Candle magic rituals for money. How to enhance the effect of the ritual

Trying to understand why untold wealth floats to some, while others vegetate in poverty, you involuntarily wonder if you should try conspiracies for money? After all, how to rationally explain the wonderful luck of individuals, if the conclusion about the magical intervention of higher powers suggests itself.

Types of conspiracies to attract money

Monetary magical rituals, although aimed at attracting wealth, differ in the goal pursued. And everyone has their own measure of wealth: one is enough to have enough for a bun with butter, and the other dreams of a mansion on the Cote d'Azur of France.

There are conspiracies designed for quick money, usually these are small amounts necessary for a momentary solution to material problems.

There are rituals for the accumulation of wealth, which involve not only the appearance of money, but also the enrichment of the entire material sphere: a good study (job), housing, career growth, salary increases, strengthening partnerships.

In addition, from time immemorial, reading prayers to the saints (Spyridon of Trimifuntsky, the Mother of God, the Guardian Angel) has been considered a powerful way to gain material well-being from time immemorial.

By the way, since your ultimate goal is a constant increase in material wealth, money conspiracies should be read only on a growing, increasing moon (unless another condition is specified separately in the ritual).

For the sacrament you will need: a transparent container with spring (purified) water, a banknote. It is desirable that the night sky was clear (cloudless). A ceremony is held when the moon rises high enough and will be reflected in the window of your house. Fill the bowl to the top with water. Holding the vessel in your hands in front of you, stand by the window so that the glow of the moon is refracted through the walls of the vessel. Read the conspiracy words three times:

Water-voditsa, satiate with moonlight. Be filled with heavenly power, miraculous grace. Moon-sister, key water, I turn to you with my soul: help, call for money to me. How much water is in the sea, ocean, river, Let there be so much money in my wallet. Sister moon, shine your light on the water, give me wealth. Deed and word of my amen.

Then raise the vessel so that you can see the moon through it, and say the following:

To be a full cup, and for me, the servant of God (my name), to forget all poverty. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Now drink all the water from the container and immediately go to bed.

Prepare in advance: a green tablecloth, a candle of the same color; wallet filled with banknotes of different denominations. Read late at night, placing the purse in front of you, 12 times the text:

In the high sky, the silver month rises.
It goes from west to east.
The moon grows every day, the barrel rounds.
Light shine adds.
How true it is that at the hour of the night the daring month rises into the sky,
It is so true that in my house the money is multiplying, they are in store.
Reserve and reserve for growth, I’m talking.
The bolts are strong to my deed and word.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

After completing the recitation, do not extinguish the candle - let it burn itself out.

Take a handful of coins in the palm of your hand and, pouring from one hand to the other, say:

So the coins ring, foreshadowing imminent happiness, calling for great wealth. Ring, coins, flood, gently call to each other. Call your gossip girlfriends from all over, let them go to my house as soon as possible, they will give a call back. Amen.

Looking at the illuminated part of the moon, you can speak a paper bill:

How much mud in the swamp, fish in the water, so much wealth to me.
Month, grow, grow, give me wealth, a servant of God (name).
Amen. Amen. Amen.

Hide the money in a secluded corner of your room, and spend it a week later.

A very miraculous ritual to attract money, which helps to get rich and gain success in business endeavors.

Take three multi-colored long candles. Each is a symbol:

  • white - you (the one who performs the ritual);
  • brown - labor activity;
  • green - the fruits of labor (money).

Set on the surface so that they represent the vertices of an equilateral triangle, as follows: white - in front of you; brown - to the right of the first; green is on the left. Light each one in turn, saying:

“Flame, like a soul; soul, like a flame" - on white;
“Profit in profit, money in money” - on green;
“Deeds in deeds, paths in paths, everything is on ointments” - on brown.

This ritual acts as a kind of divination on the current state of affairs in an exciting area. If they burn continuously, then things are successful; go out - failure can befall; flicker - something (someone) is constantly interfering.

With a sharp movement, connect the candles into one to form a whole flame. Place the resulting lamp in the center of the imaginary triangle and say:

In power is power, in power is power, I am with power and with that power.

Make sure that the ritual creation melts completely. Collect and store the remaining charmed wax as a protective magical talisman, then there will be luck in any profitable business.

For a sustainable effect, you will need twenty pieces of ripe apples, plucked with your own hands or bought without change.

Distribute 14 fruits to the poor, tomorrow another 3. On the third day, take the rest and take them to the church. Put the apples on the memorial table and say:

Remember my poverty for peace, and may wealth remain with me. Amen, Amen, Amen.

This conspiracy must be read throughout the week. In return, he promises strong protection against poverty and lack of funds in the family. The main thing is to choose the right period when the moon will be in the ascending phase all week. On Sunday evening with the first stars, take a bill, leave the house and, raising your eyes to heaven, say:

As there are countless stars in the sky, so we (give the names: yours and your spouse) would never transfer money. Let it be so. Amen.

