What is the length of the human rectum? Rectum: structure and typical diseases An arbitrary sphincter of the rectum is formed.

Understanding the structure of the human body and its tasks helps to understand why and how the most popular pathologies develop and to choose the most effective methods of therapy. The length of the rectum in women and men is from 14 to 18 cm and is the final section of the digestive tract.

The importance of this organ should not be underestimated, because it is one of the main components of the gastrointestinal tract. As already mentioned, this is the final department that performs the final evacuation function.

The structure and functions of the rectum in women are not very different from men. The length does not depend on gender, but on physical complexion. Accordingly, in people with a large body constitution, the intestine will be slightly larger, and vice versa.

The size of the rectum in a child is much smaller, but with age and growth of the body, it increases.

The diameter of the organ also varies. It all depends on the complexion and various anatomical features. Normally, the diameter varies from 2.5 to 7.5 cm.


Its surfaces are elastic, so it can stretch and shrink during life. How many centimeters the length of the rectum in a person depends on his individual features of the structure of the body, as well as the presence or absence of certain pathologies.

The gut has two bends. One of them is localized in the direction of the sacrum, and the other "looks" into the perineum. This body from the first days of life has three departments. Each part is characterized by its size.

The lower part is the narrowest and points to the anal area. The size of the rectum includes the size of all these departments. Pay attention to the photo where the rectum is located in women (see above). The ampullar section of the rectum occupies from 10 to 12 cm. This is the largest canal. The third channel is not more than 6 cm.

Any deviations from these indicators during the study of a person may indicate that he has certain pathologies.

The blood supply of the rectum has its own characteristics. This area is supplied with five arteries: 1 unpaired and 2 paired. Veins are a plexus located in different parts of the rectum. Blood flows through the veins of the rectum. In its walls, the portal and inferior vena cava are displaced.

Main functions

The most basic function of the rectum is to remove feces from the body. In this case, the muscles make contractile movements. If there are any diseases, this process is disrupted.

When excrement stagnates in the anus, the process of putrefaction occurs. The body is exposed to poisoning, which has significant harm to health.

In no case should not be ignored, because this will lead to the emergence of a host of new health problems.

In order to timely identify pathology, it is necessary to quickly and at the first symptoms make an appointment with a proctologist.

Photo of the rectum

Despite the fact that the rectum has a bottom location and a through hole, this channel is not considered a through one. The musculature under the mucosa helps hold the stool when needed. This function is possible due to the statistical ability of the intestine. Pay attention to the photo of the rectum in women from the inside and the photo in men. As you can see the structure of the anus in women in the photo is not much different from men(see above).

Normally, the body can restrain the urge to defecate without any problems, but if there are any deviations, then dysfunction occurs. Of course, this is a serious reason to visit a doctor. All the fault can be different pathologies, both female and male. Any disease is successfully treated at the initial stage.

The consequences of violations in the work of the rectum can be very deplorable. If symptoms are ignored and not properly treated, blood poisoning can develop. This condition is fatal.

What diseases cause dysfunction

There are a number of factors that affect the function of this area. As a rule, all these pathologies are characterized by a chronic course. These diseases are not always cured by conservative methods.

If you have any ailments in this area, be sure to visit the doctor on time. To begin with, it may be a therapist who will refer you to a gastroenterologist either.

Even if you do not solve the main issue that led to organ dysfunction, you will greatly improve your condition. This will help you get back on track with your life and improve its quality in general.

One of the most popular ailments that seriously affect the dysfunction of this organ is.


The disease is accompanied by inflammation of the hemorrhoids. In severe situations, there is partial

Also, quite often, dysfunction occurs as a result of the presence of malignant and benign formations. These growths may be polyps. They can be removed during endoscopy.

One of the most dangerous diseases is cancer.. Therapy of the disease is long. During it, various interventions, chemotherapy, as well as techniques aimed at removing the neoplasm are necessarily prescribed.

At first, the disease is successfully treated. Late stages, unfortunately, do not have such positive prognosis.

Disease Clinic

To understand that you urgently need to see a doctor, you need to pay attention to certain symptoms. These are signs that speak of various disease-causing processes that occur in the area of ​​the rectum. Pay attention to what the anus looks like in the section in the picture. If there are at least one or two symptoms, then you urgently need to go to a specialist.

Clinical manifestations:

  1. Explicit discomfort, which seriously impairs the quality of life of the patient.
  2. Pain when emptying the bowels.
  3. Pain that appears without accompaniment of the act of defecation.
  4. Presence of hemorrhage.
  5. Mucus in stool.
  6. Prolonged stool disorders.
  7. Symptoms of general poisoning caused by prolonged congestion.
  8. Instability of the psyche, provoked by systematic discomfort and prolonged pain.

