What is communication skills? What does a sociable person mean?

Sociability in our time is a very important and necessary personal quality, since the ability to quickly find a common language with people and establish contacts is necessary both in personal life and work. In job advertisements you can often find such a requirement for an applicant, especially if the company is looking for a sales manager, HR manager, public relations manager, etc.

Communication skills - what does it mean?

For those who want to know what sociability means, it’s worth remembering the people who probably exist in the lives of each of us. Friends of youth or work colleagues who can find the right words for everyone and tune in to the wave of both a small child and an older adult. They always have some story or anecdote that is appropriate; they can easily direct the thread of conversation in a positive direction if they feel that something is brewing. A sociable person is open to the world, he is friendly and pleasant to talk to.

  1. Sociability can be called sociability or contact when it comes to informal conversation. “The soul of the party” - that’s what they say about such people.
  2. In business negotiations, the very term “communication skills” is used, which helps a person find compromises and negotiate with the right people.
  3. In diplomacy, this is simply an irreplaceable quality, because without it, success in this field is impossible.
  4. TV and radio presenters, entertainers, DJs and others are sociable people who can captivate and ignite the audience.
  5. Social networks open up huge opportunities for such sociable people, especially if they have creative potential.

How to develop your communication skills?

It must be said right away that not every person who craves communication can be called sociable. Can a tiresome bore be considered sociable? And the brawler, just looking for a reason to squabble? Some are so talkative that they simply won’t let you get a word in edgewise. She is so absorbed in useless chatter that she herself does not notice how she is wasting her interlocutor’s time. It also happens that a taciturn and reserved person opens up in a certain situation, when he feels that he has entered his “field”, and the topic of conversation is extremely interesting and familiar to him. It is possible and necessary to develop your communication skills, and above all, you should try to be open-minded towards the views of others.

Showing interest in people, trying to understand their desires, feelings and needs, it is necessary to understand that they have the right to freely express their views and be ready to accept their concept. It is very important to expand your horizons, read a lot and educate yourself. This will increase self-confidence, because a person savvy in many issues will no longer be afraid of communication, he will be able to answer questions and, if necessary, ask again or clarify something. If you want to know how you can improve your communication skills, try to enjoy communication. Express your interest in the topic being discussed, not only talk, but also listen.

It is unacceptable to agree absentmindedly, because you can thereby offend your interlocutor, but by entering into an argument with him, defending your point of view, you also spare the feelings of your opponent. And humor will be your faithful assistant: it will always help defuse the situation and put your interlocutors at ease. Set a positive example of friendliness and openness for your children, and they will follow in your footsteps by becoming outgoing people.

Many people, when writing a resume, get stuck on the “personal qualities” section. What to write? This is where different stress resistance, diligence, ease of learning and communication skills come to mind. But few people delve into the meaning of these words. What is, for example, communication skills?

The dictionary says that this is a person’s ability to communicate, establish connections and contacts. This means that it is necessary not only to constantly talk, but also to be able to build a constructive dialogue with any person in written and oral form. When writing a resume, remember that this is not an ordinary familiar communication.

To achieve success, almost every person must be sociable. For some, it is even part of their professional competencies. HR managers, sales managers, PR specialists, service industry workers simply must be able to quickly find a common language and tune in to the same wavelength with different people.

Usually, personnel officers pay little attention to the list of personal qualities, but if it is missing from the resume, this may alert the employer. Therefore, try without fanaticism to indicate your positive qualities, as well as those that are necessary in the desired profession. Perhaps the confirmation of what was written will later be checked at an interview.

The applicant’s communication skills are indicated by his results and work experience. Of course, you won’t be able to advance your career if you have a client-oriented profession and are an uncommunicative person.

There are two types of communication skills: written and oral.

Oral communication skills

Employers check the presence of this type of communication skills during a personal interview or during a telephone interview. There are several criteria by which this species is evaluated.

Ability to clearly express your thoughts. A person who has oral communication skills is primarily characterized by structured and logical speech. To do this, applicants are often asked questions to which they need to give detailed answers, and not “water”. You should not talk non-stop; it is better to act according to the principle “brevity is the sister of talent.”

Adequacy. HR consultants believe that a candidate’s personality can be assessed through an adequate and critical attitude towards others and towards oneself. If from the first minutes you switch to “you” and begin to communicate in a familiar manner, then this does not mean that you are a sociable person, but that you do not have professional communication skills.

Skill listen . Those interlocutors who do not hear and do not listen to each other will not be able to have a constructive conversation. You will not be able to come to an understanding with your interlocutor if you constantly talk and do not listen to your opponent’s requests and comments.

