Symptoms of gardnerellosis in women, the main drugs for treatment. Gardnerella vaginalis: characteristics, tests, symptoms in women and men, treatment

Gardnerellosis is an acute bacterial disease of the genitourinary system that can occur in both men and women. The causative agent of this disease is the bacterium Gardnerella vaginalis.

Highlight following reasons development of such sexually transmitted infection:

  1. Frequent changes of sexual partners (unprotected sexual contact, both in men and women).
  2. Untimely (not frequent enough) replacement of gaskets. This is especially true during menstruation, when the microflora in the vagina is especially vulnerable and susceptible to various pathogenic microorganisms.
  3. A sharp hormonal imbalance (can occur during puberty or pregnancy).
  4. Daily use of thin pads, which creates all the conditions for the spread of infection.
  5. Failure to comply with intimate hygiene rules.
  6. Long-term treatment with antibiotics.
  7. A sharp decrease in the immune system.

In addition, untreated dysbiosis, frequent adherence to an unbalanced diet, various optional pathologies of the reproductive system, as well as long-term use birth control contraceptives.

All predisposing factors to the active progression of the bacterium Gardnerella vaginalis are united by reduced immunity, since in this state a person becomes highly vulnerable to this kind diseases. In turn, it can give impetus to weakening of the immune system. severe stress, chronic fatigue, physical exhaustion of the body or recent illnesses (or surgical interventions).

There are three main ways of infection with this type of bacterial vaginitis:

  1. Sexual penile-genital contact is the most common route of infection with such vaginosis. It is worth noting that the bacterium can get from a carrier of infection to healthy person, both through traditional sexual contacts and during anal or oral sex. A condom won't help much in this case. In most cases, this type of contraception is aimed only at preventing unwanted pregnancy.
  2. Vertical transmission of Gardnerella vaginalis occurs during childbirth. In this case, the bacterium infects a newborn child, but, fortunately, does not develop further in its microflora, since infants simply do not yet have the substance glycogen, which is so necessary for this bacterium for normal growth.
  3. Contact-household infection can occur when using shared hygiene products (towels, linen, washcloths, etc.). Less commonly, bacteria enter the bathhouse or sauna when a person touches the skin of the genitals to dirty seats.

Based on the above methods of infection, Gardnerella vaginalis cannot be called a disease transmitted exclusively through sexual contact. Despite this, in most cases this pathology is detected precisely in those women who are actively sex life and often change sexual partners. This pattern is due to the fact that during unprotected sexual intercourse, the healthy vaginal microflora of a woman collides with the affected male microflora.

After this, the infection-carrying partner simply transmits the bacterium to the woman, who, getting into favorable conditions vagina, begins to actively multiply there. As for carriage of Gardnerella vaginalis only, then incubation period in this case it can last for years. In this case, a person may not even notice obvious signs diseases. Despite this, the disease will still begin to manifest itself sooner or later.

Moreover, gardella will constantly suppress the immune system, making a person weakened and susceptible to other pathologies. To identify this nonspecific vaginal anaerobe, you should take a DNA test, a culture (smear) from the genitals, and a PCR test. It is also important to do this as early as possible, because timely diagnosis and the treatment started can protect against the development of dangerous consequences.

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Gardnerella vaginalis: symptoms and diagnosis

In most cases, Gardnerella vaginalis practically does not manifest itself in men, since they are often only carriers of this infection and do not suffer from it themselves (there are no pronounced symptoms). Rarely, minor inflammatory processes in the urethra, slight purulent discharge and pain when urinating can be observed.

In more advanced cases, a man (with prolonged damage to the vaginal gardnerella) may develop infertility, inflammation of the testicles and prostatitis. It should be noted that in more than 95% of all cases, when the vaginalis is affected by Gardnerella, the man will not even realize that he is sick and infects his partner during sexual intercourse.

In women, Gardnerella vaginalis is accompanied by obvious inflammatory processes in the vagina and cervix. The main feature of this disease there will be the appearance of mucous or purulent discharge from the vagina, which will have a pronounced nonspecific smell of “spoiled fish.”

This is especially noticeable during sexual intercourse without using a condom. The patient also often experiences itching and burning in the genitals, the appearance of sticky yellowish discharge and pain during sexual intercourse. Less common are discomfort during urination, irritation and redness of the vaginal mucosa.

It is important to know

The situation changes when the bacteria Gardnerella vaginalis becomes too numerous and it begins to harm the woman’s microflora. This is especially dangerous in case of low immunity and pregnancy. To detect a Gardnerella vaginalis infection, the patient should take a swab from the vagina (urethra for men) and send it for further microscopic examination.

This is the most the right way, which will allow you to accurately identify the causative agent (focus) of the disease, its type, etc. As auxiliary diagnostic techniques It is recommended to conduct an examination by a gynecologist (urologist), take a test for other anaerobic bacteria and test sensitivity to bacteria using PCR.

