Contraceptive drug "Pharmatex": reviews, mechanism of action and analogues. Pharmatex instructions for use, contraindications, side effects, reviews

Analogues of the drug are drugs that have different active ingredients, but are used in the treatment of the same diseases. For example, the main active ingredient of Pharmatex is benzalkonium chloride, which has a spermicidal and antiseptic action. However, if this drug is not suitable for you due to allergies or hypersensitivity, then you can replace it with Nonoxynol. Its active ingredient - the same nonoxynol - is also a spermicide and antiseptic. Thus, Nonoxynol is an analogue of Pharmatex.

Analogues can also be in the form of release - for example, if for some reason it is not convenient for you to use the vaginal gel, then you can use its analogues - vaginal suppositories or tablets.

Most likely, you imagine analogues a little differently and are looking for drugs based on benzalkonium chloride. This representation is closer to the concept of "generic". You can learn more about what a generic is here.

What can replace Pharmatex?

The replacement or prescription of any drug, including contraceptives, can be carried out only after consulting a doctor. Do not be too lazy to go for a consultation, this will protect you from many possible and extremely unpleasant problems. In fact, it is short and inexpensive (or even free) so that you don’t invent yourself there.

Dozens can be found on women's forums negative reviews both about Pharmatex and other spermicidal agents. But it turns out that both experienced women and very young girls who complain about unexpected side effects, for some reason, they prescribed drugs for themselves on their own, on the advice of friends or, in general, information from the Internet.

For informational purposes, but by no means as a recommendation, we will analyze contraceptive drugs that are similar in action to Pharmatex.

Substitutes with the same active substance

As has been repeatedly repeated, the active substance of Pharmatex is benzalkonium chloride. It is it that has a detrimental effect on spermatozoa, namely, it destroys the membranes of spermatozoa. As a result, fertilization of the egg does not occur.


Available in the form of a gel, vaginal tablets and suppositories. What to choose? Pay attention to the amount of vaginal secretion - if there is a lot of it (or you use lubricants), then choose tablets. If not a lot, then choose candles or gel, because these products will act as an additional lubricant.
The main active ingredient of Benatex - benzalkonium chloride, in addition to contraception, has an antiseptic and protective effect against STDs. You need to administer a tablet (a candle, a portion of the gel) deep into the vagina 10-15 minutes before sexual intercourse. The action is recommended to be repeated before each subsequent act, even if little time has passed between them.

Benatex is safe for pregnant and lactating women, can be used for sanitation birth canal before and after childbirth (abortion).


Preparation based on benzalkonium chloride. In addition to the destruction of spermatozoa, Erotex thickens cervical mucus, which blocks the entry of sperm into the external uterine os.

The drug prevents infection with herpes, chlamydia, cytomegalovirus, hepatitis B, candidiasis and other STDs, including HIV.

Erotex is not absorbed through the mucous membrane and does not develop systemic side effects and has no contraindications (except for intolerance to benzalkonium chloride and exacerbation inflammatory processes vagina or uterus). With the development of local side effects in the form of burning or itching, you can simply douche clean water and they will disappear. The drug remains active for 4 hours after administration, however, if repeated sexual intercourse occurs before the expiration of this time, then a new suppository must be administered anyway.

Use during pregnancy and lactation is allowed. The drug remains active even with menstrual flow.

Analogues based on nonoxynol

Nonoxynol is a substance that causes a decrease in motility and death of spermatozoa, i.e. acts as a contraceptive. In addition, it has antimicrobial, antiviral, antifungal effects.

Patentex Oval

A drug that provides double protection against unwanted pregnancy. Firstly, the nonoxynol contained in it destroys the lipid membrane of spermatozoa, which makes them unable to move independently. Secondly, the suppositories melt inside under the influence of body heat and form a foam that mechanically prevents spermatozoa from penetrating anywhere beyond the vagina.

The drug acts locally, is practically not absorbed by the body and has no systemic side effects. Rarely there are local side effects such as dryness and/or burning in the vagina.

As a rule, this drug is not prescribed to pregnant and lactating women (in addition, its effect on breast milk has not been studied enough). Also, Patentex cannot be used after childbirth for the purpose of sanitation of the birth canal.


The drug well protects against unwanted pregnancy, has an antifungal and antimicrobial effect. May be used to protect against STDs, however, there is no evidence of whether the chance of contracting HIV is reduced.

