Good bacteria for the gut. Probiotics and lactobacilli for the intestines Normal bacteria this drug does not

Bacteria, as a rule, are able to grow on artificial nutrient media, which simplifies the production of preparations based on them. For nutritional needs, different types of bacteria that are of interest

for biological plant protection, differ significantly. Among them there are forms for which nutrient media have not yet been developed, and therefore the industrial production of preparations based on them becomes more complicated. In such bacteria should be attributed the causative agents of milk disease lamellar beetles. In the production of preparations based on these microorganisms, live insects are used.

Preparations based on Bacillus thuringiensis and other bacteria grow well on artificial nutrient media, are manufactured in the factory using modern technological equipment. Significant technological problems are associated with obtaining biologically active, phagostic and productive strains of bacteria, providing them with nutrients, using optimal cultivation schemes and processing of raw biomass. With industrial strains of microorganisms, constant selection and genetic work is carried out. Only highly effective against target groups of phytophages are used, which most fully meet the technological and economic requirements. Among these criteria are primarily suitability for mass reproduction according to the need for nutrients, the stability of the formation of useful components (spores, toxins, enzymes), and resistance to the destructive action of phages. Strains that meet these production requirements are isolated from natural sources (nematodes, insects, rodents), and are also obtained using modern selection and genetic methods. Cultures of bacteria are stored in a lyophilized state. In the production process, bacteria reproduce several tens of generations, as a result of which they can change, for example, dissociate. The metabolism of bacteria (the synthesis of toxins, the accumulation of biomass) is decisively determined by the conditions of their cultivation, therefore, in the production of preparations, high requirements are placed on the quality of nutrient media and an optimal fermentation regime is maintained.

Bacterial cells require water, carbon, nitrogen, mineral elements and growth conditions for normal growth. The most economical and available sources of carbon are carbohydrates used in microbiological production. Nitrogen nutrition of bacteria is provided by individual amino acids. At the same time, from an economic point of view, the most protein-rich materials of plant and animal origin (soy flour, corn extract, casein hydrolysates, etc.).

Of the mineral elements for the growth of bacteria, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, sulfur and trace elements - zinc, iron, cobalt, copper and others are needed.

The function of growth regulators is performed by vitamins.

To obtain the maximum possible mass of bacteria under production conditions, it is necessary to comply with certain cultural conditions: pH of the medium, sufficient oxygen, optimal temperature.

The process of growing bacteria in industrial conditions is called fermentation. Large-scale production of bacterial preparations for plant protection at the enterprises of the microbiological industry is carried out by deep fermentation. In this case, deep closed vats (fermenters) with a capacity of more than 200,000 liters are used. Air, nutrient medium, seed culture are fed into the Fermenter sterile. Immersed turbine impellers intensively mix the contents of the fermenter. Water jackets or cooling coils regulate the temperature. Pinout in the fermenter is avoided by the addition of oils, poly-glycols or silicone defoamers.

According to volumetric deep fermentation, a culture grown in gradually growing volumes, first in flasks on a shaker, then in a small fermenter, is used to inoculate the fermentation medium.

The final product is removed by centrifugation, filtration, adsorption and other methods, depending on the properties of the material itself (Fig. 66).

Now industrially produce insecticidal bacterial preparations almost exclusively on the basis of various variants of Bacillus thuringiensis. In industrialized countries, there are dozens of such drugs, conventionally divided into three groups. The first group includes biological preparations of the lepidocide type, containing bacterial spores and endotoxin crystals as the active principle. Of the domestic drugs, in addition to lepidocid, this includes entobacterin, BIP, Insecotin, gomelin. Dipel, turicide, biotro-VTV (USA), sporein, bactospein (France), Baturin (Czech Republic), baktukal (Yugoslavia), disparin (Bulgaria) and others are known abroad.

The second group of drugs, along with spores and crystals of endotoxin, also contains a thermostable exotoxin. So far, bacterial preparations include the domestic drug bitoksibacillin.

Finally, insecticidal preparations may contain purified toxins. In particular, in Romania, a turintax preparation containing exotoxin is produced on the culture fluid of Bacillus thuringiensis. In Japan, drugs are obtained based on pure endotoxin crystals.

Dendrobacilin offered by Irkutsk State University. The basis of the preparation is the entomopathogenic spore-forming bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis subar. dendrolimus (Talalaev) Krieg (Syn.: Bacillus dendrolimus Talalaev), which belongs to the fourth serotype. For the first time, the microorganism was isolated by the professor of Irkutsk University E.V. Talalaev in 1949 from Siberian silkworm caterpillars that died in natural conditions. By artificially infecting caterpillars of the host, it causes septicemia.

Cell morphology - rods with rounded ends, 1.0-1.5 and 2.0-6.0 µm in size, form chains of 2-6, rarely 8-10 cells. Spores are oval, 1.0-1.3 μm in size, located subterminally or excentrally. Along with the spore, endotoxin inclusions are formed, usually in the form of bipyrami-distant crystals.

