of sensitivity, assessment of movement in the affected limb. When interviewing a patient, the doctor should pay attention to the sequence of symptoms, the main complaints of the patient, previous illnesses, a history of chronic pathology. big diagnostic value have indications of injury, the nature of work, sports.

The patient is first examined visually. Then the affected area is palpated. Palpation can reveal local pain, the presence of seals. Laboratory research allows you to identify signs of the inflammatory process. For exclusion autoimmune diseases rheumatic tests are carried out. It evaluates the level of proteins in the blood acute phase(C-reactive protein), rheumatic factor, antinuclear antibodies. If polymyositis or dermatomyositis is detected, a biopsy may be done.

How to cure myositis

With inflammation of the arm muscle, treatment should be comprehensive.

Therapeutic measures include the use of ointments, gels that have anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects; massage, acupuncture, manual therapy, elimination of the main cause of inflammation.

With non-purulent myositis of infectious etiology, the following gels can be used: Fastum Gel, Apizartron, Finalgel. These agents reduce inflammation, improve metabolic processes in muscles, relieve muscle tension. To eliminate the pain syndrome, analgesics are used in the form of tablets. For the treatment of children, Doctor Mom ointment is often used. Treatment of acute myositis also includes resting the affected limb. In case of development purulent inflammation apply antibacterial drugs. They can be given by injection or orally.

The working conditions are great importance in complex treatment hand myositis. For any symptoms of myositis, you should consult a doctor in a timely manner.

What myositis? What are the causes and symptoms myositis? How effective treat myositis at home?

Myositis- inflammation of one or more skeletal muscles, manifested by muscle pain and muscle weakness. There are acute and chronic myositis, as well as limited (local) and diffuse (generalized). In the event that in pathological process many muscles are involved, talking about the development of polymyositis. Polymyositis is one of the most severe forms myositis.

Causes of myositis

But most often, myositis occurs as a result of local hypothermia and static muscle overstrain, as well as unusual physical exertion (especially in the cold), bruises of tense muscles (during sports). Myositis may appear after severe convulsions while swimming and even as a result of a long stay in an uncomfortable position.

There is a group of patients in whom myositis develops due to professional activity- these are drivers, PC operators, pianists, violinists, i.e. people who work long hours every day in an uncomfortable position.

Myositis symptoms

Myositis manifested by pain in the affected muscles, which gradually increase. Pain in myositis also becomes stronger with movements that require contraction of the affected muscles, and when they are felt. Sore muscles are tense, and this makes it difficult to move in the joints located nearby. Affected muscles may develop weakness or atrophy - a decrease in their volume.

By clinical course myositis is divided into acute and chronic. Chronic myositis can be the outcome of acute myositis or a consequence of chronic infection.

In mild cases pain usually go away after a few days if the person is provided with warmth, rest, care and painkillers. However, if adverse factors such as cooling or excessive physical stress, continues, frequent relapses of myositis are possible, its transition to a chronic form. Wherein myositis can be so severe that a person loses his ability to work for a long time.

Types of myositis (cervical myositis, lumbar myositis, etc.)

The most common types of myositis are cervical and lumbar, although there are also myositis of the shoulder muscles, arms, legs, and even masticatory muscles.

cervical myositis is acute inflammation muscles of the neck and shoulder girdle, which can occur in anyone, even absolutely healthy person, as a result of stress, hypothermia, sleeping in an unfortunate position or working in an uncomfortable position. Most often cervical myositis it can be provoked by a draft - few people have complained that they "blew their neck". At cervical myositis there is a dull muscle pain in the neck area, which can "give" to the back of the head, to the shoulders, between the shoulder blades. The mobility of the cervical vertebrae usually remains normal, but may be limited due to pain when stretching certain muscle groups or tendons.

Cervical myositis usually manifests itself in the morning after sleep, a day or two after the previously mentioned traumatic effects. During this time, the “cold” inflamed muscle fibers swell, their reflex spasm occurs, which causes irritation of the nerve endings and severe pain.