Therapeutic measures

For the treatment of various proctological pathologies, different medications are prescribed. These can be antispasmodic drugs, drugs with analgesic effect, antipruritic, anti-inflammatory drugs, healing drugs, antibiotics, laxatives, and so on. They are presented today in the form of suppositories, creams, ointments, tablets.

One of the most dangerous diseases is colorectal cancer.

It is also worth emphasizing the amazing effect of water procedures. Massage, enemas, compresses, etc. give good results.

Massage is useful for spasm and neuralgia of the sphincter . Massage techniques showed themselves perfectly in the first stages of diseases, expressed in spasms. They can be performed by qualified massage therapists who know all the nuances of the structure of the sphincter and the structural features of the rectum. Also, the doctor may recommend doing a regular relaxing massage at home.

Serves for the accumulation and withdrawal of feces. Its stable work ensures the full functioning of the body. The rectum is located in the lower part of the small pelvis, the average length is 17 cm, the diameter of the sections is 2-8 cm. Its work includes the accumulation, retention of contents, defecation - the removal of digestive waste.

Rectum: structure

Consists of the following departments:

  • ampulla - the middle part, serves to accumulate feces, when expanded, its diameter reaches up to 40 cm;
  • anal canal - the lower part, through the pelvic floor goes into the anus;
  • sphincter - thickening of the muscle membrane. The rectum includes two sphincters - internal (opens involuntarily) and external (controlled by consciousness).

mucous membrane

Its main function is protective. Mucous secretion serves as a lubricant, facilitates the passage of feces. The mucous membrane covers the inner walls of the entire intestine, consists of epithelial cells. It is separated from the muscle tissue by connective fibers, which ensures the necessary mobility. Forms up to 10 longitudinal folds in the anal canal, which are straightened if the rectum is filled with contents.

Rectum: diseases

The most common diseases of this area of ​​​​the intestines are as follows:

1. Pain (proctalgia). Pain in the rectum can be both the cause of many diseases and occur without apparent circumstances. They appear due to short-term spasms in the intestines associated with nervous strain, disorder, stressful situation. Proctalgia is more common in men. Attacks last 3-30 minutes, mostly at night. Treatment consists in normalizing the psychological state, identifying intestinal diseases.

2. Hemorrhoids. The rectum includes an arterial and venous network. Signs of hemorrhoids - varicose veins, formation of knots, bleeding, pain, itching, feeling of a foreign body. Typical causes of the disease are physical inactivity, excessive physical activity, pregnancy (occurs as a complication), spicy food, lack of vegetable fiber in the diet. Now effective methods of eliminating hemorrhoids are used, without the need for inpatient treatment - vein sclerosis, ligation with rubber loops, laser therapy. Prevention of the disease is an active lifestyle and the use of additional amounts of fiber.

3. Cracks. Anal fissures are a defect in the wall of the anus opening with a length of 1 to 2 cm. They appear as a tear in the skin, become chronic and are covered with granular tissue. The rectum can become fissured for various reasons. Most cases are a complication of hemorrhoids, colitis, constipation. Symptoms of the disease - during bowel movements, there is pain in the anus and drops of blood remain on the toilet paper. Cracks are successfully treated with a laser. Baths with potassium permanganate, candles, hormonal ointments help temporarily alleviate the situation.

Age, environment set their own rules for human life. Proper nutrition, mobility, stress resistance are the main components of disease prevention and stable bowel function.

The human body is a complex mechanism for the functioning of all its systems. The structure of the internal organs, including the structure of the rectum, is designed in such a way that natural, vital processes proceed like a clock mechanism - smoothly, continuously and reliably. Failures and violations of at least one of its components can lead to numerous negative consequences. In order to maintain health, a person must treat his body, each of its organs with love and respect.

Anatomical structure of the rectum

The structure and development of all organs of the small pelvis are closely interconnected, which correlates with the functional characteristics of the human body.

By its nature, the rectum is the final component of the digestive tract. Its name comes from the Latin word rectum and is the result of the fact that the formation goes straight, without any twists and turns. The rectum is the part of the large intestine that runs from the bottom of the sigmoid colon to the anus. The rectum is located in the pelvic area on the side of its posterior wall, which is formed by the sacrum, coccyx and posterior pelvic floor muscles.

The anatomy of the organ has 3 main departments:

  • supra-ampullary;
  • ampullary;
  • perineal.

Each of these departments performs a number of functions assigned to it. Additionally, external and internal sphincters are isolated in the structure of the rectum.

The size of the rectum is approximately 13 cm, of which 3 is occupied by the anus, 7 by the subperitoneal region and 3 by the intraperitoneal region.

