Subcutaneous scars after rhinoplasty. Callus after rhinoplasty Tubercle after rhinoplasty

To speed up the recovery of your nose after rhinoplasty, you should follow your doctor’s recommendations, and also know what you can and cannot do during this period.

The first days, month, year, life after rhinoplasty

Of course, after such a surgical intervention as rhinoplasty, life in general changes. This is explained by the fact that a person loses complexes regarding his appearance, he becomes more self-confident and remains satisfied when looking at himself in the mirror.

However, to achieve beautiful noses after rhinoplasty, patients must go a long way towards an ideal appearance.

Because the operation is accompanied by unpleasant sensations and has a long recovery period. Frequent questions after or before surgery include: does the tip of the nose droop after rhinoplasty, does it hurt, how long does rehabilitation last, and much more.

  • The first day after rhinoplasty is determined by quite striking symptoms, at this time there is severe swelling, soreness of the nose, and difficulty breathing as a result of the introduction of cotton wool into the nasal cavities. In addition, in the first days after rhinoplasty, bruises and bruises are often present on the face, which gradually subside over time.
  • The demand for rhinoplasty is determined by the positive final result; complications arise in rare cases. In addition to modeling the nose itself, during the procedure they can correct the deformation of the septum and change the tip and wings of the nose.
  • Scarring of tissue after rhinoplasty of the nose occurs, as a rule, during rehabilitation or at the end of it. It all depends on the care of the operated area and the regenerative abilities of the body.

From everything described, we can conclude that the life of a person who decides to undergo surgery changes greatly for the better.

What symptoms and complications are observed in the patient during the rehabilitation period?

As a result of rhinoplasty of the nose, patients often experience symptoms of complications, which are determined by various conditions, can be short or long-lasting, that is, cannot be corrected on their own.

  • Swelling of the tip of the nose after rhinoplasty

Swelling of the nose, including the tip, very often occurs after surgical intervention, since the operation causes damage to soft tissues and blood vessels. For some people, slight swelling after rhinoplasty can persist for a year.

  1. To eliminate swelling after rhinoplasty, the patient may be prescribed diprospan or other medications.
  2. The duration of edema after surgery may be different, mainly this symptom begins to subside after the first week of the rehabilitation period or at a later date.
  • Bone callus after rhinoplasty

Often, as a result of surgery, patients may
find a callus on the nose area, which occurs due to swelling and is a bulging of cartilage tissue.

  • No breathing and stuffy nose after rhinoplasty

The main and most common complication after rhinoplasty nose is a violation of respiratory activity, which is associated with high swelling, pain and the presence of nasal turundas.

The respiratory function of the nose after the operation is restored, as a rule, the field of reducing swelling and removing cotton turundas. In time, it can be 1-2 or more weeks after rhinoplasty.

  • After rhinoplasty, a hump appeared on the bridge of the nose

The appearance of a hump after surgery appears rare, but possible. This condition is determined by the wrong actions of a medical specialist. Most often, such a defect will need to be corrected only after a minimum of 6 months has elapsed with a second operation.

If, after the convergence of edema, a hump has formed on the nose, you should contact your surgeon.

  • Subcutaneous scar after rhinoplasty

If the surgeon incorrectly applied cosmetic sutures, a subcutaneous scar may form on the soft tissue area, which is well palpable on palpation and may cause some inconvenience.

  • temperature after rhinoplasty

An increase in temperature after surgery is rare and may be accompanied by individual characteristics of the body, or an infectious lesion.

  • Hard nose tip after rhinoplasty

Due to a violation of the integrity of the cartilage and soft tissues, in addition to edema, a phenomenon such as a hard tip of the nose can be observed. Basically, this condition is not long-term and passes by the end of rehabilitation.

  • Crooked nose tip after rhinoplasty

The development of a crooked tip is a fairly common complication of rhinoplasty and is not eliminated on its own. This will require a second operation in most cases.

  • Lump on nose after rhinoplasty

The appearance of a lump in the nasal area after surgery can be attributed to tissue swelling and after its reduction, the lump, as a rule, decreases.

