Viagra for women: what is true and what is false? The effect of Viagra on women, the effect on the body. Is Viagra suitable for men for women?

At one time, the pharmaceutical company Pfizer revolutionized the treatment of potency problems in men by releasing the drug Viagra for sale in the pharmacy chain. The active substance of the drug, which determines its effect on the body, is sildenafil. However, not only men suffer from sexual dysfunction, but women are also affected by the problem. This often raises the question: what will happen if a girl takes Viagra? Will a woman feel similar effect, and does the remedy work on women? Let's try to lift the veil of secrecy.

Women are also concerned about the problem of sexual dysfunction.

What is sildenafil

The active substance is a selective inhibitor of specific phosphodiesterase. Normally, during arousal, representatives of the stronger sex produce large quantities of nitric oxide, which stimulates the synthesis of GMP (cycloguanosine monophosphate), which is destroyed by phosphodiesterase. GMF, in turn, affects the smooth muscles of the penis, increasing its blood supply. Therefore, by inhibiting phosphodiesterase, sildenafil helps strengthen erection.

Viagra is a medicine high efficiency. Indications for the use of sildenafil:

  1. Lack of erection.
  2. Sluggish erection or inability to maintain it until the end of sexual intercourse.

It is important that the cause of sexual disorders should not be organic diseases. And a man should also have everything in order with his libido. Only the presence of sexual desire combined with stimulation will cause the desired effect.

As for the effect of sildenafil on women, due to their lack of a penis, even if a girl takes Viagra, the desired effect will not be achieved. However, you shouldn’t be upset, because pharmacists have been developing in this direction for a long time. A very interesting effect of Viagra on female arousal is its ability to increase blood supply to the pelvic organs, which will stimulate the physiological component of arousal.

Several years ago, American pharmaceutical manufacturers applied for marketing authorization female drug, identical to Viagra, called "Eddie". After much ups and downs, permission was received, but the drug, which went on sale only at the end of 2015, has not yet reached us. In addition, in the States, Eddie is approved with many reservations due to its side effects. If a girl drinks the drug, the following negative effects are possible:

  • Headache.
  • Weakness.
  • Dizziness.
  • Nausea.
  • The unpredictable effect of the Viagra analogue on women with depression.
Many modern drugs provide without side effects effect of Viagra for women.

All of the above reactions are undesirable, but girls should not be upset. Now there are many drugs whose manufacturers promise an stimulating effect without side effects. Below we will tell you about Viagra, created specifically for women.

For lovely ladies

The market for arousal products is quite wide. We tried to select the most effective and effective drugs Viagra for girls:

  • Femalegra. A fairly recent remedy. The manufacturer lists sildenafil citrate as the active ingredient in a dosage of 100 mg. Femalegra works on girls like this:
  1. Increases libido.
  2. Significantly improves blood supply to the genital organs, which strengthens the physiological component of arousal and will help with frigidity.
  3. Increases the intensity of orgasm and sensitivity to stimulation.
  4. Helps women in menopause get aroused faster.

It is recommended that a girl take Viagra 35-40 minutes before. before sexual intercourse, with a small amount of liquid. The promised exposure time is from 4 to 6 hours. However, not all girls can take Viagra. Unfortunately, the drug has contraindications:

  1. Pathology of the cardiovascular system.
  2. Girls taking nitrates should not resort to Viagra.
  3. Predisposition to allergic reactions for any component of the product.
  4. Pregnancy.
  5. Age up to 18 years.

The websites of distributors of Viagra for girls indicate that the use of the product also increases women’s self-confidence and helps, if necessary, to feel younger and more desirable. Maximum daily dose Viagra, which a girl can take without harm to her health, is 1 tablet, that is, 100 mg of citrate.

  • Womenra. The drug is a generic version of Viagra for girls. The active substance is similar to the drug described above, therefore the product acts identically. If a girl decides to drink Womenra, the manufacturer promises the following effects:
The use of the product also increases women's self-confidence.
  1. Increased blood flow to the clitoris and labia, which will increase the sensitivity of the genital tissues to sexual stimulation, and will also increase the amount of natural lubrication.
  2. Reducing discomfort during sex.
  3. Improving the emotional component of sexual intimacy.

