Contact lenses are harmful to vision. Do colored lenses harm your eyes?

A real revolution in ophthalmology - contact lenses for the eyes have won the hearts of many farsighted and myopic people Worldwide.
For them, they have become an indispensable alternative to regular glasses.
After all, with their help you can not only correct your vision, but also disguise some defects in your appearance by replacing a pair of glasses on the bridge of your nose with invisible “glasses.”

What are contact lenses?

Contact lenses (CL) are special hemispherical films made of silicone or plastic material, which contain certain optical properties. In their shape they resemble a bowl. Their rear end completely coincides with the cornea of ​​the eye. The anterior surface is responsible for correcting incorrect optical system eyes.

Such irreplaceable helpers in everyday life for visually impaired people has made their life much easier. After all, CL is more difficult to notice in a person than ordinary glasses. And they are much simpler and more convenient to use, which is why they have gained well-deserved popularity around the world.

Today, more than 100 million people around the world wear contact lenses. They allow you to hide vision problems such as myopia, farsightedness and astigmatism, as well as simply improve your appearance by changing your eye color.

What are the types of contact lenses?

Many people wonder whether it is harmful to wear lenses, no matter what category they are: soft or hard. Both types of CL for eyes are made from special polymers used to correct human vision.

The following types of contact lenses are distinguished depending on the mode of their wearing:

  • daytime;
  • prolonged;
  • flexible;
  • continuous.

The first type of CL is put on in the morning and removed in the evening. The second type of contact lenses is worn throughout the day, you can leave them on even at night and generally wear them for a whole week. The third type can be worn for one or two days without harm to the eyes. The fourth type are lenses that are used for 30 days, both day and night.

Before purchasing any lenses (even if just for beauty), you should consult an ophthalmologist. He will take the necessary measurements, write a prescription and tell you about the rules for using contact optics.

If we consider CL depending on their purpose, we distinguish the following types:

  • spherical;
  • aspherical;
  • multifocal;
  • toric.

Spherical lenses have optical power in all areas of the optical zone. Thanks to this property, it is possible to correct myopia and hyperopia. Aspherical ones are used to improve visual acuity and quality.

Multifocal are an irreplaceable thing for elderly people whose task is to correct senile farsightedness. Toric ones are designed to correct astigmatic diseases of nearsighted or farsighted citizens.

You should opt for those eye lenses in which the water content will be more than 50% and, accordingly, the presence of oxygen permeability. The greater the value of these indicators, the less harm CL can cause to the eyes.

In addition to the above types of lenses, the following types are distinguished: color and carnival. But with such lenses you need to be a little more careful - it is not advisable to use them for a long time. The thing is that their structure is much denser and harder than usual. Such CLs cause noticeable inconvenience to their owner and discomfort in the eyes, and also do not provide adequate oxygen supply. The contents of such lenses contain a dye that can cause harm to the eyes, causing an allergic reaction.

Are there any risks when wearing contact lenses?

CLs have a number of advantages over regular glasses. They are less noticeable and practically not felt by the eyeballs. For people with glasses, this alternative allows them not only to improve their appearance, but also to look at this world with a wider lateral view. Yes and for active people This is a great find - nothing will fall at the wrong moment and will not break, fog up or get lost. You can safely go to the gym, dance and other places.

No matter how good contact optics are, they also have disadvantages. For example, violation of the rules for using contact lenses and failure to comply with hygiene standards increase the risk of:

To avoid the above complications, you must strictly follow the instructions for using contact lenses. This means that you need to change the solution for storing and washing them every day. Keep an eye on the expiration date. If the service life expires after 3 months, then you should not wear lenses until they become harmful and dangerous. Throw them away without regret!

Before starting the procedure of removing or putting on contact lenses, you must thoroughly wash your hands with soap and disinfect the container, pour a new solution into it.

Contraindications for wearing lenses

To make wearing contact lenses comfortable and safe, the first thing you need to do is undergo an examination in an ophthalmology office. The doctor will examine the condition of the eyes and determine possible deviations and will give recommendations on choosing optics. Not all people with vision problems can wear CL.

Highlight the following contraindications that you may encounter:

  1. Infectious inflammation;
  2. Allergic reactions at a chronic level;
  3. Hypo- or hypersensitivity of the cornea;
  4. Disruption of the activity of the lacrimal glands;
  5. Asthma and other respiratory diseases;
  6. Ptosis;
  7. Inflammation of the anterior chamber of the eye;
  8. Glaucoma and other eye diseases.

