Get better by taking hormonal drugs. How to lose weight after taking hormonal drugs

Young girls in the period of maturation and first falling in love are rightly worried about the question, are there any contraceptive pills that do not make you fat? After all, the fear of recovering after taking it is quite justified: a woman not only gains excess weight, but even with the zeal of losing weight, he cannot lose what he has acquired through taking medication. Some doctors talk about the presence of such hormonal contraceptives, from which they lose weight, weight gain does not occur, but even the existing one decreases somewhat. How to choose such medicines?

Do you get fat from birth control pills?

The question “do they get fat from birth control pills” is quite justified, because after taking hormonal drugs, a woman changes, which affects the weight and other work of the body, especially in the activity of the reproductive system. Moreover, taking contraceptives affects not only the weight of a woman, but also many others. important aspects. That is why it is recommended to consult a doctor before taking the presented type of drugs. Good specialist will require the delivery of appropriate tests in order to determine exactly which drugs a woman should take in order not to become pregnant.

Side effects from taking oral contraceptives:

  1. They get fat from birth control pills - this is a fact, especially if a woman has chosen the wrong drugs that are not suitable for her existing hormonal background. If you notice weight gain, you should consult your doctor. Of course, don't panic about gaining weight. On average, the weight increases by only 3-4 kg. Any other manifestations should be treated in the doctor's office.
  2. Taking birth control pills for weight loss can cause both weight gain and not protect against. Often this is due to improper administration of the drug. Sometimes women begin to take medications on their own, which leads to such negative manifestations.
  3. The negative impact of contraceptives in general on the functioning of the body has been identified and confirmed by specialists. A change in the hormonal background can lead to changes in the microflora of the vagina, resulting in other unpleasant manifestations. causing discomfort and discomfort. Provoking similar diseases taking hormonal contraceptives, from which they lose weight, it will be difficult to cure them.
  4. If a woman has any chronic diseases, taking improperly selected contraceptives can lead to their exacerbation. Here, diseases of the reproductive system often manifest themselves, the development of mastopathy is noted, diseases of the adrenal glands and even the gastrointestinal tract become aggravated with renewed vigor.

Contraceptive pills that make you lose weight should be selected carefully and only after consulting a doctor. Any independent action may lead to irreversible consequences.

What birth control pills can help you lose weight?

Contraceptive pills, from which they lose weight, are of most interest to the fair sex. Thus, women want to preserve their former forms, and also pursue the goal of being liked by men, because the stronger sex is on this moment pays more attention to the figure of a woman. The opportunity to have contact that does not lead to the birth of children without the diligence of the man himself, stimulates even greater interest in a woman.

So, today the question is quite often asked, from which birth control pills do they lose weight? Are there really any?

Birth control pills that don't make you fat

Experts point out that if hormonal contraceptives choose correctly and in full accordance with the existing hormonal background of a woman, she will never recover from their intake. And, nevertheless, a possible list of drugs that are often recommended for women to be taken by specialists should be given.

The list includes:

  1. Low-dose drugs - Triziston, Yarina, Janine - are accepted by all girls and women. Prohibited for use by teenagers.
  2. Microdosed - Lindenet, Mercilon, Logest - tablets are intended for taking by young girls and women who are just starting sexual intercourse with men. In addition to the tablet form, today there are patches or flexible vaginal rings that last for several days or weeks.
  3. Mini-dranks - Charozetta, Exluton - are intended for taking by girls who do not have a regular sex life.

The presented funds should be used only according to the instructions, as well as with the permission of the gynecologist. To find out about the effect of drugs on a woman's body, you should undergo regular examinations to identify side effects. You must visit the hospital at least twice a year.

What birth control pills make you lose weight

Contraceptives that make you lose weight deserve special attention. Of course, you should not rely entirely on the action of weight loss drugs. But the normalization of hormonal levels can help a woman regain her normal weight.

There are the following birth control pills for weight loss:

  1. Regulon - is taken by women who have already given birth, since for young ladies the presented remedy will have the opposite effect.
  2. Novinet - a girl who has not yet had a pregnancy is appointed by specialists.
  3. Regividon - prescribed by a specialist only in the presence of any diseases genitourinary system among women.

Take care of your health and consult with specialists before using medications.