Saprophyte, when growing on an artificial nutrient medium, forms toxins that are active against insects.

In meat-peptone broth it forms a film of flakes and a light homogeneous turbidity, as well as a slight sediment. Growth on meat-peptone agar is abundant. Young colonies are large, white, dense, shiny, opaque, fine-grained structure. With aging, the colonies lose their luster, acquiring a grayish-cream color. The edges of the colonies are fringed, viscous, sticky. Colonies are easily washed off with water.

Bacteria intensively liquefy gelatin without gas formation. They grow well on potato slices, while usually the edges of the colony are fringed, the surface of young cultures is slightly dull, which becomes dull and creamy over time, quickly peptonizes the milk, then slowly folds. Forms ammonia and does not form indole and hydrogen sulfide. Forms acid from lactose, glucose, maltose and sucrose, as well as acetylmethylcarbinol and lecithinase. Some strains of the species produce heat-resistant B-exotoxin.

The producer dendrobacilin, like other cultures of B. thuringiemis, loses entomopathogenic activity due to repeated transfer to meat-peptone agar and storage. E.V. Talalaev developed a method for preserving the biological activity of the original strain in the dry powder of the corpses of Siberian silkworm caterpillars. At the same time, the suspension of the spore culture B. thuringiensis subar. dendro limus is applied to the needles of larch or cedar, put in the garden, where Siberian silkworm caterpillars are planted. Caterpillars, eating food, become infected and die. Their corpses are dried in a desiccator over calcium chloride at room temperature for 10-12 days, after which they are ground into powder, which is stored in bottles with ground stoppers. In this state, the original strain is preserved for many years.

The technology for the production of dendrobatsilin has been improved and changed several times. This is especially true of nutrient media and the method of drying biomass. In 1952, at Irkutsk University, a batch of dendrobacillin with a titer of 5 billion/g of spores and 5 billion/g of endotoxin crystals was obtained by a surface method on meat-peptone agar. In 1958, 3.2 tons of the drug was produced by the factory method using corn and wheat extracts and molasses as components of nutrient media. Later, a technology was developed using corn extract and technical glucose. By the early 1980s, dendrobacilin biomass was freeze-dried from a frozen state, and is now dried in a spray dryer at a short high temperature.

The production of dendrobatsilin consists of several operations. One of the first is the preparation of seed. To do this, take a production spore culture, inoculate it with a liquid nutrient medium in flasks and grow it at 30 ° C for 48 hours until sporulation is completed. The material obtained in this way is used for sowing in fermenters, or further propagated in sowing machines with aeration and stirring for 35-40 hours until sporulation is completed. Biomass is increased in fermenters on a nutrient medium containing corn flour and fodder yeast as the main nutrients. Fermentation is carried out for 35-40 hours with constant aeration and stirring. The culture fluid is thickened to a pasty state on the separators. To obtain dry dendrobatsilin, the paste is dried in a spray dryer, grinded and the filler is added. Thus, the finished preparation contains bacterial spores, crystal-like inclusions of endotoxin, vegetative cells that have not completed sporulation, as well as the remains of corn flour, yeast cells and an inert filler. Dry dendrobatsilin is a light gray powder with a moisture content of at least 5%. The titer of the drug, that is, the number of viable spores in 1 g, is at least 60 billion, the same number of endotoxin crystals. Shelf life - 1.5 years from the date of manufacture. The drug can be used if at the end of the storage period the titer of viable spores decreases, but their biological activity remains. Decreases in titer increase application rates according to the presence of live spores.

Store preparations separately from pesticides in dry warehouses at ambient temperature.

When storing dendrobatsilin and other microbiological preparations produced on nutrient media with coarse-grained components, which, for example, are flour and yeast, preparations should be protected from waterlogging, since the organic components present in them become a substrate for mold fungi and putrefactive bacteria, metabolic products and produced by enzymes degrade the protein endotoxin. With increased humidity, the viability of bacterial spores decreases. This also applies to B. thurindiensis spores. The activity of microbiological preparations decreases especially sharply due to the combination of high humidity and temperature in the range of 15-35 ° C, at which most mesophilic microorganisms multiply.

Subject to the necessary rules, batches of dry dendrobatsilin manufactured at different factories do not cake in different climatic conditions for 7-8 years, and their titer almost does not decrease (Kulagin et al., 1978). Only when stored for 11 years, the titer decreases by 2.5 times. Testing the biological activity of batches of the drug on caterpillars of the Siberian silkworm for dosed infection and infection through feed, sprinkled with a suspension containing 1.0-1.5 billion / ml of spores showed: on the 10th - 15th day after infection, the mortality of caterpillars was 80 - 100%. The authors came to the conclusion that the duration of storage of drugs is determined not by climatic conditions, but by the features of their production technology. This is obviously due to the composition of the nutrient media and the method of drying, in which sublimation is most suitable for maintaining the viability and activity of the active ingredients.

