Temperature 37 lasts 2 days what to do. Temperature against the background of different types of diseases

Do you feel drowsiness, lack of energy and apathy? All of these can be symptoms. elevated temperature. So, the thermometer confirmed your fears. The temperature does not drop below 37 degrees for a long time - a week, two, a month ... What to do? No, of course, the situation is not critical, there is no acute threat to life, and there is no need to call a resuscitation team either. However, finding out the reason is strictly necessary.

Why is the temperature rising?

An elevated human temperature is defensive reaction our body. It is called pyrogens. These are special substances that, on the one hand, can serve as waste products of a number of pathogens, on the other hand, can be produced by our immune cells. If to speak plain language, then temperature is the weapon with which our body fights viruses. At 38°C it produces interferon. It is he who serves as a threat to pathogens.

As a rule, with such symptoms, the patient is prescribed antibiotics, as well as drugs to reduce the temperature. The latter is destructive not only for viruses, but also for our body, giving heavy load to the heart and lungs. A completely different matter is the body temperature of 37 degrees, which doctors call subfebrile. It can last for a long time, and finding out its cause can be difficult even for experienced therapists after a thorough medical examination. What does a temperature of 37 degrees mean?

No reason to panic

Reason number one is the lack of any reason, pardon the tautology! School textbooks in anatomy and medical encyclopedias rooted in our minds the fact that normal temperature a person is exactly 36.6 degrees. Anything less than this value is an indicator of a breakdown, and anything more is a symptom of an infection or inflammatory process. But is this always true?

It turns out that the temperature norm for each individual and can vary between 35.5-37.5 degrees. This vital indicator is influenced by a number of factors - gender and age, level of physical activity, hormonal background. In some cases, it may depend on the temperature and humidity of the air, as well as the time of day. Between five and eleven o'clock in the evening, its value can rise by 0.5 degrees. In children, in some cases, the normal temperature can reach 37.5 degrees. Sometimes it rises in women during menstruation and menopause. However, a temperature of 37 in an adult is not an alarm signal only when no other symptoms are observed. Otherwise, you should immediately consult a therapist in order to avoid serious consequences.

The common cold is the prime suspect

If you have a long time, the reasons should first of all be looked for in colds. As a rule, it is accompanied by other symptoms - headache, body aches, runny nose, sore throat and dry cough. Subfebrile temperature can persist even after the transfer of acute viral diseases. The body needs some time to restore strength and bring the main indicators back to normal.

Complications of colds and viral diseases

However, colds and viral diseases due to our negligence, on the one hand, and the resistance of modern strains of viruses to antibiotics, on the other, they can turn into chronic tonsillitis and have other complications. Inflammatory processes in the tonsils (both pharyngeal and palatine) can also cause a temperature of 37. To avoid such negative consequences, colds and viral diseases must be treated until all symptoms disappear completely and the temperature returns.

Is it a cold?

“Temperature 37, I have a cold,” such messages are not uncommon on thematic forums. However, are you sure that it is and not, say, focal pneumonia? We are often mistaken in believing that the main thing is high temperature. It is a myth. The thermometer shows 37 degrees. The temperature is not critical, but requires your attention. If she is accompanied by a cough and general weakness, then it is better to play it safe and do X-ray. With this disease, lung tissue flow inflammatory processes. Often they are not caused by infections, however, against their background, a fungal or fungal infection may well develop. This disease requires immediate treatment antibiotics. Remember that late diagnosis worsens the prognosis. Despite the presence various kinds the strongest antibiotics, in cases running form pneumonia can be fatal.

If in the last century tuberculosis was considered a disease of the poor, today, unfortunately, no one is immune from it. The causative agent of this disease is Mycobacterium tuberculosis. According to WHO, every third inhabitant of the Earth is its carrier. However, infected does not mean sick. In the first case, microbacteria are not active in the human body. Such people do not experience symptoms of the disease and cannot infect others. However, in the case of a weakened immune system, which is caused by stress, malnutrition, excessive exercise and lack of sleep, microbacteria can affect the lungs, and in some cases other organs and systems.

The number of patients with tuberculosis today, according to official data, is 1% of the population. In reality, this figure is many times higher. Every day, without suspecting it, we often encounter tuberculosis patients. This disease affects representatives of various strata of society. Doctors and pharmacists, drivers public transport and salespeople, kindergarten teachers and university professors. This disease does not choose. However, when healthy immunity You can get infected only from a patient with an open form of tuberculosis. In this case, microbacteria enter the environment with saliva and sputum.

To detect tuberculosis, a fluorographic study is necessary. In many clinical cases the temperature was 37 for a month, after which the patient was diagnosed this disease. A slight cough for a long time is another reason to see a doctor. However, tuberculosis is not a sentence. In the vast majority of cases, this ailment can be overcome if you follow the treatment regimen. To prevent tuberculosis, vaccination is now carried out.

Stress as a cause of fever

“The temperature was 37 for a month, and then it recovered,” - many of us faced this situation. We almost never associate fever with stress. Today they have become so commonplace for us that we simply do not react to them, which cannot be said about our body. It reacts to external stimuli at the physical and chemical levels. When we are nervous, pressure rises, the heartbeat quickens, and adrenaline enters the bloodstream. All systems begin to work more actively, as a result of which the temperature also rises. It turns out that such a phenomenon is so common that experts even introduced a special term for it - “psychogenic temperature”. In this case, a person may also experience dizziness, shortness of breath and general malaise. Frequent stress can cause syndrome over time chronic fatigue. If you had a temperature of 37 for a month, then this may indicate just about him. With such a disease, the functions of the nervous, endocrine and immune systems. A simple rest will not get rid of such serious consequences. In this case, the help of a narrow specialist is required.

Exacerbation of the "chronicle"

The thermometer shows 37 degrees. Temperature can be caused by exacerbation of chronic diseases and inflammation in various bodies. Dysfunctions of cardio-vascular system and thyroid gland, peptic ulcer, gastritis, pyelonephritis, etc. For a long time, the main symptom of these diseases may be subfebrile temperature. She may also be accompanied by pain in certain areas. In these cases, you need to contact a specialist. The temperature will return to normal when the inflammation subsides.

