Supplier portal 2.0 contact phone number. Mini-auction

In 2016, the Unified Automated Trading Information System (UAIST) switched to version 2.0. Customers first started working with her three years earlier. From January 1, 2013, all government customers in Moscow were required to conduct small purchases through it from a single supplier. We will tell you more about EAIST 2.0 in our material.

Supplier portal 2.0 official website

Before starting to work in the system you must:

  • make sure that you have installed the CryptoPro CSP cryptographic information protection system version 3.0 and higher;
  • make sure that you are working with the client application (browser) MS Internet Explorer 7.0 and higher;
  • add the portal address to trusted nodes (service → internet options → security → trusted nodes → nodes → uncheck (For all nodes in this zone...) → add portal address (* → close → other → Reset special parameters (select low level) → reset...→ ok → ok);
  • make sure that you have installed the cryptocomponent required to work with the portal (to install, you need to open the downloaded archive and run the executable file);
  • make sure that you have the free Microsoft Silverlight software component installed (to install, you need to download this Silverlight file and run it)

The procedure for a potential supplier will be as follows:

Step ② Create an offer.

To create an offer in the user's personal account, go to the "My offers" section. Next, click on the [Create offer] button. As a result, a form for entering information about the offer will open, which includes basic information about price, technical and quantitative parameters, as well as additional characteristics of the products offered.

Step ③ Fill out the form. Include information about the product, its quantity, unit price, delivery data, namely timing, region (later you can make changes to the offer or delete it).
Click the [Save] button. When you click the [Sign] button, information about the offer will be published in the open part of the Supplier Portal.

Step ④ Attach the draft agreement in doc or docx format. The draft contract can be attached to one or more offers;

Step ⑤ Wait for the customer to send you an offer to conclude a contract. When a purchase corresponding to your offer appears, a notification will be sent to your personal account;

Step ⑥ Carefully review the procurement information, then agree on the draft contract with the customer and sign it.

The customer makes a choice of supplier based on its reputation, history of contract execution, quality characteristics of the proposed product and compliance with the maximum contract price.

Let us remind you that the following amounts for small purchases are the limits for purchasing from a single supplier (Article 93, paragraph 4.5 of Federal Law No. 44):

  • as a general rule - 100 thousand rubles, while the volume of such purchases per year should not exceed 2 million rubles or 5% of the total annual purchase volume;
  • for cultural and educational institutions - 400 thousand rubles, such purchases should not exceed 50% of the total annual purchase volume.

The supplier portal also provides functions for searching for suppliers and customers, contracts, schedules, and public discussions.

Features of the supplier portal for the customer and participant

The supplier portal provides quite a wide range of functionality for customers and organizations wishing to participate in procurement.

Participants can:

✔ offer your products to more than 8,000 government customers in Moscow absolutely free of charge;

✔ create offers;

✔ receive proposals for concluding contracts from different customers;

✔ receive detailed information about the purchase and the customer;

✔ send draft disagreements, requests to extend the response period under the contract;

✔ make deals and sign contracts.

Customers can:

✔ select a reputable supplier using open data, supplier ratings based on their business reputation, procurement experience, etc.;

✔ view offers and choose the best offer in terms of price-quality ratio;

✔ receive up-to-date data thanks to constantly updated information on prices in price lists and suppliers.

Note that contracts are concluded directly on the official website of EAIST 2.0 without unnecessary paperwork; the parties can agree on the terms of the contract and sign it in their personal account.

To gain access to the EAIST system, you need to collect a package of documents and send them to the Moscow City Department for Competition Policy.

You will find more answers to questions about procurement in the new issue of the magazine “Government Order in Questions and Answers”

Hello, Grigory Vladimirovich!

A pilot project to introduce mini-auctions in small-volume purchases started in March.

Article 447 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Conclusion of a contract at auction

1. An agreement, unless otherwise follows from its essence, may be concluded through bidding. The contract is concluded with the person who wins the auction.

2. The organizer of the auction may be the owner of the thing or the holder of another property right to it. The organizer of the auction may also be a specialized organization or other person who acts on the basis of an agreement with the owner of the thing or the holder of another property right to it and acts on their behalf or on its own behalf, unless otherwise provided by law.

(Clause 2 as amended by Federal Law dated December 30, 2008 N 306-FZ)

(see text in the previous edition)

3. In the cases specified in this Code or another law, contracts for the sale of things or property rights can only be concluded through auctions.

4. Bidding is carried out in the form of an auction or competition.

The winner of the auction is the person who offered the highest price, and in the competition - the person who, according to the conclusion of the competition commission, pre-appointed by the auction organizer, offered the best conditions.

The form of bidding is determined by the owner of the item being sold or the owner of the property right being sold, unless otherwise provided by law.