The use of lenses is also prohibited for acute respiratory infections, tuberculosis and HIV. This is due to dysfunction of the lacrimal glands and immune system with these diseases, as a result of which the contact lens can harm the eye. It is not advisable to use CL when using certain medicines(antihistamines, cold medicines, etc.). This can cause dry eyes and temporary blurred vision.

Myths about the dangers of contact lenses

There is no-no on the Internet, but you can find information that CLs are very harmful to the eyes. However, as a rule, such claims are refuted by users who have been using contact optics for many years without experiencing any problems. Yes, many people say that at first they have difficulty removing/putting on contact lenses (especially for ladies with long nails), but then it becomes a habit.

There are also rumors that when wearing CL, a person’s vision decreases. It is not true. Visual acuity, as a rule, decreases for other reasons (due to senile changes, progressive myopia, etc.).

Negligence is a serious problem

Improper handling of lenses can not only lead to discomfort, but also to more serious problems. For example, in some cases, simple inflammation turns into a more severe disease (conjunctivitis, keratitis, etc.). Also, as a result of your own negligence, you can develop dry eye syndrome and other troubles. Therefore, if a decision has been made to use contact optics, you must be prepared to strictly follow all the doctor’s recommendations. And then everything will be okay!

The whole truth about contact lenses:

We are surrounded by many people with poor vision, and many of them put up with this, refusing help modern medicine. With the development of ophthalmology, many ways to improve vision have appeared, including wearing contact lenses, which are both comfortable and invisible to others, and most importantly, they are invisible even to the person wearing them. However, fear of wearing lenses is common among patients, and in this article we will try to dispel it and talk about whether lenses are harmful.

First of all, it is worth noting that lenses, like glasses, can harm your vision if:

  • They were incorrectly selected or you purchased them without a doctor’s prescription.
  • You are using them incorrectly and violating the terms and conditions of use.

Is it harmful to wear contact lenses?

Lenses are undoubtedly much more profitable to wear than glasses, if we talk about people who have complexes about glasses. But this is not their only advantage. When you wear glasses, you only see well in front of you, in the center of the glass, peripheral vision at the same time, your condition is just as bad as without glasses. When using lenses this is not the case; with lenses you completely forget that you see poorly. Lenses also save people with poor vision when playing sports.

However, wearing lenses comes with some risks:

  • The risk of inflammatory diseases increases.
  • Allergic reactions are possible.
  • Lack of oxygen to the eyes.

It is worth repeating that all these risks are minimized if you select lenses from good doctor and use them correctly.

Rules for wearing contact lenses

When answering the question about whether lenses are harmful to the eyes, you must understand that, like any other medical product, lenses require proper use:

  1. Be sure to buy lenses with a doctor's prescription; you should have a doctor's examination every year.
  2. Observe the period of wearing lenses, in no case exceed it, since the lenses cannot be seen whether they have passed the expiration date or not, keep an eye on the dates. Wear weekly lenses for a week, menstrual lenses for a month, and so on. Disposable lenses are worn once; if the lenses are removed, throw them away immediately. If the lens falls out, do not wash it, but throw it away.
  3. When purchasing lenses for the first time, let your eyes get used to them, starting wearing them from 1.5-2 hours, increasing the wearing time by 1 hour every day.
  4. It is better not to wear lenses for more than 7-8 hours at a time.
  5. Don't sleep with your lenses on, although there are lenses you can sleep in occasionally, but it's not recommended.
  6. It is better to wear glasses when working on a computer.
  7. Put on and remove lenses with clean, dry hands.
  8. Put on lenses before applying makeup, remove before removing makeup.
  9. Maintain lens hygiene daily, rinse only with special solutions, and store exclusively in special containers.
  10. Do not wear contacts if you have a cold or illness.

Except regular lenses For vision correction, there are all kinds of colored and fancy lenses that change your appearance. Carnival lenses are much denser than regular ones, so they are less comfortable for the eyes, they transmit oxygen much worse, and wearing them for a long time is harmful. Is it harmful to wear colored lenses? If we compare them with ordinary lenses, then they are, of course, inferior to them, but if you choose between colored and carnival lenses, then in colored lenses the quality of vision and eye comfort are better.