Gardnerellosis in women: features of manifestation, dangers and treatment during pregnancy

The general scheme of manifestations of gardnerellosis in women has three stages: carriage, active phase(period of disease manifestation), microflora disturbance or development bacterial vaginosis.

After the initial infection, this sexually transmitted pathogen (gardnerellosis in women) “takes root” in the vagina and, under favorable conditions, begins active reproduction.

If a woman strong immunity, then most likely most of bacteria will die without ever taking root. In this case, gardnerellosis in a woman will have a carrier form. After the first phase, a period of active reproduction of the bacterium begins. In this case, the patient will have itching, burning and bad smell from the genitals. It is also not uncommon for mucous discharge and inflammation to occur. Already at the first appearance of these symptoms, it is recommended to consult a gynecologist, and not wait until gardnerellosis in women begins to manifest itself “in all its glory.”

As shown medical practice, gardnerellosis in women has a long course, often accompanied by complications. The danger of this disease is that bacterial replication changes total balance microflora of a woman. In turn, this provokes the development vaginal dysbiosis or dysbiosis.

At the same time, this lactobacilli contributes to the fact that a woman becomes very susceptible to various inflammatory diseases genitourinary system. It is for this reason that it is very important to promptly diagnose and treat gardnerellosis in women. When gardnerellosis is detected in women during pregnancy, it is prohibited to prescribe traditional antibiotics, as they can adversely affect the fetus.

In this case, it is recommended to use special vaginal suppositories, which have a strong antimicrobial and antibacterial effect. Duration similar treatment should be selected by a doctor individually. Also in this case curative therapy The patient’s sexual partner should also undergo testing.

How to treat gardnerella: different treatments for gardnerella vaginalis

Before finding out how to treat Gardnerella, it is worth mentioning the importance of therapy specifically in males. The fact is that even in the absence of obvious symptoms of the disease, a person will develop chronic inflammation and impaired immunity. This, in turn, can lead to serious disorders of a man’s sexual function (urethritis due to the spread of ureaplasma, prostatitis, urinary disorders and even infertility).

Moreover, if a man is an active carrier, then with each unprotected sexual intercourse he will infect a woman, causing her microflora to be disrupted, a decrease in the number of beneficial lactobacilli and the development of dysbacteriosis. As for gardnellosis in women, it must be treated, because the general functioning of the patient’s reproductive system and even the state of her reproductive function largely depend on this.

How to treat gardnerella with drugs

If you have been diagnosed with Gardnerella vaginalis, a qualified specialist will advise how to treat it; long-term therapy and carefully selected medications. Traditional treatment involves the prescription of immunomodulatory drugs and antibiotics. They must be taken for at least ten days in a row. After this, tests are repeated and, if necessary, therapy is extended.

Many people wonder how to treat gardnerella so as not to infect a sexual partner. The answer is simple: for the period of therapy you need to give up intimate connection, especially without using a condom. The gynecologist (urologist) must personally supervise the process of general therapy for the treatment of Gardnerella vaginalis. Only a specialist knows how to treat this infection; under no circumstances take medications without his prescription and do not self-medicate.

Antibiotics are considered very effective in therapy. They are aimed at suppressing bacterial activity. Metronidazole or Clindamycin are usually prescribed for this purpose. They can be used in the form of tablets, vaginal suppositories or gels. Duration of treatment antibacterial drugs should be ten days.

At the second stage of treatment, the patient needs to “populate” “good” bacteria (lactobacillus) into the microflora.. Most effective means This group includes the drugs Acylact, Laktonorm and Lactobacterin. During the treatment period, the patient needs to follow a special diet. The diet includes a complete abstinence from alcohol, fried, fatty, sweet, flour and spicy foods.

The basis of the diet should be porridge, dairy products, soups, fish and vegetables. To prevent the formation of dysbiosis in the intestines, bifidobacteria (probiotics) are prescribed. Linex or Filak Forte are considered the best. A month after the start of treatment, the patient needs to take all tests again. Further therapy depends on the results obtained.

Gardnerella vaginalis: how to treat using traditional medicine

Traditional therapy can be practiced, but only if the disease is not very advanced and under the strict supervision of a doctor. One of best recipes For such treatment, use sitz baths with the addition of a decoction of birch buds, chamomile or oak bark.

These plant liquids have a pronounced antibacterial effect, so they will help quickly eliminate the source of infection. As adjuvant therapy women are allowed to install bandage tampons soaked in fresh kefir. It will normalize the vaginal microflora.

Gardnerella infection in men: symptoms, complications and prevention

Gardnell infection in men has the following stages of development:

  1. The period of carriage when the disease does not manifest itself in any way.
  2. The appearance of active bacterial replication and the spread of Gardnerella infection.
  3. The appearance of the first signs of the disease in a man (itching, burning, redness, the appearance of small ulcers on the head of the penis). After this, there will be pain when urinating and a burning sensation during sexual intercourse.
  4. Development of diseases against the background of Gardnerella infection. In this case, a man may experience balanoposthitis or urethritis.

If you don't start timely treatment, then the gardnerella infection will begin to spread throughout the body along with the blood, affecting not only the mucous membranes, but also the organs. Thus, the patient may develop a lung abscess, inflammation Bladder, sepsis and Reiter's syndrome.

It is worth knowing that gardnerella infection, if detected during pregnancy, can cause cystitis, premature birth, infection of the fetus or its birth with anomalies. Moreover, in a woman, gardnerella infection can cause blood poisoning, chronic inflammation, deterioration of the bladder and impaired reproductive function.

To reduce the risk of contracting a gardnerella infection, you should follow the following medical recommendations:

  1. Twice a year, undergo a control examination by a gynecologist (by a urologist for men) and get tested by a venereologist.
  2. Have a regular sexual partner and avoid casual sex. You should always use a condom with non-regular sexual partners.
  3. Promptly treat all diseases of the reproductive system that increase the risk of developing gardnerella infection.
  4. Wear underwear only made from natural fabrics.
  5. Carefully observe intimate hygiene.
  6. Strengthen your immune system (exercise, avoid stress, eat well).
  7. Under no circumstances should you use other people’s personal hygiene products or allow them to take your own towels, etc. even close people.

Gardnerella in a smear is detected in the case of various disorders in the microflora of the genitourinary system - both female and male. A microorganism such as gardnerella is not particularly dangerous in modern times. If detected in time, it can be easily managed with simple medical therapy.

The microorganism Gardnerella is the main culprit in the occurrence of genital vaginosis. This type of microbe belongs to the infectious category of pathogens; the infection is transmitted only through sexual contact. In women, gardnerella spreads to the vagina, and in men it infects the genitourinary canal.

The main cause of gardnerella infection is:

  1. Weak immunity.
  2. Frequent change of intimate partners.
  3. Neglect of personal hygiene.

Gardnerella is most common in women reproductive age, in men - under the age of fifty. In the female body, gardnerella can cause various forms bacterial vaginitis, vaginal dysbacteriosis and other mucosal disorders.

Factors that may cause infection female microflora, are the following disorders in the body:

  1. Types of diabetes.
  2. Pregnancy.
  3. Use of hormone therapy.
  4. The appearance of menopause.
  5. Endocrine system disorders.
  6. Hormonal disbalance.
  7. Violation of metabolic processes.

With these disruptions in the body, acidity changes in the vagina and unnecessary elements accumulate, which lead to activation of activity harmful microorganisms. In combination with gardnerella, they provoke the development of vaginitis and dysbacteriosis.

By themselves, these microorganisms do not provoke the development of vaginitis. Therefore, all types of ailments caused by such joint activity of harmful bacteria are classified as nonspecific vaginitis. Particularly advanced cases of gardnerella infection develop into an infection urinary canals and internal genital organs.

Structure female organs prone to frequent infection with Gardnerella, which leads to the development of complex forms of cystitis, pyelonephritis and other serious ailments.

In the stronger sex, gardnerella does not lead to serious complications, but this does not mean that it is harmless and should not be paid attention to. Gardnerella simply does not take as long to develop in men as it does in women.

Microorganisms quickly leave genitourinary tract, since in male body No suitable conditions for their distribution. However, gardnerella can “make friends” with other microbes and create a new combination, which leads to serious consequences.

Symptomatic manifestations

With the active development of microorganisms, the following symptoms appear:

  1. Unpleasant smell of discharge, feeling of the presence of a fishy rotten odor.
  2. An unpleasant odor is combined with gray, sometimes purulent discharge caused by the development of pathogenic microbes.
  3. Significant reduction defense mechanism immune system.
  4. Frequent colds and infectious diseases.
  5. Disturbance of the intestinal mucosa.

Sometimes gardnerella is discovered during the research of a completely different ailment.

How is a microorganism detected?

To identify signs of infection, both partners should contact their primary care physicians - a gynecologist and a urologist. These specialists can additionally refer you to a dermatologist and venereologist. But on early stages the development of gardnerella usually requires one visit to a specialized doctor for the genitourinary system.

After the examination and questioning, the doctor will suggest you undergo a series of tests to clarify the diagnosis. The specialist himself sends the collected smear during the examination to the laboratory for examination. If the laboratory of this hospital does not test smears to identify harmful microorganisms and infectious pathogens, then such an analysis will need to be performed separately.

A smear for Gardnerella can now be taken in many hospitals and clinics immediately on site during the examination. In this case, the specialist will additionally indicate the symptoms that he saw and explain why he made a clarification on the diagnosis of this particular type of pathogen when submitting such a request.

The main method for detecting Gardnerella is a smear collected from the mucous membranes and urinary canals. The biomaterial obtained in this way in the laboratory is amenable to acid-base diagnostics and research using the amino test.

Features of diagnostic methods

A smear is not an absolutely ideal material in a diagnostic sense, since quite often the study can occur during the incubation period of gardnerella development. This is especially true for men. During such a period, the virus goes through a stage of slow development and spread, which greatly affects the test results, since they may be negative given the existing infectious background.

Therefore, when a specialist doubts correct result tests, he prescribes a repeat test in one or two weeks. But in order to accurately exclude the development of gardnerella, it is better to go through several different analyzes to identify the microorganism. In all types of research, a smear will be taken as the main biomaterial, since the microorganism mainly lives in the mucous membranes, but it is contained in very small quantities in the blood.

There are several methods by which the presence of gardnerella in mucous membranes can be detected. These include:

  1. PCR study.
  2. Sowing for the development of Gardnerella.
  3. General smear examination.

Types of research

The PCR examination method is the most accurate and informative. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that specialists do not simply study the reactions of biomaterial to pathogens, but study the genetic combinations that are formed and destroyed in the process. The PCR diagnostic method involves comprehensive study smear, urine and venous blood. This approach ensures high accuracy and obtains informational results.

With this method of studying Gardnerella, the most advanced technologies are used, since studying the polymer chain reaction of DNA and its helical compounds is not an easy task for conventional microscopes.

The resulting biomaterial is subjected to special tests, affecting it with special reagents and directly with suspected microorganisms.

In order for the analysis results to be accurate, it is necessary to properly prepare for collecting biomaterial. Therefore, a morning sample of urine is collected from men, and a smear scraping from women is taken two days before or after the onset of menstruation. When collecting biomaterial in this way, a man is asked not to go to the toilet for about three hours before collection.

The peculiarity of the PCR method is that even in the early stages of infection and during the period of incubation development of the microorganism, thanks to genetic diagnostics, it can be easily determined in biomaterial. Such a test can immediately show even a small amount of Gardnerella. The analysis is difficult to carry out, so its results can only be obtained a week after collecting the biomaterial.

But there are always cases when even the most accurate type of research can give wrong result. This is possible in a PCR study if the subject took strong antibiotics or did not comply with the conditions and established rules for collecting biomaterial. In all other situations, the test results will be accurate.

The next diagnostic method is culture for Gardnerella. This method of research is prescribed if it is necessary to identify the pathogen in the scraping that caused the appearance of vaginosis or dysbacteriosis. It differs from the PCR technique in that it can determine not only the presence of a microorganism, but also its concentration, and can indicate the sensitivity of this infection to certain groups of drugs.

This type of examination is very important at the initial and final stages of treatment, since the test data can be used to determine the degree of progress achieved using the prescribed therapy. Data on drug sensitivity before prescribing treatment are especially important. This approach to diagnosis helps to avoid various consequences from incorrectly selected therapy.

Thanks to a qualitative approach to diagnosis, it is possible to develop First stage and predict further move treatment, since it is possible to immediately remove from the prescription those types of medications that will not be effective.

Normal indicators

Previously, experts believed that a normal smear should not contain more than one unit of an infectious microorganism. But over time, it became clear that it is impossible to completely get rid of pathogenic microbes, since this upsets the natural balance of the microflora of the mucous membranes. Therefore, such strict limits have been revised. When receiving the results, the decoding will not, as before, contain one value - negative or positive. Now the figure and the limit within which it falls are clearly indicated.

A normal figure is considered to be within ten conventional units and below.

On this moment even a slight excess of this norm is not considered a reason for making a diagnosis of vaginosis. In order for this type of disease to be truly confirmed, several indicators must be present in the study results, significantly exceeding permissible norm. But this does not mean that no one pays attention to small deviations. Increased rate the presence of gardnerella may indicate the development inflammatory process.

Gardnerella vaginalis belongs to the transient gram-negative microflora genitourinary organs. Under unfavorable conditions, bacteria lead to inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary tract - vaginitis, urethritis, cystitis, endometritis. Most often, women who are sexually active and do not use contraceptives are susceptible to gardnerellosis. The basis of treatment is antibacterial therapy.

The normal microflora of a woman includes more than 40 types of microorganisms, among which the bacteria Gardnerella vaginalis are present in small quantities. General content opportunistic microorganisms in the genitals do not exceed 2-5%. With bacterial vaginosis, when the vaginal microbiocenosis is disrupted, lactobacilli are replaced, destroyed by pathogenic microorganisms. Experts estimate that Gardnerella vaginalis is the cause of bacterial vaginitis in more than 50% of cases.

Gardnerella vaginalis are small, rod-shaped bacteria that live in anaerobic (oxygen-free) environments. In the process of their life, they produce lactic, acetic, formic acid and amino acids. The localization of the bacterium is urinary tract and genitals. The pathogenicity of a microorganism increases sharply with changes in acidic environment vagina (in the direction of increasing alkalinity).

