Tranexam effect on the fetus. Side effects and contraindications

A drug for the treatment of bleeding various etiologies. The drug is sold in pharmacies in the form of tablets. In a hospital setting, it may be administered intravenously in the form of a solution for infusion.

The most common indication for the use of the drug during pregnancy is uterine bleeding. Less commonly, the drug is prescribed to treat other forms of bleeding disorders. Sometimes Tranexam is used for allergic and inflammatory pathologies any organs.

The composition of the drug

The active ingredient of the drug - Tranexamic acid. The drug belongs to the group of fibrinolysis inhibitors, since it has a hemostatic effect.

The most important effect of tranexamic acid is antifibrinolytic. The drug helps to turn off the enzyme that causes the breakdown of blood clots. Due to the described action, the drug increases the viscosity of the intravascular fluid, promotes the activation of the coagulation system.

Tranexamic acid also has an anti-inflammatory effect. It reduces the severity of edema, reduces pain syndrome, relieves redness of the skin and mucous membranes.

The drug has an antiallergic effect. The drug reduces the production of substances that cause an atypical reaction of the human body. Tranexamic acid reduces local and systemic manifestations of allergies.

The drug has a high bioavailability, it is well absorbed in the organs of the gastrointestinal tract. Then the drug enters the blood. The maximum concentration of tranexamic acid in plasma is observed 3 hours after ingestion.

The activity of the drug persists for 18 hours. Complete cleansing blood from traces of Tranexamic acid is observed 4-5 days after the last dose. Most of The drug is excreted from the body through the kidneys along with urine.

Release form and expiration date

At home medicine used in the form of tablets. They are white and biconvex. Pharmacies sell the drug with a dosage of 0.25 and 0.5 grams of Tranexamic acid per tablet. The shelf life of the drug is 36 months.

In the hospital, Tranexam is used in the form of a solution for intravenous infusion. One milliliter of the drug contains 50 milligrams of the active substance. Solution for infusion has a transparent color, its shelf life is 24 months.

The drug should be stored in a dark, cool place, avoiding contact with sun rays. After the expiration date, the use of the drug is strictly prohibited.

Indications for use

The main indication for taking Tranexam while carrying a baby is the threat of miscarriage and the preservation of pregnancy. This state caused by placental abruption.

If placental abruption occurred in the periphery, future mom observed uterine bleeding. It has various forms- from brown daub on underwear to scarlet profuse discharge. Quite often, placental abruption is accompanied by cramping pains in the lower abdomen. If symptoms are detected, a pregnant woman should seek immediate medical attention. medical care.

Sometimes placental abruption occurs in the middle part, so the blood cannot go into the uterine cavity. This type of pathology is accompanied by the formation of a hematoma. In the described case, the expectant mother does not observe uterine bleeding; one can only guess about the presence of a problem by the presence of cramping pains.

During pregnancy, Tranexam is taken for bleeding from various organs:

Tranexam is also indicated for the treatment of pathologies of the blood coagulation system. These include hemophilia, thrombocytopenic purpura, aplastic anemia, leukemia.

In rare cases, Tranexam is used to treat inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract- laryngitis, pharyngitis, stomatitis. Also, the drug is prescribed as a component of antiallergic therapy for dermatitis, eczema, urticaria, rash.

The drug is used in postpartum period. It is used to stop excessive bleeding after the baby is born.

The effect of the drug on the fetus

According to the instructions for use, the drug belongs to the "B" class of drugs: Tranexam can be used during pregnancy if there are serious indications.

In the course of studies on laboratory animals, it was found that the drug does not have a teratogenic effect on the fetus - Tranexam does not contribute to the occurrence congenital anomalies. Also, the drug does not have a toxic effect - it does not cause growth retardation and development of the unborn child.

Some gynecologists exclude the possibility of using any drugs in early pregnancy. Until the 13th week of the gestation period, all organs of the unborn child are laid. Taking medications can contribute to disruption of the division of fetal tissues. However, if there are serious indications, taking Tranexam is not prohibited even in the 1st trimester of pregnancy.

Starting from the second trimester of the gestation period, Tranexam has more wide list indications for admission. By this period, the main organs and systems of the fetus have been formed.

The medicinal product is allowed to be used on later dates pregnancy up to birth period. The drug does not affect uterine activity, so it does not reduce the intensity of contractions. Also, Tranexam does not slow down the opening of the cervix during childbirth.

Instructions for use

Before using the drug, a pregnant woman should definitely consult a specialist. Traneksam is released from pharmacies only with a prescription form.

The exact dosage, frequency of administration and duration of the course of treatment is determined by the doctor. Usually pregnant women are prescribed 1-3 tablets three times a day through equal intervals time. Average duration therapy is from 5 to 10 days.

Tablets are allowed to be used regardless of the meal. However, to reduce negative side effects, it is recommended to take the drug immediately after eating. The medicine should be taken with a glass clean water without gas.

Tranexam in the form of a solution for infusion is used only in a hospital setting. Jet intravenous administration of the drug is allowed at a dose of 15 milligrams of the active substance per 1 kilogram of the patient's weight. The medicine should be administered every 6-8 hours.

The drug can also be administered with intravenous drip. For this, the drug is diluted in a solution of sodium chloride or glucose. The drug is administered 3 times a day at regular intervals. The average duration of the course of treatment is from 3 to 7 days. Then it is possible to switch to a tablet form of release.


The drug has contraindications for taking. In no case should the drug be used by people who have allergic reactions to its components. Tranexam is prohibited for patients with chronic renal failure in the stage of decompensation.

The drug is contraindicated in the presence of thrombophilia of various etiologies. Such diseases include acute infarction myocardium, disorder cerebral circulation, violation of the function of the organ of vision. The drug should not be used in persons with subarachnoid hemorrhage.

Tranexam is prohibited for use in persons with bleeding from upper divisions urinary tract. Also, the drug is not recommended for use in patients suffering from chronic liver diseases in the stage of decompensation.

Side effects

Tranexam is usually well tolerated by patients. Sometimes, while taking the medicine, digestive disorders occur: vomiting, nausea, abdominal pain, belching, diarrhea or constipation. Very rarely, flatulence occurs during the use of the drug.

Against the background of drug treatment, the development of allergic reactions is possible. Most often they appear locally - there is a rash like urticaria or dermatitis. Less often, an allergy to the components of the drug is systemic in nature - angioedema or anaphylactic shock.

In very rare cases, Tranexam contributes to disruption of the central nervous system. Patients complain of dizziness, weakness, fatigue. Possibly impaired vision or hearing.

The drug can contribute to the development of pain in the chest area. Also, taking the drug leads to a decrease in numbers blood pressure. AT exceptional cases against the background of the use of tranexamic acid, patients developed thrombosis or thromboembolism.

Traneksam's analogs

Utrozhestan is a drug that is produced in the form of tablets, which includes the hormone Progesterone. The drug helps to maintain the gestation process. That is why it is prescribed for the threat of spontaneous abortion, accompanied by uterine bleeding and cramping pain. The drug can be used at any period of gestation as directed by a specialist.

Dicynon is a drug produced in the form of tablets and solution for infusion. The drug is used to stop bleeding of various etiologies. In obstetric practice, the medication is prescribed in case of a threat. The drug can be used from the 1st trimester of pregnancy.

Duphaston is a drug that contains a synthetic analogue female hormone progesterone. The drug is used to maintain gestation in the event of a threatened premature termination of pregnancy. The drug is approved for use at any time.

A drug that promotes tissue regeneration. It contains components of the blood of calves. The drug is used in the composition complex therapy at uterine bleeding and impaired blood supply to the fetus. The drug can be used from the first trimester of pregnancy.

A medicine containing dipyridamole. The drug is available in the form of tablets. Curantil is indicated to stabilize the condition after thrombosis and embolism. Also, the drug is used in the presence of impaired blood supply to the fetus and its lag in growth and development. The medication is allowed to be used from the early stages of gestation.

Etamzilat - a drug with the same name active substance, produced in the form of tablets and solution for injection. The drug is used to treat bleeding of various etiologies, disorders of blood properties, inflammatory diseases. The drug is approved for use from the first weeks of pregnancy.

Most expectant mothers during the nine months of bearing a baby are faced with certain pathologies of pregnancy. Perhaps one of the most terrible is the threat of miscarriage. According to statistics, spontaneous abortion occurs in almost half of women who are expecting a baby. Bloody vaginal discharge and pulling pains in the lower abdomen are the first symptoms of an impending miscarriage. In such a situation, doctors often prescribe Tranexam to a pregnant woman. Consider what this drug is and what are the features of its administration.

Indications for the use of Tranexam during pregnancy

The drug belongs to the group of hemostatic drugs used to stop bleeding different types. The active substance of the drug is tranexamic acid, an inhibitor of fibrinolysis, which is an integral part of the blood coagulation process. Traneksam in the early stages of pregnancy (in the first trimester) is prescribed especially often. This fact is explained by the fact that it is during the above period that nai more spontaneous miscarriages.

According to the instructions for Tranexam, during pregnancy it is used in the following cases:

  • The appearance of vaginal bleeding;
  • Pulling constant pain in the lower abdomen and lower back;
  • High risk of threatened miscarriage.

In addition, Tranexam in the early stages of pregnancy is often included in complex therapy to prevent miscarriage. It is necessary for those expectant mothers who have a history of spontaneous abortions or premature births. At a later date, the drug can be taken by pregnant women who have received a diagnosis of placental abruption.

Tranexam during pregnancy: features of use and possible side effects

Tranexam is available in the form of tablets for oral administration and solution for intravenous administration. The latter method of application is practiced only in severe cases. Usually, doctors prescribe a tablet form of the drug to patients.

The doctor determines the dose, frequency of administration and duration of treatment for each woman individually. This takes into account the severity of the pathology, the general condition of the mother and baby, the course of pregnancy, as well as the presence chronic diseases. The standard therapeutic regimen involves taking one tablet of Tranexam three times a day. The medicine is washed down with clean non-carbonated water, the time of admission is not associated with eating food.

In some cases, during treatment with the drug, certain side effects are observed. So, reviews of Tranexam during pregnancy indicate a possible development:

  • Drowsiness, weakness, dizziness, impaired color perception and vision;
  • Heartburn, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea;
  • Pain in chest, tachycardia, thrombosis;
  • Allergic reactions in the body skin rashes, itching and burning of the skin.

Taking Tranexam during pregnancy is contraindicated in diseases such as thrombosis (including cerebral vessels), thromboembolic syndrome, deep vein thrombophlebitis, kidney failure. It is forbidden to take the medicine for those who have previously noted hypersensitivity to its components.

In late pregnancy, Tranexam is used only in exceptional cases and only under the strict supervision of a physician. This drug is known to cross the placenta and can harm an actively developing fetus.

Do not be afraid to take Tranexam during pregnancy. Naturally, this should be done as prescribed by the doctor, taking into account all his recommendations. Often this medicine helps a woman to maintain such a desired pregnancy, to endure healthy baby and become a happy mother.

Currently, an increasing number of women face the threat of early termination of pregnancy. There are many reasons that can lead to early loss of a child. This may be due to a changed lifestyle, lack of progesterone, stress, excess nervous tension, malnutrition, presence bad habits and sometimes this problem is related to general condition body of a woman and her individual characteristics.

Any expectant mother wants to enjoy her pregnancy, to experience the joy of her condition, but, unfortunately, everything does not always turn out as rosy as we would like. With the threat of a miscarriage, symptoms such as bloody issues from the genitals, drawing pains in the lower abdomen. In that case, on scheduled inspection doctor may prescribe drug treatment aimed at maintaining pregnancy. One of the drugs that doctors prescribe is Tranexam.

Tranexam is a drug that has anti-inflammatory and hemostatic effects. The main active ingredient of the drug is tranexamic acid. Therapy with the drug is aimed at stopping bleeding. The drug makes the blood thicker and enhances its clotting. All this contributes to the preservation of pregnancy in the first weeks of its development. In addition, at long-term use there is a pronounced analgesic effect, due to which the agent allows not only to stop bleeding, but also to eliminate pain in the abdomen and lower back. Tranexam during early pregnancy is also prescribed to prevent the threat of miscarriage.

Tranexam: instructions for use during pregnancy

Tranexam is a drug that is available in tablets, in ampoules for injection or in the form of intravenous solution. Moreover, in the latter version, the drug is used for severe bleeding. Sold in pharmacies by prescription only. The course of Tranexam is prescribed by a doctor depending on the diagnosis.

Despite the fact that Tranexam in early pregnancy is considered safe drug, official clinical research on this topic has not been done. The study of the effectiveness of the drug in animals did not reveal a negative effect on the fetus.

Tranexam is prescribed at any time during pregnancy, if the doctor finds it appropriate and there are indications. However, most often Tranexam is used in the first trimester of pregnancy. Indications for admission in this case are the threat of miscarriage, spontaneous bleeding. In the second trimester - placental abruption, and in the third - a threat premature birth.

The main indication for the use of Tranexam during pregnancy is the appearance of spotting and bleeding, as well as bruising.

In general, Tranexam is prescribed to pregnant women for the following conditions:

  1. Bleeding of a different nature;
  2. Placental abruption;
  3. The appearance of pain of a pulling nature;
  4. Appearance blood secretions from the vagina;
  5. Previously diagnosed miscarriages. In this case, the drug can be prescribed from the very beginning of pregnancy as a prophylaxis;
  6. Placental abruption;
  7. Inflammatory processes;
  8. Allergic reactions - urticaria, eczema, angioedema, dermatitis.

The drug can also be prescribed for chronic diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Decreased immunity that occurs during pregnancy exacerbates chronic pathologies, so Tranexam is often included in the composition combined treatment diseases such as tonsillitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis and laryngitis. Also, the use of the drug is quite effective in the treatment of stomatitis and ulcerative lesions oral mucosa.

It is important to remember that Tranexam does not have an antiviral and antibacterial effect, therefore it can only be used as aid in complex therapy

How to drink Tranexam during pregnancy

How much can you drink Tranexam during pregnancy? This is very important question, which should be thoroughly studied before taking the drug.

If a woman takes pills, then a single dosage is 250-500 mg. The drug is taken 3-4 times a day for 5-7 days, regardless of food intake at any time of the day. With severe bleeding, the dosage is calculated in individually. In the presence of allergies or other diseases that are accompanied by the development of inflammatory processes, the dosage is usually doubled or tripled.

If a pregnant woman is given droppers or injections, then the dosage is usually 10-15 mg / kg. woman's body weight. In some cases, individual adjustment of the method of application may also be required. After the bleeding is stopped, the drug is continued in tablets.

Tranexam: contraindications for use

the only absolute contraindication to the use of Tranexam in pregnant women is subarachnoid bleeding (bleeding into the space between meninges).

Like any medicine, Tranexam has a number of contraindications, in which the use of the drug involves its use with maximum caution. These include:

  1. Phlebeurysm;
  2. myocardial infarction;
  3. Violation of the kidneys, blood in the urinary tract;
  4. Poor blood supply to the brain, even if it was observed before conception;
  5. Thrombophlebitis of deep veins;
  6. Pathology of the fundus;
  7. The period of breastfeeding;
  8. Individual intolerance to the components.

The drug is usually tolerated by pregnant women calmly, but in some cases there may be adverse reactions, which include:

  1. Headache, dizziness, loss of consciousness;
  2. Nausea, vomiting;
  3. allergic reactions;
  4. Heartburn;
  5. Weakness, drowsiness, fatigue;
  6. Decreased visual acuity;
  7. Pain in the chest, tachycardia.

If suspicious symptoms appear during the period of taking Tranexam, they should be reported to the attending physician immediately. By observing the dosage of the drug and following the appointments of a specialist, you can reduce the likelihood of developing negative and side effects. If further administration of the drug is not possible, the doctor may prescribe one of the suitable Tranexam analogues as a medicine.

There are the following analogues of Tranexam:

  1. Tranexamic acid;
  2. Troxaminate;
  3. Exacil;
  4. Aerus;
  5. Cyclocapron.

It is impossible to select an analogue on your own, this should be done only with your doctor.

Doctors do not recommend taking Tranexam alone during pregnancy. Pregnancy is the most wonderful period for many women. It is very difficult to convey in words what women experience when they develop new life. From the very moment when a woman finds out about her interesting position her life begins to change tremendously. Every woman has a different pregnancy, but according to doctors, the first weeks of pregnancy are considered the most dangerous. It's about about the risk of unwanted termination of pregnancy. The reasons for the emergence of this threat may be different. modern medicine to date, has developed a drug that helps fight this danger.

Why is Tranexam prescribed?

Modern pharmacology, after conducting various studies, has developed a drug that helps many women prevent early and late pregnancy termination. Tranexam is available in the form of tablets or injections. This drug is completely safe for the fetus, as it does not freely penetrate the placenta. According to pharmaceutical characteristics, this drug is classified as a hemostatic. As a rule, the threat of interruption is accompanied by bleeding. During pregnancy, this drug tends to make the blood thicker, which has a good effect on clotting.

Pregnant women are prescribed hemostatic drugs in cases:

  • The appearance of aching and pulling pains in the lower abdomen;
  • With the appearance of brown discharge from the vagina;
  • For prevention, if a woman has previously had miscarriages or when making a diagnosis of “recurrent miscarriage”;
  • If inflammatory processes are found in the body of a pregnant woman;
  • If the pregnant woman is prone to allergic reactions;
  • With placental abruption.

At the first symptoms of a threat, Tranexam should be taken as soon as possible. With the threat of miscarriage, taking this drug helps to stop bleeding and reduce pain. Also, the drug has the ability to relieve allergic reactions and inflammation of a different nature. As previously stated, this medicine does not have a negative effect on the fetus, so expectant mothers should not worry about this.

How to take Tranexam: dosage

Take this drug during pregnancy, 1-2 tablets 3-4 times a day after meals. Full course treatment usually lasts several weeks. If necessary, the course of treatment can be extended. The correct dosage is prescribed by the doctor, taking into account all the nuances of the course of pregnancy. Do not self-medicate and take pills on your own.

Learn about correct dosage Tranexam is available only from the attending physician

There is a dosage table based on which the doctor makes prescriptions:

  1. With a hematoma, the appearance of uterine or nasal bleeding, during gestation, 1000-1500 mg are prescribed several times a day.
  2. In the early stages to stop bleeding, the dose is 250-500 mg 4 times a day for a week.
  3. For allergies and inflammation, Tranexamic acid is taken 2 times within 24 hours, 1000-1500 mg each.
  4. When generalized fibrinolysis is established, a Tranexam dropper is placed, after which 1000 mg tablets are prescribed several times a day.

Most often, Tranexam is prescribed in tablets, but in certain cases the doctor may decide to take the drug in a solution that is administered intravenously. In cases where blood loss reaches more than 100 ml, a dropper is prescribed, followed by a switch to tablets. A dropper is prescribed in the following dosages: with generalized fibrinolysis, 15 mg per kg of a pregnant woman every 6 hours; with local fibrinolysis, the drug is administered no more than 500 mg 2 times a day.

Instructions for use Tranexam during pregnancy

Instructions for the use of this drug are much larger than described above, so before taking it, it will not be superfluous to familiarize yourself in detail with the rules for taking and possible side effects.

In general, the drug is well tolerated, but such adverse reactions are possible.:

  • Heartburn;
  • Nausea;
  • Vomiting;
  • General weakening of the body;
  • The occurrence of dizziness;
  • Possible disturbances in the work of the organs of vision;
  • Possible palpitations;
  • The formation of thrombosis;
  • There may be pain in the chest area;
  • The occurrence of allergic reactions small rash, skin redness, itching.

Like any medicine this drug has contraindications. Pregnant women should not take the drug if: diagnosed varicose veins veins; intolerance to the components that are in the composition of the drug; the formation of thrombosis; subarachnoid bleeding; any disturbances in the work of the kidneys; violation of the blood supply to the brain. It is strictly forbidden to take Tranexam simultaneously with diazipon and tetracycline agents, this leads to the active formation of blood clots. During lactation, the drug is prohibited. At breastfeeding active substances the drug is excreted in the mother's milk, which may Negative influence on the baby.

Taking Tranexam during early pregnancy

Reception of Tranexam in the early stages of pregnancy is possible if a woman has such problems as: inflammatory processes, detection of neoplasms and tumors, when making such diagnoses as stomatitis, pharyngitis and tonsillitis, accumulation of toxins as a result of taking medicines, leukemia, hemophilia, liver disorders.

How many days to drink the drug in the early stages of pregnancy is prescribed by the doctor after the examination and questioning of the patient.

Doctors recommend taking Tranexam during pregnancy in the early stages for inflammatory processes

In most cases, the drug is taken within a week. If during the reception symptoms of intolerance to the drug appear, you should immediately seek advice from your doctor. After a thorough examination, the doctor may decide to take helping medications. The drug is taken only as prescribed by the doctor, especially if such drugs as: any antibiotic, Renaxa, Curantil, Duphaston are taken in parallel. Alcohol is prohibited.

Unfortunately, healthy pregnancy today is a rare occurrence. Almost all women are stressed, have problems with immune system and many other chronic diseases. All these factors lead to the threat of pregnancy. What to do in this case? How to keep the baby? One of the frequently used drugs that prevents is Tranexam.

Complications during pregnancy

There are such causes of complications during pregnancy:

  • Because of the double burden on the body.
  • In case of occurrence various diseases, for example, rubella and other infections.
  • Due to an incompetent cervix as a result of trauma, childbirth, abortion.

All of the above factors often lead to miscarriage. How to react quickly to save the baby? In this case, you must call ambulance or go to the hospital on your own.

Pharmacological action of Tranexam

A fibrinolysin inhibitor helps stop bleeding. With its help, kinins, other active peptides that are involved in allergic and inflammatory response. Tranexam refers to an antiallergic, anti-inflammatory, antitumor, anti-infective drug.

In the tissues, the drug is concentrated for about 20 hours. The maximum concentration is observed after 3 hours.

Why do pregnant women need Tranexam?

A miscarriage occurs when a woman opens. Normally, a pregnant woman should have only discharge white color, in the event that blood appears, urgent action must be taken. In this situation, you can not hesitate, you must first use drugs that will stop the blood and reduce the uterine tone.

The drug Tranexam thickens the blood, accelerates its clotting. With the help of the drug, you can quickly stop the bleeding and prevent premature birth.

Composition of Tranexam

The preparation includes:

  • Tranexamic acid.
  • sodium glycolate.
  • Microcrystalline cellulose.
  • Silica.

On the early term pregnancy, the gynecologist can prescribe the drug for pulling pain in the lower abdomen and bleeding. The pregnant woman should take the drug as soon as possible. Tranexam helps even in the most severe cases:

  • If the placenta ages prematurely.
  • When does the detachment of the ovum occur.

These pathologies are most often found out after an ultrasound scan.

What are the indications for Tranexam?

Hemostatic agent

  • Helps to stop bleeding if there is a risk of bleeding when the amount of fibrinolysin increases (during surgery, after surgery, and also after childbirth, in case of manual separation placenta, with detachment of the chorion). Tranexam is prescribed for malignant tumor prostate or pancreas, as well as leukemia, hemophilia, liver disease, bleeding during pregnancy.
  • With uterine, nosebleeds. Tranexam is necessary for hematuria, bleeding in gastrointestinal tract and hemorrhagic diathesis.

Antiallergic agent

The drug is necessary if a pregnant woman:

  • Eczema.
  • Allergic dermatitis.
  • Rash on the skin, provoked by medication.

Anti-inflammatory agent

Helps to alleviate the condition with laryngitis, tonsillitis, stomatitis. Used to treat hereditary angioedema.

Tranexam use during pregnancy

If a woman takes Tranexam, the doctor must keep the coagulogram under control. In the instructions for the drug, the drug is allowed to be taken at an early stage, especially if the woman has a "miscarriage" of pregnancy.

It should be noted that the drug stops inflammatory process Helps relieve allergy symptoms. Tranexam quickly finds itself in the placenta, while it does not have negative impact on the baby.

If bleeding occurs, one tablet of Tranexam should be taken three times a day. The course of therapy is at least a week. In some situations, it can be extended a bit.

What are the reviews about Tranexam?

  • The drug is well tolerated, there are no problems during administration.
  • Some women have complained about side symptoms, as severe nausea, vomiting, and heartburn.
  • After taking Tranexam, dizziness and weakness are observed.

Tranexam contraindications

A pregnant woman should not take the drug in such cases:

  • With thrombosis.
  • At .
  • If the blood supply to the brain is interrupted.

You can not use the drug intravenously if the pregnant woman was given transfusions. It also cannot be combined medication with Diazepam, drugs of the Tetracycline group, otherwise thrombosis may develop. After 3 hours, the maximum concentration of the drug can be detected in the blood.

Attention! Tranexam is excreted by the renal system, therefore, in diseases of the urinary system this remedy cannot be used because it accumulates in the body.

Thus, Tranexam is prescribed for a pregnant woman in case of a threatened miscarriage. Additionally, the drug is used to relieve allergic reaction and also as an anti-inflammatory agent. The medicine must not be taken uncontrollably, otherwise it can lead to serious consequences. If your condition worsens sharply, spotting appears, urgently call an ambulance. Every minute is valuable here. If the bleeding stops in a timely manner, the baby can be saved. You cannot do this on your own. Remember that it is easier to prevent a miscarriage, so take it easy, avoid stress, relax and enjoy life. Take care of yourself and your baby!