There is bloating after embryo transfer. How to feel that the embryo transfer was successful

IVF is a chance to become a mother for a woman diagnosed with infertility. Before embryo transfer, she will have to undergo a complete diagnostics of the reproductive system. Laparoscopy is a relatively new type of surgery that is used before IVF. It can be used to diagnose and treat diseases of the organs located in the abdominal cavity.

The advantage of the method is low invasiveness. The surgeon performs all actions through very small punctures in the skin. After laparoscopy, patients may experience unpleasant symptoms: pain, flatulence, bleeding, or general weakness. We will tell you what bloating after surgery can mean and what to do in this situation.

Indications for laparoscopy

The main purpose of laparoscopic operations is the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of a number of internal organs. They are appointed in the following cases:

With the help of laparoscopy, the removal and ligation of the fallopian tubes, the collection of material for cytological studies are carried out. This method can be called one of the safest.

Laparoscopy is a prerequisite for women who decide to have a baby with the help of IVF. This method allows you to identify all the problems that can interfere with fertilization and gestation.

Complications after laparoscopy occur in less than 1% of cases.

Technique of laparoscopic operations

Laparoscopy can be performed on people who have no contraindications. It could be:

  • allergy to medications;
  • problems with blood clotting;
  • pathologists of the cardiovascular system;
  • breathing disorders;
  • normal pregnancy.

All this must be clarified before the operation so that there are no complications.

Before surgery intervention, it is forbidden to eat for 10-12 hours, fluid intake should be minimized. Before the operation, you need to completely empty the intestines, for this they put a cleansing enema in the hospital.

Laparoscopy is performed under general anesthesia. After the patient falls asleep, several incisions are made to her, their length varies from 5 to 15 mm.

The main instrument of a specialist is a laparoscope. It is a thin tube equipped with a chamber. The device transmits an image of the internal organs on the screen. Focusing on the received picture, the doctor controls the operation process.

A gas supply tube, a small lamp and the necessary tools are inserted into additional incisions. Air is needed in order to better see the organs and increase the distance between them. The belly of the patients is inflated quite strongly, usually it reaches volumes characteristic of 7–8 months of pregnancy.

During gynecological operations, an instrument is inserted into the vagina to move the uterus and its cervix, if necessary.

The operation takes 30 to 60 minutes. Upon completion, the gas is released and sutured. After laparoscopy, you need to remain under the supervision of a doctor until recovery from anesthesia. After the doctor makes sure that the patient feels normal and there are no complications, she can be sent home.

What are the complications of laparoscopy?

The risk of complications after laparoscopy is minimized. It could be:

  • internal bleeding;
  • inflammation and suppuration in the abdominal cavity;
  • temperature increase;
  • divergence of seams.

All patients are examined before the operation, and the process itself is performed on equipment that excludes the possibility of error.

How does IVF work?

IVF is usually performed 2-3 months after laparoscopy. In between, the female ovaries are stimulated with hormones to produce more eggs. Selected zygotes are fertilized with the spermatozoa of an official or anonymous partner. Specialists monitor the development of embryos, noting the rate of cell division and other qualitative parameters. The strongest are selected for implementation.

Replanting is carried out for 3-5 days through the uterus. The whole procedure takes no more than 15 minutes. On the first day, the woman should remain in the hospital, observing bed rest.

The next day, the woman is examined and allowed to go home, provided with recommendations. In some cases, she remains in the clinic (if she feels unwell or has other indications).

On the 14th day, an analysis is carried out for the hCG hormone to establish pregnancy.

Feelings of women after IVF

After IVF, a woman’s well-being is considered normal, which scares expectant mothers. Most often, the following symptoms appear:

Many women consider bloating after multiple embryo transfers to be one of the signs of pregnancy. This is a very common misconception, such a symptom may appear due to ovarian hyperstimulation. Pregnancy can be determined only 2 weeks after replanting.

Bloating after embryo transfer

A woman in the desire to become a mother encounters difficulties. In addition to long-term physical and moral preparation, she is required to pay attention to the body throughout pregnancy, and most importantly, at the beginning, when the question arises: is bloating after embryo transfer a good or bad symptom?

Unusual sensations after IVF stage 4 are sometimes scary. Doctors assure that in most cases this is the main sign of the successful introduction of embryos. But in some cases - a signal that not everything is in order.

Sometimes the stomach blows after embryo transfer for physiological reasons not related to reproductive functions.

An unusual sign of pregnancy also accompanies women in the case of natural fertilization, if earlier with PMS there was heaviness in the lower abdomen and bursting.

Possible Causes of Bloating

The stage of the introduction of the embryos is the most crucial, the woman is looking forward to it, expecting anything, but not discomfort.

Abdominal bloating after embryo transfer is common. This is associated with the process of implantation of fertilized eggs.

The stomach swells after embryo transfer if:

  1. There is a fixation of the future fetus in the uterus, which causes the production of progesterone.

The effect of the hormone prescribed by the supportive treatment regimen after IVF also affects the female body. Progesterone relaxes the tissues of internal organs, including the intestines.

Its walls lose their tone, food processing is difficult, gas formation occurs. This is a common reason for swelling of the abdomen after embryo transfer. It affects the work of the main hormone of pregnancy.

  1. Ovarian hyperstimulation can scare a woman.

Sometimes they continue to produce estrogen, which interferes with implantation.

Ovarian hyperstimulation in IVF

Elevated estrogen leads to fluid retention in the pelvis, shortness of breath and low pressure, bloating after IVF can be characterized by an increase in its volume by 10-15 cm or more.

  1. The reason may lie in the power supply errors. Products that provoke flatulence, constipation, lead to sensations: the stomach swells after embryo transfer.

The presence in the diet of fresh muffins, cabbage, onions or garlic, legumes, and sometimes dairy products also lead to gas formation.

  1. Infrequently, the reason why the abdomen swelled after the embryo transfer is an indicator of blood coagulation that goes beyond the limits - D-dimer.

In pregnant women, it is also taken under control. IVF doctors know about it. The risk of blood clots in expectant mothers increases due to hormonal stimulation.

Scheme of formation of D-Dimer

If bloating after embryo transfer is noticeable in the days after the procedure, this may be a signal that embryo implantation has occurred.

After implantation, the uterus begins to grow actively, blood rushes to it - and there is a feeling of fullness.

Signs of a possible pregnancy, including IVF, are the absence of menstruation, sometimes the lower back hurts, mood changes, the stomach swells after embryo transfer, the stomach blows, toxicosis appears.

Important! A clear indicator of the norm of an unusual state is the degree of its severity. Low temperature up to 37.5 degrees, slight swelling, slight drowsiness, nausea - the norm.

If there is serious discomfort, acute, prolonged pain in the lower back or above the pubic area, profuse discharge, dizziness, fainting, consult a doctor.

Steamed porridge during IVF pregnancy

When it swells after embryo transfer, measures are taken:

  • Strictly follow the medical instructions. Reception of drugs - only according to the specified scheme.
  • The diet includes cereals and protein foods, steamed, boiled or baked. Eat greens and seasonal vegetables - a source of fiber, which improves bowel function.

Important! A protein diet is contraindicated in case of problems with the kidneys or liver, it is important to drink more water with it.

  1. If the cause is excessive gas formation, lie on your back, bending your knees. This pose has a carminative effect.
  2. After consulting a doctor, you can take Laktofiltrum, activated charcoal or probiotics that fight dysbacteriosis.

Important! Herbal teas and infusions will have to be abandoned. They may contain phytohormones or potassium. In large quantities, they provoke uterine bleeding.

What expectant mothers need to know

When deciding on IVF, it is important for a woman to prepare physically and mentally.

Learn about the upcoming stages of the procedure itself and possible sensations in the first days after the replanting, before the hCG test.

The treatment regimen for this period is discussed with the doctor. The prescribed drugs are taken strictly according to the schedule, adhere to the basic recommendations.

This will help reduce possible risks and lead to a long-awaited pregnancy.

Valerian tincture to reduce pregnancy anxiety

Important! If the condition worsens, after the embryo transfer, the stomach is swollen, there is pain, discomfort, and the prescribed drugs do not help, they urgently consult a doctor, adhere to bed rest. Valerian infusion will help reduce anxiety.


Often everything turns out well, but the option of ovarian hyperstimulation cannot be ruled out, which in a severe stage threatens the life of a woman.

Modern medical conditions make it possible to prevent serious problems, get pregnant and bear healthy children.

It is better to pay attention to yourself before establishing pregnancy and contact the clinic in case of doubt.

Video: Changes in the digestive system during pregnancy

Complaints and sensations after embryo transfer in the IVF program

Embryo transfer actually ends the IVF program, then only waiting. At this time, nothing happens - there are no visits to the doctor, no ultrasound monitoring, a puncture has been performed and the embryological stage has ended, everything is already known about which embryos were received and how many of them. After the embryo transfer, the most difficult stage from a psychological point of view begins - waiting for the result of hCG.

And if before the embryo transfer there were some objective criteria for the dynamics of the process, then after the transfer, only sensations and some small symptoms remain. It is to the sensations and these minor symptoms that the woman listens after the embryo transfer, trying to guess whether it worked out or not, is everything okay, is there something to be done?

What are the most common complaints and sensations that arise after embryo transfer in the IVF program?


  • Temperature increase
  • Bloating
  • Breast changes.
  • Nausea and taste changes
  • Pain in the lower abdomen.

Temperature increase.

Both estrogens and progesterone affect thermoregulation. In the early stages of pregnancy, against the background of increased levels of estrogen and progesterone, body temperature also rises. A temperature of up to 37.5 degrees is considered normal. At higher temperatures, other causes of fever must be ruled out. Although in 1993 an article was published that talked about two women who overreacted to progesterone. They had a fever up to 40 degrees with an increase in progesterone. Moreover, the effect was both on natural, “own” progesterone and on synthetic gestagens.


Immediately after embryo transfer and in the first weeks of pregnancy, bloating is associated almost exclusively with the action of progesterone. Progesterone has an antispasmodic effect, it reduces the tone of smooth muscles. Including the smooth muscles of the intestine. A decrease in the tone of the intestinal wall leads to a decrease in peristalsis and contributes to congestion in the intestine. An enlarged uterus in late pregnancy exacerbates these phenomena.

Bloody discharge in the first weeks after embryo transfer.


Breast changes.

Engorgement, soreness of the mammary glands occurs starting from the 10-12th day of the menstrual cycle and continues during the first weeks of pregnancy.

In addition to an increase in glands, their sensitivity may change. Unpleasant sensations, heaviness, aching pains, increased sensitivity to cold may appear. The severity of symptoms is highly individual.

Symptoms subside somewhat by 12 weeks


Hormonal changes accompanying pregnancy (due to natural causes or caused by the introduction of drugs from the outside):

  1. The level of estrogen increases significantly by the 10-12th day of the cycle. Estrogens help enlarge the milk ducts.
  2. Progesterone increases towards the middle of the luteal phase (by day 21 of the cycle). Under the action of progesterone, the lobules of the mammary glands (the site of milk production) increase.

Nausea and taste changes

Nausea may be drug-related, but is usually associated with pregnancy. Especially if nausea symptoms appear a few days after the embryo transfer.

The exact causes of nausea during pregnancy are unknown. Previously, it was believed that there is a certain toxin, which is why they called toxicosis. But despite the search, no toxin was found.

Nausea and vomiting may persist up to 12 weeks of pregnancy, sometimes longer. The severity of nausea coincides with the increase in hCG.

Pain in the lower abdomen.

Pain can be cramping, aching, stabbing, pulling. The reasons can be very different, both related to the genitals and not related.

It is quite difficult to say unequivocally what the pain in the abdomen is connected with. It all depends on the specific situation. It can be impossible to do this without seeing a doctor. If everything is limited to discomfort, short-term pains that do not interfere with a normal life, then most likely there is nothing dangerous. In any other case, you should consult a doctor.

This is especially true of manifestations of hyperstimulation syndrome. The appearance of pain against the background of bloating after embryo transfer requires urgent medical attention. Early treatment can help prevent serious problems.

The presence and severity of complaints depends not only on the individual characteristics of the patients and their possible physiological changes after the transfer, but also on the circumstances in which the embryo transfer is performed.

Read and see also:

Embryo transfer. Which is better - fresh or cryo?

What is ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome?

How to prepare the endometrium in a cryoprotocol?

Sex and IVF

Stimulation of the ovaries in the IVF protocol

The essence of IVF. What is in vitro fertilization?

Time after embryo transfer. How do options for preparing for embryo transfer affect the appearance of certain symptoms?

What happens after the transfer of embryos into the uterine cavity?

Days after IVF Embryo Transfer: What you need to know

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Every woman who has undergone a huge number of studies and manipulations to diagnose the causes of infertility, the procedure of stimulation and puncture, awaits with trepidation the day "X" - embryo replanting. Each of these patients asks herself the question - how to live these days? What can I do to help get pregnant?

Feelings and well-being of a woman after replanting embryos

In modern reproductive medicine, one or two, much less often three, embryos are transferred into the uterine cavity. Embryos can be of different ages - from two to five days. How many and which embryos to transfer, the doctor decides, based on the woman's history, the results of previous IVF attempts and the quality of the embryos themselves.

As a rule, the replanting procedure is simple and painless. After the procedure, the woman is left in a horizontal position for an hour or two, although modern research suggests that there is no need for such precautions. The embryo is not a ball and cannot roll out of the uterine cavity. Then the woman goes home to wait for the IVF result, always with a list of appointments and recommendations of the reproductologist. As a rule, in the CIS countries, this period of time involves the provision of a sick leave: the patient does not go to work and is at home. There are no such concessions in the West and the USA. Let's go through the main list of complaints and questions that arise after the embryo transfer procedure:

  • Discharge from the genital tract. As a rule, during the support period of the luteal phase of the cycle, a woman takes progesterone preparations, many of which involve the vaginal route of administration. The main vaginal discharge will be the remains of suppositories or capsules - white or yellowish flakes. A small amount of mucus may appear. With abundant mucous or spotting spotting, you should urgently contact your doctor to adjust the doses of progesterone or add estrogen, etamsylate, or antispasmodics.
  • Temperature. Some fluctuations in body temperature due to hormonal stress on the body are acceptable. Even in many cases of physiologically occurring independent pregnancy, women have a subfebrile temperature of 37-37.3 degrees. If the temperature rises above these figures, as well as additional complaints indicating an infectious process, an urgent call to the doctor is necessary. You may need to take a blood test or include antipyretic drugs in the regimen.
  • Pain sensations. After intrauterine manipulation of embryo transfer, there are often pulling pains and discomfort in the lower abdomen. This issue is discussed in advance at the doctor's appointment. The list of recommendations usually includes magnesium preparations and antispasmodics to eliminate unpleasant symptoms.
  • Bloating, diarrhea, constipation, flatulence, frequent urge to urinate. Oddly enough, a fairly common complaint of patients. The explanations for these processes are quite logical. The bowel loops and the bladder are closely adjacent to the uterus and ovaries in the small pelvis. Enlarged from stimulation, the ovaries and uterus directly press and irritate the neighbors. The second reason for such discomfort is progesterone preparations, which have a relaxing effect not only on the wall of the uterus, but also on the intestines and bladder. Compliance with a diet, a good drinking regimen and taking activated charcoal relieves these manifestations a little.
  • In a separate line, I would like to make such a popular complaint or, rather, a joyful observation. Many patients, carefully listening to themselves these days, find "movements" or "pulsations" in the lower abdomen. Unfortunately, these sensations are not a sign of pregnancy. Displaced pelvic organs, swollen intestines and pulsation of the abdominal aorta give the patient such a picture. A woman will hear real fetal movements no earlier than 17-20 weeks of pregnancy.

Feelings after embryo transfer are varied and individual. Reliable signs of pregnancy begin to appear 2-3 weeks after implantation. Until that time, the symptom complex is considered subjective. The severity of clinical signs depends on the success of the procedure performed.

In the IVF clinic on Petrovka, embryo transfer is performed using the latest equipment. This ensures the accuracy and high efficiency of the procedure.

Feelings after embryo transfer

Feelings after embryo transfer may vary depending on the individual characteristics of the organism. As a rule, women experience a breakdown, drowsiness, fatigue, dizziness and weakness. Normally, the symptoms go away on their own after 24-48 hours. In addition, the period after implantation of the embryos may be accompanied by an increase in basal temperature, discomfort in the lower abdomen and in the lumbar region, and discharge from the genitals.

Increase in basal body temperature

An increase in basal temperature indicates successful implantation of the embryo and the development of pregnancy. An increase in indicators to 37.2-37.5 degrees is considered acceptable.

Such changes are associated with hormonal changes in the body at the initial stage of pregnancy.

Pulls the stomach and lower back

The presence of aching periodic pains in the lower abdomen after IVF is an acceptable reaction of the body. This is due to the intervention in connection with the transfer of embryos. Pain may occur against the background of successful attachment of the embryo and its introduction into the thickness of the endometrium. During immersion, the fetus can damage surface capillaries. Along with discomfort in the lower abdomen, bloody discharge from the genitals appears. The pain syndrome can spread to the lumbar region.

In the normal course of pregnancy, the symptoms disappear on their own after a few days. If the pain becomes acute and persists for a long time, you should consult a doctor.

Discharge and bleeding

After embryo transfer, discharge from the genital tract may appear. Experts identify several reasons for this. Among them, taking hormonal medications, successful implantation of the embryo. Colorless mucus or a small amount of blood is secreted from the genitals.

Similar changes are typical for 6-12 days after embryo transfer. During this period, it is necessary to pay attention to the nature of the discharge.

Mucus should be colorless, homogeneous, odorless. It is allowed if the discharge becomes white. Blood smearing is usually indicative of successful implantation of the embryo. The fetus damages the blood vessels, which is expressed in the form of bleeding. If the discharge becomes pathological and persists for a long time, you should consult a doctor.

There is no sensation after the transfer

There are cases when there are no sensations after embryo transfer. This is not a reason to think that the embryo failed to attach to the wall of the uterus. All clinical symptoms that appear before 2-3 weeks of pregnancy are strictly individual. 14 days after the embryo transfer, it is recommended to take a blood test for hCG, which will confirm or refute successful fertilization.

HCG test

Determining the level of hCG is one of the primary methods for confirming pregnancy. With successful implantation and introduction of the embryo into the thickness of the endometrium, there is a sharp increase in the concentration of chorionic gonadotropin. Experts recommend taking an analysis 10-14 days after embryo transplantation. This time is enough for the required amount of hCG to concentrate in the blood. In addition to a blood test, you can perform a pregnancy test. Its implementation is recommended 2 weeks after fertilization. Running the test too early can lead to false negative results. This negatively affects the psycho-emotional state of a woman. To obtain a more accurate result, it is recommended to conduct a pregnancy test three times. In this case, it is necessary to use products from different manufacturers.

After a successful protocol

The first objective signs of pregnancy during a successful protocol occur 2 weeks after embryo transfer. These include:

  • lack of menstruation;
  • increase in basal temperature;
  • feeling of nausea;
  • weakness, fatigue;
  • drowsiness;
  • irritability, anxiety.

The severity of clinical symptoms is individual. But you should not determine the onset of pregnancy based on subjective feelings. A reliable sign of successful fertilization is an increase in the level of hCG in the blood.

Feelings after cryoembryo transfer

Feelings after embryo transfer in a successful cryotransfer depend on the drugs that were used before implantation.

  • If cryotransfer is performed against the background of prior intake of estrogens or GnRH agonists, then the symptoms after implantation of the embryos can be expressed in the form of headache, hot flashes, weakness.
  • If the transfer of cryopreserved embryos was carried out while taking gestagens, estrogens, then clinical signs will be expressed in drowsiness, loss of strength, and weakness.

Feelings after a failed protocol

An unsuccessful protocol can be expressed by various symptoms. Among them are:

  • increase in body temperature;
  • severe weakness;
  • acute pain in the abdomen;
  • nausea, vomiting.

The symptom complex depends on the reasons for the failure. If the embryo failed to attach to the endometrium, the woman after 14 days does not feel any signs of pregnancy. If failure is associated with the presence of a pathological condition, then the symptoms become pronounced.


Acute abdominal pain is the most striking manifestation of the pathological condition after embryo transfer.

The symptom may indicate the following conditions:

  • development of an ectopic pregnancy;
  • the presence of adhesions in the pelvic organs;
  • exacerbation of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

To differentiate the condition, you must immediately consult a doctor. Treatment will depend on the cause of the acute pain.

Well-being on the days of pregnancy

The presence of certain clinical symptoms of pregnancy is determined by day. Each period has its own manifestations.

Feelings after embryo transfer on the 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th day of pregnancy

day of pregnancy


At 3 embryo development, the process of penetration of the blastocyst into the uterine mucosa begins. Clinical signs in this period are not specific. A woman may be disturbed by headache, weakness, fatigue.

The embryo completes its immersion in the endometrium. Characteristic symptoms for 4 DPP are drowsiness, emotional lability, headache.

The fetus begins to receive nutrients from the mother's bloodstream. Clinical symptoms are accompanied by discomfort in the lower abdomen, possible bloody discharge from the genitals.

Thanks to the enzymes produced, the embryo penetrates deep into the uterus. This is accompanied by an increase in basal temperature, aching periodic pains in the lower abdomen.

A week after the embryo transfer, the formation of the placenta begins. Typical symptoms for this period are discomfort in the lower abdomen, weakness, increased basal temperature.

HCG begins to be produced. The symptom complex does not differ from the previous days.

Change in well-being on the 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th, 13th, 14th, 15th day of pregnancy

day of pregnancy


The fruit begins to actively develop. In parallel with this, the concentration of hCG increases. Clinically, this is expressed in an increase in the size of the mammary glands, the appearance of heaviness in the abdomen.

The concentration of hCG continues to increase. There is a laying of the nervous and skeletal systems of the fetus. A woman may feel discomfort in the mammary glands. This is due to hormonal changes in the body.

As the embryo grows, new clinical signs appear. These include bloating, dyspeptic disorders, changes in eating habits.

The level of hCG reaches high values. The symptom complex does not differ from the previous day.

Day 13 after embryo transfer is characterized by a feeling of heaviness in the abdomen, an increase in the size and sensitivity of the mammary glands, weakness, and emotional lability.

Embryo growth continues. On the 14th day of pregnancy, a blood test for hCG is allowed. This period is characterized by drowsiness, mood swings, discomfort in the lower abdomen.

The hCG level reaches high values, which indicates the successful completion of the embryo transfer. As the pregnancy progresses, new symptoms appear. Their severity depends on the individual characteristics of the woman's body.

All sensations that appear up to 2 weeks after embryo transfer are subjective. The exception is acute conditions. Reliable signs of pregnancy appear after 14-21 days of gestation.

The opportunity to have healthy, naturally conceived offspring is sometimes not available. In this case, couples or a woman independently turn to doctors for help. The way out becomes artificial insemination or IVF. This is a fairly safe procedure, but sometimes a woman feels bloated after an embryo transfer. What causes this phenomenon? Let's find out more.

What is ECO?

Procedure ECO or in vitro fertilization is performed in the laboratory. Literally, the concept of IVF can be deciphered as fertilization or insemination performed outside the body (extra corpo). This is the most advanced technique for treating fertility problems. With the help of IVF, the fusion of the sperm and the egg is carried out in artificial conditions, which are the most favorable for conception.

In vitro fertilization is prescribed for couples or women if natural conception is not possible. Here are a number of possible reasons:

  • The woman is diagnosed with obstruction or absence of the fallopian tubes;
  • The patient suffers from the growth of endometriosis in severe form;
  • She was diagnosed with infertility of endocrine origin in the absence of positive results of treatment for two years;
  • The male partner was diagnosed with infertility caused by reduced motility or a small number of active spermatozoa in seminal fluid.

Usually, artificial insemination is recommended if it is not possible to conceive a child naturally, even if the woman has undergone traditional therapy for a year. Before undergoing the procedure, both partners should be fully examined to exclude the occurrence of complications.

Stages of IVF

Fertilization in the laboratory is carried out with the beginning of the patient's menstrual cycle.

Stage one

Doctors artificially stimulate ovulation with hormonal drugs to get more eggs. The number of oocytes eventually obtained is controlled by regular ultrasound examination.

Stage two

It involves the extraction of mature eggs from the ovaries, which is carried out with a thin needle. This is a painless procedure, and after a few hours the woman can leave the clinic.

Stage three

The ejaculate and oocytes received from the partner are placed in a special environment in a test tube, and embryologists stimulate the process of fusion of male and female germ cells. The fertilized egg is then placed in an incubator. Within two to five days, the embryos develop, and this process is monitored by specialists in order to prevent defects in the genesis.

Stage four

Ready embryos are implanted in the uterus. No more than two embryos are transferred, selected according to the signs of maximum development and genetic "health". The remaining embryos, if there is a desire of the couple, can be placed in a cryochamber, which will give them a chance to use them in the future. In the future, the woman should begin undergoing hormone therapy, which will help to consolidate the success of the procedure and reduce the chance of rejection of the implantation.

2 weeks after embryo transfer, a woman takes a blood test for human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), the result of which will make it clear whether gestation has occurred or not. There are no fundamental differences between pregnancy caused by IVF or natural conception. The only caveat is that with artificial replanting, the chances of having twins increase.

If the hCG test gives a negative result, a second in vitro fertilization procedure may be prescribed at the discretion of the doctor.

Bloating after Embryo Transfer: Causes

Often, after the completion of the replanting stage, during the first three days, a woman feels bloating, pain and other uncomfortable sensations, including nausea, migraine, hyperthermia. These are quite common phenomena, but you need to notify your doctor about their appearance. If a woman feels unwell after IVF, she is recommended bed rest, as well as reduced physical activity and psychological peace.

Manifestations of discomfort after IVF:

  • Loss of strength, irritability, drowsiness;
  • Decreased appetite;
  • Diarrhea;
  • Aches in the lower back;
  • An increase in basal temperature as an immune response to a "foreign body".

Bloating after in vitro fertilization and increased gas formation may be a consequence of an increase in the concentration of the hCG hormone in the blood.

Other causes of bloating after embryo transfer:

  • Adaptation of the embryo to development in the environment in which it is placed;
  • Adaptation of the hormonal background of a woman during pregnancy and therapy with hormone-containing drugs;
  • Bloating after a puncture can be explained by the body's reaction to the introduction of a foreign body (needle) and microtrauma of the uterine mucosa;
  • Increased production of the corpus luteum, as well as the hormones progesterone and estradiol, reduce the peristalsis of the uterine muscles to reduce the likelihood of embryo rejection. However, this also causes bloating after IVF;
  • ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome;
  • Increasing the level of blood clotting;
  • Pressure on the intestines caused by sprains and enlargement of the uterus.

What to do?

Relieve intestinal discomfort after in vitro fertilization, it is possible, observing the following measures:

  • Recommended abstinence from physical and psychological stress for at least 2 weeks;
  • A woman is shown a balanced diet and good sleep;
  • You should stop visiting crowded places in the first days after IVF.

For several days after the procedure, a woman is advised to have sexual rest until the moment when the results of IVF are known. During this period, many women experience severe nervous tension, which can significantly worsen the situation with bloating.

To relieve emotional hypertonicity, the attending physician may prescribe herbal-based sedative medications, but this is an extreme measure. Taking other medications at this time is contraindicated, as it may have a negative effect on embryo implantation.

To improve the condition, you can follow the following guidelines:

  • The diet is enriched with protein foods and foods containing fiber. Dishes should be steamed, either boiled or baked;
  • It is recommended to drink enough liquid;
  • If herbal decoctions are prescribed, it is worth asking the doctor if they contain phytohormones or potassium, which can change the hormonal background and cause bleeding;
  • To relieve colic, you can lie on your back and bend your knees to alleviate the condition.

Medicines that can gently and safely relieve bloating after IVF:

Lactofiltrum- enterosorbent from hydrolytic lignin and lactulose. Absorbs toxins and dissolves gas bubbles in the intestines. Dosage - 2 - 3 tablets three times a day. The possibility of using the drug must be approved by the doctor.

acidophilus- fermented milk product with acidophilus bacillus. The most natural and safe remedy for bloating. It is recommended to drink a glass of the product on an empty stomach. It also relieves morning sickness, which pregnant women often suffer from, and other symptoms of morning sickness.

Lactomun- a combined multi-component probiotic with a pronounced antimicrobial effect. It is indicated for diagnosed dysbacteriosis and bloating of the intestine. Pregnant women are allowed to take one sachet once a day.

Activated carbon- a natural adsorbent that is not absorbed into the blood and has a minimal effect on the body when passing through the gastrointestinal tract. The permitted dose of the drug is determined by the doctor. The standard intake for flatulence is 1-2 grams of activated charcoal two hours after each meal.

Folk ways to get rid of bloating after IVF

It can relieve nervous tension and remove swelling. You can drink half a cup of warm tea on an empty stomach and at night. It is better to continue treatment for more than three days with the permission of the doctor who monitors the condition of the woman after IVF.

Can replace mint Melissa, however, you can drink it only in the first trimester of pregnancy.

There are practically no contraindications for use in pregnant women. Drink 100 ml of chamomile tea should be in the morning before breakfast, as well as before the main meals.

Good for emotional discomfort and stress lime blossom tea. This is a mild natural remedy that relaxes smooth muscles and has a slight carminative effect.

The laxative effect of a delicate nature has a red hibiscus tea(hibiscus petals), approved for use during pregnancy.

The absence of sensations after the transfer in a successful IVF protocol is the norm. However, patients are constantly trying to find changes in their body, and many succeed. Signs of pregnancy may be subtle or severe. It depends on the sensitivity of the woman. Also, the symptoms of the new condition are far-fetched. It will be possible to determine reliably that the implantation of the transferred cells has taken place no earlier than 2 weeks after the procedure.

How to behave after the transfer

After replanting the embryos, the woman is given individual recommendations. The main point is the support after the transfer. All medicines prescribed by the doctor must be taken without fail. Also, the patient should reduce physical activity in the first few days. It doesn’t have to be all the time, but you shouldn’t play sports either. The diet should be sparing so that bowel movements occur daily and without difficulty. Following the regime after the transfer will help relieve nervous tension and get a positive attitude.

Feeling normal after replanting

Every woman has special feelings after embryo replanting. On the second day, unpleasant symptoms may disturb, but they are the result of instrumental interventions and will pass soon. As always, in the second phase of the cycle, the chest may increase and slightly hurt.

In a normal cycle, it occurs on the 8-9th day of its development. One way or another, by the 10th day after the transfer of the embryos, they will attach to the wall of the uterus or die. The time of cell implantation is determined by the duration of their development in the test tube. If the three-day days were postponed, then they will attach on the 7th day. Planting 5 days will lead to implantation in about 5 days.

General state

The state after embryo transfer is usually not the most cheerful. There is a slight malaise, weakness, increased fatigue. On the first day, it is recommended to rest and get enough sleep. Normally, dizziness and discomfort disappear after 1-2 days. The temperature after IVF embryo transfer may be slightly elevated on the first day, but it should not exceed 37.5 degrees.

After a while, a woman can feel, which are no different from those that occur during natural conception.

Pulls the stomach and lower back

On the first day, a woman's stomach pulls and her lower back hurts after embryo transfer. These unpleasant signs are caused by interference in the cavity of the reproductive organ. The cells are delivered to the uterus through a thin catheter that is passed through the cervical canal. Minor damage to the mucosa leads to spasms and provoke pulling sensations.

Abdominal bloating after embryo transfer is usually triggered by hormonal drugs. To prevent flatulence, you should follow a diet and drinking regimen.

Sometimes at the time of implantation. When the embryo is introduced into the mucous membrane of the genital organ, there is a slight damage to the vessels. This process can be manifested not only by pulling sensations, but also by secretions.


Increased discharge after embryo transfer is normal. It is caused by hormonal changes and an increase in progesterone levels. Taking additional supporting agents helps to thicken the vaginal mucus and stain it milky.

Some women experience implantation bleeding 7-10 days after the transfer. It is caused by damage to the vessels by the attached embryo. Such discharge has a brown or beige tint and disappears on its own in 1-2 days.

Is it possible to understand by sensations that IVF was successful?

The appearance of the first reliable signs of pregnancy after embryo transfer in a successful protocol occurs no earlier than 2 weeks later. If after 14 days menstruation has not begun, then with a high degree of probability we can talk about conception. There are other symptoms that may indirectly signal the onset of pregnancy.

Pink discharge, which began a week after the transfer and ended within two days, indicates implantation. Initially, a woman may think that the bleeding is menstruation. However, it differs from the usual monthly in small volumes, quick completion and untimely start.

In the first days after embryo transfer, it is rather difficult to judge the result of the protocol. The transplanted cells have not yet taken root, so you need to be patient. For early diagnosis of pregnancy, you can keep a temperature chart. It is necessary to measure the basal temperature after embryo transfer every day at the same time in the morning. If it is kept at 37 degrees and above for 12 days, then success can be assumed.

Despite indirect signs and guesses, it will not be possible to reliably determine by the sensations that IVF was successful.

Analyzes after replanting

After embryo transfer, the patient is prescribed not only hormonal drugs, but also additional examinations. Individually recommended blood tests that show the processes occurring in the body.

D-dimer after embryo transfer is given on the 5th day. This study makes it possible to assess the condition of the blood. With excessive thickening, a woman is prescribed thinning medications. Often it is thick blood that causes failure in the protocol. Therefore, a timely study of D-dimer increases the chances of a favorable result.

If for estradiol and progesterone after embryo transfer the norms are determined without deviations, then a successful outcome can be assumed. When receiving underestimated or overestimated indicators, corrective drugs may be prescribed.

HCG after the transfer can be taken as early as 10 days. During this period, a pregnancy test will not yet show the desired result, and it will already be possible to determine the growth of this hormone in the blood. It is important to repeat the study after 1-2 days in order to evaluate the result in dynamics. We should not forget that an injection of hCG is given before the puncture. This substance is excreted from the body up to two weeks.

Pink indicates the area when you can start doing a pregnancy test after insemination. Purple indicates the days when you can do testing after IVF.

According to individual indications, a woman may be recommended tests: hemostasis, coagulogram, determination of the level of fibrinogen, as well as additional studies of the hormonal background.

What should be of concern?

After IVF replanting, a woman needs to carefully monitor her well-being. Unusual symptoms or signs that cause discomfort should be alarming. If you have any doubts about your feelings, it is better to once again consult with your doctor. If necessary, the doctor will conduct an additional examination to understand the causes of anxiety.

Heavy discharge and bleeding

In case of failure, periods after embryo transfer are expected after 2 weeks. If bleeding began earlier, then this may indicate a pathology. When cells are transplanted, the mucous membranes of the cervical canal, cervix or vagina can be damaged. Therefore, prolonged spotting or heavy bleeding is not the norm. Other deviations can also cause this symptom: ovarian apoplexy, polyp, endometriosis.

Abundant discharge after replanting, which is accompanied by an unpleasant odor, indicates an infection. Green and yellow are with bacterial vaginosis, and white and cheesy become a sign of thrush. Methods of treatment are selected in accordance with the cause that caused this symptom.

Brown discharge starting 2 weeks after cell transfer may indicate failure and menstruation.

Acute pain

If the lower abdomen is strongly pulled after embryo transfer, then this can also be a sign of an inflammatory process in the uterus or appendages. If you do not follow medical recommendations, then the transferred cells are able to move from the cavity of the genital organ, for example, into the fallopian tubes. The result is an ectopic pregnancy. In the early stages, it does not differ in symptoms from the usual one, but after a few weeks it causes acute pain. Adhesions or other pathologies of the reproductive system are sometimes accompanied by pulling sensations in the abdomen during pregnancy.

Acute pain in the lower abdomen after the transfer should not be ignored. They may turn out to be ordinary intestinal colic, but this must be confirmed by a specialist.


Body temperature after embryo transfer should not exceed 37.5 degrees. If a woman develops hyperthermia, then this indicates a complication of medical manipulation. The causes of this condition can be various pathologies: infection, ovarian cyst, inflammation of the vagina or uterus.

It is not uncommon for a cold to occur after an embryo transfer, as immunity declines in early pregnancy. This condition is accompanied by fever, runny nose and sore throat.

Lack of sensation

If a woman does not have any signs of pregnancy or complaints of well-being, then this does not indicate failure. As with natural conception, signs in the early stages may not appear. The main thing is that you feel good after the embryo transfer. If, after two weeks, menstruation has not begun, and signs of pregnancy have not yet appeared, an ultrasound should be done and an express test should be used.

When will the IVF result be known?

The first ultrasound after embryo transfer is done no earlier than 2-3 weeks later. This study reliably confirms pregnancy if it is in the uterus. The test for home use will also show the result no sooner than after 14 days.

The earliest diagnosis that can show that IVF went well is a blood test. Chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) can be detected in the body as early as 2 days after implantation. You need to donate blood 10-12 days after the transfer.

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Below is a transcript of one of the popular webinarsWhat should a woman know after an embryo transfer?

Webinar host: Vedeneva Marina Vladimirovna, reproductive specialist, Ph.D.

luteal phase

When we transfer the embryo into the uterine cavity, the woman begins the luteal phase. What it is?

luteal phase- this is the time that begins after ovulation, the formation of the corpus luteum), i.e. after the release of the egg. Under natural conditions, the egg is released independently by hormonal action on the ovary, on the maturing follicle. Under the conditions of the IVF program, the egg is released by mechanical sampling of these eggs. In any case, ovulation has occurred, the cell is taken away or it remains in the mother's abdomen (under natural conditions) and during this period the luteal phase begins, which lasts in the usual cycle of 12-16 days.

The main function of the corpus luteum, which is formed at the site of the release of the egg, and in the IVF program - when the egg is taken, a corpus luteum is formed at this place. The corpus luteum is a follicle released under our influence, we took the follicular fluid. A corpus luteum is formed at this site, which is hormonally active, it synthesizes the hormones progesterone and estrogen. If a woman becomes pregnant, then this corpus luteum continues to undergo reverse development during pregnancy, for some time, and gradually the level of these hormones (progesterone and estrogens) decreases, then the functional layer of the endometrium is rejected and the next menstruation begins. The function of the corpus luteum ends completely, the placenta takes on the main role.

If pregnancy does not occur, then after 10-12 days the corpus luteum quickly ends its function, the woman begins a new story, a new follicular phase. Then comes the second phase - the non-luteal phase.

What should a woman know when the luteal phase begins, which lasts the entire period when the embryo is transferred to the uterus? We remind you what is the transfer of the embryo into the uterus. After the puncture, 3-5 days pass, and the woman begins a new stage of the IVF protocol - the transfer of embryos into the uterine cavity.

Before Embryo Transfer. We remind you that a woman should know before transferring an embryo into the uterus: without fail, a reproductologist makes an ultrasound for a woman - doctors must definitely assess the condition of the endometrium (uterus and ovaries) in the uterus, this is the place where the babies are transferred, how thick this endometrium. Normally, the thickness of the endometrium should be from 6 to 14 mm, no less, no more. If the endometrium does not fit into these normative boundaries, then engraftment may not happen, in which case the thickness of the endometrium is very important.

The condition of the ovaries is also assessed. By this point, the ovaries are extremely specific. Doctors warn the woman not to apply additionally to any institution where she can be given an additional ultrasound examination. Otherwise, doctors are frightened by the appearance of the ovaries and suggest that the woman make an operative intervention, since the ovaries look extremely specific, since a large number of follicles grow in them, they are enlarged. The type of ovaries is specific, their stimulation leads to the formation of large cysts in place of the follicles, but this is not a painful condition, but a transient, normal and inevitable after hormonal exposure.

And after the puncture, after the sampling, they look even worse, because a corpus luteum is still formed in this place, the whole ovary looks swollen with round formations, and the corpus luteum, plus blood filling, blood sacs - all this looks frightening to doctors who don’t know situation of a particular woman.

Doctors who have never seen such ovaries may do unnecessary actions. The doctor, having assessed the woman's ultrasound picture, offers her some adjustments so that the endometrium becomes better. Or an adjustment for her health, in terms of enlarged ovaries, if there is any overstimulation by chance. Next, the day of embryo transfer is decided (determined).

Transfer (transfer) of embryos- is carried out under sterile conditions, also under ultrasound control or without it and does not require anesthesia.

When transferring, the wishes of the woman are usually taken into account, how much she wants to transfer. Most often, no more than 3 embryos are transferred in Russia. If a woman has more than one embryo, they try to transfer more than one embryo. All this is discussed with the woman and the embryologist. Usually, no more than 3 embryos are transferred into the uterine cavity, and recently, selective transfer of one embryo has become increasingly common.

This is what a transfer catheter looks like - it is very flexible and light, it freely enters the cervix and enters the uterus itself. The doctor works like this: the embryologist inserts the embryos into the catheter, the doctor takes this children's catheter with the embryos and puts them into a flexible catheter himself, where they enter the uterine cavity. This is how the transfer itself looks like: the catheter is gently inserted into the cavity and, by gently pressing the piston, the embryos enter the uterus.

After the transfer of the embryo(s) into the uterine cavity, the woman may feel something.

Let's talk about these sensations, which do not guarantee 100% conception, but at the same time can tell you that you may be pregnant.

  • After 7-10-12 days, you may feel morning sickness, nausea may already begin within the first two weeks after conception, and may appear at any time throughout the day.
  • Nausea is one of the earliest symptoms of pregnancy, even though not every woman experiences morning sickness.
  • Craving for food. During pregnancy, women may have new feelings, new tastes for those types of food for which she previously did not feel any need. This can lead to the fact that a woman begins to not tolerate certain foods, or, conversely, there will be excessive cravings for another. This, of course, may not be a convincing symptom of pregnancy, but still this symptom can be considered as a signal in combination with other symptoms.


  • Fatigue(the woman begins to get tired more). Pregnant women begin to feel exhausted even without any physical activity that could explain everything. !!! Fatigue and exhaustion can also be considered as early symptoms of pregnancy, although in isolation it may be just stress.
  • Exhaustion appears due to the increased level of progesterone in your blood. Speaking of the hormone progesterone, it is a thermogenic hormone, it affects the thermoregulation of the body. Women who carefully monitor their condition, they begin to measure their body temperature daily and notice that during the second phase their body temperature reaches 37 - 37.3 degrees. Many people are very worried about this, they think that they are starting a viral infection, that they suddenly become infected, BUT this may be such a manifestation of the pregnancy hormone, which automatically acts as a thermoregulatory receptor. The main thing - DO NOT FEAR these manifestations and be sure to tell your doctor, who should explain everything to you and reassure you.
  • People around you may notice mood swings in the early stages of pregnancy. All this is due to hormonal changes and chemical reactions, pregnancy also affects the psychology of women. This symptom is observed throughout the entire period of pregnancy, BUT it is most pronounced in the first trimester of pregnancy and therefore is not considered only as an early symptom of pregnancy.
  • The woman may complain convulsions and slight discharge from the genital tract: small drops of light pink or brown color can be observed during the implantation period (when the embryo is implanted) or around the days of the menstrual cycle. A woman in such a situation should not panic, but you need to call your doctor and explain how much and what kind of discharge she has.

  • Swollen belly and breasts - also one of the signs of an upcoming pregnancy is a swollen belly and engorged breasts that increase in volume. During pregnancy, these areas become much more sensitive and swollen. Everything returns to normal as soon as the body gets used to the hormonal changes.
  • Frequent urination Women often complain about frequent urination. After implantation of the embryo, it begins to produce a hormone, the so-called "human chorionic gonadotropin". This process leads to more frequent urination in pregnant women and can start as early as the second week of pregnancy.
  • Signs of pregnancy also include darkened peripapillary areas. You will find it unusual that the areas around your nipples become darker during the first few weeks of your pregnancy. This all suggests that you have a hormonal imbalance, that is, "tricks" of progesterone hormones. However, this may be an effect of your previous pregnancy or a hormonal imbalance in your body.

Many women claim that they allegedly feel that they are pregnant. In addition, they claim that they have a certain "heat" that is felt during the first few weeks. These are all the tricks of progesterone.

early signs of pregnancy can assure you that you are indeed pregnant. However, despite this abundance of symptoms, the only guaranteed way to check if you are pregnant or not is to do a pregnancy test at home. Although many tests are not as informative as we would like to believe.

As soon as your pregnancy is confirmed by a test, immediately contact your treating doctor, a reproductive specialist and unquestioningly follow his advice and recommendations. The doctor will definitely, without relying on the results of your test, direct you to take an hCG test. The next step is donating blood for hCG. Only the numbers showing when taking a blood test for hCG (exceeding the numbers 50) indicate that you really became pregnant, you have a biochemical pregnancy. Following this, the doctor will suggest that you come in a week for the first ultrasound examination, namely to find the fetal egg in the uterine cavity.

Luteal Phase Support

How does the doctor act after the embryos transferred to the uterine cavity? The doctor will write out for you the support of the luteal phase, this very period after the embryo transfer, until you have taken a pregnancy test, donated blood for hCG, i.e. You will be offered a range of medications to maintain your estrogen and progesterone levels. The use of hormonal drugs to maintain estrogen and progesterone levels for 14 days after the transfer.

  • sex life,
  • active physical activity,
  • a ban on visiting a bath or sauna, i.e. you can not take a bath, do not bathe, do not bask in the bath. You can only wash in the shower.

Bed rest during this period not shown.

You can not prescribe yourself bed rest! It is a delusion when a woman spends all these 14 days strictly in bed without moving, thinking that by doing so she will help her embryos settle down better. In recent years, women are not recommended to prescribe bed rest for themselves. What bed rest is fraught with: when a woman lies in bed all day and night, this leads to a deterioration in blood circulation, the flow of oxygen to the uterus and the fetus worsens. This can play a negative role in the implantation processes.

After the transfer, you can not do anything extreme:

  • No extremes - no mountain biking, no lying down.
  • Physical activity should be limited due to enlarged ovaries with cysts. All these processes will be restored for another 2-3 weeks, and for some more.
  • Restriction of mobility, in turn, sharply reduces the supply of oxygen to the body, which adversely affects the survival of the embryo.
  • So the best thing is a relaxed life with long quiet walks in the fresh air (and not shopping!).

IF there is no threat of OHSS, and the doctor does not recommend a special diet, then the diet should be normal, without overeating and starvation. If you are going to change your diet at this particular time, it is dangerous, the body will begin to rebuild, and it will not be up to maintaining the pregnancy. Do not switch to vegetarian food or meat.

The optimal daily routine for two weeks after the transfer:

  • quiet relaxing time outdoors,
  • walks in the park in nature,
  • avoiding stressful situations with others.

Two weeks is a long time, the tension of waiting is a difficult test for the psyche of every woman. If your mood worsens, sleep is disturbed - do not neglect simple sedatives:

  • valerian in any form,
  • motherwort tincture (20-30 drops 3 times a day),
  • sedative fees.

All this can be used to keep calm in anticipation of a positive result. Any other anti-anxiety medications you have previously been prescribed should be discussed with your doctor as they may not be safe for a possible pregnancy.

Be sure to consult your doctor!

It is impossible to feel the moment of attachment (implantation), no subjective signs are a manifestation of good luck or failure up to 14 days after the transfer, until the day of blood donation for hCG.

Nausea, dizziness, breast swelling, drowsiness, lack of premenstrual symptoms, etc. - nothing is objective, nothing should be focused on as an argument for or against. All this can be purely psychological in nature, a woman can think of a lot for herself, the so-called imaginary pregnancy. The most revealing sign is the delivery of your blood for hCG.

In the same way, pregnancy tests are not indicative until day 14. Although doctors advise their patients not to have tests to avoid disappointment, most women start having urine tests 8-10 days after the transfer.

Many women begin to worry why on the 8-10th day the test does not show anything. Of course, it's too early to see the second stripe. It is better to conduct a urinary test after 10 days.

Two weeks after the embryo transfer, go to the clinic for a blood test for the beta subunit of hCG, which is an indicator of pregnancy. If the test result is positive, then the pregnancy has occurred. Almost every day, the amount of hCG will double.

Statistics show that if the test is clear, then the probability of pregnancy is high. But if the test is weakly expressed, then you are still in the waiting period. Many tests can show an erroneous negative result, the chances of pregnancy are still quite high. That is, we can say that a positive test even before day 14 is a good sign, and a negative test is not always an indicator of failure.

OHSS -. After the embryo transfer, the doctor always looks to see if the woman accidentally has ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome!!! It is important to monitor whether you have ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome. The doctor will assess your well-being:

  • no swollen belly
  • pain in the abdominal cavity,
  • swelling,
  • headache,
  • flies before the eyes, etc.

If suddenly your stomach begins to swell, it is better to contact your doctor, perhaps this is fermentation in your intestines, and most likely this is the first degree of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome.

If something suddenly appears, contact your doctor immediately - only a professional can assess the degree of danger and prescribe adequate treatment, since some drugs that are prescribed for the second phase of hyperstimulation should not be used, they can lead to hyperstimulation syndrome. The detection of OHSS requires changes in the support program.

Appearance spotting may be associated with weak support and therefore require changes in assignments. Be sure to contact your physician. In a word, two weeks before HCG is a big test for every woman. They need to be carried out in such a way that there is less excitement and more benefit for the unborn baby.

REMEMBER ALWAYS!!! P positive emotions, a positive psychological attitude of future parents, faith, hope and a great desire to achieve the goal always increase the effectiveness of IVF

See also recordings of webinars on topics:

1. "Infertility in human history" (Leading President of RAHR, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Korsaka V.S.).