The ability to win over your interlocutor. A sociable person has good control of his voice and himself, and can win over a person in the process of communication. He has several psychological techniques with which he can hold the attention of his interlocutor and recognize his reaction to all questions only by the person’s intonation.

Written communication skills

This type of communication is verified by resume and cover letter. Employers pay attention to stylistic and grammatical errors, especially if the applicant is applying for a responsible position. HR will not be interested in a person who, although sociable, is illiterate.

The second indicator is how clearly and structured the resume is, how it describes functional responsibilities, tasks and achievements. Avoid details, as the employer may think that you do not know how to highlight important points in your career.

Everyone knows that being sociable is good and beneficial. When writing a resume, few people forget to mention that they are a sociable person. But what does this quality actually represent and what is the real portrait of its owner?

What is a sociable person

A sociable person is one who has the ability to establish contact with others, quickly adapting to a new environment. “Amenable to communication, communication” - this is what the word communicative means, if we translate it from the Latin “communicabilis”.

There is a misconception that a sociable person is an extrovert who loves to chat and talk about himself. But is it? In fact, unlike a sociable talker and a good storyteller, a sociable person is distinguished by incredible tact, well-delivered speech, education and intelligence, tolerance, as well as many other positive qualities.

How to recognize a sociable person?

  • He does not speak for the sake of just speaking, but pursues a specific goal: to convince a partner, find a compromise with a dissatisfied client, increase trust, and so on.
  • Such a person knows exactly how to conduct a dialogue in order to achieve results.
  • He easily transitions from one style of conversation to another, he holds himself confidently, has charisma, and has no problems finding topics for communication.
  • People of any age, class, or nationality can communicate with such an interlocutor. A troubled teenager and an elderly professor are interested in him.
  • A conversation with a sociable person is always useful and interesting for both parties, because it is qualitatively different from the empty chatter of a talker.
  • Flexibility of character, restraint, quick adaptation to new conditions, initiative, leadership - these are the natural traits of a sociable personality.
  • For him, any conversation is a dialogue, not an intoxicated monologue. Feedback is always important to him.
  • Perceives communication as a creative process and improvises.
  • Ready to speak in front of a large audience without preparation, finds the tone and style of speech in accordance with the audience.
  • Tolerant, cosmopolitan, avoids radicalism.
  • Controls the attention of listeners, creates comfortable conditions for conversation.

What does it mean to be sociable?

This question was once asked during a lesson on communication culture. The teacher asked the audience in the audience: “ Who is an example of a sociable person?" He allowed us to name both a real person and a literary character. The main thing is to remember someone who has the ability to communicate and easily contact others.

There were many people willing to answer. Some named the names of their friends, citing facts from their biography as examples. Others recalled examples of lack of communication, suggesting that we go from the opposite.

But the most interesting answer was the answer of a determined student: “ Dersu Uzala. Sociable is a quality that perfectly characterizes a hero».

Those present were frozen in bewilderment., after all, how can the hero of Arsenyev’s book “Dersu Uzala” be called sociable if he, being a Nanai and having lived his whole life in the remote taiga, practically did not see people? And what can we say about his speech skills?

Peers thought that their classmate was joking, and the lecturer asked, puzzled: “ Why do you think so? Explain to us».

The girl replied that this literary hero had learned to “read the taiga,” that is, he knew how to recognize the tracks of animals and predict the weather, and knew the properties of all plants. He was sure that all living beings, including plants and animals, can talk.

She continued further, citing arguments from his life: “ He managed to measure quarreling military personnel with his song; he was respected wherever he appeared. The old Nanai managed to win people over without saying a single word. And who among us can boast of such an achievement?»

The listeners silently agreed with the arguments. And the lecturer realized that his students mastered this topic “excellently.”

Benefits of Communication

Communication skills give you self-confidence. A person with characteristic skills is ready to control the situation and become a leader in a new team. These same skills help you read your partner, seeing his obvious and hidden motives for behavior.

Possessing this trait, we can draw the attention of the audience and convey the necessary information to it, which is a tool for achieving our own goals.

A sociable person easily establishes cooperation between two parties. In this case, skills are used not to defend one’s own, but to create a mutually beneficial dialogue and find a compromise. The art is to skillfully and competently connect personal goals with the goals of your partner.

Effective communication skills are invaluable during negotiations - both commercial and diplomatic. The main task of such meetings is to find a compromise while remaining consistent with your interests and goals.

Ability to quickly resolve conflict– another advantage of a master of effective communication. It is important to accurately pose the question, formulate the problem, and offer options for resolving it. It was this skill that was lacking in the two peoples - the blunt-pointed and the pointed-pointed peoples, whom Gulliver met during his adventures in the work of Jonathan Swift.

