Surgical contraception for women. Female surgical contraception

What is female sterilization, how the procedure goes, to whom it is indicated, and what disadvantages it has, read in our material.

If a man's sperm reaches one of the woman's eggs, pregnancy occurs. It can be used to determine when an egg ready for fertilization leaves the ovary. Contraception aims to prevent pregnancy by stopping a woman's production of eggs or by keeping eggs away from sperm. One method of contraception is female sterilization.

female sterilization usually carried out under general anesthesia, but can also be performed under local anesthesia, depending on the method used. Operation involves blocking or sealing fallopian tubes that connect the ovaries and uterus. This prevents the fertilization process. The woman's ovaries will still release eggs, but they will be naturally absorbed by the body itself.

Key facts about female sterilization

  • Provides effective protection from unwanted pregnancy by 99%.
  • You do not have to think about contraception every day or every time you plan to have sex, so contraception does not affect your sex life
  • Sterilization can be carried out at any time of the menstrual cycle. The operation does not affect hormone levels.
  • You will continue to menstruate
  • Depending on the type of sterilization, you will need to use additional contraception either until your next period after the operation or for the next three months after it.
  • As with any surgery, there is a small risk of complications: internal bleeding, infection or damage to other organs
  • There is also a small risk that the operation will not work. Blocked tubes may recover immediately or after many years.
  • If the operation is unsuccessful, there is a small risk of developing ectopic pregnancy.
  • Returning fertility after surgery is very difficult.
  • Female sterilization does not protect against STIs.

How female sterilization prevents pregnancy

The sterilization mechanism is that an artificial obstruction of the fallopian tubes is created, therefore, fertilization is impossible, since the egg is isolated from the spermatozoa.

How is sterilization carried out?

There are two main types of female sterilization:

  • When the fallopian tubes are blocked, such as with clamps and rings (tubal occlusion)
  • hysteroscopic sterilization. Implants are used to block the fallopian tubes

For many women, these surgeries are minor and most patients return home the same day. The method of tubal occlusion is often used.

Tubal occlusion

First of all, the surgeon must examine the fallopian tubes using the laparoscopy or mini-laparotomy method.

Laparoscopy is the most common method for accessing the fallopian tubes. The surgeon makes a small incision in abdominal cavity at the navel and inserts a small flexible tube called a laparoscope equipped with a tiny light and a camera. The camera displays an image of the insides of the body on the monitor. This allows the surgeon to view the fallopian tubes in more detail.

A mini-laparotomy is a small incision of 5 cm above the pubic hairline. This allows the surgeon to evaluate and examine the fallopian tubes.

Laparoscopy is the most preferred method female sterilization, as it is faster than a mini-laparotomy. However, the last type of sterilization is recommended for women:

  • who have recently had pelvic or abdominal surgery
  • overweight, that is, their body mass index exceeds 30
  • who have undergone various inflammatory diseases pelvic organs, since the infection can cause adverse effect on the fallopian tubes and on the uterus

Pipe blocking

The fallopian tubes can be blocked using one of the following methods:

  • With titanium or plastic clips that are used to clamp the fallopian tubes
  • With the help of rings - a small loop is made from the fallopian tube, which is threaded through the silicone ring, which then snaps into place.
  • By tying and cutting the fallopian tube - this affects 3-4 cm of the tube

Hysteroscopic sterilization (uterine implants)

In the UK, hysteroscopy is performed using the Essure technique. The implants are placed under local anesthesia. Along with this, you can also take a sedative.

A tube with a telescope at the end, called a hysteroscope, is inserted into the vagina and cervix. Using a special wire, very small pieces of titanium are inserted into the hysteroscope and into each of the fallopian tubes. During the procedure, the surgeon does not need to make an incision.

The implant causes scar tissue to form around the fallopian tubes, which subsequently blocks them. Until you get medical confirmation that your tubes are blocked, you will need to resort to additional contraception.

You can check the condition of the pipes using:

  • hysterosalpingograms (HSG) - X-ray examination in which the uterine cavity is examined. This method involves the injection of a special dye in order to show the blockage of the fallopian tubes.
  • contrast hysterosalpingosonography - a type of ultrasound using injectable dyes for the fallopian tubes

Manufacturer Essure currently reports that ultrasound scanning is an additional option to verify implant placement 3 months after the sterilization procedure. If the implant coils are visible in the correct position, the occlusion can be confirmed.

Fallopian tube removal (salpingectomy)

If the operation on the fallopian tubes is not successful, it can lead to their complete removal. This procedure is called a salpingectomy.

What to do before sterilization

Before the operation, the woman is obliged to consult a doctor. If appropriate, the consultation should also take place in the presence of the partner.

The consultation will provide an opportunity to discuss the details of the operation, discuss doubts, worries and possible questions.
The doctor has legal right refuse to perform the operation on you if he has any doubts that it is in the best interests of the patient.

If you choose to be sterilized, you will be referred to female specialist for the preparation of. Before sterilization, you will need to use contraceptives until the day of the operation, and after it:

  • Before next menstruation if you are using the occlusion method
  • Within three months after surgery if you are using a hysteroscopic type of sterilization

Sterilization can be performed at any time during the menstrual cycle. Before the operation, you will need to take a pregnancy test to make sure you don't have one. This is very important, because when the fallopian tubes are blocked, there is high risk that an ectopic pregnancy can develop, which is life-threatening because it causes severe internal bleeding.

Recovery after sterilization

After the anesthesia wears off and a urine sample is taken, you will need to eat some food and then you will be allowed to go home. It is best to ask someone to drive you or call a taxi.

The hospital where you had your surgery will tell you what to expect and how to care for yourself after sterilization, and leave your contact number so you can call if you have any problems or questions.

If you have been under general anesthesia, you are not recommended to drive vehicle within 48 hours after surgery, as you need time to recover from normal reactions.

Feelings after surgery

If you had surgery under general anesthesia, feeling unwell and a state of discomfort for several days is the norm, so it is worth taking a day off for this period and relaxing.

Depending on your health and the specifics of your job, you can return to your duties as early as 5 days after tubal occlusion. However, you are prohibited from lifting heavy objects and performing heavy physical exercise during the first week.

You may experience minor vaginal bleeding. Use a panty liner, not a tampon. You may also experience pain as with menstruation, for which you may be prescribed painkillers. If pain or bleeding gets worse, seek medical attention.

Female sterilization - care after surgery

If you had an occlusion to block your fallopian tubes, you will have stitches at the site where the surgeon made the incision. Some stitches dissolve on their own, but there are others that need to be removed.

If you have a bandage on the incision site, you can remove it the next day and take a shower or bath.

Sex after sterilization

The operation will not affect sexual attraction and feelings of sex. You can make love as soon as you feel comfortable for it.

If you have had an occlusion, you will need to use contraception until your next period to protect yourself from pregnancy.

If you have used the hysteroscopic sterilization method, you will need contraception for the next three months after the operation. Only after confirming by doctors on examinations that the tubes are blocked, you can forget about contraception forever.

Sterilization does not protect against STIs, so you will need to use barrier contraception if you are unsure about your partner.

Female sterilization is currently one of the methods of preventing unwanted pregnancy. But what are the consequences of such a procedure?

Purpose of female sterilization

Sterilization is carried out in order to prevent the penetration of the egg into the uterine cavity. This eliminates the patency of the fallopian tubes. Although the woman's ovaries retain their function thereafter, the eggs produced at the time of ovulation remain in the abdominal cavity and thus cannot fuse with the sperm.

Reasons for female sterilization

Most often it is the unwillingness to have children. For example, a woman already has children.

The main advantage of "ligation" of the pipes is that after this it is not required additional methods protection. It also happens that sterilization is carried out for any medical reason.

Varieties of sterilization

The sterilization operation is performed surgically. There are the following types of this operation.

Electrocoagulation. The obstruction of the tubes is created artificially, with the help of electrocoagulation forceps.