May cause burning or itching in both partners, but these phenomena occur rarely and disappear on their own. The drug is safe and contraindicated only in case of intolerance to nonoxynol or physiological features vagina, making the use of suppositories difficult.

It is not used during pregnancy and for the sanitation of the birth canal after childbirth. Can be used when breastfeeding.

What definitely won't protect you from pregnancy

Choosing a contraceptive based on the advice of friends or random information from the Internet is easy to make a mistake. You understand that the direct consequence of such a mistake will be an unwanted pregnancy with all the ensuing consequences.

For some reason, it sometimes happens that women try to use drugs as spermicidal drugs that do not have any detrimental effect on spermatozoa. How to avoid such mistakes has long been known - just go for a consultation with a doctor!


If you are only interested in antiseptic properties, go to the pharmacy for Hexicon. The drug has almost no side effects, contraindications (with the exception of hypersensitivity to chlorhexidine) and is suitable even for pregnant and lactating women, but (!) Many people try to treat thrush with it and think that it has a spermicidal effect - this is not so. The main active ingredient of Hexicon is chlorhexidine, and it does not have any effect on either the activity of spermatozoa or fungi of the genus Candida. However, the drug perfectly protects against the occurrence of:

  • herpes;
  • Ureaplasmosis;
  • Trichomoniasis;
  • Vaginitis of various etiologies;
  • Bacterial colpitis;
  • syphilis;
  • gonorrhea;
  • Chlamydia.

What is cheaper than Pharmatex, where and how to buy?

All the above drugs are sold in pharmacies in Russia in the public domain (without a doctor's prescription). If you compare the cost of drugs on the sites of pharmacy chains, you can see that Pharmatex is the most expensive contraceptive considered in this article. Its cost, depending on the form of release, varies between 300-400 rubles. But the high price is offset by the variety of forms of release and the reputation of the manufacturer - Innothera Chouzy, France.

The cheapest means of similar action are the Ukrainian "Erotex" (available only in the form of suppositories) and the Russian "Gynekotex" from JSC "Veropharm" (available only in the form of vaginal tablets). The cost of funds "Benatex" and "Patentex Oval" is approximately the same and slightly lower than the cost of Pharmatex. The price of "Nonoxynol" is a little lower (only available in the form of suppositories).

But in general, comparing prices is a thankless task. The cost of drugs in different pharmacies varies significantly. In addition, when choosing a contraceptive, you need to focus not on the price, but on how the drug is right for you.

What is better or application features

With reasonable use, the considered contraceptives are safe for health - there have been no cases of overdose or severe irreversible consequences after their use.

In addition, they can be used in combination with any other means against unwanted pregnancy - a condom, an intrauterine device, oral contraceptives or a contraceptive implant.

The drugs do not adversely affect the hormonal background.

Thus, it is impossible to argue that this or that drug is better or worse than Pharmatex, you need to choose your own remedy.

It should be borne in mind that local contraceptives lose their properties when used together with soap. Therefore, in order to maintain the contraceptive effect, the toilet of the genital organs must be done without (!) Soap. After 2 hours from the moment of the last sexual intercourse, the use of soap is allowed.

Use of local contraceptives together with other vaginal preparations significantly reduces the activity of the former, therefore, their combination is not advisable.

Important! If you use this method of protection, be sure to warn your sexual partner about this, because if he does not use an additional condom, then he may experience such side effects as:

  • burning, dryness and itching in the urethra;
  • irritation of the skin of the penis;
  • allergic reactions;
  • intolerance to the components of the drug.

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Pharmatex is a local contraceptive with antiseptic and spermicidal action, which is available in several dosage forms and is produced by the French pharmaceutical company Lab. Innotech International.

About the drug, composition, form of release

The drug Pharmatex is available in the form of vaginal tablets, vaginal suppositories and vaginal cream:

  • Pharmatex tablets have a round shape and a small hole in the middle, they contain 20 mg of the active ingredient. Produced in a blister for 12 cells, packed in a cardboard box.
  • Contraceptive suppositories Pharmatex have the shape of a cylinder with a cone at the end, white color. They contain 18.9 mg of benzalkonium chloride. Suppositories are sealed in a contour package, 10 pieces in a box.
  • The cream is available in aluminum tubes of 864 mg with a dispenser. One dose contains 28.8 mg active component. The cream has a pleasant homogeneous consistency, white in color and flavored with lavender fragrance.

