Hormonal contraceptives for men. The whole truth about male contraception

Many people, when mentioning male species Condoms represent contraception. However, there are currently a number of other methods that make it possible to make the process intimacy safe and secure.

Types of male contraception

Nowadays, scientists have developed many drugs that block the action of sperm. A modern man who takes a responsible approach to family planning does everything possible to avoid unwanted pregnancy your sexual partner. This is done using condoms, installing implants, birth control pills, vasectomy, special injections. Each method has its own characteristics, advantages, and disadvantages.

Classic condoms

Of course, the most popular means contraception is the use of a condom. This makes sexual intercourse 98% safe. These contraceptives protect against sexually transmitted infections and ailments. The consumer market now offers a multi-choice selection of latex products of various colors, sizes, and scents. Some condoms even come with sensitivity enhancements. However, many men neglect this method of contraception.

The advantages of using condoms include their availability, ease of use, and reliability of protection. Condoms have no contraindications for use. The exception is the individual tendency to develop allergic reactions. According to statistics, about 56% of men prefer using condoms. The disadvantages of these latex products include the following nuances:

  • The product may tear or simply slip off during use.
  • The product creates some psychological discomfort during intimacy.
  • The degree of sensitivity during sexual intercourse decreases.
  • Using condoms requires some skill.
  • A condom is not always nearby when needed.

Hormonal drugs

Such remedies are certain medications. They contain a special hormone. It suppresses sperm activity and minimizes their motility. Such funds are now presented in the form of:

  • tablets;
  • injections;
  • gels;
  • capsules;
  • subcutaneous implants.

Contraceptive drugs contain testosterone. In large doses, it prevents unwanted pregnancy. According to statistics, this method is 99% effective. However, the use hormonal drugs may cause a number of undesirable effects:

  • prostate enlargement;
  • increased blood clotting;
  • thrombosis;
  • cardiac dysfunction;
  • malfunction of blood vessels;
  • increased body hair growth;
  • allergic skin rashes.

Some doctors believe that long-term use of hormonal drugs is fraught male infertility. To avoid such a reaction, it is advisable to consult a doctor before using hormonal drugs.

Surgical methods

The most radical method of contraception for men is a vasectomy. Such surgical procedure involves a manipulation in which the vas deferens is cut. This operation does not affect potency negative influence. The effectiveness of the method is up to 98%. However, a vasectomy deprives men of the opportunity to procreate by conceiving a child.

Modern research has proven that it is possible to perform a vasectomy reversal. But this operation does not provide a 100% guarantee of restoration of reproductive functions.

The advantages of vasectomy are considered to be one hundred percent reliable and no need to use other means of contraception. However, the disadvantages include the high cost of manipulation, the need surgical intervention. In addition, a vasectomy does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases that are transmitted directly during intimacy.

Also to surgical techniques include sewing implants under the skin. This promotes the release of testosterone, which blocks spermatogenesis processes, which prevents fertilization. This technique has been found to be reliable and effective.

Gels and oral preparations

To avoid unwanted pregnancy of a sexual partner, some men prefer oral medications. There are special pills that block sperm formation. This makes sexual intercourse safe. These pills contain large doses of testosterone. At the end of their use, reproductive function stabilizes.

This method of contraception is suitable for young people who have a stable sex life with a regular sexual partner. Except hormonal pills Products containing cyproterone acetate are highly effective. They reduce the amount male sperm. Such tablets have a short-term sterilization effect. The volume of sperm produced will recover over time if the man stops taking these medications.

Long-term use of birth control pills often provokes a number of side effects, including:

  • decreased muscle tone;
  • mental disorders;
  • hair loss and subsequent baldness;
  • depression;
  • weight gain;
  • the formation of benign and even malignant tumors in the area of ​​the testicles;
  • reproductive dysfunction;
  • azoospermia.