However, the generic Womenra also has contraindications. In general, they are similar to those described above for the previous drug, but a few more points have been added to the instructions:

  1. Acute renal failure.
  2. Retinitis pigmentosa.
  3. Therapy using erythromycin, cimetidine, intraconazole. If a girl in such a situation needs to take Viagra, then it is necessary to wait until the listed drugs are completely disintegrated or removed from the woman’s body.

Womenra takes effect after 35-60 minutes, so you need to drink it that much time before sexual intercourse. The effect, according to the instructions, lasts up to 5 hours. Reported adverse reactions:

  1. Dizziness, headache.
  2. Phenomena of dyspepsia.
  3. Nasal congestion.
  4. Increased sensitivity to light stimuli.

According to the test results presented by the manufacturer of the drug, Viagra acts mildly, therefore side effects, if you drink it according to the rules, were rarely observed.

Where to find and what is the cost

If you decide to purchase Viagra for girls, then it is advisable to make a purchase in trusted online stores, from official representatives of the manufacturer. We have analyzed average price for Viagra:

The price often includes courier services or postage. Please check this point with the seller.

According to statistics, many women suffering from sexual dysfunction are emotionally vulnerable and become depressed over time. So wouldn’t it be better for a girl to take Viagra than to continue to suffer, to experience self-doubt, fear of losing her loved one? The answer is obvious.

Often age, stress or hormonal disbalance forces you to use a drug such as Viagra for women during sexual intercourse, the composition of which differs little from the original blue pill. Although the male counterpart is considered No. 1 among drugs that enhance sexual desire, the female counterpart still causes confusion and surprise. Few people believe in its effectiveness, although the fairer sex faces sexual health disorders no less often than men. But is the drug really useless?

Women's Viagra - instructions for use

Female Viagra is unique remedy, which improves the quality of female sexual intercourse at any age, starting from 18 years. The development of the drug began after studies that proved the frequency of sexual dysfunction in sex in both sexes. It proved that girls face the problem of frigidity no less often, and this is influenced not only by age, but also by the rhythm of life, hormonal background, emotional mood. In order to solve this problem, a drug such as female Viagra appeared on the market, which is responsible for sexual stimulation.


The main active element is the substance sildenafil. It can be found in drugs such as male Viagra, Cialis, Levitra. Taking sildenafil is what acts as the main active ingredient in the drug. The citrate content has its own gradation: 25, 50, 100 mg of sildenafil in one tablet. Also in female pathogen contains components such as:

Release form

The generic (an analogue of the drug after the patent for the original has been revoked) is produced in a sealed blister for 4 pieces. You can recognize the tablet itself by the following signs:

  • pink color;
  • diamond shape;
  • presence of a protective shell;
  • relief inscription on one side.

How Viagra works for women

Having heard about this drug for the first time, people often wonder what effect Viagra has on women. It's simple. When in female body, exposed to the influence of some irritants that spoil sexual sensations, Viagra hits, you can trace the following chain:

  1. Blood flow and flow to the genitals improves.
  2. The clitoris and labia minora swell, which increases sensitivity during intercourse.
  3. The vagina produces lubrication.
  4. Libido increases.
  5. The tension is relieved.
  6. Sexual desire is formed.
  7. Sensitivity increases.
  8. Girls experience orgasm easier and more vividly.
  9. Painful sensations in the uterus disappear during contact.

Indications for use

After numerous studies, the drug was proven to be harmless and effective for increasing libido, treating female frigidity, during menopause and diversifying sexual life. You can take it literally every day after reaching adulthood, because the medicine does not contain toxins or carcinogens and is not addictive. The use is completely safe and approved by doctors all over the world, the main thing is to follow the instructions. Otherwise, sexual dysfunctions will not disappear; on the contrary, a number of diseases may join them.