How to become a sociable person

To hold balance

Calm, confident and friendly people always make you feel good. You should avoid ingratiation, haste, trembling in your voice, and also pay attention to non-verbal methods of communication that betray excitement or, conversely, convince of strength and perseverance. A relaxed posture, eye contact, and an even tone and voice not only draws the audience’s attention, but also makes them respect the speaker.

Do not hurry

When meeting a person based on his clothes, you should not form your own opinion about him. It happens that the conclusions made about the interlocutor in the first hours of communication are completely untrue. Having created an image of a person in our head, we intuitively develop communication tactics and a model of behavior with him. A mistake can be costly. It is better to try to look for only positive aspects in any person.

Listen without losing touch

It is important that the interlocutor feels attention to himself and feels that he is being listened to. You can convince of this if you look into the eyes for most of the conversation, express emotions from what you hear, ask logical questions, and do not interrupt.

Do not rate

Critical assessment of other people's remarks should be avoided. When we doubt a person’s competence or the veracity of his words, the addressee closes down and becomes unavailable for quality dialogue. As a result, both lose because effective communication did not occur.

Take the initiative

A sociable person should develop the habit of smiling at his interlocutor, starting a conversation and saying hello first. Having become the initiator of the conversation, he has the right to conduct it and be responsible for the outcome of the dialogue. The interlocutor subconsciously understands this and shows compliance.

Work on yourself

In order not to stand still, you need to expand your vocabulary and expand your horizons. This happens when we engage in self-development, read literature, and study trends in different industries. The information we will highlight will help you conduct the conversation naturally and effortlessly.

We talked in detail about who a sociable person is and what qualities he has. Communication skills have many benefits. But to master the art of quality communication with the outside world, it is worth making the effort. Our advice will tell you which direction to move in.

The driving force of any career is the ability to communicate with people. Communication is a social skill that allows you to find a common language with others. This quality is very valuable and worth developing throughout your life. A sociable person knows how to win over his interlocutor and has good command of his voice.

To keep your opponent's attention, you need to know basic psychological techniques and recognize possible reactions to questions asked. This will help you change your behavior pattern in time and not lose the favor of your interlocutor.

How to develop communication skills?

Every person who thinks about the question: “Sociability - what is it and why is it needed?” - must know the basic rules. Only by following them can you learn how to communicate with people and figure out how to make a good impression on others.

Sociability is the ability to feel the interlocutor. Every person at certain periods resorts to psychological defense. This happens at those moments when he experiences worries or negative emotions, mental suffering or anxiety. If you train the skill of recognizing defense mechanisms, you can develop your own communication skills.

Define your role

To attract the attention of others, a person often plays the role that is beneficial to him at the moment. But it is worth remembering that such behavior will eventually become schematic and cease to bring satisfaction.

"No" to projections

The development of communication skills can be slow due to the fact that people often project their views onto others, attributing to them traits that they do not possess. By attaching labels to your boss, friends and employees, a person will sooner or later experience disappointment when he is convinced that they do not correspond to reality.

To take the responsibility

When people have difficulty communicating with others, they often blame everyone but themselves. To understand how to develop communication skills, you need to be aware of your own shortcomings. Only then will relationships begin to change, and communication with your interlocutor will bring satisfaction. Sometimes a person himself does not notice that he speaks aggressively or, conversely, too sluggishly, and his demands on others are greatly exaggerated. This manner repels people, so they try to keep communication to a minimum.

Reflect on actions

The interlocutor can evoke various emotions, but the person must be able to act soberly, without succumbing to the momentary mood. An involuntary reaction is not always good for relationships and is often a source of misunderstanding and resentment. In order not to succumb to provocation, you need to learn to say a firm “no”. Communication skills are an important quality and need to be developed. No matter what emotions the interlocutor’s story evokes, you must be able to listen to the person and not interrupt him. Only after he expresses his thought can you answer him.

Learn constructive criticism

It often happens that people do not want to express their opinions for fear of not being liked by others and do not want to provoke a conflict. But sometimes criticism is simply necessary. By expressing personal feelings, a person shows that the interlocutor himself and what he does do not leave him indifferent. But you need to criticize calmly and constructively, without aggression. Then the words will not hurt others, and the opinion will acquire special value. Constructive criticism is a good way to get rid of negative emotions, anger or resentment. But you cannot discuss the individual characteristics and personal qualities of your opponent.

Develop the ability to empathize

People are looking for an answer to the question: “Sociability - what is it?” - but they forget one important nuance. Before showing antipathy towards your interlocutor, you should try to sense his psychological state and feel it. Only understanding can prevent superficial judgments about a person. You need to inquire about your opponent’s motivation and only then express an opposing opinion.