Kostya Shirokaya got close to the analysis of another controversial topic: “Do you get fat from oral contraceptives?”. Many girls complain that they get better with taking contraceptives.

Reading about OK on the Internet, you will see typical questions: “Do contraceptive pills make me fat?”, “Is illegal and my excess weight connected?” and everything like that. As a rule, ladies are in a hurry to write off weight gain precisely on oral contraceptives.

Let's take a look at this question. Of course, evidence in the style of “but my girlfriend started drinking OK and she was blown away” does not interest us, as well as examples from personal experience hundred years ago. Science is actively developing and the production of oral contraceptives does not stand still.


Let's take a look at the OK types first. Be sure to note: choice effective remedy with a contraceptive effect - the task of your doctor. The appointment of a hormonal agent should be preceded by a consultation with a gynecologist (endocrinologist) with full examination organism.

Only after having previously studied the medical history and asked you about your habits, the doctor makes a choice in favor of a particular drug. No self-activity in this matter is categorically not allowed!

Contraceptives are of two types:

  • combined oral contraceptives ( COOK);
  • mini-drank based on one hormone (gestagen).

Combined agents may be monophasic when the level of synthetic analogues female hormones changes throughout the course of taking the drug, and three-phase (the change occurs during menstrual cycle).

Combined oral contraceptives (depending on the number of hormones in them) are:

    Microdosed: contain minimal amount hormones. They are most comfortably tolerated by patients compared to other types, which explains their wide application young girls.

    Low dose: contain a low dose of hormones. It is also a sought-after COC used by patients different ages, including nulliparous ones.

    Highly dosed: are prescribed only by a doctor with obvious hormonal disorders (systemic diseases, in premenopause).

The listed funds contain both progestin (similar to male hormone), and estrogen (a female sex hormone produced by the ovaries). The process of ovulation is accompanied by the release a large number female sex hormones, and COCs taken allow you to regulate their ratio in order to prevent the fertilization process.

If for some reason the doctor does not advise taking COCs, then you can limit yourself to products containing only estrogen (mini-pills). This type of tablet is prescribed in lactation period.

Do birth control pills cause weight gain?

So, it must be acknowledged that similar problem existed because of high content hormones OK. Previously, oral contraceptives contained a very high content of estrogen (50 mcg), which just caused weight gain. Modern preparations contain about 30 micrograms, and low-dose - 20-15 micrograms.

So that Contraceptives by themselves do not give any weight gain.. Weight gain can only happen if you “on the advice of a girlfriend or the Internet” prescribe pills for yourself without consulting a doctor.

Let's be honest and note that some studies have found a relationship contraceptives with energy intake and some increase in overall calorie and fat intake; other studies have not found any related effects.

Due to the limitations of this data, it is difficult to say what exactly matters: Various types contraceptive or individual differences. De facto, of course, female body react very differently to contraceptives.

But the same can be said about the behavior of women during the menstrual cycle in general. Someone calmly endures all the hardships, as they say, “on their feet”, someone begins to hamster everything that is nailed down, others can barely move from pain. Many factors influence this: differences in hormone levels, sensitivity, etc.

It is the same with energy expenditure, while one study showed a slight increase in basal metabolic rate at the level of 5% due to the use of contraceptives, another study found no change. Again, the type of drug and individual characteristics probably played a role.

Conclusion: in most cases, there was still not a single significant change in body weight due to the intake of contraceptive pills, although in many there is a tendency to increase body weight by 2-3 kg in the first months of admission, but after a few months of administration, the weight has stabilized .

This is due to several reasons:

    increased appetite;

    fluid retention in the body- an analogue of progesterone, which is contained in OK, provokes a slower removal of fluid from the body, if edema is detected, you should read our article;

    hormonal disorders- if weight gain is observed while dieting, normal mode motor activity and the absence of edema, then weight gain while taking OK may indicate violations in the work thyroid gland and hormonal imbalance,in such cases, it is necessary to consult an endocrinologist.

Oral contraceptives and hunger

However, again there is one “but”: each organism has its own individual characteristics! For some, birth control pills improve appetite due to rising progesterone. Maybe not directly, but progesterone probably has a slightly stimulating effect on metabolism during the luteal phase.

