Is it possible to smear herpes with iodine. Herpes without delusions: what is dangerous, how to treat and why you can not cauterize

When a person has an exacerbation of herpes, he can observe small rashes of vesicles on the skin. The resulting rashes cannot be opened on their own, so you should consult a doctor for specialized help so that he prescribes the correct and effective treatment. Very often, patients are concerned about questions about whether it is possible to treat, smear with iodine or other means, and how to protect inflamed areas from healthy ones. How effective is the method of cauterizing herpes with iodine, we will try to figure it out.

Treatment of herpes with cauterization

All herpetic infections that intensively begin to multiply in the human body, while causing enormous harm and discomfort to the owner, must be suppressed in various ways and means. The activity of the virus can be suppressed with special anti-herpes pharmaceutical preparations, or you can use other methods of traditional medicine. The most effective is the treatment of rash with iodine. As for whether it is possible to smear herpes with this substance, there are different opinions. Someone believes that this is even necessary, and someone claims that it is strictly forbidden to do this, since iodine can provoke a burn of the oral mucosa.

For this treatment to be effective and safe, you need to cauterize herpes correctly, after consulting with a specialist.

Self-treatment of this disease can lead to negative consequences and worsen the situation. You can cauterize the rash with iodine at the initial stage, as well as smear the bubbles that have already appeared.

  • Iodine is recommended for this procedure not to be used in its pure form, in combination with zinc or zinc ointment.
  • Regarding ointments, it is better to ask your doctor for advice, since many drugs can be addictive and then you will have to constantly treat this disease.
  • Before applying iodine and other medicines to the surface, you should make sure that it is clean and dry!

Medicines in combination with iodine

Drugs that can be used in combination with iodine:

  • Acyclovir. An effective tool, but it has one drawback - it is addictive if used too often. It has a large number of medicinal properties: antimicrobial, antiviral, antifungal. Solutions of this agent do not cause poisoning when used externally. You can also not only buy it at a pharmacy, but also make it yourself, for this you need 50 ml of warm water, 10 g of starch, literally 2 grams of citric acid, and 10 g of sugar. When all the ingredients are mixed, it is necessary to add iodine, about 5 g of an alcohol solution. After the solution is ready, you need to smear the affected areas with it.

  • Iodinol. A safe remedy for herpes, which is unable to be addictive and leave burns after application. It also contains iodine. This drug is even recommended for minor burns, as it is not able to irritate the skin. You can use it several times a day. Iodinol disinfects the surface and prevents the virus from spreading to healthy areas.

It must be remembered that if herpes is lubricated exclusively with iodine, moreover, not yet diluted, chemical burns on the skin can be provoked.

Therefore, it is better, in order to cauterize the rash, to use special tools and preparations that contain iodine at the base. It is also worth saying that iodine cannot be used as a prophylactic against this disease. If you ignore the recommendations and use iodine in its pure form, this will lead to serious burns, which will be accompanied by additional infection and suppuration of the wound.

Many people are interested in whether it is possible to smear herpes with iodine. Herpes is a virus that has been living in the human body since childhood, and sometimes even birth. It is embedded in the ganglia of nerve cells and almost always appears in the same place. It depends on which nerve node he settled in. Its appearance is accompanied by severe pain, because rashes occur in the area of ​​​​nerve endings.

Patients often ask their doctor if it is possible to smear herpes with iodine? This virus appears mainly against the background of any diseases or, at a time when the body's immunity decreases. His favorite places are and. Rashes can occur on the conjunctiva or cornea of ​​the eyes, lymph nodes, intestines, kidneys, liver and lungs.

Consider whether it is possible to cauterize herpes with iodine. There are 2 different opinions about this. Since the disease is provoked by a viral infection, it must be treated with viral drugs. And iodine is a solution that has antiseptic, antibacterial and antifungal properties. Iodine solution is intended for local treatment of the skin with various injuries.

The use of an alcoholic iodine solution for herpes does not have a depressing effect on the virus itself. You can cauterize herpes with iodine at the initial stage of the disease, when the formation of herpes vesicles (vesicles) has just occurred.

After the spontaneous opening of the vesicles has occurred, the opened vesicles can be burned with iodine to avoid microbes entering the formed wounds and erosion. By disinfecting damaged areas, the solution prevents bacteria from entering and speeds up the healing process of wounds.

Iodine solution must be used very carefully, as it is possible to burn the delicate and sensitive mucous membrane.

How to use iodine solution in the treatment of herpes?