Partial or complete resection of the tubes. In this case, part of the fallopian tube or the tube itself is removed.

Pipe clipping. The pipes are clamped with special clamps made of non-absorbable hypoallergenic materials.

Surgical interventions can be performed by laparotomy (opening the abdominal cavity) or

endoscopy. In the first case, tube resection or clamping is most often performed. In the second - electrocoagulation.

Who is allowed to be sterilized?

In Russia, voluntary sterilization can be performed by women who have reached the age of 35 or have two children. True, if there medical indications to the procedure, all restrictions are removed.

To whom is sterilization contraindicated?

Contraindications for sterilization are: pregnancy, inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs, as well as various sexually transmitted infections. Sterilization is not recommended for women with overweight suffering from diabetes in active form, chronic diseases heart, adhesive processes and tumors in the pelvic area. It is not recommended to go to the procedure for women who are in a state of neurosis or suffering from depression, as they may not adequately assess the situation at this time.

Consequences of sterilization

It is believed that complications after a professionally performed procedure are extremely rare. However, it does happen. For example, there may be complications due to general or local anesthesia; recanalization fallopian tubes; adhesive processes of the pelvic organs; ectopic pregnancy.

Foreign scientists note increased risk occurrence gynecological problems in women who have undergone a sterilization procedure. So, M. J. Muldoon in the article “ Gynecological diseases after sterilization,” published in the British Medical Journal, January 8, 1972, reports that of 374 patients who underwent tubal ligation, 43% subsequently had to be treated for menorrhagia and other menstrual disorders, cervical erosion and ovarian tumors. 18.7% needed a hysterectomy - removal of the uterus. And in some cases, the patency of the fallopian tubes was restored, and a second operation was required.

In 1979, a study conducted by British doctors showed that after sterilization in women, blood loss during menstruation increased by 40%, and 26% of them complained of increased pain during menstruation. Among 489 women with tubal ligations, after 3.5 years, the incidence of cervical cancer was 3.5 times higher than the average, writes study author James J. Tappan (American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology).

But the main negative consequence sterilization - its irreversibility. In some cases, restoration of patency of the fallopian tubes is possible, but it is extremely expensive. Plastic surgery, which does not always give desired result. Very often, a woman later realizes that she made a mistake, voluntarily or under pressure from loved ones, agreeing to a procedure that deprives her of the possibility of childbearing. And this most negatively affects her mental state.

True, sterilization does not prevent the IVF procedure. With appropriate medical supervision, a sterilized woman is quite able to artificially conceive and bear a child, since the tubes are not involved in this process. However, as you know, artificial insemination does not give a 100% guarantee of conception.

Voluntary surgical sterilization(DHS), or as it is also called tubal occlusion- this is a method of contraception in which obstruction of the fallopian tubes is artificially created and an irreversible cessation of the female reproductive function. Currently, DHS is a common method of birth control in many countries of the world.

Mechanism of action

During the operation, the fallopian tubes are tied up, crossed or clamps (brackets, rings) are applied to them. It is also possible to burn electric shock. After this procedure, the meeting of the egg and sperm is excluded due to an obstacle artificially created in their path. The contraceptive effect is achieved immediately after surgery.


Before the operation, the patient is examined: gynecological examination taking smears from the vagina and cervix to determine the microbial flora, as well as to exclude oncological diseases; ultrasound examination (ultrasound) of the pelvic organs to exclude pregnancy and tumor processes of the uterus and ovaries; electrocardiogram (ECG); general analysis blood and urine; biochemical analysis blood; blood tests for syphilis, AIDS, hepatitis B and C; therapist examination. The survey reveals all possible contraindications to the operation. If they are identified, a conclusion is made about the possibility and / or expediency of using another reliable method of contraception.

About the operation

While doing laparotomy the surgeon makes an incision (about 20 cm) that provides access to the organs on which the operation is performed. At the same time, tissues are injured, pain occurs after surgery, the wound healing period takes quite a long time. long time, the scar can be significant. After an open surgical intervention in the abdominal cavity, complications are possible and pronounced adhesions are formed (growth connective tissue in the form of strands). Laparoscopic technique eliminates the need to make large incisions. The surgeon performs 3-4 skin incisions (about 1 cm), after which soft tissue punctures are made here with a special hollow instrument and the instruments necessary for laparoscopic surgery are inserted into the abdominal cavity and optical instrument with mini video camera – laparoscope; the image is transmitted to the monitor screen, the surgeon sees the internal organs and all manipulations are carried out under visual control. Be sure to inflate the abdominal cavity carbon dioxide, as a result abdominal wall raised and secured best access to internal organs. After the operation, the patient experiences less pain, subtle scars remain on the skin, the restoration of normal life is faster, there are fewer complications, and the formation of adhesions in the abdominal cavity is minimized. Laparotomy is performed for medical reasons or during caesarean section, gynecological surgery otherwise, free of charge. Laparoscopy is always carried out for a fee. With severe obesity in a patient, the laparoscopic technique is not used for operations on the abdominal cavity. In addition, when the abdominal cavity is inflated with carbon dioxide, there is a risk of gas bubbles entering the blood vessels, which can lead to gas embolism - blockage of a large vessel with a similar bubble and circulatory disorders in tissues and organs. In the worst case, this leads to lethal outcome. Sterilization is carried out only in a hospital under general anesthesia. The duration of the operation is 15-20 minutes. Discharge from the hospital, in the absence of complications, is carried out, depending on the technique, on days 2-3 (with laparoscopy) or 7-10 days (with laparotomy), respectively. rehabilitation period up to 7 days or up to 1 month.

Benefits of Tubal Occlusion

  • High efficiency (0.01 pregnancy per 100 women).
  • Quick effect, the procedure is carried out once.
  • Permanent method contraception.
  • No effect on breastfeeding.
  • Lack of connection with sexual intercourse.
  • Suitable for patients for whom pregnancy poses a serious health risk (for example, heart defects, chronic active hepatitis with signs liver failure, a single kidney, the presence of malignant neoplasms of any localization, repeated caesarean section in the presence of children, etc.).
  • Lack of remote side effects.
  • Does not reduce sex drive.

Disadvantages of tubal occlusion

  • The method of contraception is irreversible. The patient may later regret her decision.
  • The need for short-term hospitalization for 5-7 days.
  • There is a risk of complications associated with surgery and anesthesia.
  • Short-term discomfort, pain after surgery for 2-3 days.
  • High cost of laparoscopy. Does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases and AIDS.

Who can use tubal occlusion

  • Women over 35 or with 2 or more children:
    • who give voluntary informed consent to the procedure (when choosing this method contraception married couple should be informed about the features of surgical intervention, the irreversibility of the process, as well as possible adverse reactions and complications. The legal side of the issue requires compulsory documentation patient's consent to DHS );
    • who want to use a highly effective irreversible method of contraception;
    • after childbirth;
    • after an abortion;
  • Women for whose health pregnancy is a serious danger.

Who Should Not Use Tubal Occlusion

  • Women who do not give voluntary informed consent to the procedure.
  • Pregnant women (established or suspected pregnancy).
  • Patients with spotting for which the cause is unclear (before diagnosis).
  • Women suffering from acute infectious diseases(before healing).
  • Women who have a bleeding disorder.
  • Women who have recently had open abdominal operations(for example, on the abdomen or chest).
  • Women for whom surgery unacceptable.
  • Women who are unsure of their intentions regarding future pregnancies.

When to perform a tubal occlusion

  • From the 6th to the 13th day of the menstrual cycle.
  • Postpartum 6 weeks later.
  • After an abortion immediately or within the first 7 days.
  • During a caesarean section or gynecological operation.

Complications of tubal occlusion

  • infection postoperative wound.
  • Pain in the area of ​​the postoperative wound, hematoma.
  • Bleeding from superficial vessels, intra-abdominal bleeding.
  • An increase in body temperature above 38 ° C.
  • Wound Bladder or bowel during surgery (rare).
  • Gas embolism during laparoscopy (very rare).
  • Risk of ectopic pregnancy due to incomplete occlusion of the fallopian tubes (rare).

Instructions for Patients

  • The postoperative wound should not be wetted for 2 days.
  • Daily activities should be resumed gradually (normal activity is restored on average within a week after surgery).
  • You should refrain from sexual intercourse for a week.
  • Do not lift heavy and do heavy work physical work in a week.
  • Painkillers can be taken if pain occurs ANALGIN, IBUPROFEN or PARACETAMOL) every 4-6 hours, 1 tablet.
  • You need to go to the doctor to remove the stitches in a week.
  • 10 days after the operation, you should come to the gynecologist for a follow-up examination.

Seek immediate medical attention if after surgery:

  • the temperature increased (38 ° C and above), chills arose;
  • dizziness, fainting;
  • disturbed by constant or increasing pain in the lower abdomen;
  • wetting of the bandage with blood is observed;
  • there are signs of pregnancy.

Sterilization of women- artificial blockage of the lumen of the fallopian tubes in order to prevent pregnancy. This is one way female contraception, which guarantees maximum, almost 100% protection against conception of a child. After the procedure, the gonads function in the same way as before the intervention: the woman has her period, her libido and the possibility of obtaining sexual satisfaction are preserved.

There are several reasons for female sterilization. In most cases, voluntary sterilization is a way of family planning. This method is chosen by women and couples who do not intend to have children in the future.

The basis for intervention may be medical indications. First of all, sterilization is recommended for women with diseases that are not compatible with bearing a fetus or using other methods of contraception. These include some cardiovascular pathologies, severe forms diabetes, leukemia, malignant neoplasms in the organs of the female reproductive system. Sterilization is also offered to a woman if she already has two or more children who were born by caesarean section.

The law in Russia provides for the procedure to be carried out both at the request of a woman and forcibly. Article 57 of the Federal Law “On the Basics of Protecting the Health of Citizens in the Russian Federation” states that forced medical sterilization of incapacitated people is carried out either at the request of a guardian or by a court decision. All other cases of interference are human rights violations.


Sterilization of a woman cannot be carried out if the requirements are not met. current legislation. Medical institutions can accept patients for the procedure only upon written application. In this case, a woman must be over 35 years old or have at least two children.

If a woman has made the decision to be sterilized, she is advised to medical examination. Only after conducting tests and examining a doctor, a decision is made whether it is possible to perform an operation. Surgical female sterilization has the following absolute contraindications:

  • pregnancy;
  • the presence of sexually transmitted infections;
  • sharp inflammatory processes organs of the reproductive system.

There are also relative contraindications that may affect the final conclusion of specialists about the possibility of sterilization. These include:

  • pathologies associated with poor blood clotting;
  • the presence of adhesions in the lumen of the fallopian tubes;
  • severe obesity;
  • some diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Points for and against

Before turning to this method of preventing unwanted pregnancy, a woman should familiarize herself with the features of the procedure, evaluate its advantages and disadvantages. Only then can you make the only correct decision for each specific situation.


On the this moment human sterilization is recognized as the most reliable method of contraception. The probability of getting pregnant after the procedure does not exceed 0.01%. At the same time, blockage of the fallopian tubes in women does not affect the balance of hormones, menstrual cycle, sexual desire and brightness of sensations during intimacy.

After sterilization, a woman cannot become pregnant naturally, however, she does not lose the ability to bear a child, therefore, if necessary, the IVF procedure can be used.

The advantages of properly performed sterilization include the absence of side effects and minimal risk complications.


The main disadvantage of female sterilization is its relative complexity. At present, thanks to the use of new medical technologies, it has been possible to significantly reduce the invasiveness of the procedure and virtually eliminate complications and negative consequences for female body. A small percentage of women who have undergone sterilization may subsequently have an ectopic pregnancy.

Some people (both men and women) after sterilization have certain psychological problems associated with the realization of the impossibility of having children. In such cases, consultation with a professional psychologist is necessary.

Specialists draw attention to the fact that the decision to sterilize a woman should be made deliberately. Important role while playing psychological condition. You should not make a choice during a period of depression or neurosis.

In order to correctly assess the arguments for and against, you can read a specialized forum with topics on the methods and consequences of female sterilization, watch video materials, get acquainted with the opinions of doctors and patients.


Female sterilization is carried out in several ways. The technique is selected taking into account the condition and wishes of the woman. Traditionally, surgery is used, but if necessary, other types of reversible and irreversible sterilization can be used: chemical, radiation or hormonal.


The choice of method of intervention depends on whether it is a planned operation or it is performed during childbirth. A woman may have a laparotomy (incision into the tissues of the peritoneum), laparoscopy (access to the abdominal cavity through small punctures), or culdoscopy (access to the tubes through the vagina). From the first method of sterilization in most medical institutions refused. The exception is when a woman has a caesarean section, and after removing the child, tubal ligation is performed. Laparoscopic surgery makes it possible to minimize tissue damage and significantly reduce the duration of the rehabilitation period.

For direct blocking of pipes, the following methods are used:

  • Electrocoagulation.

In this case, electrocoagulation forceps are applied to the pipes. As a result, gaps are soldered. To prevent restoration of patency after sterilization, an additional incision can be performed at the site of application of the instrument.

  • Resection.

This method of female sterilization involves partial or complete removal pipes. The cut-off sites are sutured, bandaged or cauterized with forceps.

  • Installing clips or clips.

The obstruction of the pipes is created by the imposition of rings, clips or other devices designed for this. They are made from hypoallergenic material that does not cause unwanted reactions from the female body.


If a woman has contraindications to surgical intervention Non-operative methods of sterilization may be used. One of them is the application chemicals. It can be medications affecting the production of sex hormones. Such sterilization is temporary and in effect on the woman's body is similar to castration.

The second method of chemical sterilization is the introduction of special substances into the lumen of the fallopian tubes that form plugs. The technology appeared relatively recently and belongs to irreversible interventions.


Due to the presence of many side effects ionizing radiation for female sterilization is used quite rarely and solely for medical reasons. The method in the vast majority of cases is used to inhibit the work of the female gonads in the detection of hormone-dependent malignant tumors.


The most common method of temporary sterilization is the use of drugs containing hormones. As a result of the impact on the body of a woman hormonal contraceptives ovaries cease to perform their functions. When choosing this method, it should also be taken into account that the terms for restoring reproductive function during long-term hormonal sterilization range from 1 to several years (this depends on the age of the woman).

The complexity of the operation

The complexity of surgical sterilization of women depends on the method of intervention, the state of health of the patient and the presence of certain concomitant pathologies. Most clinics provide women with planned sterilization by laparoscopy, which practically does not leave scars on the body and makes it possible to recover in a short time.

If the operation takes place in proper conditions, and performs manipulations experienced doctor, the likelihood of a woman developing complications is minimal. That is why, for a successful outcome of the intervention, it is important right choice clinics. Before contacting a particular medical institution, find out if such operations are performed there, and also ask about the qualifications of doctors and how much the procedure costs. Reviews of women who have already used the services of the clinic will help you decide on the choice of a surgeon or gynecologist.

How long does the intervention last

Planned female sterilization, which is performed by laparoscopy, lasts an average of 30-40 minutes. During this time, the woman is given anesthesia, punctures are made in the abdominal cavity to insert the instrument, and the lumen of the fallopian tubes is blocked.

With the introduction of chemicals or tubal implants through the vagina, the procedure takes place in the doctor's office without the use of anesthetics and takes 10-20 minutes. You can find out more precisely how long the operation takes from the doctor who will perform the sterilization.

Cost of the procedure

The price of the operation primarily depends on the method of its implementation. The cost of installing implants starts from 7,000 rubles, and sterilization by laparoscopic access - from 15,000 rubles. The final amount is affected by the need for additional surveys, analyzes, consultations with doctors.

When forming the cost of services, the level of qualification of the personnel, the availability of modern medical equipment and the quality of the materials that are used during sterilization.

Preoperative period

Preparation for sterilization begins with a visit to the doctor and determining the most optimal time for intervention. This takes into account the time that has passed since childbirth or artificial termination of pregnancy, as well as the phase of the menstrual cycle.

After a preliminary examination of the woman, the doctor determines the need for additional diagnostics, on the basis of which detailed recommendations regarding preoperative preparation.

Postoperative period

In the absence of complications during the operation, a woman can be discharged from the hospital after 1-2 days (with planned intervention). Further rehabilitation can take place at home, but under the supervision of a doctor.

To prevent possible complications, a woman needs a lifestyle correction for some time after sterilization. Approximate recommendations are as follows:

  • within 10-14 days, any physical activity should be avoided;
  • 2-3 days after surgical sterilization, you should not take a bath or shower;
  • resume sexual life a woman is allowed not earlier than after 4-5 days;
  • some care is required after sterilization for puncture sites: antiseptic treatment, installation of compresses to prevent swelling and bruising.

In the first days after sterilization for removal pain syndrome anesthetics may be required.

It should be remembered that some methods of sterilizing women do not give an immediate effect and therefore, application will be required for a certain time. additional funds male or female contraception. On the need for protection and duration recovery period must be informed by the physician prior to discharge.


The likelihood of complications during female surgical sterilization and in postoperative period low. Most often in women, hematomas are fixed, adverse reactions on the use of anesthetics, the formation of adhesions in the pelvis. To more dangerous consequences Sterilization doctors refer to an ectopic pregnancy.

According to statistics, these or other complications are recorded in less than 1% of patients. Despite the small likelihood undesirable consequences every woman undergoing surgical sterilization should know what symptoms indicate the need for immediate medical attention.

The alarm should be caused by a sharp increase in temperature, sudden weakness, the appearance of purulent or spotting from punctures or vagina, increasing throbbing pain in the lower abdomen.

Sterilization performed qualified specialist under proper conditions, does not involve negative consequences for physical health women. That is why the popularity of this reliable and relatively safe way prevention of unwanted pregnancy is steadily increasing in most countries of the world. The only disadvantage of sterilization is its irreversibility. If the procedure is not performed for medical reasons, doctors advise women to carefully consider and weigh all the pros and cons before making a final decision and getting sterilized. Even the slightest doubt about the correctness of the choice should be the reason for choosing another method of female or male contraception.

Sterilization is surgical procedure, which deprives the ability to have offspring. Distinguish male and female sterilization.


Male sterilization (vasectomy) is the operation to ligate the vas deferens in the testicles. The procedure does not affect sexual desire, erectile function and hormonal background. Due to the fact that the testicles completely retain their physiological work, after 3-5 years the male reproductive function can be restored.
Sterilization in men is carried out in surgical department under local or general anesthesia. The urologist makes a micro incision, cuts off a small piece of tissue from the vas deferens, and sutures the ends of the duct. As a result of this correction, the spermatozoa cannot reach the ejaculate and exit, and the seminal fluid is no longer capable of fertilizing the egg.

female sterilization

Female sterilization surgery (WHS) results in total absence reproductive function without the possibility of recovery. Surgical correction performed under general anesthesia in a hospital setting.
To date, Moscow clinics offer three methods of DHS: pulling (alloying), pinching with rings or clamps, sealing the fallopian tubes. Depending on the decision of the woman and medical indications, the obstetrician-gynecologist performs sterilization through the vagina, directly during a caesarean section, or through microscopic incisions in the lower abdomen.

Where is sterilization carried out in Moscow

Online information portal Zoon you will find the coordinates of the clinics reproductive medicine, treatment and diagnostic centers, departments of urology and gynecology of public hospitals and other medical institutions in Moscow. Our database also contains profiles of leading experts in the field genitourinary system: urologists, obstetrician-gynecologists, surgeons. In order to facilitate your choice, the Zoon project offers to get acquainted with the rating of doctors, patient reviews and prices for male and female sterilization in Moscow clinics.