Causes of belching with air and principles of its treatment. Causes of constant belching of air and methods of its treatment

Frequent belching is the involuntary release of gases that have accumulated in the stomach through the esophagus and mouth. Normally, when eating, a person captures a little air, which then comes out in small and completely imperceptible portions. Thanks to this process, the pressure inside the stomach is in the right range. However, sometimes a person has a burp, which indicates an excessive intake of air into the stomach or more serious problems in the gastrointestinal tract.

Belching can occur as a result of certain reasons, although in fact, belching can also be due to purely physiological reasons.

This phenomenon is generally normal and occurs in such cases:

  1. A person talks animatedly while eating and naturally swallows a lot of air with food;
  2. A person is in a hurry and practically does not chew food;
  3. A person takes food in a state of emotional stress;
  4. Binge eating;
  5. A person has natural aerophagia (capturing more air with food than is required by the norm).

Sometimes frequent burping can be provoked certain products. These include:

  • Milk;
  • Ice cream;
  • soda;
  • Cabbage;
  • Legumes.

As for cabbage and legumes, in addition to belching, these products can cause additional severe flatulence.

But in addition to belching due to physiological reasons, there is also belching due to pathological processes that occur during the development of a whole group of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

So, belching after eating can be caused by:

  • Pancreatitis (acute and chronic forms);
  • Biliary dyskinesia;
  • Bulbit;
  • Gastritis (due to high acidity);
  • Esophagitis (inflammation of the lower esophagus).

In some cases, a person burps constantly, regardless of whether he ate or not.

This condition can be caused by:

  • Wrong diet;
  • Aerophagia (most often of a neurotic nature);
  • Problems in the work of the cardiovascular system;
  • stomach ulcer or duodenum;
  • Not ulcerative dyspepsia;
  • Pathologies of the pancreas or biliary tract;
  • With reflux (reflux of stomach contents into the esophagus or into the small intestine).

Belching in children

For babies belching- this is quite normal, because in the process of sucking milk, they capture more required amount air, and so it just comes out to equalize the pressure in the stomach. The more greedily the baby eats, the stronger his belching appears.

Doctors do not recommend putting the baby to bed immediately after feeding precisely because of bloating and belching in the baby. Only after the child burps the air can he be put to bed, and on the side, since he can burp during sleep. If the child's belching does not disappear after the first year of life, the parents have every reason to seek help and advice from a doctor.

As a rule, this phenomenon can be caused by:

  • Improper nutrition of the child;
  • The presence of adenoids;
  • Runny nose or chronic tonsillitis;
  • Increased (above normal) salivation.

In children preschool age frequent belching can be caused by the same reasons as in adults: problems with the functioning of the organs of the digestive system, problems with the biliary tract or with the liver.

Types of belching

Belching most often has some smell or taste (odorless belching can also be, but this happens much less often). The reason for the smell is that the food, getting into the stomach, is exposed to the presence there of hydrochloric acid. As a result of this, an odor appears. Distinguish belching:

  1. Odorless (empty burp)
  2. Belching with bitterness;
  3. belching with acetone;
  4. Sour burp.

Belching without smell

It is believed that the causes of such belching can be caused by both physiological causes and various pathological processes.

To physiological reasons include:

  • Natural aerophagy;
  • Excessive passion for carbonated drinks or whipped cocktails;
  • Eating foods such as onions, ice cream, or milk;
  • Problems in the mouth or nasopharynx;
  • Binge eating;
  • Pregnancy (most often its second phase is accompanied by belching);
  • Excessive passion for chewing chewing gum;
  • Poor chewing of food and snacks on the go;
  • Sleep immediately after eating;
  • Doing sports immediately after eating;

But "empty" belching can also be caused by disorders and pathological processes in the gastrointestinal tract.

Cause "empty" belching can:

  • Gastritis (especially its chronic form);

  • Violation of the motility of the stomach;
  • stomach or duodenal ulcer;
  • Narrowing of the esophagus;
  • Stenosis;
  • Cardiovascular insufficiency;
  • Aneurysm;
  • Cardiospasms.

Belching with a taste of bitterness

Such an eructation can only be caused by pathological processes in the gastrointestinal tract.

The cause of belching with a taste of bitterness is caused by:

  • Reflux gastroduodenal character. This is the reflux of bile from the duodenum into the stomach. As a result, the reflux of the contents of the stomach into the esophagus is also quite likely, which leads to the appearance of a taste of bitterness;
  • Trauma or hernia in abdominal cavity. This phenomenon occurs due to mechanical compression of the duodenum and subsequent reflux of bile into the stomach;
  • Sometimes the taste of bitterness can be caused by taking medications related to antispasmodics or muscle relaxants;
  • Chronic duodenitis (inflammation and swelling of the mucous membrane of the duodenum);
  • Pregnancy (the fetus puts pressure on internal organs, including the duodenum).

sour burp

Such a burp indicates an increased concentration of hydrochloric acid in the stomach and may be a symptom of the following diseases:

  • Gastritis;
  • ulcers;
  • Oncological diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

When sour belching you should immediately contact your doctor for help. It is not worth playing with high acidity, especially since today medicine can relatively easily cope with this problem through the use of drugs.