Now you know whether contact lenses are harmful, and you can decide for yourself whether it’s worth switching to them or not. At the same time, you must remember that you will not be able to completely give up glasses, since you need to give your eyes a rest from the lenses.

Ophthalmological developments designed to change the style and make the look more expressive include colored contact lenses. The product has been known and enjoyed by women (mostly) for over 30 years.

In addition to decorating the eyes, it successfully copes with some visual defects - eyesores, partial absence iris, etc. At the same time, there are several myths about the unsafety of colored CLs for the organs of vision and the reduction of its acuity.

Special Features

Depending on the purpose, this product divided into 3 subgroups:

  1. Tinted– suitable for light-eyed people, used to give expressiveness and emphasize the color features of the iris. They are completely colored, but do not change the shade radically, because... remain transparent and do not hide the natural iris.
  2. Cosmetic- designed to change eye color. Opaque. middle part is not painted, the rest of the plane is processed using multilayer technology so that the pattern remains inside the lens material, without contact with the eye.
  3. Decorative– used as part of makeup for specific images (for carnivals, theme parties, filming a video, TV show, etc.). The drawing contains an image of an object, animal, etc. Opaque. They can be with minus diopters and “zero”.

Lenses with a pattern are more suitable for a carnival or theme party.

How viral keratitis is treated is described in detail in.

Acuvue 2 Colors

Necessary for concealing existing defects of the eyeball (cataract). Other advantages of the product include:

  • possibility of alternative replacement of sunglasses;
  • visual load in case of “lazy eye” syndrome (amblyopia);
  • correction (if diopters are available).

Infinity - as soft as possible for daily use

Symptoms and treatments viral conjunctivitis You can find out from adults.

Are colored lenses harmful?

This development has been popular for more than 30 years, and over the past time a lot of supporters of the theory of the unsafety of such a product have appeared. In particular, such statements are based on the unsafety of the material from which they are made for the eyeball.

In fact, colored lenses are produced at the most modern technologies, and using soft material used to create conventional products contact correction, which completely prevents any discomfort, pain or micro-damage to the iris.

Soft CLs are made from hydrogel and silicone hydrogel, hard ones are made from polymer. The coloring pigment is contained between the layers of material, without penetrating into the eyeball, and the unpainted middle does not interfere with visual function and does not distort the overall color perception.

The “transparency” of the center of the lens does not distort the perception of tones and shades of the surrounding world.

How to recognize dangerous disease according to the first signs - .

Antimicrobial therapy – .

For healthy eyes

CL for changing the image are absolutely safe for people who do not suffer from ophthalmological diseases. In this case, a “zero” or diopter-free product is selected that does not change the optical power of the eyes.

Crazy options are suitable for wearing for no more than 2-3 hours at a time

But the product can really cause harm if used incorrectly. With frequent or prolonged wearing disturbances, visual acuity may decrease or inflammatory processes may develop. To prevent such complications you need:

  1. Follow the rules of eye hygiene and storage of contact lenses.
  2. Limit your smoking (smoke contaminates the surface).
  3. Before initial use, consultation and examination by an ophthalmologist is required.
  4. Wear it no longer than the specified time, preventing tension, dryness, and also to maintain oxygen access to the cornea (for hydrogel).

In some cases, a “veil” or fog may appear before the eyes, especially with lateral vision. This unpleasant nuance is associated with an error in selecting the lens size and, as a result, its location on the pupil area. We also recommend that you read our article which will tell you.

Prevention is always better treatment – .

If the basics of lens care and visual hygiene are observed, they are considered harmless to be worn by people with healthy eyes.

; soft CL options will allow you to choose the appropriate option for any color type

Artificial tears to relieve tension and eliminate dryness – .

For people with low vision

Without diopters, only decorative (or ) contact lenses (CL), they are not suitable for people with vision problems. As a rule, they are thicker than ordinary lenses and must be worn for a short time (during the filming of a video or talk show), otherwise inflammatory processes may develop.