Female Viagra - how to take

Viagra for girls is available in three forms: 25, 50 and 100 mg. The maximum dosage is discussed below. So, take the substance half an hour before sexual intercourse. During this time, the tablet will begin to act, and the effect will last for 4-6 hours. All instructions are included in the package, but a consultation with a gynecologist is still not superfluous in such cases. It is better to take the tablet two hours after eating. You can take Viagra every day, but doctors advise using it less often so that it diversifies sexual attraction, and has not become a routine.

special instructions

Gynecologists advise not to eat fatty or meat foods on the day of administration. You should not combine the pathogen with alcohol or psychotropic substances, because this can lead to undesirable consequences. Experts do not recommend taking the tablet with any other liquids (be it juice, tea, soda) other than water. If absorption is incorrect, the pill simply will not be absorbed, which will not affect sexual activity properly; on the contrary, it will lead to painful sensations in the small pelvis.


In addition to the ban on the use of alcohol or other psychotropic substances, Viagra has a number of taboos not related to food or drinks. It is prohibited to use it with drugs that contain nitrates, or with any other pathogens. In addition, during pregnancy Viagra is also prohibited. But after the birth of a child, the drug will enhance orgasm and return richness to sexual life. Should not be used pink pills for heart disease or nervous system.

Side effects and overdose

Having gone too far with the dosage, a woman may not experience a desire for sexual intimacy, but may experience side effects such as dizziness, headache, nasal congestion, vision problems, difficulty concentrating, nausea, back pain, and decreased performance. If you experience these symptoms, consult your doctor immediately and stop using the drug for a while.

Terms of sale and storage

You can purchase the drug at any pharmacy without a doctor's prescription. It is sold in packages of different volumes (from 4 tablets). Stored medicine three years from the date of production at temperatures up to 25 degrees Celsius.

Analogues of female Viagra

In addition to the most famous representative of the market, there is also a lesser-known number of drugs that affect sexual pleasure. These are tools such as:

  • Spanish fly. Known remedy, which increases potency in men and libido in women. They are made from an extract obtained from the blood and gonads of the Spanish fly.
  • Silver fox. Powder, soluble in water. It has natural composition herbs, which causes less doubt and disagreement than the Spanish fly. Acts like Viagra for women.
  • Laveron. The drug is for women and men. Its difference is that it is not a pathogen. The medicine only works if there is natural sexual arousal from the partner. Created based on natural plant elements.

Many people mistakenly believe that only members of the stronger half suffer from sexual disorders. However, women often report a weakened sex drive. Female Viagra, designed specifically for the fair sex, helps correct the situation. What does a product that has such an eloquent and promising name consist of and how does it work?

The principle of action of tablets for women differs markedly from their counterparts for men. A feature of female Viagra is its effect on the concentration of testosterone in the direction of increasing the amount of this hormone. As a result of changes in the hormonal ratio in the blood, the sensitivity of receptors and nerve endings increases and their maximum responsiveness to sexual stimulation occurs. This effect of Viagra for women helps to enhance orgasm, which is preceded by the appearance of a pleasant sensation in the vagina.

Thanks to female Viagra, sexual dysfunction is eliminated and maximum pleasure is ensured. intimacy. In addition, under the influence of the drug, psychological stress is relieved, stress and tension that accompany Everyday life and have a particularly negative impact on women, reducing libido.

What is the effect of the tablets based on?

For women, like the product with the same name for men, they contain the main active ingredient in the form of sildenafil, which affects the body of the fairer sex as follows:

  • Increases blood flow to the pelvic organs and labia, as a result of which the reaction to love foreplay is extremely positive;
  • Makes erogenous zones more sensitive;
  • Increases libido;
  • Helps moisturize the vagina and release a large amount of lubricant, thereby solving the problem of pain during sexual intercourse;
  • Provides the most vivid, long-lasting and strong orgasmic sensations.

Considering this effect of female Viagra, it can be noted that obtaining satisfaction from intimacy becomes the key to improving not only emotional state, but also health in general.

The drug has a particularly positive effect on the body of women older than Balzac’s age who suffer from hormonal imbalance.

According to statistics, tablets are highly effective in the following situations:

  • menopause period;
  • history surgical intervention with removal of the uterus. In this case, the stimulator provides an increase in the tone of the vaginal muscles, which, in turn, enhances the pleasure of intimacy.