Belching with acetone

Such an eructation appears in people suffering diabetes, and in the case when diabetes is in the late stages and begins to give powerful complications.

Causes of belching with acetone can be:

  • Autonomic neuropathy. In this case, there is a malfunction in the work of the nerves responsible for the digestive system. The consequence of this is a violation of the process of moving food through the gastrointestinal tract and, as a result, reflux (reflux) occurs;
  • Paresis and atony of the stomach due to which there is stagnation of food and the massive development of bacteria.

In any case, people who have belching with acetone need to see a doctor urgently, as it is likely that there may be more serious problems than the smell of acetone from the mouth.

Belching treatment

It is necessary to treat belching, however, this process must be agreed with the doctor, since there are many reasons for belching, then diagnosis and clarification of the root causes must first be carried out. Only then does it make sense to start drug-directed treatment. Sometimes in treatment good effect treats belching mineral waters however, they should also be recommended by the attending physician.

Treatment of belching folk methods

  1. One of the first remedies in the treatment of belching folk medicine considers goat's milk. It is recommended to drink at least three times a day, half a liter at a time. The recommended course of such treatment is two to three months. Naturally, such treatment will beneficial effect on the whole body and relieve not only belching.
  2. Another effective method treatment is considered treatment with flax seeds. To do this, pour a tablespoon of flax seed with a glass of boiling water and let it brew for half an hour. After that, you can drink a quarter cup of infusion before meals. Four doses of the decoction should be taken per day. The course of treatment is two to three weeks.

Belching Prevention

  • It is necessary to eat slowly and slowly, trying to swallow as little air as possible with food;
  • Do not sit down to eat while in nervous tension. It is better to relieve tension in another way, such as a walk or other kind physical activity, and only after that to be taken for food;

  • Do not overeat;
  • Refuse any carbonated drinks;
  • Drink liquid from a glass or cup without using a straw for cocktails;
  • Refuse to lie down after eating, and immediately after eating a little walk;
  • If dairy products are the cause of belching, you should limit them in your diet.

Belching is a kind of throw undigested food from the stomach, esophagus to the oral cavity. This manifestation, as a rule, is preceded by heaviness and bursting due to high pressure in the cavity of the stomach. When a release occurs, the condition improves significantly. Depending on the cause of the pathology, a person burps with air or food. Belching may or may not have a rotten smell. To eliminate frequent belching, it is necessary to determine the cause of its development.

If we consider the limits of the norm, then on average, The stomach of an adult contains about 0.5-1 liters of gases. The reasons for the penetration of air can be the following: swallowing in the process of eating and talking, chewing chewing gum, drinking alcohol and carbonated drinks. At healthy people frequent belching of air appears in case of overeating. Since in this situation the inlet sphincter does not close completely, the gas is pushed out into the pharynx, esophagus under pressure. Often, similar problem seen in obese people.

Belching is observed with the abuse of fatty foods, onions and garlic, tea and strong coffee. Intense belching disturbs different terms pregnancy. This is due to the fact that the uterus grows, forcibly displaces neighboring organs, and also supports the diaphragm, which provokes this symptomatology.

Belching with pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract

The main reason for frequent belching is when the valve that separates the internal space of the stomach and esophagus does not close completely. Such a deviation in the digestive system can be detected using FGDS, X-ray.

Degrees of cardiac insufficiency:

  • The first degree - there is an incomplete compression of the inlet section, when a third of the lumen remains with a deep breath.
  • The second degree - the lumen in the cardiac region is almost half the diameter.
  • Third degree - incomplete closure during inspiration is recorded, esophagitis reflux appears, since gastric contents are often thrown into the esophagus.

Main pathological causes The following are considered frequent burps:


Pathology is alimentary, infectious, radiation, autoimmune, toxic. If gastritis occurs in acute form, there is belching, heaviness in the abdomen, nausea, vomiting, dull and aching pain, loss of appetite, rapid satiety. Often there is a rotten eructation. Sometimes there is a dumping syndrome: diarrhea, belching, nausea, weakness after eating. There is reduced performance, pale skin, fragility of the nail plate, weakness, anemia, atrophy of the gastric mucosa.

peptic ulcer

As for the consequences of an ulcer, it leaves rough lesions and scars on the mucous membrane, damaging muscle layer. Manifested by sour and airy belching. Clinical picture: half an hour after eating, dull or sharp pains, manifested nausea, vomiting, predisposition to difficult defecation.

Output Department Transformation

The cause of this manifestation may be pyloric stenosis, accompanied by a narrowing of the pyloric part of the stomach. With this pathology, high intragastric pressure occurs, which leads to stagnation, fermentation of the contents. As a result, there is a loud eructation: rotten, sour and air. As symptoms increase, weight loss, fluid and electrolyte imbalance, nausea, vomiting with a fountain, incorrect heartbeat as well as shortness of breath.

Stomach cancer

First stage dangerous disease flows from the minimum amount symptoms that resemble Symptoms such as weight loss, rapid satiety, aversion to meat, lack of appetite, anemization are manifested. Patients complain of frequent severe belching food, pain and heaviness in the epigastric region.

Pathologies of the esophagus can be the causes of belching:

  • Zenker's diverticulum;
  • Achalasia of the cardia;
  • Scleroderma.