Learn to trust

Not all people know how to trust. The reasons for this can be completely different, but often it is the fear of being deceived. Childhood experiences and unpleasant memories can increase this fear. Living in constant tension is very difficult; it depletes a person’s inner world and deprives him of joy.


The first and most important rule is a friendly and sincere smile. It is not necessary to smile throughout the conversation; it is enough to show affection at appropriate moments, for example, when meeting and saying goodbye. You can make light hints of jokes to defuse the situation without looking like a frivolous buffoon. A natural smile is the best way to make your interlocutor feel good and leave a good impression. To study in more detail what human communication skills are, it is worth reading thematic literature.

Call a person by name more often

All people enjoy being called by name. It doesn’t matter so much whether it’s an official meeting or a friendly one, such an address will bring the interlocutors closer and put them on the same wavelength. If a person is older, more experienced, or simply unfamiliar, you should address him by his first name and patronymic until he allows you to call him something else.

Not only listen, but also hear

Sociability is the ability of a person not only to listen to the interlocutor, but also to really hear what he says.

As a rule, any phrase is important and carries a certain meaning that a person puts into it. You should not ignore proposals that seem unnecessary; this can become a big mistake when communicating.

Simplicity and consistency

Another rule that a sociable person must follow is simplicity, as well as logic and consistency. The opponent must clearly understand what is at stake. Ambiguous phrases can spoil the result of communication and lead the main thread of the conversation in a completely different direction. To figure out how to develop communication skills, it is necessary to present information simply and clearly, in such a way that it is convenient for the interlocutor to assimilate it.

It's no secret that sociable people have an easier life on this planet.

They can always talk their way out of unwanted work, laugh it off at an awkward moment, convince clients to choose their services and become the star of any party.

What is communication skills and how does it help build successful relationships with people?

A sociable person easily makes contact with others, does not reach into his pocket for words and is not shy about being the first to start a conversation. This is not just a chatterbox, but a person who knows how to listen, convey the meaning, and argue a position.

But, most importantly, he never has the fear of starting a conversation in an unfamiliar company: competent communication is his ace in the hole.

But the functions of a sociable person are not limited to conversations alone. His strength lies in establishing useful contacts, in the ability to use connections, in valuable, constructive and enriching things that are important for both parties.

A sociable person knows how to adapt to his interlocutor, find common points, use his means of expression, and speak “his language.”

She can establish contact with anyone, even the most unsociable and aggressive individual. It is easy to communicate with such a person; the conversation does not cause tension for either party.

You've probably seen situations in movies when everyone is trying to explain something to one incomprehensible person, but to no avail.

And then suddenly the hero negotiator, distinguished by his high sociability, comes out, utters the sacramental phrase “Let me try to talk to him” and quickly resolves the issue.

There are professions in which communication skills are essential - from store consultants and sales managers to journalists and talk show hosts.

However, the ability to communicate with colleagues and clients will not harm anyone: it is much more pleasant to be the favorite of the entire team than an unnoticed and uninteresting employee.

That's why Even modest and shy people are recommended by psychologists to train communication skills.

An important feature of a sociable person is memory of one’s own interests and thoughts. Yes, he easily adapts to his surroundings, makes contact and finds loopholes to someone else’s soul.

However, he does not forget about his opinion, does not renounce it, does not become gray and standard. At the same time, he respects the thoughts of others and knows how to remain silent when necessary.

The word “communication” has Latin roots and literally means “to connect, communicate”. In fact, its paramount importance is the ability to establish strong connections, establish contacts, and psychologically connect with other people in the process of communication.

For a naturally sociable person, communication is never a heavy burden. He enjoys conversations, makes contact with joy, and looks for new approaches to people with creative passion.

How to understand that you have a high level of communication skills, because they often ask to mention this in their resume when applying for a job? Answer several questions objectively:

1. Finding yourself in an unfamiliar group, do you feel embarrassed and don’t speak up?

2. Do you look forward to interviews, interviews and important meetings with trepidation and excitement? Do you spend hours preparing for reports and public speaking?

3. Do you have difficulty making new acquaintances, has your circle of friends not changed for a long time?

4. If a stranger on the street asks you something, will you be confused, embarrassed or even angry?

5. Do you find it difficult to communicate with your parents and children, is there a “generation problem”?

6. On the playground or in line at the doctor’s office, do you sit apart, avoiding general conversations about diapers and diseases?

7. Is it easier for you to express your request or thoughts in writing than verbally - over the phone or in person?

If you mostly answered “Yes” to the questions, then you have obvious problems with communication skills. But the answers “No” indicate a high level of this quality - you can safely declare it in your resume.

But do not forget that you will have to demonstrate the declared trait again and again, make sure that it will be pleasant and interesting for you.