Malignant neoplasms

A slight increase in temperature, especially in the evening, can be caused by malignant neoplasms. It leads to intoxication. A higher temperature (from 37.5 to 38 degrees) indicates that the process of tumor decay has begun in the body, to which inflammation has joined. In many cases, oncology develops against the background of already existing chronic diseases. However, in some cases, malignant cells can infect healthy tissues and for a long time don't show yourself. If the temperature was 37 for a month, and acute pain however, it was not observed, unfortunately, this is not a reason to discard this version. It will be useful to pass general examination. The latter is shown annually. Diagnosis of the disease in the early stages is the key to the success of its treatment. One of the countries with the lowest cancer death rates today is Israel. Labor contract, which is signed by specialists when applying for a job, provides for dismissal in case of failure to pass a medical examination once a year. Such discipline would not interfere with us.

The reason for the rise in temperature to 37 degrees may not only not upset you, but also serve as an occasion for the greatest joy in life. In some cases, it is pregnancy. Sometimes subfebrile temperature accompanies all nine months during which a woman bears a fetus. It may be caused physiological features and individual response female body for pregnancy. However, be careful: an increase in temperature in " interesting position» can also be caused by viral infections and inflammatory processes. Self-medication is fraught with the most negative consequences. Consultation with a gynecologist is strictly required!

Temperature 37: what to do?

The above are the possible causes of subfebrile temperature. But what if, due to the absence of pain and other symptoms, you yourself cannot make even an approximate diagnosis in order to contact a specialist? So, instead of the usual cheerfulness, you feel weakness and loss of strength, and the temperature on the thermometer is 37. What should I do? Time to go to concrete action. First of all, you need to contact a therapist and take a blood test. If there is inflammation in the body, then his results will show it.

What to pay attention to?

Can I read the analysis myself? Yes, and you don't need medical education. On the resulting form with the result, you will see your indicator and rate. The disease will be evidenced increased amount leukocytes, as well as a deviation in big side But hemoglobin, on the contrary, will be reduced. Such results can be caused by a variety of ailments. For more accurate data, it is necessary to undergo a fluorographic study, as well as ultrasound of the pelvic organs and abdominal cavity. This will exclude or confirm a number of diseases, in particular, tuberculosis.

Body temperature of 37-37.5 degrees is called subfebrile temperature. Such marks on the thermometer can be observed quite often. Sometimes subfebrile body temperature indicates quite serious illness, and sometimes is simply a consequence of measurement error.

If the temperature of 37 degrees persists for a long period of time, you should seek the advice of a specialist. Only a doctor can determine whether such an increase in temperature is a variant of the norm or indicates the presence of any pathology.

In humans, body temperature cannot always remain at the same mark. During the day and night, it can rise and fall, which is quite normal. In this case, the person will not experience any signs of illness. A cause for concern should be a prolonged rise in temperature to 37 degrees.

The following options for body temperature in humans are possible:

    The mark on the thermometer is below 35.5 degrees - low temperature body.

    The mark on the thermometer fluctuates between 35.5-37 degrees - normal body temperature.

    The mark on the thermometer is 37.1-38 degrees (subfebrile condition) or more than 38 degrees - elevated body temperature.

Some facts about body temperature that everyone should know:

    Statistics indicate that for most people, a body temperature of 37 degrees is the norm. Although it is generally accepted that a temperature of 36.6 degrees is normal.

    In one person, during the day, body temperature can fluctuate within 0.5 degrees or more, which is also a variant of the norm.

    In the morning, the body temperature is always lower, and in the evening it can rise to 37 degrees.

    During sleep, body temperature can drop to 36 degrees. The lowest rate is observed between 4 and 6 o'clock in the morning. If in the morning the body temperature is 37 degrees - this may indicate a disease.

    Starting from 4 p.m., a person's body temperature may rise. For some people, a temperature of 37.5 in the evening is a variant of the norm.

    In older people, body temperature is usually lower, and its daily jumps are not so pronounced.

The age of a person is of no small importance in determining the norm and pathology at different body temperatures. So, the temperature of 37 degrees in the evening in children is normal. The same data for the elderly is a pathology.

Body temperature can be measured in the following places:

    Most often, people measure body temperature in the armpit. Although this is the most common method for determining body temperature, it is also the most uninformative. The data obtained can be affected by temperature and humidity, as well as other factors. In some cases, during the process of measuring body temperature, its reflex jump is observed. It may be related to the person's anxiety. If body temperature is measured in the mouth or in the rectum, the error in the indicators will be minimal.

    If body temperature is measured in oral cavity, then you should be prepared for the fact that its values ​​\u200b\u200bwill be 0.5 degrees higher compared to the armpit.

    With the rectal method of measuring body temperature, the indicators will be 1 degree higher compared to body temperature in the armpit and 0.5 degrees higher than in the oral cavity.

It is possible to measure body temperature in ear canal, and the data obtained will be as accurate as possible. However, measurements require special device Therefore, at home, body temperature in the ear is not measured.

If body temperature is measured in anus or in the mouth, then it is necessary to abandon mercury thermometers. For this purpose, only an electronic thermometer is suitable. It is convenient to use a special thermometer-dummy when measuring body temperature in infants.

A body temperature of 37.1-37.5 degrees may be the result of measurement errors, or indicate any pathology. Only a doctor can determine this.

If a temperature of 37 is the norm?

When you see a temperature of 37-37.5 degrees on the thermometer, you should not panic. It is possible that such indicators are measurement errors.

To minimize the possibility of error, it is necessary to observe when measuring body temperature following rules:

    At least half an hour must pass from the moment of physical activity of a person. The state should be relaxed and calm. Often, in children after active and outdoor games, the body temperature rises to a mark of 37-37.5 degrees.

    It is possible that the child's body temperature rises after intense crying or screaming.

    It is best to take measurements at the same time. It should be remembered that the body temperature is lower in the morning and higher in the evening.

    The armpit must be absolutely dry during the measurement of body temperature.

    You should not measure body temperature in the mouth if the person has just eaten or consumed hot drinks, if he is short of breath or has difficulty nasal breathing if he just smoked.

    Rectal thermometry can be increased by 1-2 degrees after taking hot bath or after physical activity.

    A temperature of 37 degrees can be observed on the thermometer if a person has recently eaten, played sports or received other physical activity, suffered stress, is tired or is in a state of excitement. Possible increase in performance after prolonged exposure to sunbeams, while in a closed stuffy room where there is high humidity. Dry air and elevated ambient temperature affect body temperature.

It is possible that the temperature of 37 degrees is the result of incorrect operation measuring device, which is very important for electronic thermometers, which often give a significant error. If the device has high readings, one of the family members should measure the body temperature, it is possible that it will also be higher than the usual values. It's good if the house has mercury thermometer. However, it is not always possible to measure body temperature with a mercury device, for example, if we are talking about a small child.