Some men prefer to use special gels. Such products are applied to the genital organ. They are 89% effective. Gels reduce the sperm count during ejaculation. But safety similar means Nowadays it has not been proven, therefore it is in doubt.

In general there are many types male contraception currently in development or undergoing clinical trials. Therefore, the choice of such products is multifaceted and depends on the individual preferences of each man.

The condom is the most popular, most common method of contraception. If you follow the instructions and put it on correctly, it is a very reliable method of contraception. In reality, taking into account improper donning and use, the reliability of condoms drops from 98% to 75%.


  • Well distributed
  • Protect against diseases
  • Large number of species
  • Have no contraindications
  • Harmless


  • Requires application skills
  • Ineffective in the absence of proper dexterity
  • Psychological aspect of a foreign object

Vasectomy, ppa and other methods on video:

Hormonal contraceptives


"Contraceptive" oral contraceptives for men were developed quite recently. The main component of the tablets is testosterone. At small doses, testosterone can cure impotence and other disorders of the reproductive system, but at large doses the effect is mirror-image.


  • High efficiency (up to 99%)
  • Fast recovery to reproductive functions(6-12 months)
  • Natural sensations are preserved

Disadvantages of hormonal contraceptives

  • Decrease hairline on the head, increase in other parts of the body
  • The activity of the cardiovascular system is impaired
  • More thick blood
  • Possible skin rash
  • Tablets based on testosterone and progestogen can negatively affect libido
  • Tumor in the testicles
  • Does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases

Androgens are male hormones, testosterone.

Antiandrogens are substances that suppress male hormones.

Hormonal contraceptives based on androgenic and antiandrogenic substances cause azospermia - temporary loss of sperm and infertility. Recovery time is up to 1 year.

Subcutaneous implants

Ampoule with large quantities androgen is introduced under the skin, where it dissolves over several weeks. The meaning of the action is the same as with “contraceptive” pills for men: due to large quantity male hormone, sperm are not fertile.

Infertility time is 3-4 months.

Contraceptives based on cyproterone acetate

Similar pills for male contraception as androgen-antiandrogen drugs.

The drug was originally developed for the treatment of prostate and testicular tumors in men. As a result, a “side” effect was noticed: sperm are not capable of conception.

The advantages and disadvantages are similar to hormonal contraceptives described above.

Injections and injections

This method also applies to hormonal methods, since a large amount of hormones is introduced into the body through a syringe. The negative aspects are still the same: baldness, prostate enlargement, thick blood, stress on the cardiovascular system.

Surgical method


The essence of the method is dressing surgical method sperm cord. The reliability of the method is 99%. The advantage is the possibility of clearing the sperm ducts for conception. This method is practiced to prevent the removal of prostate tumors.

Polyurethane plugs

This method is similar to vasoresection with the following exception: a polyurethane-based liquid is injected through the genital canals into the vas deferens. The liquid dries out and a plug forms. Efficiency – 99%.


Another surgical intervention - and the sperm ducts are cut. Efficiency - 100%. It is used when there is already a child. Previously, it was believed that this method was not reversible, but recently operations to stitch the canals have become possible. After cutting the canals, the ability to conceive is lost after some time.

Other options are also used: instead of cutting, valves are inserted into the channels, which can be opened as needed.

Male spiral

The method is quite uncommon. It is an umbrella with spermicidal gel at the tip. The bottom line is that a spiral is inserted into the scrotum through the urogenital canal.

Behavioral methods of contraception in men

Main advantages behavioral methods– naturalness of sensations.

The main disadvantage is the high probability of pregnancy and the acquisition of sexual diseases, as well as mental disorders.

PPA (Coitus interruptus). The essence: the penis is removed from the vagina before the onset of orgasm. The effectiveness of the method from the PPA guru - 4 Pearls, average– 27. PPA Most effective together with. Read more about this method, + and -, as well as the features and training of PPA in the article:

Artificially prolonged sexual intercourse. The bottom line: the stage of basic arousal is overcome, then having sex becomes much easier, there is no feeling of an approaching orgasm.