The active substance of the drug is benzalkonium chloride. This chemical compound has spermicidal, bactericidal, antiviral and antifungal properties. Spermicidal action is carried out due to the surface activity of the active substance Farmateks. It covers the entire vagina with a thin film, slowing down the movement of the male germ cell towards the cervix.

Influencing the bioelectrical balance of the phospholipid-protein layer, the drug damages the membrane of the sperm head and causes the flagella to separate from the body, which makes fertilization from the damaged germ cell impossible.

The drug acts in very low concentrations - 0.005%. During the first 20 seconds of interaction of the seminal fluid with the drug, the activity of spermatozoa is eliminated. single dose medicinal product enough to neutralize the average portion of the ejaculate.

The effectiveness of the drug is very high, but if all the rules for its use are not followed, the contraceptive effect may be lost.

The Pearl Index at Pharmatex is 3-4%. Those. in a year out of 100 women, 3-4 became pregnant using this local contraceptive. The drug has no effect on fertility and libido.

The bactericidal activity of the drug is directed against many sexual infections - gonococcus. chlamydia, trichomonas, herpes virus type 2 and Staphylococcus aureus. Unfortunately, its action does not apply to equally common diseases - mycoplasma, candida, vaginal gardnerella, etc. The drug is not absorbed into the systemic circulation, but is only absorbed on the walls of the vagina.

What helps Pharmatex? - testimony

The main use of the drug is to ensure safe intercourse, both in relation to unplanned pregnancy and in relation to some sexually transmitted diseases.

What helps Pharmatex? Pharmatex tablets, suppositories or cream are used in the following situations:

  • during breastfeeding and immediately after childbirth;
  • if it is impossible to use oral methods of contraception;
  • with rare sexual intercourse, when it is inappropriate to use oral contraceptives;
  • in cases where the birth control pill is missed;
  • in the period before menopause;
  • as additional remedy contraception;
  • after an abortion or miscarriage.

Pharmatex does not provide complete protection against unwanted pregnancy, especially for young couples (under 35 years old), in which the sexual partner has saturated semen. enough active sperm.

Instructions for use Pharmatex, dosage

administration of Pharmatex cream

According to the instructions, Pharmatex tablets must be injected deep into the vagina, lying on your back. Pre-tablet must be moistened (!). The introduction is carried out 10 minutes before the onset of sexual intercourse.

Pharmatex suppositories are administered vaginally in the same position as tablets, but at least 5 minutes before the onset of coitus. Suppositories melt quickly enough at body temperature, so it is better to keep them in the refrigerator beforehand and insert them into the vagina immediately after removing them from the contour package.

  • The action of candles is 4 hours.

The contraceptive cream is squeezed out of the tube into the dispenser container, it is important that no air bubbles form, this reduces the amount of active ingredient in a portion of the contraceptive. Lying on your back, you need to insert the dispenser into the vagina and slowly inject the cream as deep as possible, pressing the plunger.

  • The cream starts working immediately and lasts 10 hours.

The duration of the action of the drug does not mean that during all this time you can have sex. Each new sexual intercourse should be accompanied by a dose of Pharmatex. If the instructions are violated, there is a high probability that the spermatozoa will not lose their activity and the egg will be fertilized.

special instructions

It is very important to follow the instructions for use of Pharmatex, since it is often the non-compliance with the rules of use that leads to an unplanned pregnancy. Do not use soap and other cosmetics for washing during the use of this contraceptive.

Soap, even in small quantities, destroys the active ingredient of the drug and makes it inactive. Therefore, wash with detergents cosmetics and you can douche no earlier than 2 hours after the end of sexual intercourse. Prior to this, you can carry out the external toilet of the genital organs with running water.

The drug is not teratogenic and is not excreted with breast milk, so it can be used during pregnancy (which is inappropriate) and breastfeeding.

Since this contraceptive method does not give absolute guarantees, it makes sense to simultaneously use barrier methods of contraception.

Side effects Pharmatex, contraindications

Side effects include local allergic reactions. In this case, one or both sexual partners may experience itching, redness, swelling, rash and burning sensation. However, according to doctors, Pharmatex rarely gives side effects.

Contraindications to the use of the drug are the presence of hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, irritation and injury of the genital organs, the use of other vaginal drugs during this period of time, which can neutralize the action of Pharmatex.

An overdose cannot happen, since the drug is not absorbed into the blood, but is only distributed along the walls of the vagina.

Pharmatex analogues, list of drugs

Pharmatex analogues include:

  1. Erotex,
  2. Benatex,
  3. Gynecoteks,
  4. Erocepin-Farmex.

Remember that a doctor's consultation is required, but if you are going to use an analogue of the already prescribed Pharmatex - instructions for use, price and reviews of analogues do not apply and cannot be used as a guide for treatment. When replacing Pharmatex with an analogue, it may be necessary to correct the application scheme.

Pharmatex - tablets, cream or suppositories - which is better?

Choose pills, cream or suppositories Pharmatex can only be decided by the woman herself in her own way. subjective feelings. However, there are still some nuances in the use of drugs.

For example, birth control vaginal tablets Pharmatex is suitable only for those women who have no problems with lubrication. Since if the natural lubricant is weakly secreted, then the tablet is quite difficult to insert deep into the vagina, and besides, there may be problems with its dissolution.

Suppositories have a great lubricating function and are suitable for everyone. Pharmatex cream has a high lubricity, its use is considered more hygienic, since it is not necessary to insert fingers into the vagina, a special dispenser is attached for this. In addition, its action occurs immediately and lasts many times longer compared to tablets and suppositories.

Pharmatex is a local non-hormonal contraceptive that protects, among other things, from sexually transmitted infections. The tool is recommended for use by women who have contraindications to the use of hormonal and intrauterine contraceptives. Additionally, it can be used as an auxiliary measure of protection for other options for protection, namely the drug "Farmatex". Reviews about its use are quite contradictory.

How Pharmatex works

The benzalkonium chloride contained in it has excellent spermicidal and antiseptic properties. This substance, destroying the shell of spermatozoa, does not allow them to fertilize the egg. Exact compliance with the instructions reduces the risk of unwanted pregnancy to almost zero.

Benzalkonium chloride is absorbed on the walls of the vagina without being absorbed into the mucous surface. Either naturally, or during the procedure of intimate hygiene.

The drug, on average, begins to work after 10 minutes after its direct introduction into the vagina. A single dose of the drug is designed for only one ejaculation. During secondary intercourse, it will be required in without fail introduce a new dose of the drug "Pharmatex". Reviews about the use of this drug sometimes contain information about such a side effect as a feeling of a rather strong burning sensation. Most likely, this is a manifestation of an allergic reaction to a biologically active substance.

Additional action of the drug "Pharmatex"

Benzalkonium chloride prevents the penetration of the following bacteria and viruses

  • gonococcus;
  • chlamydia;
  • genital herpes virus;
  • trichomonas;
  • golden staphylococcus.

The highest probability of protection against STDs is guaranteed with simultaneous use with a condom.

A drug " Pharmatex": analogues

This medical preparation can be successfully replaced by one of the analogue agents, which also have an active active substance - benzalkonium chloride.

These include drugs:

- Benatex;

- "Kontratex";

- "Pharmagineks";

- "Spermateks";

- Eroteks.

A drug Pharmatex: reviews specialists

Most gynecologists agree in their opinions: the drug should be used if there is no allergic reaction on the active substance in both partners and there are no objections to the use of this drug as an additional contraceptive and antiseptic simultaneously with barrier contraceptives, in particular, with a condom.

Types of preparations "Pharmatex"

Vaginal tablets "Farmateks". Apply 10 minutes before the scheduled

sexual contact. Action time 3 hours

Contraceptive candles "Farmateks". Used 5 minutes before sexual intercourse. Action time 4 hours.

Vaginal cream "Farmateks". Begins to act immediately after administration. Action time 10 hours.

Vaginal tampon "Farmateks". It begins to act after the introduction. Time of action - days. It is removed 3 hours after the last sexual intercourse. Does not require replacement for repeated sexual contact.

A drug " Pharmatex": reviews women

In general, the reviews are good. During application this drug in women, there is a feeling of abundant moisture in the vagina, and this, in turn, somewhat reduces pleasure. Quite often there is an inconvenience, most often psychological, of the administration of the drug. The inability to fully visit the shower, as well as spontaneous unplanned sex outside the home, the use of this contraceptive is not possible. However, many women say that they have been using this contraceptive for several years and have no complaints.