To minimize the risk of error, it is necessary to measure the body temperature of an adult first with a mercury device, and then with an electronic one. After that, you should compare the indicators.

A body temperature of 37 degrees can be a variant of the norm under the following conditions:

    It is possible to increase the temperature to 37 degrees on the background of physical activity, after suffering an emotional shock, with chronic fatigue.

    Fluctuations in body temperature in women occur depending on the phase menstrual cycle. An increase in temperature is observed after ovulation (17-25 days of the cycle). In this case, the basal temperature can be higher than 37.3 degrees.

    Diseases of the genital area. In women, the temperature may rise to subfebrile marks against the background of vulvovaginitis or other inflammation of the genital organs. Abortions and curettage can cause a jump in temperature to 37 degrees and above. Similar indicators are observed during exacerbation of prostatitis in men.

    Diseases of the heart and blood vessels. Inflammation of the heart muscle infectious nature may be accompanied by an increase in body temperature. In parallel, the patient will experience shortness of breath, edema and cardiac arrhythmias will appear.

    The presence in the body of a focus of chronic infection. A temperature of 37.2 degrees may indicate adenoiditis, or another pathology of a chronic nature. As a rule, after the elimination of the focus of inflammation, the body temperature returns to normal.

    Diseases of children. Chickenpox is characterized by the appearance of a rash and an increase in body temperature to 37 degrees and above. Similar symptoms accompany measles and rubella. As a rule, rashes cause discomfort to the child and are accompanied by itching. Sometimes a body temperature of 37 degrees and above can indicate very serious diseases, including: blood poisoning (sepsis),. Therefore, a doctor's consultation is necessary.

Sometimes after an infection, a temperature of 37 degrees persists for a long time. Doctors call this condition "temperature tail". This situation can be observed for several weeks and even months. There is no need for any specific treatment. The temperature tail will pass on its own after a while.

However, in a situation where a person has a temperature of 37 degrees and is observed, you should consult a doctor. Most likely, the disease was not fully treated and there was a relapse. Or a new infection has entered the body.

A temperature of 37 degrees and above can indicate helminthiasis in a child. Most often, children suffer from. In parallel, there are symptoms such as: abdominal pain, alternation and constipation, allergic reactions.

Other causes of fever in a child:

The appearance of teeth is very often accompanied by a body temperature of 37-37.5 degrees. In this case, the reception of any drugs is not required, you just need to monitor the condition of the child. As a rule, body temperature does not rise above 38.5 degrees during teething.

The temperature of 37 degrees and above may rise after the introduction of the vaccine. If there is an impressive jump, then you can give the child an antipyretic drug. Young children are more susceptible to overheating than adults, so a temperature of 37 degrees can be observed when the baby is overwrapped. Moreover, such an increase in body temperature can be very dangerous and lead to heat stroke. In such a situation, it is important to cool the child as quickly as possible by removing his clothes.

Inflammatory processes of a non-infectious nature can also lead to an increase in body temperature. Moreover, almost all diseases are accompanied by other symptoms. So, if a person has a temperature of 37 degrees and diarrhea with blood, then this most likely indicates the development of Crohn's disease or nonspecific. A disease such as systemic lupus erythematosus is accompanied by a body temperature of 37 degrees, which manifests itself several months before the first symptoms of the disease appear.

Some allergic reactions of the body may be accompanied by an increase in body temperature, such as hives and atopic dermatitis. At bronchial asthma body temperature of 37 degrees is combined with shortness of breath and breathing difficulties.

It is possible that a temperature of 37 degrees indicates illness following systems:

    Damage to the cardiovascular system:

    • Vegetative dystonia. At the same time, the body temperature rises to 37 degrees and above, and the patient also has headaches, and blood pressure rises.

    Defeat respiratory system namely chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

    Damage to the digestive system. A temperature of 37 degrees can accompany pancreatitis, gastritis, non-infectious hepatitis, esophagitis, etc.

    Damage to the nervous system:

    • Hemorrhages, tumors of the head and spinal cord, injury.

      In young women suffering from dystonia, a temperature of 37 degrees indicates thermoneurosis.

Update: October 2018

Subfebrile condition - rise in temperature from 37 to 37.9 degrees Celsius. Body temperature above 38 degrees is usually accompanied by a very certain symptoms, which any doctor can tie to a specific disease. But prolonged subfebrile condition often remains the only sign that makes the patient visit many specialists and take many tests.

Why does the body need subfebrile temperature?

Man is a warm-blooded creature, so we are able to maintain a more or less stable body temperature throughout our lives. Fluctuations up to 1 degree can occur during stress, after eating, during sleep, and also depending on the woman's menstrual cycle. When exposed to certain factors, a protective reaction of the body may occur - fever. Even subfebrile temperature numbers can speed up the metabolism and make it impossible for many harmful microbes to multiply. In addition, a temperature rise can indicate bodily or psychological ill health.

Normal human body temperature

The average temperature when measured in the armpit is 36.6 degrees Celsius. But for different people, this value can be individual. For some, the thermometer rarely shows a value greater than 36.2, and someone constantly lives with numbers of 37-37.2 degrees. However, in most cases, subfebrile temperature indicates a sluggish inflammatory process in the body, so you should find out the cause of subfibrillation and find the focus of inflammation.

The upper limit of normal human temperature is 37.0, anything higher can be considered as a sluggish inflammatory process and requires careful diagnosis. In a child under one year old, a temperature of 37.0-37.3 is normal due to an unsteady thermoregulation system.

However, the state in which the measurement takes place must be taken into account. If, for example, you measure the temperature of a person overheated in the sun or dressed in a woolen sweater, or if the patient has hyperthyroidism, a violation of thermoregulation, this should be taken into account.

How to measure temperature correctly?

There are several areas of the body where temperature is usually taken. The most common are the rectum and armpits. In the rectum, it is customary to measure the temperature in children, such data are more accurate, although some babies actively resist this procedure. And subfebrile condition infants- there is no reason to torment the child with rectal measurements. The classic version of thermometry in adults is in the armpit.

Temperature standards:

  • armpit: 34.7C - 37.0C
  • rectum: 36.6C - 38.0C
  • in the oral cavity: 35.5C - 37.5C

Causes of subfebrile condition

infectious causes

Infections are considered the most common cause of subfebrile temperature. So, most of the banal ARVI is accompanied by malaise, headache and joint pain, runny nose, cough and subfebrile condition. Some childhood infections (rubella, chickenpox) are not severe, with a low temperature. In all these cases there is bright signs illness.