Frequent belching accompanies such pathologies of the digestive system as intestinal dysbacteriosis, chronic pancreatitis, insufficiency of the Bauginiev valve, duodeno-gastric reflux and biliary tract ailments.

Features of therapy

Given the fact that belching accompanies many diseases, it is important to contact a gastroenterologist in a timely manner and undergo high-quality diagnostics. Treatment should be started after determining the provoking factors and the cause of belching.

Belching is not considered an independent disease.

Since this manifestation is a symptom and not a separate disease, specific treatment this phenomenon does not exist. In order to eliminate one-time manifestations of belching, it is enough to correct the culture and diet. If belching accompanies gastrointestinal pathologies, it is necessary to eliminate the underlying disease, and the symptoms will subside.

Most of the ailments related to the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract can be treated with the help of special diet therapy. Its goal is to limit the consumption of foods that have Negative influence on the mucous membrane and provoking increased gas formation. Most often, in such cases, the doctor prescribes medications that contribute to the normalization of activity. digestive tract: Imodium, Mezim, Omez, Festal, Creon, Almagel. The diet involves frequent fractional meals in small portions.

It is not recommended to drink liquids with food, as they dilute the concentration of gastric juice, which slows down the digestion process. In turn, this provokes the processes of decay and fermentation, contributing to the manifestation of belching. Defecation should occur daily. If digested food is retained in the body, flatulence and belching occur with bad smell.

Pain syndrome and belching, observed after eating, signal damage and inflammation of the gastric mucosa. Therapy is carried out in accordance with the scheme drawn up by the doctor based on the symptoms and the results of instrumental and laboratory studies.

In the process of treatment, traditional medicine recipes are also used. Similar funds differ in safety of use and efficiency. However, before use, you should consult your doctor to avoid possible side effects.

To get rid of burping, drink 6 drops of clove oil diluted in a glass 2 times a day. goat milk. Milk, if desired, is replaced by a decoction of elecampane root. To prepare this decoction, pour 20 grams of chopped root with a liter of boiling water, bring to a boil. Leave to infuse for 2 hours, strain, cool.

As for the belching that occurs in infants, such a manifestation is a natural process. Regurgitation is observed after each feeding for up to three to five months. To avoid regurgitation, the child must be lifted after feeding for 3-5 minutes. Baby burps are odorless. If you feel sour smell you need to see a pediatrician.

Belching is normal process. However, if such a manifestation occurs regularly, has an unpleasant odor, or is accompanied by additional symptoms, it is recommended to consult a doctor and undergo an examination.

The stomach is an organ in which there is always air. Its volume can reach 1.5 liters. The reason is the connection with the environment. It creates the right pressure in the cavity of the muscle sac, stimulates its secretory and motor functions. After a hearty meal, the gas has nowhere to go, and some of it comes out through the mouth.

What is a burp

Sudden involuntary release of air, usually without loud sound- a physiological phenomenon indicating normal peristalsis of the gastrointestinal tract. Belching occurs in fat people, when wearing tight clothes and belts, poor chewing of food, eating in a hurry, after intense physical exertion. It also occurs during pregnancy, in the last trimester, due to the enlarged uterus.

If the belching of air occurs sporadically and passes quickly, then there is no reason to worry. Another thing is constant burping, which can be a sign next states:

Cause and treatment

Such discomfort is caused by changes in diet and physical condition person. It is treated by eliminating the main provocateur.

Belching, pressure and pain in the stomach

This combination requires attention, not ignorance. An alarm bell that is the cause of a series different states:

  • Gastric ulcer with characteristic symptoms in the form of stabbing or pressing pain syndrome.
  • Inflammatory process that captured the pancreas. He is recognized by nausea, stool disorders, flatulence.
  • Problems with the gallbladder, during the period of exacerbation. Accompanied by complaints of aching pain in the right hypochondrium, dry mouth. The condition is sometimes accompanied elevated temperature.
  • stomach cancer with sharp weight loss, vomiting with blood impurities.
  • Inflammation of the duodenum.

The diagnosis can be confirmed after complete examination. The sooner this is done, the better.

Constant belching of air

If a person burps frequently, then the etiology is not related to individual features his body. The reasons for the condition may be:

  • Mistakes in nutrition. Absorption of food in reserve and its consequence in the form of excess weight and pathologies of the stomach.
  • Chewing gums as a provoking factor of dysfunction of the digestive system. When they are used, enzymes are released, and the gastrointestinal tract remains empty.
  • Neurosis, provoking the swallowing of air.
  • Pathologies of the digestive canal (ulcer, cholecystitis, diaphragmatic hernia, gastroesophageal reflux).
  • Cardiovascular diseases.

Lump in throat and belching

Too much gas causes reflex contraction walls of the alimentary canal. As a result, air from the stomach enters the esophagus. Frequent irritation causes swelling, as well as a feeling foreign body in the throat.

Condition provocateurs can be the following factors:

  • Pregnancy.
  • Congenital abnormalities associated with the tonsils.
  • Smoking.
  • Doing exercise after eating.
  • Insufficient chewing due to poorly fitted dentures.
  • Sucking on lollipops.

A lump in the throat and belching accompanies:

  • Pathologies of a neurotic nature.
  • Taking hormonal or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
  • Gastroesophageal reflux (GERD) due to the constant reflux of acidic chyme into the esophagus, swelling of its mucosa.
  • overgrowth thyroid gland, its pressure on the throat and, as a result, an obstacle to the path of swallowed air, which is eliminated a little later in the form of belching.
  • Inflammation of the esophagus in case of poisoning with aggressive compounds, alcohol, hot food.
  • Pharyngitis with phlegm, irritating to mucous membranes. Accompanied by intense cough.

With the elimination of the underlying disease, unpleasant symptoms also disappear. This is achieved with the use of medications, physical exercises that restore the work of the lower sphincter. And also with the help of a revision of the diet, healthy lifestyle life, rejection bad habits.

Lump in the throat and belching with air in osteochondrosis

Symptoms occur when the cervical spinal column. Causes:

  • Insomnia.
  • Forced immobility.
  • Violation of metabolic processes.

The treatment is carried out by methods of electrical stimulation, acupuncture, vacuum massage, laser, manual therapy. To relieve spasm and improve blood circulation in the neck, anti-inflammatory drugs are used. With osteochondrosis, special gymnastics is useful, which can be practiced even at the workplace.

Belching on an empty stomach

A symptom not related to food. A common cause is neuroses accompanied by deep breathing. During emotional communication, a person swallows a lot of air, which naturally presses on the muscles of the stomach and goes out through the mouth.

Belching and a lump in the throat cannot be the cause of gastrointestinal pathologies. They are only a consequence, which is associated with errors in the functionality of the pylorus and insufficiency of the cardia of the stomach. With the development inflammatory processes an unpleasant eructation on an empty stomach becomes a common occurrence. In addition to her, the patient complains of problems with the passage of food (liquid), stomach pain, nausea, vomiting, a feeling of fullness in the abdomen. All these signs eventually transform into irritable bowel syndrome.

Another cause of the condition may be a diaphragmatic hernia, if it is infringed. Accompanied heart palpitations, aching pain when swallowing, sensation of a lump in the larynx, weakness, heartburn.

During pregnancy, frequent or constant odorless belching is associated with temporary physiological metamorphoses in female body, injection of an overgrown uterus of intra-abdominal pressure, high level progesterone. future mother can be very sick, which is also natural in her position.

Belching with air and bloating

A combination of symptoms that occurs more often after a heavy feast, due to enzymatic deficiency or pathologies gallbladder.

Disappears upon compliance the following rules:

  • Fruits should be consumed some time after taking the main dishes.
  • Include soups in the diet to stimulate sap secretion.
  • There is no hurry.
  • Drink tea, juices half an hour before meals or the same time after meals.

And finally, eat small portions that do not overload the stomach.

Diarrhea and belching

Two key symptom as a result of infectious or somatic diseases leading to congestion in the stomach. As a result, the reactions of fermentation and decay are activated with the release of unpleasantly smelling ammonia and hydrogen sulfide, which has a rotten odor. They put pressure on the muscular walls of the stomach, they contract and the gases rise, reaching oral cavity. A certain amount of them ends up in the intestines, resulting in diarrhea.

Symptoms appear if:

  • There are congenital anatomical defects in the form of diverticula, underdevelopment of the organs of the digestive canal, kinks of its departments.
  • A person abuses alcohol and carbonated drinks.
  • There was intoxication with poisons and medicines.
  • Functions of the alimentary canal are disturbed.
  • An infection of the gastrointestinal tract occurred or oncology was found in them.

The combination of symptoms leads to beriberi, malnutrition and serious illnesses.

Belching air in the morning

Situational phenomenon not related to serious conditions. An air cushion is always present in the alimentary canal. It does not disappear even after eating. An empty burp occurs when the stomach is so full that there is trouble closing the upper sphincter.

The symptom manifests itself in the case when the epigastrium is tightened with a belt or physical exercises are performed, supported by inclinations that produce pressure on the abdomen. It can cause and causes pathological properties, namely:

  • Problems with the cardia of the stomach, more precisely, its incomplete closure.
  • The consequence of tumor processes, ulcers, burns of the mucosa, surgical intervention.
  • Diseases: dysbacteriosis, inflammation of the pancreas and stomach, reflux.
  • Nervous disorders, accompanied by nausea and difficulty breathing. As a rule, they are not connected with food.

Belching in the morning also occurs with frequent overeating., weak motility of the gastrointestinal tract, insufficient functionality of the lower sphincter.

Treatment is not aimed at eliminating the symptom, but the specific disease. Appointments are made by a doctor of the relevant specialty.

Belching of air in a child

This is a normal phenomenon for infancy, when many systems have not yet been formed. Contributes to the normalization of intragastric pressure. When air is retained in the cavity of the digestive organs, intestinal spasms. Discomfort passes along with belching.

Vertical position baby after feeding helps to avoid colic and alleviate his condition. The most active should be calmed before meals, and take breaks along the way so that they can burp.

A pediatrician's consultation will be needed if a symptom bothers a child over the age of 1 year. It often occurs due to wrong habits when the baby eats and watches a cartoon or plays at the same time.