5. An auction or competition in which only one participant participated is declared invalid.

6. The rules provided for in Articles 448 and 449 of this Code apply to public auctions held in execution of a court decision, unless otherwise provided by procedural legislation.

Article 448. Organization and procedure for holding auctions

1. Auctions and competitions can be open or closed.

Any person can participate in an open auction and open competition. Only persons specifically invited for this purpose participate in a closed auction and closed competition.

2. Unless otherwise provided by law, notice of the auction must be made by the organizer at least thirty days before the auction. The notice must, in any case, contain information about the time, place and form of the auction, its subject and procedure, including registration of participation in the auction, determination of the person who won the auction, as well as information about the starting price.

If the subject of the auction is only the right to conclude a contract, the notice of the upcoming auction must indicate the period provided for this.

3. Unless otherwise provided by law or in the notice of the auction, the organizer of the open auction who made the notice has the right to refuse to hold the auction at any time, but no later than three days before the date of its holding, and the competition - no later than thirty days before the competition.

In cases where the organizer of an open auction refused to conduct it in violation of the specified deadlines, he is obliged to compensate the participants for the actual damage they suffered.

The organizer of a closed auction or closed competition is obliged to compensate the participants invited by him for real damage, regardless of the exact period of time after sending the notice that the auction was refused.

4. Bidders make a deposit in the amount, terms and manner specified in the notice of bidding. If the auction does not take place, the deposit will be returned. The deposit is also returned to persons who participated in the auction but did not win it.

When concluding an agreement with the person who has won the auction, the amount of the deposit paid by him is counted towards the fulfillment of obligations under the concluded agreement.

5. The person who wins the auction and the auction organizer sign on the day of the auction or competition a protocol on the results of the auction, which has the force of a contract. The person who wins the auction, if he evades signing the protocol, loses the deposit he made. The auction organizer who evaded signing the protocol is obliged to return the deposit in double amount, as well as to compensate the person who won the auction for losses caused by participation in the auction in a part exceeding the amount of the deposit.

The license fee for the right to conduct local auctions and lotteries is established on the basis of the Law of the Russian Federation On the Fundamentals of the Tax System in the Russian Federation.

To successfully participate in a mini-auction, you must quickly create a price proposal. Based on the results of the procedure, the entrepreneur who offered the best price for the supply issues an offer and concludes a contract with the customer.

Hello, dear readers of the ABC of Tenders online school! In this article we would like to introduce you to another interesting and useful resource for suppliers - This is a supplier portal for the city of Moscow and the Moscow region. Small volume purchases are carried out on this site in accordance with clauses 4, 5, part 1 of Art. 93 Federal Law dated April 5, 2013 No. 44-FZ. We will tell you more about what this portal is and how it can be useful to you and your business below in this article.

The supplier portal is an online resource that was created by the Moscow City Government in 2013 to increase transparency and automate small-volume procurement in accordance with clauses 4, 5, part 1 of Art. 93 44-FZ (purchases from a single supplier).

In fact, the Moscow supplier portal is an electronic store for small-volume government procurement (up to 100 thousand rubles, any Customers can purchase in this “store”, and up to 400 thousand rubles - cultural institutions and educational institutions).

This resource was created with the aim of attracting small and medium-sized businesses to participate in government procurement, as well as creating a showcase of goods (works, services), where Moscow Customers could choose the best offer in terms of price-quality ratio.

It is worth noting that at the moment, more than 8,000 government customers of the city of Moscow are registered on the official website (these are government bodies, local governments, budgetary institutions, etc.), but the supplier here can be a procurement participant absolutely from any region. The number of registered suppliers on the portal at the time of writing this article exceeded 92,000.

Thus, the Customer can find the supplier he needs on the portal, without carrying out a procurement procedure, security and other bureaucracy, and the supplier can declare himself by posting information about his goods, works, services (i.e. create an offer).

The official website consists of 7 key sections:

  • Suppliers(here contains information about suppliers registered on the portal, information about contracts they have concluded and posted offers);
  • Customers(this section contains information about Customers, their purchases and concluded contracts);
  • Offers(here contains information about goods, works, services);
  • Plans(this section contains Customers’ procurement plans under 44-FZ);
  • Procurement(here contains information about ongoing procurements, and it is worth noting that some of the information is duplicated from the EIS website);
  • Quotation sessions (here contains information about small volume procurement procedures for which price proposals can be submitted);
  • Contracts(this section contains information about concluded contracts).

Advantages of working on the portal for the supplier and buyer (Customer)

Below is a screenshot from the site, which lists the key advantages of using this resource for each party.

Working conditions on the portal

As mentioned above, a supplier on the procurement can be a procurement participant from absolutely any region. Such a supplier can be either a legal entity or an individual, including one registered as an individual entrepreneur. Registration and work on the Moscow supplier portal is absolutely free.