So if you thoughtlessly approach this issue, you can join the ranks of women who claim that from hormonal pills get fat. Although extra pounds, as we already know, are not taken from the air!

Unfortunately, and this is not a secret, many medications cause weight gain. It can be not only hormonal drugs, but cardiac and psychotropic.

That is why it is recommended that you ask your doctor if your prescribed medication has a side effect that causes weight gain. If yes, is there alternative drug without such a side effect. If you are unlucky, and the prescribed medicine does not have an analogue that does not have a negative effect on your figure, then there is only one way out. Which? Start exercising regularly, for example, and of course, reduce the calories you eat.

Why get better from hormonal drugs

Why does weight gain occur when taking hormonal drugs? To answer this question, first, let's figure out what hormones and hormonal drugs are.
"Hormones are highly active biological substances that regulate growth, vital activity, reproductive and other functions of the body."
And hormonal drugs are medicines that contain hormones or hormonoids that exhibit pharmacological effects like hormones.

Do hormonal drugs harm our figure?

Hormonal drugs have a diverse effect on the body and therefore, in one word “useful” or “harmful” cannot be said, this also applies to the figure, that is, the increase in kilograms.
For example, hormone therapy during menopause affects metabolism. The result of which may be a "brutal" appetite. But it may be that the appetite remained the same, but there were difficulties with the release of fluid from the body.

What to do and what can help?

Everything is simple! Enter into your diet as much as possible more products, you can also drinks that contribute to the removal of fluid from the body. Eat more vegetables and herbs: parsley, green onion, dill. Eat more grains, they are rich in fiber, and it is known to contribute to the rapid satiety of the body. And also prevents the accumulation of fat!
Lingonberries, raisins, rosehip infusion, freshly squeezed carrot juice and mate tea, or just green tea- Faithful assistants in the removal of fluid.
You can, of course, use special diuretic drugs that will bring excess liquid from the body. Just don't abuse them!

Antidiabetic drugs and insulin

Patients take medications to lower blood sugar levels or inject insulin. And this is vital for them. But, unfortunately, sometimes they cause sharp drop his. For this reason, the feeling of hunger in the patient increases many times over. So patients in such cases eat more than they should.

What can help them?

To date, there is a new generation of antidiabetic drugs that do not provoke weight gain. Ask your doctor about new drugs. It is the same with insulin, you need to consult a doctor if it is possible to replace it with analogue insulin.

Medicines that lower blood pressure and excess weight

People suffering from pressure are often prescribed beta-blockers, and they, unfortunately, slow down the fat burning process. In addition to this, a person taking medication becomes lethargic, gets tired quickly, which means they move less, and extra pounds are gained from this.

How to help yourself

Well, firstly, there is an alternative to beta-blockers - ACE inhibitors (angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors). They also lower blood pressure, but weight gain from them is not observed. But without consulting a doctor, prescribed drugs cannot be changed on their own.
Rosehip infusion and multivitamins will help to cope with hypertension. Eat more vegetables and fruits, as they are low in calories, but rich in vitamins, good for the heart and do not threaten your figure!

Psychotropic drugs and extra pounds

Psychotropic drugs slow down the metabolism and cause hunger. Appetite increases especially in the first hours after taking medication.
If you notice that you are gaining weight, ask your doctor if alternative means. For example, there are atypical psychotropic drugs that do not affect metabolism.
Metabolism (from Greek wordμεταβολή - "transformation or change"), or metabolism.
You can take medication at night before bed. So you oversleep the feeling of hunger provoked by medicines. And in the morning, eat without harm to the figure.

How to remove excess fluid from the body

It happens that a person gains weight simply because of the accumulation of fluid in the body. A few tips on how to get rid of it:

  1. Drink more! Strange, fluid and so much in the body? The fact is that if you drink 2 liters of liquid per day: water or green tea, the body will stop accumulating liquid.
  2. Nettle tea will help get rid of excess fluid.
  3. Eat less salt. Salt has the ability to retain fluid in the body. Therefore, try to salt your food as little as possible.
  4. Fasting day. Arrange for yourself if possible. At least once a week.
  5. Eat fresh pineapples. Pineapple is a natural fat burner, in addition, pineapple is rich in vitamins and has the ability to remove excess fluid from the body.