How to use iodine for herpes:

  1. First you need to clean the skin during hygiene procedures.
  2. You need to make sure that the surface of the skin is dry.
  3. You need to use iodine in a very small amount. Cotton swabs are best suited, with which it is convenient to apply the solution pointwise.
  4. A cotton swab (applicator) should be moistened in an iodine solution and carefully, without pressing, treat the bubbles or wound.
  5. If there are many formations, the applicator should be changed as often as possible.
  6. It is necessary to lubricate only the damaged area, avoiding contact with the solution on a healthy surface.

For cauterization of herpes, not an alcohol iodine solution is more suitable, but Iodinol, which contains glycerin in its composition. It is suitable for lubricating the mucous membranes of the skin.

An alcohol solution of iodine can cause a burn, so it is better to measure iodine for Fukortsin (potassium permanganate).

A solution similar to Iodinol can be prepared by yourself at home. This requires the following ingredients:

  • warm water - 50 ml;
  • starch flour - 10 g;
  • citric acid - 2 g;
  • granulated sugar - 10 g;
  • alcohol solution of iodine - 5 ml.

All of the above components should be mixed and with gentle movements, without touching healthy areas of the skin, lubricate the rashes. The prepared solution will be blue. It does not cause skin burns. The product should be stored in the refrigerator. At the first symptoms of the occurrence of herpetic eruptions, it is necessary to lubricate the bubbles with iodine solution. In order to prevent the spread of infection, cotton swabs must be changed after each treatment.

Using complex treatment. Together with an iodine solution, antiviral drugs are used, which are designed specifically to combat this type of virus. Against herpetic eruptions, ointments such as Acyclovir, Zovirax, Gerpevir, Cycloferon liniment are used. Together with iodine treatments, the wound healing process will only accelerate.

The use of an alcoholic iodine solution for herpes does not have a depressing effect on the virus itself.

It is necessary to treat the virus using multivitamins, preferably with a high content of vitamin C and B. Immunomodulating drugs will help speedy healing of herpes sores. They suppress the virus and maintain the immune status of the body.

Precautions in the treatment of herpes with iodine

When treating herpes with iodine or Iodinol, certain precautions should be observed.
In order to cure herpes with iodine as soon as possible, it is impossible to remove the formed crusts and squeeze out the bubbles, since there is a huge probability of infection.

Wash your hands thoroughly before handling vesicles with iodine solution. The same should be done after treatment of wounds. The carrier of the virus should be given separate hygiene items: a towel, cosmetics and dishes.

And live sexually. It is necessary to exclude visits to swimming pools, saunas and other places associated with water procedures.

It is necessary to treat the affected areas with cotton swabs, without touching healthy skin.

So, in order not to cause a chemical burn with an alcohol tincture of iodine, you can replace it with Iodinol, Fukortsin or Zelenka, which are also antiseptics.

Herpetic eruptions can occur several times a year, so you need to remove the first symptoms on time with the help of antiviral and antiseptic agents.

It is impossible to completely remove the virus from the body. Antiviral drugs only lull the virus and put it into remission. In addition to these drugs, there are oral antiviral drugs that help delay the onset of relapses, for example, Valaciclovir.

Before buying antiviral and topical drugs for treatment, consult a specialist. This also applies to vitamin complexes and immunomodulatory drugs. In any case, the treatment of herpes should be prescribed by a qualified dermatologist. Therapy can be carried out at home, but only after consulting a doctor.

More on this topic:

According to statistics, the herpes virus is present in the body of 95% of the inhabitants of the planet. Infection occurs at about 3 years of age, when the antibodies received by the child from the mother in the prenatal period disappear from the body. From the moment of penetration, the virus no longer leaves its owner.

What is herpes

Burning, pain and weeping scabs on the lips or under the nose - in the common people, the manifestations of herpes are called a cold or fever, although this is not true. The virus has nothing to do with these painful conditions. It manifests itself when the body's defenses weaken, and this usually occurs against the background of malaise. To get a “decoration”, it’s enough to get nervous, get cold, move an acute respiratory disease on your feet, get sunburned or talk to a person who has herpes in an active form.

Herpes is an infectious disease transmitted by airborne droplets with saliva, kissing, contact with the skin or mucous membranes of a sick person. Medicine recognizes 8 types of the virus, its most common are I (oral) and II (genital). What we call a cold or fever is infected with the HSV type I virus.

Regardless of where the virus entered the body, it is localized at the endings of the trigeminal nerve. After its first penetration, the body begins to produce antibodies that block the further spread of the infection. The further area of ​​the lesion depends on how strong the immunity of a person is. With any weakening of the protective forces, it will be activated and manifest. It is impossible to predict where the bubbles will appear, it can be outside and inside the body. Most often, people experience herpes lesions in the lips and nose.

The presence of a virus in the body is very difficult to detect, for this you need to do special tests. The fact that there is a causative agent of the disease in the body, a person usually finds out when it manifested itself outside.

Iodine against herpes

In the desire to get rid of the painful "decoration" people use many ways to treat it. Folk remedies and modern medicines are used. Unfortunately, science has not yet invented drugs that can cure the virus. All existing remedies only alleviate the condition and promote the healing of ulcers.

Iodine is one of the drugs with which patients try to speed up recovery. There is no consensus in society and the medical environment whether herpes can be treated with an antiseptic.

Some patients claim that it was worth cauterizing the rashes with iodine, as their number decreased, and then the wounds healed faster. Opponents argue that the method does nothing.

Iodine is a strong antiseptic designed to kill infections, but it is powerless against viruses. It can only alleviate the condition with herpes and quickly clear the skin of crusts. But it must be applied correctly, otherwise you can get severe burns, and the disease will last longer than the usual 7-10 days.

How to use iodine for herpes

Doctors see no reason to cauterize herpes with iodine, as the skin will suffer, and the virus itself will still remain in the body. With very intensive application, the epidermis will be burned, and the virus will go inside the dermis. In addition, burned skin will become vulnerable to other types of infection.

Those who want to speed up the disappearance of the sore with the help of iodine can be advised to act on the drug at the initial stage - when the bubbles just appear on the surface and have not yet burst.

  • It is necessary to cauterize carefully, using a cotton swab, pointwise applying the drug to the rashes. It is necessary to move from the outer contour of the bubble to its center. It is important not to touch healthy areas of the skin or mucous membranes.
  • When treating a sore spot, it is often necessary to change the applicator so as not to transfer the infection to other areas.
  • For a better effect, you can combine iodine treatment with zinc ointment. It is also an antiseptic, dries up sores well, prevents the spread of the virus and accelerates healing.
  • Bursting bubbles, while liquid is released from them, cannot be treated with iodine so as not to get burns.
  • You can also use iodine to treat herpes at the last stage, when the crusts begin to dry out. The principle of processing is the same as in the first stage - point application to scabs using an applicator.

Remember, the drug should not be used to treat open wounds.

How to use

In addition to iodine, you can also treat the skin with Iodinol. It is not so aggressive, almost does not burn the epidermis, and disinfects no worse. The active ingredients of the drug are in contact with the affected area longer, providing a therapeutic effect. In addition, the tool can be used several times a day. Iodinol is applied pointwise using an applicator at the initial stage of rashes, and when the crusts begin to dry out.

If Iodinol is not at hand, then the remedy can be prepared independently.

For this you need to take:

  • 10 g of starch and sugar
  • 50 ml warm water
  • Citric acid on the tip of a knife
  • 1 teaspoon a spoonful of 5% iodine.

Dissolve starch in water, add sugar and acid. Mix everything thoroughly. Boil 150 ml of water and carefully pour the starch solution into the boiling water. Cool the resulting jelly and add iodine to it.

Keep the drug in a tightly closed vial. The tool can be used as long as it remains blue.

Contraindications to iodine treatment

When using iodine against external herpes, it is important to observe contraindications:

  • It should not be used by people with hypersensitivity to the components of the product.
  • With hyperfunction of the thyroid gland
  • With exacerbation of chronic diseases
  • With oncology.

Although the herpes virus cannot be corrected, it can be forced into "sleep" mode. The main way is to keep your immunity at a high level.

Of all viral infections, herpes is the most intractable and unpleasant. Regardless of the type of pathogen, the patient is prescribed a complex treatment: ointments for the treatment of rashes, antiviral tablets for internal use, as well as a set of measures to increase immunity.

Is it possible to smear herpes with iodine: cauterization treatment

Therapy should always be comprehensive, as the disease tends to recur. All therapeutic measures are aimed at suppressing the activity of the herpes virus and stopping external symptoms on the lips / other parts of the body. Basically, for this purpose, various medicines are used, which are offered in a wide range by the pharmacology industry. The basis of treatment is ointments and tablets with antiherpes activity. But everywhere there is a place for traditional medicine recipes - safe, effective and affordable.

One of the well-known methods of treating herpes on the lips is cauterization of the rash at the initial stage of its appearance. However, the opinions of experts on this issue are divided. Some argue that the improper use of iodine only aggravates the situation: burns of the mucous membranes and skin occur. Others say that cauterization is not only possible, but also necessary: ​​you just have to perform the procedure correctly and you can get rid of the rash very quickly without harm to health.

First of all, it should be noted that it is categorically not recommended to use this remedy at the initial stage of the appearance of rashes on the lips. Iodine does not affect the herpes virus in any way, so it cannot be used to cure the disease. Such manipulations can provoke burns at the site of the rash. As a result, you can "catch" another infection - a bacterial one, which entails suppuration.

Despite the fact that at the initial stages of the development of the disease it is impossible to cauterize a rash on the lips, iodine can be used to treat bursting vesicles (vesicles). Erosion and sores remain in place of those. Iodine treatment will disinfect the wounds that have appeared on the lips, and also protect damaged skin from secondary infection.

The composition and properties of iodine

10 ml of a 5% alcohol solution contains:

  • crystalline iodine - ½ gram;
  • ethanol 96%;
  • potassium iodide;
  • purified water.

Useful properties of iodine:

  • painkiller;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • stimulation of blood circulation through irritation;
  • essential for proper thyroid function.

Indications for use

As an antiseptic and irritant, iodine is used in infectious and inflammatory skin diseases. For the purpose of disinfection, they treat the operating fields, the edges of wounds, and the fingers of the surgeon.

For prophylactic purposes, the drug is used for minor skin lesions, to reduce inflammation in myositis and neuralgia.

How to treat herpes with iodine

Antiseptic and disinfectant treatment is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. The skin affected by herpes should be dry and clean. It is advisable to take steps to make it so;
  2. A cotton swab is moistened in the medicine and smeared on the site of localization of ulcers and erosions. Do it carefully, without strong pressure;
  3. A cotton swab is taken every time a new one, and with a large affected area, several will be needed;
  4. It is necessary to smear only damaged tissues, trying not to touch healthy areas. In this way, it will be possible to avoid a burn;
  5. Use the drug twice a day until erosion and ulcers disappear.

Contraindications to the use of iodine

Iodine should be used with caution in such cases:

  • children's age up to 5 years;
  • pregnancy;
  • tendency to acne and diathesis;
  • hypersensitivity to the agent;
  • trophic and diabetic ulcers.

Possible side effects

In addition to a burn on the lips, which provokes the improper use of the drug, a runny nose, urticaria, salivation and lacrimation, Quincke's edema, skin rash and contact dermatitis may appear.

What can replace iodine?

An effective folk remedy for herpes is propolis tincture. You can buy ready-made in a pharmacy or make it yourself. Propolis tincture has the same properties as iodine. Adherents of traditional medicine use this recipe already at the first stage of the rash. When the vesicles resolve, it will be possible to resort to the help of iodine.

How to prepare and apply a remedy for herpes:

  • grind a piece of chilled propolis on a grater for better dissolution;
  • dissolve propolis in medical alcohol (undiluted) in a ratio of 1 to 10. For example, 10 g of propolis needs 100 ml of alcohol. It is better to store the medicine in a dark glass container;
  • the mixture is infused for 10 days in the dark;
  • the finished product is treated with a rash three times a day;
  • 10 minutes after cauterization, you need to smear your lips with a cream, preferably with mineral oils. It is needed so that the skin does not crack and does not become rough. This also applies to iodine and other alcohol-containing products.

Iodine treatment and anti-herpes ointments

As mentioned, iodine is best used at the healing stage to dry out sores and erosions on the lips and around the mouth. First of all, you need to resort to the help of antiviral ointments and creams.

People who periodically encounter herpes should always have such medicines in their home medicine cabinet. It is best to seek their prescription from a doctor, but there are drugs that can be purchased without consulting him.

The most popular antiviral agents that treat herpes:

  • Ointment "Acyclovir";
  • Cream "Gerpevir";
  • Gel "Panavir".

These drugs act purposefully, destroying the causative agent of the disease. They lubricate the affected areas of the skin every 3 or 4 hours.

Prevention of the appearance of herpes on the lips

Simple measures will help prevent the development of the disease: the elimination of stress, hypothermia, the timely treatment of acute diseases, the control of chronic ailments, and the strengthening of immunity.

For the treatment of herpes, it is necessary to carry out a number of measures that have a directed effect to transfer the virus in the body into a latent state and get rid of the external symptoms of the disease in the form of watery pimples or sores.

Usually, for the treatment of herpes disease, different drugs are used, which are filled with pharmacy kiosks in every city. These include tablets and gels that have an antiherpes effect.

To eliminate the symptoms of the disease with gels, it is required to smear the affected areas of the body locally. They also help reduce the level of contagiousness of the fluid formed in the herpes vesicles, which makes it possible to reduce the risk of re-infection or infection of people around.

Such medicines are expensive, and many people refuse medications in favor of folk remedies.

Iodine treatment

At the initial stage, many infected people try to cauterize watery pimples with iodine. However, not all doctors tend to classify this method of treating herpes skin lesions as safe.

Some argue that cauterization, which is performed using the wrong technology, can lead to serious complications, for example, to lesions of the mucous membranes, and also cause severe burns. Others tend to think that it is possible to smear a herpes rash, but according to a certain technology.

When should treatment be done?

The appearance of watery rashes

It is a big misconception that herpes must be treated using iodine throughout the active stage of recurrence. In no case should you smear them with a fresh rash. This is due to the fact that the infection that causes herpes disease is not able to respond to iodine, and, therefore, there will be no cure.

Due to such procedures, an infected person can get severe skin burns, where a viral rash was localized. These burns can become foci of the spread of pathological bacteria, which will provoke the appearance of suppuration.

burst pimples

Iodine can be used to treat burst blisters of a herpes rash when sores have already formed in their place. This is necessary in order to disinfect the resulting wound, and to exclude the possibility of foreign infection entering the bloodstream.

Processing technology

To smear the sores with iodine, in order to exclude microbes from entering the open wound, it is necessary as follows.

  1. The surface to be treated needs to be cleaned first.
  2. A cotton swab must be moistened with iodine and easily applied to the damaged area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin. It should be noted that the pressure on the sores with a cotton swab with iodine should be minimized in order to prevent the appearance of cracks in the healed areas of the skin. You can not cauterize those pimples that have not yet burst!
  3. If there are a lot of lesions, the cotton swab must be changed to prevent the spread of infection throughout the body.
  4. You should cauterize only those parts of the body that are attacked by the herpes virus, without going to healthy skin, so as not to infect them.

In no case should a rash that is at an early stage of development be treated. For them, you can use special effective ointments, which are sold at the pharmacy kiosk.

For example, Acyclovir, Tromantadine, Valaciclovir, as well as their analogue Famciclovir, are quite effective in the matter of prompt elimination of watery herpes sores. In the event that the recurrence of herpes is very severe, special medications for internal use are also prescribed during complex therapy.

Efficient Processing Methods


One of the most effective ways to treat herpes sores with iodine is to combine this substance with potassium iodide. Mixing iodine and potassium iodide is not at all necessary, since there is already such a finished product called Iodinol.

This tool has long been famous for its medicinal properties, among which are: antifungal, antiviral, and antimicrobial action. Iodinol can only be used externally.


If there is no desire to buy Iodinol, it must be prepared at home if there is iodine and starch. Why should you take 10 grams of starch and dissolve it in 50 milliliters of boiled water at a warm temperature

Citric acid is poured into the starch water base in the volume of the tip of the knife, as well as 10 grams of sugar. The whole mixture should be mixed well, and then pour one teaspoon of 5% alcohol solution of iodine. With the right manufacturing technology, the anti-herpes solution should turn blue.

How does it work?

If you cauterize the sores with this solution after a herpes relapse, they dry faster without causing complications and burns. Sugar with citric acid play the role of preservatives so that the healing solution can retain its properties longer. However, it can only be stored in the refrigerator.

The main active substance of Iodinol are compounds whose function is to slow down the release of the substance and lengthen its contact with the treated areas of the body in order to provide the most profound effect on the virus.

This solution practically does not irritate the skin, which allows it to be used several times a day to cauterize open wounds.

It is Iodinol that is able to more safely burn the affected areas of the skin than iodine. It has a disinfectant effect, and also actively blocks the spread of various infections.


At the stage of the fight against herpes rashes, it is recommended not to use iodine in its standard form, since it does not make it possible to often cauterize the wound, and can also cause burns on the skin. Instead of standard iodine treatment, it is better to use cauterization with Iodinol.

It should be noted that in case of severe relapses, treatment with iodine and iodine solutions will be small. In this case, such a remedy can only be used in complex therapy against herpes.