The next morning, put the charmed banknote on the windowsill, next to three more coins. Do not touch money for a week, but talk to them daily:

On Monday I will get up, on Tuesday I will look, on Wednesday I will take it, on Thursday I will bring it, on Friday I will save up, on Saturday I will live well, and on Sunday - my luck! Let it be so! Amen.

With the help of candles, you can attract money, luck, love, as well as learn about your present and future.

Red. This color is considered both the color of blood and passion. It is used in love spells to ignite attraction, but a red candle can also serve as protection. It will strengthen the body, give strength to deal with circumstances, protect the owner from energy shocks. Walking around the house with a lit red candle, you will protect it from negativity. Psychic Regina Fedorenko spoke in more detail about how such a rite of defense is performed.

Orange. The color of luck. It's good to light such a candle before a responsible event, whether it's a public appearance, a date or a deal that should certainly be in your favor.

Green. Money color. By lighting a green candle in the house, you make it clear to the Universe that you would like to improve your financial situation. You can protect your wallet with a green candle so that it is not stolen and the money in it is not transferred. To do this, circle the wallet three times clockwise with a lit candle, as if outlining a circle around it. In addition, green is the color of health. To improve well-being, stop getting sick, relieve anxiety or extinguish a headache, a green candle can be lit in the room where you sleep and left for a short period of time.

Blue. The color of intuition. Helps to know the truth. It attracts the desired changes. You can combine this candle with another. For example, if you want to find your calling and earn more than you do now, try lighting blue and green candles.

Blue. White with blue. A bluish candle at the same time allows you to find yourself and calm the inner demons. It is also good to light it for reconciliation. Blue color relieves anxiety and sets in a contemplative mood.

Violet. Mystical color. If blue enhances the sixth sense, and red strengthens the physical forces, then together they release your inner energy.

Gold (or other shiny candles). As a rule, they are made to burn on holidays and create a festive atmosphere. But such a candle can attract diversity even on gray days. By lighting these candles, make wishes and visualize dreams. You can try it yourself. Get a golden candle, wait for a quiet time when no one will distract you, light a candle and try to imagine what you want in colors. Imagine how you can get it, what you are doing to get it, what your triumph will be when you get what you want.

Black. Sometimes you can see such rather ominous candles. They are often used to induce damage. They draw energy from their owner, feeding on it. When inducing negativity, it is important to remember that it always returns, brings a blowback to those who conceived evil.

Universal rite with a colored candle

Each candle can be worked differently, but there is a general method that works for any candle. Write what you want on paper and burn it in a candle flame. Choose the color of the candle based on your desire: if it is associated with wealth, remember the meaning of a green candle, and if with personal happiness, look for a red or pink one.

Divination candle color

Many divinations are connected with candles and water. The combination of opposite elements helps to lift the veil of secrets over the future. In order for fortune-telling to go in the right direction, a candle can also be selected according to the desired color. This is exactly what he recommends doing fortune-telling on a candle and water.

The desire to make your life stable, to stop worrying about the lack of funds is inherent in almost all people. Some work hard, others buy lottery tickets, others seek support in magic. The rite for money with a green candle has helped more than one wizard to stop doubting their abilities. It is advisable to understand that it is not enough to tell fortunes, you still have to do something in the real world.

Imagine if you performed a ceremony for money with a green candle (or some other), the forces began to work. After a while, the result is ready. And how do you transfer money, if you are lying on the couch, staring at the monitor, and do not lift a finger to take it? Of course, there is no problem arranging for a stack of bills to be brought home. But this is much more difficult than providing a winning ticket or a job with a gigantic salary. But no one will be able to play the lottery for you, and accept an offer for a job, too. That is, it is not enough to conduct a ceremony. Money, wealth, fame and success come to active people, even more, enthusiastic ones.

Thinking about the rite: “how to attract money”, the philosophy of desires

A few preliminary words, as always. Novice wizards skip the "introductory part", but in vain. But they will return, having stuffed themselves with cones. And a person who knows a lot about magic will definitely take an interest in how to prepare for divination. We won't say anything new. Set yourself up for success, keeping in mind that the result can be anything. Money will come not in the amount that is now dreamed of, but as much as you can accept.

You know, probably, in one of the prosperous countries they conducted a study. We tried to establish whether people who won large sums in the lottery became happy (we are talking about tens of millions of dollars). It turned out that 95% of them died in the first year of possession of countless, according to ordinary citizens, riches. They could not accept such amounts. Do not demand a lot at once, do not shorten your age. Magic is a tool that no one will take away. She is inside you. Wish for something real, something that will make life happier, more convenient, more comfortable, and not necessarily just a fairy tale.

Ritual with a green candle

Once you're ready, run to the store. Buy a green candle there. If there isn't one, it doesn't matter. Paint what is available. In addition, you will need:

  • dried bay leaf;
  • crystal vase or glass, but made of natural material;
  • free time, about half an hour;
  • positive attitude;
  • new box of matches.