With the prolonged existence of a focus of inflammation, all symptoms are erased or become habitual. Therefore, the only sign of trouble remains a long subfebrile condition. In such cases, finding the source of the infection can be difficult.

Foci of infection, most often causing a prolonged rise in temperature:

  • ENT diseases - pharyngitis, etc.
  • Dental - carious teeth
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract -,), etc.
  • Inflammation urinary tract- pyelonephritis, urethritis, cystitis, etc.
  • Inflammatory diseases of the female and male genital organs -,.
  • Abscesses at injection sites
  • Non-healing ulcers in the elderly and sick

To detect a sluggish infection, the doctor will prescribe:

  • General analysis of blood and urine. Deviations in some indicators may indicate an inflammatory process in the body. For example, change leukocyte formula and .
  • Inspection by narrow specialists: ENT doctor, gastroenterologist, surgeon, dentist, gynecologist
  • Additional Methods: CT scan, x-ray, ultrasound if inflammation is suspected in a particular organ.

If the source of inflammation is found, then it will take some time to heal, since chronic infections therapy is worse.

Rarely diagnosed infections


A very common infection, but clinical manifestations are rare (see). Almost all cat lovers are infected with it. In addition, you can get infected by eating undercooked meat.

Clinically significant is only (due to the risk of pathology in the fetus) and HIV-infected (due to the severity of the course). In a healthy person, toxoplasmosis is present as a carrier, sometimes causing low-grade fever and eye damage.

The infection does not require treatment (except in severe cases). It is diagnosed with the help of ELISA (determination of antibodies), which is especially important when planning a pregnancy.


This is a disease that is often forgotten when looking for the causes of subfebrile condition. It is mainly found in farmers and veterinarians in contact with farm animals (see). The symptoms of the disease are varied:

  • fever
  • joint, muscle and headache
  • hearing and vision loss
  • confusion

This disease is not life-threatening, but can lead to lasting change psyche and motor sphere. For diagnosis, PCR is used, which with high accuracy determines the source of the disease in the blood. Brucellosis is treated with antibiotics.

When infected with helminths in the organs, a sluggish inflammatory process can occur for a long time. And often subfebrile condition is the only symptom helminthic invasion(cm. ). Therefore, with prolonged fever, especially combined with weight loss and indigestion, you can take tests:

  • Complete blood count for - cells growing during an allergic reaction to helminths
  • ESR is a sign of inflammation in the body
  • analysis of feces for worm eggs (the most common in a particular region, see,)

Treatment of helminthic invasion is carried out with special preparations (see). Sometimes one dose is enough for a complete recovery.


There is an erroneous opinion that tuberculosis is a disease of the past, it is now found only in places of deprivation of liberty and only asocial persons are ill. In fact, the number of TB patients is not decreasing, but even growing. Everyone is at risk of getting sick, especially small children, health workers, students in hostels, soldiers in the barracks. In general, the tubercle bacillus loves places with a large crowd of people constantly living under the same roof.

Risk factors:

  • insufficient and unbalanced nutrition
  • chronic lung diseases
  • diabetes
  • living with a person who is a source of tuberculosis
  • tuberculosis in the past

Tuberculosis - bacterial infection affecting mainly the lungs. In this case, the annual Mantoux test in children and fluorography in adults allows you to suspect and cure the disease in time.

If other organs are involved in the process, then with a “clean” x-ray of the lungs, it can be extremely difficult to find the cause of the ailment, since tuberculous damage internal organs perfectly disguises itself as non-specific inflammatory processes. Until now, the diagnosis of extrapulmonary forms is extremely difficult, and also when differentiating the diagnosis, this infection is often “forgotten”.

Signs of tuberculosis:


  • high fatigue, decreased performance
  • subfebrile condition in the evenings
  • excessive sweating and insomnia at night
  • loss of appetite
  • weight loss (up to exhaustion)

Urinary system:

  • high pressure
  • lower back pain
  • blood in urine

Pulmonary forms:

  • cough
  • hemoptysis
  • dyspnea,

Genital tuberculosis:

Bone and articular forms:

  • back pain
  • posture change
  • limited traffic
  • painful, swollen joints

Skin and ocular forms:

  • persistent skin rashes
  • small confluent skin nodules
  • inflammatory lesions of the eyes

To identify the disease, it is necessary to undergo a chest examination (fluorography), conduct tuberculin tests (Mantoux), Diaskintest; if necessary - computed tomography internal organs, kidney radiography, etc.

Diagnosis of tuberculosis:

Mantoux test - intradermal injection of a special protein from the destroyed shell of bacteria (tuberculin). This protein cannot cause disease, but in response to it, skin reaction by which the sample is evaluated. The Mantoux test for most children is carried out 1 time per year.

  • In children under 5 years of age, the reaction should be positive (papule from 5 to 15 mm). If the reaction is negative, then the child has an innate immunity to the disease or he has received poor-quality BCG vaccination(or not done at all). If the papule is more than 15 mm, an additional examination is necessary.
  • If the reaction has increased sharply compared to the previous one (more than 6 mm compared to the previous one), then this is considered a turn. That is, the child was infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis. These children are more likely to get this infection. So after additional examination the child is prescribed prophylactic doses of anti-tuberculosis drugs.

It's important to know:

  • the injection site can be wetted, this does not affect the size of the papule.
  • you can eat sweet and citrus fruits - this does not affect the size of the papule if the child does not suffer from a severe allergy to these products.
  • Mantoux test is not capable of causing tuberculosis
  • Diaskintest is a test similar to Mantoux, but giving a greater percentage of accuracy. The reaction to intradermal administration is also checked after 72 hours. The results of the test are not affected by BCG vaccination. Therefore, a positive result of the test is almost 100% infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis and the development of the disease. However, when infected with a bovine type of mycobacterium (unboiled milk, contact with a sick cow, cat, dog, etc.), as well as with a complication of BCG vaccination (extremely rare, but there are complications of the type of persistent or disseminated BCG - infection when the vaccine strain is "activated "in debilitated children), Diaskintest remains negative, and does not give a 100% exclusion of bovine tuberculosis or activation of BCG vaccination.

Tuberculosis treatment- long, hard to bear, but still vital. Without therapy, tuberculosis slowly incapacitates a person and leads to death. A timely BCG vaccination protects young children from severe lethal forms of the disease, but unfortunately, it does not protect either children or adults from the disease during prolonged contact with a patient with an active form. Modern drugs allow to cure foci of infection, but in recent decades the number of drug-resistant forms that are difficult to treat is growing.