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Tips - how not to gain weight while taking hormonal drugs


You have been assigned hormonal medications... And you look at the doctor with horror: after all, this is a sentence for a figure, getting fat from hormones is a couple of trifles! The treatment itself, its effectiveness, the healing process fade into the background. There is a more important concern - weight! And you are seriously thinking about ignoring the advice of a doctor and giving up hormonal in favor of your figure. Sorry, but what about the disease, what to do with it? Especially if it's gynecology?

Problems in gynecology occupy the main place among all the ailments that women suffer from. And many of these problems are solved with the help of hormonal drugs. Average duration course of treatment - 6 months (but, of course, situations are different, depending on the disease)

says the gynecologist of one of the Kyiv clinics Natalia Ivanenko

The possibilities of hormonal drugs, contrary to the "duty" opinion that hormonal pills work only as oral contraceptive, have enough wide range actions. For example:

  • to regulate the amount of sex hormones;
  • with a "confused" menstrual cycle;
  • with premature menopause, that is, the "loss" of menstruation not related to pregnancy (as a rule, this often happens in girls and women who exhaust themselves with diets, "constantly losing weight", anorexia, etc.);
  • at various problems with the ovaries (for example, hypofunction of the ovaries) and the uterus (for example, a sharp decrease, the so-called shrinkage);
  • with painful periods (pain in the lower back, in the lower abdomen, accompanied by dizziness, loss of consciousness, etc.);
  • with complications after childbirth;
  • for skin problems (pimples, blackheads);
  • when extra hair on the body.
The doctor makes a decision on treatment with hormonal drugs only on the basis of tests (as a rule, this is a set of tests - checking each hormone for the norm) of the patient. And the most common questions are, as a rule, "How much will I get better?", "How not to gain weight?", "Can I replace hormones with something else to avoid the problem of weight gain?". - In fact, the risk of gaining weight with the use of modern hormonal pills is very small. The main thing is to carefully monitor changes in body weight, your emotional state and well-being, and at the slightest deviation from the norm, immediately inform your doctor

- says Natalia Ivanovna.


Pay Special attention to the fact that you should not endure pain (for example, migraine), put up with discomfort or wait until you gain 10-15 kg, but stubbornly complete the course of treatment ... These deviations indicate that the drug is not suitable for you. Therefore, you need to immediately go to the gynecologist, who will prescribe you an analogue of the drug (that is, tablets with a similar composition aimed at treating your illness, only with a different name and a different manufacturer).

The hormonal agent should not cause side effects- sudden weight gain pain during menstruation, migraine, swelling. The possibility of the appearance of all this is indicated in the instructions, but you can’t put up with it! It is necessary to try, look for "your" drug, select. Today, this is possible thanks to a wide variety of hormonal medications. One of my patients over the course of 6 months gained an extra 15 kg, and then, of course, came with a complaint. But who is to blame for her: she calmly watched all 6 months, how the weight increases, and did not bother to come to the doctor. If she had switched to another drug in time, such a catastrophe with the figure would not have happened.

explains Natalia Ivanovna.

Are you afraid of hormonal figures like an executioner? Observe the following rules:

  1. Weigh yourself regularly (buy a bathroom scale and weigh yourself at least twice a week, if you wish, every day).
  2. Follow the diet (perhaps not hormonal drugs are to blame for weight gain, but your habit of checking the refrigerator at night).
  3. Include in your daily routine physical exercise(aerobics, shaping, running, Pilates, yoga, hiking etc.).
  4. Carefully and strictly control your menu: hormonal intake often provokes an increase in appetite, keep it under control! The motto "Beauty requires sacrifice" in this situation is quite appropriate, especially if the victims are cakes, pastries, chocolate, pasta, fried potatoes, hamburgers, etc.
In some cases, even subject to all the rules, the weight still increases by 1-3 kg. The reason for this may be the accumulation of fluid in the body, on the molecules of which fat accumulates. In this situation, after consulting with your doctor, you can drink herbal diuretic teas (sold in pharmacies labeled "diuretic" or "kidney") or chamomile infusion (fill chamomile flowers with boiling water, after 15 minutes strain through a strainer and drink like tea).

explains Natalia Ivanovna.