Gardnerella vaginalis

The incubation period lasts 7-10 days. In men, as a result of infection, urethritis, prostatitis, inflammation of the epididymis, seminal vesicles and Cooper gland occur, in women - vaginitis, cystitis, inflammation cervical canal and uterine appendages, complicated pregnancy. Both partners may experience infertility. Gardnerella vaginalis increases your risk of contracting other sexually transmitted infections, including sexually transmitted diseases and HIV. In a newborn baby, if infected during childbirth, meningitis and pneumonia are subsequently possible, since enzymes secreted by microorganisms lead to the destruction of surfactants lining the alveoli in the lungs. Contraception helps prevent transmission of the disease, but in some women, bacterial vaginosis returns after some time after treatment.

Getting into the genitourinary tract of men and women, Gardnerella vaginalis actively destroys epithelial cells. Their absorption by the leukocytes of the host carrier does not occur completely, which leads to self-dissolution of human cells under the action of their own enzymes. These bacteria cause functional disorders in leukocytes and produce a substance aggressive towards vaginal cells - vagolysin, which increases the activity of microorganisms hundreds of times. Gardnerella vaginalis is often associated with chlamydia (88%), mycoplasmas, ureaplasmas, gonococci, and trichomonas.


The disease is transmitted exclusively through sexual contact; the microorganism is practically not detected in smears of girls who are not sexually active. Risk factors for infection and growth of pathogenic bacilli are the following:

  • history of infectious diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • frequent change of sexual partners;
  • long-term use of antibiotics, including vaginal suppositories, hormonal drugs, immunosuppressants;
  • use of synthetic underwear;
  • improper use of sanitary pads and tampons, lack of hygiene;
  • hormonal disbalance;
  • disturbance of intestinal microflora;
  • abuse of douching;
  • poor nutrition, lack fermented milk products, contributing to the maintenance normal microflora;
  • long-term use of intrauterine devices;
  • smoking.

Bacterial vaginosis caused by gardnerella often occurs during pregnancy (especially in the first trimester). Complications may include premature birth, rupture of amniotic fluid, and postpartum infections. Increased concentration pathogenic microorganisms leads to inflammation of the membranes, which can subsequently cause infection of the fetus and endometrium of the uterus, generalization of infection (the penetration of bacteria into the blood). If a pregnant woman has a history of complications, she should be tested for vaginosis - even if there are no symptoms.

Symptoms and diagnosis

There are two variants of the clinical course of gardnerellosis - with symptoms and asymptomatic. In women, the second option is observed in 19-50% of cases.

Signs of the disease in the weaker sex are the following:

  • moderate or heavy yellowish-white, grayish-white, mucous-white vaginal discharge with a creamy, sticky consistency, sometimes foamy;
  • an unpleasant smell of “rotten fish” in the discharge, resulting from the production of waste products of anaerobic bacteria;
  • increased discharge during or after sexual intercourse;
  • itching, burning due to inflammation of the mucous membrane, aggravated by sexual contact;
  • painful urination when combined with cystitis.

To make a diagnosis, it is necessary to conduct a cytological examination and take a vaginal smear for microflora. If the concentration of bacteria is detected in the tests in an amount of more than 10 to the 4th degree, then this is a sign of bacterial vaginosis. Microscopic examination reveals great content rod-shaped bacteria that envelop epithelial cells so that they appear granular. In the most striking cases of the disease, Gardnerella vaginalis fills all the free intracellular space of the tissues. When studying the acidity of the medium by immersing indicator paper in the vaginal secretion, pH > 4.5 is determined. To identify the characteristic “fishy” odor, an amine test is carried out - a few drops of 5-10% potassium hydroxide are added to a glass slide with a smear.

Men can also be asymptomatic carriers. The mucous membrane of the male urogenital tract is more resistant to the influence of opportunistic microflora. Infection in men is promoted inflammatory diseases urethra and prolonged constant contact with a sick woman. The urethra is most often affected, there are few symptoms of urethritis and there is a tendency to self-heal. Complications such as prostatitis and inflammation of the genital organs occur in more rare cases.

The most pronounced symptoms in men are:

  • colorless or whitish discharge from the urethra;
  • redness of the urethral opening and glans penis;
  • painful urination.

To diagnose the disease in men, a scraping is taken from the urethra. Microscopic examination of smears reveals characteristic cellular changes, as in women, but to a lesser extent. If a woman has a recurrent course of the disease (gardnerellosis returns some time after treatment), this indicates that her sexual partner has a latent carriage of the infection, and mandatory collateral treatment is required. local treatment.


The basis of treatment of the disease in men and women is antibacterial therapy with the following drugs:

  • Trichopolum.
  • Metronidazole.
  • Clindamycin.
  • Ornidazole.
  • Dalatsin-Ts.

The “gold standard” for the treatment of bacterial vaginosis caused by Gardnerella vaginalis is Metronidazole. Therapy is carried out over 7-10 days. In the case of a recurrent course of the disease, a combined regimen of two or more drugs is used (Metronidazole + Miconazole and other options). If the disease occurs against the background of a general weakening of the body, then vitamin therapy is indicated.