Several companies produce colored contact lenses for vision correction. The most famous:

  • FreshLook ColorBlends with a monthly service life. Available in several shades (green, sapphire, brown, etc.) with optical power from 0 to -8 (or without diopters). Block UF radiation.
  • Infinity with a service life of up to 6 months. The composition is non-ionic, moisture content is not lower than 55%, oxygen permeability is 32.5 units.
  • Acuvue 2 Colors– soft hydrogel tint contact lenses, available with or without diopters. Unlike most manufacturers, they are suitable for both myopia and farsightedness, but the optical power is limited.
  • Bausch & Lomb– the Soflens Natural Colors series produces several shades, but only 3 of them are intended for vision correction: aquamarine, topaz and Pacific.

Read about how to choose children's eye vitamins to improve vision.

Colored contact lenses for vision correction can be either daily use or suitable for longer-term wear. Read the instructions carefully.

Ok Vision Fusion Palette

Read what to do and how to diagnose inflammation of the cornea.

How long can you wear it?

The specifics of the wearing mode depend on the type, material from which the contact lenses are made, the manufacturer, and other nuances. On average, models for changing style or emphasizing the natural iris are worn no longer than 6-8 hours a day, after which they are removed, giving rest to the eyes. It is somewhat more difficult for oxygen to penetrate through the colored fragments, which increases the load on the visual organs.

The transparent middle allows you to see the world in familiar color

How to help an adult or child with dacryocystitis - how to treat.

Some companies (Akuview and others) are engaged in the production of CLs with a one-day service life and an allowed duration of use of up to 12 hours. After this time, the product is disposed of.

Carnival CLs are distinguished by the specifics of their manufacture, due to a very dense coating of colored pigment, they are thicker than tint and decorative species, and more impede the access of oxygen to the iris. On average, their use is limited to 2-4 hours.

To maintain healthy vision, you must adhere to the wearing time of cosmetic or corrective ophthalmic products in accordance with the instructions and recommendations of a specialist.

Opinions about the dangers of colored contact lenses are unfounded, because... production and the materials used in its process are no different from conventional means of contact vision correction. The reason for any painful sensations is poor care or storage, as well as prolonged wearing, which violates the recommendations of an ophthalmologist and instructions for use.


This video will tell you whether contact lenses are harmful to your eyes.

If used correctly, the product will be an excellent attribute for themed events and parties. It will hide existing iris defects and emphasize the expressiveness of your eyes.

The article is for informational purposes only and cannot be considered as an instruction to action. Before purchasing any products for vision correction and eye decoration, you must consult a specialist in the field of ophthalmology. We also recommend that you read our article which will tell you .

Buying contact lenses is a daunting task for many people with vision problems. It is better to know in advance what their benefits are, whether they can cause harm to the eyes, and how to avoid it, if it is still possible.

Is it harmful to wear contact lenses?

There is a lot of talk about contact optics. Often people do not have complete information, and therefore spread incorrect information or find themselves under the influence of myths that do not correspond to the facts. Before you figure out whether contact lenses are harmful and what harm they can cause, it’s worth knowing what you definitely shouldn’t be afraid of.

Harm to the eyes from contact lenses: myths and facts

Some of the most common misconceptions about lenses include:

1. In contact optics, vision deteriorates. There is a point of view that in these ophthalmic products eye muscles become overexerted, and this can have a negative impact over time visual functions. However, correctly selected lenses are practically not felt on the eyes. To date, there is no evidence of loss of vision resulting from the use of contact optics. It is clearly fixed on the eyeball and provides good focusing.

2. The lenses do not meet safety requirements. In fact, ophthalmic products are made from biocompatible materials. Used in production innovative technologies and high quality raw materials that are environmentally friendly.

3. The access of oxygen in the lenses is limited. In optical products, access to the cornea is limited, but not completely. It all depends on the type of lenses. It is important to follow the wearing regime. Then there is no chance of oxygen starvation.

4. The eyes suffer from dryness. Ophthalmic products have a moisture content level that is appropriate for their wear pattern. If your cornea is highly sensitive, you will need lenses with high performance moisture and oxygen permeability.

5. May be behind eyeball and injure him. This is physically impossible. Even if you want to do this purposefully, nothing will work. You will only hurt yourself and damage the lens itself.

6. Contribute to the development of infectious eye diseases. Various deposits (proteins, lipids, calcium) accumulate on lenses during their use. They also get dust, dirt, and cosmetic residues. This is true. But, firstly, there are one-day models that are considered the safest from a hygiene point of view, and secondly, contact optics for scheduled replacement need to be looked after, cleaned, and disinfected daily. If you do not maintain hygiene, the risk of infections increases.