The main components of the rectum are the mucosa, muscular membranes, submucosal layer, internal sphincter and external. The mucous membrane in an unfilled intestine is laid in multiple folds, which are smoothed out in the process of filling with feces. The muscular coat is a combination of 2 components: circular and longitudinal layers. The outer longitudinal fibers completely surround the rectum. On top of the organ is a protective fascia, which is separated from the muscle membrane by a small layer of adipose tissue. It covers the prostate in men and the cervix in women. The muscular membrane, passing from the bottom up, gradually thickens and forms ring-shaped muscle tissues in the final part. The latter constitute the internal sphincter of the rectum. The external sphincter in certain places covers the internal one, while being at some distance from it. The structure of the external sphincter consists of transverse fiber tissues.

In women, in front, the subcutaneous part of the external sphincter forms a well-defined convex ridge, which is located under the skin of the anal area. It covers the diverging legs of the superficial portion of the external sphincter. This part in women is often torn during childbirth and dissected during an episiotomy.

Functions of the rectum

The normal performance of the digestive and intestinal tracts of the human body lies in the full and well-established work of all its organs.

The rectum performs a number of functions. The main task of this body is to carry out evacuation activities. In addition, its reservoir task is of great importance. Let's consider each of them in more detail.

As you know, on average, about 3-4 kg of food gruel moves from the small intestine to the large intestine (in medical terminology, the concept of chyme is used). The mechanism of functioning of the rectum absorbs the liquid part of the contents, turning the food slurry into feces. As a result, approximately 200 g of feces is formed from 3 kg of chyme. It is in this section of the human intestinal tract that water, ethyl alcohol, glucose, and a number of drugs are absorbed. That is, the rectum is a temporary storage of all feces until the moment of defecation. Feces, like garbage, fill the empty space in the rectum, after which signals about the desire to go to the toilet are sent to the human brain center. The mechanism of the defecation process is to relax the sphincter of the rectum, resulting in a natural cleansing of the body from waste.

An equally important role is played by the reservoir activity of the rectum. Often it is called a lock. In the event of a violation of the normal performance of this function, the closing apparatus of the rectum is not able to retain fecal masses, the sphincter is constantly in a relaxed state.

The well-coordinated performance of the reservoir function of the rectum consists in the possibility of holding all substances in a solid, liquid, gaseous state, regardless of the position in which a person is (standing, sitting or lying), as well as when performing any actions (physical exercises, for example ).

Possible diseases

As a result of the action of many environmental and lifestyle factors, pathological processes in the rectum can develop. The main diseases today are:

  • inflammatory processes;
  • rectal injuries in the form of cracks;
  • rectal prolapse;
  • cancerous diseases;
  • constipation in a chronic form.

One of the most common diseases of the rectum is inflammation of its mucous membrane. The root causes of the pathology are:

  • excessive consumption of spicy and salty foods, fast food;
  • the use of alcoholic beverages in excessive quantities;
  • the presence of chronic constipation or hemorrhoids, which is the result of improper and unorganized nutrition;
  • diseases of the pelvic organs and venereal diseases;
  • weakened immunity.

Inflammation of the rectum can develop in 2 main forms: acute and chronic proctitis.

Symptoms that accompany the acute form of the disease of the rectal mucosa:

  • pain in the rectum and perineum, especially during defecation;
  • increased body temperature;
  • defecation is accompanied by blood and purulent discharge;
  • diarrhea or constipation.

Such a disease as rectal fissures is one of the most common in medical proctological practice. It is a rupture of the mucous membrane of the rectum. The length of the cracks during the development of the disease can reach up to 2 cm. The main reasons that provoke the risk of developing the disease are chronic constipation and a sedentary lifestyle. The main symptom indicating the presence of a rectal fissure is severe pain during bowel movements. Sometimes pain reaches such a level that a person begins to experience fear, which proctologists call stool fear.

Symptoms of diseases of the rectum

Rectal prolapse is a disease in which all of its layers protrude beyond the anus. Sometimes this diagnosis can sound like rectal prolapse.

The main reason that causes the risk of developing such a disease is the weakness of the pelvic muscles and high intra-abdominal pressure.

Symptoms of the disease begin with constant constipation, which lasts from childhood. As a rule, they are accompanied by pulling painful sensations in the hip region. Gradually, constipation is replaced by diarrhea, the first signs of fecal incontinence and flatulence appear. The beginning of the development of the disease suggests that the rectum falls out of the anus only during defecation, later in the process of walking, physical exertion, and coughing. At the peak of the disease, the organ no longer returns to its place, even if it is corrected by hand. A person constantly feels moisture, mucous and bloody discharge may appear.

One of the worst diseases of the rectum is cancer. Malignant neoplasms occur in its tissues, can fill the entire intestinal lumen or affect only the walls. As a rule, the disease manifests itself in elderly people.