HIV infection

The human immunodeficiency virus attacks the body's defense system, making it defenseless against anyone, even the most mild infection. Virus infection occurs in the following ways(cm. ):

  • with unprotected sex
  • when injected with contaminated syringes
  • with blood transfusions
  • during manipulations in the office of a dentist, cosmetologist
  • from mother to fetus

Because infection requires a large number of virus particles, it is impossible to get HIV infection from coughing, sneezing or touching a sick person.

Symptoms of HIV infection:

During incubation period(1-6 months from infection) there are no subjective signs.
AT acute period complaints may appear:

  • Subfebrile condition or high temperature
  • Enlarged lymph nodes
  • Rash of a different nature
  • Headache, nausea and vomiting
  • Pain in muscles and joints

A latent period without obvious symptoms, but with active reproduction of the virus in the blood. Can last up to 20 years.
AIDS-associated complex (diseases that often occur and are severe in the development of AIDS):

  • (thrush in mouth)
  • Leukoplakia in the mouth (mucosal changes)
  • Herpes with multiple recurrences
  • Pneumocystis pneumonia (not responding to standard antibiotics)
  • Tuberculosis
  • Subfebrile condition, weight loss
  • Inflammation of the parotid glands
  • Dysplasia and
  • Kaposi's sarcoma
  • Toxoplasmosis of the brain
  • Other inflammatory diseases

Diagnosis of HIV infection:

  • ELISA ( linked immunosorbent assay). This is the first stage of the survey, which is carried out at the request of many employers. With the above symptoms, this method alone is not enough. In most infected patients, antibodies to the virus appear after 3 months, in some positive result appears only after 6-9 months. Therefore, it is recommended to conduct a study twice: after 3 and 6 months from a possible infection.
  • PCR (polymerase chain reaction). A very effective method that allows you to detect viral particles as early as 2 weeks after infection.
  • methods for determining viral load and immune suppression. Additional methods used in a confirmed diagnosis.

With a definitive diagnosis of HIV infection, antiretroviral treatment should be initiated. It will allow you to delay the onset of AIDS as much as possible, alleviate existing symptoms and significantly prolong the life of the patient.

Viral hepatitis B and C

One of the causes of intoxication and, as a result, subfebrile temperature, are viral hepatitis. These diseases begin in different ways: some acutely, with pain in the hypochondrium, jaundice, high fever. Some practically do not feel the onset of the disease (see)

Signs of sluggish viral hepatitis:

  • malaise, weakness
  • subfebrile condition, sweating
  • discomfort in the liver after eating
  • slight, almost imperceptible jaundice (see.
  • joint and muscle pain

Since a large percentage of viral hepatitis passes into chronic form, then subfebrile condition can return with each exacerbation.

Ways of transmission of viral hepatitis:

  • sexual contact
  • medical instruments
  • blood transfusions
  • tools in manicure and dental offices
  • syringe needles
  • from mother to fetus

Diagnosis of viral hepatitis:

  • PCR - a method with high accuracy, determines the particles of viruses in the blood
  • ELISA is a method that allows you to detect antibodies to various components of the virus. With its help, you can determine the carriage, the active form of the disease, the risks of infection of the fetus. It is also possible to distinguish between acute and chronic hepatitis.

Treatment of acute hepatitis of a viral nature is not carried out. Associated complications are usually treated. Treatment chronic hepatitis during the period of exacerbation, antiviral special drugs are carried out, choleretic agents. A chronic process in the liver can lead to cancer, so all patients with hepatitis should be regularly examined by a specialist.


With the development of a malignant tumor in the body, all organ systems begin to work differently. The metabolism also changes. As a result, paraneoplastic syndromes occur, including subfebrile condition. A tumor can be suspected after exclusion of more than obvious reasons(infections, anemia). malignant neoplasm during decay, it releases pyrogens into the blood - substances that increase the temperature. Often, infections are exacerbated against the background of the tumor, which also causes fever.

Features of paraneoplastic syndromes:

  • respond poorly to standard therapy for this symptom
  • often recur
  • decrease in the treatment of the underlying disease (tumor)

Frequent paraneoplastic syndromes:

Fever, difficult to treat with antipyretic and anti-inflammatory drugs.
Skin manifestations:

  • Black acanthosis (for cancer of the digestive system, breast and ovaries)
  • Erythema Darya (with and)
  • without rash and obvious reasons

Endocrine signs:

  • Cushing's syndrome (excessive production of ACTH - adrenal hormone) - with cancer of the lung, pancreas, thyroid or
  • Gynecomastia (breast enlargement in men)
  • - with cancer of the lungs, digestive organs

Blood changes:

  • Anemia (with tumors of different localization). Anemia itself also leads to prolonged subfebrile condition.
  • Elevated ESR (over 30) for a long time

It should be noted that not all cancer patients have obvious paraneoplastic syndromes. And not all of the above signs necessarily indicate a tumor. Therefore, when subfebrile condition of unclear etiology appears, especially in combination with other paraneoplastic signs, a thorough examination is necessary.

Thyroid disease

With increased work of the thyroid gland () all metabolic processes accelerate sharply. This immediately affects the body temperature. In those suffering from thyrotoxicosis, the thermometer rarely shows less than 37.2 degrees.

Signs of thyrotoxicosis:

  • subfebrile condition
  • irritability
  • rapid pulse, high blood pressure
  • liquid stool
  • weight loss
  • hair loss

To diagnose thyrotoxicosis, you need to do an ultrasound of the thyroid gland and donate blood for hormones: T3, T4, TSH and antibodies to TSH. According to the results of the tests, the doctor will prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Anemia - as an independent disease or a component of other diseases

Anemia is a decrease in hemoglobin levels. This condition occurs for various reasons, ranging from chronic bleeding (with hemorrhoids, for example), ending with iron malabsorption (with diseases gastrointestinal tract). It is iron deficiency that in most cases is the cause of this condition. Often anemia occurs in women with heavy menstruation and in vegetarians who have refused animal products.

The lower limits of the norm of hemoglobin:

  • Men: 20 to 59 years old: 137 g/l, over 60 years old: 132 g/l
  • Women: 122 g/l

In some cases, the hemoglobin level may be normal, but the iron content in the blood is sharply reduced. This condition is called latent iron deficiency.