Entobacterin was proposed by the former All-Union Plant Protection Institute. Its active principle is the bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. galleriae Heimpel. The bacterium was first isolated from the wax moth caterpillars. Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. galleriae differs from other subspecies of Bacillus thuringiensis by a combination of such features: it forms acetylmethylcarbinol, weakly hydrolyzes proteins and intensively decomposes exulin and starch, assimilates salicylic acids and does not metabolize sucrose and mannose, does not produce egg yolk pigment, its basal antigen belongs to serotype 5a-5c , it usually does not contain heat-resistant exotoxins and does not produce lecithinase.

The technology for the production of entobacterin is not much different from the technology for the production of dandrobacilin.

Dry entobacterin is a light gray powder with a moisture content of not more than 5%. When sifted through a No. 009 sieve, the amount of residue does not exceed 5%. The titer is at least 30 billion/g of spores and the same number of endotoxin crystals. They produce batches of the drug with a slightly higher titer. The coefficient of biological activity, determined on the caterpillars of the wax moth according to the standard method, is at least 1.0.

Entobacterin is stored separately from pesticides in dry, unheated rooms. Recommended storage temperature - from -30 to +30 ° C. Warranty period of storage - 1.5 years from the date of manufacture.

Lepidocide is a domestic bacterial drug based on Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. kurstaki Krywienczyk Dulm., et F. The subspecies produces acid from salicin, forms urease and does not form pigment. It is produced in the form of a dry concentrated powder with a titer of 100 billion / g of spores and the same amount of endotoxin.

The Institute of Microbiology of the Academy of Sciences of Armenia developed and offered to the microbiological industry a BIP preparation based on the bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. caucasicus (according to the international nomenclature - Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. dermstadiensis), isolated for the first time from mulberry silkworm caterpillars.

The bacterium has the following characteristics: it produces a pigment on egg yolk, does not ferment salicin, forms a film on meat-peptone broth, hydrolyzes starch, gives a positive Fock-o-scauer reaction, produces lecithinase, and does not form a heat-resistant toxin. The Caucasian subspecies differs from other forms of Bacillus thuringiensis in serological reactions.

The drug is produced in the same formulations as other domestic drugs.

Insectin was created by the Institute of Forest and Wood of the Siberian Branch of the Academy of Sciences of the former USSR. It is produced on the basis of Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. dendrolimus isolated by A.B. Ghukasyan from sick and dead caterpillars of the Siberian silkworm. The bacterium produces a heat-resistant exotoxin. When manufacturing insectin using entobacterin technology, this toxin is not included in a separate preparation. Insectin is similar in properties to dendrobatsilin.

Gomelin was created at the Belarusian Forestry FDI based on Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. thuringiensis (Berliner Heimpel et Angus; Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. Berliner de Barjak et Bonnefoi) and is intended to control the number of forest pests. In addition to the listed endotoxin preparations effective against lepidoptera insects, preparations active against larvae of beetles have recently been created. The creation of such preparations became possible after the isolation of a new subspecies of Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. tenebrionis Krieg producing crystalline endotoxin with specific insecticidal activity. The first drug, decimide, based on a new serotype, was created at the former All-Russian Research Institute of Quarantine and H VO "Biomash" (Moscow) based on a strain isolated by M.V. Chirkov.

Insecticidal properties with respect to some larvae of dipterous insects, in particular mosquitoes and midges, are characteristic of the subspecies Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. israelensis de Barjac. On the basis of this endotoxin-forming bacterium, the USSR, together with Czechoslovak specialists, created the drug bactoculicide. Similar drugs are produced in England (Biomos) and France (bactimos). These drugs are used against larvae of mosquitoes and midges.

The listed bacterial preparations belonging to the first group according to the classification described above do not have fundamental differences in the production technology and the characteristics of the formulations.

The second group of bacterial insecticidal preparations based on Bacillus thuringiensis includes bitoxibacillin, created at the Institute of Agricultural Microbiology. Its active principle is spores, endo- and exotoxins. Bitoxibacillin is produced on the basis of Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. thuringiensis (Berliner Heimpe! et Angus), which differs from other serotypes of this group of bacteria by a combination of such features: it produces a thermostable exotoxin, forms acid from salicylic, sucrose and mannose, hydrolyzes starch and esculin, contains lecithinase, does not produce pigment on egg yolk, does not contain urease and forms a film on nutrient broth.

In the production of bitoxibacillin, the biomass of the production culture is increased in fermenters on a medium containing corn flour or fodder yeast, hydrated glucose and corn flour as the main nutrients, as well as non-toxic mineral salts. The technological cycle for the production of bitoxibacillin is approximately the same as for entobacterin. After fermentation, the cultural liquid contains components of the nutrient medium, bacterial spores and toxins, and is dried in a spray dryer.