"Samurai Egg". Every day for a month a man should take hot bath with a temperature of 46.6 degrees for 45 minutes. Overheating of the scrotum negatively affects sperm production. The same effect is observed if you use heated seats in winter. A samurai egg makes a man sterile for half a year.

Everyone knows that to protect against unwanted pregnancy, women take a variety of hormonal contraceptives, install intrauterine device etc. As for the stronger sex, most people do not even suspect that in addition to condoms, there are many types of male contraception and even birth control pills for men. Let's try to understand the issue of male contraception more deeply.

Male pills against unwanted pregnancy

In women, the laying of follicles occurs in the mother's womb, therefore, at birth, the exact number of eggs that will be formed from follicles and participate in ovulation throughout life is determined. In the male half, spermatogenesis is constant process. It is precisely because it is much easier to prevent the release of an egg once a cycle than to suppress the daily maturation of sperm that scientists began to actively develop drugs for female contraception. But in last decades Many discoveries have been made in this area, one of which was contraceptives for men.

Operating principle

In order for a man to lose his fertilizing abilities, but not lose his potency and libido, it is necessary to neutralize the sperm that is formed in the testes. Various approaches are used for this:

  • Sperm production is artificially stopped by all possible means;
  • Sperm are removed from semen or their development is stopped;
  • They block the production of certain components of sperm, which leads to its unsuitability for fertilization, etc.

All these changes are achieved by taking specific drugs containing hormonal and other components.

There is no need to confuse male contraceptives with female ones, although their principles of action are similar. But if a man decides to take female contraceptives, then this will not lead to anything good. Included female medications estrogen and progesterone hormones are present. After a single dose, health may not suffer, but if a man starts regular intake female contraceptives, then colossal changes will occur in his body. Although a man will definitely not be able to have children after taking such medications. Male hormonal contraceptives contain a completely different set of hormonal components intended specifically for the stronger sex.

Advantages and disadvantages

In women, the egg matures only once during the cycle, but in men, sperm are formed daily, so constant suppression of hormones is necessary. Therefore, if contraception is based on hormonal suppression, then high-dose drugs will have to be taken every day. This, in fact, is the main disadvantage of tablets. contraception for men. In addition, such drugs provoke many adverse reactions such as baldness on the head and body hair, the appearance various kinds rashes, blood thickening and cardiac dysfunction.

Such drugs provoke respiratory disorders and uncontrolled weight gain, arthralgic manifestations and convulsions, sudden outbursts of aggression and causeless anger. And many tablets also contain gestagen, which has a strong effect on the brain, due to which spermatogenesis is suppressed. The danger is that when testosterone and gestagen are combined, pathological suppression of libido occurs and even irreversible infertility develops. As a result, most drugs were banned. Among the advantages of such drugs are high efficiency and the absence of negative effects on erectile functions. After most medications, reproduction is completely restored over time.

Types of tablets

Today, male contraceptive pills are represented by drugs that provide the effect of temporary sterilization. The very first drugs were medications with cyproterone acetate - this element is used in antiandrogenic treatment. Typically, such medications are prescribed to men for prostatic pathologies. Cyproterone is a powerful antiandrogenic substance that blocks the production male hormones. Therefore, its constant use leads to temporary sterilization. But a serious side effect of such drugs is often suppression of libido and other side effects. Therefore, this category of medications is not currently used in male contraception.

A “younger” group of drugs is hormonal contraceptives containing testosterone. You also need to take them daily. During the course, aspermia of a reversible nature develops, i.e. there are no sperm in the semen. After stopping use, all reproductive qualities are restored, however, a number of side reactions may be present, such as decreased sensitivity during sex, a tendency to thrombosis, or testicular cancer.