Don't want to get fat? Limit or exclude altogether:

  1. fatty food- promotes rapid increase body weight.
  2. Salt- retains fluid in the body.
  3. Snacks(chips, nuts, crackers) - contain a lot of fat, preservatives and dyes.
  4. flour products(buns, pies, pastries, cakes) - even if it were not for hormonal drugs, you know perfectly well how they affect the figure.
  5. Sweets(sweets, chocolate, ice cream) - increase the amount of glucose in the blood.
  6. Legumes(peas, beans, black Eyed Peas) causes bloating.
  7. potato b - due to the high content of starch promotes rapid weight gain.
  8. Carbonated drinks(especially lemonade and all its counterparts) - contribute to an increase in body weight. This means that even Diet Coke will have to be abandoned!

Hormonal drugs are an ageless medical "horror story". There will always be a colleague, aunt or unknown woman in line, ready to vehemently oppose foolish doctors prescribing these awful pills. One of the main side effects associated in the popular mind with hormone therapy is the almost inevitable weight gain. The well-known nutritionist Alexei Kovalkov told about why they are recovering from hormonal drugs, what specific medications cause the appearance of extra kilos, and what to do about it.

Losing weight after taking hormonal drugs is no different from any other weight loss, the secret of which is in combination proper nutrition and optimal level of physical activity. However, it is much more important to pay all attention and exactingness to individual appointment the drug and do not start yourself during the course of treatment, discussing all doubts and problems with the doctor in a timely manner.

To whom and why are hormonal drugs prescribed?

Professor Alexey Kovalkov

AT endocrine system There are seven basic human endocrine glands, in addition, there are many cells scattered, for example, in gastrointestinal tract, which also have the ability to produce hormones. The hormones themselves, natural biologically active substances produced by the human body, there are several dozen.

There are many hormonal drugs that can be prescribed to women for one reason or another. And it is wrong to combine them into one frightening whole, overgrown with myths and superstitions. If the drug is prescribed by a doctor and the patient takes it correctly, there is no point in raising the question of the appropriateness of treatment. There are situations when hormone therapy is indispensable.

As a rule, hormonal preparations are prescribed in order to make up for the insufficient formation of some hormones in the body, or in order to suppress their excess production. Some types of hormonal drugs, such as glucocorticoids, are prescribed for diseases that are not directly related to the endocrine system - for example, with bronchial asthma, severe allergic reactions, rheumatoid arthritis etc.

One of the diseases for which hormones, in particular the hormone insulin, can be prescribed is diabetes mellitus. The most commonly prescribed groups of hormonal drugs are synthetic thyroid hormones in the form of a single preparation of levothyroxine sodium (for example, L-thyroxine and Euthyrox), in the form of a combination of levothyroxine and liothyronine, that is, T4 and T3 (Tyreot, Novotiral) or in combination with iodine ( Yodtiroks, Thyreocomb). These drugs are used to treat hypothyroidism, or an underactive thyroid gland.

A large number of women periodically or constantly use hormonal agents with contraceptive effect. Gynecologists can prescribe such pills not only for family planning, but also as a treatment for some gynecological diseases. Contraceptives are also prescribed to change the level of estrogen in the blood in estrogen-dependent diseases, such as uterine fibroids and endometriosis.

Sometimes progesterone supplements are used to correct their own deficiency of this hormone in a common reproductive problem known as second phase deficiency (dysfunction corpus luteum, which can prevent a desired pregnancy).

But drugs for replacement hormone therapy, when lost hormonal functions are restored with the help of pharmacology, in our country they are still quite rarely used. Although in European countries the appointment of such medicines has long been successfully practiced.

Why does weight gain when taking hormonal drugs?

"Among the people" there is a strong opinion that as soon as you start taking these insidious "hormones", and in any form, you will definitely get better. And, it must be admitted, such a view cannot be called fundamentally wrong.

When using glucocorticoid drugs for a long time (we are talking about months and even years), for example, due to systemic disease connective tissue, or bronchial asthma, patients get better because glucocorticoids increase glucose levels, which, that is, indirectly contribute to an increase in adipose tissue.