IN complex treatment or in case of intolerance to oral medications, use local medications:

  • Hexicon (vaginal suppositories and tablets).
  • Gel Metronidazole.
  • 2% vaginal cream Clindamycin.
  • Vaginal cream Dalatsin.
  • Cotrimoxazole cream.
  • Vaginorm-S vaginal tablets and other products.

In pregnant women, the use of medications in the first trimester is undesirable. Starting from the second trimester, antibiotics, as well as local remedies (suppositories, ointments, vaginal tablets) can be used to treat herdnerellosis. Treatment of pregnant women should be carried out under strict medical supervision. During breastfeeding, it is recommended to use local remedies. If there is no effect, then oral medications are used - Macmiror, Clindamycin. Treatment is carried out in short courses of 3-5 days, it is recommended to stop during therapy breast-feeding. In children with gardnerellosis, the same oral medications are used as in adults, but in a lower dosage (according to the weight and age of the child).

During antibacterial treatment and a day after its end, you should avoid drinking alcohol. After antibiotic therapy, after 2-3 days, it is necessary to begin restoring the vaginal microflora. For this purpose drugs are used:

  • Gynoflor.
  • Vagilak.
  • Ecofemin.
  • Femilex.
  • Acylact.
  • Lactonorm.
  • Lactobacterin.
  • Floragin and others.

These products are used in finished form ( vaginal suppositories or tablets) or dilute the dry biomass in boiled water (5–10 ml), moisten a cotton-gauze swab and insert it into the vagina for 2–3 hours. The procedure is carried out twice a day for 1–2 weeks.

In complex treatment of gardnerellosis positive result achieved in 90% of cases. Some experts believe that gardnerellosis is not a dangerous disease and does not require treatment. It should be taken into account that hypoxic phenomena in tissues and high performance The acidity of the environment of the urogenital tract during gardnerellosis contributes to the accumulation of opportunistic microorganisms in high concentrations, which in the future, when triggering unfavorable factors occur, leads to the appearance of purulent-inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs.

In the treatment of gardnerellosis, several types of therapy are used, general and local. For general treatment, the gynecologist prescribes antibiotics and other drugs that reduce the number of gardnerella in the vaginal microflora. Such drugs include trichopolum and metronidazole. Treatment with these drugs lasts one week. It is also important to carry out local treatment with baths, suppositories and douches. Usually, treatment of the vagina with a solution of miramistin or the same metronidazole in a gel, betadine in suppositories and douching with a soda solution or chamomile are prescribed. Local treatment is slightly longer and lasts ten days.

When treating this disease, vitamins and immunostimulating drugs are also prescribed to increase the body's protective functions. It is useful to take medications that normalize the vaginal microflora, for example, containing lactobacilli and bifidobacteria.

Before treatment, it is very important to undergo tests to determine the degree of vaginal dysbiosis, as well as the presence of other bacteria in the microflora, since gardenerellosis often appears when not only gardnerella bacteria are present in the body, but also other bacteria. Also, if these bacteria are detected in a woman’s smear, it is necessary to prescribe treatment for both herself and her partner. A man may simply be a carrier of gardnerella, which, if ingested by a woman during unprotected sex, can cause inflammatory processes.

During treatment, it is advisable to abstain from sexual intercourse or use a condom to avoid infecting the partner and re-infection.

Gardnerellosis appears in connection with the bacterium Gardnerella, which is not pathogenic flora, therefore this disease is not venereal. In small quantities this bacterium contained in the microflora of any woman. This bacterium is activated in women who frequently change partners, during unprotected sex, and when hygiene is not observed when using sex toys.

Vaginal dysbiosis also occurs after the use of certain vaginal tablets and suppositories like Polygynax and Betadine, when using local contraceptives, when douching, which is a common causative agent of the disease, as well as when taking antibiotics. All these means lead to the fact that the natural microflora of the vagina changes and the number of gardnerella and other bacteria in its composition increases. These bacteria also become active if a woman has suffered severe stress, if she has a reduced immune system or impaired hormonal background.

Scientists still do not agree on whether this disease is a sexually transmitted disease or not. The fact that this disease can be found not only in women, but sometimes also in men, may indicate that gardnerellosis is sexually transmitted. True, the term “gardenerellosis” is not applicable to men, since it means vaginal dysbiosis, which only women have.

According to statistics, today every fifth woman has this disease. childbearing age. Pregnancy, childbirth, and puberty can also trigger this disease.

Gardnerellosis can only be diagnosed in a laboratory. The following methods are used for this:

Measuring the acid-base balance of vaginal discharge
- microscopy of a vaginal smear
- amino test
- identification of the main cells.

What indicators can indicate the presence of this disease?
Firstly, it is identifying key cells(cells containing pathogenic bacteria). Secondly, there is vaginal discharge with an unpleasant odor of spoiled fish. Thirdly, if acid-base balance higher than normal, this indicates an inflammatory process in the vagina, most likely caused by gardnerella. And, fourthly, during the amino test, a few drops of a special drug are added to the smear: if the smell of fish appears, this indicates the presence of pathogenic bacteria in the smear.

The doctor makes a diagnosis if at least 3 signs of the disease are present. Very often, the detection of key cells with gardnerella does not indicate the presence of an inflammatory process.

Gardnerella is always considered with other bacteria, since this bacterium is present in the body of every woman in any case, albeit in smaller quantities.

Antibiotics are used to treat this disease. Local treatments are also recommended to balance the level of bacteria in the vagina. After treatment the smell and discomfort, smear readings will normalize, discharge will disappear. Tests are carried out 7 days after the end of treatment. If necessary, the woman’s partner is also treated, as he may be a carrier of pathogenic bacteria.

Gardnerellosis in pregnant women is not as rare as we would like. Pregnancy stimulates natural changes in a woman’s body, which can cause increased activity of gardnerella, which is contained in small quantities in the body of every woman. A woman’s hormonal background changes, the body’s protective functions decrease, thereby provoking the pathogenic bacteria to become active.
Also, a woman could become infected with this infection from a male carrier even before pregnancy, which could cause an exacerbation of the disease.

This disease does not pose any problem for the unborn child. If a pregnant woman has gardnerella in her smear, there is nothing to worry about, and there is no point in going for an abortion. These bacteria do not come into contact with the fetus in any way, so it cannot become infected. If an infection occurs during childbirth, it disappears without a trace in the newborn, since these bacteria themselves cannot cause inflammatory processes.

What is unpleasant about this disease in pregnant women is that inflammation of the vagina may begin, since the causative bacteria always travels in pairs with other bacteria. To prevent this from happening, a pregnant woman should undergo monthly smear tests in order to begin treatment in time if the need arises.

The main task of a gynecologist when detecting gardnerella in a pregnant woman is not treatment, but to prevent an increase in the number of these bacteria and the onset of the inflammatory process. If a woman has an exacerbation of the disease before giving birth, then local treatment is carried out and special training to childbirth. Thorough treatment of the disease is carried out after childbirth.

Gardnerellas are considered integral part normal microflora of a woman’s vagina. This type microorganisms are classified as opportunistic pathogens- if the number of these bacteria increases to a certain level, then the woman develops a disease - gardnerellosis. Many doctors believe that this disease does not require specific treatment, others insist on therapeutic measures.

How are its pathogens transmitted? - let's consider this problem in details.

What is known about these microbes?

Gardnellella - this microorganism belongs to the genus of monotypic bacteria and is a characteristic representative of facultative anaerobes. Its main habitat is considered female vagina. IN in good condition vaginal mucus contains small amounts of them. The danger of these microbes lies in the fact that even a slight increase in their concentration causes activation and increased proliferation of other pathogenic infections.

So, often it is gardnerella that indicates the development of the fair sex. A sharp increase in the content of these microorganisms in the vagina contributes to the appearance of inflammatory reactions. Also, the bacteria themselves, during their life processes, release harmful substances that poison the microflora of the genital organs. As a result, patients develop pathologies of the reproductive and urinary systems - urethritis, vaginitis, prostatitis.

The disease can also be transmitted to men, who in this case are often only asymptomatic carriers of the infection. In the male body there are no favorable conditions for the life and reproduction of these pathogens, so in such a microclimate the infection quickly dies. Does this mean that gardnerellosis is not dangerous for men? Although such a disease is very rare, it still manifests itself in the stronger sex. In this case, the cause of infection is a significant decrease in the body’s immune resistance.

Good to know! Previously, Gardnerella was considered the causative agent of bacterial vaginitis in women. When patients developed symptoms of vaginosis, a large amount of these bacteria were found in the discharge. But after carefully studying the vaginal flora using a microscope, this theory was refuted. Now gardnerellas are considered a marker bacterial diseases, because an increase in their content in vaginal mucus always indicates inflammation of the female genital organs.

Methods of transmission

The main mechanism of infection for gardnerellosis is sexual contact. The pathogen is transmitted mainly from woman to man during traditional intercourse. There are also anal-genital and oral-genital methods of infection with Gardnerella. Although this disease is not included in the group sexually transmitted infections, it often accompanies pathologies transmitted through sexual contact. You can also catch this disease at home - after using other people's hygiene products or bed linen.

Some experts have expressed doubts about how gardnerella is transmitted. After all, patients cannot always become infected with these microorganisms after sex with an infected partner. It is for this reason that this disease is not classified as a sexually transmitted disease. In women, self-infection with these bacteria is also possible. In such a situation, microflora disturbance can be caused by:

  • conducting a course of antibacterial therapy;
  • misuse of contraceptives;
  • severe decrease in immune performance;
  • vaginal douching.

