How long do periods last for girls and women? How many days do menstruation go for girls and women - a healthy duration How often should you change a tampon or pad during menstruation.

November 28, 2012 23:13

When do girls start menstruating?

Menarche (from the Greek "men" - the month and "arche" - the beginning) or the first is the main signal of the girl's body that puberty has occurred, and from that time she can already.

In most cases, the first menstruation occurs between the ages of 11 and 13. The appearance of menstruation in girls under 9 years old is recognized as too early. And too late is the absence of menstruation after the age of 15 or for more than 2.5 years after the onset of breast development (usually it begins between the ages of 7 and 13 years).

In both cases, the girl's parents are obliged to seek help from a pediatric gynecologist and endocrinologist if the deviation in the onset of menstruation is significant (more than 2 years - later or earlier than the generally accepted period).

Such violations can be the result of quite serious diseases:

  1. Failure of the normal functioning of the endocrine system;
  2. Violation of the hormonal background of the girl's body.
The sooner the cause of a health disorder is identified and treatment is started, the more effective the result will be. This will help to avoid many problems in future adulthood.

How long menstruation lasts normally is a topic that is important for every woman. This is a natural physiological process faced by the fair sex. And if everything is in order with the cycle, menstruation comes on time, it is believed that the development of the female body is normal, and the woman is capable of conceiving and bearing a baby.

One of the problems in the reproductive system is. This can happen for a variety of reasons. Of course, with problems with menstruation, you need to make a visit to the doctor. But before that, it is worth finding out what is the norm and what is pathology.

If a woman knows about the norms of the menstrual cycle, then she will be able to understand in a timely manner that there are problems in the work of her body. The factor of individuality should also be taken into account, because how many days menstruation lasts depends on the particular organism.

It is believed that menstruation should go for at least 3 days and no more than 7. This period is characterized by the following symptoms, in addition to spotting:

  • general weakness and increased fatigue;
  • pulling character;
  • decrease in performance.

If critical days fit this description, then everything is normal.

Menstrual days are also different for everyone. But the following options can be distinguished:

  1. from the first day, the discharge contains blood clots. Gradually, every day the volume of menstruation decreases and by about the 5th or 7th day, the discharge stops.
  2. The beginning of menstruation is a dark-colored daub, rather meager in volume. Further, the discharge becomes more intense, the peak falls in the middle of the critical days.
  3. Allocations are different throughout the period. They can be at the beginning, and then increase in volume, or, conversely, the profusion is replaced by daubs and vice versa.


How long do the first periods last? Here, too, everything is individual. Menarche or the first menstruation is an indicator that a girl is going through puberty. It begins on average between the ages of 9 and 15.

The duration of the first menstruation in a young girl is significantly different from the characteristics of the body of an adult woman. The reason is in physiology and unsettled cycle.

The first menstruation in adolescents on average lasts about 5 days. Allocations are often scarce and may be accompanied by unpleasant aching pains in the abdomen, dizziness.

After childbirth

Another question that worries women is how long menstruation lasts after childbirth. In the first days after the birth of a child, lochia is released from the genital tract. The composition of these secretions is different from normal menstruation.

After a normal birth, lochia can last for 5-6 days. The discharge is characterized by abundance and the content of blood clots, in color they are more similar not to menstruation, but to simple blood.

About a week after giving birth, the lochia becomes darker, and then the color changes from brown to yellowish. The average duration of the allocation of lochia is up to 40 days.

A woman should be especially attentive to her body during this difficult period and be sure to consult a doctor if she observes the following symptoms:

  • lochia contains a lot of blood clots;
  • excessively abundant discharge;
  • discharge accompanied by severe pain in the abdomen;
  • an unpleasant odor appears;
  • there is too much mucus or pus in the lochia;
  • the temperature rises, which is not easy to reduce;
  • abrupt cessation of vaginal discharge.

How to count?

If you are interested in how long menstruation lasts for women, you can count the days of your cycle and compare it with the norm. To do this, you can use a regular calendar, where you should mark the duration of menstruation and the interval between them.

The norm is menstruation for 5-7 days and a cycle of 21 to 35 days. If there is a difference in the number of days between cycles, then it should not be more than 7 days. If the menstrual cycle falls within the specified limits, then it is called regular.

The following situations can influence the factor of how long the cycle of menstruation lasts:

  • diets;
  • weight changes, both up and down;
  • climate change;
  • overwork and stress;
  • acute and chronic diseases.

In view of this, the work of the organs of the reproductive system cannot be constant and unchanged, and sometimes there is a deviation from the norm.

Prolonged menstruation

If menstruation continues for a couple of days, and the woman is not disturbed by anything in her health, then there is no need to worry. However, if prolonged periods are characterized by profusion and intensity (more than one pad for three hours), are accompanied by severe pain, contain, you need to go to the gynecologist.