Bacterial preparations (lat. praeparatum cooked)

bacterial cells, products of their vital activity or against them, used for the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of infectious diseases. They are suspensions of live or inactivated bacteria in various ways (, bifidumbacterin, colibacterin, lactobacterin, diagnosticums, etc.); individual components of microbial cells (protective, allergens, etc.); waste products of bacteria (, native and neutralized, restrictases, bacteriocins, etc.); Serums or their individual fractions obtained by hyperimmunization of animals with bacteria or bacterial waste products.

According to their intended purpose, B. items are divided into therapeutic and prophylactic - Vaccines , toxoids, sera, (see Immunotherapy) , Antibiotics , enzymes, tomicid, bifidumbacterin, medicinal Bacteriophage, etc.; diagnostic - agglutinating, precipitating, luminescent sera, diagnosticums, toxins, allergens, restrictases, bacteriophages, etc.

Bifidumbacterin, colibacterin, bifikol, lactobacterin, etc. are used to treat chronic colitis of various etiologies and other dysfunctions of the gastrointestinal tract against the background of dysbacteriosis in order to correct the intestinal microflora.

Bifidumbacterin is a freeze-dried suspension of living bacteria of an antagonistically active strain of Bifidobacterium bifidum I. Bifidumbacterin can be prescribed to children from the first days of life: with early transfer of children to artificial feeding; in the complex treatment of patients with sepsis, pneumonia and other infectious diseases, children with malnutrition, premature babies. It is indicated for adults in chronic inflammatory diseases of the large and small intestines, in bacterial colpitis of staphylococcal and Escherichia etiology, senile colpitis of a hormonal nature. Bifidumbacterin is used orally, in obstetric and gynecological practice - intravaginally. There are no contraindications. Release form: vials and ampoules of 2, 5, 10, 20, 50 and 100 doses.

Colibacterin is a freeze-dried suspension of live bacteria of an antagonistically active strain of Escherichia coli - coli M-17. It is intended for the treatment of patients with chronic colitis of various etiologies and aftercare of persons who have had acute intestinal diseases in the presence of intestinal dysfunction or severe dysbacteriosis without clinical manifestations. Assign the drug orally to adults and children from 6 months of age (in ampoules or vials), from 3 years - in tablets. In the treatment of colibacterin are recommended. Sulfonamides and other antibacterial drugs should not be used during treatment with colibacterin. There are no contraindications to the use of colibacterin. Release form: ampoules and vials of 2-30 doses, tablets.

Bifikol is a mixture of live bacteria of antagonistically active strains of B. bifidum I and E. coli M-17. Assign and apply in the same way as colibacterin. Release form: 2-100 doses.

Lactobacterin is a suspension of live freeze-dried bacteria of an antagonistically active plantanim strain. Release form: in dry form in ampoules (3 doses), vials (up to 30 doses), tablets.

For the treatment of infections caused by gram-positive cocci (tonsillitis, suppuration of wounds), as well as for the prevention of suppuration of postoperative wounds, tomicid is intended - a metabolic product of non-pathogenic streptococcus.

Has a bactericidal effect against gram-positive cocci. Applied externally. Before use, the vial with tomicid is shaken and the transparency of the liquid is checked; cloudy preparation is not suitable for use. For rinsing, the preparation is heated to 37-42°. If the tomicid comes into contact with the affected area of ​​the skin, a short-term burning sensation may occur. There are no contraindications to the use of tomicid. Release form: hermetically sealed bottles of neutral glass with a capacity of 100, 250, 500 ml.

For the diagnosis of infectious diseases, diagnosticums are used - suspensions of bacterial cultures (as antigens for detecting antibodies in agglutination reactions) or sensitized by bacterial antigens (erythrocyte diagnosticums). Instead of erythrocytes, latex particles, a suspension of staphylococci with expressed protein A can be used. In the reaction of passive hemagglutination, latex agglutination, co-agglutination, not only antibodies can be determined using antigenic diagnosticums, but also antigens in macroorganism fluids using antibody diagnosticums, in which the active the beginning is a certain diagnostic. Diagnostic kits are produced for the serodiagnosis of brucellosis, gonorrhea, intestinal infections (salmonella and dysentery), whooping cough and parapertussis, meningococcal infection, tularemia, anthrax, scleroma, to determine tetanus and diphtheria toxins in the blood, etc.

In enzyme immunoassay, horseradish root peroxidase, alkaline phosphatase, β-galactosidase, and inorganic pyrophosphatase are used as a diagnosticum marker. ELISA systems are being created to detect antibodies to whooping cough, pneumococcus, teichoic acids, staphylococcus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, for the serodiagnosis of syphilis, for the diagnosis of diphtheria (detection of toxigenic strains based on the use of monocloial antibodies), for the detection of antigens A and C of meningococcus, antigens and antibodies to tularemia and brucella microbes.