Chronic constipation is an integral part of the lives of many modern people. The disease can develop regardless of the age of the patient. The main symptom of chronic constipation is infrequent and difficult bowel movements. From a medical point of view, constipation becomes a disease if the frequency of bowel movements is less than 3 times a week, accompanied by a constant feeling of discomfort in the abdominal region and bloating. Many factors contribute to the development of the chronic stage of the disease. At the same time, in most cases, the main causes are unbalanced nutrition and lack of normal physical activity, inactivity. Almost all diseases of the rectum and its main components arise in connection with problematic, malnutrition, non-compliance with the basic rules of a healthy lifestyle.

Defecation is a process that occurs after the rectal ampulla is filled, the process of evacuation peristalsis of the rectum and sigma is turned on with simultaneous reflex relaxation of the sphincters, as well as the action of the abdominal press. After the act of defecation, the rectum is not filled for a long time.

Preventive measures

The main thing in the prevention of diseases of the rectum and its normal performance is a balanced diet and a simple diet.

Normal motor load on the body is one of the preventive measures for diseases of the rectum. A sedentary and sedentary lifestyle should be avoided, even if office work takes place. In order to avoid the development of pathological processes, it is enough to take small motor breaks lasting 5-10 minutes. In addition, physical exercises for the abdominal muscles and perineum have a beneficial effect on the work of the intestinal tract. Massage also has a positive effect on overall muscle strengthening. A good habit will be constant walking at any convenient time.

The second preventive measure is defecation hygiene. To this end, it is recommended to avoid any overload during the emptying process. Such loads include strong straining and prolonged stay on the toilet. The ideal option is the habit of evacuating feces at a certain hour, at the same time. In addition, after the completion of the defecation process, you should toilet with cool water (you can replace it with wet wipes). In order not to spend a long time on the toilet, it is enough to simply give up the habit of reading in the toilet.

In the human body, all physiological processes are closely interconnected. To avoid various diseases of the rectum, it is necessary to monitor the general state of health, observe personal hygiene.

Diet food

Doctors recommend (if there are no contraindications from other systems and organs) to drink 1.5-2 liters of liquid daily, including water, green tea, juices, compotes. In addition, the basis of the diet should consist of foods of plant origin, rich in fiber. These are a variety of cereals, bran and fresh vegetables. The diet involves careful consumption of dairy products and flour products. They should be eaten in limited quantities. With excess, the normal consistency of feces may be disturbed, which will prevent their evacuation. As a result, the load on the rectum increases significantly. The necessary products that have a positive effect on the intestinal microflora are fermented milk. It should be remembered that the constant consumption of excessively spicy, salty foods and alcoholic beverages is one of the reasons for the development of hemorrhoids. In general, the proper nutrition scheme is quite simple and does not require much effort.

How to treat hemorrhoids at home

Have you ever tried to get rid of hemorrhoids at home on your own? Judging by the fact that you are reading this article, the victory was not on your side. And of course you know firsthand what it is:

  • once again see blood on paper;
  • wake up in the morning with the thought of how to reduce swollen painful bumps;
  • suffer every trip to the toilet from discomfort, itching or an unpleasant burning sensation;
  • again and again to hope for success, to look forward to the results and be upset by the new ineffective drug.

Now answer the question: does it suit you? Is it possible to put up with this? And how much money have you already "leaked" on ineffective drugs? That's right - it's time to end them! Do you agree? That is why we bring to your attention the method of Marta Volkova, who spoke about an effective and inexpensive way to get rid of HEMORRHOIDS forever in just 5 days ...

Approximately the same for women and men. But since the intestines are located somewhere in the same area as the genitals, there are some peculiarities and differences.

This article discusses the structure of the organ in men and women, its functions and possible diseases.

More about the rectum

This organ descends to the small pelvis, forming bends. One of them bulges forward, and the other bulges back, repeating the curve of the sacrum.

The length of the intestine is from 10 to 15 cm. The organ consists of muscle tissue, mucous membrane and submucosa, is located in the connective tissue membrane - in the male body it also covers the prostate gland, and in the female body it envelops the cervix.

The mucosa is covered with epithelial tissue, which contains a large number of Lieberkühn crypts (glands).

In turn, these glands are made up of cells that produce mucus, which explains why mucus is secreted from the intestines in various diseases.

Just above the anus are Morgagni's rectal columns, formed by a fold of mucous tissue. They resemble columns, their number varies from 6 to 14.

Between the columns are niches, which are called pockets. They often retain the remains of feces, which can provoke inflammation.

Intestinal diseases and disorders of its motor function irritate the intestinal mucosa, due to which papillae may appear on it, the size of which depends on how strongly the mucosa is irritated. Sometimes irritation is mistaken for a polyp.

Blood in the rectum comes from several hemorrhoidal arteries - from the lower, middle and upper. The first two are paired, but the top one is not.

Blood through the veins moves through the caval and portal, in the lower part of the rectum there are many large venous plexuses.

