Diarrhea in adults and children. Why diarrhea and fever are dangerous - causes and treatment

In the common people, diarrhea, each of us faced in his life. The thing is unpleasant, often unexpected and annoying, but in most cases it passes quickly. Often the body copes with this problem on its own without help. medicines and medical intervention. But there are situations when the temperature joins the diarrhea. And even a slight increase in body temperature to 37o C is already a cause for concern. What can be hidden under such a defecation disorder?

Bacteria and viruses - common cause appearance of diarrhea.

These 2 factors provoke a violation of intestinal motility, food is not fully digested. The body needs to urgently dump the potential - diarrhea occurs. Diarrhea itself is not dangerous and goes away on its own without treatment. But when fever, nausea, vomiting joins, this is a reason to seek medical help. Causes of this pathology:

  • Food poisoning
  • Acute, including rotavirus
  • Hepatitis various etiologies
  • Inflammation of the appendix

These diseases require urgent medical care on the basis of the hospital. Only intestinal flu- or in adults - can be treated at home.

Food poisoning

Getting sick is easy! Snacking on the run, improper storage of food, spoiled or obviously suspicious food and diarrhea did not take long! Doctors distinguish 3 types of poisoning:

  1. microbial or bacterial
  2. Chemical
  3. Poisons of plant or animal origin

The first symptoms of bacterial poisoning begin to appear at least 2 hours, and a maximum of 24 hours after ingestion of poor-quality products or chemical substances into food. At adequate treatment the disease lasts no more than 3 days. Food poisoning symptoms:

  1. Vomiting and nausea
  2. Chills
  3. The temperature may not rise, but jumps to critical values ​​\u200b\u200bare possible
  4. Diarrhea

First aid for food poisoning:

  1. Lavage of the stomach and intestines with clean boiled water
  2. Avoid dehydration - drink often, but in small portions
  3. light diet food
  4. If the diarrhea does not subside, and the temperature rises from 37o C and above, you need to see a doctor.

Acute intestinal infections

Staphylococcus is a bacterial infection.

AII - or acute intestinal infections - is a group of diseases caused by infectious agents. Types of OKI:

Symptoms of AKI:

  • Increasing the temperature to 37o C and above. With cholera, the temperature does not rise
  • Nausea
  • Repeated unrelieved vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Change in stool - watery, discolored, blood and mucus
  • Painful defecation
  • Pain in the epigastric region

All these pathologies require treatment in a hospital. The exception is intestinal flu (rotavirus) in adults. Children with this diagnosis will have to undergo treatment in an infectious diseases hospital or department at a hospital.

Hepatitis. Signs, symptoms, prognosis

are inflammatory diseases of the liver of various etiologies. Classification of hepatitis:

  • Viral - A, B, C, D
  • Mechanical - most often it is irritation of the gallbladder ducts with stones
  • toxic
  • Cryptogenic - chronic inflammatory processes unexplained genesis

Hepatitis is an inflammatory disease of the liver of various etiologies.

The causes of inflammation in the liver depend on the type of hepatitis. So the Botkin's disease familiar to us - hepatitis A - is a typical "disease dirty hands". Other varieties - B, C, D - contact forms. Transmitted through blood transfusion, sexual intercourse, injections and other injuries skin.

Toxic hepatitis develops due to the action of various toxic substances, drugs, alcohol. The cryptogenic form of inflammation of the liver refers to chronic diseases. Symptoms are often blurred and it is difficult to diagnose the disease. The symptoms of hepatitis depend on the type of disease, but common features similar to each other:

  • Increasing the temperature to 37o C and above
  • Nausea
  • Vomit
  • Diarrhea
  • Change in stool color - stool becomes very light in color and urine becomes unnaturally dark in color
  • Yellowing of the sclera, skin, nails

Treatment of hepatitis is carried out only in a hospital. At timely handling to the doctor and proper treatment, the prognosis of recovery is favorable.