An even newer generation of male contraceptives are drugs containing female hormones. But you need to take them for no more than a month, and then a break of three months is required. But these drugs are not without their drawbacks, because they cause reactions such as mood swings, depression, excessive libido or increased blood clotting.

The names of male contraceptives like Adjudin or Gamendazole are little known, or rather, they are known, but in a slightly different area. These medications are used to treat cancer. Many andrologists prescribe them as contraception, which can lead to dangerous consequences. Development is actively underway, but completely safe means so far it has not been possible to invent it, therefore female contraception in this regard remains a priority.

Other types of male contraception

As you can see, the contraceptive option is not at all safe for men. Therefore, the stronger sex is actively looking for other contraceptive options. There are quite a lot of them, and most of them do not have dangerous consequences, so men turn to them much more often.


The most reliable, one might say, proven over centuries, method of preventing unnecessary pregnancy.

  • Such products almost completely prevent not only unwanted conception, but also a host of sexually transmitted problems.
  • Many couples, especially their male counterparts, refer to a noticeable decrease in sexual sensations that are typical for traditional intimacy without rubber bands. If earlier this statement could somehow be justified, then today’s technologies have reached the point that condoms are produced ultra-thin.

Therefore, the main problem is that they can tear. Otherwise, condoms have no complaints; moreover, they protect against most sexually transmitted infections. Condoms are also considered the most affordable contraceptive, which significantly increases interest in this method contraception.


Injections, which also belong to the category, are also used to prevent pregnancy. hormonal drugs contraception. The specificity of the technique lies in the introduction of testosterone injection, which will subsequently lead to the suppression of spermatogenetic processes. But injections also have their disadvantages, which are generally associated with blood thickening and alopecia, prostate adenoma and excessive body hair, and gynecomastia in men.

Implants under the skin

There is another method of male contraception - subdermal implants. This technique involves the implantation of a special implant containing an androgenic substance. Over time, the ampoule biodegrades, that is, it dissolves. Most often this happens after half a month or a month. Action sewn under skin covering ampoules is due to the fact that sperm activity is inhibited.

After using the implants, the effect is observed within several months. But the technique can provoke adverse reactions like cramps or headaches.

Vasoresection or vasectomy

Vasoresection is a surgical procedure that involves ligating the spermatic cord. As a result similar procedure sperm cannot enter the uterus. Such an intervention is reversible, so when a man wants to have offspring, the cord is untied. The technique is quite widely used in andrology for the treatment of prostatic formations.

Vasectomy is also used to prevent unwanted pregnancy. This procedure involves cutting the ducts. Approximately a month after the operation, the patient is deprived of reproductive capabilities. Such intervention is usually irreversible, but today it is possible to return childbearing functions.

There is no need to resort to the method of crossing the ducts; today it is possible to simply close them with special valves, which, if necessary, are easily removed, returning the man to his previous fertility.

Male spiral

This technique is little known today, but it has been used in foreign clinics for a long time. The specificity of the method is that a microscopic umbrella is inserted into the scrotum, on the tip of which a sperm-killing agent is applied. It is not yet possible to say for sure how safe such a contraceptive method is, but such methods are not practiced in our country.

There are optimal ways, you just need to choose the most suitable one for yourself. It should be noted right away that safe contraceptives for men have not yet been created, so you should not use such drugs in your own practice. It is better to contact an andrologist who will help you choose the safest and most effective method protection. And it is certainly not recommended to resort to techniques such as vasectomy or vasoresection. No one guarantees that fertility will return after such an intervention.

It so happens that issues of protection from unwanted pregnancy are of greater concern to women. It is this, as well as the physiological and anatomical features male body, has long been the reason for the not very active efforts of manufacturers in terms of creating contraceptives intended for the stronger sex. Modern husbands are more fully aware of the degree of their responsibility in solving the problem of family planning. Therefore, both they and their fair halves should know as much as possible about means for men, the contraceptive effect of which has been known for a long time, and about new trends in this area.