Registration on the supplier portal

To fully work with the portal, you will need to register, which will require an electronic signature certificate, as well as setting up an Internet browser. An electronic digital signature for the Moscow supplier portal can be issued by any electronic platform (or CA) for participation in auctions under 44-FZ.

Setting up a browser to work with the portal is very similar to setting up a browser to work on “federal” electronic platforms. If you have already been accredited for the ETP, then you will not have any problems with the setup. In addition, the website contains detailed instructions for working with the portal.

After you have completed all the necessary settings, you can go to the “Checking workplace settings” section and make sure that all the settings have been completed correctly. If any of the settings contain an error, you will find information about what actions need to be taken to correct this error.

Options for working with the portal from the supplier side

In fact, there are only two options for working with the portal from the supplier’s side.

First option — this is the creation of offers on the site.

We think you know what an offer is, so we won’t go into too much detail about this term. On the website, the offer is a product (work, service) card signed with your digital signature and looks like this:

Second option — participation in quotation sessions (they are also called mini-auctions).

Quotation session is a procedure for selecting a supplier through an electronic mini-auction under 44-FZ, which lasts 24 hours and takes place on a working day.

The algorithm for participation in the quotation session is as follows:

  1. Invitations to new auctions are automatically sent to suppliers (provided that these suppliers have posted offers on the website for similar goods, works, services). Or suppliers themselves find these quotation sessions (mini-auctions) on the portal.
  2. Suppliers place their bids. The following rules apply for bids: each subsequent bid must be less than the previous one, a one-time reduction in the bid must be 0.5% of the initial price of the mini-auction, the bid must be a multiple of 10 rubles.
  3. During the quotation session, the supplier is informed if a bid is made that outbids his bid. The notification contains a direct link to the corresponding quotation session and information about the fact of a new rate.
  4. The winner is the supplier who offers the lowest price before the end of the auction. Moreover, if a bid is made less than 5 minutes before the end of the auction, the auction is extended for another 5 minutes.
  5. The winner of the mini-auction creates and publishes an offer based on the results of the quotation session within 24 hours (including weekends) from the end of this session.
  6. Next, the contract is signed by the Customer.

Important point: Participation in the mini-auction is completely anonymous: neither the Customer nor the suppliers know who is taking part in it. Only the name of the winner becomes known.

To achieve the best result, you need to use both proposed options for working with the portal.

How is the Moscow supplier portal useful for your business?

In addition to the above options (creating offers and participating in quotation sessions), the supplier portal can also be used to analyze the prices of your competitors. By searching for specific goods, works, or services, you can see price offers from suppliers.

If you participate in government procurement in Moscow and the Moscow region, then on the same website you can also search for placed purchases, since they are duplicated with the official EIS website.

It is also worth considering the fact that in addition to government customers, commercial customers are also registered on this portal, who may also need your goods, works and services. Therefore, registering on the Moscow supplier portal will bring additional benefits to you and your business.

This concludes our article. See you in the next issues.

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Many beginning entrepreneurs quite often face the question of increasing their order portfolio. There are many ways to increase your turnover, but not everyone knows that you can work directly with state-owned companies without participating in tenders. Since 2014, the Moscow Government launched the Supplier Portal project to support small businesses. At the moment, this project continues to develop and has already been transformed into the supplier portal 2.0 (

An entrepreneur can use the following tools:

  • quotation sessions
  • offers

In order for an entrepreneur to receive a municipal contract, he needs to register on the supplier portal. It would seem that the procedure is very simple, but there are “pitfalls” in this process that can steal a lot of your time and nerves. Let's take a step-by-step look at registering on the supplier portal.

  1. Required from an authorized certification center. An electronic signature in our company costs 3,500 rubles;
  2. Set up a computer for work on sites. To do this, you need to complete 2 points, namely:
  • Install the CryptoPro program and electronic signature;
  • Setting up a browser (Google Chrome or Internet Explorer) on the latter does not guarantee correct operation on the supplier portal. Add the portal address to trusted nodes and enable all ActiveX elements;

After this, you will be sent a temporary password to the specified email address, which will need to be changed to a permanent one.

After registering and sending your application to the portal operators, you just have to wait for a positive decision, usually within 3 business days. Only after confirming the company’s registration as a supplier will you be able to publish offers on the supplier portal. You can learn about what an offer is on the supplier portal and how to create an offer on the supplier portal in our next articles and video tutorials.

Thus, how can you make sure that registering on the supplier portal is not a difficult task and can be solved in 5 steps. If you have any questions, you can watch the video registration on the supplier portal or call our specialists who will promptly resolve all your questions.