Comprehensive treatment will be required for children whose empty belching is the result of duodenitis, hepatitis or gastritis.

Diet and prevention

If diagnostic methods, including fibrogastroduodenoscopy (FGDS), did not reveal the disease, and belching interferes with a normal life, the most simple recommendations:

  • Eat fractionally, chewing thoroughly.
  • Don't start exercise immediately after eating, so as not to squeeze the stomach and not interfere with the processing of food. Rest at least 30 minutes.
  • Eat dinner 2 hours before bed.
  • Sleep on a high pillow.
  • Do not use straws for drinking cocktails.
  • Instead of fried foods, include baked or steamed foods in your diet.

Prohibited products from following list:

  • legumes;
  • muffin;
  • all varieties of cabbage;
  • cucumbers;
  • Bell pepper;
  • cereal crops;
  • potato;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • beer;
  • coffee Tea;
  • milk.

To useful products relate:

  • Bananas and melons.
  • Unfried poultry meat, fish.
  • Porridge from vegetables and cereals.

Infusion of raw unpeeled oats. Prepared from 1 tbsp. l. crushed seeds and 100 ml of water. The time of infusion is half an hour. Take on an empty stomach for 2 weeks.

To improve the motility of the digestive canal and clean it is worth:

  • Organize unloading days.
  • To live an active lifestyle. The gastrointestinal tract will respond positively to the hobby hiking, cycling, swimming, running.
  • Do not abuse enzyme preparations so as not to provoke a condition lazy stomach when it stops producing enough own enzymes.
  • To avoid complications, do not self-medicate.
  • Drink fresh goat's milk three times a day.

A noticeable effect will provide an infusion of 1 tbsp. l. flax seeds and 250 ml of boiling water. Divide the resulting volume into 4 doses. Duration of treatment healing drink: 2-3 weeks.

If the discomfort is pathological in nature, diet therapy alone cannot cope with it. Will help drug treatment or a combined option - surgical intervention to remove a neoplasm, hernia, followed by medication support:

  • To normalize the acidity of the stomach, providing enveloping action take Rennie and Gastal. The latter perfectly eliminates constipation.
  • Almagel copes with bloating, as well as heartburn. It is effective in isolated cases and regular discomfort.
  • From Smecta powder, you can prepare a suspension that quickly eliminates an unpleasant symptom.
  • Antiulcer drugs Omez, De-Nol have an astringent, antimicrobial, gastrocytoprotective effect.
  • Inflammation of the pancreas can be treated with Creon and Mezim.
  • Digest heavy food Pancreatin will help.
  • Weak motility of the gastrointestinal tract is normalized by Motilac. With its help, the rapid formation and promotion of the food bolus is possible.

The gastroenterologist is engaged in the diagnosis, the selection of drugs. If necessary, he can prescribe sleeping pills, sedatives, inhibitors proton pump to normalize the work of the stomach and duodenum 12.

There are times when a person experiences frequent belching of odorless air, the reasons for this phenomenon are banal: with each swallowing movement a small amount of air is swallowed, thus ensuring normal intragastric pressure. An eructation of air can be called an involuntary sudden release of gas from the stomach, while it has no smell. After a certain time, small portions of air come out through the mouth.

A noticeable eructation of air causes its excessive penetration into the cavity of the stomach along with the food consumed. The appearance of belching after eating may be a sign of such pathologies as, for example, pneumatosis of the stomach or aerophagia.

Frequent belching of air, in which a person does not experience discomfort in the form of smell or taste, is considered an indicator of the normal functioning of the stomach.

In this case, neurotic aerophagia should be distinguished. It is characterized by swallowing small portions of air not caused by food intake. In such cases, the appearance of belching is possible at any time (except for the time that a person spends in a dream). Similar phenomenon It may also indicate the development of any pathology, so its appearance is a reason for consulting a specialist.

More about the reasons

The causes of this syndrome are different. In most cases, the frequent occurrence of belching with air is due to:

  1. Pathology associated with nasal breathing.
  2. Diseases, the place of localization of which is the oral cavity, teeth.
  3. Consuming food in large quantities.
  4. Excessive talking while eating.
  5. Snacking, eating in a hurry.
  6. Abuse of chewing gum.
  7. Excessive physical activity or sports activities immediately after the person has eaten.
  8. The second half of the period of bearing a child (as a result of the growth of the uterus, the diaphragm is under pressure, which often provokes the appearance of belching).
  9. A large accumulation of gas in the stomach (sometimes provoked by carbonated drinks or baking soda).
  10. Aerophagy.
  11. Neurosis.

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The appearance of belching after eating

If a gastrointestinal tract functions normally, belching of air as a consequence of food intake can be considered an irregular and rare occurrence. The reason for this, as a rule, is the swallowing of a large amount of air during meals. In addition to the above factors provoking burping with air, you can add poor chewing of food, hot and cold food.

Swallowing air leads to the formation of a large air bubble, under the pressure of which the stomach subsequently finds itself. The pressure is lowered by the opening of the cardiac sphincter, which surrounds the stomach and esophagus.

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About constant burping

The most common factor that provokes repeated belching of odorless air is irregular food intake. At the same time, one should not forget that the appearance of the described syndrome is characteristic of such a pathology as neurotic aerophagia, which, in turn, can be caused by:

  • chronic gastritis;
  • failure in the tone and motility of the stomach;
  • peptic ulcers;
  • pyloroduodenal stenosis;
  • narrowing of the esophagus;
  • cardiospasm;
  • heart failure and other causes.

Pathology can be manifested by loud belching of air that occurs throughout the day. A person who has encountered it can be tormented by such sensations as heaviness and fullness, most often the place of their localization is the epigastric region. Periodically, the disease may remind itself of bloating. Patients diagnosed with coronary heart disease with aerophagia may be disturbed by pain in the heart, as well as angina pectoris. In rare cases, the patient may experience difficulty breathing, even asthma attacks are possible.

When examining a patient with aerophagia, the specialist notes that the upper half of the abdomen is swollen. An x-ray study allows you to obtain information about the diaphragm, an increase in the air bladder of the stomach and gases in the intestinal cavity lead to its high standing.

Aerophagia is often observed among newborns. The reasons for this may lie in the inability of the baby's nervous system to cope with such a process as the regulation of the digestive apparatus. In addition, children may swallow a large number of air when sucking empty nipples or breasts. In young children, the pathology can be manifested by rapid bloating, crying during meals, refusal to eat, which often leads to weight loss.

A pre-diagnosis can be confirmed using x-ray examination. In order to prevent the development of the habit of swallowing air, parents should adjust the child's diet. If the cause of aerophagia in a baby is neuropathy or an imperfect apparatus nervous regulation associated with the digestive organs, over time, the syndrome disappears.

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The combination of the described syndrome with pain in the stomach

Most often, belching, which is combined with pain in the stomach, indicates the course of a disease.

In addition, the beginning of the pathological process can manifest itself in a similar way. Sometimes these symptoms are the result of malnutrition.

In addition to the factors listed above, belching with air can be caused by the following factors:

  1. Taking a bath a short time after eating. Due to the fact that the procedure increases blood flow in the limbs, it decreases in the stomach, which leads to a weakening of the digestive system and causes pain and belching.
  2. Consumption of cold drinks immediately after meals (impairs fermentation and lipid absorption).
  3. Smoking after eating.
  4. Fruits. Choosing them as a dessert, you can provoke difficulty in digestion (as a result of the interaction of organic acids that contain fruits and minerals contained in a number of products).
  5. Tea drinking. Enzymes that contain tea leaves contribute to the weighting of food proteins, which also leads to indigestion.

It should be noted that the pathologies that manifest painful sensations in the abdomen and belching air, quite a lot. It is for this reason that the appearance of such syndromes is serious reason for consultation with a specialist gastroenterologist.

Belching food in a simple way, in scientific terms, is called regurgitation, the essence of which is regurgitation of food not burdened by nausea or vomiting.

Sudden release of gases from the digestive tract through the mouth, accompanied by a specific sound, the second definition of belching. It seems to be one of a set of phenomena of "gastric pneumatosis".

Regurgitation is the same belching. It receives the eruption of the food or digestive juice of the stomach into the pharynx, but without the effort of the diaphragm.

There is a phenomenon of the return of food into the alimentary tract from the stomach, called reflux.

This form of belching looks like an insignificant chewed food that passed without muscle tension and expelled excess air from the stomach, which may have got there during the meal.

Based on the specifics of belching that occurs in a person, it is possible to establish its prerequisites and what pathological processes provoked by:

  • belching, which has a sour taste, indicates the resulting environment with a huge amount of hydrochloric acid;
  • sour belching is evidence of increased acidity;
  • bitterness in belching is proof of reflux of bile from upper division small intestine (duodenum 12) to the stomach;
  • belching rancid, rotten taste happens when food decomposes in the environment for a long time low acidity. Could be a sign of a start peptic ulcer or oncology;

Belching after eating, acquiring systematic manifestations, needs to be diagnosed, consulted by specialists in order to find the cause that creates such discomfort.

Description of the causes of malicious belching

The phenomenon of belching is a well-known condition. A healthy body, with a healthy functioning of the digestive system, has its manifestations sporadically.

Belching has a different etiology. But its main occurrence is inherent in peristalsis:

  1. On the one hand, the pressure in the stomach increases, and at the same time, the tone of the sphincter between the esophagus and stomach weakens. The trapped air tends upward during eating, sometimes involving fragments of food, and, going outside, takes the form of belching food;
  2. The inhibition of the transport of stomach contents may be the cause of belching food and evidence that the duration of the period after ingestion is 8 hours or more;
  3. The makings of an eructation after eating can be an intense conversation during a meal. Absorption of food hastily, being in an excitable stressful condition. Air presses in the stomach and the latter tries to get rid of it with the help of belching. If at the same time overeating occurred, then regurgitation of food is possible;
  4. Not only factors related to food culture affect the causes of burping, but also foods from the human diet. There is a category of products that cause increased gas formation: legumes, cabbage, milk, soda of any quality;
  5. Aerophagia is a nervous belching of air, stubbornly flowing chronic illness associated with habitual swallowing of air. With aerophagia, unpleasant sensations appear.

Coming out in the form of belching, the patient's condition is relieved. Accompanied by sound manifestations, belching with air can be stressful for patients.

With aerophagia, phenomena are distinguished:

  • Remheld's gastrocardial syndrome - neurosis of the gastrointestinal tract, combines abdominal pain with cardiological symptoms - pain in the heart, tachycardia, hypotension, extrasystole and others. The possibility of psychogenic disorders prompts the physician to conduct a thorough somatic examination of patients. This is necessary to exclude organic pathologies;
  • the presence of acquired pharyngitis contributes to the ingestion of air. Rapid swallowing is likely in the presence of smoking and hypersalivation;
  • presence psychological disorders especially when there is a hyperventilation symptom, the swallowing process becomes more frequent and the entry of air is greatly accelerated.

The reasons for belching food can be varied. And although each specific phenomenon may not inspire fear, the increase in the number of manifestations is a sign of significant problems.

Among them may be pathologies:

  • gastritis ailment, the essence of which is inflammation of the mucous layers of the stomach, which contributes to the failure of its functioning;
  • gastroduodenitis - inflammation of the mucous membrane of the pyloric focus of the stomach and duodenum
  • pancreatitis is an inflammation of the tissues of the pancreas;
  • lesions of the gallbladder - the anatomical part of the liver;
  • hernia - protrusion under the skin of the peritoneum of the digestive tract;
  • an ulcer is a purulent, inflamed focus on the mucous membrane of the digestive tract.

How do eructation factors manifest themselves?

Don't miss the symptoms:

  • in adults in good health, with the air accumulated there after eating, fragments of food eaten enter the larynx;
  • belching food arises from the abundance and satiety of food eaten. Increases if the meal was washed down with carbonated drinks.

A passing symptom of this condition is bloating, intestinal colic, diarrhea or constipation. Frequent companion of overeating and nausea, and possibly vomiting, and heartburn.

This combination of factors means either the manifestation of a harmless belching of food, or more significant complications of gastrointestinal pathologies. Especially if food returns in the mouth within limits resembling vomiting.

Factors of constant burping

Due to an unavoidable aspect of the functioning of the body, belching food may be the norm or there is a frequent anomaly of it.

If it occurs in the number of cases up to 4 times - this is the norm, more than this figure may be evidence of an illness:

  • A great regularity of sudden gastric expulsion, together with a small amount of food, may indicate a weakness of the sphincter that separates the esophagus from the stomach. And this is already a permanent pathology, the consequences of which affect after surgical interventions in the gastrointestinal tract, the presence of a hernia in the area of ​​the diaphragm;
  • an independent model of neuropathy - damage to the nerves of the peptic system, which are involved in the processes of supplying organs and tissues, providing their connection with the central nervous system(CNS).

Such an ailment constantly negatively affects the promotion of food in all digestive organs, expressed in the unevenness and delay in the evacuation of food. This is a strong prerequisite for the development of reflux.

Constant belching of food displays unfavorable currents associated with the functioning of the digestive organs.

Each specific case requires its own measures aimed at the root cause of the underlying pathology.

Principles for diagnosing belching

The diagnosis of belching after eating is made to the patient by a doctor in the field of a rigorous study of the anamnesis - information on the medical history, past illnesses, the patient's living conditions.

During medical assistance medical specialist symptoms are specified:

  • how long ago the onset of belching after eating;
  • the frequency with which there is an eructation of air;
  • after what time after eating, its result appears;
  • the duration of belching with air;
  • the presence of pathologies of the digestive system.

Measures to treat belching with food

An approach is chosen for treatment that combines all the causes and factors that cause belching after eating.

If a diagnostic measures give a detailed picture of the main pathology of the gastrointestinal tract, then treatment should be started with it by a narrow specialist.

Immediately stopping the negative course of the development of the pathology, it makes it possible to somewhat reduce the manifestations of belching after eating.

Belching with air, which is not a concomitant factor of the disease, but constantly reminding of itself, can be corrected by nutrition.

Treatment provides the patient with guidance on how to develop correct mode nutrition, optimal diet, menu balance, application of the dietary principles of the table.

Why does belching of air occur in healthy people? Immediately there is a reason related to the culture of food. Nobody pays attention to this term.

But it is he who includes the main range of measures for the proper use of food.

What is the basis of the term food culture? Approximately the following activities are important knowledge about our nutrition:

  • sets of food products according to the knowledge of the properties of each of their set, so that they compensate for the balance of useful elements;
  • methods of their processing;
  • technological processes for the manufacture of dishes and pastries;
  • cuisine nationality;
  • food restrictions and prohibitions;
  • diet;
  • forms of meal arrangements;
  • etiquette and rituals of the feast.

Treatment is not only burping related to nutrition. Almost any slightly complicated pathology always requires adjustment of the patient's diet.

Therefore, it is useful to gain information on the culture of food. She will never be redundant.

So, summing up, the fact of the obligatory appeal for help is stated. medical workers in case of frequent belching within an hour. Observation takes at least 5 days.

If duration and quantity are confirmed, the possibility of developing disease. Treatment should begin immediately after the diagnosis is made.

Treatment is not expected if the eructation with air is insignificant, without constancy, It occurs due to the culture of nutrition.

There is a list practical advice, useful in matters of belching air:

  • exclusion of food, the digestion time of which requires a long time;
  • forget about the use of drinks containing carbonated;
  • set the principle fractional nutrition, the absorption of small portions contributes to rapid assimilation, and eliminates overeating;
  • the process of eating should be leisurely, with chewing movements up to 15 times in the mouth;
  • postpone the meal in moments of emotional outbursts and stress. Refrain from talking at the table.

Watching over own fortune and well-being, their own strategy for relating to food can be developed, in which burping will be excluded.

Preventive actions

Belching with air is reduced to "no" by the implementation of the rules and principles, following which you will never meet this phenomenon.

The following steps serve as guidelines for action:

  • refusal of products that stimulate the increased formation of gases;
  • treatment, after timely established diagnosis, reduces the urgency of the problem. Any pathological eructation is associated with ailments of the digestive system. Eliminating the root cause, the problem of belching is removed.
  • treatment of hernias of the diaphragmatic area prophylactic factor of belching with air. The fact is that due to a hernia, the sphincter fails, as a result of which fragments of food enter the oral cavity;
  • not the last place is occupied by a rather hackneyed truth - to lead a healthy lifestyle. Reduce smoking, alcohol intake, increase mobility.

Belching with air, being, in fact, a symptom, does not lead to either an improvement or a deterioration in a person's well-being. It does not arise as a positive or negative shift in the course of the underlying disease.

Despite this, one should not be misled that therapeutic and prophylactic measures can be neglected in order to prevent the aggravation of the pathology, in which there is an eructation of air.

Medications and traditional medicine

If all the reasons for which belching appears are considered, the doctor's recommendations are taken into account, but there is no deliverance, then we must try to apply medications in combination with home therapy.

Drug therapy individually helps patients. The slightest difference in the effects of the activity of the digestive tract creates reasons for the assimilation of drugs.

What for some reason helps one does not respond with positive changes in another. Even if the pathologies are the same, there may be different blood biochemistry, which will give different results in the treatment with the same drugs.

Treatment unpleasant symptoms specialists after the cause, which arises in connection with the pathology, is to take drugs of different pharmacological groups:

  • antacids, the essence of which is to protect the gastric mucosa, catalyze the breakdown of food, normalize pressure in the peritoneal cavity: Vikair, Rennie, Vikalin;
  • proton pump inhibitors that reduce the production of hydrochloric acid: Omeprazole, Lanset, Bioprazole;
  • medicines that improve digestion: Creon, Festal, Mezim, Panzikam, Pancreatin;
  • means that adjust the acidity of gastric juice: "Omez-D", "Nolpaza", "Ventrisol", "De Nol", "Novobismol";
  • antibacterial drugs: "Oxamp", "Ecoclave", "Metronidazole", "Amoxiclav" - these drugs are used only on the recommendation of a specialist.

Once again, we recall that drug treatment is individual in nature and depends on clinical picture pathology.

To practice folk experience it is possible, if there is no doubt that the causes of belching are correctly established.

The same principle applies to all decoctions. The composition mixes well. According to the recipe, the indicated portion of the mixture is taken. It is poured with boiling water, infused, filtered.

Differences in a dosage for one reception and quantity are possible. Herbal treatment is long lasting.

The treatment of burping relies heavily on home medicine advice:

  1. freshly pressed vegetable juices beets, white cabbage help reduce the acidity of gastric juice and promote healing of wounds in the form of ulcers and erosions;
  2. the use of decoctions of plantain and beans, on the contrary, effectively increases the acidity in the stomach. Appointed at the same time antacids and adsorbents;
  3. chronic gastritis of high acidity is helped by decoctions and teas from leaves and sprigs of lemon balm, blackberry mint;
  4. a mixture of fennel and flax seeds, linden flowers and mint leaves gently normalizes acidity;

Gastritis with high acidity for a duration of less than ten years is effectively helped by the following decoctions:

  • a mixture of rowan fruits and flowers, with the addition of calamus root;
  • a mixture of trefoil watch leaves, yarrow inflorescences, dill seeds, mint leaves, St. John's wort;
  • composition of half a glass of cranberry juice + aloe juice + liquid honey + a glass of boiled water; The course of use is 7 days, after a month the treatment can be repeated;
  1. severe heartburn is removed with a fine powder of calamus root on the tip of a knife, washed down with water;
  2. a cocktail of potato and carrot juices is good for digestion;
  3. goat milk has long been revered as a healing drink. It will not spoil the mass and with belching, and with pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract;
  4. nervous belching can be removed by a small charge that relieves tension. A decoction of valerian root should be drunk before meals;
  5. A familiar recipe for an ulcer from aloe leaves and honey. You have to tinker with it in cooking, following all the recommendations, but the effect is very impressive from the application;
  6. Sometimes an increase in acidity is required. In this case, a drink of rose hips + sea buckthorn, or apricot juice and fruits can be used;

There are many more recipes not covered, effective and not very on the Internet.

The reasons for belching after eating are covered in the article in some detail. The main thing that the reader should learn from the article is that vigilance cannot be sprinkled, even if the symptom is minor and does not entail danger.

After all, as happens in life, first discomfort with sound, and after severe complications. Take care of your health and loved ones.

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