Schedule a money "green" ritual for Thursday on the waxing moon. It is very good if you can stay in the house alone. If not, then ask relatives to sit quietly and not get involved in the magical process. And you have to do it like this:

  1. In a well-ventilated home, close doors and windows.
  2. Place a table in the center of the apartment.
  3. Put a dish on it, in the middle of which a candle is fixed.
  4. Count out seven bay leaves.
  5. On each write, and what money is needed. The amount does not need to be specified.
  6. Light a candle.
  7. Read the formula.
  8. When a third of the candle burns out, set fire to the laurel leaves and place on a nearby dish.
  9. It is necessary that they do not burn, but smoke. If it goes out, light it up again.
  10. While reading the plot, go around all the premises of the house, holding a steaming dish in your hands.
  11. Wait until the candle goes out on its own.
  12. Collect the ashes carefully in a paper bag.
  13. It is thrown into the flowing natural water, river, stream.

Conspiracy for green candles:

“Among the dark forests, swampy swamps, green mountains, the hill stands, covered with a veil of fog. Under it the dwarf lives, gold forever forges: coins and horseshoes, shackles on his hands. The path to the hill is covered with swamps, fogs, animal paths. I let the thoughts go, I disperse the fog, I show the dwarf the way to the light, I will order to bring gold. Go, sufferer, to the threshold. I open the way for you. Bring the treasures to the chambers, you will be welcome here. Amen!".

When will the result be?

Often people are in a hurry. But it is understandable. But, if you need a certain amount urgently, then perform a ceremony for quick money. And this magic will not change the situation in an instant. But it will definitely work, if the rite was performed correctly. Money, wealth will come little by little, giving birth to more and more new desires, throwing up opportunities for their fulfillment. If you strengthen the action of the rite with psychological practice, for example, " How to create what you want guaranteed", then the results will be even steeper.

There is a certain beacon confirming that you are not mistaken. Within a week, they will pay off the debt that they forgot about or they will give a bonus. But profit can be not only for the wizard, but for any family member with whom you run a joint household. As a rule, a certain amount is received within a day or two. But it's worth waiting a week. If nothing happened, you need to remove the damage. This ritual is repeated for as long as you want. No more than once or twice a month.

A variant of the rite with a bill

This ritual is somewhat simpler. For this, we love novice wizards. Prepare:

  • mood for the ceremony;
  • a candle;
  • money (a bigger bill);
  • a new needle that has not yet been sewn.

Order of execution:

  1. Sit at the table, lay out the prepared attributes in front of you.
  2. On the candle, scratch your name and the desired amount of profit with a needle.
  3. Light it up.
  4. Place a bill next to it.
  5. Look at the fire and think how much pleasure you will get from the receipt of finances.
  6. You can remember how you won the lottery, suddenly found out about a big bonus and other pleasant things.
  7. When the candle is half burnt, drip some wax onto the bill.
  8. Rub it on paper.
  9. Fold the bill into a triangle and hide it in your wallet or other place.
  10. You can't spend it.
  11. If you have to give, then repeat the ritual.

You know, wax witchcraft is obtained by almost everyone who will not regret buying a candle. This is very good. People should live in abundance. Perfectly clears money plugs in the aura. Practice this simple magic yourself and share with your friends (social media icons below). And also write in the comments if you have any problems, we will tell you what you are doing wrong. Good luck and prosperity!

Let's take a closer look at a conspiracy with a candle for money - with a detailed description of all magical actions so that the ritual does not have negative consequences.

The power of magic is enormous. Since ancient times, magicians, sorcerers and healers have been practicing strong magical rituals to attract material wealth and good luck in business.

Modern magical rites can not only attract money, but can also accelerate your career growth.

Rituals for money can do a lot. With their help, a person can reveal all his possibilities. They charge with strong energy and improve relationships with superiors.

Ritual for money

By regularly applying money rituals, you can achieve great success both in work, business and career, and in family life. After all, every successful person strives to earn as much money as possible, not only for himself, but also for the sake of his loved ones.

Today, there are many different rites and rituals that can attract good luck and make you more successful. The following magical rites have been tested for a long time and more than one person has felt their positive impact.

It is very important when performing a particular ritual to follow the necessary recommendations and rules.

How to perform a money ritual

  • Do not use magical rituals to enrich yourself at the expense of others. Do not abuse people who are helpless, naive, stupid or generous to you. Count only on your own strength and on the help of the Almighty.
  • Money rituals will not help you take money out of nowhere. In order to become rich, you need to work hard and direct all your strength in the right direction. Magic can open your eyes to things you've never seen before. It will help you reach the desired heights.
  • Confidence and a clear definition of the goal - this is what you need when performing the ceremony.
  • Your desires must be real. You should not conceive unrealistic amounts and wish to become the richest. Your desires must be real.
  • Be sure to believe in your success. Live with the thought that your desire will surely come true.
  • No one should know about your magical rites. It is only your secret. Get to the core of your problem. You must clearly know what you want. For example, you want to get rid of the black streak in your life, or attract money and material wealth to yourself.
  • A very good sign is the clothes and paraphernalia of green color in the rite. It is this color that is able to attract material well-being and success. If you need to repay a debt or speed up the effect of a money ritual, you need red clothes.
  • Money magic uses the influence of all four elements (Fire, Earth, Air and Water). Thus, you can stabilize your money savings, drive out poverty, attract prosperity and get rid of negative energy.