The most common birth control pills for men

Considering the huge variety of contraceptives available to women, the similar arsenal of the stronger sex is surprisingly modest. Wanting to avoid conception, modern man can choose only behavioral, mechanical (contact) or surgical options:

  • Interruption of sexual intercourse. The oldest method of contraception, which is still preferred by about a quarter of men. All that is required is to remove the penis from the vagina before the sperm is released. It would seem that everything is simple and effective, but in reality this is not quite the case. A small (but sufficient for conception) amount of sperm is often released into the vagina at the very beginning of contact. Therefore, the reliability of the method does not exceed 80%. In addition, not every man can interrupt the act correctly. For this you need high level self-control and certain experience. This option does not require any costs and, at first glance, does not cause any harm to the body. The latter, however, is not entirely true. Doctors believe that frequent use of interrupted intercourse reduces libido;
  • Using a latex condom is the most common form of birth control for men. This method is used by more than half of the stronger sex. Positive sides method are obvious - simplicity, accessibility, harmlessness and quite high degree protection against sexually transmitted infections. When used correctly, the contraceptive effectiveness of a condom reaches 97%. Among the minuses, it is necessary to note a slight decrease in the intensity of sensations for both partners during sexual intercourse and a small probability of the latex cover rupturing at the most inopportune moment. In addition, this type of contraceptive for men, according to reviews, sometimes causes individual intolerance;
  • Surgical sterilization (vasectomy). The operation, which lasts about 30 minutes, involves cutting the vas deferens. Until recently, the procedure was considered irreversible, but modern research proved that surgery to restore reproductive capacity in this case is quite possible. Despite this, men rarely use the method for fear of surgical intervention. The operation is not cheap, and does not in any way affect the possibility of contracting an STI. In Russia, vasectomy is only allowed for men over 35 who already have two or more children.

It is obvious that the described contraceptives for men have one common quality: all of them, to a greater or lesser extent, cause a number of inconveniences to the representative of the stronger sex who turns to them. If more convenient methods of contraception existed, the desire of future fathers to participate in family planning could be more active.

New methods of male contraception

Women admit that the most convenient method of contraception is taking certain chemical substances inside. When taking into account and minimizing the likelihood of individual intolerance, such contraception does not cause almost any trouble.

One of the types of drugs that representatives of the stronger sex can use are drugs containing hormones. Attempts to invent birth control pills for men go back decades. As a rule, such products are made on the basis of testosterone, which has the property of inhibiting sperm production. Currently, such drugs are undergoing clinical trials, but experts do not assess the prospects for their widespread distribution too highly. There are several reasons for this:

  • Like female birth control pills, hormonal pills for men can affect the metabolic process. When taking them, a set is not excluded excess weight and the development of certain pathologies of an endocrine nature;
  • Some scientists argue that taking testosterone leads to an increase in cholesterol levels in the blood, and may even have a carcinogenic effect on the body;
  • Due to the fact that sperm mature within 70 days, the use of hormonal contraceptives for men who do not have regular partners is practically useless.

Another contraceptive option is to have a capsule containing hormones sewn under the skin. The principle of action here is the same as for tablets. True, in this case the man will not have to worry about anything at all (for example, about violating the medication regimen), but side effects of using hormones are quite likely.

For men. Relatively recently, developments in the field of contraception were aimed exclusively at the creation of female drugs.

But medicine does not stand still, and now men can use pills on an equal basis with women. And today we’ll talk about what kind of contraceptive pills there are for men and what else, besides traditional condoms, the strong half of humanity can use.

Male birth control pills

This includes oral contraceptives intended for temporary sterilization. And the very first representatives of such drugs were products whose composition included cyproterone acetate.

Daily use of pills not only reduces the amount of sperm produced, but also makes a man temporarily infertile. After discontinuation of the drug, the volume and quality of seminal fluid return to normal levels.

The next category of drugs is products containing androgens and antiandrogens. While taking pills, all sperm completely disappear from a man's semen, and, as a result, he develops temporary infertility. But a side effect of taking it can be the development of cancerous tumors in the testicles.

The following male contraceptive pills contain both androgen and estrogen. Taking drugs reduces sperm quality, but at the same time increases sexual desire.

Drugs from this category can only be used for a month. Then the body should rest for 3-4 months. This long break is explained by numerous side effects. These include mental disorders and loss of interest in life.

Male oral contraception from the British

Relatively recently, British scientists created birth control pills for men. The product has not yet been commercially available, but scientists hope that this will happen in the next five years.

The product will not need to be taken daily; it is enough to take a pill immediately before sexual intercourse. The contraceptive effect lasts for several hours.

The drug is based on medications that are used in the treatment of hypertension and schizophrenia.

American development

Contraceptive pills for men (name - CDB-4022) from American scientists belong to the category non-hormonal drugs. They are recommended to be taken once a day. Medicine does not allow sperm to ripen, but the abolition of the drug allows you to completely restore a man’s reproductive function.

Israeli birth control pills

Modern contraceptives- committed unique means, the action of which is based on blocking a special protein in sperm. Without it, fertilization is impossible. In addition, contraceptives (according to manufacturers) do not have such side effects as decreased libido and sharp changes moods. The drug will only need to be taken once every three months.

These were considered male contraceptive pills. Now let’s get acquainted with other methods that have already been time-tested and have proven themselves to be excellent. Modern contraceptives are represented not only by the traditional condom or coitus interruptus.

Vasectomy - a radical method of contraception

Sometimes a man decides to completely protect his woman from unwanted pregnancy. In this case, doctors advise using a special procedure - a vasectomy. This is a short one surgery, during which the man undergoes ligation of the spermatic cords. In some cases it is carried out complete removal parts of the seminal duct.

3 months after the operation, the man becomes completely infertile, but all sexual functions are preserved in full. Visually, the seminal fluid looks the same as before, but there are no sperm in it.

Sterilization carried out surgically, was considered irreversible. But now it is possible to restore a man’s reproductive function. In this case, the cut spermatic cords are stitched back together, and in 90% of all cases the man is again capable of conceiving a child.

Male contraceptive injections

Modern types of contraceptives are represented not only by the development of male contraceptive pills. Doctors are finishing trials of injections that block sperm production. Don't worry, this is just a temporary effect. The developers compare this type of contraception in terms of effectiveness with the previously discussed vasectomy procedure.

To ensure a contraceptive effect, a man needs to administer a drug consisting of the hormones progesterone and testosterone once every two months. After administration of the drug, the number of sperm in the male ejaculate decreases.

With this method of contraception, a man does not have any side effects. If you refuse to administer the drug, the quality of sperm is at its most short time returns to normal.

Classic protection - condoms

This type of protection against unwanted pregnancy is used by more than 50% of the entire male population of the planet. Contraceptives (the price depends on many factors, in particular the country of origin) are easy to use and are within walking distance. To purchase a condom, you should look at the nearest supermarket, store or pharmacy. This is what makes them such a popular male contraceptive.

The material used is high-quality latex, through which sperm cannot penetrate. The effectiveness of this protection option reaches 97%. Additionally, condoms provide reliable protection against HIV and other sexually transmitted infections.

But despite such high protective properties, condoms have a number of significant disadvantages. This:

  • significant decrease in sensitivity;
  • discomfort;
  • probability of development allergic reaction both men and women;
  • the existing likelihood of damage to the product during sexual intercourse.

But even taking into account all the shortcomings, every second man prefers to use condoms. Apart from an allergic reaction to latex, there are no other contraindications for the condom.

As you can see, the types of contraceptives that are available to men are quite numerous. And a woman can shift the responsibility for protection onto the shoulders of her partner. But remember that birth control pills for men should also be selected by a medical specialist.