These myths correspond to reality only partially or do not correspond to reality at all. In most cases, the person himself becomes the culprit of all consequences.

Contact lenses: harm and benefit

The benefits of contact lenses are undeniable. This has been proven by numerous studies and confirmed by users. Contact correction tools are much more convenient. Glasses can slide off the face, which interferes with the correction of visual pathology. Frames and glass lenses are dangerous. They can break and injure your face and eyes. Contact lenses, in turn, do not impose any restrictions on a person. You can play sports, drive a car, or work in them. The quality of the resulting image is much higher than with glasses, since they do not limit the field of view. Another important advantage of lenses, which will be appreciated mainly by women and children, is aesthetics. People around you will not know that you are using correction products.

In addition, contact lenses are more functional. They can be used not only for correcting refractive errors. There are models with decorative functions. They are able to change the color of the iris. Such ophthalmic products are available to people with visual pathologies, and for those who do not have vision problems.

To be more objective, we need to consider not only the advantages of lenses. Let's find out how they can harm the eyes and why this happens.

Why are contact lenses dangerous?

Most often, people who have experienced discomfort while wearing contact optics complain of the following symptoms:

In most cases, such symptoms occur for two reasons:

  • Lenses are not selected correctly.
  • The regimen and schedule for wearing ophthalmic products is not observed.

Lenses can be fitted incorrectly if a person does it on their own and not in the eye doctor's office. Visual organs have a number of parameters that are measured using special equipment. These parameters include diameter, radius of curvature, and optical power. Also, when choosing contact optics for you, the doctor will advise you on lenses with suitable indicators of gas permeability and moisture content. To do this, the sensitivity of the cornea, lifestyle and other factors are taken into account. If you do not take into account at least one of the parameters, optical products will not be suitable. Then they will cause discomfort and will not be able to fully cope with their main function - vision correction. Incorrectly selected ophthalmic products can damage the cornea. As a result, you will have to stop wearing them.

Also, during the examination, the specialist will find out whether you can wear contact lenses in principle. There is a list of contraindications, both absolute and relative. You will not be able to determine for yourself whether there are restrictions on wearing lenses. As a result, complications may arise that require long-term treatment. Despite the extensive list of contraindications, they are mostly temporary. Often they concern diseases that need to be treated before wearing contact lenses. Why are lenses harmful to wear? eye diseases, quite clear. Ophthalmic diseases are accompanied by lacrimation, redness of the eyes, itching and other symptoms. Lenses can enhance them. Therefore, it is better to first check your health and only then do vision correction.

Why can't you wear contact lenses?

Another cause of discomfort is wrong mode use and wearing lenses longer than expected. Why can’t you wear contact lenses after their service life has expired, even if the optical products have no defects and have not lost their optical properties? Some believe that they do not have an expiration date as such, but that manufacturers come up with it specifically so that people buy contact products more often. This opinion is wrong and even dangerous. Any ophthalmologist will confirm this. Lenses may lose their properties over time, and their performance changes. You may not notice this. However, this will later affect your eye health.

Various deposits accumulate on optical products, which can cause infection or allergies. Depending on the replacement schedule, lenses must be treated with appropriate solutions. So, two-week-old models can only be cleaned with a standard multifunctional solution. , quarterly , traditional ophthalmic products must be periodically subjected to enzyme treatment.

Another important question regarding the rules of use - why can’t you wear lenses all the time without taking them off at night? Ophthalmologists recommend observing the wearing regime even more strongly. The gas permeability of contact optics determines how many hours it can remain on the eyes. If you do not adhere to the regime, sleep in daytime lenses, your visual organs will suffer from oxygen starvation. Hypoxia can cause a number of problems, including blurred vision. However, today this problem can be solved very simply. If you do not have the opportunity to care for optical products, you can use models or lenses with flexible, extended or continuous operation. You can even sleep in them without worrying about the consequences.

The harm and benefits of colored lenses

Whether colored lenses are harmful or not is another question that worries many users. It all depends on two factors: quality and method of operation. We have already learned why lenses cannot be worn out. All these rules apply to decorative models. The only caveat is that colored lenses have more low level breathability. Manufacturers indicate how many hours they can be worn continuously.

As for quality, you can only buy ophthalmological products in salons and online stores that have the appropriate licenses and certificates for this. Only there you can purchase a product that is absolutely safe. High-quality colored lenses are produced so that the coloring pigment does not come into contact with the cornea. It is enclosed in the thickness of the lens and covered on both sides with hydrogel layers. Therefore, the dye cannot cause allergies or irritation.

So, in order to ensure that the lenses do not cause harm to your eyes, and you can enjoy all the benefits of wearing them, you should follow just a few rules:

  • select optics together with an ophthalmologist;
  • Maintain hygiene when using optical products;
  • Stick to your wearing regimen and do not wear lenses for longer.

If you experience any discomfort from the lenses, stop using them temporarily and consult a doctor to determine the cause. You may need treatment or new eye products.

Are contact lenses harmful? This is a frequently asked question and the answer largely depends on the patient himself. For many years, lenses have been and remain popular, safe and effective means for vision correction.

The risk of eye damage associated with wearing them is minimal. But this is provided that you follow your doctor's recommendations. Only a specialist can choose the appropriate type of lenses and give advice on the necessary care.

However, all lenses reduce the amount of oxygen reaching the cornea of ​​the eye, thereby increasing the risk of some vision problems. Additionally, wearing them may damage your eyes if you wear them longer than the manufacturer's instructions, or do not disinfect them or replace them as directed by your eye doctor.

Such possible complications When wearing contact lenses, both microbial and acanthamoeba keratitis can lead to vision loss.

Today, lenses can be used to correct different problems with vision, including such as myopia, farsightedness, astigmatism and presbyopia (age-related farsightedness)

How to avoid negative consequences when wearing lenses

The best way to avoid problems with your lenses is to follow your doctor's advice about how long you can wear them and how often you should change them.

The specialist will select lenses that are suitable for you based on the material of manufacture (hard or soft), according to the wearing mode (one-day use, frequent scheduled replacement, traditional wear). It will also determine the possibility of using continuous wear lenses (which can be worn for up to 30 days without removing them).

Also, make sure you follow all lens care procedures properly and only use solutions recommended by your eye doctor.

If you are likely to be unable to maintain your daily cleaning and disinfection routine, daily disposable contact lenses may be the right choice for you. They do not require maintenance; they are thrown away after wearing for one day; therefore, cleaning and disinfection solutions are not used for them.

The benefits of contact lenses

Using lenses can be comfortable, safe and effective if you follow the wearing regimen and your doctor’s recommendations.

In addition to aesthetic appeal, they have a number of practical advantages over glasses:

do not distort objects; do not limit lateral vision; do not fog up; do not interfere with the patient’s exercise; wearing them does not cause psychological problems problems that may occur when using glasses, especially for teenagers.

How to understand that lenses are harmful to your vision

To avoid serious problems With eyes associated with the use of contact lenses, every morning, before putting on the lenses, ask yourself the question: “Do my eyes look good, see good and feel good?”

If your eyes are red, it could be a symptom of dry eye syndrome or eye infection caused by wearing lenses. Blurred vision may be due to deposits on the lenses or corneal swelling caused by a lack of oxygen. Eye discomfort when wearing lenses can be caused by an incipient corneal ulcer, dry eye syndrome, or an eye infection.

If you find at least one of the above specified symptoms, remove your lenses and consult a doctor immediately. The sooner eye problems are identified and treated, the better.

Even if you don't have these symptoms, you should visit your eye doctor annually for an eye exam to help identify possible problems, before you notice them. This will enable you to wear contact lenses safely and comfortably for many years to come.

Decades have passed since lenses entered the lives of “bespectacled people,” but they have never been able to completely replace glasses. It seemed like such a convenient thing - wear it and enjoy it: it’s not noticeable to others, it doesn’t limit sports activities. What else does?

However, some people are even afraid to wear them, fearing for the health of their eyes. What is this connected with? In order to understand whether wearing lenses is harmful, first consider their type.

Types of contact lenses

In general, contact lenses (CL) are usually divided into two categories: soft (SCL) - they are hydrogel and silicone hydrogel, and hard (RCL). They are mainly made from polymers and are used to correct vision in more difficult situations. For example, with high degree astigmatism, keratoconus, orthokeratology. Since they provide high degree penetration of oxygen to the cornea, they are also called gas permeable.