How to make your own wealth map

To make a "dream card" you will need a piece of whatman paper or other paper of the appropriate size. Draw on it all your dreams and desires, everything that you aspire to. If you can't draw or are very bad at drawing, you can use newspaper or magazine clippings. Stick them on your "card" as follows.

Divide your sheet into equal sized sectors. There must be nine. Connect your imagination to this creative process. In the central sector, place your photo or draw a self-portrait. This is your zone. You must be in the center so that all other blessings surround you.

Wealth Map Diagram

The northern sector is responsible for your career. It must be painted in shades of blue. Silver shades and black are also suitable. It is very good if mountains and the sea are depicted there. They symbolize the growth of your career and the achievement of your goals.

The southern sector is responsible for glory. This is a fiery element, so the main color here will be all shades of red. This is the sector where you must portray how you want to be perceived by others.

If you want to become gentle for others, depict a flower. If you want to become inflexible and tough, draw a tree. If you want to become famous and memorable, portray a rooster, a stage or a TV screen.

The western sector is children. Its main element is metal. The main color is white. You can use brown and silver shades. Try to depict a lake in this sector, be sure to draw children there. You can depict a child of a certain gender there, and then you will definitely have him.

If you really want your child to become a doctor, athlete, actor, and so on, depict the appropriate symbolism. They must look happy and complete. In this sector, you can depict your favorite animal or plant. That is what you care about.

The eastern sector is responsible for the family. The main and main element is wood. The color of this sector should be green. Draw a beautiful tree in this square, next to it is a river or any other body of water. Color the picture in blue-green shades. Depict your beloved parents and people close to you, depict a beautiful and rich house.

If your work is related to people and your main income is made up of their number, draw a large number of people.

The southeastern sector is responsible for wealth and material well-being. Like the eastern sector, trees, a pond, and also money are depicted in it. You can draw a good car, a beautiful big house, jewelry and gold.

In the southwestern sector is the zone of marriage and love. The main magical element is earth. The sector should be made in brown, beige, yellow and red shades. You can post a photo of your loved one here if you have one.

If you have not found your soul mate yet, stick a photo of any person you like. Draw hearts in it, decorate it in the appropriate style.

Northwestern sector - Traveler area. Color it in white, silver and brown shades of flowers. Paste a picture of a clear and cloudless sky. This sector is responsible for various travel and trips. The more diverse this sector is, the more diverse your life will be.

Try to depict any influential person (president or king) in this square. Or someone who has achieved significant success in his life. There may be many such people in your square. The scope of their activities can also be varied.

In the northeast square you need to reflect knowledge. The main element of this square is the earth, and the colors should be orange and yellow. Color the square in these shades and depict the mountains near the seashore.

Try to put in this sector everything that can be directly related to skills and education. Do not neglect this sector. Its meaning is just as important as all the others. If you haven't received the education you want yet, picture it there.

When your map is ready, you can make clarifications under the various pictures with the indicated dates. Thus, you can limit the achievement of your desired goals within certain limits. For example, you want to build your house in two years, write the appropriate entry under the desired picture. Or you want to buy a car, write the desired date under it and so on.

The finished card must be placed on the wall in your room. You must see her well. Every time you look at it, you will remember why you live and what you strive for. This karate is able to have a very strong magical effect on your subconscious, it directs you in the right direction and brings good luck.

Money rituals for every day

  • To increase your material well-being, experts recommend regularly sprinkling ground cinnamon on your money.
  • Don't leave change at the checkout. Treat your money carefully.
  • In no case do not give money to a stranger deployed. Be sure to fold them in half and only then give the folded side to the person. Otherwise, your well-being and success will go away from you.
  • Don't throw your money on the ground or on the floor. Even the smallest coin should not be left on the floor.
  • Going for large purchases, you need to rub your palms with a mixture of mint and cinnamon. Thus, the money spent will return to you in an increased amount.
  • Banknotes must not be crumpled and carried in this form in your pocket.
  • Avoid loans. Don't borrow money. This is an extreme case, without which you can not do.
  • Try not to lend money, especially when you know the person is unreliable.
  • The wallet should not contain old checks and things that are not related to money. Put three coins with square holes in the middle into your wallet. Tie them with a red ribbon. They bring good luck.
  • When you win money on the lottery, you need to donate part of the amount to those in need. Otherwise, you may lose much more than you gained.
  • Be sure to carry a banknote in your wallet that cannot be changed. It is best to put it in a separate pocket. It will attract good luck to you and will be very useful to you.