Appendicitis. Symptoms and prognosis

- this is an inflammatory process in the appendix - appendix blind gut. Causes of the disease:

  • infections
  • Violation of the diet
  • Individual characteristics of the body
  • vascular thrombosis
  • Heredity
  • Stress, bad habits
  • Gynecological diseases

Symptoms of the disease:

  1. - initially in the area solar plexus, then moves to the lower right quadrant of the abdomen
  2. Nausea
  3. Vomit
  4. Temperature rise

Bowel dysfunction - constipation or diarrhea

If abdominal pain lasts more than 6 hours, it is clear sign inflammatory process. Treatment is exclusively surgical in a hospital setting. The prognosis is favorable.

Rotavirus in children. Causes, symptoms, treatment

Rotavirus enteritis is an acute viral disease.

Rotavirus enteritis is an acute viral disease. Transmitted by fecal-oral by airborne droplets is a classic disease of "dirty hands". Rotavirus is dangerous for children early age, since their the immune system not yet able to adequately respond to this type of virus. Symptoms rotavirus infection:

  • The first signs are the classic respiratory infection- runny nose, sore throat
  • Elevated body temperature, which is not brought down by antipyretic drugs
  • Uncontrollable exhausting vomiting and diarrhoea. Chair up to 10 times a day
  • lethargy
  • Weakness and lethargy

Of particular danger is dehydration. baby from behind constant vomiting afraid to eat and drink. In severe cases, it may develop kidney failure, circulatory disorders. The duration of the disease depends on the severity of the symptoms and lasts from 2 to 6 days. Treatment of rotavirus infection is carried out on an outpatient basis. In severe cases, with severe dehydration, the child will have to be hospitalized in a hospital.

Diarrhea and vomiting in an adult can greatly deplete the body, disrupt work digestive system on the a long period, lead to inflammatory processes of the intestinal mucosa and organs of the gastrointestinal tract. With serious gastro- intestinal disorders the human body is dehydrated, which leads to general weakness, reduced immunity, metabolic disorders.

1 Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

Medicine has established more than a hundred diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, in which vomiting and diarrhea can begin. From what kind of ailments a person does not suffer - this is indigestion, and violation of intestinal motility, peptic ulcer and duodenum, liver dystrophy and inflammation sigmoid colon, violations of the patency of the esophagus and adhesive processes of the intestine, hemorrhoids. The list of diseases with which patients turn to gastroenterologists is quite impressive.

In the risk group, first of all, are people with a mobile psyche, residents of megacities, leaders. Nowadays it is difficult to find a person who does not have problems with the work of the gastrointestinal tract. The causes of such diseases are many. it food products poor quality and drinking water, sanitary condition which gets worse every year ecological situation and much more.

If one of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract is disrupted, chain reaction with subsequent disorders of the activity of other organs involved in the digestive chain. For example, in acid disorders gastric juice next there are problems with the duodenum, where the assimilation of split substances occurs and the process of digestion of food begins, which then enters the intestines. The intestines with an increased secretion of gastric juice suffer from constipation, which can provoke hemorrhoids, adhesive and tumor processes.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract can be divided into inflammatory and infectious. Each disease has three degrees of complexity: acute, mixed and chronic. Inflammatory diseases can occur at any time and are provoked by malfunctions. internal organs, malnutrition, disorders of metabolic processes, stressful situations.

Gastrointestinal disorders have occurred at least once in a lifetime in every person. The most common symptoms of gastrointestinal problems are nausea, diarrhea, and vomiting. These processes indicate serious poisoning followed by intoxication of the body.

Often vomiting and fever in an adult are accompanied by severe diarrhea. So the intestine reacts to a poor-quality product or infection and tries to clear the mucous membrane through which the infection is absorbed and spread through the tissues of the internal organs and mucous membranes of the body through the bloodstream. Temperature and diarrhea in an adult are clear evidence of an infectious infection of the body. Sometimes nausea and vomiting in an adult are signs of a psychosomatic disorder.