CLs also differ in terms of wearing mode. They are daytime, when they are put on in the morning and taken off in the evening; prolonged – can be worn without taking it off even at night for a whole week; flexible - worn without removal for 1-2 days. There are also ones for continuous wear - they can be worn for a month, also without taking them off at night. But before purchasing and using them, it is better to consult a doctor: are such lenses harmful to the eyes?

Also, depending on the purpose, CLs are:

spherical – used to correct myopia and farsightedness; toric – for the correction of astigmatic farsightedness or myopia; multifocal – for the correction of senile farsightedness (presbyopia); aspherical – to improve the quality of vision.

The main properties of CL are determined by the material from which they are made. The main ones are water content (<50%, 50%, >50%) and oxygen permeability. The higher these indicators, the less harm to the eyes.

There are also carnival and colored CLs. In no case should they be used for a long time - their structure is much denser and harder, which is not very comfortable for the eye and does not provide adequate oxygen supply. They also contain a dye that can be harmful to the eyes.

Risks of wearing contact lenses

Of course, CLs have certain advantages over glasses - a wider lateral view, convenience when playing sports, and protection of the eyes from dust.

And, in general, you can forget about them, oh poor eyesight. However, they can also cause harm, and they have disadvantages:

Discomfort. Increased risk of inflammation. Possible development dry eye syndrome. Allergic reactions. Insufficient oxygen supply to the tissues of the eye. Damage to the cornea.

At the same time, it is worth knowing that the harm is caused not so much by the contact lenses themselves, but by violation of the rules for their use. Common mistakes: wearing them longer than the specified period, leaving them overnight, using the same solution for many days (it must be changed every day). Individual intolerance to the solution can also be a source of trouble.

The risks increase if you wear incorrectly selected contact lenses or if the rules for wearing them are not followed. The expiration date also matters - expired contact lenses should be thrown away without regret, as they become harmful and dangerous.

Rules for wearing and storing contact lenses

In order to reduce harm to the eyes, contact lenses should be worn according to the following rules:

They must be purchased strictly according to a doctor’s prescription, and they must be examined annually to confirm or change diopters. It is advisable to start wearing it gradually: first 1.5-2 hours a day so that your eyes get used to it. Then add an hour every day. Additionally, it is recommended to use moisturizing eye drops. You can't tell when your lenses expire, so you need to keep an eye on the dates. If you purchased weekly contact lenses, you need to wear them for a week. Menstruation – a month, disposable – once, after which they need to be thrown away. You should also throw away the fallen lens without regret; you should not wash it - this can harm your eyes. It is not advisable to wear lenses for more than 8 hours in a row. Give them some rest from their eyes. Despite the possibility of not taking off the contact lenses at night, it is still not recommended to sleep in them. It is necessary to put on and remove the CL only with clean hands. Women should put them on before applying makeup and remove them before cleansing their face. CLs must be washed daily, their solution changed, and stored in special containers. Glasses should always be in stock.

It is not recommended to buy CL for children under 10 years of age, as they have problems with maintaining personal hygiene. And at this age, children are very active, which increases the risk of harming themselves without meaning to (fall unsuccessfully, bump, jump).

Contraindications to wearing contact lenses

Sometimes even the highest quality CLs, subject to strict adherence to the rules safe use may be harmful and present an unpleasant surprise to the eyes. This is due to the fact that there are restrictions that do not allow them to be worn for a certain period or always:

Chronic allergies. Reduced or increased sensitivity cornea. Acute inflammation anterior chamber of the eye. Infectious inflammations eye. Ptosis. Keratitis, blepharitis, conjunctivitis. Disruption of the activity of the lacrimal glands. Obstruction tear ducts, dacryocystitis. Xerophthalmia, uncompensated glaucoma. Asthma and other respiratory diseases.

Also, wearing lenses is prohibited in case of acute respiratory infections, ARVI, tuberculosis and AIDS. This is due to the deterioration of the outflow of tears and general decline immunity, which can lead to damage to the contact lens and, consequently, harm the eyes. It is not recommended to wear them when using certain medicines, as it may cause dry eyes and temporary blurred vision. Such drugs include antihistamines, diuretics, motion sickness and runny nose medications.

Myths and truth about contact lenses (video):

In order for CL to have only benefits and not harm, you must not believe in prejudices, but use them after consulting a doctor and strictly follow the rules of safe use. In principle, they are not that complicated.

And what do you think? Write your opinion in the comments! If you have a couple useful tips, share! They can help novice CL users!

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