Signs of anemia and latent iron deficiency:

  • unmotivated subfebrile condition
  • cold hands and feet
  • loss of energy and decreased performance
  • frequent headaches and dizziness
  • bad hair and nails (see)
  • daytime sleepiness
  • aversion to meat products and a tendency to eat inedible
  • itchy skin, dry skin
  • stomatitis, glossitis (inflammation of the tongue)
  • poor tolerance for stuffy rooms
  • unstable stool, urinary incontinence

The more the above signs, the higher the likelihood of iron deficiency in the body. The following tests are required to confirm the diagnosis:

  • Blood test for hemoglobin
  • ferritin level
  • If necessary, examination of the digestive system

If iron deficiency is confirmed, then it is necessary to start treatment with ferrous iron preparations. These are Sorbifer, Tardiferon, Ferretab (see). All iron preparations should be taken together with ascorbic acid, for at least 3-4 months.

Autoimmune diseases

In autoimmune diseases, the body begins to attack itself. Immunity is tuned against the cells of certain organs and tissues, causing chronic inflammation with periods of exacerbation. Against this background, the body temperature also changes.

The most common autoimmune diseases:

  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • (thyroid damage)
  • Crohn's disease (bowel disease)
  • Diffuse toxic goiter

To diagnose autoimmune conditions, the following tests are needed:

  • Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) - an indicator, the increase of which indicates an inflammatory reaction
  • C-reactive protein - a parameter in a biochemical blood test, indicates inflammation
  • Rheumatoid factor (increased with rheumatoid arthritis, other autoimmune processes)
  • LE cells (for diagnosing systemic lupus erythematosus)
  • additional examination methods

With a proven diagnosis, treatment must begin. It includes hormonal agents, anti-inflammatory, immunosuppressants. Therapy allows you to control the disease and reduce the risk of exacerbations.

Residual effects after illness

All people at least once in their lives suffer - an acute respiratory viral infection. Often the main symptoms do not linger longer than a week: cough, runny nose, high fever and headache. But subfebrile condition can persist for several months after the illness. There is no need to treat this condition, it will go away on its own. Can improve health in doses physical activity and walks on fresh air(cm. ).

Psychogenic causes

Subfebrile condition is a manifestation of an accelerated metabolism. It, like all processes in the body, is influenced by our psyche. With stress, anxiety and neurosis, it is the metabolic processes that are disturbed in the first place. Therefore, in people with a fine mental organization, especially in young women prone to hypochondria, unmotivated subfebrile fever is often observed. And the more actively temperature measurements take place, the worse a person feels. To diagnose this condition, you can take tests to assess psychological stability:

  • Questionnaire for identification
  • Hospital Depression and Anxiety Scale
  • Beck scale
  • Individual typological questionnaire
  • Toronto alexithymic scale
  • Scale of emotional excitability

Based on the results of these tests, you can draw conclusions and, if necessary, contact a psychotherapist (do not forget to take these results with you). Treatment of such a condition can be reduced to psychotherapy sessions and admission,. Often all unpleasant symptoms leave when a person realizes the groundlessness of fears and ceases to measure the temperature.

Medicinal subfebrile condition

Long or active use some drugs can cause an increase in temperature to subfebrile numbers. These funds include:

  • epinephrine, ephedrine, norepinephrine
  • atropine, some antidepressants, antihistamines, and antiparkinsonian drugs
  • antipsychotics
  • antibiotics (penicillin, ampicillin, isoniazid, lincomycin)
  • chemotherapy for tumors
  • narcotic painkillers
  • thyroxine (thyroid hormone) preparations

Cancellation or replacement of therapy eliminates unpleasant subfebrile condition.

Subfebrile condition in children

The causes of subfebrile temperature in a child are exactly the same as in adults. But parents should remember that a temperature of up to 37.3 degrees in a child under one year old is considered normal and does not require a search for reasons. Therefore, if the baby feels well, is active, cheerful and does not suffer from a lack of appetite, then subfebrile condition should not be treated. However, if a child older than a year has a prolonged low-grade fever, lack of appetite, weakness, the cause should be established.

How to find the cause of subfebrile condition?

To exclude dangerous and even fatal options, you need to be examined by specialists.

Examination algorithm at subfebrile temperature:

  • Determination of the nature of the fever: infectious or non-infectious
  • General blood analysis
  • Analysis of feces for helminths
  • : determination of c-reactive protein
  • X-ray of the chest (to exclude tuberculosis, endocarditis, lung cancer)
  • X-ray or CT scan of the sinuses (to rule out sinusitis)
  • Ultrasound of the heart, digestive organs
  • Bacteriological culture of urine (to rule out inflammation in the urinary system)
  • Tests with tuberculin, diaskintest (to exclude tuberculosis)


  • Using additional methods to exclude HIV, brucellosis, viral hepatitis, toxoplasmosis
  • Consultation with a phthisiatrician for indeterminate tuberculin tests, night sweats, weight loss
  • Consultation with an oncologist and hematologist (to rule out tumors and blood diseases)
  • Rheumatologist's consultation
  • Psychotherapist's consultation

novel asks:

38 years. previously had acute respiratory infections very rarely. within 5 days the temperature, in the morning 36.6, I come to work, during the day 37-37.3. no cough, no runny nose. at the time of contacting the therapist on the first day of 37.7., general malaise, pain in the joints. The doctor prescribed Renicold 3 times a day, Loritadine 1 at night. Now, on the 5th day, the general condition is good, the appetite is good all the time, in general I feel quite healthy. only cares about temperature fluctuations, by the way, in the evening and at night, too, 36.6

Dear Roman, the so-called "jumps" in body temperature up to 37.5 degrees after suffering from acute respiratory infections may persist for some time after recovery. This is due to the fact that the toxins produced by viruses affect the thermoregulation center and it takes some time for it to fully recover. You need to complete the course of treatment prescribed by the therapist and, possibly, take a complete blood count to make sure that you are fully recovered.

Catherine asks:

Good afternoon! Since February, I have had a temperature of 37.2, cough and no snot. The general condition is normal. A month ago, the cheeks began to burn constantly and the heel hurt on right leg, but not on the foot, but behind and today the pain began to move to the foot, but the pain is from above. In March, I took blood and urine tests, the therapist said everything was fine. What could it be? And to what doctor it is better to address?

In this case, it is necessary to consult a rheumatologist and take an x-ray of the foot, as well as pass the CEC, ASL-O, C-reactive protein, seromucoid. Only after receiving the results of the examination, the doctor will make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe the correct treatment.