Inflammation of the nerves is almost always asymmetric: the pain is worse on one side than on the other. Regardless of where the inflammatory process has reached, pain in myositis is always very strong: the sick person absolutely cannot turn his head or move his inflamed arm.

Myositis of the lumbar muscles is a common cause of lumbar pain. The disease is characterized long course. Pain in the lumbar muscles is not as intense as with lumbago, mostly aching. The muscles are compacted, painful when palpated and stretched. In patients with chronic infections and metabolic disorders myositis of the lumbar muscles can be combined with pain in the joints.

Myositis treatment

Myositis treatment depends on its cause. If myositis is caused by any infectious, autoimmune or inflammatory disease, then it is necessary to conduct a course of treatment of the underlying disease. Painkillers, anti-inflammatory and other drugs are used.

If myositis appeared as a result of hypothermia or muscle overstrain, then first of all it is necessary to provide the affected muscles with rest, up to bed rest. Pain relievers are usually prescribed.

However, the biggest role in myositis treatment plays warm. In myositis it is shown dry heat, effective physiotherapy procedures, massaging the affected muscles (if there are no contraindications!). Patient care is also important. physiotherapy, proper nutrition patient with an injection enough easily digestible proteins.

At local myositis exclusively good effect gives therapy with the help of a therapeutic anti-inflammatory patch NANOPLAST forte. This drug improves muscle trophism, has a local warming effect, helps to reduce muscle tension, significantly reduces the intensity of pain.

Myositis: treatment with NANOPLAST forte medical plaster

With therapeutic myositis treatment apply various means such as NSAIDs, analgesics, etc. All these drugs are effective, but with long-term use can harm the body. Therefore, it is very important to minimize side effects and improve the effectiveness of myositis treatment. This can help the drug of a new generation - analgesic anti-inflammatory medical plaster NANOPLAST forte.

In the treatment of myositis, the NANOPLAST forte therapeutic patch is very effective, it allows you to relieve pain and inflammation, improve blood circulation in the area affected by myositis, and reduce the dose of painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs.

With myositis, the NANOPLAST forte therapeutic patch is applied to the area of ​​​​inflammation - in the neck, back or lower back - depending on the location of the pain. It is usually recommended to use the patch in the morning at 12 o'clock, but it is possible to apply it at night. The course of application at myositis is 3 to 5 days.

High efficiency, unique composition, long-lasting (up to 12 hours!) therapeutic effect, ease of use and affordable price make NANOPLAST forte the drug of choice in the treatment of myositis.

Myositis- This is a condition in which the muscles are affected due to the influence of a wide variety of factors. It can be inflammation , injury , toxic damage . This disease is characterized by pain, and in some cases even muscles occur. When myositis occurs inflammatory processes in one or several skeletal muscles at once. So inflammation can develop in neck , back , chest . If inflammation develops in in large numbers muscles, then this pathology is called polymyositis . If the lesion occurs not only in the muscles, but the skin is also included in the process, then this disease is called dermatomyositis .

This disease is characterized by local pain, the intensity of which increases after a certain period of time. Pain is aggravated by movements in which the affected muscles contract. The patient also feels pain during. Due to pain in the course of the disease, the movement of the joints is limited. Muscle weakness becomes more pronounced over time, and affected muscles may atrophy over time. Also, myositis can develop into chronic illness. In this case, its exacerbation occurs during unstable weather conditions, after hypothermia, at night.

Causes of myositis

Types of myositis

Experts determine different types myositis. In most cases, myositis affects the broad muscles of the back, neck, shoulders, less often the muscles of the buttocks are affected. But the most dangerous is myositis of the neck . With this ailment, a dull pain is first felt in the neck, radiating to the back of the head, to the shoulders, or between the shoulder blades. With myositis of the neck, as a rule, cervical vertebrae can move normally, but still sometimes due to pain there are restrictions on movement.

emergence acute purulent myositis very often a complication purulent diseases or septicemia. Its occurrence is provoked streptococcus , staphylococcus aureus , Pneumococcus , other . This form of the disease is characterized by the occurrence , , phlegmon in the muscles. With this form of myositis, the patient feels severe pain, which becomes even more noticeable during movement or palpation of the muscles.

due to disease infectious nature appear infectious non-purulent myositis . In this case, pain and muscle weakness are much less pronounced than with purulent myositis.