You can expect the effect a maximum of 50 minutes after taking the drug. As a rule, the achieved result in the form of increased sexuality lasts about five hours.


As already noted, the main active ingredient in female Viagra is sildenafil.

Also, the composition contains auxiliary components in the form of:

  • microcrystalline cellulose;
  • titanium dioxide;
  • triacetin;
  • lactose;
  • hypromellose magnesium;
  • calcium hydrogen phosphate;
  • croscarmellose sodium.

How safe is the product?

Due to the fact that it was developed specifically for the fair sex, its composition is as safe as possible for the female body. Therefore, addiction to pills, disruption of organ function and various systems, negative hormonal fluctuations. Also, tablets do not provide harmful influence on management ability complex mechanisms or vehicles.

Female Viagra sex-enhancing tablets are indicated in the following situations:

  1. Reduced or virtually absent sexual desire (frigidity).
  2. Dissatisfaction with intimacy.
  3. Problems with vaginal hydration.
  4. Reduced sensitivity of the vagina and labia as a result of surgery to remove the ovaries or uterus.

When is it better to give up the female pathogen?

Taking the drug is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • If you are planning to conceive or have already been diagnosed with pregnancy;
  • In the presence of serious pathologies of the heart and blood vessels in the form of severe angina, rehabilitation after a heart attack or stroke, the duration of which is less than six months;
  • If there is a tendency to low or high blood pressure;
  • If there is a history of renal or liver failure in acute form;
  • If retinitis pigmentosa is diagnosed;
  • In the presence of increased individual sensitivity to active substance or auxiliary components;
  • If the age is less than 18 years;
  • During breastfeeding.

Separate restrictions on taking the drug are imposed if the tablets can be used together with other substances:

  1. Female Viagra is contraindicated when, simultaneously with the pathogen, it is planned to take medications based on erythromycin, ketoconazole, itraconazole, cimetidine and other medications that contain nitrates.
  2. If taking Viagra tablets is accompanied by the use of alpha blockers, mandatory medical consultation and monitoring of the condition by a specialist is required. There is a similar warning regarding combinations with beta-blockers and nitrogen donors.
  3. Due to the incompatibility of the drug and alcohol, simultaneous administration Female Viagra and alcoholic beverages are highly not recommended.


It is advisable to correlate the drug intake with planned intimacy, using 100 mg or one tablet of the drug 30 minutes or a maximum of one hour before contact. This dosage of female Viagra is the maximum allowed per day.

If there is a history of minor violations kidney or liver function, it is possible to review the dose of Viagra for women with its reduction to 50 or even 25 mg. IN minimum quantity Female Viagra is recommended for use by women over 65 years of age.

Be sure to take the tablet with at least 200 ml of water.

Side effect

Usually, the use of female Viagra tablets does not negatively affect general well-being, but in a number of situations some discomfort with the following symptoms, which appear to a small extent and quickly go away:

  • Feeling of nausea;
  • Hyperemia (redness) of the skin of the neck and face;
  • Dizziness or headache;
  • Feeling of nasal congestion due to swelling of the mucous membrane;
  • Distortion of visual perception;
  • Indigestion.

In general, we can state the predominance positive points over the negative ones. An increase in a woman's sexuality as a result of taking Viagra will certainly cause increased emotions on the part of her partner, so we can talk about a double positive effect.

In addition to the already described advantages of the drug, female Viagra is also distinguished by its ability to elevate mood, strengthen the body and activate its rejuvenation. Also, the stimulant is used in complex therapy endometrial infertility, achieving positive result in the form of restoration of reproductive function.

Regarding the question “Where to buy female Viagra?” this moment The only answer to this is by ordering through network pharmacies. The stimulant is not yet available for sale in traditional pharmacy kiosks, but this is not a drawback at all. By placing an order via the Internet, you can get Viagra for women in your hands for free and in as soon as possible. It is important to take into account one point: you should purchase the drug only from those who can provide a certificate of conformity and detailed instructions by use.