In women, the structure of the intestine is different from the male body. This is influenced by the characteristics of the female reproductive system.

In women, the rectum is adjacent to the vagina in front - between the organs, of course, there is a separating layer, but it is very thin.

If inflammation occurs in one of these organs, then it is likely that it will spread to a neighboring organ.

Because of this internal structure, fistulas often form in women, which affect both the intestine and the organs of the reproductive system.

This disease is a consequence of problematic childbirth or any injuries.

The rectum is the last part of the intestine that ends with the sphincter. Surprisingly, the anus in men and women has a different structure.

The sphincter or anus is a depression that goes into the rectum. Depending on the structure of the body, it may be located deep enough or not very deep.

In men, for example, the sphincter may be funnel-shaped, while in women it is flatter and protrudes slightly forward.

Such a structure of the sphincter may be in women from the fact that its muscles are stretched too much.

How does defecation happen?

The rectum is a part of the large intestine, which also includes the sigmoid, ascending, descending and transverse. It is necessary to understand how everything works as a whole in order to consider the rectum separately.

In men and women, about 4 liters of digested food (chyme) that comes from the stomach comes from the small intestine to the large intestine per day.

The large intestine mixes this gruel, as a result of which feces are formed in a person.

This happens due to the fact that the body performs wave-like contractions, due to which the chyme thickens. In the end, out of 4 liters of digested food, about 200 g of feces remain.

Usually, stool masses consist not only of chyme residues, but also of mucus, cholesterol, bacteria, cholic acid, etc.

The body absorbs food, and all the toxic and harmful substances of the chyme penetrate into the blood, which enters the liver. In the liver, "harmful" blood lingers, and then is thrown out with bile.

After all this, a bowel movement occurs, which is provided by the actions of some of the mechanisms of the intestine.

With the help of peristalsis, feces enter the sigmoid colon, where they accumulate and are temporarily retained.

Stopping the further movement of feces in this part of the intestine occurs due to contractions of the muscles that are in the intestine.

Pushing out the contents of the intestine helps not only its own muscle layer, but also the abdominal muscles.

Additional help from another muscle group helps to push feces into the anal canal with constipation and various spasms. After a bowel movement, the organ is free for some time and does not fill up.

This part of the intestine has a strong influence on the work of the stomach. If there are any problems, then this affects the digestive process, the release of saliva and bile.

The brain also affects defecation: if a person is worried or tired, then this delays bowel movement.

Possible diseases

Since the structure of the intestine in the female and male body is different, there are also a lot of diseases that can be in this organ.

One of the most common diseases of the rectum is proctitis. In other words, inflammation of the mucosa.

This disease can be caused by excessive consumption of spicy foods and spices, as well as constipation, during which stagnation of feces is observed.

Faeces can remain in the "pockets" between Morgagni's columns, gradually poisoning the body, which can also lead to congestive proctitis.

Inflammation of the rectal mucosa can begin after unsuccessful therapy with laser beams.

For example, if a person has a tumor in the pelvic region, then as a result of radiation therapy, proctitis may well develop.

Inflammation of the mucosa can also occur from hypothermia, hemorrhoids, cystitis, prostatitis, etc.

Proctitis is chronic and acute. The first type of pathology proceeds almost imperceptibly, accompanied by slight itching and burning in the anus.

Acute proctitis comes on suddenly and is characterized by high fever, heaviness in the intestines, chills, and burning in the intestines.

This type of proctitis occurs infrequently, with timely treatment, a fairly quick recovery of the patient is possible.

But the prognosis for chronic proctitis is more disappointing, because with this type of disease, exacerbations periodically occur.

Rectal prolapse is a pathology in which the wall of the organ falls out through the sphincter.

Most often this is observed in women who have undergone difficult childbirth, because after them the muscles of the anus can be significantly stretched and injured in a woman, tears are possible.

However, prolapse of the intestine also occurs in men. Usually this can happen due to changes in the muscles of the anus during aging, from previous operations on the intestines. Constipation can lead to pathology if a person regularly pushes for a long time in the toilet.

Usually the disease begins with constipation and other difficulties in defecation in childhood, but the first signs of the disease in adulthood are also possible.

With this pathology, a person begins itching in the anus, incontinence of feces, blood and mucus are released.

Diagnosis of rectal prolapse is by palpation. Also, the doctor may ask the patient to push - then part of the intestine becomes visible. If polyps are suspected, a colonoscopy may be performed.

For adults in such cases, only surgical intervention is indicated. During the operation, the ligaments of the intestine are strengthened for the patient.

If a person also complains of incontinence, then the muscles of the anus are additionally strengthened.

The operation, although rather big, can be carried out by almost everyone - even the elderly.