Establishing the source of infectious agents, ways of their transmission in acute intestinal and nosocomial infections is impossible without marking isolated strains for O-, H-, K-antigens, etc., since the antigenic structure of bacteria is one of the stable markers that allow intrageneric and species differentiation of microorganisms . For these purposes, diagnostic agglutinating sera are produced (diagnostic O-serum of citrobacter, proteic diagnostic O- and H-serum, sera against Pseudomonas aeruginosa).

One of the important steps in the bacteriological diagnosis of acute intestinal diseases is the serological typing of enterobacteria, isolated patients, for O-, H-, K-antigens, etc. in the agglutination reaction with the corresponding diagnostic sera.

For serological typing for O-, OK- and H-antigens of Escherichia, poly- and monovalent agglutinating sera, OK-immunoglobulins, as well as rapid systems have been developed that allow one-stage determination of O- or H-antigens, while the number of necessary preparations is reduced . There is a significant range of diagnostic agglutinating sera intended for serotyping of Salmonella and Shigella.

The production, control and use of bacterial preparations are regulated by production regulations, pharmacopoeial articles, instructions for use approved by the USSR Ministry of Health.

B. p. is produced in liquid or dry form in ampoules or vials, as well as in tablets and. Each vial, jar (packaging) with tablets must be labeled or have a label. The label (marking) must contain the name of the drug and the company that manufactured it, the batch number, the state control number, the expiration date, the amount of the drug. Additional information on the labels depends on the type of drug and its purpose. B. p. should be stored in a dark, dry place at from +2° to +10°. Drugs with erased markings or without labels, with foreign inclusions, changed their appearance, expired, should not be used.

Bibliography: Handbook on the use of bacterial and viral preparations, ed. S.G. Dzagurova and F.F. Rezepova, M., 1975.

1. Small medical encyclopedia. - M.: Medical Encyclopedia. 1991-96 2. First aid. - M.: Great Russian Encyclopedia. 1994 3. Encyclopedic dictionary of medical terms. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. - 1982-1984.

See what "Bacterial preparations" are in other dictionaries:

    The outcome of natural infection of leguminous plants depends on the presence of nodule bacteria in the soil. In the absence of the corresponding types of root nodule bacteria in the soil, leguminous plants develop without nodules and do not perform the functions of ... ... Biological Encyclopedia

    Bacterial fertilizers are preparations related to microbiological inoculants that improve plant nutrition. They do not contain nutrients; preparations that contain useful for agricultural plants ... ... Wikipedia

    Preparations that contain useful for s. X. plants soil microorganisms. When making B. at. biochemical processes are enhanced in the soil and the root nutrition of plants is improved. In the USSR from B. at. found the use of nitragin, ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    Soil fertilizers containing live microorganisms that convert molecular nitrogen, organic and hard-to-digest minerals into a form accessible to plants. They are introduced into the soil by infecting seeds immediately before ... ... Dictionary of microbiology

    Preparations (nitragin culture of nodule bacteria, etc.) containing useful for s. X. cultures soil microorganisms. They are applied to the soil along with seeds ... Natural science. encyclopedic Dictionary

    BACTERIAL FERTILIZERS- preparations containing useful for with. X. early soil microorganisms. When introduced into the soil, they increase nitrogen fixation (for example, nitragin), the mineralization of its organic matter. in VA and improve root nutrition early. Boo. cannot replace organic and miner. ... ...

    Preparations (nitragin nodule bacteria culture, etc.) containing soil microorganisms useful for agricultural crops. They are applied to the soil along with the seeds. * * * BACTERIAL FERTILIZERS BACTERIAL FERTILIZERS, preparations… … encyclopedic Dictionary

    BACTERIAL DISEASES OF ANIMALS- bacterioses, zhny diseases caused by bacteria. B.'s causative agents. well. there may be non-spore-forming bacteria cocci (streptococcosis, staphylococcosis), rod-shaped (listeriosis, erysipelas, salmonellosis), spore-forming aerobic bacteria bacilli (sib. ... ... Agricultural Encyclopedic Dictionary

Bacterial preparations are preparations consisting of live or killed microorganisms, individual components of microbes, native or processed bacterial, specific sera or their fractions, which are used to diagnose and treat infectious diseases, obtain diagnostic and therapeutic sera. Depending on the purpose, bacterial preparations are divided into prophylactic (vaccines, toxoids), therapeutic (antitoxic and antimicrobial and their fractions, toxoids, for example, in staphylococcal diseases), diagnostic (diagnosticums, allergens, phages, sera).