For myositis ossificans characteristic weakness in the muscles, atrophic processes in the muscles, calcium deposition in the connective tissue. At myositis of the lumbar muscles characteristic symptom are aching pains in the lower back. Such a disease is a long period, is an common cause lumbar pain. At the same time, there is some muscle density, their soreness on palpation.


At polymyositis not one, but several muscle groups are affected. With this ailment, there are no manifestations of very severe pain, but pronounced muscle weakness is observed. The disease begins with the fact that it becomes difficult for the patient to do ordinary actions, for example, climb stairs. Later, due to atrophic processes in the muscles of the neck, it becomes difficult for a person to hold his head upright. On the last stage diseases atrophy chewable , swallowing , involved in the act of breathing muscles. Also, patients with polymyositis sometimes develop. If you take the right tactics of treatment and implement it in a timely manner, then the patient recovers completely.


Dermatomyositis especially often manifested in women at a young or middle age. The suspected cause of this disease is genetic factors . The reason why the development of the disease is triggered may be stress, colds, hypothermia, too long exposure to sunbeams. The skin is affected by a red or purple rash that appears on the hands, face, upper body. With dermatomyositis, the patient also complains about the manifestation weaknesses , high temperature , chills . The person begins to lose weight rapidly. With this disease, symptoms can appear both gradually and increase rapidly. With such an ailment, the muscles often become flabby, and under skin calcium salts accumulate, causing pain.

Acute and chronic myositis

The disease is divided into spicy and chronic myositis, also distinguish professional and catarrhal , purulent and nonpurulent myositis. Provided that the patient has an untreated acute stage myositis disease can gradually acquire a chronic form. In chronic myositis, pain occurs in case of hypothermia, weather changes, at night. Chronic form myositis also occurs due to an infectious disease.

Myositis symptoms

Main symptom this disease is pain that manifests itself as aching. During movement or touching the muscles, pain intensifies. Over time, the pain may increase. If you feel the muscles, they are found nodules and strands which are especially painful. Sometimes there is slight swelling, redness of the skin. Also, in patients with myositis, it may occur, headaches . With myositis of the neck, which occurs, as a rule, as a result of hypothermia, the pain radiates to the back of the head, between the shoulder blades, and to the shoulders.

Myositis of the masticatory muscles causes clenching of the jaws of a convulsive nature, muscle tension. Sometimes the patient cannot speak or chew at all. If timely treatment is not taken, the disease can progress, as a result of which the inflammation will spread to new muscle groups.

Diagnosis of myositis

When making a diagnosis of "myositis", one should distinguish between myositis and the cervical spine. For this, it is carried out x-ray examination, and also it turns out whether the mobility of the vertebrae is preserved and whether there are degenerative lesions. The specialist studies the patient's complaints. Later, a blood test is performed: with myositis in the blood, increased activity muscle enzymes, specific antibodies are present. Electromyography is used for diagnosis.

Myositis treatment

Treatment of myositis should be started after the first symptoms of this disease appear. Many are used as therapy. different methods, among which are electrical stimulation muscles and nerves with the help and pharmacopuncture . During complex therapy analgesics, drugs with a vasodilating effect are used. If a patient is diagnosed with purulent myositis, he is prescribed antibiotics. With this form of myositis, it is sometimes necessary: ​​opening, draining the wound, its subsequent washing with antiseptics.

Good results are observed after a course of massage performed by an experienced specialist. Patients are prescribed sessions of regular physiotherapy exercises. However, in this case, all movements of the patient and the distribution of the load must be strictly controlled by the attending physician. Also applies vacuum therapy , reflexology . At home, dry heat is used. So, the affected area can be wrapped with a woolen scarf. It is used to treat myositis and the method of rubbing the affected area. For this, heated and dissolved in water are suitable.

List of sources

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