Menstruation that lasts more than two weeks may occur due to the following reasons:

  • hormonal disbalance;
  • inflammatory processes of the genital organs;
  • side effect of the IUD (intrauterine device);
  • adenomyosis;
  • endometrial polyps;
  • malignant neoplasms of the genital organs;
  • thyroid problems.

short menstruation

Considering how many days a girl's period lasts, it is worth remembering the possibility of too short periods.

It is worth considering if during menstruation the discharge is too scarce, or it is just a daub. There can be several reasons for too short periods:

  • malfunction of the ovaries;
  • the use of hormonal contraception;
  • transferred inflammation;
  • curettage of the uterus;
  • injuries of the genitourinary system;
  • dysfunction of the endocrine system;
  • emotional instability;
  • stressful situations;
  • excessive physical activity.

Read about what normal discharge should be like, what white, yellow, or brown discharge indicates, when to worry, and whether to see a doctor.

Why does the stomach hurt before menstruation and feel sick? Details in .

What to do?

If a woman observes problems with the menstrual cycle, it is necessary to find out their causes. In the case of stress or a flight to another climate, it makes sense to wait for the next menstruation. But this is if there are no other symptoms in the form of severe pain or large clots.

If deviations from the norm are observed in the next month, you should consult a doctor for examination and treatment. It is pointless to wait for the cycle to recover on its own, such an expectation can cause even more harm to the body.

The only way a woman can help herself, if there are no serious problems with the functioning of the reproductive system, is to adhere to a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition. The following is recommended:

  • eating as many fruits and vegetables as possible;
  • give up alcohol and smoking;
  • walk more and play sports, cycling, rollerblading, etc. are suitable;
  • try to avoid emotional upheavals and stress.

On the video about the duration of the cycle

A woman should constantly pay attention to her health. Therefore, it is important to have a correct understanding of the functioning of the female body, the processes that occur in it. Ignorance in this matter leads to panic when minor problems appear or, conversely, a frivolous attitude to severe symptoms.
Doctors believe that an important indicator of a woman's condition is the peculiarity of the course of the monthly cycle. The most frightening and prolonged bleeding. No less doubt arises for and . The main question that women ask is: “How long do periods last, and when should I worry?” We offer to understand what is considered the norm, and for what reasons deviations may occur.

Read in this article

What is considered normal

It is very important to monitor the duration of menstruation, as this is an important indicator for:

  • determining the state of functioning of the ovaries;
  • establishing the presence of inflammatory diseases;
  • detection of neoplasms in the uterus;
  • prescribing hormonal drugs.

Women are advised to keep special calendars of the menstrual cycle, where you need to mark the beginning and end of critical days.

First of all, it should be noted that in women in adulthood, the duration of critical days differs from how long menstruation lasts.

When is long periods normal? In medicine, it is generally accepted that ... During menstruation, the mucosa is torn off and comes out in the form of bleeding.

This is a natural stage in a woman's life. Many people know that at about 50 years of age, reproductive function will fade away and menstruation will stop. But menopause lasts several years and is different for everyone.

Menstruation during menopause becomes irregular, their intensity changes, and sometimes they become painful. How a woman will endure the physiological changes taking place with her depends on the characteristics of her body, as well as the degree of informational preparedness.

Before considering what menstruation is during menopause, it is necessary to describe in detail the constituent stages (phases) of menopause:

We have indicated the approximate dates of the stages. They all pass individually and largely depend on physical and psychological health. That's just when the signs of the first phase are observed before the age of 40, then we can talk about an early menopause.

A woman needs to see a gynecologist. With the help of well-chosen hormonal therapy, many manage to delay menopause, there may be a lasting result and menstruation is resumed, including their nature and duration.

What is the peculiarity of the menstrual cycle with menopause

How do menstruation go before menopause? collapses during climacteric. This is due to the fact that the ovaries gradually decrease in size and become less sensitive to hormones. They synthesize smaller amounts of estrogen and progesterone.

At the same time, the amount of FSH (follicle-stimulating hormone) and LH (luteinizing hormone) in a woman's body increases, especially in the first year after menopause.

Thus, there is an imbalance. As a result, periods during menopause become irregular.

Menstruation during menopause

Consider how menstruation proceeds at the beginning of menopause.

The main characteristics of the menstrual cycle are intensity and frequency.

Features of the premenopausal phase

How do menstruation go before menopause? During the premenopausal period, they can be once a month, but with a different frequency. The number of days after which periods begin during menopause gradually changes. For some women, the time period decreases, while for others, on the contrary, it increases.

Delays are more common. Moreover, not one doctor can say how many days is the norm. It all depends on the physiological characteristics of the female body. In most cases, when menopause begins, menstruation is delayed first by 8-9 days. Then the period may increase to 20 days or more.

In some women, periods before can be delayed from several months to six months. Sometimes, the nature of menstruation with menopause becomes acyclic. In other words, in premenopause, they can go in disarray. Moreover, they can begin on any day and a woman should be ready for this.

Expert opinion

Alexandra Yurievna

General practitioner, associate professor, teacher of obstetrics, work experience 11 years.

Be sure to record in detail on the calendar how often menstruation occurs during menopause. It is very important to note not only when it comes, but also when it ends. Based on this information, the gynecologist will be able to identify possible pathologies at an early stage.

Despite the fact that during the premenopause, the functions of the ovaries fade away, eggs still mature in them, which can be fertilized.

Since, due to an irregular cycle, a woman cannot control ovulation, the risk of unwanted pregnancy increases. During this period, more attention should be paid to contraception if you do not plan to register with the antenatal clinic.

Important Points

What is menstruation in the anatomical sense?

How many days do menstruation go with menopause? It is very important to understand that during the period of premenopause, the menstrual cycle changes completely.

Some will have scanty periods, while others, on the contrary, will have abundant discharge. There are periods in premenopause, also, with a change. For most women, the duration is reduced to 3-4 days.

If a woman has protracted periods before menopause (lasting from 7 to 10 days) pass with light bleeding, then this is normal. When long-term ones came with copious discharge, this may indicate. It must be urgently stopped, but always under the supervision of a gynecologist.

Hormonal changes can cause a woman to bleed twice a month. They are usually caused by low progesterone levels.

If the menstruation that has begun 2 times a month has a scarlet color and does not stop for 4-5 days, then there is a suspicion of uterine bleeding. The woman needs to seek immediate medical attention.

When menstruation has come for 2 weeks after the last ex, and at the same time the woman feels pain in the lower abdomen, you should immediately call an ambulance. These are the symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy.

It must always be remembered that menstrual bleeding, which is of this nature and takes place twice a month, symbolizes the need for a gynecological examination.

Causes of uterine bleeding

Once again, I would like to remind you that at the first suspicion of uterine bleeding, you should immediately consult a doctor. In no case should you self-medicate.

A woman can harm her health. In order to fix the problem, it is necessary to establish the cause of the bleeding. To do this, you need to go to the gynecologist.

The following reasons can provoke uterine bleeding during menopause:

  • growing uterine fibroids;
  • the presence of polyps in the uterus;
  • endometrial hyperplasia;
  • polycystic ovary syndrome;
  • pregnancy with pathologies;
  • malfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • poor blood clotting;
  • taking oral contraception.

Only a specialist can make an accurate diagnosis. Therefore, the sooner a woman turns to a doctor, the faster he will be able to eliminate the violations that have arisen.

You should know that periodic bleeding is almost always a signal of the appearance of neoplasms. This means that the woman already had bleeding and after some time it happened again.

Menstruation during menopause

The last period during menopause is very difficult to determine. Doctors determine periods during menopause only retrospectively. If menstruation has not gone for a whole year after menstruation, then menopause is diagnosed.

At menopause, menstruation ends, and the woman enters the last stage of the menopause. You can determine at home with the help of testing. For a small amount of money, the test can be purchased at a pharmacy.

A woman can take a menopause test on her own in the first week of her cycle. If the menopause test showed a negative result, but there was no menstruation, and at the same time, the woman feels signs of menopause, then the home analysis should be repeated after 1-2 months. A negative test result, and menstruation is delayed, then the test must be repeated after 7 days.

When the repeated test result is negative, and there are still no periods, then you should visit an unscheduled gynecologist. The woman most likely has other reasons for the delay. The sooner they are diagnosed, the sooner treatment can begin. Sometimes the result is negative due to the variable volume of female sex hormones.

What are the discharges

We have systematized the possible types of discharge, the nature of which indicates certain pathologies:

White mucous discharge before the onset of menopause contains dead epithelial cells, and therefore is the norm. Lasting at the stage of postmenopause, are considered a symptom of thrush. When any discharge appears, a woman must definitely go to a gynecologist.

Artificial menopause can be caused by a number of drugs: Buserelin, Diferelin, Triptorelin, Goserelin, Zoladex. They must be prescribed by a doctor. The main thing is that the therapy ends on time - you should not take drugs for longer than 6 months.

A woman in a state of artificial menopause has signs of menopause and the main one is the cessation of menstruation. How quickly do periods recover after artificial menopause? After you stop taking the drug, menstrual function will recover on its own after 1-4 months.

In some cases, recovery occurs after a year. In some women, menstrual bleeding may begin with spotting. Gradually, the cycle will return to normal and will not be smeared. Pregnancy can occur immediately after the start of the functioning of the ovaries.


Undoubtedly, premenopause and menstruation during it require a woman to be attentive to her health. But even more attention is required for menstruation after menopause. According to statistics, quite often, after six months, discharges resume. They should alert the woman, so do not delay and go to the doctor. We wish you good health!

Dear ladies, how did your menstruation go during menopause?