In this article, you can read the instructions for use medicinal product Pharmatex. Reviews of site visitors - consumers are presented this medicine, as well as the opinions of specialist doctors on the use of Pharmatex in their practice. A big request to actively add your reviews about the drug: did the medicine help or not help get rid of the disease, what complications and side effects were observed, perhaps not declared by the manufacturer in the annotation. Pharmatex analogues in the presence of existing structural analogues. Usage contraceptive drug for non-hormonal contraception in women, including during pregnancy and lactation. Side effects.

Pharmatex - vaginal contraceptive. The spermicidal effect is due to the ability of the drug to destroy the membranes of spermatozoa (first the flagella, then the heads), which leads to the impossibility of fertilizing the egg with a damaged spermatozoon. The effect develops immediately after the introduction into the vagina.

In vitro, the drug is active against Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Chlamydia spp., Trichomonas vaginalis, Herpes simplex type 2, Staphylococcus aureus.

Weakly active against Gardnerella vaginalis, candida albicans, Haemophilus ducreyi and Treponema pallidum.

He is active against Mycoplasma spp.

He affects normal microflora vagina (including on a Doderlein wand) and the hormonal cycle.


Benzalkonium chloride + excipients.


Benzalkonium chloride is not absorbed by the vaginal mucosa. It is removed by simple washing with water and with normal physiological secretions.


Local contraception for women reproductive age, including:

  • if there are contraindications to the use of oral contraceptives or intrauterine contraception;
  • in the postpartum period;
  • during lactation;
  • after termination of pregnancy;
  • in the period preceding menopause;
  • with irregular sexual intercourse;
  • when skipping or being late in taking constantly used oral contraceptives;
  • as an additional local contraception when using a vaginal diaphragm or IUD.

Release form

Vaginal capsules 18.9 mg.

Tablets vaginal 20 mg.

Candles vaginal 18.9 mg.

Cream vaginal 1.2%.

Vaginal tampons 1.2 g

Instructions for use and scheme of use


Lying on the back, the capsule is injected deep into the vagina no later than 10 minutes before sexual intercourse. The duration of action of the drug is 4 hours. Be sure to introduce a new capsule before each repeated sexual intercourse. 1 capsule is designed for one sexual intercourse.


Lying on the back, the tablet is injected deep into the vagina no later than 10 minutes before sexual intercourse. Duration of action of the drug - 3 hours. Be sure to enter a new pill before each repeated sexual intercourse. 1 tablet is designed for one sexual intercourse.


Lying on the back, the suppository is injected deep into the vagina no later than 5 minutes before sexual intercourse. The duration of action of the drug is 4 hours. Be sure to introduce a new suppository before each repeated sexual intercourse.


Before the introduction of the vaginal cream, you should attach the dispenser to the tube instead of the cap. Gently squeeze out the contents of the tube until the dispenser is full (up to the stop of the piston) so that no air bubbles form. Disconnect the dispenser from the tube. Close the tube with a lid. Lying on your back, insert the cream deep into the vagina using a dispenser, slowly pressing the plunger. The duration of action is 10 hours. Be sure to introduce a new dose of cream before each repeated sexual intercourse. 1 dose (5 grams of cream) is designed for one sexual intercourse.


Before inserting a vaginal tampon, take it out of its protective packaging. Put middle finger one hand to the center of the flat surface of the swab. Parting the lips of the vulva with the other hand, insert the swab deep into the vagina, up to contact with the cervix. The protective effect occurs immediately and lasts 24 hours. During this period, there is no need to change the tampon, even if several sexual intercourses follow one after another. You can remove the tampon 2 hours after the last intercourse. In any case, the tampon should be removed 24 hours after insertion into the vagina. In the event that difficulties arise with the removal of the tampon, it is necessary to squat down (thereby reducing the depth of the vagina) and pull out the tampon, holding it between the index and middle fingers.

The frequency of use of the drug is limited by the individual tolerance of the active substance and the frequency of sexual intercourse.

It is possible to use Pharmatex together with the vaginal diaphragm or IUD.

Side effect

  • contact dermatitis;
  • itching and burning in the vagina and / or partner's penis;
  • painful urination.


  • vaginitis;
  • ulceration and irritation of the mucous membrane of the vagina and cervix;
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

The drug is a contraceptive, it is not used during pregnancy. When pregnancy occurs against the background of benzalkonium chloride contraception, no effect on the course of pregnancy was found.

Pharmatex is not excreted in breast milk, the drug can be used during lactation.

special instructions

The effectiveness of contraception is associated solely with strict adherence to the rules for its use:

  • enter the capsule (tablet, suppository, cream) so that the selected dosage form penetrates as deeply as possible into the vagina, preferably in the supine position;
  • wait for the complete dissolution of the capsule or tablet in the vagina for at least 10 minutes, the suppository for at least 5 minutes, so that the active substance is completely released;
  • be sure to introduce a new capsule (tablet, dose of cream, suppository) before each repeated sexual intercourse;
  • it is forbidden to use soap for the toilet of the genital organs 2 hours before intercourse and within 2 hours after intercourse, because. soap, even in residual quantities, destroys the active substance of Pharmatex;
  • immediately after sexual intercourse, the external toilet of the genitals is possible only with clean water or with the help of a foaming agent Pharmatex, which does not contain soap, which includes benzalkonium chloride; vaginal irrigation is carried out 2 hours after intercourse;
  • with Pharmatex introduced into the vagina, you can not take baths, swim in the sea, pool and reservoirs because of the danger of reducing the subsequent contraceptive effect;
  • since Pharmatex contains benzalkonium chloride, it is necessary to interrupt its use if any vaginal diseases occur or their exacerbation occurs;
  • in the event that it becomes necessary to treat diseases of the vagina and / or prescribe any other drug vaginally, it is necessary to wait until the end of treatment before resuming (starting) contraception with Pharmatex.

Influence on the ability to drive vehicles and control mechanisms

No data on negative influence drug on the ability to control vehicles and other mechanisms.

drug interaction

Not recommended simultaneous application with drugs used vaginally. Any drug introduced into the vagina can inactivate the local spermicidal action of Pharmatex.

Iodine solutions (including 0.1% iodonate solution) inactivate the drug.

Soap and solutions containing it may reduce the spermicidal effect of the drug. Do not irrigate the vagina before and after sexual intercourse, because soap, even its traces, destroys the active substance.

Pharmatex's analogues

Structural analogues according to active substance:

  • Benatex;
  • Benzalkonium chloride;
  • Dettol Benzalkonium Chloride;
  • Countertex;
  • Spermatex;
  • Farmaginex;
  • Erotex.

In the absence of analogues of the drug for the active substance, you can follow the links below to the diseases that the corresponding drug helps with and see the available analogues for the therapeutic effect.

Pharmatex is a contraceptive drug for local application, characterized by spermicidal and antiseptic action.

Release form and composition

Pharmatex is produced in the form of the following dosage forms:

  • capsules: oval, soft, translucent, light yellow; inside the capsules contains an emulsion from white to white with a yellowish tinge; a slight delamination of the capsule filler is possible (6 pcs in an aluminum and PVC blister, in a cardboard bundle 1 or 2 blisters);
  • vaginal tablets: round shape, white, there is a hole in the center (12 pcs in a polypropylene tube, hermetically sealed with a polyethylene stopper with silica gel, 1 tube in a cardboard bundle);
  • vaginal cream 1.2%: homogeneous white mass with a lavender smell (72 g each in an aluminum tube with a membrane, equipped with a polyethylene screw cap and a perforator for piercing the membrane, 1 tube in a cardboard bundle);
  • vaginal suppositories: cylindrical in shape with a cone-shaped end, white, with a specific smell (5 suppositories in a strip of PVC film with a polyethylene sheath, in a cardboard box 1 or 2 strips).

The composition of 1 capsule includes:

  • auxiliary components: macrogol 400 - 75 mg, dimethicone 1000 - 1042.2 mg, macrogol-7-glyceryl cocoate - 150 mg, hyprolose - 105 mg, colloidal silicon dioxide - 90 mg.

The capsule shell Pharmatex contains: glycerol - 189.75 mg, gelatin - 385.25 mg.

The composition of 1 vaginal tablet includes:

  • active substance: benzalkonium chloride - 20 mg;
  • auxiliary components: macrogol 6000 - 20.7 mg, sodium bicarbonate - 111 mg, lactose monohydrate - 363 mg, lemon acid- 96 mg, magnesium stearate - 5.3 mg, microcrystalline cellulose - 172 mg, colloidal silicon dioxide - 12 mg.

100 mg vaginal cream 1.2% contains:

  • active substance: water solution benzalkonium chloride 50% - 2.4 mg (in terms of benzalkonium chloride - 1.2 mg);
  • auxiliary components: purified water - up to 100 mg, citric acid - 0.002 mg, lavender oil - 0.05 mg, Tefoz 63 (macrogol and ethylene glycol palmitostearate) - 24 mg, disodium hydrogen phosphate dodecahydrate - up to pH 3.5–5.5.

The composition of 1 vaginal suppository (weight 1600 mg) includes:

  • active substance: an aqueous solution of benzalkonium chloride 50% - 37.8 mg (in terms of benzalkonium chloride - 18.9 mg);
  • auxiliary components: solid fat WitepsolS 51 - 1553.1 mg, hyprolose - 9.1 mg.

Indications for use

Pharmatex is used as a local contraceptive for women of reproductive age in the following cases:

  • the presence of contraindications to the use of intrauterine contraception or oral contraceptive drugs;
  • skipping or being late in taking regularly used oral contraceptives;
  • irregular sexual contacts;
  • postpartum period and lactation period;
  • abortion;
  • menopause;
  • as an additional local contraceptive for established intrauterine device or vaginal diaphragm.


  • irritation and the appearance of ulcers on the mucous membrane of the vagina and cervix;
  • vaginitis;
  • hypersensitivity to any of the components of the drug.

Method of application and dosage

All forms of Pharmatex are intended for vaginal use.


The capsule is inserted as deep as possible into the vagina 10 minutes before sexual intercourse in the supine position. The action of the contraceptive lasts 4 hours. Before repeated coitus, it is necessary to introduce a new capsule.

Vaginal tablets

The tablet is slightly moistened with water and in the supine position is injected as deep as possible into the vagina (for complete dissolution) 10 minutes before sexual intercourse. The duration of the contraceptive is 3 hours. Before re-coitus, you must enter a new pill.

Vaginal cream 1.2%

It is necessary to replace the cap on the tube with a dispenser and gently squeeze out the contents of the tube until the dispenser is completely filled (the piston is on the stop) in such a way as to exclude the appearance of air bubbles. Then it is necessary to disconnect the dispenser from the tube and close it with a cap.

The cream is injected deep into the vagina by means of a dispenser in the supine position, slowly pressing on the piston. The duration of the contraceptive is 10 hours. Before repeated coitus, a new dose of cream is necessarily introduced. One dose (5 g of cream) is used for one sexual intercourse only.

Suppositories vaginal

The suppository is inserted as deep as possible into the vagina in the supine position 5 minutes before sexual intercourse. The duration of the contraceptive is 4 hours. Before re-coitus, the introduction of a new suppository is necessary.

Side effects

  • pain when urinating;
  • burning sensation and itching in the vagina and / or penis of a partner;
  • contact dermatitis;
  • allergic reactions.

In case of side effects, you should stop using Pharmatex.

If the severity of the side effects mentioned above increases or other side effects appear, you should consult a doctor.

special instructions

Pharmatex is a contraceptive, so its use during pregnancy is unacceptable.

When pregnancy occurs while using the drug negative impact its course was not detected. Benzalkonium chloride is not excreted in breast milk and may be administered during lactation.

The effectiveness of the contraceptive action of the drug depends on the correctness of its use. When toileting the genitals 2 hours before and 2 hours after sexual intercourse, it is forbidden to use soap to avoid destruction active substance Pharmatex. After coitus, the toilet of the external genital organs is carried out exclusively with clean water. Vaginal irrigation is allowed only 2 hours after intercourse. After the introduction of the drug into the vagina, due to the likelihood of a decrease in the contraceptive effect of Pharmatex, you can not swim in open water, the sea and pools, as well as take a bath. For diseases of the vagina, the treatment of which requires the use of vaginal medicines, Pharmatex is temporarily canceled.

Information about negative impact drug on the ability to control by car and other mechanisms are absent.

drug interaction

Any drug, including soap and the solutions in which it is included, reduces the spermicidal effect of Pharmatex. The use of iodine solutions (including iodonate and 0.1% solution) leads to drug inactivation.


Analogues of Farmateks are: Spermateks, Benateks, Farmagineks, Konrateks, Eroteks.

Terms and conditions of storage

Store at a temperature not exceeding 25 ° C, keep out of reach of children. If the suppositories melt when exposed high temperatures, it is necessary to substitute them under the jet cold water or refrigerate to return to original shape. The composition of the drug will not change.

The shelf life of Pharmatex capsules is 2 years. Shelf life of vaginal tablets and suppositories, as well as vaginal cream 1.2% - 3 years.

Terms of dispensing from pharmacies

Released without a prescription.

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