  • Unpleasant smell in the nose after rhinoplasty

The appearance of a specific odor after nasal surgery may be associated with the use of medications and the healing processes of soft tissues.

  • After removing the rhinoplasty turunda, my nose did not breathe

As a rule, the respiratory function of the nose after rhinoplasty resumes when swelling decreases and the turunda is removed. If after such actions the condition does not change, you should consult a doctor.

  • Different nostrils after rhinoplasty

A complication such as different shapes of the nostrils does not occur often and depends on the surgeon’s incorrect calculations and surgical planning. To eliminate the defect, revision rhinoplasty is prescribed.

  • Bruises after rhinoplasty

Bruises after surgery are common and last for quite a long time, so patients are often interested in: how to get rid of bruises after rhinoplasty? To do this, it is necessary to use local agents that have blood thinning properties.

  • After rhinoplasty, the nose will turn up strongly

If the doctor did not plan the operation correctly, then the final result of rhinoplasty may be an upturned nose.

  • Headaches after rhinoplasty

Due to pain as a result of the operation, it can radiate to neighboring areas, so the patient also often complains of headaches.

  • Asymmetry after rhinoplasty

If facial asymmetry occurs, you should consult a doctor. The occurrence of this complication should be judged only when the swelling has completely disappeared.

  • Eye problems after rhinoplasty

Visual impairment and other eye problems resulting from rhinoplasty are very rare and are characterized by infection, severe swelling, or surgical error. Bloody eyes can occur due to a violation of the integrity of blood vessels and disappear after a few days.

  • Nose droops after rhinoplasty

If during the operation the surgeon incorrectly fixed the tip of the nose, after complete healing there will be a very dark drooping of the tip. To correct this defect, a repeat operation will be required.

What is not allowed and what is possible after rhinoplasty?

What you can and cannot do after rhinoplasty during the recovery and rehabilitation period.

To quickly recover after surgery, you must know certain rules, and know what is possible and what is not allowed after surgery.

  • Why you can't sleep on your side after rhinoplasty

It is believed that after this type of plastic surgery, doctors recommend sleeping on your back, because this normalizes breathing and reduces pressure on the nose, which allows you not to spoil the new shape.

  • Alcohol after rhinoplasty

It is believed that alcohol after surgery is harmful, because it provokes vasodilation, which can lead to open stitches and bleeding.

It is best to refrain from alcohol for the entire period of rehabilitation after the operation.

  • Pregnancy after rhinoplasty

How long after rhinoplasty can you get pregnant? This issue should be approached only after a full recovery, and this is not earlier than 6 months or a year.

  • Is it possible to fly on an airplane after rhinoplasty?

When taking off on an airplane, a person’s blood pressure changes greatly and bleeding can open, so flights on this type of vehicle are contraindicated after surgery.

  • Sex after rhinoplasty

Is it possible to masturbate during rhinoplasty? This question can be answered in the negative, since tension is contraindicated for the patient during the postoperative period. You should abstain from intimate life for about 3 weeks.

  • Solarium after rhinoplasty

Visiting a solarium after surgery is strictly contraindicated as it can cause bleeding.

  • Glasses after rhinoplasty

In order not to further injure your nose or disrupt its shape, you should refrain from wearing glasses for at least 1-2 weeks. If the quality of vision is poor, it is recommended to use lenses.

  • Is it possible to sunbathe after rhinoplasty?

Both direct and artificial sunlight in a solarium are contraindicated for a person who has had nose surgery. Because high temperatures cause overheating and increase pressure.

  • Is it possible to smoke after rhinoplasty?

Hookah after noplasty or a regular cigarette are contraindicated because they impair blood circulation, increase blood pressure and lower the immune status. You should abstain from this habit for about a month.

  • Can I drink coffee after rhinoplasty?

For about a month after surgery, it is advisable to give up coffee, strong hot tea and hot spicy foods.

  • Why you shouldn't blow your nose after rhinoplasty

Since after rhinoplasty the nasal mucosa is very delicate and is just beginning to tighten, various damage and external influences are extremely contraindicated for it, so it is recommended not to blow your nose during the rehabilitation period.

  • Sports after rhinoplasty

For approximately 1-2 months, the patient is prescribed complete rest and no tension. Therefore, sports are contraindicated at this time.

  • Is it possible to pick your nose after rhinoplasty?

You should not blow your nose or pick your nose, so as not to disturb the mucous membrane and cause bleeding.

You can speed up the patient’s recovery period after rhinoplasty by following medical recommendations and proper nose care.

  • Plaster after rhinoplasty

To fix the nose after surgery, a plaster splint is applied and worn for at least 2 weeks. Removal of plaster after rhinoplasty takes place in a hospital setting by the attending physician. It is not uncommon for the patient to experience swelling after the cast is removed following rhinoplasty. This occurs due to compression of the soft tissues and after a few days it decreases.

  • Nasal tampons after rhinoplasty

To stop bleeding, after surgery, tampons soaked in the drug are inserted into the patient's nasal passages.

  • Plaster after rhinoplasty

Why put a patch on your nose after rhinoplasty? This is done in order to protect the operated areas from infections and other external influences and to promote faster tissue healing.

  • Correction of keloid scars after rhinoplasty

To eliminate keloid scars after plastic surgery, medications are used - glucocorticosteroids, which are injected into the sites of scar formation.

  • Strips after rhinoplasty

To eliminate swelling and fix the correct shape of the nose, strips are used, which are something like an adhesive plaster.

  • Suture after rhinoplasty

On what day are the sutures removed after rhinoplasty and when do the sutures dissolve after rhinoplasty?

As a rule, this is done on the 4th day, they are removed on soft tissues, and on the mucous surface they resolve on their own after 2-3 weeks.

  • How to sneeze after rhinoplasty

To avoid damaging your nose after surgery, you should sneeze with your mouth and nose open.

  • Chlorhexidine treatment after rhinoplasty percentage

In order to prevent infectious infection of the mucous membrane after surgery, it should be regularly lubricated 2-3 times a day with a solution of Chlorhexidine or another antiseptic.

Effective remedies after rhinoplasty

  • How to properly massage after rhinoplasty

To improve blood circulation and metabolic reactions, after rhinoplasty, doctors recommend massage, which can be performed at home.

When performing it, it is worth remembering that the procedure is done slowly and with light circular movements.

  • Diprospan injection for swelling after rhinoplasty of the nose

The medicine Diprospan has a large number of pharmacological properties and most importantly - helps in reducing swelling. The drug is injected into the area of ​​edema or intramuscularly.

The drug Diprospan contains many active components, so it effectively eliminates swelling after surgery.

  • Dimexide after rhinoplasty

Like Diprospan, Dimexide is determined by a pronounced
has an anti-edematous effect and is widely used to relieve complications during nasal surgery.

  • How to properly rinse your nose after rhinoplasty?

You can reduce swelling, normalize breathing, and also speed up healing by regularly rinsing your nose. After the operation, it is allowed to use medicinal herbs - chamomile, sage, calendula, which have a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect.

The duration and frequency of rinsing is determined by the doctor.

  • Lyoton after rhinoplasty

To reduce swelling and improve blood circulation
After surgery, the patient is recommended to use Lyoton 1000 gel. It is advisable to use it daily until the swelling completely decreases, 2-3 times a day.

  • Peach oil in the nose after surgery

To remove nasal crusts, soften the mucous membrane and reduce swelling, After surgery, peach oil is prescribed, which can be purchased at any pharmacy.

The cost of the medicine is reasonable.

  • Dolobene after rhinoplasty

To avoid complications of the operation in the form of swelling, you should smear your nose with Dolobene gel every day. In addition to this property, such a medicine effectively accelerates blood circulation and metabolic processes.

  • Self-absorbing turundas after rhinoplasty

Currently, ordinary cotton pads are often replaced with self-absorbable ones, which do not require such careful care and are more convenient to use.

  • Physiotherapy after rhinoplasty

To speed up the process of tissue restoration and reduce swelling of the mucous membrane, physiotherapeutic procedures are widely used after surgery. They are used only as prescribed by the attending physician, and if the patient has no contraindications for this.

Physiotherapy may include electrophoresis, ultraphonophoresis, light therapy and darsonvalization.

Callus is the result of the body’s natural reaction to surgery, a kind of protective mechanism. Such formations after rhinoplasty often cause complications and pain in patients. Modern physiotherapy, medications and repeated surgery can solve the problem. How to effectively remove bone formation and save yourself from suffering?

Read in this article

Causes of a defect on the nose

The appearance of callus should be considered as a defensive reaction of the bone. After all, surgical intervention involves damage to the internal structure of the nose, and the body begins to regenerate and restore missing elements. The main causes of the defect are considered to be the following:

  • tendency to excessive formation of connective tissue with the formation of rough scars;
  • unprofessional work of the surgeon.

Structure of the nose

A similar problem can be detected one year after rhinoplasty. During this time, three successive stages of callus development occur:

  1. connective tissue appears at the site of damage;
  2. the formation of thin bone fibers begins;
  3. calcium salts create a hard build-up.

The size of the formation depends on the scale of the operation performed and the individual characteristics of regeneration.

Does the callus resolve or should it be disposed of?

Bone formation takes place over time. Quite rarely assigned. It is carried out in the following cases:

  • with hypergrowth of fibers;
  • for functional disorders of the nasal passages;
  • at elevated temperatures;
  • when elements of inflammation appear, for example, redness on the bridge of the nose.

At the first sign of a defect, you should consult a doctor.
The problem can be identified by the following symptoms:

  • the formation of a small hump on the bridge of the nose;
  • change in proportions, asymmetry;
  • swelling.

The defect can actually resolve if certain measures are taken in the early stages, in particular, taking medications and undergoing physiotherapeutic procedures.

It is very important to follow a postoperative regimen that will help prevent the development of bone tissue at the site of injury. You must visit the surgeon at least five times within one year. This allows you to record the result obtained.

About callus after rhinoplasty, watch this video:

Treatment of problems after rhinoplasty

The main goal of treatment is to eliminate a possible complication using existing techniques and methods. They must be used almost immediately after surgery. A combined approach allows you to quickly achieve the desired result. However, the presence of individual contraindications (for example, temperature) may limit the choice of procedures. The first stage is to reduce inflammation in the area of ​​damage with the help of medications.

Treatment with medications

Drug treatment after rhinoplasty stops the growth of bone tissue, eliminates swelling and redness. The drugs contain hormones that stabilize the healing process. There are several well-known brands:

  • Diprospan. An injection containing high levels of hydrocortisone is given under the patient's skin to reduce inflammation.
  • Kenalog. An intramuscular injection is performed to stabilize the scarring process.
  • Traumeel S. A topical medication is used in the form of drops or ointment to relieve redness and swelling.

The effect of the medications will be noticeable after 6 to 12 months, so it is necessary to undergo regular examinations with a doctor. The drugs should be used only on the recommendation of a specialist.

How to remove a callus with surgery

Such a radical method as surgical correction is prescribed when other methods have not given the desired result. Often the defect manifests itself in the form of the following unpleasant sensations after drug therapy:

  • difficulty breathing through the nose;
  • elevated temperature;
  • redness of the bridge of the nose and pain.

After surgical correction (revision rhinoplasty) of callus

Based on the results of the examination and, if necessary, additional diagnostics, the method of the planned operation to remove the callus is determined. There are a number of techniques that can eliminate further formation of the defect.

Revision surgery is a rare occurrence among patients. The result of the surgical intervention will be noticeable only a year after the operation.

Physiotherapy on the bridge of the nose

These procedures are considered the most effective way to eliminate formation. The treatment process is under the supervision of a doctor for a long time. Special techniques are aimed at resorption of bone tissue and improvement of regeneration. The list of physical procedures is as follows:

  • drug electrophoresis;
  • ultrasound therapy;
  • use of thermotherapy;
  • phonophoresis.

The presence of general contraindications may cause refusal of such procedures. Physiotherapy is also prohibited at elevated temperatures, so it is necessary to undergo a preliminary consultation.

Preventing the appearance of callus on the nose

There are simple rules for prevention after rhinoplasty for patients. The list of recommendations is as follows:

  • it is necessary to strictly comply with all conditions of the rehabilitation period;
  • You should consult a doctor if primary symptoms of callus occur;
  • it is necessary to observe bed rest for 3 days after plastic surgery;
  • It is better to avoid physical activity for a month;
  • It is forbidden to blow your nose for two weeks;
  • it is necessary to avoid hot baths, saunas, baths;
  • you cannot wear glasses;
  • It is better to limit prolonged exposure to the sun.

Recommendations are aimed at rapid and proper restoration of damaged tissues. Failure to follow simple rules leads to serious complications in most patients. Regular visits to the doctor significantly reduce the risk of developing a callus on the nose.

The body's natural defense system can cause certain troubles after rhinoplasty. The body's compensatory abilities lead to the formation of a bone formation on the bridge of the nose.

However, the use of medications and physical therapy can prevent further surgery. Under the influence of hormones and a set of procedures, the callus is successfully resolved. Attentive attention to the recommendations during the rehabilitation period allows you to forever preserve the natural harmony of the face and the functional abilities of the nose.

Useful video

About the rehabilitation period after rhinoplasty, watch this video:

ID: 1620 55

Having undergone rhinoplasty, I came across some important points that are not written about on the Internet, but the final result of the operation largely depends on them.

Many patients who have already had surgery begin to worry about the issue of scars.

On various sites, in the description of rhinoplasty, it is written that there are two types of operations - open and closed rhinoplasty, with open rhinoplasty an external incision is made in the columella area, the scar with open rhinoplasty, although visible, is almost invisible and disappears completely after about a year, and with With the closed approach there are no visible scars. All this is true, but... there are some nuances that relate to subcutaneous scars during closed rhinoplasty. That’s why I wanted to get more information about them. I received the answers from my plastic surgeon, Andrei Ruslanovich Andreishchev, and below I tried to convey his words.

It doesn’t matter whether you perform open or closed rhinoplasty, tissue dissection occurs in any case. In the very place where the rupture is made, blood collects after the operation, this blood is then gradually replaced by scar tissue. There may be a thickening in the place where the scar formed. This point is very important for the nose, especially if the patient has thin skin. This thickening can create unevenness and a wide back, wide tip. For many patients, a particularly “dangerous” place is above the tip of the nose, where the thickest scar is formed, due to which a certain orientality of the nose may appear, which is not common among the Caucasian race.
What should be done to prevent this?
Firstly, be as careful and as gentle as possible to injure the tissue.
Secondly, the fight against swelling. This is a plaster cast, exclusion of physical activity, steam rooms, saunas, etc. This is done because during swelling the skin thickens and the scar forms more noticeable. You also need to ensure that there is no additional damage or hematome.

If a scar does appear (and it manifests itself in the form of a small, easily palpable and sometimes visible thickening or bump), the doctor can influence it within six months while it is forming - make it smaller, thinner, more accurate. To do this, special injections are made into the scarring area.
With closed rhinoplasty, it is easier to control scarring than with open rhinoplasty. And although it is believed that scar formation takes six months, in reality rhinoplasty takes slightly longer. And if you look at photographs of patients, 8-10 months after surgery, there are still minimal changes.

I hope that this information will be useful to someone, and that I did not convey the doctor’s words in a very clumsy or distorted way.

Of course, there are plenty of examples when the patient is already fine and has never received any magic injections and has never heard of scars, but I myself am not one of those lucky ones, but a classic example of a patient with thin skin. Having had rhinoplasty, at the beginning I had no idea why I needed to fight swelling so much, I thought it was just so that my nose would quickly take on its final form, that the swelling would go away anyway in six months, and when the doctor gave me the first injection in that same I thought that the “dangerous” zone at the tip of the nose was just a little whim, so that the swelling would go away faster and the nose would acquire its beautiful straight appearance. But when, a month after the operation, a lump suddenly appeared on the back of my nose, on the side of the place where the hump used to be, and below the depression, I panicked. I thought I hurt my nose. It was then that I heard for the first time such a phrase as “a subcutaneous scar began to form.” Even though the doctor reassured me, I was still worried that the lump was not going away. Andrei Ruslanovich gave me injections almost every month for six months at the tip of my nose, this area worried him more, and only twice in the area of ​​the bump. He said that when the scar is formed, the nose will become denser and the bump will not be noticeable, and so it happened, already in the third or fourth month after the operation, it became almost invisible in appearance, it could only be felt a little, and then gradually the nose really became denser and she stopped being noticeable and bothering me. The tip is also straighter.

In the first photo you can still see that very “dangerous” area that so often worries patients, where I was given injections.

In the second photo, the place where the bump was is indicated; it is not noticeable, but the depression in the picture is still visible.

I would like to advise those who are going to have rhinoplasty, trust your face only to the most experienced surgeons!!! After all, removing a hump does not mean making the nose beautiful; it is also important that the incision itself during the operation is neat and that no complications arise later. And after undergoing the long-awaited operation, follow the instructions and regularly go for check-ups with your doctor. Let him finish his job and perfect your nose!

It is possible if you take a responsible approach to choosing a good plastic surgeon.

It is known that rhinoplasty is a complex surgical procedure. Therefore, the recovery time and the quality of the final result depend on the accuracy and correctness of the doctor’s actions.

Another important factor is a serious approach to the patient’s compliance with the rules of behavior in the hospital.

To choose a specialist, you should pay attention to the following factors:

  • The number of positive or negative reviews about the clinic or surgeon.
  • It is better that the clinic has a good reputation among patients for several years. And the doctor had a solid baggage of professional knowledge and experience behind him. It is important to remember one fact. Even a very good specialist cannot do much if he does not have modern medical equipment at his disposal. Conversely, the mere presence of equipment does not guarantee a positive result if there are no qualified specialists.
  • Even if you have been recommended a certain clinic, do not go to just any specialist. It is important to first ensure that you have all the necessary licenses and other documents confirming the organization’s right to provide medical services of this nature.

For many patients, surgery plays a decisive role in choosing a plastic surgeon. If the doctor is in no hurry to agree to perform an operation on you, this is not bad. Quite the contrary, it speaks of his responsible approach. A good specialist communicates with the patient to find out what the person does not like about his appearance and realistically assesses whether something can be corrected.

According to experienced plastic surgeons, there are patients who do not need to change anything. It is enough to convince them that their face is proportionally folded, and another nose shape will only spoil it. In modern clinics, 3D computer modeling is used for clarity. This makes it possible to achieve maximum mutual understanding between the patient and the surgeon. There are situations when, after analyzing the shape of a person's face, the surgeon finds out that to eliminate the disproportion, no major changes are required, but only a slight correction.

On the other hand, there is such a thing as contraindications. To find out if it is possible to do the operation, a series of tests and an examination of the body are always prescribed. If this point is not given enough attention, then the likelihood of complications is very high. Surgeons take this issue especially seriously when it comes to revision rhinoplasty. Therefore, if several qualified specialists have refused you, you should not desperately look for those who will agree. Perhaps these will be people who think more about future profits than about your health.

What are the reasons for complications after rhinoplasty?

Even if you have chosen an excellent clinic and a highly qualified plastic surgeon, there is one more important factor to consider.

In addition to an unprofessional approach on the part of the doctor, the cause of bad consequences of nose surgery can be incorrect behavior of the patient during rehabilitation.

After rhinoplasty, there are natural expected consequences and undesirable consequences, which can be called complications. Natural consequences include swelling, bruising, some soreness, temporary loss of sensation and smell, and the inability to breathe through the nose for some time. If you listen to your plastic surgeon and follow all the rules of behavior during rehabilitation, then all these consequences will go away completely over time, and you will forget that you had surgery.

How can non-compliance with rehabilitation rules affect the results of the operation? If a rhinoplasty patient lifts something heavy, bends, or undergoes a lot of physical activity, swelling will increase and the stitches may come apart. And if you sleep on your side or stomach, the new shape of your nose may be spoiled and as a result, asymmetry will appear.

What bad consequences could there be?

All possible complications after rhinoplasty can be divided into two groups:

  • Aesthetic (when you are not satisfied with the appearance of the nose)
  • Functional (when the nose does not breathe, the sense of smell disappears or sensitivity is lost)

Bump on the nose

There are cases when patients after rhinoplasty have a dense bump of uncertain shape on their nose. Most often, its appearance is explained by intense subcutaneous scarring of the nasal tissue.

To avoid this complication, the surgeon must act with maximum care and precision. Moreover, even when drawing up a plan for the operation, he will carefully think through everything so as to achieve the desired result with the least damage to the nasal tissue.

Tissue scarring also directly depends on the patient’s behavior during rehabilitation. What does this mean? Here the emphasis must be placed. The fact is that when the swelling is very large and does not go away for a long time, all layers of the skin thicken to a large extent, which means the scars can be quite large.

What does this look like in practice?

  • First. Under no circumstances remove turundas or plaster yourself.
  • Second. Avoid any strenuous activity for the first two weeks after surgery (this includes no heavy lifting).
  • Third. Do not overheat (hot bath, beach, bathhouse and sauna are strictly contraindicated).
  • Fourth. Do not smoke or drink alcohol under any circumstances.
  • Fifth. At least for the first time, stick to a salt-free diet.
  • Sixth. You can only sleep on your back, with your head raised high.
  • Seventh. Don't tilt your head down.
  • Eighth. Follow your doctor's recommendations to reduce swelling and bruises (this may include taking medications, a number of physical procedures, and so on).

What should those who already have a lump do? In this case, you should seek help from your plastic surgeon as soon as possible. Treatment of this cosmetic defect can last approximately six months. In this case, the procedures will be aimed at making the scars softer and thinner, due to which the lump will go away. Often special injections are given into the scar area. It is better, of course, to seek help as early as possible.

In view of this, we can come to the conclusion that you should not neglect the need to come for a follow-up examination with the doctor within several months after the operation. The sooner a problem is noticed, the easier it will be to solve it.

Hump ​​after rhinoplasty

In some cases, a hump remains or appears after rhinoplasty. This problem may occur due to the fact that the hump was not completely removed or due to the formation of a bone callus after plasty with osteotomy.

If the problem does not go away within 7 to 10 months, then it will most likely require a second surgical intervention to eliminate it.

It can also occur due to the fact that during the rehabilitation an injury was received, and the new shape of the nose did not have time to fix properly. The same problem can occur if you wear glasses during rehabilitation.

Callus after osteotomy

A callus can form only after a significant correction of the shape and size of the nose. Such operations are accompanied by osteotomy or rapprochement of bones. This is wide nose rhinoplasty and hump removal. Callus formation is associated with excessive bone growth that appears at the site of the fracture. To avoid this complication, it is important to do the prevention of periosteal edema in time.

The appearance of a dent on the nose

Dents on the nose are also caused by excessive tissue scarring. The fight against this kind of complication comes down to softening the scar tissue and doing everything possible to prevent its intensive formation.

If treatment is not started in time, additional surgery may be required. It is important to remember that a second operation can be performed only if a year and a half has passed since the first. Only in this case can you be completely sure that the nose will heal completely and the blood supply will be restored. Neglecting these requirements can lead to irreversible consequences such as necrosis of nasal tissue. This means that after the second operation the scars may be much worse.

To avoid the appearance of dents on the nose, it is very important to strictly follow all doctor’s recommendations during rehabilitation.

Find out what they look like on, these photos help you see from the outside which noses are considered large.

Kira (34 years old, Nakhabino), 04/09/2018

Good afternoon Tell me, is it normal if after rhinoplasty I have a low temperature for several days? They didn't warn me about this at the hospital!

Hello! A slight increase in temperature after surgery is normal. Typically, in the first two to three days after surgery, the temperature remains at 37-37.5 degrees. The temperature should drop on the third day after rhinoplasty. If this does not happen, we advise you to contact the clinic where you were operated on.

Georgy (36 years old, Moscow), 03/21/2018

Hello! Please tell me, is it possible to return the nose to its previous shape after a bone fracture? Thank you!

Hello! Yes, rhinoplasty allows you to return the nose to the desired shape, but plastic surgeons do not work with bones. Rhinoplasty can only visually improve the shape of the nose, make it smaller or change the shape of the nostrils. ENT surgery will help change the bone.

Vigen (32 years old, Moscow), 03/18/2018

Tell me, how long does it take for the nose to heal after plastic surgery?

After surgery, bruising and swelling may occur, which may spread to the eyes or other parts of the face. Swelling goes away in 7-10 days. At this time, physical activity and exercise are not recommended. Immediately after the operation, bleeding (from the nose) may occur, but this is only a consequence of soft tissue trauma. Bandages, as well as splints, are removed 14 days after surgery, and tampons are removed during this period. Some patients experience severe pain when removing tampons, so pain medication is often used. Within a month, swelling of the mucous membrane can be observed, so breathing will be difficult. After the swelling goes away, breathing will resume. On average, the result after surgery can be assessed after 6 - 8 months. In rare cases, the result of the operation is assessed after 12 months.

Alevtina (24 years old, Moscow), 09/15/2016

Hello, Maxim Alexandrovich! I have a very small nose. Is there any way to increase it? Will this affect breathing?? Thanks for your answer, Alevtina.

Hello, Alevtina! Rhinoplasty can help solve your problem. We can enlarge your nose, maintaining its shape or changing it based on your desire. Come to us for a consultation and we will discuss the expected results of the operation. Rhinoplasty will not disrupt the respiratory processes, since the structure of the nasopharynx is taken into account during the operation.

Alexey (30 years old, Moscow), 09/13/2016

Hello, Maxim Alexandrovich! Is it possible to correct facial asymmetry (due to a strongly curved nose to the right) with rhinoplasty? Thanks for the answer, Alexey.

Hello Alexey! In practice, rhinoplasty will help you regain symmetry, but an in-person consultation is necessary to get an accurate and clear answer to your question. You can make an appointment with us and we will conduct a full examination and discuss the likely outcome of your rhinoplasty. It is also important to understand whether the nose is crooked from birth or due to injury

Lyubov (35 years old, Moscow), 09/06/2016

Hello, Maxim Alexandrovich! My daughter has a very large nose and she suffers greatly because of it. Is it possible to have rhinoplasty at 15 years old? How will surgery be different at this age? Thanks in advance, Love.

Hello, Love! Unfortunately, rhinoplasty is performed only from the age of 18. The reason for this is the growing up and formation of the child’s body. The formation of the skeleton is completed, and this process must be completely completed before surgery occurs. Try working with a psychologist, and then come for a consultation when your daughter turns 18.

Evgenia (25 years old, Moscow), 09/01/2016

Hello, Maxim Alexandrovich! Is it possible to straighten a displaced septum and remove the hump at the same time? Problems arose after a broken nose. How long will rehabilitation last? Best regards, Evgenia.

Hello, Evgeniya! Yes, it is possible to carry out both operations at the same time. Only in rare cases are two stages prescribed, which are carried out at intervals of one month. The postoperative period takes about two weeks, during which time bruising and swelling should subside. Hospital stay usually takes no more than three days.

Olga (22 years old, Moscow), 08/30/2016

Hello, Maxim Alexandrovich! I heard that the result of rhinoplasty can be affected by the condition of the skin. This is true? If I have problem skin, should I not have rhinoplasty? Thank you in advance.

Hello! Yes, the condition of the skin is one of the factors that are taken into account before undergoing surgery. The fact is that poor skin condition can lead to unpredictable complications during the rehabilitation period. You can undergo treatment with a dermatologist, and after that make an appointment with us for a consultation, where we will discuss the advisability of surgery.

Hello, Galina! There are two types of rhinoplasty: open and closed. In the first case, a barely noticeable mark may remain on the septum, but with proper care they disappear after some time. In the second case, all manipulations are carried out without violating the integrity of the skin. Which type of rhinoplasty is appropriate in a particular case is decided only by a plastic surgeon after reviewing the tests and examination.