Conspiracy for good luck and wealth

Such a rite is performed on the growing moon. You need to light a green candle. Concentrate your attention on her flame. Say the following conspiracy over the candle until you feel confident in your words. And then let it burn out.

Conspiracy for good luck and wealth

“I want the healing and harmonious energy of this candle to become mine. Let the magic of money flow through my life. I attract money like a magnet. I am open and receptive to wealth. Around me is light and love, they keep me in all my efforts. Let everything be according to my word.

Modern magical conspiracies, rites and rituals are very strong. They bring success, good luck and prosperity to a person who regularly uses such rituals. The most important rule is faith in yourself, faith in magic and faith in a positive result.

Money ritual Green candle

Many people know that most magical rituals are usually performed with candles.

You can also carry out rituals to attract money with a candle.

But not with an ordinary one, but using a green candle for this.

Why is the green candle so magical, and how to use it in money magic?

Green candle in magical rituals

Green is the color of material and monetary magic.

Green candles are used in magical rituals to improve well-being, as well as for healing, as they patronize health and physical fitness, complementing other candles.

Green colored candles are great for all sorts of new beginnings.

The abundance of green candles in the house is a good program for your world, fire and earth in a harmonious ratio contribute to success and wonderful fruits, both in terms of successful decisions and material gain.

These candles may well be your daily friends, helping to consolidate the result of fulfilled desires or performed magical rituals.

Green is the color of fertility, abundance and wealth. Symbolizes nature and material gain. Promotes wealth, fertility and success.

Corresponds to the 4th chakra.

Green candles are best lit on Fridays.

When green candles are used in rituals to increase wealth, they contribute to a gradual increase in income or capital.

As the color of the fairies, green is also very useful for spells that call for good luck or increase magical abilities.

Green candles are used to attract the energy of money, prosperity, as well as to promote health and help in new endeavors.

It is also used in spells aimed at positive changes in circumstances, at repeating or renewing a desire or intention and consolidating the result.

Green candles are widely used in the rituals of money magic. With their help, money and monetary success are attracted, material benefits are obtained.

It is great to use green candles in rituals aimed at career growth, achieving personal goals or personal material gain.

In addition, green candles are used as an additional factor of growth and activity in rituals related to various issues of the material world - such as employment, business development, opening up new development prospects.

How to make a money candle

How to choose a green candle for money rituals? Ideal if the candle is made of wax, but regular stearin or paraffin is also suitable. The main thing is that it is thick enough and can burn for 2-3 hours.

A purchased green candle will serve as the basis for creating a cash candle. Now it's time to start preparing the energy mixture, which will make the transformation.

To make the mixture, you will need a glass bowl, olive oil and aromatic oil, which can now be bought at any gift shop.

We need pine, cedar, eucalyptus essential oils to attract money, and an ordinary paint brush.

From the previously purchased candle, you need to cut off the lower part (about two centimeters). Just cut it carefully so that the candle subsequently remains stable.

Now pour half a tea cup of olive oil into a glass bowl and add three drops to each bottle of aromatic oil.

Stir the mixture clockwise and place in a water bath. Put a finely chopped piece from the candle there as well. Stir with a wooden spoon or spatula until the wax softens. You should get a homogeneous mass.

Then remove the bowl from the water bath and cool, stirring gradually. Cooling down, the mass will gradually thicken, and until it has completely frozen, you need to charge it with monetary energy.

You need to do it like this. Place the bowl on the wooden table. If you do not have a wooden table in your house, then you can put the dishes on a wooden board (for example, a cutting board).

Look carefully at the surface of the mixture and focus. Think of those desires and hopes that you can fulfill with the help of a green money candle. Close your eyes and try to imagine in great detail the moment you get what you want.

After that, it remains only to turn the purchase candle into a green money one. And this is how, take a simple candle in your left hand (for left-handers, vice versa), and with your right hand, dip the brush into the mixture that you apply to the candle. The direction of movement of the hand is from top to bottom.

As you apply the mixture, try again to imagine how you will succeed in achieving your goal. When you finish applying the mixture, leave the candle to dry for a day.

After this period, the green money candle will be completely ready and can be used in various ceremonies, spells and rituals.

When you make such a candle, you can immediately get down to business.

How to make a ritual with a green candle for money

So, do you want to raise money?

Then light a green candle at midnight, put it in the middle of the table, first lay a clean tablecloth on the table (it is recommended to take a green or white tablecloth).

Now carefully watch the burning wick of the candle (a few seconds will be enough).

It is required to catch the moment when the green candle does not smoke, does not smoke profusely, does not crack. Caught?

Then look directly at the fire and say:

“The green flame flares up, money is going to me. Amen!".

Have you spoken these words? Note - they must be pronounced three times.

The candle did not smoke, did not crackle during the ceremony? Then your wish will certainly come true - soon you will have money.

