Complex exercises for cervical osteochondrosis. Effective exercises for cervical osteochondrosis at home

Doctors recommend regularly performing neck exercises for osteochondrosis, because no medicine will work better than gymnastics. This is a common illness today as we spend most of our time at our desks or in front of the computer. The load on the vertebrae of the cervical spine is also increased when working with a load and even when lifting heavy bags of groceries. By the way, the disease is almost impossible to cure with medication. Therefore, if you have the slightest pain in the cervical area, perform simple exercises.

You ask, what is osteochondrosis? This is a lesion of the articular cartilage, due to which the functioning of the joints is disrupted. Every day the disease affects more and more young people because they lead a sedentary lifestyle. Therefore, the recommendations that we will consider today will be useful to adults of all ages.

Symptoms of osteochondrosis

To be sure of the need for exercise, it is important to accurately determine the presence of osteochondrosis. You definitely need to perform therapeutic and preventive exercises if you have the following symptoms inherent in the types of the disease:

  • cutting pain moving from the neck to the scapula area and through the forearm to the fingers characterizes cervical radiculitis;
  • boring pain in the occipital and cervical region, which manifests itself in the shoulder joint, chest, forearm, are acceptable for irritative-reflex syndrome;
  • constant headache, tinnitus, dizziness, visual disturbances are symptoms of vertebral artery syndrome, for which exercise alone is not enough;
  • Localized pain in the cervical area, the area of ​​the shoulder blades and the heart, which intensifies when turning the head or sneezing, is distinguished by cardiac syndrome.

It is important to identify the presence of symptoms of the disease in a timely manner and promptly begin exercises to eliminate them.

Advice! Remember that exercise will not cure the disease, but only eliminate the pain. As soon as you stop exercising, the discomfort will return.

Exercises for prevention

As we found out, all people who lead a sedentary lifestyle are prone to cervical osteochondrosis. If you do not want to experience unbearable pain in your head, neck, arms, shoulder blades and even heart, perform preventive exercises. They will keep you safe and also improve blood flow to the brain, which leads to improved memory and concentration. This means that gymnastics for the neck will definitely not be superfluous.

Please note that all exercises must be done smoothly and without sudden movements, otherwise there is a risk of harming yourself. So, make yourself comfortable.

  • Sit straight on a chair and relax your lowered arms. Then make maximum head turns 10 times to the right and left. If, due to pain, you cannot do this slowly, several sharp jerks of your head in different directions will help you.
  • Remain seated in your chair with your back straight. Slowly lower your head down and touch your chin to your chest as much as possible. Once done, freeze for 10 seconds. Repeat the manipulations at least five times.
  • While sitting on a chair, relax your arms. You need to tuck your chin in as much as possible and smoothly tilt your head back. Repeat the exercise 10 times. If you do not have osteochondrosis, but you constantly work in a tense position, these movements are also useful for you.
  • Without getting up from your chair, place the palm of either hand on your forehead and tilt your head forward so that your palm puts very strong pressure on it. Overcome resistance for 10 seconds. By doing this exercise regularly, you will strengthen the front of your neck.
  • Stand up straight and relax your arms. You need to raise your shoulders as high as possible and stay in the resulting position for 10 seconds. After you relax them, take a breath and feel that your hands are noticeably pulling your shoulders towards the floor. Repeat 5-10 times.
  • Lie on your back on a hard surface (preferably the floor). You need to raise your head 8 times and stay in this position for 10 seconds. Repeat the exercise every 5 seconds.

Advice! Before starting exercise, create a suitable atmosphere for yourself, for example, turn on soothing music or wait until the children fall asleep. The noise will make it difficult to concentrate.

Strengthening and relaxing neck muscles

A set of exercises should be started with a simple warm-up, so as not to pull the muscles and harm yourself more. To do this, walk for a few minutes on your full feet, toes and heels until you feel a surge of warmth. So, let's proceed directly to performing special exercises.

  • Place your palm on your forehead three times and press on it for 10 seconds, straining your neck. Then do the same manipulation with the back of the head.
  • Alternately press with your left and then with your right hand on your temple. Also for 10 seconds each time.

  • Tilt your head back and try to touch your ear to your shoulder. Do the exercise, alternately changing ears, five times.
  • Make rotational movements with your head in different directions five times. First one way, then the other.
  • With your right palm, take your left cheek and help yourself rotate your head.
  • Ask someone at home to massage the muscles that are located between the bone and the back of the head (where the soft part is). Intense pain will be replaced by relaxing relief.
  • In a straight position, lower your arms along your body. Now tighten them and hold in this position for at least 30 seconds. While you do this, straighten your back and slowly lower your shoulder blades and shoulders. When you're done, relax.
  • While standing, gently lower the back of your head so that your cervical vertebrae twist. Imagine how the base of the spine moves along a given trajectory. Avoid sudden movements. You should feel how the vertebrae descend one after another. The ideal execution is to have your shoulders down and your chin resting on your chest. When straightening, move in the reverse order. Repeat the exercise until warmth appears in the neck area.
  • Stand up straight and bend parallel to the floor. Extend your arms straight to your sides. Try to simultaneously stretch the top of your head forward and lower your shoulder blades towards your spine. Make only your back muscles work.

Advice! Regular exercise helps reduce pain, restore blood flow in affected areas and improve overall well-being.

Gymnastics for the neck according to Shishonin

The scientific director of the Bubnovsky LOC and, by compatibility, the head of the kinisitherapy and rehabilitation clinic “Health of the XXI Century” in the city of Rostov-on-Don, as well as a consultant at the London Body School Personal Training Studio in Moscow, Alexander Shishonin, offers patients his own method of restoring the muscles of the cervical spine. Its peculiarity is in fixing positions. Gymnastics is accessible to everyone and easy to perform.

Let's take a look at the effective exercises using the Shishonin method, which need to be repeated five times in different directions.

  • Metronome. Sit down on a hard surface, preferably a chair, and slowly tilt your head without sudden movements. As you move, gradually try to reach the top of your head toward your right shoulder. Once there is noticeable tension in your sore muscles, you need to stay in this pose for 30 seconds. Then take the primary position and do the same manipulation in the other direction.
  • Spring. Lower your head as much as possible. Freeze without moving in this pose for 30–40 seconds. After this, you need to slowly stretch your neck forward and upward. Stop again for the same amount of time.
  • Looking to the sky. Turn your head to the left side all the way. Sharp pain should appear. Freeze for 30–40 seconds. When the pain begins to change to warming, repeat the turns in the opposite direction.
  • Frame. Slowly place your left hand on your right shoulder, although it may seem uncomfortable at first. Keep your elbow so that it is parallel to the floor. At this time, the right hand rests calmly and relaxed on the knee. Hold the position for 30–40 seconds, then do the same manipulation in the opposite direction.
    Fakir. Bring your palms together above the top of your head so that your elbows are parallel to the floor. Now slowly turn your head to the right side. Hold for 30–40 seconds and repeat the exercise to the left.
  • Heron. While sitting, leave your palms relaxed on your knees. Now slowly and gently pull your chin up so that you feel the muscle tension. At the same time, move your hands behind your back. Stay in this position for half a minute. Repeat on the other side and lightly stretch the muscles by gently tilting your head in different directions.
  • Goose. Stand up straight. Place your toes parallel to your chin. Slowly stretch your neck forward. Turn your head to the right and stretch your shoulder until you feel discomfort. Hold in this position for 30–40 seconds. Repeat in the opposite direction.

In addition to preventing osteochondrosis, these exercises will strengthen the muscle corset in the chest and neck, improve blood circulation, restore ability to work and have a beneficial effect on the nervous system.

Advice! Perform a set of exercises at every opportunity. Even at work in the office, you can spend 10 minutes on your health during a break.

Exercises by Dr. Bubnovsky

Dr. Bubnovsky is known for being able to combine the most effective exercises for the cervical spine into a single complex that helps get rid of pain in the shortest possible time. His gymnastics can be performed at different ages without worrying about complications. You will get the effect after two weeks of regular exercise.

Let's check the method too, performing all the exercises in strict sequence.

  • Sit upright in a chair. Now smoothly and slowly tilt your head towards your right shoulder. At this time, try to pull the top of your head up. When you feel tension in your muscles, freeze for 30–40 seconds and return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise in the opposite direction.
  • Lower your head as far as possible and lock in the position for 30–40 seconds. Then pull up and forward.
  • Smoothly turn your head to one side until tension appears in the muscles of the cervical region. Repeat the turn in the other direction as well. Five exercises in different directions are enough.
  • Place your left hand on your right shoulder and gently slowly turn your head in the opposite direction. Hold the resulting pose for 30 seconds. Do repetitions on the other side.
  • Connect your palms above your head with your elbows parallel to the floor and twist in different directions, holding the pose for a few seconds each time.
  • Stand up straight and stretch your neck forward while turning your head towards your shoulder. When pain appears, fixate for 30 minutes. Make sure your back is straight.
If you don’t have 10 free minutes, replace the exercises with lightly rubbing the problem area and tilting your head

If you work at a computer for a long time, doctors recommend doing neck exercises every hour. If you don’t have 10 free minutes, replace the exercises with lightly rubbing the problem area and tilting your head.

Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine is a degenerative-dystrophic lesion of the vertebrae and intervertebral structures of an inflammatory nature.

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system of this kind require immediate medical attention: when chronic, the process is practically incurable.

Most often, they resort to drug treatment, which involves taking certain medications. However, we should not forget about such an effective treatment method as exercise therapy (physical therapy).

Although physical therapy itself cannot replace physical therapy and drug therapy, it will be a good help in treatment.

General information about cervical osteochondrosis

As mentioned, osteochondrosis is an inflammatory disease that affects intervertebral structures and the vertebrae themselves. Most often, the disease manifests itself for the following reasons:

Physical inactivity (lack of movement).

Long-term static loads on the spine in the cervical region due to the physical nature of the work, improper sleep, etc.

Unfavorable environmental conditions.

The presence of concomitant diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Taking steroid medications.


Age over 40 years.

The symptoms of osteochondrosis are also specific. The pathology is characterized by:

Intense pain in the neck (manifested due to pinched nerve roots and inflammation).

Discomfort in the shoulder area (caused by muscle hypertonicity).

Numb hands.

Feeling of goosebumps.

Muscle weakness.

Osteochondrosis is an unpleasant disease that leads to a decrease in the functional activity of the neck and leads to the development of intervertebral hernias.

Mechanism of action of exercise therapy

Physical therapy is indicated for any patient suffering from problems with the cervical spine. Exercise therapy solves several problems at once:

Relieves muscle hypertonicity. This is one of the prerequisites for preventing pain and complications.

Helps strengthen neck muscles.

Allows you to normalize the nutrition of intervertebral discs.

Makes it possible to stop the destruction of spinal tissue.

Normalizes the motor activity of the spine at the level of the neck.

To understand these issues and eliminate pathological processes, you need to regularly perform sets of simple exercises. There are dozens of sources describing exercises for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, but not all methods of gymnastics are equally effective and safe.

Gentle exercises for osteochondrosis

To keep your neck toned, it is recommended to perform “soft” sets of exercises. It is important to keep in mind: you should not overdo it during an exacerbation. You can do these exercises only during the period between exacerbations (in remission or subacute state).

Complex No. 1

1) Get into a comfortable position. Place your arms at your sides, maintain an even posture, and straighten up as much as possible. Carefully and without haste, turn your head almost 90 degrees. To begin with, a small amplitude is enough, as you improve, you need to turn your head more and more. Haste is dangerous: dislocation of the vertebrae or pinched nerves may occur. During an exacerbation, you can make slight turning movements of the head, but nothing more. Perform a similar exercise 7-10 times in each direction.

2) Starting position, as in the first exercise. Standing, with your back extended. Relax your neck as much as possible. Slowly lower your head until your chin touches your chest. With a slight springy movement, lift your head to the starting position. If the level of mobility of the neck does not allow you to bend over so much, the exercise is performed as much as possible. Quantity - 7-10 times.

3) Maintain the position as in the first two exercises. Relax the muscles of your neck and shoulders. Bend your head back with a gentle movement. It is important to do this slowly and smoothly to avoid injury. Extend the chin as far as the anatomy of the patient’s cervical spine allows.

A similar set of three exercises helps restore nutrition to the cervical vertebrae, restores muscle elasticity and flexibility to the spinal column.

Complex No. 2.

Can be performed during an exacerbation.

1) Position – preferably standing. Sedentary seating is also acceptable. Straighten your neck, relax all the muscles in the collar area, including your shoulders. Place one palm on your forehead. Make a movement as if you want to push your hand away with your head. Such resistance leads to a sharp tension in the neck muscles, and then to their relaxation.

2) Perform an identical exercise, pressing your hand to the temporal region. Movement should be smooth and unsharp. The “confrontation” of the hand and head should last 3 seconds. It makes no sense to continue for more time: lactic acid will begin to accumulate and the muscles will get tired, doing physical exercise will be more difficult. Perform 5-10 times.

3) Take a sitting position. Straighten your back and neck, relax. Pull your shoulders towards your ears, hold for 3-5 seconds each time. Then lower your shoulders and relax again. It is also not worth maintaining the position longer.

4) Stand up straight, stretch your arms across your body, forming the letter “T”. Make 10 circular movements in one direction and then in the other direction.

5) At the end of the exercises, rub the neck (light massage). Massage your neck with rubbing and circular movements for 3 minutes.

6) Starting position - standing or sitting with your back straight. Make head shaking movements for three minutes. The amplitude should be minimal. In nature, this exercise is similar to the non-verbal “yes” gesture.

Complex No. 3.

1) Stand up straight, feet shoulder-width apart. Bend your torso, extend your arms. Perform the exercise that everyone knows from school as the “mill.”

2) Sit down or stand up. Straighten the spinal column. Touch your ear to your shoulder, then repeat the same on the other side.

3) Make head movements imitating “yes” and “no” gestures.

Everything described is the simplest exercises for cervical osteochondrosis.

Who are such complexes suitable for?

These complexes are ideal for people with early stages of neck problems, as well as patients with severe limitations in the mobility of the spinal column. They can be performed, including during the acute course of the disease (except for the first).

The most effective exercises for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine

Physical activity from complex No. 1 is strictly contraindicated during an exacerbation. They are prescribed only during remission.

Complex No. 1

1) Lying position (you cannot lie down on the bare floor, osteochondrosis “does not like” hypothermia). Place your right hand on your stomach, put your left hand on your chest (for left-handed people, the opposite is true). Start breathing deeply and rhythmically. Take in as much air as possible.

2) The starting position is identical. You don’t need to put your hands on it, you need to lean on them. Carefully raise yourself up on your hands, stretch your neck, then also carefully return to the original position. Repeat 7-10 times.

3) Lie on your stomach. Straighten your arms along the body “at the seams”. Turn your head 90 degrees and touch your ear to the floor. Repeat the same with the other ear.

4) Take a sitting position. Straighten your neck. As you exhale, lower your head to your chest and press your chin as hard as possible, and while inhaling, return to the starting position.

5) Posture - sitting or standing. Relax your neck and shoulders. Lower your head to your chest, begin to make light rotational circular movements with your head along the axis of the spine. Attention! This type of gymnast must be performed with extreme caution, as there is a high risk of dislocations.

Complex No. 2

The complex consists of three parts: warm-up, main part, ending. You can perform similar gymnastics, including during an exacerbation. It is universal. Standing position.

1) Place your hands on your shoulders. Make circular movements. 10 times in one direction, 10 in the other direction.

2) Spread your upper limbs to the sides with clenched fists. Bend your arms (as if wanting to show off your pumped up biceps), then straighten them, forming the letter “T” with your body. At the end of the exercise, shake your hands to relieve tension.

3) Perform exercise No. 1 from gentle complex No. 2. In this case, the hands should be clasped and pressed to the forehead. This exercise is considered more difficult because the tension is higher.

4) Standing position. Bring your hands together and place them at the back of your head. Overcoming the resistance of your hands, try to throw your head back. This exercise is very similar to the previous one.

5) Bring your shoulders forward, as if shivering, return them to their normal position.

6) Move your shoulders back.

7) Lie on the floor. Raise your neck as high as possible, stay in this state for 5 seconds, then return to your normal position.

8) Grab your head with your hand. Pull in the opposite direction

All the described exercises, both gentle and more complex, will be performed 7-20 times 3-4 times a day.

This kind of gymnastics is useful for people during exacerbations (not counting the first complex), it also helps to normalize the nutrition of the spine and is ideal for those who want remission to last as long as possible.

Why do you need to do exercises?

They need to be done for several reasons:

Despite all the effectiveness of medications, they are not able to restore neck mobility. This is precisely the task of physical therapy.

After exercise, the nutrition of the spine improves.

Remissions become longer.

The spine restores motor activity.

Muscles relax and pain decreases

No matter how effective exercises are for cervical osteochondrosis, they must be done correctly. Otherwise, there is a high probability that things will only get worse.

Most exercises can be done during the acute period, but you should carefully listen to your own well-being.

If you experience neck pain during exercise, you should stop doing gymnastics immediately.

It is better to do gymnastics in a group, but no one forbids doing it at home.

It is worth doing neck exercises several times a day, otherwise the effect will be minimal.

All exercises must be performed slowly to avoid injury.

Exercise therapy works great in combination with other treatment methods. It is important to perform the exercises correctly, following all safety rules. Then the cervical spine will thank you.

Previously, osteochondrosis of the cervical spine was considered an age-related disease - it was extremely rarely diagnosed in people under 40 years of age. Today, this disease is increasingly found in 20-30 year old men and women.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to completely get rid of osteochondrosis, however, well-chosen therapeutic measures help improve metabolism in the affected area, normalize blood flow and, in general, significantly improve the patient’s quality of life. One of the leading places in the treatment and prevention of this disease belongs to physical therapy.

What is osteochondrosis? Causes of occurrence and mechanism of development

Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine is a progressive degenerative disease that affects the intervertebral discs mainly of the 5th, 6th and 7th cervical vertebrae.

There are many reasons for the occurrence of this pathology, but the most common today are the following:

  • physical inactivity – a sedentary lifestyle, especially in combination with constant static loads on the cervical spine (for office workers who spend a lot of time at the computer, for drivers);
  • poor posture;
  • history of back injuries;
  • untrained back and neck muscles;
  • improperly organized training process among athletes;
  • sudden cessation of training in athletes;
  • metabolic pathology;
  • overweight;
  • frequent psycho-emotional stress;
  • hypothermia;
  • infectious diseases.

All of the above reasons contribute to the development of spasm of the neck muscles, as a result of which the blood supply to the spine deteriorates and posture is disrupted. These changes become the triggering factor for osteochondrosis: processes leading to dystrophy are activated in the cervical vertebrae and intervertebral discs, the interarticular spaces and intervertebral foramina narrow, the nerve roots and blood vessels passing through them are bent and compressed. Clinically, these changes are manifested by pain, symptoms of impaired blood supply to the brain and other signs.

Cervical osteochondrosis: symptoms

The manifestations of this disease directly depend on which cervical vertebrae are involved in the pathological process.

Most often patients complain about:

  • pain in the neck and other parts of the body - upper limbs, heart, chin and so on; the pain can have the character of a lumbago - be sudden, acute, intense, and sometimes it is constant, aching in nature;
  • numbness of hands; in combination with pain in the heart area, it can lead the diagnostician down the wrong path - he will suspect angina pectoris; however, in the case of osteochondrosis, these symptoms are not eliminated after taking nitrates;
  • headache of a squeezing, pressing nature, which in some cases radiates to the eyes and temples;
  • decreased visual acuity, fog before the eyes;
  • dizziness that occurs with sudden turns of the head (this is the so-called vertebral artery syndrome); sometimes accompanied by nausea and vomiting;
  • noise in ears;
  • impaired sensitivity in various areas of the head, neck, and oral cavity.

Diagnostic principles

The specialist will suspect cervical osteochondrosis already at the stage of interviewing the patient based on his complaints, life history and disease. Instrumental research methods - radiography of the cervical spine, computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging - will help him confirm or refute the diagnosis.

Directions of treatment

Therapy for osteochondrosis should be comprehensive and include both medicinal and non-medicinal methods. In some cases, the patient may even be recommended surgical treatment.

Drug therapy

In the treatment of osteochondrosis, drugs from the following groups can be used:


In some cases, the symptoms of osteochondrosis can only be eliminated surgically. Indications for surgical treatment are such changes in the spine as protrusion of intervertebral discs or intervertebral hernia.


It is carried out during the period outside the exacerbation of the disease, when there are no pronounced clinical symptoms. The following methods of physiotherapy are used:

  • vacuum therapy;
  • pharmacopuncture;
  • dry traction;
  • and others.

The doctor will select the necessary complex of therapeutic exercises for each patient.

Used exclusively after pain relief.

Physical exercises help strengthen the muscular corset of the spine, increase muscle plasticity, and reduce their spasm. Gymnastics also activates blood flow in the muscles, improving blood supply to the bones, joints and ligaments of the spine itself - this is a measure to prevent further progression of the degenerative process.

The exercises can be done independently at home. However, only a specialist - a physical therapy doctor - can help you choose a complex that is best suited for you. In addition, it would be correct to conduct the first training under the supervision of a doctor or methodologist. The specialist will show you how to correctly perform this or that exercise so that it brings as much benefit as possible and in no way causes harm.

The exercises that are most often used to treat cervical osteochondrosis are listed below.

  • Starting position (hereinafter – IP): lying on the floor, on your back, one palm on your stomach, the second on your chest. Slowly inhaling, raise your lower back, followed by your chest, exhaling smoothly, return to the starting position. Relax. Repeat 10 times.
  • IP - lying on the floor, on your stomach. Place your palms on the floor, slowly raising your head, then your torso. Stay in this position for 60-90 seconds, slowly return to IP. Relax. Your posture must be correct during the exercise.
  • IP - lying on your stomach with your arms extended along your body. Smoothly turn your head to the right, pressing your ear to the floor, then in the opposite direction. Repeat 5 times. If you feel pain during an exercise, skip it.
  • IP - lying on your side. Raise your head 3-4 cm and hold it in this position for 10 seconds. Return to IP, relax. Repeat 4-5 times on each side.
  • IP - sitting on a chair. Exhaling slowly, tilt your head forward, trying to touch your chin to your chest. Exhaling smoothly, tilt your head back as far as possible. Repeat 10-15 times.
  • IP - the same. Exhaling, press your forehead to your palms, providing as much resistance as possible. The duration of 1 exercise and the break between them is 10 s. Repeat 5-10 times.
  • IP - sitting on a chair, back and neck - straight. Smoothly turn your head to the sides as far as possible, ideally reaching your chin to your shoulder. Repeat 5-10 times.
  • IP - the same. Without straightening your neck, move it back, retracting your chin. Repeat 10 times.
  • IP - sitting at the table, back straight, one hand resting the elbow on the table. Place the palm of this hand on the temporal region, try to tilt your head to the side, counteracting the tilt with your hand. The duration of 1 exercise is 10-12 s, followed by a break of 10 s. Repeat 10 times in each direction.
  • IP - sitting or standing, back straight, arms extended along the body. As far as possible, raise your shoulders up and freeze in this position for 10 seconds, return to IP, relax. Repeat 10 times.
  • IP - standing. Imitate crawl swimming: with outstretched arms, rotate the shoulder joints forward and backward. Repeat 5-6 times in each direction.
  • IP - sitting or lying on the floor. Using your fingertips, intensively knead the neck muscles for 3-5 minutes. You can not perform the massage yourself, but seek help from others.
  • IP - sitting or lying on the floor. Massage the interscapular and suprascapular areas for 5 minutes.
  • IP - sitting. Make circular movements with your fingertips in the temporal region, above the ear and to the back of the head.

The exercises must be performed smoothly, without making sudden movements, and avoiding overwork.

Therapeutic gymnastics exercises are available to everyone, regardless of their age. Most of them can be done both at home and at work.

The effectiveness of therapeutic exercises has been proven at any stage of cervical osteochondrosis. With daily exercise, even without the use of other physiotherapeutic techniques, patients note a decrease in pain, headaches and dizziness. Gymnastics carried out for preventive purposes can reduce the likelihood of developing this pathology by even 90%.

Mini-complex exercise therapy for cervical osteochondrosis:

If there is pain in the neck, difficulty turning the head, heaviness in the shoulders and numbness in the fingers - these are the first signs of osteochondrosis. The best way to treat it is neck exercises.

The neck is the most vulnerable area on the human body. It is through it that all vital vessels pass, and useful substances enter the brain. Nerves pass through the neck, through which impulses flow that regulate human activity. Therefore, you need to treat it as carefully as possible.

With the head in a natural position, the center of the ear should be approximately at the same level as the center of the shoulder, plus or minus two centimeters. The load on the entire spinal column is about five kilograms. When the head moves forward, for every two and a half centimeters forward, the load increases by five kilograms, which contributes to the occurrence of hypertonicity of the muscles of the neck and shoulder girdle, which leads to diseases.

If a person is constantly in an uncomfortable position, tense muscles clamp blood vessels and lymphatic ducts, blood circulation worsens, and the brain stops receiving the amount of oxygen it needs.

The first symptoms of neck problems are fatigue and muscle stiffness. Most often, a person does not pay attention to such “bells,” which leads to complications such as osteochondrosis.

Exercise is the best way to prevent problems and pain in the joints of the neck and shoulders. It has a positive effect on blood circulation throughout the body. By performing neck exercises at home, the body's tone increases and factors that contribute to the development of chondrosis in people with a sedentary lifestyle disappear.

Why does your neck hurt: about the withers, osteochondrosis and hypertension

As a result of prolonged stay in an uncomfortable position, a layer of fat begins to be deposited in the area of ​​the seventh cervical vertebra. In common parlance it is called the withers or “widow’s hump.” This pathology is dangerous to health and affects the functioning of various body systems:

  • First of all, the entire collar area suffers, which leads to the development of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine;
  • Blood flow in this department slows down and leads to the deposition of fat cells;
  • At a late stage of the disease, a person feels severe pain, which is caused by vascular syndrome.

People say that people with withers solve all complex issues on their own, without outside help. This is not to say that there is no truth in this statement, however, this problem occurs as a result of weakening muscles due to frequent sitting slouched and a sedentary lifestyle.

A strong muscular corset of the spine contributes to its health. Otherwise, the nerve endings extending from the spinal cord are compressed, and the blood supply deteriorates, preventing the brain from receiving all vital substances.

A compressed artery causes hypertension, which can cause a stroke or heart attack. To prevent them, it is recommended to regularly perform neck exercises.

When the first signs of chondrosis appear, you should consult a doctor who will offer the optimal solution to the problem. Thanks to timely treatment from the initial stage of the disease, its serious consequences can be avoided.

Symptoms of osteochondrosis include:

  • Pain in the back of the head, shoulders, and arms. It has an aching character, arising from the side or back. It is very difficult to turn your head;
  • A patient with osteochondrosis experiences frequent dizziness, ringing in the ears, and loss of balance while walking;
  • Weakness occurs in the upper limbs, face and neck.

The disease at an early stage can be treated with neck exercises for osteochondrosis. Traditional treatment is used only when hard lumps are detected in the collar area.

What exercises to do if your neck hurts: indications and contraindications, rules of execution

It is possible to get rid of neck pain and related diseases, but it will require some effort, time and lifestyle changes.

To bring the spine back to normal, the muscle corset and ligaments should be strengthened.

Even with pain, the best way to get rid of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine is physical therapy for the neck and massage. Most often, the classic method of massage is used, which affects all areas of the cervical corset and vertebrae.

When performing gymnastics, first of all, you should determine which ones can be done for osteochondrosis and which ones cannot. You also need to know in what cases neck exercises should not be performed.

Contraindications to the procedure “Therapeutic exercise for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine”:

  • Complications of osteochondrosis, accompanied by severe pain even at rest;
  • Instability has been detected in the cervical spine, in which the blood supply to the brain is significantly impaired, in this case dizziness occurs;
  • The presence of acute diseases or exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • Severe form of chronic diseases;
  • Oncological diseases;
  • Blood clot formation;
  • The occurrence of bleeding;
  • Increased body temperature;
  • High blood pressure;
  • Acute poisoning.

In all of the above circumstances it is not fulfilled. To accurately diagnose the disease, an examination by a specialist is necessary. Existing contraindications are discussed with a neurologist or a doctor conducting physical therapy for cervical osteochondrosis. Additionally, tests or x-rays may be prescribed. The doctor, having analyzed all the indicators, develops a set of exercises against osteochondrosis of the neck individually for each patient.

Rules for performing physical therapy for the neck:

  • Therapeutic exercises for the neck for osteochondrosis are not performed if severe pain occurs during it. In this case, you need to finish the current exercise and start the next one;
  • If the appointment causes severe discomfort, it is skipped;
  • Movements during the exercise for pain in the neck and shoulders should be smooth and uniform;
  • The load during therapeutic exercises for osteochondrosis of the neck should be increased gradually;
  • The techniques are performed from simple to complex;
  • Exercises for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine are performed daily, otherwise it will not bring any effect;
  • Exercises for neck chondrosis should be done half an hour after eating. Clothing should be comfortable and the room should be regularly ventilated.

When treating osteochondrosis with exercise therapy, you should take into account physical activities that are prohibited:

  • Long or short distance running;
  • Jumping;
  • Swing your arms;
  • Projectile throwing;
  • Shot put.

In the presence of osteochondrosis, such techniques can only harm the spine, causing complications.

In addition, those who have neck and shoulder pain should not do push-ups and pull-ups on the bar. Any projectiles are used with extreme caution.

Exercises for cervical osteochondrosis

Since the cervical vertebrae are the most mobile compared to the entire spine, they need increased attention. For this purpose, a complete set of exercises for the neck with cervicothoracic osteochondrosis has been developed.

Exercise "neck girth"

  • This exercise is performed in a standing or sitting position.
  • The neck is clasped in such a way that the thumbs are in front and all the rest are behind.
  • In this way, the hands create an imitation of a collar that secures the cervical region.
  • Afterwards, head movements are made to the sides, pausing at the end of each for a moment.
  • Afterwards, the arms are moved down a little and the exercise is repeated.

This exercise for the neck with cervical osteochondrosis is performed during working hours, especially if the work is sedentary.

Exercise “Put your hands on the table”

Images from the site

  • To perform the exercise for chondrosis, you need to stand with your back to the table and rest your hands on it.
  • Then tilt your head back a little and stretch.
  • Stand in this position for some time and return to the starting position.
  • After this, try to sit down to an acceptable level, tilting your head forward.
  • Tense muscles should relax a little.

This exercise is performed to relax the shoulders and neck.

Exercise "Lighthouse"

Images from the site

This is an exercise to strengthen the neck muscles with osteochondrosis.

  • A pose is taken while sitting on a chair.
  • A hardcover book is placed on the top of the head so that it does not fall.
  • Sit in this position for about five seconds. At this moment, the muscles of the cervical region remember what position the vertebrae should be in.
  • Afterwards, light pressure is applied to the head, gradually increasing the load.
  • An exercise with a book on your head lasts no more than half a minute, but will allow you to properly pump up the muscles in your neck, relieving pain.

Resistance Neck Curl Exercise

Images from the site

  • The next exercise is performed while sitting on a chair.
  • Place one hand on your forehead and tilt your neck, offering resistance. Hold the position for at least half a minute.
  • Then place your other hand under the back of your head and tilt your head back.
  • In this position, act on both areas at once. The neck muscles will relax.
  • The reception takes no longer than five minutes.

Exercise “Neck extension with resistance”

Images from the site

  • Return to the starting position, place your hand on the back of your head and try to straighten your neck.
  • Resistance must be done for at least half a minute.
  • In the second stage of the exercise, pressing on the back of your head with your hand, lean forward.

Exercise “Side Bend with Resistance”

Images from the site

  • The exercise is similar to the previous two, only bends are performed to the side, holding your head with your palm.
  • Then we place the second palm on the neck on the opposite side and influence it from both sides.
  • Then we perform the technique on the other side.

Exercise “Rotation of the head and neck with resistance”

Images from the site

  • In the starting position, place your palm on the side of the lower jaw and chin and try to turn your head, resisting yourself with your hand.
  • Then place your other hand on the side of the back of your head and, lifting your chin, turn your head.

Exercise “Palms on temples”

Image from the site

  • Take the starting position, place your palms on your temples and gradually stretch the skin, raising your arms up.
  • As you exhale, return to the starting position.

In addition to the described set of techniques, it is beneficial for osteochondrosis to perform exercises from gymnastics by Bubnovsky and Dr. Shishonin.

Exercises to get rid of withers

From fat pad, "widow's hump" or withers special techniques will help you get rid of your neck, which will improve blood circulation and strengthen the muscles and ligaments in the neck area

It should be remembered that neck exercises should not be done in case of acute pain.

Every movement is performed smoothly and without harshness. You should start a set of neck exercises with a warm-up.

  • Stand near a flat wall, pressing against it.
  • Place your hands on your lower back. Stay in this position for one or two minutes.
  • Every day the time needs to be gradually increased.
  • Thus, the spine is strengthened and takes the correct position.

Then proceed to execution exercises for neck muscles from the withers and for osteochondrosis:

  • While sitting or standing, turn your head all the way in each direction. The movements must be performed ten times;
  • Bend your head forward, trying to touch your chin to your chest;
  • Take the starting position, clasp your hands behind your back, straighten them and pull them in the opposite direction from your back, tilt your head back all the way. Hold this position for 30 seconds;

Computer neck exercise

To get rid of the computer neck effect, you need to perform the following technique:

  • Place your hands behind your back, clasping them together;
  • Pull your face forward in the plane of the natural position of your head, without throwing it back.
  • At the same time, pull your arms behind your back in the opposite direction away from you. Hold for 30 seconds;
  • Take a natural position;
  • Repeat the same in the opposite direction;
  • Place your hands in a lock in front of you, pull them forward and your head back, without tilting back.
  • Hold for 30 seconds;

We very often complain about headaches. We drink a lot of absolutely unnecessary pills. It's all about a disease of the cervical spine. My friend suffered from headaches for a long time. And one day she became completely ill. When she turned to a therapist she knew, she advised her to change the position in which she sits in front of the computer at work and massage the collar area.

At first she did not take this advice seriously. But I followed the recommendations just in case. And she was extremely surprised when her headaches finally disappeared and her head became clearer. Then the therapist recommended a few more exercises. And, thank God, my friend has now forgotten what a headache is.

Do you know why diseases of the cervical spine are so common? First, understand the disposition. Here is the beginning of the spinal cord and one of the main arteries to the brain runs along the cervical vertebrae. And, most importantly, the human skull is connected to the cervical vertebra. That is why osteochondrosis of the cervical spine has a very varied clinical picture, as well as severe consequences in the absence of timely treatment.

Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine.

Inside the upper cervical vertebrae, as if in a bone cuff, on the sides of the spinal cord there is an artery that goes inside the skull and carries oxygen to the brain structures responsible for movement, balance, breathing, blood pressure, heart function and other functions.


With cervical osteochondrosis, the lumen of the cuff for this artery decreases, and the vertebrae themselves can also shift among themselves. All this leads to a decrease in diameter and narrowing of the lumen of the artery, which is accompanied by oxygen starvation of certain areas of the brain. As a result, a number of neurological symptoms occur: headache, dizziness, gait disturbance, trembling, darkening of the eyes, increased blood pressure. All this is typical only for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine and is its distinctive feature.

Very often, especially in the initial stages of osteochondrosis, in young people with similar symptoms, a diagnosis of “vegetative-vascular dystonia syndrome” is made.

In addition to vascular symptoms, osteochondrosis of the cervical spine also leads to pathology of the nerve roots that extend from the spinal cord. This is manifested by pain spreading into the arm or individual fingers. Sometimes numbness of the fingers appears, the hand may become cold, and a “marbled” coloration of the skin is observed. The reason for such changes is a violation of the nervous system's regulation of blood vessel tone.

Of course, with osteochondrosis, the cervical vertebrae themselves with the cartilage located between them are also affected. In this case, pain occurs in the neck and shoulders. The pain intensifies with movements and bending. If the vertebra that connects to the skull is affected, then severe pain occurs when the head moves, especially when turning to the right and left (when the neck itself is motionless).

How to identify osteochondrosis?

The diagnosis of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine is made, first of all, if the patient has the above complaints. They are carefully analyzed, eliminating the possibility of other diseases that may be masked by osteochondrosis.

Additionally, an X-ray may be performed - a picture of the neck. However, it is informative already at later stages of the disease. The earliest changes in cartilage and vertebrae can be detected using MRI.

By performing an ultrasound of the blood vessels of the brain and especially the vertebral artery and determining its pathology, we can indirectly talk about the presence of cervical osteochondrosis.

Therapeutic gymnastic exercises.

For problems with the cervical spine, the patient is prescribed a set of exercises. Thanks to therapeutic exercises, muscles are strengthened and relaxed, blood flow in the vessels is improved, and the symptoms of osteochondrosis are relieved.

1. The first exercise is the simplest. While sitting, place one palm on your forehead and tilt your head forward while resisting with your palm. Continue one tilt for up to 10 seconds. After a short rest, repeat the exercise 10 times.

2. The second exercise is similar, only you need to place your palm in the temple area and tilt your head to the sides.

3. The next exercise is performed in the same position, only the head is turned as much as possible to the right and left alternately.

4. Exercise 4 is best done standing. With your arms down along your body, you need to raise your shoulders as much as possible and hold them in this position for 10 seconds. Then lower it, take a deep breath, relax for 10-15 seconds and repeat 5-10 times.

5. The fifth exercise is also done while standing, you need to press your chin to your chest as much as possible. The scheme is similar to exercise N4.

6. Exercise six is ​​performed opposite to the previous one - you need to straighten your head as much as possible.

7. And finally, the seventh exercise can be performed either independently or with outside help. Its essence lies in periodic massaging in the area of ​​the conditioned connection of the head and neck - this improves blood flow to the brain.

This set of exercises allows you to strengthen the neck muscles, increase their elasticity, improve mobility and reduce the manifestations of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine.