Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) is the key to relaxation and good mood. Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)

Included in medications


N.03.A.G.03 Gamma aminobutyric acid

Pharmacodynamics:Stimulates metabolism in the brain, being the main inhibitory mediator of the central nervous system. Improves blood supply and energy processes in brain cells. Increases the oxidative activity of neurons. Improves the uptake of glucose by neurons and the utilization of toxic metabolic products. Interacts with GABAergic receptors of two types - A and B. Promotes the restoration of speech and motor functions in patients with cerebrovascular accident. Provides moderate central hypotensive action, which, however, does not affect cerebral hemoperfusion. Reduces symptoms associated with hypertension such as dizziness, insomnia and headache. In diabetic patients, it reduces blood glucose levels. Pharmacokinetics:Absorption is fast. Low toxicity to humans. The maximum concentration of the drug in plasma is observed after 60 minutes, then rapidly decreases. It is eliminated from plasma within 24 hours, after this time it is not detected in blood plasma. Elimination mainly by the kidneys unchanged. In animal experiments, gamma-aminobutyric acid did not have the ability to penetrate the blood-brain barrier. Indications: Gamma-aminobutyric acid is used mainly in the treatment of senile and elderly patients - in rehabilitation after suffering a cerebrovascular accident.

Postponed brain injuries - to increase the motor and mental activity of patients.

In children with lagging behind mental development with reduced mental activity.

With the consequences of alcoholism - alcoholic encephalopathy, polyneuritis, dementia.

Endogenous depression with a predominance of astheno-hypochondriac phenomena and difficulty in mental activity.

V.F70-F79.F79 Mental retardation, unspecified

VI.G60-G64.G62.1 Alcoholic polyneuropathy

VI.G80-G83.G80 Cerebral palsy

XIX.S00-S09.S06 Intracranial injury

XIX.T66-T78.T75.3 Motion sickness

XIX.T90-T98.T90.5 Consequences of intracranial injury

V.F00-F09.F03 Dementia, unspecified

XVIII.R50-R69.R51 Headache

IX.I60-I69.I69 Consequences of cerebrovascular diseases

IX.I60-I69.I67.2 Cerebral atherosclerosis

IX.I10-I15.I15 Secondary hypertension

IX.I10-I15.I10 Essential [primary] hypertension

VIII.H80-H83.H81.9 Violation vestibular function unspecified

VI.G40-G47.G45 Transient transient cerebral ischemic attacks [attacks] and related syndromes

V.F50-F59.F51.1 Drowsiness [hypersomnia] of non-organic etiology

V.F30-F39.F34.1 Dysthymia

V.F30-F39.F32 depressive episode

V.F10-F19.F13 Mental and behavioral disorders caused by the use of sedatives or sleeping pills

V.F00-F09.F07.2 Postconcussion syndrome

VI.G90-G99.G93.4 Encephalopathy, unspecified

Contraindications:hypersensitivity, childhood up to 1 year, acute renal failure, pregnancy (I trimester) and lactation. Carefully: No data. Pregnancy and lactation:The drug is contraindicated in the first trimester of pregnancy and lactation. Application in II and III trimesters pregnancy is possible according to the prescription of the attending physician. Dosage and administration:The drug is taken orally before meals for 0.25 g. Depending on the nature of the nosology, adults are prescribed 0.5-1.25 (2-5 tablets) 3 times a day. Maximum daily dose 4 g, maximum one-time - 1.5 g.

Use in children

Depending on age, children are prescribed 0.5-3 g per day in equal portions. The course of treatment is from 2 weeks to 6 months, depending on the severity of the disease and the tolerability of the drug.

Side effects:Gamma-aminobutyric acid is very low toxicity. Sick different ages well tolerated. Sometimes there may be digestive disturbances, insomnia, a feeling of heat, fluctuations blood pressure, which, however, is observed only in the first days of treatment. It is necessary to reduce the dose, after which these phenomena usually disappear quickly. Overdose: Symptoms: increased severity of side effects.

Treatment: gastric lavage, activated carbon, symptomatic therapy.

Interaction: Enhances the action of benzodiazepines, many hypnotics and antiepileptic drugs. Special instructions:During the period of treatment, it is necessary to be careful when driving vehicles and refrain from activities potentially dangerous species activities requiring increased concentration attention and speed of psychomotor reactions. Instructions

Gamma-aminobutyric acid is an active substance that is a fine crystalline powder white color with slightly bitter taste and specific smell.

What is the effect of the drug Gamma-aminobutyric acid?

Preparations, which include gamma-aminobutyric acid, are nootropic drugs, they stimulate the metabolism directly in the brain, which in a positive way affects his activities.

Gamma-aminobutyric acid is considered the main mediator, which is involved in the processes of the so-called central inhibition. This active substance improves blood circulation in the brain, activates energy processes, in addition, increases the respiratory function of tissues, takes part in the utilization of glucose, and also in the removal of some toxic products that are formed during metabolism.

The active substance interacts with specific so-called GABAergic receptors. Improves nervous processes, increases mental productivity, improves memory, in addition, it has a moderate anticonvulsant, psychostimulant, and also antihypoxic effect.

Preparations containing this active substance contribute to the restoration of motor functions, and also normalize the quality of speech after a direct violation of cerebral circulation.

Gamma-aminobutyric acid has a slight hypotensive effect, which leads to a decrease in the initially elevated blood pressure, in addition, reduces dizziness, normalizes sleep, slightly slows down the pulse rate. In patients with a history of diabetes mellitus, there is a decrease in the level of glucose in the bloodstream, under the influence of this active substance.

The concentration of gamma-aminobutyric acid in the blood is reached in about an hour, after which it decreases quite quickly, after a day the active substance is not detected in the plasma, it has low toxicity, it does not penetrate well through the BBB.

What are the indications for use of Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid?

I will list when gamma-aminobutyric acid is indicated for use:

Preparations containing this active substance are effective in damage to the vessels directly in the brain, such as atherosclerosis and in the presence of hypertension;
With cerebrovascular insufficiency;
With dyscirculatory encephalopathy;
Prescribe a medicine for impaired speech, memory, attention, in addition, with dizziness and frequent headaches;
Effective use for the consequences of a stroke;
With the consequences of a traumatic brain injury;
With alcoholic encephalopathy and polyneuritis;
With mental retardation diagnosed in children;
At children's cerebral palsy;
With endogenous depression.

In addition, drugs containing gamma-aminobutyric acid are recommended to be prescribed in the presence of motion sickness with air and seasickness.

What are the contraindications for the use of the drug Gamma-aminobutyric acid?

Among the contraindications, hypersensitivity directly to gamma-aminobutyric acid can be noted, in addition, do not use drugs in childhood, in particular up to one year, as well as during pregnancy and renal failure acute nature.

What is the use and dosage of "Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid"?

Medicines containing gamma-aminobutyric acid are recommended to be taken orally, before meals, with pills. necessary quantity boiled water.

Adults are usually prescribed a dosage of 1.5 to 3.75 g / day; from one to three years, the dose can reach up to 2 g / day; from 4 to 6 years, take 2 to 3 g / day; older than seven years, the amount should not exceed 3 g / day.

What are the side effects of Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid?

Preparations containing gamma-aminobutyric acid in the composition can cause a few side effects, among which the addition of nausea, which can sometimes develop into vomiting, can be noted.

In addition, the patient may feel insomnia, sometimes the temperature rises, the patient feels hot, and it is also possible that blood pressure fluctuates, it can either decrease or increase slightly.

If a listed states will bring significant discomfort to a person, in this case it is necessary to consult a specialist. If necessary, the doctor will reduce the dosage of the drug, or temporarily cancel it.

Overdose of "Gamma-aminobutyric acid"

In case of an overdose of tablets containing the active substance gamma-aminobutyric acid, it is recommended to urgently wash the patient's stomach, if necessary, you need to call a doctor, or consult a medical institution yourself.