Weight gain is also common in sufferers diabetes with an overdose of insulin. Insulin is an anabolic hormone, that is, it stimulates the processes of utilization and storage of glucose, amino acids and fatty acids, and at the same time inhibiting the catabolic processes of the breakdown of glycogen, fats and proteins.

But the use of thyroid hormones in itself cannot provoke an increase in body weight. These hormones speed up metabolism, increase body heat production, increase work activity. of cardio-vascular system, that is, they cause processes that are associated with weight loss.

If you are involved in a discussion about the fact that a friend, acquaintance, colleague from a neighboring office, a celebrity from TV has recovered “on hormones”, do not rush to apply this information to yourself. The start of taking hormonal drugs does not automatically mean that it is time to buy clothes "over the top".

The first question that arises when you hear about “hormonal” weight gain is: how did a woman eat at the same time? Body weight cannot increase in the absence of excess nutrition. In any case, if the doctor prescribed the drug to you after a thorough examination and strictly according to the indications, and you can’t not take it, you must first of all carefully and honestly look at your table and the degree of physical activity. If you are sure that you eat right, move enough, and the weight continues to “arrive”, you should understand the reasons individually and together with your doctor. Independently cancel and replace the treatment, sit on strict diet And even more so, you can not starve in any case. Just like using someone else's experience of losing weight after taking hormonal drugs.

These high-calorie contraceptives!

The most "massive" of all hormonal drugs can be called contraceptives, respectively, the lion's share of the discussion of the problem of losing weight "due to hormones" is associated precisely with their intake.

There are three main reasons why women who use hormonal birth control for a long time can gain weight:

  • 1
    Progesterone, one of the hormones found in contraceptives or hormone replacement therapy, contributes to some fluid retention in the body.
  • 2
    Taking hormonal pills can affect the change eating behavior i.e. increase appetite.
  • 3
    Relatively new data: if a woman gains weight on prescription contraceptive drugs, then, most likely, at the time of the appointment she had subclinical hypothyroidism, which "aggravated" with changes in the hormonal background. With a decrease in thyroid function, weight gain is characteristic.

No hormonal preparations have "own caloric value". Accordingly, by themselves they are not capable of causing an increase in body weight. If this happens, the cause lies deeper, and the consequences of its manifestation should be dealt with under the supervision of a specialist, without rash experiments and haste.

Do they get better from outdated hormonal hormones, do they lose weight from new ones?

Also, we must not forget that the drug drug discord. The first artificially synthesized female sex hormones - estrogen and progesterone - were obtained in 1929 and 1934, and the first birth control pill appeared on the market in the 1960s. Since then, the doses of hormones in the preparations have decreased significantly, and the active substances become bioidentical. For example, the latest generation of contraceptives uses estradiol valerate, which is converted in the intestine to estradiol, identical to its own.

Varieties of gestagens that are part of contraceptives and preparations for hormone replacement therapy have appeared. These substances, such as drospirenone, have the ability to remove excess fluid from the body. Also, to reduce the risk of side effects, you can ask your doctor to prescribe progressive contraceptives: for example, a gel applied to the skin that is minimally involved in metabolic processes"inside" the body.

Research the latest drugs containing female sex hormones demonstrate that drugs latest generation not only do not contribute to weight gain, but also reduce fasting glucose and insulin resistance, as well as improve the lipid profile, reducing the level total cholesterol, triglycerides, low density lipids.

It is important to know about this for women of any age: properly selected drugs for hormone replacement therapy during menopause will help to avoid sad and unpleasant manifestations characteristic of this period metabolic syndrome, including not only weight gain and the appearance of fat deposits in the abdomen, but also “hot flashes”, thinning hair on the head and growth on the face, risk of osteoporosis, vascular pathology, atrophic processes in organs.

But! With all the advantages of well-prescribed hormonal therapy, it must be remembered that hormones cannot be started on own will just because the wonderful pills helped someone from the environment. Everyone, even the most modern drugs there are contraindications. Hormonal drugs are prescribed by a doctor strictly individually, and with long-term treatment You must visit your doctor at least twice a year. Only in this way can you achieve safe reception medicines and do not "start" unwanted effects.

Have you ever taken hormonal drugs?

Accepted and improved. I took it, the weight did not increase. I am against hormones. You can always find an alternative and not take risks. The need did not arise, but with the testimony I would start taking it without hesitation.