Thus, called Viagra, can be considered as quite effective remedy to solve existing sexual disorders and more. Thanks to taking the pills, the problem of evening “headache” will go away on its own, and intimate life will appear in a new light, giving sensations similar or even superior to the emotions characteristic of the honeymoon.

Drawing conclusions

Did you have a misfire? Judging by the fact that you are reading this article, victory is not on your side.

And of course, you know firsthand that impaired potency is:

  • Low self-esteem
  • Women remember your every failure, tell their girlfriends and your friends
  • Prostate disease
  • Developing depression, which negatively affects your health

Now answer the question: ARE YOU HAPPY WITH THIS? Can this be tolerated? Do you remember that feeling when you look at a naked woman and can’t do anything? Enough is enough - it's time to get rid of potency problems, once and for all! Do you agree?

We have studied great amount materials and, most importantly, tested most potency products in practice. So, it turned out that the drug is 100% working without any side effects- this is Predstanol. This drug consists of natural ingredients that completely eliminate chemicals.

ATTENTION! PROMOTION! You can try the drug for free, place your order using the link or filling out the form below.

Indeed, there are already a lot of medicines for this area, and they are available not only for men, but also for women. The sexual-pharmaceutical revolution, which began in 1998 with the release of the “blue pill” (as the then popular Viagra was dubbed), launched the process of searching for new drugs. Before this, doctors and patients had at their disposal mythical remedies - Spanish flies and numerous biologically active additives with ingredients from exotic plants from Africa, Asia, South America. None of these remedies have been proven in any serious research to increase male libido. Rumor attributed them with the ability to whet sexual appetites, but in reality they did not cause anything other than the placebo effect.

To be fair, it must be said that there were really effective drugs containing the substance alprostadil. They acted very powerfully, but did not become popular. Why? They had to be administered in a way that was unacceptable to many - the medicine was injected with a syringe into the man's penis.

Everything changed with the advent of the Blue Pill. Pharmaceutical companies wanted to repeat her success and began to actively engage in medications that help with various sexual problems Oh.

Not only “blue”

And now the “blue pill” has many competitors that have a similar mechanism of action and sometimes work better than it in many respects. More than 20 such drugs are registered in Russia. These are original drugs and generics containing 4 different active substances - sildenafil, vardenafil, tadalafil and udenafil. All these drugs general action: They block the same enzyme, phosphodiesterase type 5, and because of this they are called selective PDE type 5 inhibitors. They are prescribed by doctors, taking into account the specific condition of the patient, the severity of erectile dysfunction and contraindications. This is important because the drugs have serious side effects.

Since erectile dysfunction, or, colloquially, impotence, is not the only sexual diagnosis, in last years Medicines have been created to help men with other sexual problems.

A drug that women will like

We are talking about drugs that increase the time of sexual intercourse and prevent early ejaculation (ejaculation). It is known that the fair sex benefits from longer sex because it makes it easier to achieve orgasm. Today, there are medications for this that contain dapoxetine as an active substance. Such drugs were the first that doctors officially prescribed for premature ejaculation. But, strictly speaking, they cannot be called completely new. The fact is that in the past doctors sometimes recommended that men with premature ejaculation some antidepressants (sertraline, paroxetine, clomipramine, fluoxetine, etc.). There was no such indication in the instructions for them, but in the side effects section you could read that they make sex longer. This is what the Aesculapians used. But then representatives of the pharmaceutical business took over the initiative. They "reformatted" dapoxetine from an antidepressant into a new drug for the treatment of premature ejaculation.

Women's theme

There are already sexual drugs for women. They help make lovemaking more desirable. These are medications that have the properties of aphrodisiacs - substances that inflame sexual appetite. Scientifically speaking, they increase sexual desire (libido). Viagra and its competitors do not have such an effect; they only facilitate the occurrence and maintenance of an erection in men. Aphrodisiacs usually work in both sexes, but they are primarily developed for women - their desire for sex weakens with age more than men. And the first aphrodisiac drugs have already appeared.

True, their registration is difficult all over the world. Agencies that authorize the use of drugs see the use of such drugs as not very ethical. And they are also afraid that aphrodisiac drugs will be used not only by women with real problems, but also by healthy or even hypersexual women and men to make sex even more intense. And there is such a problem. After all, as I said Freud, sex rules the world. But it seems that pharmacists have learned to manage sex itself, making it more frequent, vibrant and intense. In fact, this is the pharmacology not of illness, but of health: it is clear that such medications are not only for people with sexual problems and older people, but also for healthy and young people who find it difficult to resist sexual-pharmaceutical temptations.

But still, in a number of countries, some of the aphrodisiac drugs have been registered. They are prescribed for diagnoses such as hypolibidemia or anaphrodisia. These official terms hide decreased sexual desire or its absence. In everyday speech similar conditions called sexual coldness or frigidity.

We emphasize that such drugs are not registered everywhere. But in almost all countries they are present in the “gray zone” of the Internet, where they are sold at very high prices. And, most importantly, they are advertised so incorrectly that it is difficult to expect any benefit. A classic example: the drug increases libido in women with regular and long-term consumption, and it is recommended to take one tablet immediately before sex, as a means for potency in men. Moreover, its price is so high that a monthly course will cost about 30 thousand rubles. Here are the main aphrodisiac drugs.

Testosterone preparations

This male hormone Women also have it in small quantities. It performs different functions, but one of the main ones is the formation of libido. Sexual desire not only men, but also women depend on this hormone (by the way, testosterone is also used in the treatment of sexual problems in men, but in large doses). As a rule, the drug is used in the form of a patch that is glued to the skin. The hormone from it is absorbed into the blood and exerts its effect. There is also a testosterone preparation in the form of special injections, which are administered subcutaneously for 3-6 months. But it is used less often, and it is registered in few places.

Medicines containing flibanserin

Today they are the most commonly used and mildest aphrodisiacs. IN clinical trials Flibanserin showed very moderate results. When taken for a month, it increased the number of sexual acts ending in orgasm by 1.5 times - from 2.8 to 4.5. Among those who took a placebo (pacifier), the effect was only slightly worse: the number of acts satisfying the woman increased from 2.7 to 3.7. This suggests that a major role in similar problems our consciousness plays. And this drug acts on the brain. Several other psychotropic drugs have similar effects, but they are not officially registered for the treatment of hypolibidemia.

Bremelanotide injections

Available in the form of injections that need to be done before sex. The medicine works on both women and men. But in the latter, it also improves erection. The drug has been tested and has now been submitted for registration in the USA, China and South Korea. in spring next year in America they must announce their decision whether to register a medicine or not. In the meantime, it is unofficially sold all over the world and they make it different manufacturers. Buying such a product on the Internet is dangerous.

Olga Rozhdestvenskaya, endocrinologist, specialist in andrology and reproductive medicine:

- Exists now a large number of drugs to improve sexual function. But, since the sexual sphere in men and women is highly dependent on the influence of sex hormones, the effect of such drugs will be temporary or insufficient until you normalize hormonal levels. For men main role Testosterone plays a role in this, for women - estrogens, progesterone and testosterone. except them vital importance have pituitary hormones, they regulate the thyroid and sex glands, adrenal glands and other organs. If the synthesis of such regulatory hormones is impaired, then the person will most likely have some kind of sexual dysfunction. Therefore, the production of these hormones must also be brought back to normal. Another most important factor for normal sex - good blood circulation in the pelvic area. To do this, you need to use drugs that improve microcirculation in this area.

Nowadays dietary supplements are widely advertised to improve potency and other sexual functions. You need to understand that these are not medicines and they cannot contain active substances V therapeutic doses. In this regard, you should not expect any effect. There have been several cases when active substances of drugs used for erectile dysfunction were found in dietary supplements. This is a direct falsification and violation of the law. After such discoveries, dietary supplements were banned.

IN additional increase Not only men, but also women need libido. Sometimes various intimate drugs and supplements are used for this. As a rule, they are divided into male and female.

Why does this happen, and how does Viagra work on girls? Does it make sense to take a drug intended for the stronger sex, the fair half of the human race.

The drug was originally created to treat cardiovascular diseases in men and women. But in the course of numerous studies it turned out that it has a positive effect on a completely different organ: the male penis.

That is, Viagra restores the physiological response to sexual arousal (erection). The drug also does not act as planned on women, but more on that below.

This effect of increasing libido in men is achieved due to the main component of the drug – Sildenafil, which:

  1. Promotes blood flow to the penis.
  2. Relaxes smooth muscles in the pelvic organs.
  3. Increases the sensitivity of nerve endings.

After taking Viagra, the flow increases arterial blood to the penis, and venous drainage decreases. As a result, the cavernous bodies of the penis fill up, it becomes elastic, and an erection occurs.

The effect of Viagra lasts for 3-4 hours, enhances pleasure and solves the problem of premature ejaculation. In this case, the man does not experience any unpleasant sensations.

Persons taking Viagra should be aware that the drug only improves erectile function(and temporarily), but does not affect the reproductive system in any way. The quality and volume of seminal fluid after taking Viagra remain unchanged! At the same time, the reasons for weak libido also do not go away.

Does it make sense for women to take Viagra?

Women's reproductive system differs from men's, so the drug acts on women a little differently. After taking Viagra, blood flow to the pelvic organs also increases, but mainly to the clitoris, which does not lead to sexual arousal. After all, most often the causes of low libido in women are psychological problems, not physiological.

For men, seeing a naked female body is enough to get aroused. Women need care, attention and affection. Without this, they do not have desire and a sense of satisfaction. And the mechanical action of Viagra is powerless here. After taking it, a woman’s blood pressure may simply jump.

However, Sildenafil is a good help for women experiencing intimate problems because of insufficient production secretion to lubricate the vagina. The increased flow of blood and filling of the cavernous bodies of the female clitoris after taking Viagra stimulates the release of ejaculate, which improves the quality of sexual intercourse.

Vaginal dryness in women occurs various reasons, some of them:

  • dysfunction or absence of the ovaries, diseases of the female reproductive system;
  • lack of female sex hormones, anatomical features;
  • bad habits, taking medications;
  • stress, depression, low libido;
  • menopause.

There are many reasons for intimate discomfort during sexual intercourse, so before resorting to Viagra, it is advisable for women to consult a doctor.

Indications and instructions for use of Viagra

The main indications for the use of Viagra are weak libido and disorders associated with erectile dysfunction and arising against the background of circulatory disorders or nervous overstrain. At the same time, a man taking the drug must experience sexual attraction to a woman, otherwise there will be no result. If everything is in order with this, then the effect not only comes quickly, but also increases significantly.

According to the instructions, Viagra should be taken on an empty stomach and 30-60 minutes before the intended sexual intercourse. If you take a tablet after a meal (especially a fatty one), the effect will appear only after 1.5-3 hours and not fully. The drug is available in three dosages - 25, 50 and 100 mg.

In some cases, use begins with a minimum dose with its gradual increase. The treatment regimen for Viagra is determined individually, usually by a doctor.

Contraindications and side effects

Viagra has a number of restrictions that apply to both men and women:

  1. Individual intolerance to individual components.
  2. The drug is not compatible with nitric oxide donors, nitrates and nitrites.
  3. Serious illnesses of cardio-vascular system, liver dysfunction.
  4. Vision loss due to neuropathy optic nerve, degenerative diseases retina of the eye.
  5. Age up to 18 years.

You can’t take the drug if you have cancer, arterial hypotension and hypertension, stomach ulcers and other pathologies. Women should not take Viagra during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Other side effects are described in detail in the instructions, which it is advisable to read before using the drug.

The occurrence of side effects is most often associated with an increase in dosage. They have a weak or pronounced character. They make themselves felt in the form of pain in the abdomen, muscles or joints; asthenia; diarrhea, nausea, etc.

Cases of blurred vision, rhinitis, and dizziness have also been reported in people taking Viagra. Also, some men (and women) experienced vomiting, problems with blood pressure and heart, prolonged erection, redness and soreness of the eyes, and allergies.

If you follow the recommended dosage of Viagra, side effects on the female and male side occur quite rarely and are mild. But still, no matter what unpleasant symptoms should be abandoned next appointment drug. In severe cases, you should consult a doctor.

There is a way out: female Viagra has been created

Especially for women, Pfizer has developed another drug that enhances sexual arousal and sensuality.

The formula was created taking into account female physiology, so this Viagra can increase libido and stimulate orgasm even in frigid women.

It contains the same Sildenafil, but other substances are used as auxiliary components. But at the same time, female Viagra also does not treat pathologies, but acts temporarily.

Viagra tablets for women:

  • Eliminates sexual disorders.
  • Restores vitality.
  • Rejuvenates and strengthens the female body.
  • Helps produce lubrication.
  • Increases the severity of sensations.
  • Increases libido and sensitivity to caresses.

Visually, Viagra tablets for women differ from those for men only pink. After taking the drug, blood flow to the pelvic organs increases.

It increases sensitivity erogenous zones in a woman, which in turn facilitates the process of receiving pleasure and enhances sensations during orgasm. Unlike men's, women's Viagra does not create arousal artificially.

Indications and instructions for use of Viagra for women

The female drug can be taken just to make intimate life bright and varied. The main indications for the use of Viagra for women are severe symptoms of approaching menopause, vaginal dryness, lack of arousal and attraction to a partner, dissatisfaction and lack of orgasm, difficulty concentrating on sexual intercourse. The causes of such problems can be depression, stress, weak libido.

Viagra for women is taken about an hour before intimacy, the initial dose is 50 mg. Everything else is the same as with male drug, – the dosage is increased or decreased. It depends on the effect of the product and the woman’s well-being. Maximum amount Viagra doses in 1 day – 1 time, dose – 100 mg tablet.

Women should not take the drug simultaneously with other medications, with nitrites and nitrates, during pregnancy and breastfeeding, with problems with the heart and blood pressure, or individual intolerance to individual components.

Side effects often occur with an overdose of Viagra for women. If you follow the recommended dosage, the risk of their occurrence is minimal.

Medicinal and traditional analogues of female Viagra

Male and female Viagra have analogues not only among medications, but also among folk remedies. Representatives of the first group are the tablets Cialis, Livitra, Potentiale and Erectil, Lavex, Eroton and Eromax. There are also a number of cheap Indian generics for men and women on sale.

Recently, Viagra for women and men in liquid form has become available for sale. Its advantage over pills is that after taking it it acts faster, which reduces the time to orgasm and physical satisfaction.

Among the folk remedies that stimulate a woman’s libido no worse than Viagra tablets, rosemary, celery, sage, aloe and parsley are widely used. Honey with walnuts, thyme tincture. However, to achieve the desired effect, they will have to be taken for a long time.

Kegel exercises are considered the best way to replace Viagra for women. They help eliminate weakness muscle tissue vagina, sexual dissatisfaction and inability to achieve orgasm. You can find the intimate muscles this way: try to stop the flow of urine when urinating. If this was successful, then the Kegel muscles were involved.

Another way to find them is to insert your finger into the vagina and try to squeeze it. When the muscles work, pressure should be felt. It may be weak at first. You need to learn to feel the tension and relaxation of muscles and control them.

Performing Kegel exercises for women is not difficult: lie on your back with your legs slightly apart, tighten your vaginal muscles as if you need to hold urine, hold for 2-3 seconds and relax. A woman's buttocks should always be pressed to the floor. At first, 5 repetitions 3 times a day will be enough. As you master the technique, the exercises can be performed longer and in different poses.


Sometimes some men have the idea of ​​how Viagra pills for men will work on a woman? From the above it is clear that nothing special will happen. Therefore, if such sacramental ideas have crept in, then there is no need to bring them to life. Especially without female consent.

If there are any problems in bed, you need to discuss them together. Then you can suggest that a woman try Viagra to increase libido. This will help relieve stress, relax and diversify your intimate life. Solve problems with insufficient arousal and orgasm in the woman you love. Discover new facets of pleasure and experience vivid sensations.

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