Quite often, prolapse of the intestine occurs along with the prolapse of the uterus in women. If a woman of advanced age or is not going to have children, then the uterus is cut out.

If the prolapse of the intestine occurred in a young man without other health problems, then conservative treatment may be prescribed, which includes special physical exercises that strengthen the muscles of the anus, and a diet rich in essential vitamins.

The rectum is located in the human pelvic area. It is attached to its back wall. On average, its length is from fourteen to eighteen centimeters. Let us consider in more detail the sections of the rectum, its features, structure and much more.

If we consider the rectum from the point of view of anatomy, then it includes the following departments:

  1. The anus is the end region of the anatomical structure of the rectum. At the same time, it serves as an external conductor for the exit of feces. Through it, the act of defecation occurs.

The anus can be quite deep located. It can also be flat and slightly convex (more typical for females).

Thickening of the anus in women can be justified by the fact that this occurs after the postponed childbirth (loss of the contractile function of the intestine).

The skin that surrounds the anus is highly pigmented and wrinkled. The latter is justified by the function of the anal muscle, which wrinkles the skin in this area.

The total diameter of the anus can be from three to six cm. When the outer layer of the walls of the canal ends, then the mucous membrane of the intestine itself lies.

  1. The anal canal runs after the anus. Its length averages 30-40 mm. This part of the intestine is connected with nearby organs.
  2. The internal sphincter is one of the layers of the wall of the intestinal canal, which externally is a small thickening of the muscular cover in the rectum. He seems to continue her cavity.
    The sphincter ends with a round edge with a size of 5-6 mm. Its thickness can be from 0.5 to 0.9 cm.
  3. The external sphincter is outside, fitting the internal sphincter. It consists of a striated muscle mass and is located slightly below the internal sphincter.

The general position of the first and second sphincters is a bit like the tubes of a telescope.

  1. The coccyx is located behind the rectum. At the same time, in men, the vas deferens and the bladder lie in front of the intestine.

Women have a different physiology: they have a vagina and a uterus in this place.

  1. protective layers. Like any part of the digestive tract, the rectum is protected by several mucous layers or the so-called pellicle. Thanks to this, food can move more easily without injuring the intestinal walls.

In the anus of the rectum there are special layers consisting of connective fibers and fats. They also play a protective role.

In addition, this part of the gastrointestinal tract also has a middle layer. It is reliably protected by muscular tissue.

  1. Folds of the rectum. In the case when the intestine is empty (there is no processed food in it), it forms folds. They can be very different in their location and also have a different number of small folds.

Since the rectum is the final part of the digestive tract, it is in it that the accumulation of feces occurs and their further removal from the body.

The main sections of the intestine

The following sections of the rectum are distinguished:

  1. Lower ampulla of the rectum.
  2. The ampulla of the rectum.
  3. Upper ampulla of the rectum.
  4. Rectosigmoid division.
  5. Middle ampoule department.
  6. Perineal department.

Despite its name, the rectum has curves. They can lie in different planes and correspond to the forms of the sacrum.

Signs of the development of pathologies in different parts of the rectum

Most often, diseases of the rectum manifest themselves with the following symptoms:

  1. Pain that is localized in the anus. Its character can be bursting, sharp, pulsating or aching. Sometimes there are spasmodic and persistent pain.

Important! Some diseases, such as rectal cancer, may not cause pain for quite a long time, so you should pay attention to other symptoms of such dangerous diseases.

  1. The appearance of mucous secretions after the act of defecation is inherent in fistulas of the rectum. At the same time, if treatment is not carried out, then over time, pus will come out of the intestine along with mucus, which threatens to further worsen the person's condition.
  2. Bleeding or stools mixed with blood is one of the most characteristic symptoms of rectal diseases. Usually it indicates a crack or hemorrhoids.

You should be aware that at first a person will only have a small amount of red blood, but if left untreated, bleeding can become more profuse, leading to anemia.

  1. The appearance of blood clots in the stool may indicate bleeding in different parts of the gastrointestinal tract. In this case, it is better to diagnose not only in the rectum, but also in other parts of the gastrointestinal tract.
  2. Weakness and loss of appetite.
  3. High temperature can be observed in acute or chronic inflammatory process in the rectum.
  4. Anemia develops with chronic blood loss. In this case, a person has pallor, a feverish state, dizziness and headache.
  5. Constipation is also a frequent companion of diseases of the rectum. In this case, the absence of an act of defecation can be from several days to several weeks, which is even more dangerous.

In addition, constipation can be classified as a separate disease, and as one of the symptoms of any proctological disease.

  1. Obstruction of the colon occurs when the motor function of this part of the gastrointestinal tract is disturbed. In this case, the person will suffer from stool retention, difficulty in passing gases and cramping pains.
  2. Nausea and vomiting.
  3. Bloating is often associated with flatulence or enzyme deficiency. In addition, sometimes it can cause dysbacteriosis. These conditions require immediate medical treatment, as they quickly lead to dehydration.
  4. Rapid weight loss.
  5. Sleep disturbance and irritability can occur with frequent pain.
  6. The appearance of liquid stools is inherent in various infectious diseases of the intestine, irritable bowel syndrome and bacterial lesions of the intestine.
  7. The appearance of tenesmus. With this condition, a person has frequent false desires to "go to the toilet" without further excretion of feces. At the same time, tenesmus itself occurs due to irritation of the colon and the presence of inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract.
  8. Incontinence of feces and gases can occur with damage to the rectum or a violation of its reflex function. This can happen for both psychological and physiological reasons.

Diseases of the rectum

The most common diseases of the rectum:

  1. Proctalgia
  2. Haemorrhoids

Proctalgia is a disease in which a person suffers from constant (chronic pain) in the anus. In this case, in addition to the pain symptom in the body, no violations are observed. The reasons for this condition are also not always known. Usually proctalgia is provoked by diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

In most cases, proctalgia is diagnosed in middle-aged men who lead a sedentary lifestyle. At the same time, they are worried about pain in the form of spasms, which last from three to twenty minutes.

Important! If you have any symptoms and pain in the rectum, you should consult a proctologist. It is this specialist who is engaged in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the rectum.

Treatment of proctalgia should be medical. It is also important that the patient stops being nervous and normalizes his psycho-emotional state. For this, he may be prescribed sedatives.

Hemorrhoids is a disease in which the veins in the intestines expand and knots form. In the future, such nodes begin to bleed and fall out of the anus.

Hemorrhoids are very dangerous because they can cause excessive bleeding or infection. It requires immediate medical and surgical treatment.

Most often, hemorrhoids develop with frequent use of alcoholic beverages, pregnancy, eating spicy foods, or lifting weights. Also, its appearance can provoke insufficient intake of fiber and dietary fiber.

Unfortunately, usually people go to the doctor for hemorrhoids rather late, when the disease has already acquired a chronic form. At the same time, the disease itself can proceed in waves (either subside, then again become aggravated).
The main symptom of hemorrhoids is bleeding with scarlet blood. Sometimes there is itching and discomfort.

A serious complication of hemorrhoids (if left untreated) is the prolapse of nodes. Over time, they will be difficult to set back again, which will lead to even more bleeding.

To date, there are quite effective methods for combating hemorrhoids, in which the patient may not even go to the hospital.

One of these methods is to put compressive rubber pads on the hemorrhoidal nodes, due to which the blood circulation in the node is blocked and it literally dries out.

This causes it to die off, so it falls off on its own after a few days. Using this technique, you can do without surgery.

Laser therapy is also practiced, in which the nodes are cauterized.
Anti-inflammatory ointments can be used as an adjunct treatment.
In addition, diet plays an important role in the proper treatment of hemorrhoids and other proctological diseases. Thus, at the time of therapy, you should stop using such products:

  • spicy dishes;
  • sauces;
  • fatty;
  • sausages;
  • mushrooms;
  • alcohol;
  • fast food;
  • salo;
  • flour;
  • vermicelli;
  • smoked meats;
  • salt;
  • sweets.

The basis of the menu should be steamed or boiled dishes. It is best to eat more fruits and vegetables during this period, as well as use vegetable oils.

  1. An anal fissure can occur with constipation or a sedentary lifestyle. Symptoms of this condition will be severe pain and the appearance of bloody discharge during bowel movements.

With a crack in the rectum, you should immediately consult a doctor until the disease has become chronic. In its initial form, this condition is quite successfully and quickly treated with suppositories and ointments.

  1. Proctitis is a disease in which the mucous membrane of the rectum becomes very inflamed. A person in this condition will complain of diarrhea, pain in the anus and the appearance of blood after a bowel movement.

Most often, pathogens (microbes and bacteria) provoke the appearance of proctitis. For this reason, proctitis is best eliminated by long-term use of antibacterial drugs (broad-spectrum antibiotics).

  1. Paraproctitis is a disease that is characterized by inflammation of the subcutaneous tissue layer located next to the rectum. It develops due to the entry of pathogens from the intestine into this zone.

The acute form of paraproctitis develops quite quickly: a person has pain, weakness, loss of appetite, nausea and fatigue. Digestion may also be disturbed.

  1. Constipation is a violation of the timely function of bowel movement. It can be both acute and chronic.

Moreover, constipation refers not only to the general retention of stools, but also to daily defecation, but in a very small volume.

Constipation causes very unpleasant sensations and pain in a person. It also disrupts the process of moving feces through the intestines.

The causes of constipation are:

  • malnutrition (unbalanced menu, food on the run, overeating, etc.);
  • psychological reasons (stress often causes a violation of the normal act of defecation and constipation);
  • insufficient exercise often contributes to constipation in the elderly;
  • various intestinal diseases;
  • work in hazardous conditions;
  • taking certain potent drugs (antidepressants, diuretics);
  • various endocrine diseases (diabetes mellitus);
  • hormonal disturbances.
  1. Colon cancer or polyps. Unfortunately, in addition to general malaise, these diseases rarely manifest themselves. They are diagnosed in an already fairly neglected state.

Despite this, sometimes with the development of such diseases, a person will suffer from spotting after defecation, constipation and sudden weight loss.

With timely detection, the patient has every chance of recovery. Treatment is selected individually for each patient, depending on the complexity and neglect of the disease.

  1. Prolapse of the rectum involves the literal passage of the intestine outside the anus. This pathology leads to untreated hemorrhoids, as well as prolonged inflammation of the rectum.

There are three distinct types of bowel prolapse difficulty:

  • a slight prolapse of only the mucous membrane during defecation, after which the intestine can independently reduce;
  • the average prolapse of the final part, not only during the act of defecation, but also during strong sports loads (in this case, the person himself must set the intestine in place);
  • profuse prolapse of the intestine, even with little physical exertion, as well as when staying in an upright position.

In the latter case, the person requires immediate surgical treatment.

Moreover, with frequent prolapse of the intestine, it constantly hurts and bleeds. This can lead to infection and further complicate the treatment process.

  1. Anal itching can be either a separate pathology or a symptom of a developing disease.
    Cause anal itching can be such reasons:
  • various diseases of the rectum (inflammation in the anus, hemorrhoids, etc.);
  • various gynecological pathologies in women (candidiasis, vulvovaginitis, etc.);
  • diseases that are transmitted during unprotected intercourse (chlamydia, trichomoniasis, urethritis, prostatitis, etc.);
  • skin diseases (psoriasis, dermatitis, eczema);
  • skin irritation resulting from the use of low-quality soap, paper, powders and other cosmetics);
  • wearing synthetic underwear, which also irritates the skin;
  • diabetes;
  • various chronic liver diseases;
  • fungal diseases;
  • itching, as a result of taking certain medications that caused such a side effect;
  • an allergic reaction to certain foods and seasonings.

Separately, it must be said about such a cause of anal itching as psychogenic factors. They can be stress, neurosis or prolonged depression. In this state, all body systems, including immunity, will be weakened, so the person will become more vulnerable to external negative influences.

Moreover, due to anxiety, people often experience constipation, exacerbated stomach ulcers. Sometimes acute diseases can become chronic.

For this reason, it is very important to eliminate not only the visible signs of diseases of the rectum, but also to get rid of the root cause of the disease - stress or an unstable psycho-emotional state. It will help to take sedatives.

Treat anal itching with antipruritic ointments and anti-inflammatory gels. It is worth remembering that even such a condition requires a trip to the doctor. You should not self-prescribe drugs for yourself, as self-medication can be harmful to health.

Prevention of diseases of the rectum and the guarantee of its "health"

To prevent the development of diseases in the rectum, you should follow the advice of doctors:

  1. Give up bad habits (smoking, drinking alcohol).
  2. Avoid excessive exercise and heavy lifting.
  3. Refuse to eat spicy and fatty foods.
  4. Eat a balanced diet. At the same time, the basis of the diet should be vegetables, cereals, fruits and protein products.
  5. When sedentary work, take frequent breaks and just stretch the body.
  6. Avoid stress, anxiety and nervous strain, because they most often provoke constipation.
  7. Don't overeat.
  8. In time to treat even small pathologies of the rectum and gastrointestinal tract.
  9. When the first unpleasant symptoms appear, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible and carry out the necessary diagnostics. Moreover, the sooner treatment is started, the sooner the person will recover.

The circulatory system in the rectum

The rectum is fed by artel blood, which flows in the superior intestinal artery and descends through the inferior rectal veins.

Venous blood flows through the rectum to the rectal vein and the portal vein system.

Also, this part of the gastrointestinal tract also has lymphatic vessels. They pass to the internal and upper rectal lymph nodes.

Nerves of the rectum

There are many nerve endings in the rectum. Together they form a kind of network in which the fibers of the nervous system are located.

All processes that are localized in the nerve endings of the rectum are transmitted to the cerebral cortex. This is a natural function.

The role of the rectum

In normal functioning, the rectum ensures the complete process and functioning of the digestive tract. It performs an elimination role in the removal of processed food and toxins from the body.

If unnecessary toxins, substances and slags begin to accumulate in the rectum, then they must be removed from there, otherwise the intestine will stop working normally and will poison the body. Gastroenterologist, therapist

Work experience more than 7 years.

Professional skills: diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and biliary system.