If it did not work out, and the green candle began to crackle, smoke, then the ritual can be repeated the next day.

How to make a money talisman from a green candle

This is a simple money ritual with a green candle, which will result in a small talisman that you need to put where the money is stored or in a wallet, wrapped in a white cotton cloth.

It is better to do it on the growing moon, accompanied by colorful visualizations.

For the ritual, you will need a blank white sheet of paper, 7 coins of 10 kopecks, 2 green candles, cinnamon and cloves.

Light two green candles and, crossing them together so that the wax flows down more actively, hold over the coins. Wax gradually fills the coins.

Sprinkle some money spices - cinnamon and cloves, continuing to pour wax on the coins. We try to pour wax so that a circle forms.

The talisman is hot and must be left to cool on the table. As an option - put on a window sill illuminated by moonlight.

The green candle wax talisman will decrease in size, become solid, and is ready to work to attract money.

It is very important to believe that everything will work out for you and come true. Good luck and wealth!

We work with a candle: rituals for money, love and well-being

Candles are often an integral part of rituals. They don't just add mystery: when used properly, they will give any conspiracy a powerful force.

Ritual with candles to attract money

To carry out this ritual, you will need three candles of different sizes and your wallet, which must be full, in accordance with the rules for attracting money. It is advisable to choose the period of the growing moon and conduct this ritual so that no one knows about it and does not find out after it. Also choose a place and time so you won't be interrupted. Otherwise, the rite will be invalid. Optional, but you can find a green cloth for a money ritual with candles.

At the beginning, lay a cloth on the floor if you find it. If not, then use at least an oilcloth just in case. Place the candles in front of you so that the thinnest one is to your left. Place your wallet directly below it. On the right, determine the place for the most voluminous candle, and in the middle - for the middle one. Light them from left to right, sitting in front of them on your knees and so that the match does not go out. That is, all candles must be lit from one match.

Now that everything is ready, put your hands on the wallet and, in accordance with the words, moving it from candle to candle, say the plot: “There was a thin wallet, then it became mine. He got a little fat, and then he got fat. Let it stay that way, and it's easy for me to live. Wealth-wealth, show your kingdom. Come visit me, live in my wallet. After this conspiracy, say: "Let it be so!" and, keeping your hands on your purse, blow out the thin and medium candles. Sit up straight and wait for the third candle to burn out.

Ritual with a candle for love

In addition to the candle, for this ritual you will need a flower (or flowers) with red or pink petals and candy (any kind you like). Also remember or learn a love verse that is very close to your heart. It can also be a song, but then you have to feel free to sing it. The most suitable day for this ritual is Friday night. Please note that it is better not to spend it on the waning moon. Then it will definitely be no less powerful than the Simoron ritual.

Move the curtains from the window and remove everything from the windowsill. Put a candle on it. Take a flower and, tearing off the petals with your left hand, gently shower the candle around. At the same time, read a verse or sing a song that you have prepared for such an occasion. Do it with expression and feeling. When you have finished reciting or singing, take a piece of candy and say it in the following words: "Where is my destiny? Where are you, part of me? I'm standing at the window, waiting for you. Look at the light, stay for the day. Where there is a day - there for two, and for three, and forever. Let's be together: you and me. Life will be sweet, love is hot, divided into two. Bite off half of the candy and put the rest next to the petals and candle. Tell: “May my words come true from this very minute and day. Let it be so".

Do not extinguish the candle, it must burn itself out. Leave it like that for the night and go to bed.

Ritual to attract well-being with a candle

This ritual is preferably carried out in the kitchen. You can put a photo of your family next to the candle, but then all your household members should be on it. All actions from preparation to the absorption of food must be performed with this burning candle.

Any fruits and berries you like are perfect for the dish. The ritual will look like a beautiful decoration for a dessert dish for the family, but in fact it will help bring prosperity to your home. Arrange fruit on a plate so that they form a horn shape. It must be complete. This is your cornucopia. You can also stuff pre-peeled pears with all sorts of pieces of fruit or berries for this. But then each of the family members should eat such a pear.

Be sure to take an apple and cut it into pieces, fold them in the shape of a heart or several hearts. Place a small floating candle in the center. Say the plot three times: “My house, my family, my life - everything is like a cornucopia, let it be filled, sweet and good. Everyone who eats from it, let him be satisfied, well-fed, shod and in prosperity. Let it be so".

Fruit is not a rare attribute in conspiracies. For example, you can help attract love to yourself and maintain your youth with apple spells. Good luck, and don't forget to press the buttons and

Green candle to attract money and prosperity

In magic, colors matter. Candles are used to perform various rituals. The classic color is yellow, but for some rituals it is preferable to use colored wax, for example, they usually take a green candle to attract money.

Green color in magical rituals

First of all, green is the color of material and monetary magic. Candles made in this color are used to attract wealth. In addition, they can be used in healing rituals when it is necessary to improve health, since green is associated with the physical. No wonder a tree with foliage is considered a symbol of health, spirit and strength.

Green candles sometimes used when performing rituals and conspiracies associated with the beginning of something new. They help direct energy towards good luck and successful completion of affairs.

Installing a lot of green candles in the house helps to harmonize energy, attract happiness, well-being. Such a house is in balance, and the woman living in it is endowed with beauty and a flourishing appearance. Wishes in a house with green candles come true faster because the energy flows correctly.

Green is associated with fertility and abundance.. If suddenly there is a decrease in profits in the family, then you can light a candle in this color every day, sincerely wishing that well-being improves and material problems stop.

This color is also associated with the world of love., therefore, it is used in some rituals to attract happiness.

How to choose or make a candle?

For the performance of rituals, it is important to choose the right accessories. The easiest option is to buy a candle in a store. However, everything is not so simple, because the industry offers many options - from thin to thick, unscented and scented, from wax and paraffin.

It is best if the candle is natural, that is, made of wax. It costs more, but after all, the ritual is done to attract money, which means that there is no need to spare money. Small "floating" candles in an aluminum shell are not the best option, although if there is no other, you can use them.

If you want the candles to be scented, it's best to make them yourself, as industrial scents are synthetic.

It is advisable to do rituals to attract money using a thick wax candle. But if it is difficult to get such material, then use paraffin.

Improving industrial

If you want to flavor the item, then do it as follows: scrape off a little wax from the bottom surface of the candle. Put it in a bowl and heat it over a flame until the wax starts to melt. Now you need to add a few drops of essential oil to this mass. You can use cinnamon, orange, cloves, cedar, lavender, sage.

Oils are used separately or mixed, but for a pleasant aroma, it is enough to use 2-3 types of oil in the mixture. The composition is mixed, finally heated to a liquid state, and then evenly applied with a brush to the surface of the candle, after which it is allowed to dry. In this way, an aromatic candle with natural oils is obtained at home.

Do it yourself

For the manufacture you will need a wick, you can buy it in church stores or purchase cotton threads. You will need wax as a base. It is taken from other candles or purchased at a store that sells honey. The latter is the best option, since it has not been used yet.

Use food coloring to color a candle green.. Some offer brilliant green, it will give a bright color, but the substance itself is unsafe.

Empty tubes of paste or cream are suitable for the form. The wick must be fixed on one side so that it is in the center of the tube cavity. Wax is melted in a water bath, mixed with dye and aromatic oils. It should be slightly cooled and gently begin to pour into the mold, making sure that the wick is always in the center. It will take 4-6 days to harden.

It is easier and faster to make a thin candle. You will need a wick and melted wax. The wick is coated with wax, then dipped in melted but cooled wax several times until a candle of the desired size is obtained.

When making candles, you must follow a few rules:

  • Doing so in a good mood.
  • Pre energetically cleanse yourself and the space around. For this, mantras or special prayers are suitable.
  • Must be set up, think only about the candle and its purpose. Extraneous thoughts may affect the further ritual.

Ritual to attract money

Rituals to attract money and success are done on the growing moon. It is necessary to eliminate distractions, so it is better to do it alone. The space is pre-cleaned. Thoughts, too, should not be distracted, but be directed only to the goal.

In addition to the green candle, other components are also used to help attract good luck.. These stones are: malachite, aventurine, turquoise, jade. They are placed next to the surface where the ritual will be performed. One type of stone is enough, no need to put everything in a row.

You will also need coins of the highest denomination. Or a large banknote.

Spell Herbs:

Herbs are placed next to the candle depending on the goals to be obtained.

Runes are cut out on a candle or written on a piece of paper. They also have a certain meaning and help redirect energy in the right direction.

  • Fehu- gives wealth, good fortune, energy for business.
  • jera- success in legal affairs, a new beginning.
  • Gebo- Giving and receiving gifts.
  • Hyères- success in financial affairs, investments, finding lost or hidden things.
  • otal- solidity, money.
  • Algiz- protection, luck, success.

    Runes are used both separately and in combination.. On both sides, you can draw Algiz - a rune of protection, and in the middle you need one from other runes, depending on the goals.

    • Money does not come from nowhere, you still have to work. Rituals only help to strengthen energy.
    • Can't apply them to get rich at someone else's expense.
    • At runtime you need to clearly know what you want and what you ask from the Universe.
    • Wishes must be real and doable. If a poor man thinks of 10 million at once, then he is unlikely to receive it.
    • About the ceremonies can't tell anyone- it destroys energy, and any actions will be useless.
    • All four elements are used during the ritual: Fire, Air, Water, Earth. It helps bring the energy into harmony. The symbol of air can be a feather or smoke from incense sticks, for Water they put a small cup of water, and the symbol of the Earth is salt or a little natural earth, but energetically purified.
    • For the rite It is advisable to wear something green.

