Warm-up for the eyes, interesting exercises. Warm-up for the eyes: effective complexes for maintaining vision

Considering the popularity of various gadgets and computers, it is not surprising that the number of people with vision problems is increasing every year. In order not to join their ranks, it is recommended to regularly warm up the eyes to improve. The exercises are very simple and can be performed anywhere and at any time. Remember that it is better to prevent a problem than to deal with it later.

How to stretch your eyes?

Experts say that the eyes need rest, since regular stress leads to many problems. There are a few simple tips, which are available to everyone. Firstly, it is recommended to switch your gaze regularly (every hour), for example, look out the window. Secondly, do simple exercises for the muscles of the shoulders and neck. Thirdly, it is necessary to do an eye warm-up after the computer or.

An example of simple and effective exercises:

  1. Close your eyes for a few seconds, and then open them wide and direct your gaze to any point located behind the computer. Hold for a few seconds and then repeat all over again.
  2. Experts recommend that gymnastics include circular movements of the eyes, which can be performed both with closed and open eyelids. Make movements first clockwise and then counterclockwise. You shouldn’t do everything quickly, take the clock as a basis, first move like the second hand, and then like the minute hand.
  3. An exercise with a finger is considered effective, for which you need to lift forefinger and keep it at eye level. After that, slowly move it away and bring it closer, moving in a straight line. You can also move your hand left and right.
  4. Another popular exercise is based on the direction of gaze in different sides. Sit in comfortable position and start looking in different directions. It is important not to move your head while doing this, engaging only your eyes. Another important point– you shouldn’t move quickly, because your eyes need to relax and be distracted.
  5. Very simple and effective method to relieve tension from tired eyes - blink quickly for 10-20 seconds, and then close your eyes and sit for two minutes. The exercise can be repeated again. If the work involves constant pressure eyes, then it is recommended to carry out such a discharge every hour.
  6. Another simple one, but at the same time effective exercise- bringing the eyes to the bridge of the nose. To make it easier, touch the tip of your nose with your finger and look at it.
  7. Make quick and precise movements from one corner to another, moving diagonally. It is important to fix your vision at each point and not move your head.
  8. The next exercise is considered difficult, since not everyone can do it the first time - you need to draw “figure eights” in the air with your eyes. It is important not to move your head, working only with your eyes.

Separately, I would like to say about exercises for warming up the eyes using special stereo images. They can be used in either printed or virtual form. The pictures contain an encrypted object that appears if you look at the image for a while. With the help of such exercises you can relieve tension and also normalize blood circulation. There are rules for how to view stereo images, so first you need to bring the picture as close as possible to your eyes, peering into its center. After 45 sec. the picture will begin to blur and at this moment, without looking away, you need to slowly move the image away. If everything is done correctly, the drawing will eventually become three-dimensional and it will be possible to examine the encrypted object.

Life modern man very intense and requires maximum use of the body’s capabilities. Constant work on computers, watching TV in the evenings, reading large quantity books strain your eyesight, causing it to deteriorate.

Poor vision is a modern problem

Today it is difficult to find a person who does not have eye problems. And this is not strange, because maintaining vision under heavy daily loads is very difficult. But if violations are detected in time, it is quite possible to stop their further progression. To do this, it is first of all important to take care of your health. Good food, good sleep and regular eye exercises prevent the development of many diseases.

Nowadays, many professions are related to computers. Thus, almost every person spends the entire working day in front of monitors. This is very tiring for the eyes and soon causes blurred vision. People with this specific type of work are advised to regularly warm up their eyes after working at the computer.

Exercises for those who work a lot at the computer

Ophthalmologists have developed a whole set of eye exercises that can be performed anywhere if you have a few minutes of free time.

  1. The most important exercise is frequent blinking. You need to blink quickly about 10 times, then close your eyes for a few seconds and repeat again. Do the exercise as often as possible. This warm-up for the eyes is very useful and helps relieve tension.
  2. Move your eyes from top to bottom. Repeat the exercise several times.
  3. Move your gaze from right to left and vice versa.
  4. Move your eyes diagonally. First you need to look at the lower right corner, and then move your gaze to the upper left corner. Repeat the warm-up a small number of times.
  5. Move your gaze in the opposite direction: from the lower left corner to the upper right.
  6. Circular rotation of the eyes, first in one direction, and then in the opposite direction.

During exercises, the head should always be motionless. It is also very important not to strain your eyes, moving your gaze softly and smoothly.

Visual impairment in children

Very often, vision problems begin in young and middle-aged children, and this is mainly due to prolonged time spent near computers, televisions and mobile phones. The most common eye diseases among children are myopia, astigmatism and strabismus. Children play less and less with friends, walk outside, preferring to sit in front of the monitor.

The fact is that from prolonged intense looking in one direction, the eyes become very tired. With such regular stress, vision begins to deteriorate.

Training for children's eyes

Parents must take responsibility for the health of their children. It is also very important in early childhood monitor their vision and monitor its changes. As a preventive measure possible violations vision, a special eye warm-up for children is often used.

After completing the exercises, close the child’s eyes and massage the eyelids with light movements.

Warm-up for the eyes at school

Prevention of eye disorders in school age is always very effective and helps prevent vision deterioration in the future.

Unfortunately, eye exercises are rarely done at school. This is often due to the desire and will of the teacher. Therefore, it is important that parents independently teach their children to do gymnastics, turning it into a healthy habit. The simplest exercises can be performed during classes or breaks.

For schoolchildren, it is enough to do the exercises three times a day for 15 minutes. Sometimes just 5 minutes is enough for complete relaxation. To make it more interesting for your child, you can turn on fun music.

Exercises during class

If the child attends school or kindergarten, parents may want to know if there is an eye warm-up during the lesson. If this is not provided, it is better to teach the child to perform simple exercises on his own.

Warming up for the eyes does not require physical effort and will not in any way affect the child’s concentration or learning educational information. While the teacher is telling something, you can move your eyes a little in different directions and make several circular movements.

During lessons, you can perform a very simple and effective exercise - look at the bridge of your nose and look straight. Move your eyes left, right, up and down in the same way. Sometimes you can easily relieve tension by blinking frequently.

A warm-up for the eyes will have a greater effect if you limit playing on computers and watching TV. It is better to diversify children's leisure time with walks in the yard and outdoor games.

Neither of human organs does not experience the strain that falls on the eyes. After all, they are constantly active. Your eyes get tired from working with papers for a long time, in poor light, watching TV for a long time, or reading a book on the subway.

Are your eyes tired when working at the computer? This is natural, because eye mobility is very limited, and we blink three times less than usual. The eyes do not relax, which means that blood circulation is impaired and they get tired faster.

Everyone knows that increased load on the eyes negatively affects a person’s mental and physical abilities, reducing by ninety percent the ability to understand anything and concentrate attention. What to do in such situations? A great way is to warm up your eyes.

As soon as the eyes are tired, the gaze becomes sluggish, the eyelids turn red. You need to lie down on the sofa and put cotton swabs on your eyelids, which must first be moistened with strongly brewed green or black tea, and lie in this state for twenty minutes.

  • do not sit at the computer in poor lighting;
  • take short breaks from work every forty minutes;
  • Be sure to do an eye warm-up several times a day.

How to do the exercises correctly:

  • warm-up for the eyes is done without glasses;
  • perform it freely and in a relaxed state;
  • do not tense and lower your shoulders;
  • restore your breathing, it should be smooth and deep.

Exercise one: “I see the goal”

The goal is relaxation eye muscles and lens.

Technique: after half an hour of work, direct your gaze into the distance, fix your attention on any object outside the window, on the windowsill or in the office. Once your eyes are fixed on one object, smoothly move your gaze to an object located at a close distance, but not to your PC. Repeat this exercise three to four times.

Exercise two: "Warm-up for the eyes - formula 20-20-20"

The goal is complete relaxation of the eyes.

Technique: blink twenty times for twenty seconds, and so on every twenty minutes.

Exercise three: "Magic palms"

The goal is to relieve tension from the eyes and the visual center located in the brain. This exercise helps not only when working at the computer, but also for relaxation and recuperation during long meetings, experiencing extreme fatigue, absent-mindedness, stress or irritability.

Technique: Do the exercise every hour for five minutes. Rub your palms together vigorously to keep them warm, then place your elbows on the table, close your eyes and cover them with your palms. You need to fold them crosswise, and first of all, the left one, not the right one. Your palms should not press down on your eyes.

Exercise four: “Drawing numbers”

The goal is to improve microcirculation in the vessels.

Technique: if you hardly move your head while working, draw numbers from zero to three with your eyes and reverse direction, then from four to six and then from seven to eight.

Warm-up for the eyes and phytosolutions

After warming up your eyes, you can make phytosolutions for your eyes at home. Eg, fresh leaves fern or finely chopped burdock leaves. Apply the resulting mass to your eyes and tie it around your head.

If your eyes are watery, take fennel leaves and green celery leaves, add the resulting mixture and apply it to your eyes one by one. You can also use the juice from these plants.

If you have conjunctivitis or any other inflammatory process, baths of fennel decoction and a few drops of eyebright herb will help best.

Take care of your eyes and take care of them, because they are the ones who help you see the world around you!

All exercises should be done while sitting with your back straight. After completing each one, close your eyes and rest for a few seconds.

Exercise 1

Close your eyes, do a few deep breaths to relax the body. Then rub your palms and apply them to your eyes. Stay in this position until your hands give up the heat. Then, without opening your eyes, rub your palms again and apply them to your eyes again. Do the exercise three times.

Exercise 2

Open your eyes and blink quickly 10 times. After this, close your eyes for 20 seconds and listen to your breathing. Repeat the exercise five times.

Exercise 3

Make fists and raise your thumbs. Extend your arms at eye level. Look at the space between your eyebrows, and look at your left thumb. Look again at the space between the eyebrows, and then at the thumb of your right hand.

Inhale, looking at the space between your eyebrows, and exhale, looking at your fingers. Do 10 to 20 repetitions.

Exercise 4

Place your hands on your knees, keep your head straight. Look at a point in front of you. As you exhale, lower your gaze to the thumb of your left hand, and as you inhale, look again at the point in front of you.

Repeat the same with the finger of your right hand.

Exercise 5

Relax your left hand and leave it resting on your knee. The right one, clenched into a fist with a raised thumb, pull forward. Make five circular movements with your right hand clockwise and counterclockwise. Follow the movement with your eyes thumb. Inhale as you describe top part circle, and exhale at the bottom.

Repeat the exercise with your left hand.

Exercise 6

Place your hands on your knees (fists clenched, thumbs pointing up). As you inhale, begin to gradually raise right hand and watch the movement of your thumb. Do not bend your elbow or move your head. When your finger reaches its maximum point of visibility, begin to exhale and lower your hand, still following your thumb. Do five repetitions for your right and left arms.

Exercise 7

Extend your right hand in front of you, make a fist and raise your finger up. Focus your gaze on the tip of your finger. As you inhale, begin to slowly move your hand towards your nose, without taking your eyes off your finger.

Touch your nose with your finger, hold your breath and remain in this position for a couple of seconds. Then exhale and slowly move your hand back to the starting position, continuing to focus on the finger. Do five reps.

Exercise 8

Choose a distant point or sit by a window and look at the horizon. Then move your gaze to the tip of your nose and continue looking at it for 5-10 seconds. Inhale while looking at the near point and exhale while looking at the far one. Repeat the exercise 10–20 times.

If you perform this complex at home, then upon completion, lie down in shavasana and try to completely relax for a few minutes.

Eye exercises should be performed every day, especially if you spend a lot of time at the computer. To remember to charge, use the Eyeexercise service. At the beginning of every hour, it will remind you to take a break and suggest some eye exercises.

There is only one caveat: if you have serious problems with vision problems (glaucoma, cataracts, retinal detachment), you should consult your doctor before performing any eye exercises.