Preparations containing Gamma-aminobutyric acid (analogues)

Gamma-aminobutyric acid is contained in the drug Gamibetal, it is available in tablet form, has a nootropic effect. The next medicine is Gammalon, it is also produced in tablets, which should be taken on the recommendation of a doctor in accordance with the indications.

Another medicine, which contains gamma-aminobutyric acid - this is Aminalon. Tablets improve metabolic processes in the brain, they should be used as directed by a doctor.


Gamma-aminobutyric acid is a biogenic substance, an amino acid contained in the human brain and responsible for metabolic and neurotransmitter processes in it. GABA, or GABA, is an important inhibitory neurotransmitter in the CNS useful action extends to the activation of the energy processes of the brain, increasing respiratory functions tissue, improving blood circulation and glucose utilization.

GABA allows you to relieve the tension of nerve endings, has a calming and tonic effect, sometimes acting as a tranquilizer, anxiolytic action, excluding the stage of addiction.

In medicine, GABA amino acids are used to treat sexual dysfunction due to its relaxing effect.

Pharmaceuticals with GABA

The most common drug containing GABA is Aminalon, designed to enhance metabolic processes in the brain. This drug is different high content GABA, high speed digestibility and subsequent concentration in the blood, the organization of strong bonds with plasma.

The disintegration of the drug occurs in the kidneys and liver, after which carbon dioxide urine is excreted from the body, being a non-toxic drug.

Also, drugs Gamibetal and Gammalon, Picamilon, quite effective and high-containing active substance medicines, are also in rather high demand among athletes.

How to take GABA

For full action gamma-aminobutyric acid, it is necessary to set the dosage in the amount of 3.5 - 3.75 grams per day. You need to take GABA twice a day, at the request of the host, there are no strict contraindications or certain norms for taking the drug. Due to the high digestibility, it can be taken both after training and before, most importantly - before meals.

GABA in bodybuilding

For strength athletes, GABA is especially valuable because of the function that allows you to actively stimulate the anterior pituitary gland, as a result of which growth hormone is produced.

Taking GABA allows you to achieve effective fat burning and anabolic effects. In addition, it is worth noting a number of significant achievements for the athlete's body, which are the result of taking this amino acid:

  • improved sleep and concentration;
  • relief of the body;
  • muscle activity;
  • sedative effect;
  • lack of toxicity.

Side effects

Preparations with gamma-aminobutyric acid practically do not have negative consequences after ingestion or overdose. As a rule, all the negative action comes down to excessive sweating, increased anxiety, panic anxiety, nausea, exceptional cases vomiting. Sometimes from GABA are possible side effects in the form of fever and instability of blood pressure.

GABA is contraindicated in people suffering from kidney failure and chronic sleep disturbance, in other cases, individual intolerance to the active substance may occur.

At possible overdoses the victim is washed with a stomach and given rest.

Evaluation of the effectiveness of GABA

Since 2003 medical institutions different countries of the world began active research aimed at confirming the effectiveness of the use of GABA. Long-term experiments fully confirmed the ability of gamma-aminobutyric acid to increase the secretion of growth hormone under the influence of physical exertion.

Since 2008, experiments with GABA have been carried out exclusively with the involvement of bodybuilders, in again proving its effectiveness. On average, the results of studies have shown that the concentration of growth hormone with the use of this amino acid increases up to six times.

Amino acid Gaba, pharmachologic effect, the main indications and contraindications for use, side effect substances, dosage, tea and drugs to restore the level of GABA in the body.

Description of amino acid Gaba

Gamma-aminobutyric acid is a substance that the body is able to synthesize on its own, but certain factors can deprive this ability. These include stress, alcohol abuse, excessive brain activity, low protein diet, which also lead to sustainable bad mood, discontent life situation, lack of motivation. It turns out that possible reason of these problems is the lack of GABA.

Thus, Gaba is the most important mediator brain. It has a depressing effect on the central nervous system. Therefore, this amino acid can be called a tranquilizer. It is present in every element of the central nervous system, however, the concentration may vary.

In connection with the importance of this amino acid for the proper functioning of the human body, they learned how to synthesize it artificially. On its basis, food additives and teas are made. GABA is also used as excipients in medicinal preparations.

In general, externally supplied GABA has a low ability to enter the brain. Therefore, it is advisable to take special means, which easily overcome the blood-brain barrier and are further converted into GABA under the influence of enzymes.

Useful properties of GABA substance

GABA is a nootropic drug designed to regulate nervous excitement it has a calming effect. Its use in medicine is justified by a number of useful properties. Let's describe them in more detail.

The use of a dietary supplement with the amino acid Gaba, for example, in bodybuilding is justified by the fact that this substance is capable of exerting positive influence on the endocrine system. It is known that GABA is found in high concentration in the hypothalamus, therefore it plays important role in the regulation of the activity of this part of the brain, which is responsible for regulating the sleep cycle, body temperature and pituitary gland activity. And the pituitary gland, in turn, regulates hormonal processes, controls the functions of the endocrine glands.

The consequence of this mechanism is the presence of such indirect beneficial properties of GABA:

  • Increasing the speed of metabolic processes;
  • Stimulation of production more growth hormone;
  • Stimulation of the pancreas to produce insulin;
  • Decreased blood sugar levels.
For people involved in bodybuilding, the end results of the processes described above are most valuable. With the intake of GABA, they burn more efficiently body fat, muscle relief is achieved faster, the rate of mass gain increases and strength indicators increase.

Useful for of cardio-vascular system Gaba properties:

  1. Lowering and normalizing blood pressure;
  2. Relief of symptoms associated with atherosclerosis;
  3. Reducing the intensity of dizziness and sleep disturbances caused by hypertension;
  4. Prevention of a heart attack;
  5. Slight decrease in heart rate.

Effects of GABA on the nervous system

The pharmacological action of the amino acid Gaba is based on the fact that GABA is the main neurotransmitter that takes part in the processes of central inhibition. It facilitates rapid communication between nerve cells and between nerve cells and muscles.

This substance activates the energy processes in the brain, under its influence the respiratory activity of tissues increases, the glucose utilization by the brain is accelerated, and blood supply improves.

The beneficial effect of the Gaba amino acid can be described as follows:

  • Decreased intracranial pressure;
  • Increase mental and motor activity patients who have had a stroke, head trauma;
  • Memory improvement;
  • Removal of spasms in the vessels of the brain, due to which the intensity of tinnitus and headaches decreases;
  • Relief of symptoms of depression and bipolar disorder;
  • Increasing mental clarity;
  • Relief of manifestations of alcohol intoxication;
  • Normalization of the mechanisms of wakefulness and sleep;
  • Reduced susceptibility to seasickness;
  • Reduced anxiety.
  • Increasing self-control.

Indications for the use of the amino acid Gaba

Indications for use food additives with amino acid Gaba are as follows:
  1. Atherosclerosis, hypertension and other diseases associated with damage to the vessels of the brain;
  2. Cerebrovascular insufficiency;
  3. Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's;
  4. Epilepsy;
  5. sleep disorders;
  6. Violation of memory, speech, attention;
  7. Encephalopathy;
  8. headache, dizziness;
  9. Alcoholic polyneuritis;
  10. mental retardation in children;
  11. Alcoholic encephalopathy;
  12. Cerebral palsy;
  13. Dementia;
  14. Consequences of a stroke or traumatic brain injury;
  15. Symptom complex of motion sickness (seasickness);
  16. Endogenous depression, accompanied by difficulty in mental activity.

Contraindications and side effects of GABA

Contraindications for GABA are few and far between. this amino acid is an essential element in the functioning of the central nervous system.

So, taking products containing gamma-aminobutyric acid is contraindicated in the following cases: first trimester of pregnancy, children under 1 year of age, hypersensitivity, acute liver failure, hypotension, exacerbation period diabetes and kidney disease.

Side effects occur with an overdose, the presence of individual intolerance, as well as in the first days of taking the substance.

They manifest themselves in insomnia or, conversely, in increased sleepiness, large fluctuations in blood pressure, changes in heart rate, respiration. Some patients report a tingling sensation in the neck and face. Perhaps the appearance of nausea and vomiting, dyspepsia, hyperthermia, sensations of heat.

An excess of GABA can lead to increased anxiety, shortness of breath and shaking of the limbs.

Instructions for use of the amino acid GABA

For the substance Gaba, the instructions for use contain the following recommendations:
  • It is taken orally, before meals.
  • For adults, the daily dose is up to 3.5 g. To achieve the effect, the minimum dose is 1.5 g per day.
  • For children from 1 to 3 years: the minimum dosage is 0.5 g, the maximum is 2 g per day.
  • For children from 4 to 6 years old: the minimum daily dose is 2 grams, the maximum is 3 g.
  • For children over 7 years old, the dosage is 3 g per day.
  • The daily dose is usually divided into 3 doses.
  • The minimum course of treatment is 2 weeks, the maximum is 4 months.
  • To eliminate the motion sickness syndrome, adults take 0.5 g, and children 0.25 g three times a day for 3 days.
  • In the fight against insomnia, the drug is taken exclusively at bedtime. In the first week, the dosage is 2 g, in the second - 3 g, in the third - 4 g, in the fifth and subsequent - 5 g.
  • How to take Gaba in bodybuilding - immediately after training at a dosage of 3 g. This ensures the secretion of growth hormone.

What is Gaba tea

GABA tea is a raw material processed in a special way to saturate tea leaves with gamma-aminobutyric acid. It is noteworthy that even regular tea contains GABA, but in a smaller amount, and at the same time, the usual method of brewing does not allow isolating this substance into the infusion.

Gaba tea is made in several ways:

  1. The first. After the fermentation of the tea leaf, it is placed in containers made of metal, hermetically sealed and the air is pumped out of them, then filled with nitrogen. This processing takes about 10 hours. In its process, GABA is synthesized naturally in the leaves. And then comes the roasting process.
  2. Second. The standard tea production technology includes an additional stage - spraying the tea leaf with GABA. This option allows you to increase the content of this substance hundreds and even thousands of times. Notably, replacing the airless stage with spraying eliminates oxidation processes, resulting in more nutrient retention.
These processing options make it possible to make a GABA extract with conventional home brewing.

Taste qualities of Gaba tea: pleasant aroma, sweet or sour taste, refreshing aftertaste.

We will describe how to brew Gaba tea:

  • To brew 3 grams of tea, use about 300 ml of pure water.
  • Boil water and cool it to 80 degrees.
  • Use clay containers (teapot, cups) of small volume.
  • Pour over the tea and leave to brew for 5 minutes.

The price of Gaba tea depends on the manufacturer, manufacturing technology, the presence of additives. In general, the cost of 50 g of tea starts at 450 rubles.

Overview of drugs with the active substance GABA

Here is an example of several common drugs, the action of which is aimed at replenishing the amino acid Gaba in the body:
  1. Aminalon. Sold in the form of capsules or tablets at a dosage of 0.25 g. The drug is able to enhance the effect of anticonvulsants, hypnotics. The cost of one package (100 tablets of 0.25 g), depending on the manufacturer, varies from 240 to 450 rubles.
  2. Pantogam. Active substance- calcium salt of hopantenic acid. The formula also includes vitamin B5. The action of the drug is aimed at improving the metabolism of GABA. Produced in the form of syrup (100 ml, 10%), tablets (50 pcs., 250 mg). The cost is 430-450 rubles.
  3. Picamilon. A widely used remedy. The active substance is nicotinoyl gamma-butyric acid. Once in the brain, it breaks down into GABA and niacin, so the main properties of GABA are added to improve blood flow and vasodilation. The cost of packaging the drug in the form of tablets (30 pieces of 50 mg) - 90 rubles, in ampoules (10 pieces, 2 ml, 10%) - 130 rubles.
What is Gaba - look at the video:

Preparations to increase the level of amino acid Gaba in the body can be bought at pharmacies. There are a lot of offers on the Internet for the sale of Gaba tea, many of the options contain additives, for example, lavender. Therefore, everyone will be able to find exactly the product that, in addition to health benefits, will also bring taste pleasure.

Gamma aminobutyric acid(eng. Gamma Aminobutyric Acid) is an amino acid that acts as an inhibitory neurotransmitter in the human and mammalian central nervous system. Neurotransmitters in the broad sense of the word - chemical substances through which an electrical impulse is transmitted from a nerve cell to a neuron. AT medical purposes GABA(or GABA) is used when various disorders psyche (including Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases), as well as a sedative and relaxing agent.

Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA): formula

GABA is an amino acid organic matter branched chemical formula. synthesized in the body from glutamine amino acid (part of proteins in the body and is not indispensable) with the assistance of a special enzyme - glutamate decarboxylase.

Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA): receptors

It acts in the structures of the central nervous system through GABA receptors. In fact, receptors are cells that perform the function of transmitting electrical impulses, they can either activate the transmission process or slow it down. In case of GABA, receptors accept an amino acid, which, in turn, inhibits processes inside nerve cells. Receptors are located GABA in brain structures.

Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA): properties

Properties gamma-aminobutyric (GABA) acids have been studied very well:

  • Mediators - this amino acid is responsible for the speed of transmission of impulses between nerve cells and neurons: GABA participates in the processes of inhibition.
  • Sedative and mild sleeping pills - GABA relieves irritation and soothes.
  • Metabolic - amino acid improves metabolic processes in the brain, improves its oxygen supply. Along with GABA, cerebral circulation can be improved by taking , or .
  • GABA removes metabolic products from the body.

Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA): application

Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA): in the pharmacy

You can buy at a pharmacy, the choice of drugs is small, and in general the quality leaves much to be desired. Why take the risk when you can buy absolutely safe product at a good price, and the choice of drugs in the online store is diverse.

Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid (GABA): Tablets

Pharmaceutical companies offer a wide range of drugs containing . Very often, buyers choose a tablet form (such tablets can be bought at a pharmacy). The concentration of the substance in such preparations is small - 250 mg, but this is convenient, the doctor can prescribe any dosage. Tablets enter the body and begin to act no earlier than an hour later, so they are best taken before bedtime. If there is a desire to accelerate the effect of the penetration of the active substance, then it is better to purchase a drug with capsules, there are most of them on the site, and they are quite relatively cheap.

Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA): instruction

Optimal dose gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) per day - 750-1500 mg, this amount of the substance is contained in 2-3 capsules or tablets. In any case, in the instructions for a specific drug (dosage for different manufacturers may vary) recommendations for admission GABA are registered.

Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA): how to take

You need to take it daily, depending on the dosage of the selected drug (100, 250, 500, 750), the intake can be divided into several times or you can drink 1 capsule once a day. For example, if the dosage in the preparation is 500 mg, then you can take a capsule three times a day, if 750, then a capsule twice a day. Mandatory condition: the drug should be taken with water or juice, and preferably on empty stomach or before bed.

Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA): contraindications

Gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA) can be taken only after prior consultation with a doctor, since there are a number of contraindications:

  • Hypersensitivity and individual intolerance;
  • Acute renal failure
  • Children's age up to a year.
  • 1st trimester of pregnancy.

Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA): buy, price

Here is such a large range of forms, dosages and manufacturers gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA):

1. Buy gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) at a low price and guaranteed high quality you can in the well-known American online organic store.
2. How to place an order step by step: !
3. Recommend to use in the first order