    Having arranged all the components, they read the spell:

    In the name of the Lord and Lady, without harming anyone, let the money come to me. Without causing harm at my will, let the money come, as I want it.

    The candle should be left to burn out or put out with tweezers until the next ritual.. You cannot blow out the candle with air.

    Conspiracies to increase wealth

    To attract wealth, you will need a green candle, salt, a cup of water, lavender oil and a bunch of chamomile or other money grass. It is necessary to light a candle, mix salt, ground herbs, oil. The fingers are dipped into the water, then into the mixture and pronounced:

    Salt and herbs of Earth and Fire, bring what I want: prosperity, wealth, speak the word, do my will.

    After that, apply some of the mixture on your wallet.

    The following plot is performed with a burning candle, looking at the growing lunar disk:

    Oh, growing moon, make my income grow and increase. Money comes to me, they reward me for my work.

    Or another option:

    Hello Luna. I am worthy of the good that I ask of you. May abundance come into your home. Let prosperity come to the house. May my work be crowned with success. My dreams come true, well-being is added.

    Rite with church candles

    Classic church candles can also be used to attract success. Traditionally, for these purposes, prayers are read before the icons. However, spells can also be used. They should be aimed at good and in no case wish someone else's wealth and other people's money.

    On a church candle they read conspiracies about attracting work, asking for an increase in the salary of themselves or their husbands.

    Five wax candles are taken. Light up. Cross yourself and say:

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  • Since ancient times, people have illuminated their homes with candles, but the benefits of a simple candle are not limited to this. With the help of candles, you can find mutual love, increase wealth or protect yourself from enemies.

    At first glance, it may seem that the color, material and size of the candle is a secondary matter. But it's not. Practitioners know: for different purposes, a specific type of candle is required. For example, candles of one color attract money, while the other color awakens passion between spouses. The first is better to light at the desktop, the second - in the bedroom.

    The best raw material for ritual candles is wax. It is a natural material associated with living force. In combination with fire, it gives a reliable result when divining by a candle, and during rituals it serves properly. A wax candle made with your own hands will be stronger than a store-bought one.

    Yellow. Such a candle works with the energy of the house, attracts well-being under the roof and drives away the negative. It is believed that it has a positive effect on the mood, improving the internal state of a person. It can be burned at the same time as incense or aromatic oils to enhance their effect. Properly selected incense sticks that attract love or wealth will be an excellent addition.

    Red. This color is considered both the color of blood and passion. It is used in love spells to ignite attraction, but a red candle can also serve as protection. It will strengthen the body, give strength to deal with circumstances, protect the owner from energy shocks. Walking around the house with a lit red candle, you will protect it from negativity. Psychic Regina Fedorenko spoke in more detail about how such a rite of defense is performed.

    Orange. The color of luck. It's good to light such a candle before a responsible event, whether it's a public appearance, a date or a deal that should certainly be in your favor.

    Green. D tender color. By lighting a green candle in the house, you make it clear to the Universe that you would like to improve your financial situation. You can protect your wallet with a green candle so that it is not stolen and the money in it is not transferred. To do this, circle the wallet three times clockwise with a lit candle, as if outlining a circle around it. In addition, green is the color of health. To improve well-being, stop getting sick, relieve anxiety or extinguish a headache, a green candle can be lit in the room where you sleep and left for a short period of time.

    Blue. The color of intuition. Helps to know the truth. It attracts the desired changes. You can combine this candle with another. For example, if you want to find your calling and earn more than you do now, try lighting blue and green candles.

    Blue. White with blue. A bluish candle at the same time allows you to find yourself and calm the inner demons. It is also good to light it for reconciliation. Blue color relieves anxiety and sets in a contemplative mood.

    Violet. Mystical color. If blue enhances the sixth sense, and red strengthens the physical forces, then together they release your inner energy.

    Gold(or other shiny candles). As a rule, they are made to burn on holidays and create a festive atmosphere. But such a candle can attract diversity even on gray days. By lighting these candles, make wishes and visualize dreams. You can try it yourself. Get a golden candle, wait for a quiet time when no one will distract you, light a candle and try to imagine what you want in colors. Imagine how you can get it, what you are doing to get it, what your triumph will be when you get what you want.

    Black. Sometimes you can see such rather ominous candles. They are often used to induce damage. They draw energy from their owner, feeding on it. When inducing negativity, it is important to remember that it always returns, brings a blowback to those who conceived evil.

    Universal rite with a colored candle

    Each candle can be worked differently, but there is a general method that works for any candle. Write what you want on paper and burn it in a candle flame. Choose the color of the candle based on your desire: if it is associated with wealth, remember the meaning of a green candle, and if with personal happiness, look for a red or pink one.

    Divination candle color

    Many divinations are connected with candles and water. The combination of opposite elements helps to lift the veil of secrets over the future. In order for fortune-telling to go in the right direction, a candle can also be selected according to the desired color. This is exactly what he recommends doing fortune telling on a candle and water.

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