Produced bacterial preparations are packaged in ampoules or bottles, which indicate the name of the institute or manufacturer, the name of the bacterial preparation and its quantity, batch number, state control number and expiration date. Instructions for use are attached to the packaging of ampoules and vials, indicating the main properties of the drug. Bacterial preparations without labels and with broken packaging are not suitable for use. Produced bacterial preparations must be non-toxic and specifically neutralized, have a certain biological activity, the necessary physical and chemical properties, the ability to maintain activity within the specified shelf life under certain storage conditions. The control of bacterial preparations is carried out at the State Control Institute of Medical Biological Preparations. L. A. Tarasevich of the Ministry of Health of the USSR. Prior to sending samples of each series of preparations to the GKIMBP, they are always subjected to control in production laboratories and departments of bacteriological control according to international or domestic standards. Separate bacterial preparations - see articles on the names of preparations (, etc.).

Bacterial preparations are agents used to prevent, diagnose and treat infectious diseases, as well as to obtain diagnostic and therapeutic sera. Bacterial preparations may contain: live or killed bacteria, individual components (complete antigen) of a microbial cell, native or processed bacterial toxins, antibodies to microbes. Depending on the purpose, bacterial preparations are divided into prophylactic [vaccines (see), toxins (see), toxoids (see)], diagnostic [allergens, diagnosticums (see), sera (see), bacteriophages (see) ] and therapeutic (antitoxic and antimicrobial serums, vaccines, toxoids, bacteriophages and microbial polysaccharides). A special group of therapeutic bacterial drugs are antibiotics (see). Bacterial preparations are prepared in accordance with the instructions approved by the Ministry of Health of the USSR for their manufacture, control and use. Bacterial preparations are produced in dry (ampoules) or liquid (ampoules, vials) form. Each ampoule must have a label indicating the name of the drug and the institute that manufactured it, the batch number and state control, the expiration date and the amount of the drug. On ampoules with the vaccine, the number of doses should be indicated, and for titratable sera, the number of antitoxic units (AU) in 1 cm 2 of serum. Ampoules and vials with an expired shelf life, without a label, with damaged packaging (cracks, leaking vials, etc.), that have changed their appearance (non-developing flakes, foreign inclusions), are not suitable for use. Bacterial preparations are stored at t° 2-10° in a dark, dry place. See also Control of bacterial preparations.


In a huge list of drugs for the normalization of the intestines, drugs with lactobacilli occupy a special place. On the one hand, today even small children are aware of the need for an optimal amount of friendly microflora in the gastrointestinal tract for its normal functioning. On the other hand, it is lactic acid bacteria (lactobacilli) that are best studied by scientists, and their healing properties have been repeatedly proven in practice.

What are lactobacilli and why are they needed?

These friendly microbes have been used by humans for centuries to obtain a number of food products, primarily fermented milk products (it’s not for nothing that the name contains the “lacto” component). During the manufacture of cheese, fermented baked milk, bread and even chocolate, they destroy harmful flora, thereby helping to maintain the freshness of products and their suitability for consumption.

Nature initially populates the human intestines with lactobacilli. It has been proven that in newborns their population is slightly more than 2% of the total microflora, while there are no pathogenic microbes at all. Unlike bifidobacteria (the same microorganisms that are “friendly” to humans), lactobacilli are found not only in the large intestine, but also in all organs of the gastrointestinal tract (starting from the oral cavity) and even in the female vagina.

"Living" inside us, they create an optimal balance of acidity - at a pH level of 5.5. They “try” for themselves, but thereby help the human body - they create unfavorable conditions for pathogenic bacteria and infectious agents (they don’t like such an acidic environment).

Dysbacteriosis as a signal to action

Unfortunately, with age, the balance of "harmful" and "beneficial" microorganisms in the human gastrointestinal tract is significantly disturbed not in favor of the latter. The reasons for this situation may be:

  • taking antibiotics (the most common factor);
  • living in adverse environmental conditions;
  • malnutrition;
  • frequent stress;
  • a sudden change in diet (most often due to moving to another country);
  • not fully cured intestinal infection.

The results of dysbacteriosis are sad: the work of the gastrointestinal tract is disturbed, and this affects the state of the whole organism - constipation and diarrhea are accompanied by dermatological problems and a decrease in immunity.

How do lactobacilli work in the human body?

In order to change the situation for the better, we need drugs for adults and children containing lactobacilli for the intestines. They inhabit (albeit temporarily) the gastrointestinal tract with a “friendly” flora and help achieve the desired balance:

  • suppress the reproduction of pathogenic bacteria, including those causing diarrheal disorders (E. coli, staphylococci), as well as gastritis and ulcers (famous);
  • help to get rid of diarrhea or constipation resulting from antibiotic treatment;
  • stimulate the synthesis of immunoglobulins, interferons and antibodies to pathogens of influenza and rotovirus diseases.

Important: getting into the intestine, lactic acid bacteria contribute to the increase inside it of colonies of another group of "friendly" microorganisms - bifidobacteria. For this reason, it is recommended to start normalizing the microflora in the gastrointestinal tract with preparations containing lactobacilli.

Preparations with lactobacilli for the intestines

There are many types of drugs containing strains of lactobacilli. They differ in manufacturer, price and composition.