Yuri asks:

Good afternoon! For six days now, the temperature has been 37.3-37.7. does not fall. Constant headache, runny nose, cough.
What kind of pills did not drink, herbal infusions. I already called at 03, they said drink analgin.
And go to the doctor. While the weekend can not.

You need to drink plenty of water and consult a general practitioner as soon as possible, you may need to start taking an antibacterial agent, which the doctor will select for you after a personal examination and examination.

Denis asks:

Hello! I'm 17 years old. I have had a temperature of 37-37.3 for more than a month, I went to the doctor, 3 days after the discovery, they prescribed antibiotics, absorbable tablets from (throat, cough) gargling, a week passed all the same (sore throat and the same temperature) in the morning when I wake up with a temperature of 35.4-36.2, after a couple of hours it rises to 36.8, and by the evening it is stable at 37-37.2, I passed the tests - everything is fine, the doctor prescribed antibiotics and gargling again, still all the same! tell me what it could be and where to turn???

Such an increase in temperature may be a sign of chronic tonsillitis caused by pathogenic microflora. For more accurate diagnosis, it is necessary to do bakposev from the mucous membrane of the throat, preferably with an antibiogram (determination of the sensitivity of the identified pathogens to antibiotics various groups), according to the results of the examination, the ENT doctor will be able to make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe a treatment that is adequate to the situation.

Anonymous asks:

Hello! Tell me, please, if the temperature is kept at 37.2, then what should I do? Analyzes are all normal.

In the event that there are any complaints, except for elevated body temperature (even though the temperature is slightly elevated), it is advisable to undergo an examination by a therapist to clarify the situation. More about possible reasons increase in body temperature, you can read in our thematic section: High temperature.

Lena asks:

A month ago there was a little stress. after a bad dream. I began to wake up because I was not breathing. I lost weight. 2 weeks ago my right breast hurt, it even hurt to lie on my right side. The doctor said after menstruation to do an ultrasound of the mammary glands, on this moment so far I just signed up for an ultrasound. 5 days ago, art. pressure increased, crackle, pupils dilated. when I arrived ambulance pressure already decreased, but the temperature was 36.9, there were no signs of a cold. I went to the therapist while I passed the blood tests.

Unfortunately, according to the symptoms you describe, it is impossible to make an accurate diagnosis. First of all, you need to wait for the results of a general blood test and do an ultrasound of the mammary glands. In the event that your blood pressure rises again, an additional examination by a general practitioner and a nephrologist will be required. You will need to pass a detailed biochemical blood test (it is necessary to determine the prothrombin index, the level of glucose, cholesterol, triglycerides in the blood, the level of urea and electrolytes in the blood), you need to follow the ECG readings in dynamics, do a urine test according to Zimnitsky and Nichiporenko, check the level of daily diuresis . You may need to undergo an instrumental examination of the kidneys (X-ray contrast examination, scanning) - these research methods are prescribed only by a nephrologist after a personal examination. More about the reasons for the increase blood pressure, You can read in our thematic section: Hypertension.

Mariana asks:

In February was acute hepatitis D, after that, my 8th month has already gone, as the temperature rises to 37.1-37.4 during the day, drops to normal in the evening and may even be 36.1. Could this be due to hepatitis or is there another reason?

Please specify whether you have taken a blood test for markers. If yes, please let me know what is the result. Also, please let us know if you are currently receiving any treatment. The temperature in this form of hepatitis can be for a long time, which indicates the continuation of the activity of the process. In this case, I recommend that you do a biochemical blood test, a blood test for hepatitis markers, and also visit an infectious disease specialist personally. about hepatitis, clinical course, complaints and treatment You can get more information in the section: Hepatitis

Daria asks:

I am 19 years old. For more than 2 months, the temperature has been 37.2 both day and night. Sometimes it subsides. I haven’t had a cold for more than 6 months. general condition satisfactory.

Oksana asks:

Hello. For a year now, the temperature has been 37-37.2 ... I passed the tests, everything is fine (for me it is not felt). What can this be connected with??

An increase in temperature to 37.2 degrees can be either a variant of the norm, or it can be caused by the presence of a source chronic inflammation, dysfunction of the thyroid gland, nervous regulation, a sign of vegetative-vascular dystonia, decreased immunity, etc. You can learn more about the causes leading to an increase in temperature in the thematic section of our website: High temperature. I recommend that you undergo an examination: take a blood test for bacterial culture, take a swab from the throat, a general urine and blood test, and an analysis for thyroid hormones.

Maria asks:

Good afternoon. Such a problem. I got sick in the summer. Most likely it was a virus, since I didn’t catch a cold or get cold anywhere. 3 days were severe pain in the throat, runny nose. Then there was a cough. I took medication and soon recovered. But the temperature remained. Normal in the morning, but then it can rise to 37.2-4 degrees. So what is this?

This condition may be associated with chronic bronchitis, astheno-vegetative syndrome, decreased immunity, etc. I recommend that you take a chest X-ray, take a complete blood count and personally visit your general practitioner. You can get more detailed information on the question you are interested in in the corresponding section of our website by clicking on the following link: X-ray and in a series of articles: ARVI. Additional information you can also get in the following section of our website: Therapist

Julia asks:

hello, I'm 25 years old, I've had a temperature of 37-37.3 for a month, I was coughing now it has stopped, a runny nose, pain under the left paw and burning did a fluorogram twice, everything is fine, soy 22. they put acute bronchitis, put down ceutriaxone saw different antibiotics I put down the sodium thiasulfate system, but how it hurt under the paw and it hurts.

Pain under the scapula can be provoked acute bronchitis, and can also be observed during the transition of the disease to a chronic form. Also, pleurisy, intercostal neuralgia, myositis, etc. are not excluded. We recommend that you do a chest tomography and personally visit a pulmonologist, as well as consult a neurologist.

Nikitos asks:

Hello, it all started that I felt sick on the road, but it all went away, but it wasn’t like that that night, I was very scared and my heart was pounding very hard, I couldn’t fall asleep, the pressure was normal, but after a couple of days I started feeling dizzy and my heart was pounding, I passed urine and blood tests in the kidneys was a virus Leukocytes are elevated and the temperature has been jumping for a month in the morning 36.5 and at lunchtime 37.0 and in the evening after 20:00 it drops to 36.6 please tell me it became very inflammatory with any problem I start up ???? ?

In this situation, vegetative-vascular dystonia is not excluded, and pyelonephritis is not excluded. We recommend that you do an EEG, ECHO-cardiography, ECG and personally consult with your cardiologist and neuropathologist. We also recommend that you retake blood and urine tests, and if there are deviations, contact a nephrologist.