The incubation period for gardnerellosis lasts no more than 4-10 days. Representatives of the stronger sex become infected with this disease directly during sexual contact With a woman. In such a situation, the infection is considered as venereal disease. This fact is confirmed by the subsequent transmission of the pathogen from a male carrier to his healthy partners. Cured representatives of the fairer sex can also become infected again with Gardnerella if they have had sexual intercourse with a carrier of the bacteria.

Carriage almost always occurs without any obvious symptoms of pathology. But if such a patient passes the appropriate test to identify these microorganisms, the result will be positive. In this case, the likelihood of transmitting the infection to sexual partners is very high. In only one out of ten men, gardnerella can cause extensive inflammatory reactions in the genitourinary area - prostatitis, balanoposthitis, urethritis, urinary disorders, damage to the gonads and infertility. In other representatives of the stronger sex, the disease goes away on its own, and completely painlessly. Microbes leave the body without causing discomfort.

What can increase the risk of infection?

A number of predisposing factors can provoke the development of gardnerellosis. The following factors can most often contribute to the development of this infection:

  • Treatment with hormonal drugs.
  • Regular use of panty liners.
  • Excessive sexual activity of the patient.
  • Hormonal imbalance caused by special periods in a person’s life – menopause, pregnancy, adolescence.
  • Constant use of sanitary tampons.
  • Chaotic intimate life.
  • Disruptions in the menstrual cycle.
  • Self-use of local antibiotics - suppositories and vaginal tablets.
  • Varied surgical interventions on the genitals.
  • Irregular change of hygiene products - tampons and pads.
  • Disturbance of intestinal microflora.
  • Using underwear made from synthetic fabrics.
  • Internal administration of antibacterial drugs.
  • Features of individual phases of the menstrual cycle.
  • The use of medications containing chlorine for douching, or the incorrect implementation of the procedure itself.

There is a high probability of developing this disease in women at risk. It includes patients who had the following disorders:

  • Used oral contraceptives.
  • Suffered from infectious and inflammatory pathologies of the reproductive system or sexually transmitted diseases.
  • Have undergone long-term antibiotic therapy on your own or as prescribed by a doctor.
  • Suffered from dysmenorrhea (menstrual irregularities).

Attention! Carriage of gardnerellosis infection is most common among representatives of the stronger sex who have chronic inflammation genitourinary sphere – prostatitis and urethritis. These bacteria can be detected in the male body only during the first 2-3 days after sex with an infected partner. Subsequently, the microbes themselves leave the patient’s body.

Is oral infection possible?

Is Gardnerella transmitted through oral sex? Yes, harmful bacteria can pass from infected women and men to healthy partners, although the likelihood of such an infection mechanism is very low. These microbes simply cannot remain on the mucous membrane of the mouth or pharynx for a long time, much less multiply in such conditions. The infection is transmitted orally only through monogamous sexual intercourse between two women. In this case, oral-genital contacts with the partner alternate in shifts, and microbes easily pass from the infected to the healthy vagina with secretions and saliva.

Even if this microorganism enters the oral cavity or pharynx, there are no problems with the digestive or respiratory system does not occur in patients. In such a situation, the only danger is new sexual relationships with other partners, since gardnerella can remain in the mouth and saliva for several days. If oral sexual intercourse takes place at this time, there is a chance of infection, although not very high. Therefore, it is better to wait until the bacteria leave the body.

Infections of the fetus during pregnancy

Can Gardnerella be passed from mother to child? During pregnancy, these microbes are not dangerous for the developing fetus, because they are in the vagina and cannot penetrate the blood or genitals of the baby. But during childbirth, a newborn can become infected, and this problem is more typical for girls. A baby can become infected with this bacterium through household means as a result of the mother’s failure to comply with basic hygiene rules. But in any case, the likelihood of transmitting this pathogen to young children is too low. Therefore expectant mother there is no reason to worry about this.

Even if a child becomes infected, the pathogenic microbe will not be able to live long in his body. After all, the main source of nutrition for Gardnerella is epithelial glycogen, the level of which is regulated female hormones– estrogens. Before adolescence The girl has too few of these substances, so the infection quickly dies and is eliminated from the small body.

If a woman has a similar disease, then it has Negative influence on the fertilization process. Violation of the vaginal flora causes frequent inflammatory reactions in the genitourinary tract. Infections reproductive organs promote the formation of adhesions in fallopian tubes. As a result, the opening of the appendages and their patency narrows, which significantly complicates the process of conception. But even in this case, the patient can easily become pregnant.

Important! Although gardnerellosis often goes away on its own, it must be treated! Most specialists in the field of obstetrics and gynecology are confident in this. The disease can be cured very easily and quickly - just one therapeutic course is enough. The use of a barrier contraceptive during sex significantly reduces the likelihood of contracting this disease.

As you can see, infection with gardnerosis is a very real thing. To protect yourself from this pathology, every person should know how gardnerella is transmitted. Patients are also advised to be attentive to their health and, if necessary, urgently contact qualified specialists.