Classic symptoms of poisoning:

  • dizziness;
  • cold perspiration;
  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • diarrhea;
  • profuse gas formation in the intestines;
  • weakness;
  • a sharp increase in temperature;
  • jumps in blood pressure;
  • limb anemia;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • dyspnea.

If you find at least one sign of the disease in yourself, you should not take risks and try to alleviate your condition on your own. Should apply for qualified help. Sometimes they are so severe conditions in case of poisoning, that a person can fall into a coma. Only a doctor can properly wash the stomach and provide first aid.

Nausea, diarrhea and vomiting can sometimes be symptoms autoimmune diseases, psychosomatic disorders, tumor metastasis.

Accordingly, in order to identify the causes sudden vomiting and diarrhea is needed accurate diagnosis with a biochemical analysis of blood and urine.

3 main causes of vomiting and diarrhea

Vomiting and diarrhea in an adult can be caused by several reasons. But typical diseases everyone should know:

  1. Rotavirus infection - infection, the causative agent of which are viruses that infect the mucous membrane of the small intestine.
  2. Dysentery is an infectious disease caused by coli and provoking severe inflammatory processes in the intestines and stomach.
  3. Salmonellosis is an acute intestinal infection that causes severe intoxication and damage to the gastrointestinal tract.
  4. Cholera is an infectious disease caused by Vibrio cholerae, which affects small intestine. Causes watery diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, severe dehydration.
  5. Gastroenteritis is an inflammatory disease of the stomach and small intestine.

Only a gastroenterologist can make a correct diagnosis, so self-medication is dangerous for the patient's life. General nausea may be serious symptom irreversible processes in the body.

4 Methods of treatment of diseases of the digestive tract

It is possible to treat classic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract with medication, taking medications to improve digestion, thin the blood, contain the necessary groups of enzymes, and relax the muscle muscles of the stomach and intestines. Well proven:

  1. Panzinorm is a complex enzymatic preparation that replaces the enzymes of the stomach and pancreas.
  2. "Pancreatin" is an enzymatic agent that facilitates the work of the pancreas.
  3. "Phosphalugel" - a drug to combat diarrhea. diarrhea is not independent disease usually just a symptom of a disease.
  4. Enterosgel is a good blood and mucosal purifier cellular level. Indispensable for poisoning, vomiting, diarrhea.
  5. "Maalox" - a drug of high demand, perfectly copes with pain syndrome in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, improves digestion, relieves heartburn, belching, bloating.
  6. "Smecta" is a drug that is allowed even for infants with severe diarrhea.
  7. "Almagel" - an enveloping adsorbent that provides quick help at severe poisoning and intoxication of the body.

should not be neglected and folk remedies treatment of gastrointestinal diseases. It is possible to treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract with decoctions of chamomile flowers, dioica nettle, St.

"Mezim" is a drug that facilitates the work of the pancreas. Relieves heaviness when overeating, sluggish digestion of food during congestion stomach and intestines, supplementing the secret of the gastric mucosa with a set of enzymes.

The patient should be patient and try to protect himself from stressful situations to overcome the disease and prevent its transition to the chronic stage.

5 Diets

In gastroenterology, there are several special diets to normalize the work of diseased organs of the gastrointestinal tract.

Basic diets:

1. Diet number 1. Indicated for chronic gastritis with hyperacidity, peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum during remission. Includes steam dishes, lean meat stew, boiled fish, baked apples, fresh fruit compotes, milk soups, low-fat cottage cheese, vegetable purees.

2. Diet number 1a. It is indicated for exacerbations of peptic ulcer during the first week of bleeding, as well as for burns of the esophagus, acute forms gastritis with increased secretion. Eating every 2-3 hours in small portions. Avoid the use of spices, salty foods and products, fresh juices, diuretics. The food should not be too coarse. Steamed vegetables should be consumed in pureed form. The diet also includes boiled lean meat, steamed fish, soft-boiled eggs, weak teas.

3. Diet number 2. Shown to persons suffering from chronic gastritis With low acidity, in the postoperative period, during exacerbations of enterocolitis, intestinal infections. Includes cereal soups, lean boiled meat, steamed fish, boiled vegetables, fruit compotes, baked apples.

4. Diet number 3. Shown to persons suffering from chronic constipation. Food should not be too plentiful, meals every 3-4 hours in small portions. Drink a glass in the morning on an empty stomach warm water with a teaspoon of honey, drink a glass of fat-free kefir at night. The diet includes the following set of products: flour bread coarse grinding, vegetable soups, beets, carrots, zucchini, fruit and vegetable juices, fresh tomato salads, cucumbers, lean boiled meat and steamed fish.

5. Diet number 4. It is indicated for persons suffering from gastroenterocolitis, dysentery in acute stage. Such patients need to eat food only from mashed steamed foods, exclude fatty meat, spices, as well as fried, smoked, salted.

6. Diet number 5. Shown with chronic diseases liver, bile ducts. The diet limits the use of meat dishes, fried, smoked, sour, salty, sweet. Recommended intake of boiled fish, soft-boiled eggs, steam cutlets from low-fat varieties meat, vegetable soups, vinaigrettes.

7. Diet No. 5 p. chronic pancreatitis. Diet - 5-6 times a day, excludes fatty protein food, spicy, sweet, smoked, cabbage, legumes, strong drinks.

6 Prevention

Most people living in megacities are potential patients of a gastroenterologist. Most often, poisoning occurs through the fault of the person himself. Many are not used to even washing their hands after public transport or going to the toilet. At any age, you can catch a serious infection that can provoke severe gastrointestinal disorders.

Botulism is the most dangerous toxic-infectious disease today. The sickness strikes nervous system at the organic level. Unfortunately, botulism often leads to lethal outcome. The pathogen enters the body from stale meat and fish products, especially canned sets.

Children need to be taught responsibility for their own health from an early age. Unwashed hands are a source of germs that can cause intestinal disorders (symptoms of which are vomiting, fever and diarrhea), helminthic infestations, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Diarrhea accompanied by high fever may indicate the development inflammatory diseases in the body. The person is weakened, health worsens. In this situation, it is necessary to determine the source of diarrhea and begin treatment.

Diarrhea and fever are not considered a disease, but serve as an alarm signal about health problems. Treatment can only be prescribed by a doctor, after a diagnosis has been made.

The causes that provoke are divided into infectious and non-infectious. Depending on the source of the disease, the method of treatment is determined. Factors contributing to the appearance of diarrhea:

  • Poisoning (spoiled food, alcohol intoxication, misuse of drugs).
  • Allergic reaction to medications nutritional supplements.
  • (rotavirus, enterovirus, salmonellosis).
  • bacterial infection.
  • Worm invasion.
  • Inflammatory disease of the digestive system (cholecystitis, pancreatitis, cholelithiasis, ulcerative colitis, gastritis).
  • "Traveler's diarrhea" can occur with frequent business trips, trips. An upset stomach is associated with a change in climate, diet, an unusual diet for the stomach.
  • Teenager liquid stool can cause psycho-emotional disorder, severe stress. diarrhea on nervous ground appears without temperature rise.

Common causes are food poisoning and intestinal infections. Pathogenic microorganisms can enter the stomach along with spoiled foods, dirty water, unwashed hands, through contact with a sick person.

If diarrhea started along with a fever, then doctors talk about it against the background of an infection. High fever is a symptom that indicates inflammation. With intoxication, an increase in body temperature from 37 to 39 degrees is possible, sometimes it is lowered. Due to diarrhea, the body is exhausted, the patient feels weak.

The condition is dangerous because it can lead to dehydration, exhaustion. You can start therapy only after determining the source of the disease.

Symptoms of intestinal infections

Intestinal infections affect gastrointestinal tract. Pathogenic bacteria cause intestinal upset. A person may notice signs of:

  • Constantly nauseous;
  • Sharp pain in abdominal cavity;
  • Bloating and discomfort in the abdomen;
  • Lack of appetite;
  • High body temperature (may rise from 38-40C);
  • Diarrhea;
  • Weakness.

Dangerous liquid stools, observed with vomiting. At the same time, it is observed sharp deterioration well-being. Self-medication cannot be carried out. You can provide first aid before the ambulance arrives. Most often, diarrhea caused by viruses is treated permanently under the supervision of doctors.

First aid for diarrhea with fever

To help the patient and not harm your health, you need to know what you can do and apply for symptoms of diarrhea.

You can help in several ways:

Constantly monitor the patient's well-being, if it does not get easier, immediately call an ambulance. An adult is just as susceptible to dehydration as a child. Due to the temperature, the condition may worsen.

When to call a doctor, warning signs

With intestinal disorders and poisoning, the first symptoms may be similar. It is impossible to determine on your own what may be the cause of diarrhea. A number of symptoms in which the patient needs hospitalization:

Appoint proper treatment only a doctor can. Based on the disease, drugs are prescribed that act on the source of diarrhea. Avoid these symptoms. Call your doctor in advance, get a consultation, go through medical checkup. How worse condition patient, the longer the recovery period will last.

Treatment of diarrhea

Tactics of treatment is determined by the nature of diarrhea. Diarrhea of ​​non-infectious origin requires gastric lavage, intake of adsorbents; probiotics. important in short period time to get rid of substances that poison the stomach, to prevent it from entering the bloodstream. Antispasmodics are prescribed for abdominal pain.

Then the patient after diarrhea is assigned a dietary table to restore the stomach, vitamin complexes for micronutrient replenishment. Three days is recommended strict diet. Diarrhea caused by poisoning in some cases requires hospitalization, treatment in a hospital. The patient recovers within a week.

At intestinal infections in an adult, the approach to treatment varies. Viral diarrhea is treated with antibiotics in the form of tablets or injections intramuscularly. Medications destroy pathogenic microorganisms. During antibiotic treatment, the intestinal microflora suffers. Together with pathogenic microorganisms destroyed and beneficial bacteria. Be sure to take probiotics together with antibiotics (Enterogermina, Biogaya, Bifidumbacterin).

For treatment a wide range actions. They should not provide negative impact on the liver, kidneys, the patient's condition. The goal is to destroy pathogenic bacteria, to be minimally dangerous to humans. Antibiotics are used in medicine: Klaforan, Cefotaxime, Tsiprolet, Neomycin, etc. They are selected individually, contraindications for use must be taken into account.

If the temperature has passed, but the diarrhea remains, then it is necessary to pass full examination to identify the cause. If the stool returned to normal, and slight temperature is, the treatment of the inflammatory process should be continued.

During pregnancy, diarrhea is treated with a dietary table, etnerosorbenes, and compliance with the drinking regimen. Antibiotics are prescribed in severe cases when there is a threat to the life of the mother. Amoxicillin, Ceftidine have the least toxic effect.

It is necessary to start treating diarrhea with fever at the first sign. Timely identify the cause and eliminate it. Medications and treatments are selected for each case individually.

Diarrhea and temperature 37.3

Asked by: Elizabeth

Gender Female

Age: 32

chronic diseases: not specified

Good afternoon. I have such a problem, last night I felt an unpleasant seething in my stomach, before going to bed I had loose stools 1 time. At 5 am at night I woke up with a cramp in my stomach and ran to the toilet. And so time 5 was a liquid yellowish chair. In the morning 3 more times there was the same chair. I drank tea for breakfast and ate 2 boiled eggs with dried bread. Chair after breakfast was a couple of times. I drink water as often as possible. From the night I started taking sulgin and smecta. During the day I took enterofuryl and continue to take sulgin and smecta. Feels weak. Want to lay down. The abdomen is soft, almost painless. It is a little not pleasant to press in the stomach area. There is no nausea, no vomiting. Now the temperature has risen to 37.3. The stool is no longer so frequent and has become a little decorated mixed with liquid. The stomach is a little blowing and seething. What could it be for me? Am I being treated right? (Most recently, a week ago I gave general analysis urine and general clinical analysis and biochemical analysis blood, everything is normal.) I have Small child. Can lion get infected from me and how to protect it? What can possibly happen to me? Help me please!

Stool disorder, discomfort, wandering pain, weakness, depressed mood Already a little more than two weeks ago, in the evening, I began to have a very severe chills, the temperature rose, which lasted 4 days, in the range from 36.9 to 38.0. There was a wandering pain (not strong, rather, causing discomfort), for 5 minutes it could hurt in the left hypochondrium, a minute in the right, then in the very bottom of the abdomen, then in the lower back, in the middle of the back (especially when walking), in the right and left shoulder blades. On the third day I called an ambulance (then there were days off, I could not get to the therapist). The doctor came, felt the stomach, said that the stomach was soft, after examining the throat, noted that it was coated, a condition close to a sore throat (although the throat did not hurt at all), also noted that my central nervous system was very excitable (I was very excited about my condition) and left. After the weekend, I went to an appointment with a therapist, she also probed her stomach, not finding, according to her, nothing terrible (although she did not rule out gastritis), she also said that her throat was reddish and sent for tests. I passed a blood test, urine, biochemistry, did an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity. Today I went to the doctor again, everything is normal, only there is an inflection of the gallbladder (congenital) and the level of leukocytes is slightly increased. The doctor said that the latter may be a consequence of still reddish throat, advised me to be less nervous, gave a referral to Laura and wrote out a referral (at my request) for Fibrogastroscopy, also signed up for an ultrasound thyroid gland. The examination is only a week later, and the disturbing symptoms continue, it is important to hear the opinion of another specialist. I will list everything that bothers me: the wandering pains have almost stopped, sometimes there is only a pain in the left or right hypochondrium, which quickly passes and a feeling of constriction in the very bottom of the abdomen, right above the pubis, it seems that something is interfering there, it does not hurt (although , occasionally there are also short-term lungs pain and cutting), but it seems to be pulling, squeezing, etc .; when walking for a long time, there may be discomfort in the center of the back or in the lower back; the stomach often rumbles, the tongue with a grayish-white coating (there was a day when the throat seemed to start to ache, but the next day it stopped hurting), sometimes pus is coughed up from the throat, the nose is clogged at night, often waking up I catch myself breathing open mouth; general weakness and drowsiness, sometimes I feel a little dizzy, in the evening I start to feel sleepy, I fall asleep easily, but in the middle of the night, I can wake up, with a rumbling stomach and a feeling of fear, then I can’t fall asleep, I worry, I think what it is, during the day (especially in dinner and after it) again tends to sleep; lack of appetite (although sometimes there is a slight desire to eat some certain product) you just don’t want to eat, there is no nausea, except that if you push food into yourself through force, there has never been vomiting; not strong headache radiating to the neck especially after sleep (night or daytime), the pain is not strong and not constant; eyes get tired quickly; unstable stool, 1 time per day, sometimes 2, sometimes I can’t go at all in a day, the stool is different - a little thicker or mushy, liquid, with mucus, with a few undigested pieces or a little of everything, sometimes irritation occurs in the anus, like as if now he is speaking, but nothing happens at night; there is no urgent desire to empty the intestines, i.e. there is a feeling that now I can go to the toilet, but if I don’t go, there will be no strong urge (though I have become much less than before); hands and feet get cold several times during the day, chills, I measure the temperature - everything is normal, although once before going to bed the temperature dropped to 35.4, but after 10 minutes it rose to 35.8; there is a very slight heartburn in the throat after eating, belching after eating and drinking with the taste of what was eaten drunk (in the early days it was more often, now less often), sometimes even belching with air. Separately, it is worth mentioning the general oppression and depression, recently my grandfather died of oncology, 73 years old (the root cause was not identified), shortly before that, she suffered from the same disease Native sister my grandmother (intestine), after the death of my grandfather, I had obsessive thought that I also have cancer. I wanted to get tested for tumor markers, but they don’t do them in our city, I wanted to sign up for a colonoscopy right away, but the therapist said that this is still superfluous, in view of the dislocation of pain and discomfort, I’m most afraid of the gastrointestinal tract (although I’m also afraid of cancer other organs, such as the brain). During these two weeks I have read articles on the Internet about this disease, it seems that all the symptoms are suitable. I became whiny, which was not there before, I can cry when watching a movie or when my own symptoms arise from fear. Often my arms and legs began to tremble when falling asleep, sometimes I talk in a dream. I listen where it hurts, pricks. On the street, it seems to be getting a little easier. When you manage to get distracted, the state also improves, but not for long, then everything again rolls into the negative. I feel my lymph nodes, my stomach, I felt discomfort in the area just above the navel and just below the ribs and in the very bottom of the abdomen above the groin, the pain is not severe, only if you press hard. Sometimes there is heat in the face. Occasionally it seems that in the area of ​​​​the abdomen and intestines for 5-6 seconds some kind of burning sensation is barely noticeable, which is difficult to describe. All thoughts about terrible diagnosis and the consequences, fatigue and drowsiness, all relatives noticed that even the expression on the face and look changed to the oppressed. Sometimes it itches in the abdomen, in the lower abdomen or chest, I immediately think that something is developing there. I also felt a slight pain when pressing on the ribs under the right armpit (although the ultrasound showed that the liver was in order). Tachycardia, yes or no. I used to have weak nerves, similar symptoms happen before the exam - dizziness, nausea, a piece does not go into the throat, diarrhea, I can’t do full breath, cold extremities, chills, uncontrollable trembling. But then everything quickly passed immediately after the exam, but now it drags on for a long time. I understand that it is impossible to make a diagnosis remotely, but please tell me if my symptoms are similar to cancer? And then, while I pass all the tests and make sure of something, I will finish myself and my loved ones, who are already tired of me. Thanks a lot in advance. Sincerely, Denis.

Published: 23 December 2015 at 12:54

Most often, weakness, diarrhea and fever, severe headache in a child and in an adult are symptoms of food poisoning. They appear suddenly, immediately after consumption. poor quality product. Incubation period completely missing. Signs of poisoning appear immediately, 2 hours after the ingestion of the provocateur and develop acutely. All food poisoning can be divided into two large groups: infectious and non-infectious. The first are provoked by microbes and viruses. Second ( toxic poisoning) arise due to the ingestion of chemical toxins, poisons of grass plants or inedible mushrooms into the body.

Peculiarities clinical picture are that in each specific case the patient has various characteristic symptoms - loose stools, weakness, temperature 37-38 and others. It all depends on what provoked the development of malaise: toxins, viruses or microbes. But, of course, there are characteristic symptoms. Here are the main ones:

  1. The temperature can be different: rise slightly, up to 37 degrees, or high (up to 38 degrees and above). In this case, there is a severe headache, accompanied by weakness.
  2. Liquid stool has a cramping character.
  3. Loss of appetite gives rise to great weakness.
  4. Nausea and vomiting.
  5. Sudden drop in pressure
  6. Cold sweat.

If the cause is neurotoxic poisons, visual disturbances may occur, the absence muscle tone, hypersalivation, some disorders of the brain. Frequent severe diarrhea leads to dehydration. It is diarrhea that causes dryness of the mucous membranes, a decrease in the amount of urine excreted in a child and in an adult. Lethargy and weakness, as well as high fever, headache - a consequence of the development of acute intoxication of the body.

In the case when weakness, loose stools and temperature (38 and above), as well as a headache that appears at a temperature of 37 degrees, are the consequences of food poisoning in a child or in an adult, symptoms appear immediately, after 2 hours or after 6 hours after getting inside the provocateur. On the first day they progress strongly, without rendering the right help capable of causing dangerous complications and even lead to a legal outcome.

Treatment of diarrhea, fever, weakness and headache

When the patient develops weakness, temperature 37-38, headache and diarrhea at the same time, one can suspect food poisoning, but doctors, in order to confirm the diagnosis and develop a treatment strategy, necessarily conduct blood cultures, loose stools and vomit. Such an analysis helps to identify the causative agent of malaise. If there is suspicion of viral etiology an express blood test. He must reveal the nature of the infection.

In any case, the relatives of the patient should immediately call an ambulance when fever, weakness and diarrhea appear, as well as symptoms of dehydration, but while she is going to spend a series of urgent action. What can be done:

  • Carry out gastric lavage. To do this, prepare a solution of potassium permanganate or soda. drinking a large number of water, the person induces vomiting. It is necessary to carry out gastric lavage in case of food poisoning until the vomit becomes “clean” (without the admixture of food residues).
  • After gastric lavage, it is useful to give the patient any of the absorbents (Smektu, Activated carbon). In order for the absorbent to dissolve faster in the stomach, it is necessary to drink the medicine when taking it. large quantity water. This will quickly stop the diarrhea.
  • If loose stools are frequent and accompanied by vomiting, as well as severe weakness, it is necessary to prevent the appearance of signs of dehydration. For this, the patient is given a sip of a special solution every 10 minutes (one sachet of Regidron dissolved in a liter of water).
  • It is impossible to bring down the temperature, even if it does not rise above 37 degrees. You can't take medicine for diarrhea. The hidden clinic is the worst ally for diagnosis.
  • While driving Ambulance, you do not need to give the patient food, it is better to ensure his complete rest.

It is impossible to show initiative and self-medicate in such a situation. Strictly prohibited in food poisoning to remove high temperature and headache, eliminate weakness and diarrhea, give any antibiotics, sulfa drugs, pills against diarrhea. It is impossible to treat the described symptoms with decoctions and tinctures prepared according to recipes. traditional medicine, you can not rub at a temperature (up to 38 degrees and above) the patient with alcohol.

As a rule, if food poisoning is suspected, the patient is taken to the hospital, where all diagnostic measures and measures are taken to eliminate toxins, or control of identified viruses is carried out. If the treatment is taken on time, if it is possible to identify the source of poisoning, after three days the patient will feel much better, weakness disappears, appetite returns, body temperature stabilizes, and diarrhea disappears. After seven days of the patient (in the absence of characteristic symptoms) will be allowed to go home with detailed recommendations on adherence to a therapeutic diet.

Prevention of diarrhea with weakness and fever

Subject to certain rules, you can minimize the risks of weakness and diarrhea, fever and vomiting. Important:

  1. Prepare food only in the kitchen, in a room where there are conditions for culinary processing of the products used.
  2. Choose for cooking quality products. Any foulbrood is sure to provoke diarrhea.
  3. Pay attention to their expiration dates.
  4. It is necessary to store the ingredients in the refrigerator, observing the commodity neighborhood (do not store meat and dairy products nearby, for example).
  5. In the catering system, you should not buy dishes that contain raw ingredients.
  6. Try to wash your hands more often.
  7. Fight any insects in the kitchen.
  8. Wash dishes well.
  9. Drink only boiled water. Poor quality drinking water is becoming a frequent source of diarrhea.

Such preventive measures help prevent food poisoning and prevent the appearance of great weakness, diarrhea with fever and other dangerous symptoms.