At the first sign of malaise, we usually decide to take the temperature. And in many cases we observe its increase to 37.2 °C. What to do in such cases? The most important thing is to find out the cause of this condition, because the tactics of further actions depend on it.

Reasons for the temperature rise to 37.2 ° C

An increase in body temperature up to 37.2 ° C is a symptom of many acute and chronic diseases. But this may also be a consequence of the so-called functional disorders thermoregulation.

The main causes of a temperature of 37.2 ° C in an adult:

  • acute respiratory viral infection. It develops when infected with influenza viruses and other pathogens, while the temperature is only one of the symptoms. A person with acute respiratory infections develops a catarrhal syndrome: a runny nose and sneezing appear, sore and sore throat, coughing may begin. Intoxication develops. Because of this, weakness worries, a headache, general well-being worsens;
  • sharp and aggravated chronic diseases ENT organs of a non-viral nature. It can be rhinitis, sinusitis (sinusitis is most common), adenoiditis, otitis media, tonsillitis (tonsillitis), pharyngitis, laryngitis. Such inflammation does not proceed as rapidly as acute respiratory infections. But it is fraught with the development of complications;
  • infectious and inflammatory diseases of other localization. The most likely pyelonephritis, cystitis;
  • some specific infections, such as tuberculosis;
  • systemic diseases connective tissue, rheumatism;
  • purulent infections of soft tissues of any localization;
  • conditions accompanied by dishormonal changes, including the first weeks of pregnancy;
  • vegetative neurosis. With this disease constant temperature 37.2 °С due to autonomic dysfunction, which develops against the background of a sufficiently long psycho-emotional discomfort.

Is 37.2°C dangerous?

The human body has a mechanism for thermoregulation. It is thanks to him that a constant body temperature is maintained, which is necessary for the proper functioning of all cells and regulatory substances with a protein base (enzymes, hormones, mediators). By itself, a temperature of 37.2 ° C does not pose a threat to life, but it all depends on the disease that caused it.

Is it possible to bring down the temperature of 37.2 ° C and with what?

A temperature of 37.2 °C does not require any action. After all, usually it is not dangerous and is only a consequence of some underlying disease. Therefore, it is necessary to influence not the temperature, but its cause. Taking antipyretics is mainly a symptomatic measure. After all, in order to cope with the infection and other causes of the disease, the anti-inflammatory effect of the drugs used to reduce the temperature is not enough. These drugs cannot act as a base medicinal product, in many cases, the medication prescribed by the doctor is required. In addition, forced drug reduction is not dangerous temperature fraught with suppression of the current anti-infective immune response. In this case, a temporary improvement in well-being may be accompanied by an increased risk of a protracted and complicated course of the disease.

That's why slight temperature better not to hit. But if it is combined with clear signs intoxication, to relieve symptoms, you can take a remedy complex action, for example RINZA®. It is also permissible to use non-pharmacological measures: wet rubbing, drinking plenty of water, regular ventilation of the room.

Temperature 37.2 ° C in a child

In children, a body temperature of 37.2 ° C is quite common. At the same time than younger child, the more chance parents have to see such readings on the thermometer scale. And this is by no means connected with frequent infectious diseases at babies. Although, of course, acute respiratory infections play a big role in raising the temperature. The child's thermoregulation system is not yet mature enough. And the impact of a number of external and internal factors capable of temporarily disrupting the insufficiently adjusted balance of heat transfer. This will result in a temporary rise in temperature. Such factors are often overheating, increased physical activity, neuro-emotional overstrain and stressful situations, the rapid spasmodic growth of the child. Head injuries, vaccinations, teething can also contribute to an increase in temperature.

It is worth bringing down the temperature of 37.2 ° C in a child if symptoms of its poor tolerance are observed: excessive lethargy, muscle weakness, headache. In this case, it is necessary to make sure that such symptoms are not due to the development of complications. Treatment should be carried out in consultation with the doctor.

Why can there be a temperature of 37.2 ° C without symptoms?

In most cases, a temperature of 37.2 ° C is combined with other manifestations of the disease. It can be a runny nose and sneezing, sore throat, cough. But it is also possible that the temperature is not accompanied by any obvious complaints. More precisely, the deviations present in the patient are nonspecific, poorly expressed and remain without due attention.

The most likely conditions leading to a temperature of 37.2 ° C without symptoms:

  • autonomic dysfunction. Its cause may be neurotic disorder, the consequences of a closed craniocerebral injury or neuroinfection;
  • "temperature tail" after an infection. That is, the symptoms have already been stopped, there is no inflammation, but the temperature still persists for some time;
  • early pregnancy, 5-10 days before the onset of menstruation. The increase in temperature is due to the action of the hormone progesterone;
  • hypothalamic syndrome, when the cause of the temperature increase lies in the disruption of the thermoregulation center in the hypothalamus of the brain;
  • latent infectious-inflammatory or systemic disease. The most common cause of asymptomatic fever is chronic pyelonephritis, rheumatism, tuberculosis.

It is important to understand that a single increase in body temperature to 37.2 ° C does not yet indicate any disease. But if given state observed regularly, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

What to do if the temperature of 37.2 ° C does not pass for a long time?

If the temperature is 37.2 ° C for 2 weeks or more, you should consult a doctor, even if you feel normal. This is necessary to draw up a survey plan that will identify the cause of this condition. When the temperature lasts for a month, an extended diagnosis is carried out to exclude specific infections, HIV and oncology. Do not self-medicate or hope for a spontaneous favorable outcome. In addition, unauthorized use of drugs can lead to undesirable and not always reversible consequences. For example, there may be a threat of abortion in women, the appearance of signs of a systemic or autoimmune disease, allergic reactions, and worsening of the condition.

Most often, a temperature of 37.2 ° C appears due to acute respiratory infections. However, it lasts 2 days or a little longer and tends to rise in the evening. Normalization of temperature occurs independently along with a decrease in the severity of the catarrhal syndrome.

RINZA® and RINZASIP® with vitamin C at 37.2 °C

If the disease drags on, is accompanied by severe intoxication and significantly worsens well-being, you can take the drug for a complex effect on the main symptoms of a cold. RINZA® helps to eliminate the main symptoms of colds and flu by reducing fever, relieving headaches, and eliminating runny nose and nasal congestion. The drug is available in the form of tablets. For those who prefer oral solution powders, there are