Proper charging. Morning exercises, a set of exercises

Good afternoon Today we will talk about how to start the day right to feel fresh and full of energy. And for this you need to know how to do exercises in the morning. Yes, the same exercises that many of us did not like at school, and in adulthood we constantly did not have time for it.

However, it is simple physical exercises in the morning that help you feel invigorated, get a surge of strength for the whole day. And today I will tell you how to do it correctly so that the benefits are noticeable in a few days!

Benefits of Morning Exercise

Why is morning exercise useful? First of all, it helps the body wake up and tune in to productive work. It will invigorate and add energy. Do not confuse it with exercising in the gym - from the latter you feel pleasant, but, nevertheless, tired.

In addition, it has the following advantages:

  • makes you physically more resilient;
  • strengthens the immune forces of the body;
  • takes a little time;
  • does not require any special skills or equipment.

It is especially useful to do exercises for those who are busy with sedentary work. This will not only prepare you for a productive day, but will also help your body get more of the physical activity it needs to stay healthy.

When and how to do it - make a schedule

Surely you have heard the phrase "only the phone is engaged in morning exercises in our house." In this joke, you should pay attention to the parallel that can easily be drawn between recharging the device and morning exercises - in both cases, energy is recharged. Only if the gadget receives it from the network, then we are from a complex of simple movements. That is why you need to warm up only in the morning - to get a supply of energy for the whole day.

The maximum time you need is half an hour. Beginners at first can devote 10 minutes to the case. The main thing is to follow the following rules:

  • you need to do exercises before breakfast, drinking a glass of water on an empty stomach;
  • start with the simplest exercises, moving on to more complex ones;
  • after it is best to take a contrast shower;
  • You can have breakfast half an hour after completion.

As you can see, you will need to wake up earlier - especially if you are used to getting ready in a hurry for half an hour. For morning exercises, you will need at least an hour between waking up and actually leaving the house.

Personal motivation

Without the right motivation, you will not just be too lazy to wake up earlier - you will start skipping workouts under the pretext of like "it's only today." But then - just go astray from the schedule and forget about the exercises.

Decide why exactly you are doing it - not "for show", not because it's "fashionable to train." You are doing only for yourself and your health. And training the body is impossible without training the spirit - so do not indulge your own weaknesses. Train your willpower as well - this quality will help you succeed not only in “charging”, but also in other equally important matters.

A set of exercises

Be sure to make a plan for your workout - write down in what order and what exactly you will do. Exercises should be selected so that all the muscles of the body are involved. Your task is to help him “wake up”, activate all processes.

Traditionally, exercises for both men and women, and for children, "begin" from the top of the body - that is, from the neck. Gradually, you need to “go down”, doing exercises on the shoulders, arms, body, pelvis, knees, etc.

Before starting, do a warm-up - warm up the joints. Make head turns, tilts, arm swings in the shoulder joint, circular rotations in the elbow, circular rotations of the pelvis, etc. You must prepare the body for physical activity.

Additional loads

If you get used to doing a selected complex and feel the strength to complicate it a little, then you can add a couple of the following exercises to the complex:

  1. Push-ups - at first they can be done while standing with an emphasis on the wall, then - from the floor, kneeling. Later it will be possible to gradually move on to classic push-ups.
  2. Abs workout - leg raises and crunches.
  3. Leg lunges with weights - this exercise loads large muscle groups well. And it is especially useful to lose weight.

You can also do the plank in the morning, a static exercise that only seems simple. Its daily implementation with a gradual increase in time for the "bar" helps to lose extra pounds in the abdomen, as well as strengthen almost all muscle groups.

If you have the time and energy, you can go for a run. However, this option is more suitable for "larks", who feel more cheerful in the morning. "Owls" is better to postpone such a load for the evening.

What effect can be expected

In the matter of losing weight, of course, you cannot count on a quick effect, but otherwise, in just a couple of days, you will notice that in the morning you feel more alert and collected.

This is because training has the following positive effects on the body:

  • mobilizes the work of the nervous system;
  • improves blood circulation;
  • strengthens the heart muscle;
  • activates recovery processes;
  • improves the condition of joints and internal organs;
  • activates the brain.

Thus, morning physical exercises not only help the body wake up, but also improve its general condition.

Key Mistakes

The first mistake that beginners often make is neglecting the warm-up. Warming up the body after sleep is an important condition not only for good exercise, but also for preventing the risk of pain in the muscles. By exercising on “unheated” muscles and joints, you put yourself at risk of injury. Therefore, warm-up is a must.

Also, avoid the following mistakes:

  1. Focus on one muscle group. The task is the awakening of the whole body, its preparation for vigorous activity. Therefore, you should have time to work out all the muscles.
  2. Turning exercise into a hard workout - your task is to tone the body, and not exhaust it with exercises. At the end, you should feel a surge of energy, and not wild fatigue.
  3. Expecting a quick effect - morning workout is not able to make your body slim in two weeks. But since this is an additional physical activity, you will still notice changes in the body. Especially if you combine charging with proper nutrition.

In addition, it will be a mistake to want to do as many exercises as possible. More is not always better. Let it be a few exercises - but you will do them without haste, right.

It will not be superfluous to watch the video of the exercises that you want to do. This is necessary to avoid errors during execution. There are many videos on the Web, so choose the one that shows all the nuances in the most accessible and understandable way. This is especially true for more complex exercises with a power load.

That's all I wanted to tell you for today! Share the article on social networks with your friends, and don't be lazy to start your day right!

If we talk about the benefits of charging, then there can be no two opinions: everyone understands how important it is for the body. In fact, getting used to doing it daily is a rather difficult task for many. Most people associate this process in their minds with their childhood, when in the distant past we were forced to do morning exercises in kindergartens and pioneer camps. This was done in the morning, when the body had not yet fully woken up. Therefore, the main reason for reluctance lies precisely in the desire to sleep longer and not waste time on unnecessary gymnastics.

Charging is not just swinging your arms to the sides and squats. This is a whole set of exercises for a quick transition from a period of sleep to a working state.. Performing this gymnastic complex every day, we strengthen our nervous and cardiovascular systems, increase overall tone and strengthen the muscular system. Daily use of the complex makes us less susceptible to viruses and even promotes weight loss.

We are accustomed to saving time on doing this or that work. Therefore, before starting to make a gymnastic complex, familiarize yourself with what it includes. Actually, it won't take that much time. Older people remember how there used to be warm-up breaks. All this took no more than 10-15 minutes. This means that the Soviet Ministry of Health knew for sure that this was quite enough to restore strength for the whole working day.

For weight loss

Wanting to lose weight, a woman performs many different procedures. Someone does liposuction, others sit on different diets. And only a few turn to sports.

Athletes who have abandoned sports are especially well aware of the situation. Over time, the body loses its elasticity and begins to lose its original shape. Therefore, keeping fit is entirely dependent on whether you play sports every day or not. The most effective way to keep fit is to combine a gymnastic complex with other types of sports activities. That is, the performance of strengthening body movements should be combined with running or cycling.

Among the sports activities for maintaining a figure and losing weight include:

  • Active sports complex;
  • A set of measures associated with the load on the muscles;
  • Exercises that do not require special equipment that can be performed anywhere.

All this variety will help to lose weight for almost anyone. Yes, of course, the result will not come to you in a day. Even after a week, little will be noticeable. But after a month, you can already draw conclusions. The main thing is not to try to torment yourself with meaningless many hours of jogging or lifting weights.

If you have never exercised or have lost the habit of exercising, do not immediately jump out of bed and do inclinations. The doctors themselves advise - waking up, you need to lie down a bit and start with sipping in bed. Such a warm-up adapts the body to subsequent loads.

The simplest gymnastic complex should bring results, and it looks like this:

  1. Spread your legs shoulder-width apart and start tilting left and right, back and forth. The number of slopes is from 5 to 10 in each direction.
  2. Squats are done with outstretched arms or hands on the belt. Squat 10 times. Perform squats in two or three sets. Can be mixed with other types.
  3. Leaps forward. One leg in front is bent at the knee - the second remains behind. Then the legs change. Since the weight of the body is transferred to the supporting leg with a kind of squat, a kind of stretch is obtained. The number is the same as squats: 10 times for both legs.
  4. One of the most important is the “breathing complex”. Pulling up on your toes, raise your hands up and inhale. With your hands down, bend over and exhale. It is performed 10-15 times.

Morning workout for weight loss may include exercises with certain muscle groups.

Complex for individual muscle groups

It all starts with a warm-up, which uses breathing exercises, turning the head, kneading the hands. Next, you do one thing of your choice each day, or do it all together.

Different types of chondrosis depend on the working conditions, and you need to deal with a problematic disease by acting on the muscles of the neck and back:

  1. Sitting on the floor or on the couch, place your right hand on your head so that the palm rests on your left ear. It is not necessary to make an effort - it will be enough for the hand to simply lie. This is enough to give tension to the neck muscles. The same is done with the other hand. The head under the weight of the hands is approximately 10-15 seconds.
  2. Lying on your back, bend your knees and clasp your head in your hands. The head is pulled towards the chest. Suitable for abdominal muscles.

Effective exercise for weight loss includes exercises for the abdomen and sides:

  1. Lying on the floor, legs pressed to the floor. Raise your legs up and alternately lower them down. At the same time, the shoulders are also in a raised state, and the stomach is tense.
  2. Lying on the floor, raise your legs at a right angle. Begin to do progressive actions with your feet similar to the rotation of the pedals of a bicycle.
  3. Sitting on the floor, press one leg towards you, and stretch the other forward. Alternately, try to reach the outstretched leg with your hands. After ten times, switch legs.

Such a complex is very convenient to perform while at home. A girl of any age can easily complete it without spending a lot of time.

A fitball is often used to swing the press.. It can be called a universal fitness simulator.

Among the various exercises with the ball, the following should be highlighted:

  • Lying with your back on the ball and holding your hands on your chest or on the back of your head, do lifts of the upper torso.
  • Pushups. The legs lie on the gymnastic apparatus, and the hands rest on the floor.
  • Lie on the floor and hold the ball between your legs. Raise and lower your legs, as well as make body turns in different directions.

A good way to slim down your legs and hips is to work out with lunges, squats, and stretching exercises.

  1. Lying on your side, bend one leg at the knee, and straighten the other. The head rests on one hand. The other arm is extended along the body. The extended leg is raised to the maximum possible height and lowered. This is done 15-20 times. Then turn over to one side and repeat the same movements on the other side.
  2. Standing straight with your toes apart, squat up to 25 times in one set.
  3. Lunges are done from a standing position. First, one leg is extended forward and bent at the knee. The weight of the body is transferred to it. Then change your leg. On each leg, the lunge is done ten times.

Gymnastics from famous trainers

One of the professionals in her field is the master of sports in gymnastics Anita Lutsenko. She advises everyone to carefully select their own complex. The complex should be such that it brings pleasure and benefit. Exercises according to her recommendations are designed to increase the energy charge.

Over time, as Anita correctly states, loads develop a habit in the body for a certain job at a certain time. The usefulness of the load has a positive effect on the physical and psychological state of the body.

  • up to 20 squats every day;
  • push-ups on your knees or throwing your legs on the bed;
  • in a standing position, pull your knees to your chest.

All this is done 20 times. The result can be felt in 2-3 weeks by your tense, in a good way, muscles.

Another no less famous specialist is Dr. Bubnovsky. All the problems of fat people and sedentary people are connected, in his opinion, with diseases of the spine. Therefore, getting rid of accumulated diseases directly depends on the gymnastics of the musculoskeletal system. The principles of its wellness complex are:

  • correct breathing during charging;
  • sufficiently accurate execution of all movements;
  • the use of various massages;
  • the prohibition of all drugs and dietary supplements for weight loss.

Observing all the rules of his own methodology, it is possible:

  • eliminate all pain;
  • strengthen muscles;
  • lose weight without fear for your health;
  • normalize the activity of the circulatory system;
  • to tone the body.

As for dance gymnastics, this is the same sports aerobics. There are enough videos on the network with different styles of dances, warm-ups and complexes for morning exercises.

Execution rules

There are some rules that you need to follow when you decide to lose weight. The daily gymnastic complex is not a sport in its purest form. It is used only to expend excess energy that can burn excess (in your opinion) in the body. A beginner in weight loss should not overload himself. Everything starts small. Your best bet is to get trained by a trainer. The rules will be like this:

Attention, only TODAY!

Hello. What associations do you have with the words - morning exercises? Boring procedure? You just don't know how to do morning exercises and enjoy it. Read the article to understand how to motivate yourself to do simple but beneficial exercises.

From propaganda to action!

Why doesn't everyone get to exercise? Perhaps, despite the fashion for a healthy lifestyle, there are very few programs on TV and radio that motivate people to do exercises in the morning. But that's not the only reason why you don't want to do "swing your arm and leg."

So why? Because there is no habit to overcome your laziness and lack of will. If there is no habit, then laziness begins to take revenge on a person with daytime sleepiness, apparent lack of sleep, lethargy, unwillingness to move either leg or arm.

Who will give the right recipe on how to learn to exercise regularly? And he will give us his trouble-free, downright magical trick - a habit. We serve her as devoted servants to our master!

Pay attention to how an ardent smoker runs to the store despite bad weather if he does not find cigarettes. For its mistress is a habit, even the most harmful.

How to make morning exercises a habit? Let's try to make it our habit to do gymnastics in the morning.

Difficult? And who is easy now? Choose a habit formation method.

  1. Tell yourself for two weeks that I am starting to exercise, and set a solid number.
  2. Then accustom yourself to the thought, as well as the brain and body, that this is inevitable.
  3. During this time, pick up rhythmic music or songs that you like. Do not underestimate the role of music in the morning awakening and revealing your inner reserves.
  4. Just do not train under the TV, do not turn it on at all. He will take your energy and replace it with his energy, which is not always positive.
  5. After 2 weeks, start charging with one exercise. It is very important that it be the most accessible and pleasant. Then you will pick up a complex for yourself, but for now, do this exercise.
  6. And no matter how lazy you are, take your time, you will always have the strength and time for a single exercise.
  7. Get used to doing one movement for 2 weeks. After 2 weeks, you will feel that nothing terrible is happening. There is time, strength, inspiration appears.
  8. Wait 7 days, then start adding another movement.

Your job is to get into the habit. If today it is still difficult to overcome your laziness, then do not rush to force things - you can skip one day.

Conclusion. To develop a good habit you need:

  • Seriously tune in.
  • It is not necessary to perform the entire complex at once.
  • Associate with it bodily joys from the movements performed.

Finding time for morning exercises

How to find time to recharge? Try to allocate one minute for an exercise that replaces the whole complex. Are you surprised? This is the famous "bar". So far, only one thing is required of you - to stand in the “bar” position.

Start with a small amount of time, maybe as little as 10 seconds! Add a few seconds a day, then you get to a minute.

What is the effect of the "bar"? In just 1 minute, it engages the most muscles. Even the busiest person will find one minute for such morning exercises.

Try it and you will feel an incredible feeling of cheerfulness arise, as if you had drunk 3 cups of coffee. You don't have to force yourself to do this "plank" because your body will want to feel the magical feeling of cheerfulness again.

Tabata Method

In the morning we are in such a hurry that there is no time for anything. But we want to lose weight! Then pay attention to the Tabata method, created specifically for weight loss.

The complex will take only 4 minutes. Can't you find 4 minutes for your health? Studies have shown that people who exercised this method lose weight 9-10 times faster than those who exercise for 40-45 minutes. Did you catch the difference in duration?

The method is called the Tabata Protocol, which is already known to the whole world. This is an intense interval workout that gives better results than regular aerobics.

The secret of the technique is to perform movements at the fastest pace for 20 seconds, followed by a break for 10 seconds. You need to repeat 7-8 times.

The highest effect of this workout begins after it has been completed. It has been determined that within 3-4 days after class, the person's metabolism continues to grow, that is, without performing movements, you still lose weight.

Tabata protocol

The technique is suitable even for those who cannot find time to exercise, because only one movement can be performed per day according to the scheme:

  • Sprint stage - 20 seconds
  • Rest phase - 10 seconds
  • Number of repetitions - 7-8
  • You can turn on a special timer.

The set of exercises for charging according to the Tabata Protocol is such that you can perform various exercises - squats, push-ups, with dumbbells.

The main thing is to use as many muscle groups as possible. Alternating by day, or performing the entire complex, do the following movements:

  • lifting bent legs;
  • , kneeling;
  • lifting the pelvis up and down;
  • press swing.

  1. To increase efficiency, breathe correctly: inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth. One inhalation / exhalation for one push-up (squat, etc.). That is, when you press from the floor, then inhale, when to the floor, then exhale. We inhale with a relaxed body, and exhale during its tension. The frequency of inhalation / exhalation should be equal to the number of movements performed. If you don’t do this, you can “plant” your heart.
  2. Before performing Tabata, do not eat anything for an hour and a half or an hour, do a little warm-up.
  3. Write down the number of movements made in a notebook. For example, do one type of movement, count their number, write down in a 10-second break.
  4. At the end of the workout, catch your breath, walk around.

The advantage of Tabata is that you don't have to exercise every day, because the load is so great that it takes 2-3 days to recover.

Therefore, you should not practice more often than 2-3 times a week! The system is good for both men and women.

After a minute of training, it will begin to seem to a beginner that there is no strength to continue training. At the end of the rounds, an unbearable burning sensation is felt in the muscles. This is not scary, since at high tension all the reserves of the body are turned on.

Practitioners recommend strictly following the time: 20 seconds load, 10 seconds rest. No more and no less! Within 20 seconds, you need to do the maximum number of repetitions, and in the 10 seconds allotted for rest, it is important to mentally tune in for the next round.

Within 4 minutes, you can perform 8 types of exercises. What should they be? At your discretion. You can take only one movement and repeat it for all 8 rounds. Who has not reached the required physical form, it is better to start with one movement.

The Tabata protocol has contraindications:

  • Atherosclerosis
  • Heart failure

Morning - gymnastics or jogging?

This question is of interest to those who do not set themselves the task of reaching a world record, but simply becoming healthy, more active. If you look at the opinion of doctors, they recommend doing 20-minute gymnastics in the morning.

It should include movements that involve the main groups of muscles and joints:

  • slopes,
  • squats,
  • sipping
  • turns,
  • you can jump rope.

In addition, all doctors have this opinion: you should start exercising only 20 minutes after getting up, that is, before breakfast. Studies have shown that those who do morning exercises do not suffer from excessive appetite, and do not snack during the day.

Do you know why? Because in the body there is a regulation of hormones that are responsible for the level of appetite, and this level decreases so much that during the day the appetite does not increase. This is another argument in favor of the morning workout.

Important! Physical activity for 20 minutes in the morning is as effective as 40 minutes of physical activity in the afternoon.

Attention! Before breakfast, a warm-up of a moderate load is safe, and you can give the body a full load only an hour after breakfast.

Another warning from doctors: after sleep, the blood is still thick, so in the morning the blood circulation is slow. This means that due to the quiet circulation of blood, active physical activity early in the morning can overload the heart, and this is bad for health.

What doctors say about morning jogging

They name several reasons not in favor of jogging in the morning.

  1. If there is the slightest problem with the heart.
  2. Jogging in the morning is a serious burden for the nervous system, especially when the nervous system did not have time to rest.
  3. Due to the high blood clotting in the morning, running can create a blockage in the brain vessels (that is, provoke a stroke).
  4. For any diseases of the kidneys or liver, jogging is best done in the evening, when the tissues of these organs are restored.
  5. Jogging in the morning is useful only for people with the chronotype "lark", and for "owls" it is contraindicated.

Physical education and sports - what is the difference

How is exercise different from sports?

Physical education is when a person directs his activity to restore, improve health. He forms a special attitude to his body as a source of longevity, endurance. Its value is a healthy lifestyle, together with the improvement of mental activity.

All people on Earth are well aware of the benefits of exercise in the morning for the whole body. They talk about this even in elementary school, trying to instill this habit of leading a healthy lifestyle in every child. However, in fact, few people are ready to get up early in the morning and do at least a few elementary exercises.

If you overpower yourself and start waking up earlier in the morning to recharge, this will undoubtedly improve your mood, well-being, increase organization and discipline. You will be energized for the whole day. Charging, especially in combination with a contrast shower, helps to wake up better and feel better than if you just lie around trying to get out of bed for these 10 minutes. It is especially productive to exercise in the fresh air.

Also now, many fitness clubs are open 24 hours a day and allow you to visit them in the morning. This will be a kind of replacement for outdoor exercises if you don’t have parks or squares near your house where you can do exercises. About how charging affects the human body, as well as what exercises you should start doing exercises in the morning, read on.

The effect of charging on the human body

First of all, the benefit of morning exercises is that it can accustom you to the regimen. Charging also helps to improve metabolic processes in the body, increase the body's resistance to stress. Youth is prolonged, aging processes slow down in the body, brain cells are activated, allowing you to maintain clarity of mind all day, a person becomes more self-possessed and calm. Morning exercises help keep yourself in shape, as well as lose weight. Physical exercises will help improve sleep, appetite, increase efficiency, get rid of drowsiness and lethargy. For more information about the impact of physical education on the human body, read the article at the link.


If you feel well, you do not have any deviations in physical and mental development, you can safely do exercises without fear of consequences. However, if you have problems with your heart, joints, back, then you need to consult a doctor about which exercises are shown to you and which ones are better not to practice for the time being.

There are very few contraindications to morning exercises. Almost anyone, with a few exceptions, can do it.

List of contraindications for morning exercises:

  • Colds, accompanied by elevated body temperature;
  • Bleeding;
  • Inflammatory processes;
  • Violation of pressure;
  • malignant tumors;
  • kidney disease;

How to exercise in the morning

First of all, you need to set your age category, because. The duration of charging for each age is different. If you are exercising with your child, remember that children get tired quickly and switch their attention, so the duration of the exercise for them should not exceed 10 minutes. If the baby is very small (2-3 years old), then you should accustom him to charging through the game, showing the exercise yourself cheerfully. If you feel that the child is tired, it is better to stop the lesson, otherwise he will overwork even more and he will completely lose the desire to do exercises. With an older child, you can gradually increase the duration and intensity of the workout, including more difficult exercises. But it is necessary to monitor the condition of the child for fatigue. Classes are best done outdoors, if this is not possible, then in a well-ventilated area. In the future, the child himself can, if desired, increase the time of the lesson and its elements.

An adult can already exercise more intensely, but the duration should not be more than 30 minutes, because. the main thing for charging is to “stir up” the body, let it wake up, and not load it with unnecessary extra exercises. In old age (from 55 years old for women and 60 years old for men), it is also very useful to do exercises, the time can be slightly reduced if you feel that some exercises are difficult for you, you don’t need to overexert yourself and put additional stress on the heart and respiratory organs. Charging at this age is useful to combine with a shower or douche. You can often meet older people doing the so-called Finnish walking in the morning. This is a great alternative to exercising in the morning, because. it is easy to do it, there are practically no contraindications for it.

The charging time should not exceed 20 minutes. Exercise at any age should be easy, lifting weights in the morning is better not to do, especially in old age, so as not to break your back.

A set of exercises for morning exercises

Neck exercises

The simplest and most effective exercises for the neck are tilting the head to the right and left, as well as turning the head to the sides. Then you should tilt your head forward and backward. These simple exercises will help stretch the cervical vertebrae and strengthen the muscles of the neck. They can be performed not only in the morning, but also during the day, for example, during breaks at work. But if you have a cold neck, or you have osteochondrosis, it is better not to perform such exercises yet.

Trunk exercises

Then it is worth stretching the body. First of all, do the following exercises:

  • Starting position: stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, hands on shoulders. Rotate your shoulders 10 times forward and 10 times back.
  • Starting position: the same. We put our hands in front of us and spread them to the sides at the expense of "three-four". Run 10 times.
  • Starting position: the same. Rotate your shoulders forward and backward 10 times.
  • Starting position: the same. Try to bring your hands behind your back, holding one under the shoulder blade, the other above it. This will strengthen your back muscles. Also, the back muscles strengthen the forward and backward bends, push-ups. Moreover, push-ups can be performed not only from the floor, but also from other surfaces. It will also strengthen the chest muscles. These exercises are also performed 10-15 times.
  • To strengthen the muscles of the upper press, lying on your back, do body lifts 20 times. To strengthen the lower press, lying on your back, raise straight legs and do the “scissors” exercise (lying on your back, slightly raise your outstretched legs and cross them with quick movements).

Hand exercises

A useful exercise for morning exercises is push-ups. Push-ups also strengthen the muscles of the arms. They can be performed by resting your hands on the bench.

Leg exercises

Squats are useful for the legs, but they must be performed correctly. It is necessary to sit down, pushing the butt back, as if you are sitting on the toilet. You need to squat without straining your knees, otherwise you can damage your joints. This exercise is performed 20 times in the morning. You can use a weighting agent - dumbbells weighing 1 kg and squat with them.

Lunges, leg swings, stretching, walking on toes and heels are also useful. To strengthen the calf muscles, you should stand facing the wall, leaning on it with your hands, and take turns lifting one or the other leg on the toe. Perform this exercise 20 times.

What you need for morning exercise

Morning exercises are carried out on an empty stomach, or after a minimum time of 40 minutes after a loose, light breakfast (cereals, muesli, yogurt or kefir). Before charging, you need to wash, put yourself in order, drink a glass of water. You must be dressed in a sports t-shirt, tights. On the feet are comfortable shoes that fix the foot well. They should not be too stiff to allow the foot to flex when running. Hair must be pulled back in a ponytail or braided so that it does not interfere. Jewelry, chains, long earrings are best removed.

Charging and running

Charging is very useful to combine with running in the morning, this allows you to saturate the air with oxygen, activate metabolic processes, and reduce morbidity. Before running, you need to warm up, do 10 tilts, squats, spreading your arms to the sides. After running, you can’t stop right away, you need to gradually reduce the pace, otherwise the work of the heart will be disrupted. After running, the warm-up can be continued without burdening the body with too hard exercises.

It is better to run in parks, alleys with rough terrain. In such places you can not only enjoy nature, but also breathe fresh air. In addition, in the parks you can meet like-minded people and run together so that it is not so boring. There is no need to try to overtake everyone, in this matter the pace is not the main thing, the main thing is the process itself. The pace should not be too fast. If you feel tired, your legs hurt, it is better to stop running or switch to walking.

You don’t need to abruptly start winding circles, you need to gradually increase the time and, if you are confident in your abilities, then the speed. If it’s winter outside or it’s raining, then a treadmill can be an alternative to running in the morning. Of course, this will not replace full-fledged outdoor exercise, but it can help for a while. If you decide to buy a treadmill, you need to be sure of your decision and that you will be working on it, because. very often such an attribute is successful only for the first time, and then it stands and gathers dust as unnecessary.

The duration of running in the morning should not exceed 10 minutes. In the future, you can increase the training time to 20 minutes. If you are just starting outdoor activities, the first session should be very short, because. out of habit, you can stretch the ligaments, your legs can hurt from exertion. After the first day, it is better to take a break, practice every other day. In the future, as the muscles get used to the loads, you can run every day. If you feel tired, it is better to stop the activity. You can take a bottle of water or unsweetened tea with you, take short breaks in the distance and drink some liquid, do a little warm-up, then you can continue running. After running, it is necessary to continue the warm-up, for example, by doing push-ups or pull-ups on the horizontal bar, if possible.

Morning exercise is the best way to recharge your batteries for the whole day. If you want to feel better in the morning and wake up with good thoughts and not with a desire to kill, then you must find the strength to start.

In this article, I will explain in detail why and how to do exercises in the morning. In just a week, you will already feel completely different thanks to this set of exercises for weight loss and well-being. Also at the end you can watch a video on morning exercises.

Why you need to exercise in the morning

Morning exercises will give you energy, strength and good mood for the whole day. Take 10-15 minutes of exercise every day and you will start to feel much more cheerful and positive every morning, which will definitely affect your productivity.

Exercise regularly. It is very important. Your body has to get used to and get into the rhythm.

Therefore, follow the regime, and do it daily in the morning. So you can keep yourself not only in excellent physical, but also psychological shape.

A habit is formed in 21 days. After 3 weeks, you will not force yourself to do exercises. It will become a habit and will happen easily. Getting started is always harder.

Morning exercise activates metabolism. Metabolism allows the body to grow, reproduce, heal damage, and respond to its environment.

Charging in the morning catches up the appetite. Many people skip breakfast in the morning just because they don't feel like it. But do not forget that breakfast is very important for a person.

Do you want to be smart? Go in for sports! Morning exercise will help you perform better at work and wake up your brain for daily tasks.

For many, the morning is the hardest time of the day. Often in the morning people move little, it is difficult for them to wake up.

Exercise will also help you lose weight. You will not think about various problems, you will be able to relax and mentally rest.

Exercise to sleep well, be alert in the morning and wake up easily. You will no longer be sleepy all day, exercising in the morning gives you energy, and at night it helps you fall asleep easier.

Let's summarize: morning exercises will help you feel better and more alert in the morning, improve your productivity and ability to think, improve your sleep and help you lose weight!

A set of exercises for morning exercises

Below I offer you 3 sets of exercises for morning exercises:

This charge must be done in a circle. It is necessary to do from 3 to 6 circles, depending on your level of training.


  1. Jumping out of the emphasis-squat position. The picture does not show the jumps themselves, but you can do them if you wish. 10 reps.
  2. Push ups. Legs, back and neck form a straight line; the muscles of the legs and abdomen are tense; in the lower position, the body almost touches the floor; in the upper position, the arms do not fully unbend so that the elbow joint does not block. We perform 15 repetitions.
  3. Running in an emphasis laying 20 repetitions.
  4. Cycling is a great exercise for developing core strength and toning the thigh muscles. Perform as shown in the picture. 30 repetitions
  5. Plank. It makes not only the muscles of the abdomen and shoulder girdle work, but also the muscles of the whole body. 45 seconds.

This is 1 round of exercises, do as many rounds as you can. The more circles the better.

Charging in the morning 2:

Exercises are performed in a row without rest.

  1. Push ups. 25 repetitions
  2. Twisting. 30 repetitions
  3. Hold position against a wall for 50 seconds
  4. Bench push-ups. 10 repetitions
  5. Plank. 45 seconds
  6. Lunges. 30 repetitions
  7. Squats. 15 repetitions

Morning exercise 3:

All exercises are performed in a row without breaks for 10 repetitions:

  1. "Jump"
  2. Squats
  3. Push ups
  4. Running in an emphasis lying
  5. Bike
  6. Running in place with high hips
  7. Lying leg pull-ups
  8. Push-ups from the bench for triceps
  9. Lying leg raise

Videos morning exercises