The most famous and proven drug of the first generation with lactobacilli for the intestines, which can be used even for babies. This is a monocomponent agent, which contains exclusively lactic acidic microorganisms of the acidophilic type.

Available in the form of a powder for the preparation of a solution (this form is intended for babies under 3 years old) and in the form of capsules. The drug is domestically produced, relatively inexpensive - the average cost of a package is 100-150 rubles.


The Russian-made product belongs to the third generation of probiotics and contains three types of lactobacilli at once. For the treatment of dysbacteriosis and acute intestinal disorders, tablets or powder are used to prepare a suspension. Depending on the form of release, the price ranges from 100 to 160 rubles.

Combined drug of the third generation. In its composition, in addition to acidophilic bacteria, there are kefir fungi that enhance the action of lactobacilli. It is produced exclusively in capsules, but it can be given to infants starting from the age of three months (the cachet is opened and the contents are dissolved in a small amount of warm milk). A package of 30 pieces in Russian pharmacies can be purchased for an average of 350 rubles.


The widely advertised drug produced in Slovenia also belongs to the group of multicomponent probiotics. In addition to lactic acid bacilli, it contains strains of bifidobacteria and enterococci. For kids, it is available in powder form, there are also capsules for adults and dietary supplements for children (also in capsules). The cost varies depending on the age purpose and form (from 300 to 700 rubles)

Important: in total, scientists have about 100 species of lactic acid bacteria, and some of them have a rather narrow “specialization”. Even taking into account that products with probiotics are considered safe for human health and are sold in pharmacies without a prescription, any use of them must be agreed with the attending physician.

The above list of drugs with lactobacilli to normalize bowel function will be incomplete if the so-called dietary supplements are not mentioned. Dietary supplements are not classified as medicines for the reason that a simplified testing scheme is used when they are released. As a result, the consumer receives less guarantees that live bacteria are there in the right concentration.

This is a drug with acidophilic lactobacilli, which can be taken ready-made or used as a starter for the preparation of fermented milk drinks (depending on the form of release). Tablets and capsules are intended for adults and children, starting from the age of three, and kefir is recommended to be given to infants from 5-10 days.

It is customary to call dietary supplements of this format, since they include not only probiotics (beneficial bacteria), but also a prebiotic (a substance that contributes to their "survival" in the intestines). As the last part of Maxilac, the Polish manufacturer uses oligofructose. The active substances in the preparation are lacto- and bifidobacteria, as well as strains of two more bacteria - streptococcus and lactococcus.

Available in capsules (for adults) and in powder form (for children from 4 months). The cost is from 400 rubles and more.

Domestic or foreign?

Out of habit, Russian consumers trust imported rather than domestic medicines. As practice shows, the principle “albeit more expensive, but more reliable” does not quite work with probiotics - be it lacto- or bifidobacteria.

The fact is that the composition of microflora in the population of different countries is different due to the difference in climatic conditions and culinary preferences. Drugs are tested, respectively, in the state where they are produced. Consequently, strains of microorganisms from foreign pharmacists are not fully adapted for the inhabitants of Russia and the territories adjacent to it and do not “work” as effectively.

Why lactobacillus yoghurts are not effective?

A fairly large number of food products are sources of lactobacilli. Of course, these are all fermented milk products, as well as wine, bread and naturally fermented vegetables. For a healthy intestine, such menu items guarantee a constant replenishment of the necessary bacteria, but they are not able to help with dysbacteriosis.

At the same time, well-advertised yoghurts and kefirs with probiotics appeared on store shelves. Perhaps they will become a worthy replacement for pharmaceutical preparations and help overcome the consequences of dysbacteriosis? It turns out that they cannot bring significant benefits, since they contain living cultures in insufficient concentration. Moreover, most beneficial bacteria die in the stomach under the influence of hydrochloric acid and do not reach their immediate goal - the intestines.

- These are drugs with microorganisms that restore the normal intestinal microflora and can have a detrimental effect on pathogenic bacteria. They can include both their own types of microbes, which are normally found in the gastrointestinal tract, and alien to the human body. They are used after antibiotic therapy, poisoning and. Sometimes used to boost immunity, as there are a large number of immune cells in the intestines.

The term probiotics also includes eubiotics. This narrower concept means that the preparations contain only microorganisms that live in the human gastrointestinal tract.

In preparations and dietary supplements, there may be different types of probiotic cultures and their quantitative content. The main microorganisms that make up the normal microflora:

  • . In the course of its existence, organic acids (acetic, lactic) are released, amino acids, proteins and some B vitamins are synthesized. This allows you to suppress the reproduction of “bad” bacteria, strengthen immunity, and normalize intestinal motility.
  • . They live throughout the entire gastrointestinal tract (from the oral cavity to the large intestine). They produce enzymes, such as lactase, which prevent the development of lactase deficiency. Contacting with cells of the intestinal epithelium, they stimulate the protective properties of the body, accelerate the healing of mucous membranes, and inhibit the growth of pathogenic microbes.
  • (kind of faecium). They are found mainly in the small intestine. They are opportunistic pathogens, but without them, a person will constantly suffer from infections. The preparations use a non-pathogenic strain that is only beneficial.

Microorganisms that can cause disease or are not found in the normal microflora are also sometimes included in probiotic products:

  • bacilli(species cereus, subtilis). They are pathogenic microorganisms that cause food poisoning. The spores of these bacteria are successfully used in medicines and food supplements. Use only special strains that do not cause harm. They have antimicrobial and antidiarrheal properties.
  • streptococci(view thermophilus). The microorganism family itself causes many diseases. In medicines, only the kind that benefits the body is used. It absorbs lactose, is used for lactase deficiency, in the intestine it shifts the pH of the medium to the acid side, so pathogenic microbes die.
  • Saccharomycetes Boulardii(yeast fungi). They are a foreign element for normal microflora, do not stay in the intestine for more than 2-5 days. During this time, pathogenic bacteria attach to the surface of the fungi, since a component of their cell wall is food for microbes, and they leave the body together.

List of drugs

When choosing products, it is important to look at the quantitative content of bacteria, they should be at least 10 9 .

  • Baktisubtil. Contains dried spores of bacilli, copes well with diarrhea, has an antimicrobial effect.
  • Linex and Linex forte. They differ in quality and quantity. Contain lacto- and bifidobacteria. In the first preparation, enterococci and a prebiotic (lactose) are additionally included, in the second, the number of bacteria in the capsule is much larger. They suppress the growth of pathogenic flora, have an immunostimulating effect, reduce inflammation in the intestines.
  • Bifidumbacterin. One of the most popular drugs. Contains only bifidobacteria in not very large quantities (10 7). Improves the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, normalizes the microflora.
  • Lactobacterin. Includes only lactobacilli. More suitable for restoring flora in the vagina, but also used to fight intestinal infections.
  • Acylact. It also contains only lactobacilli. In addition to restoring the flora in the intestines, it successfully fights diseases of the oral cavity.
  • Acipol. Contains lactobacilli. Can be used for, improves immunity.
  • Biosporin. Includes bacilli. In addition to their standard function, they synthesize enzymes and regulate digestion.
  • Contains yeast. It has an anti-inflammatory effect, takes on pathogenic microbes and reduces their production of toxins. Helps with diarrhea of ​​any origin (poisoning, intestinal infection, irritable bowel syndrome).
  • Bifiform. Includes enterococci and bifidobacteria. Good for diarrhea and flatulence. It acts not only in the large, but also in the small intestine. Stimulates local immunity.
  • Khilak forte. Refers to, that is, it contains metabolic products of bacteria: Escherichia, lactobacilli and streptococci. It shifts the pH level to the acid side, which disrupts the reproduction and growth of pathogenic microbes. It has an anti-inflammatory effect, removes bloating and fights diarrhea.
  • Rioflora immuno. Contains lacto- and bifidobacteria , strepto- and lactococci. It is used for dysbacteriosis, improves the digestion process, strengthens the body's immune forces, reduces the development of intestinal infections.
  • Normoflorins. Available in 3 types: only with bifidobacteria, only with lactobacilli, and all together. The bacteria in them are alive, not dried. Therefore, funds are stored no more than 2 months after production. They are used for dysbacteriosis, for the treatment of intestinal infections.
  • Buck set. Contains lacto-, bifidobacteria, streptococci and prebiotic. It is used for poisoning, diarrhea,.
  • Bion-3. Ingredients: lacto- and bifidobacteria (10 7), vitamins, minerals and trace elements. Strengthens the immune system, is used for beriberi, normalizes the microflora.
  • Primadophilus. Includes lacto- and bifidobacteria. There are several types of products with different varieties and amounts of bacteria. It is used for dysbacteriosis, atopic dermatitis, food allergies.

Contraindications and side effects

Probiotics have little to no serious adverse reactions and are approved for many conditions.


  • allergic reactions to any components of drugs;
  • probiotics containing bacteria alien to the body are dangerous for people with immunodeficiency;
  • many drugs are undesirable to take during pregnancy and lactation, as they have not passed the appropriate safety tests.

Side effects:

  • allergies (rash, itching);
  • constipation;
  • increased gas formation;
  • bloating.

Can I take probiotics for prevention?

It makes sense to take them to prevent antibiotic-associated diarrhea that can occur after a course of antimicrobials. To do this, probiotics are taken simultaneously with antibiotics, but not all drugs can be combined.

Resistant to antibiotics: Enterol, Linex, Bifiform, Bak-set. They contain special antibiotic-resistant strains of bacteria.

In other cases, it makes no sense to take probiotics for prevention. If the body is healthy, all bacteria will pass by without lingering in the intestines.

Probiotics in food

Special preparations are not always required to help beneficial bacteria settle in the intestines. There are products that can help with this: